than Oilcloth. It sells at . up to The. per square yard. , the Kind that does not r Hocjeun. special lines at $1.25 all kinds and widths at 28c., 'can effect a great saving in work r bo by o r g the floors with al . and look as good as ( convenience in your itchen Cabinet A ont on and Table Com- can them with us at any $6.50 to $7.50. p Large Old-fashion- od Cupboards F. HARRISON (0, Lace Dutchess Point, | In white or ivory. = 4 Sash Curtains to Match. R. McFaul.| Kingston Carpet Warehouse. WE CAN SELL ~The following property cash or on long 'easy terms, small payments :-- 1800, King West Single Rrick, 8 rooms, furnace : -- Lot $9x182, 1300, flergy Single Rough Cast, 6 nice location. .00, Nelson Single PF H fut Jor. © 800. Queen Double Stone, 9 ch, B. nd Cc. ne, a eac] St. Catherine Sinele Frame, 5 rooms : stable. rooms ; 8 rooms, W.0,; Semi-detached Stone, 8 rooms ; ~~ stable: 8 acres: oe 50 Union. ~~ Single Brick, 10 rooms, hot ous grounds 4 further particulars water 3 spaci a -~ WAITED LONG BUT HELD EM THROUGH ------ THE FORT. And Not a Minute Too Soon the Last Alderman Arrived and the By-Laws Were Given a Complete Reading. Ob, my! what a fight was there! The mesting of the city council called for yesterday afternoon, at four | o'clock, was held all right, but there was mighty little to spare. At the appointed hour the mayor and a few of his associates were on hand all right, but their numbers were, indeedy limited. The business 'was to pass by-laws for the laying of a number of | artificial stone walks in different sec- tions of the city. = To this end a three quarters vote of council was required. The thing looked impossible. There seemed no way out of the difficulty for the city engineer, on the advice of the city solicitor, had refused to proceed with' the work unless it was sanctioned by the city council after the regular manner. The telephone was brought into requisition and for a considerable length of time the instruments were kept occupied, while the forlorn hope sat in the mayor's office discussing the chances of securing the necessary sev- enteen votes. Whether the eléotions were too far off to worry some or the barometer registered a heat sufficient to cool their ardour for municipal business may never be known, Slowly but surely the telephone did its work, and as each member of the clan mus- tered, his appearance was greeted with prolonged applause. As the business. was rather too important to be laid over for a year, for that's what the postponement of the passage of the by-laws practically entailed, the al- dermen were not womt to disperse. They sent forth messages east, west, north, to summon the fathers. But the last wore the hardest of all to cap- ture. Finally with the appearance of Ald. Toye fifteen members were on hand, So very rosy did the prospects ap- pear for the attendance of two more city fathers that an adjournment to the council chamber was made. The clerk called the roll and the following answered their names: Mayor Mc Farlane; Alds. Angrove, Bell, Givens, Meek, Hoag, Johnston, Kent, Mallen, McCann, Rigney, Ross, Sears, Toye and Walkem. Scarcely had the result been registered when Ald, Abbott rushed in to answer what a physician might term a "hurry call." It was now. fifteen minutes to five. They were sixteen and business proceeded in sure and certain faith that ere the time arrived for the third reading of the by-law, the gallant few would be res- cued from their dire extremity. For had not Ald. McKay promised to give his brothers a helping hand ? This time they would put their trust in princes. The clerk then proceeded to read the following communications : Mrs. Ma McDonald, asking that $1 be struck off her dog tax. Patrick Corrigan, objecting to his tax. . J. Foik, asking that $4, income sax, wrongly charged to him be struck on, Thomas Fleming, agent of the Lake Seaman's Union, and James O'Neil, president of the longshoremen, ob- jecting to the Sailors' Snug Harbour being exempt from taxation. C. H. Rust, city engineer, Toronto, asking that the mayor and city en- gineer attend the next annual meeting of the American Society of Municip] Tmprovement which is to be held in Montreal in September, J. P. McCutcheon and John Cun- ningham, trimmers of the electric light department, asking for an in crease of pay. Mary C. Maxam, mission of taxes erty. All. these communications were re- ferred to the finance committee except- ing that from J. P. McCutcheon' and John Cunningham which were turned over to the light, heat and power committee for consideration, Still no signs of a relief expedition but the garrison held grimly on to the last. The by-laws had received their second reading. Dull forbodings filled the air. Should Ald. McKay fail them in this their last extremity ! Woe be- tide him should he not effect 4 rescue, It was Ald. Bell who exploded = the applying for re on account of pov- .| mine. His resourceful energy as leader | of the government forces had heen dis- | played. Silently as in dead of night he issued forth and sought Janitor Bal- lantyne, With all sneed he despatehed him forthwith in his buggy fo make a dash for freedom through the ene- my's lines and secure dead or alive their only hope of salvation. In tne nick of time the door opened : and in marched their dauntless comrade, a friend in need and a {it was then ten minutes past five, but i the stronghold had been saved to the { grateful or ungrateful (as the case may { be) public. The by-laws went through with a victorious cheer and 'the sun- Ayers Hair Vigor. Ask your neighbors about it. One will say, "It restored color to my gray hair." Another, "It has checked my falling hair." An- other, "A splendid dressing for the hair." A a @errrrsssrsassrsracan@ GIVE YOUR WIFE: An evening away from home cooking 3 The Keswick Will take care of you OPEN ALL THB TIME. | shine after storm burst forth in all | "its glory. There was little more to be friend indeed. | | Ald. McKay. What more need be said | said or done. Ald. Hoag presente | the report of the board 'of works and | on the seconding of Ald. Angrove it was unanimously carried. The garrison had nobly fought and as nobly won! Victory rested with the defenders of public rights and they could now en- joy leave of absence with the clear conscience of g duty nobly falfilled. WHAT OFFICES YIELD. Inspector's Report of Business Transacted Locally. The report of James W. Mallon, in- spector of legal offices for Ontario, just published, shows the volume of business done during 1904. in the of- fices of the sheriff, surrogate judge, lo- cal master, ete., together with the emoluments mecruing from the same, Sheriff Dawson's gross income was $1,844.55, of which the provinee con- tributed £783.06, the 'county' $484.20, and the general public $572.13; dis- bursements were 8532.65, leaving a net income of 81,312.07, Judge Price's income was $752. John Mudie, local master, earned a net income of $383.87, The amount earmed by John 1. Whit- mg, K.C., crown attorney, were: To- tal earings and salary, in all odffices, $1,026.01, with ~ 3100 - disbursements, leaving a net income of $92.01; of this amount the province contributed $193. As clerk of the peace Mr. Whit: ing earned $864.01 additional. T. M. Ascelstine, as flocal registrar, earned 81,087.35, with bursements of $205.48, leaving a "fet" income of $791.87, of which the province contri- buted 8675 and the general public 881.70. As dounty court clerk Mr. Asselstine received $330.65 additional. Mise H. Fraser; --cerkof the sur rogate 'court, warned $1,003.25, but disbursements: left her a net mcome of only $733.30. KINGSTON CLUB NINE Will Try for Scalps of Toronto ! Team. Mémbers of the Kingston Club in Ottawa have orgawmized a nine . with which they expect to bring home the "scalps" of a team from Toronto that they are to meet, at: Kingstop, on Monday. The players will likely be Catcher, James Lalernier; pitcher, Edward Davidson; 1st base, W. Dris- coll; 2nd, Walter Easton; 3rd, Joseph Goyette; shortstop, V. Daly: centre field, W. Spooner; Rett field, W. Baird; right field, 8. Potter. The "boys" have secured a uniform, but will not give out the exact details as to color, etc., yet. They have had several prac- tices, and intend to Have several more at Cartier Square. : The club members hold a meeting on Wednekday night to make final' ar- rangetients for the outing. They ex- pect at least 600 will he on the train when it pulls out of Ottawa on Satur day. The local agency of the Canadian Pacific railway received official notifi- cation, this morning, that the Kings- ton Club of Ottawa will leave at 8.15 am, and arrive here about one o'clock. Remaining over Sunday and Monday, they will leave at midnight of the latter day on the retum trip. HH the weather is favorable over 600 excursionists are expected to take in | the trip. | To Greet The Old Boys. At a meeting of the members of the 14th Regimental band, held in the ar- mouries last night, a general commit. tee comprising Messrs. Foden, McGall, and Bennett, was appointed to ar range | for the entertainment of the bandsmen from the Governor-General's Foot Guarde. This committee is the same old reliable one whose members have looked after such matters for their comrades during the past fifteen } ears. As far as is now known the | programme for the 14th Band during { the reunion days is: | Saturday . noon -- | wa "Old Boys' " ex | Saturday evening--We onto contingent, | Sunday evening--Sacred | Macdonald Park. Monday evening--Band | Market Square. | Besides this the Guards' band, of | Ottawa, will give a concert in the ar- mouries Saturday evening. Meet the on. leome the Tor Otta- concert in concert on l A Persistent Backache, Can have but one cause--diseased kidneys, which must be strengthened | before backache can be cured. Why not use Dr. Hamilton's Pills ? They cure the kidneys quick, make them strong {and able to filter disease--breeding poisons from the blood. At once you | feel better, stronger, brighter, Kidney health is guaranteed to every user of | Dr. Hamilton's Pills. Get a 25c. box | from your druggist, and refuse substi- | tutes, ---------- His Diamond Jubilee. Rev, Dr. Wardrgpe, Guelph, well | known, here, will ii the 13th of Au gust celebrate the diamond jubilee of | his entrance into the ministry of the Presbyterian church of Canada. It was on August 13th, 1845, that he began his first pastorate in St. Daly's church, Ottawa. Dr. Wardrope is now in his eighty-seventh year. At present he is summering at his daughter's home, Little Metis, Que. Oddfellows' Excursions. { +On August 9th the steamer America will carry an Oddfellows' excursion | out of Rochester. For August 10th she has been chartered by the Napanee Oddfellows' for an excursion from Kingston among the Thousand Is- on On the same day, the Madoc Oddfellows' run an excursion to Wa tertown via Cape Vincent on one of the Folger boats, They Cause Accidents. A writer to the Whig says: The slopes made in the cement and asphalt walks, at lawns and gateways, are re- sponsible for a great many accidents: sprained ankles are the result. The engineer, or accident insurance com- panies, should look into the matter. The grouting outside the cement is het- ter, or if it interferes with drainage, tile could .be run through, For Campers. Try Cook's English ecarbolic soap, prevents and cures mosquito bites, 5c, and 10c. McLeod's Drug Store. ----ean The Red Cross is the drug store that sells the high class candy. THR DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, JULY 25. THE DAY'S EPISODES LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. nian, Occurrences In The City And Vicinity~Other Brief Items of Interest To The People. Nobody seems to he happy over 'the cool spell. Eyes tested scientifically, at Chown's Drug Store. The Hotel Dien gardén party receipts last Friday amounted to $311.21. For severe sunburns use cold cream from Gibson's Red Cross drug store, The street railway's new conductor system is working well, and "leaks" are almost impossible. Some people find fault with both the hot spell and the cool spell. What on earth do they want ? The steamer Brockyille will run a big exeursion from Brockville to King- ston on the civie holiday. Will the street cars be operated next Sunday for the benefit of the visit- ors, citizens desire to know, : The city. property committee will likely have a meeting on Thursday to award the market toll contracts. Henry Cunningham, piano tuner from Chickering. Orders received at McAuley"s book slong, Princess street, 1f there are any more 'knockers' in Kingston, will they please stand up so that Jimmy can @¢ to shoot straight. . v A certain alderman says he has ruined his municipal ambitions "by supporting. the concessions to the stréet railway. Iwill please thé Old: boys to know they dan buy high class eandy at Gib. son's Red Cross drug store. It will take 8160,000 to put wp a good summer hotel here. It should be quite easv to get $25,000 of that sum subscribed here, August js the month when the boats will reap their harvest. July has shown good travel, but August will be twice as heavy. Dr. Chown's iron tonie pills, purify the blood, give strength and renewed energy; 25c. and 50e. box. When will the board of works adopt a scheme for the repair of the roads ? It's nearly time some consideration was given-to the matter. The Portsmouth council will meet this evening to arrange final details in connection with its new agreement With the street railway company. The Hamilton Y. M. C. A. tourists spent Sunday and Monday in the city. They visited the penitentiary, asylum, forts, ete, having a real happy time. Let the civic authorities keep their ears to the ground, and be ready to entertain (at their own expense), re- presentative men who come here on a visit, Yesterday afternoon the harbor was rougher than at any other time this season. The waves ram very high, but the wind dropped considerably in the evening. A + It will likely be near. fhe end of the year before by-laws are submitted to the people for the O'Kill street drain extension, and the city buildings' im- provements, Wouldn't the light and power com- mittee bein a pretty hole if the lieut enant-governor-in-conncil refused to allow the issue of $20,000 debentures sought for ? When will the streétyrailway com- pany begin its one-cenl fare for child- ron ? The "kids" are said to he pre paring a petition asking for this cop per day concession. It's pleasant to think that if the city council had not granted conces- sions to the street railway eompany, the charter would have expired six weeks from to-day. While the ward scavengers are clear- ing weeds from the sides of the roads, they might also remove some of the grass between some of the street rail- way tracks, which give certain blocks an unsightly appearance. Mr. Campbell says that the present generators being used by the street railway company will not be taken over by the city for the lighting plant The old Light, Heat and Power com- pany will take charge of them after the railway engine is in readiness. The interior of the frame building at the corner of Queen and King streets, (part of the city power house), had to be torn completely out, for the street railway engine. Excavation was made to the rock. The situation is most convenient for the railway barns, The Rideau farm dairy delivery wag- pon met with a mishap in front of the city buildings this moming. The hind wheel struck a hydrant, badly twisting the axle, besides injuring the vehicle. Considerable milk was pre- cipitated over the rqad, to 'say noth- ine of the occupant of the waggon, The asphalt walk on Earl street, between King and Wellington streets, is being repaired. The high places around tree trunks have all been cut out and levelled. The walk now will be much more respectable, Several oth- er asphalt walks require similar patch- ing, The 14th Regimental Band are not over-pleaset] with the manner in which their request Yor better Nght: mg in Macdonald Park pavilion was dealt with by the civic committees. The matter is shelved for the reat of the wason, The bandsmen were worthy of more consideration. EE ------------ Not Just As Good. When vou go to your druggist buy "Ozone" ask and demand ""Solu- tion of Ozone (the coupon kind.)" This will give vou a twenty-five cent package of "Celery King." It will give vou the hest preparation of "Ozone" in the world and it gives vou about twice as mmch for your money as other brands, sixteen ounces for fifty cents, over twice that much for a dollar and a package of the well-known remedy "Celery King" free. We put "Celery King" cottpon in our "Ozone," because the people know "Celery King," hecause it gives better results with "Celery King" and because no other firm can give "Celery King" "with Ozone." It cures, that's the reason we give vou a pack- age free and that's the reason should never buy any other kind. to you -Ask for "Solution of Ozone (the coupon king.) Fifty cents and one dollar at your drug store and don't take any other kind, because if you do vou won't get 'a package of "Celery King. ™ 2 i 2 mots smi emer | MARINE INTELLIGENCE. What is Going on About the Harbor. | The 'schooner Queen of the Lakes | cleared with feldspar from Richard- | sons' wharf, for Oswego, Swift's © Steamer Toronto, down ; steamer Caspian, from Charlotte ; steamer Rideau King, from Ottawa ; steamer Hamilton, up. Craig's: Steamers Alexandria and | Waterlily, down, last night; govern- ment tug Shanly, from Ottawa; yacht | Phapamond, from Thousand Islands. | Shipping Wheat Back. The present Canadian wheat situa- tion is puzzling all the wise 'heads in the business. In Winnipeg cash wheat is selling at from $1.13 to $1,134 per bushel, but it is claimed that there is very little changing hands at the fig- ! ure, and that the price, which is about thirteen cents above the export basis is purely speculative. For the first time in Canada's history it is a pay- ing project to ship wheat from Kings- ton back to Fort William, and this is actually being done, the steamer Plummer now being on her' way back | with a cargo amounting to comsider- ably upward of 100,000 bushels. THOROUGHLY DREDGED. Anglin's Bay is Now a Fine Ship Harbor. | The dredge Nipissing has completed | the work of dredging Anglin's Bay, where it hasebeen operating for the past year. The bay has been dredged from shore to . shore, and the former | shallow places have been made four- | teen feet deep. Steamers and other vessels. cah now move about there with perfect ease." The deepening of the bay is a great thing for the Davis Dry Dock company, the Rathbun com- pany, the M. T. company, and Anglin & Co. Theold G..T. R. railway pier, which used 'to carry the old swing bridge, has been removed. The K. & P. railway company will %uild coal wharves on the inner side; of the | track so that two vessels can be un loaded at the same time. A great im- provement has certainly been made in the bay, which constitutes quite a ship harbor for Kingston. The dredge | Nipissing is still engaged here, and will do some work around Garden Is- | land and Wolfe Island. | Ontario Diocese. The Bishop of Ontario has appointed Rev. W. ArchB8ld, of Leamington, to { the parish of Roslin, to begin duty | October Ist, whem Rev. H. R. | Trompour, deacon, now in charge tem- | porarily, will return to college for a year, { Rev. R. G. Blagrave, Coe Hill, will | take charge of the parish of Christ | church, Belleville, October lst. | The bishop has given a handsome | subscription, R100, th the Archbishop Lewis memorial fund. The first out- side contribution came from Arch deacon Harding, Qu'Appelle, 85 | The Street Railway Engine. | The street railway engine and gene- | rators will not be here from St. Louis | til the end of the week, but this will be in plenty of time, as the founda- | tion for them, in the building where they are to be erected.will not he ready "till Friday anyway. Mr. Camp- bell, under whose supervision the work is being done, expects that the engine will be in operation by the middle of | August. | Lovers Of Good Music. Mr. Allen calls attention of good music loving people to a splendid con- cert grand piano (Heintzman) to be sold at his auction sale on Wednesdav | July 260th, at 111 William street. This | fine instrument is not onlv a beautiful piece of furniture, but for durability, splendor and sweetnéss of tone, can- not he surpassed; was gold medallist | at Queen's jubilee, and when hought was valued at 2650, To-day it is like new, Had A Hand Hurt. Engineer Ashey, of the tug Fronte- | nac, : Calvin company fleet, jammed his left hand in the engine machinery on the way up the river this morning. The fingers were badly injured, and | on arrival in port, Dr. Hanley dress- ed the wounds. A Fine Trip. | The attention of our readers is | called to advertisement on another | page of the second annual excursion to Montreal, Ottawa and return via | St. Lawrence and Ottawa rivers and Rideau canal. Patrons of this trip | last wear pronounce it the finest water trip in America. A Special Meeting. { A special meeting of the Board of Education has been called for Thurs- day evening next. Plans and specifica- tions as well ae tenders in regard to the proposed changes at the Collegi ate Institute will be submitted to the members. Fashionable Clothing To-Order. Prevost's, Brock street, has always had the reputation of making the finest clothing to order. For material, | style and workmanship, he vafmot be beaten. A large variety of goods to choose from at rock-bottom prices. | A first class fit guaranteed. Give him | a trial, | 'Uncollected Taxes. The uncollected amount of back tax- | es, for the years 1901, 1902 and 1903. { is now 'probably not more than £700. When the special collector started to get these in about fifteen months ago the total was $31,000, -- 1,000 Islands On Fire. Wednesday, llumination evening, America makes a special trip. via Gan- anoque and Clayton, at 530 pm. Tickets good to get off at either points, 35¢; ------------ Without the advertisement this newspaper would be but half a news- paper. Unless you read the ads. you are but half a newspaner reader, The 14th Band will give another | concert in Macdonald Park on Thurs: | dav evening, Ig ere was a blank docket for magistrate this moming. William Swain. piano timer. Orders received at McAuley's hook store, the | Pay water rate and save discount: | Methodist church | the lot to the south of the church and { when the college term opens, and al- { ready | College have joined the congregation | steamers | Swift & Co., agents. { him | is on this scientific basis of destroying LAKE ONTARIO PARK Fre sh GOOD VAUDEVILLE THERE _ THIS WEEK. i Large Crowd in Attendance Last | Evening--Scotch Comedians, and Fizz Juggler and Singing and Our Seidlitz Powders are prepared Dancing Girl on. the Pro- irom tne purest and freshest materials gramme. nossible. Lake - Ontario Park presented 'an | rppey have the ' life and sparkle pro. animated scene last evening, There | quced only by the best of chemicals. was a large crowd of pleasure seekers, | O x the mora k ! wd wes ake, e rorning n 8 you who had a merry time. The pavilion » ane il oe aL new R Tks Ye : h ne day. s le into you was filled and/gave the new company [feel fine a } Tea : : £ weather for the week an enthusiastic recep- | is Warm weathe tion. The company is one of the. best All Aperient and Health Salts in that has appeared there for some | stock. years. Each performer is an adept in | his line and gave the utmost satisfac | tion. Roberts and Ralston, the eccen- | tric Scottish comedians, kept the | crowd in laughter by their singing | cc and dancing. Their burlesque boxing was one of merriment and. laughter. The "Best" Drug Store, Their boxing act is new, Delma, the | juggler, is original in his line. His 124 Princess Street. feats are interesting and bewildering, | Mitchell's Old Stand. *Phone 59 QUICK DELIVERY. Abbey's Salt, 25¢. and 60c Eno's Salt, $1 Bottle. and are performed with dexterity and swiftness which are really amazing, He was Ipudly applauded." Misses Lee and Wagner. by their charming per sonality won the favor of the audi, ence. Their singing and dancing was very fife and they were repeatedly re. called. They sang with much ability, several pretty songs: "Vacation Time," "Josie,"" and "Take a Car." Miss Wagner performed some interest- ing acrobatic feats, assisted by Miss #€, in a manner to win the approba- tion of the audience. - They "are win: some singers and dancers. Their cos LLETTS ABSOLUTELY PURE. CREAM TARTAR. Nearly all goods in this line at the present time are rated in Jact unfit to use. GILLETT'S is used by the best bakers and caterers everywhere. REFUSE SUBSTITOTES. GILLETT'S costs no more than the inferior adulterated goods. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. COMPANY E.W.GILLETT 20a : TORONTO.ONT. pay for the remndvation and redecora tion of the edifice, The ladies of the : tumes were beautiful. The company will gain Th popularity' before the week closes, Miss Mefilade played some fine piano selections which were much admired. " PUT $1,000 ON PLATE. Bathurst Street Methodists Nc¢t- Cease Activity. Toronto Star. The congregation of Bathurst Street were, on Sunday, asked to place $1,000 on the collec tion plate towards the $2,000 neces sary to pay off the indebtedness Do on church have guaranteed to raise ° ®1,000, and with this assurance the Grand Union Hotel congregation responded to. the call and pledged the additional $1,000, Rooms From $1.00 Per Day Up During the past few Sundays there " { has been a noticeable increase in the Opposite Grand Central Station attendance at the church, and the preaching of Rev. Eber Crummy, D.D., the new pastor, is drawing Methodists from all parts of the city. \ attendance of students is BAGGAGE}:= FREE large expected two professors from Victoria TO SELL OUTSIDE OF YOUR SINS AND YOUR TROUBLES ? COME TO WM. MURRAY, The Auctioneer A Great Clearing i. « U Sale ! | Of Summer Dress Mate- } |rials, Waistings, Muslin, HOW'S THIS ? | Piques, Chambrays, Ging- w | hams, in fact everything in @ offer One Hundred Dollars Reward : . 3 for 3% e330 of Cotarth, that cannot be | light weight materials must c A all's atarrh ure, go this week. Clayton, N.Y., And Kingston Ana Ottawa, Ont. Lakes' Navigation company leave for Clayton every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sa- turday, at 6:30 p.m. Leave for Ot- tawa every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a.m. J. Ridean Perfeotly pure soda water, pure ice cream, pure fruit svruns. and larce, thin glasses at Wade's soda fountain "They won't trouble you" tan and sunburn if you use Cream of Viofets, only at Gibson's Red 'store. The Mother Superior of the Hotel Dieu has written the bandsmen of the 14th, P. W. 0. R., thanking them for their services -at the garden party in aid of that. institution on Friday last. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We the undersigned have known F. J Cheney for the last 15 vears, and believe | perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry | out any obligations made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally If you need a new Waist {or Skirt for your vacation 'trip just take a look through acting directly upon the blood 1our Ready-to-Wear Sec- mucous surfaces of the 'system. Testi. | tion and you'll be surprised monials sent free. Price 75 cents per a bottle. Sold by all Drugeists. Family Pills for consti- {at the up-to-date garments you can secure at this store | for a very few dollars Take vation. Hall's | Something extra swell in | Silk Waists received to- | day, also Black Navy and [Brown Silk Underskirts. { These are exclusive gar- {ments and - at moderate Newman & Shaw. : : Those Eyes, the Windows of the Soul, Tells there story of unalloyed bliss. Yes, thus we contribute to the happiness of the thousands or more strictly spepk- ing our delicious soda does so. It i un- rivalled, absolutely pure of choige flavors It is refreshing in the highest degree and always delightful to .the palate. Only most select purest juices used. T PETTERS & CO, | 184 Princess Street. "Phone 649. TO CURE ANY DISEASE. 0000000000000 0060600004¢0 ANTICIPATE GOLD WEATHER It will pay you! Coal is cheaper now than it will be when the snow flies. re JAMES SWIFT & CO. The Tause Must be Removed, Same Way With Dandruff. Kill the germ that causes dandruff, | falling hair and baldness, vou will have no more dandruff, and your hair must grow luxuriantly, Eewbro's Her- picide not' only contains the dandruff | germ destroyer, but it is also a most delightful hair dressing for regular toilet use. No other hair preparation | 00060000 000000000 the dandeufi germs. It stops all irri- tation, keeps the scalp sweet, pure and wholesome, Remember that s mething | claimed to he "just as good," will not do. the, work of gemiiné Herpicide, Sold by leading 'druggists. Send 10¢. | in stamps for sample to The Herpicide { Co., Detroit, Mich. G. W. Veo, | 99S GOODS $9 ; special agent, Jy Remark IViost "SA Ceylon Tea, Sold only in Lead Packets. 2 Black, Mixed or Gre The Nearly Cereal Food package cou teaspoon. ¥ Canada food of QI QUANTITY At you "Customs" change fo suit up-to-date requirements London, Toronto, Mon! Lemmon & I Something to eis