har = maf eet tp ee ---- K 'Fresh and ! eo i <= 17.7, s, | : d | Our Seidlitz Powders are prepared O- !from the purest and freshest materials nossible. an They have the ' life and sparkle pr. Te | duced. only by the best of chemicals. 4 One taken in the morning makes vou ny { feel fine all day. Puts new life into you p- | this warm weather st All Aperient and Health Salts in ne stock | Abbey's Sait, 25c. and Goc n- | Enos Salt, $1 Bottle. he | ig og | 6" 'y + | The 'Best * Drug Store, he | is | 124 Princess Street. gs Mitchell's Old Stand. 'Phone 59 ( oo QUICK DELIVERY. ce & pr di-, as : re. J ly, on | ABSOLUTELY PURE IRS a- in- ny = he 3 ed . re ® at alee 3,1 2 Jact unfit to use. 0 | B GILLETT'S is used by the best bakers and caterers everywhere. REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. "t | B GILLETT'S costs no more than the iaferior V, adulterated goods. Re REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. on | JEW.GILLETT 200TH0 ¥ TORONTO,ONT. Eu Be * + Grand Union Hotel : Rooms Erom $1,00 Per Day Up he Opposite Grand Central Station he ., | BAGGAGE}: FREE re -------------------------------------------- od i HAVE YOU ANYTHING n TO SELL OUTSIDE OF YOUR a SINS AND YOUR TROUBLES ? ,| coMETO r ~ | WM. MURRAY, The Auctioneer t- ---- y J A Great ce . «| : Clearing 8, - Up\Sale ! | | ale ! or | in| Of Summer Dress Mate- . |rials, Waistings, Musling, i ve in 0. ly i nd ti- er ments and - at | Piques, Chambrays, Ging- ,| Dams, | in fact everything in light weight materials must | |go this week. | If you need a new Waist "lor Skirt for your vacation 'trip just take a look through our - Ready-to-Wear Sec- tion and you'll be surprised jal the up-to-date garments you can secure at this store - |for a very few dollars | Something extra swell in |Silk Woaists received to- day, also Black Navy and [Brown Silk Underskirts. | These are exclusive gar- moderate prices. Newman & Shaw. seeeccoee ANTICIPATE GOLD WEATHER It will pay you! Coal is cheaper now than it will be when the snow flies. 3 2: i gl" 0000600000000 00000 JAMES SWIFT & G0. Retfharkable For Its Absolute Most : . Purity and Delicious Flavor. "SALADA® Ceylon Tea, the World Preference. Sold only in Lead Packets. 25c., 30c., 40¢., 50c., 60c. By all Grocers. Black, i: JInef ope or Green. Highest Award St. Lasts, 1904. PIpipinisind CANADA FLAKES The Big 15c Package Nearly 15 larger than any other Cereal Food on the market, and every package contains a pure white metal teaspoon. Y Canada. Flakes." is-the food of QUALITY andj QUANTITY. At your grocers. London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, N.B. Lemmon & Lawrenson, Sole Agents LE . g Rapid Circulation in the "Bison" Heater The expansion of hot water in the heater causes circulation. If the water heats at the bottom first, it cannot circulate till the water in the upper sections is also heated. Most heaters. heat the bottom water first. The " Bison " heats the water at the top first, That is why it gets almost instantaneous circulation of hot water into the radiators--it is one of ten reasons why the ""Bison" is the best heater. THE H.R. IVES C0., Limited, MONTREAL. 'Something to Please Every Woman We. have secured a; line of household necessitios that will please every houses and prices, articles * keeper, so DONE. STAND IN NEED A fow doses of this remedy will in- of anything necessary for the kitchen | | variably cure an erdinary attack of any longer than -it will take you to It has been used in nine epidemics . : of dysentery with perfect success. reach our store. fe will give you It can always be depended upon, ! even in 'the more severe attacks of good quality and charge you only en- cramp colic and chelera morbus. > It is equally successful for summer ough to pay for it. Look at these | | dimrrhoss and cholers infantum in . ELLIOTT . BROS oe {|p FOR ICE RACING AN ASSOCIATION HAS BEEN FORMED. Dates Are February 8th and 9th--General Sport- | ing Notes From Many | Quarters. | D; C., Dick won the Auston trophy at the Lambton Golf and Country Club by defeating W. K. Ross in the final by one up. Charles Elwood did not do as well | as the rest of the horses in the Kirk- wood field string this year so he was | rested up for the falling meeting. Temeraire, the Fife boat, owned by Rear-Commodore Nicholls; of the Roy: al Canadian = Yacht Club, Toronto, | will race for the Canada cup at Char- | lotte, N.Y. | Thirteen Fnglish cricketers of the | Marylebone Club, led by Capt. E. W.' Mann, arrived on the steamship Car- | pathia to play matches in the United States and Canada. If My. Beachmont beat H. F. Strickland's swimming re- | cord (the exaet distance to an inch will be verified) he will swim him 3} | miles, from Nassau to Peterboro, in | August, { National Golf Champion P. Chandler Egan, won the contest for the Ravin- oaks Cup, defeating: William I. How- land by 9 up, & to play. This victory | puts Egan in permanent possession of | the cup. Fongorler- has "heen allotted - pinety | seven pounds in the Saratoga Handi- | cap. This event is worth ten thousand | dollars, and if the Canadian colt can | be got ready' he will likely be sent after the stake. In the challenge round sifigles dor the Davis' tennis traphv at Wilubledon, S. H. Smith (England), beat William | A. Larned (America) 6-4. 6-4. 5¥, 64. Hugh L. Doherty (England) beat Hol Ward (America), 7-9, #6 61, Kingston's will first of all combe 6-2. 0-0, Montreal in the first game on Saturday One reached second base Miller in the groin jumped up and broke Bean's nose with a blow. Miller was put out of the game, but he was disabled 'anyway. There is not a little disappointment | at Lou Scholes' retirement and utter to row at all than to do so out of condition, and Loti does not seem in chihed to undergo another siege of hard training. He is a pretty big voung fellow and has taken on a good deal of flesh. Coach Rice, Captain W. A. Camerom | and Harvey Pulford, stroke of the | Ottawa four, intend tb witness the | rowing races at Baltimore in August. They wish to watch the Jesnling clubs in races to gather the best ideas. | davs. Joe Gans, has made an apvlication in the court at Cleveland, Ohio, for an absolut divorcee from his wife, Madge W, Gans. The prize fichter alleges that he married to the defendant in 1900, in New York city. His wife at that time was a member of » plied } vaudeville troupe. The separation of | the couple ocourred, November 19th, 1904. On that date, the plaintiff savs, he discovered that his wife had dis regarded her vows and names Jere miah Hill as corespondent. The Eastern Ontario Iee Racing As sociation has been organized at Peter horo, with Charles Wilmot of Port Hope, president, and William Carnew of Belleville, secretary. The dates ar ranged for the series of racing carni vals next winter were as follows, pos sibly subject to a few minor changes to suit Ottawa and Montreal : Duffer in Park, T December 27th and was oronto, Sth and 9th; nival; De Ottawa Toe Lorimier Park, acing Car Montreal. Purchased A Yacht. C. R. and Benjamin Webster purchased the steamyacht Naiad, erly owned by S. H. Wheeler, field, N.J., who summers at Island. The yacht is fifty and has a compound engine have form of Plain- Amherst feet Civic Holiday Sports. The water events have vharge of the yacht club. gentleman will power boat races, peted in by some of the fastest hoats among the Thousand Islands. ¢ The horse races promise to be { best held here for many years. Last year, when the Kingston Old Boys of Ottawa and Toronto played | baseball here, the latter won, but were charged with playing 4 "ringers." Ottawa will not thiz--again, and have notified Toront, that they must play a team composed wholly of Kingston Old Boys, | will take the liberty of putting ga Chamberlain's COLIC, CHOLERA AND DiarrhoeaRemedy been put in A New York | of the act as judge the man of a family should kedp remedy in home. Et : Buy 77 Princess Street. THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, JULY 25. Ghe Food That Builds dian wheat flour, pure but- ter and rich cream. There's nothing else of equal size and cost that contains so much wholesome nour. ishment. PERFECT Re . Cir, ht in £1) i ER | MAY attack you 'at any time of | the year, but it is more pre- valent during the summer months. | When this trouble attacks you, it | does not pay you to experiment with Je srsey City won two from Montreal | untried remedies, but always procure , man |'gne that has stood the test of time. , In the opening inning Bean spiked Such a one is Dr. Fowler's Extract | and the latter | of Wild Strawberfy. It has been on the market for 60 years and is con- sidered by thousands of people as | the best cure for all bowel come | seclusion. Of course it is better not | plaints. Mgs. WiLrrip TOMuiNsON, Vie- | | toria Harbor,Ont., writes : "lalways keep Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry in' the house, knowing from past experience that it is a sure and efficient remedy in diarrhcea and kindred bowel complaints." They will remain in Baltimore 'several the champion lightweight, { May; | { | | | 23th; Orillia Tee Track, January. 3rd | and 4th; Port Perry Tee Track, Janu- | ary 9th and 10th; Lindsay Driving | Park, January 13th and 14th: Peter | boro Tee Track, January 19th and 20th; Port Hope Tce Track, January Mth and 27th; Picton Ice Track, Ja mary Mst and February 1st: Belle ville Driving Park, February 2rd and 1th; Kingston Driving Park, Febuary | 900000000000 | long | | | | | battery of tor of public safet stand for | | satisfied with the | has ordered or they | | 25 which will be com- | -- tdi it Wood's A poi orb toe altos Res positive 8 Jul ait oclug Sexual Weakness, ef RE AND Arte Brain Worry, hose: Mental Sper orrhoea, Impotency, Effects of Abuse or Excoss, ol oF eh ead to Consumption, infirmity, Insanity*and an earl; ¥ o. 31 per pkg, six for £5. One wil ona, eix ure. d by all druggists or mailed | plain k a receipt of price. W' Tite for Pan phiet. Fhe Wood Medicine Co., Windsor, Ontario. INE 7 Standard remedy for Gleet, Gonorrhea and Suanings IN 48 HOURS. Cures Wa ney and Bladder Troubles. use se "MAPLE LEAF" | DARMED Shtios Phi 00000000000 0008900008 Clean, Honest That is ind "we sell--The kind you hurn if you want a satisfaction fire We are & fers now for winter supp! n you ordered No. yours yet ? "rh BOOTH & CO. »O0O0O0O00C : ® ind another Ix stranger in the | hind the bat. Health Means Success. It's impossible for a man or woman to be a business success without health. A strong be y and an active | mind go together. Wade's Iron Tonic Pills give both. Try them. In hoxes, ., at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if not satisfactory. Voting List Reduced 31,000. Philadelphia, Ta july 26.--As a rdsult of gu canvass ir : by the police 31,187 names have been stricken from | the voting lists of the city, The diree inder whose sop vas wade, is not ite shown and oity be again i been frequent ervision the eanva that canvassed, Charges hac {lv made by reform organizations that ! the voting lists throughout the city had been padded to 'the extent of 50 000 names, England In New Little War. London, July 25 As repeated at tempts on the part of Sir Donald | Stewart to. obtain separation by peaceful means from the Sotik (raiders in East Africa) have failed, a fopes of 0 trowps and 900 native allies with three Maxims, have been dispatched against them, Pastor Not Thrifty. Hamilton, Ont, July 25. In the course of a sermon on money being the root of evil, Rev. Dr. Lyle, of ! Central church, stated that if he had Pwould become a salve will cure hard or soft | Ly { 25 today he charge. He hes been receiving 231,000 a year, 'and the statement caused a tic to step out of the ministry publi of Peck's Corn corns, Three applications 150. st Wade's deng store, Violet household. ammonia for the ath. heats Red Cross drug store, [YOUTH 108T AN ARM THE FACT ORY OV OWNERS WILL services . taking the services «in St. Andrew's C the, gor , An ideal food. church, Wellington. Accompanied by help in the A I Dae - All grocers have them--fresh Bl ¥| the Citizens' band, the Canadian Or weed j4 T2807 b. Yon get all the and crisp & 3 hb pack der of Foresters, of Bloomfield, attend : " : 2 overs nl = ed a special service in St. Andrew's of tef without' over JT! : Preshyterian church, Sunday. The new OE NEYS | Meétrpolitan bank is fast nearing com {turned to Picton with. him Monday, after a week's absence. Miss Ward Sh Kingston, is in town, at hér home, for oT the summer. Mes, Tierney, Syn J Fae in town for a few weeks. Mrs An hd JUST ARRIVED @ drew Bailie, Montreal, |, Siting fo We have just received another shipment of Child- three weeks in town, left to-day o mild senza." EE -- a ' A Healthful Summer Drink Most summer drinks lack the nourish- ment the body requires. Many of them COMPENSATE HIM, New Bank Building Being Rushéd' Up--Foresters Attend Divine Service--Many Visitors Com- are injurious to the system. ing and Going at Picton. icton, July 24.--The ste Alex- 1] ated ey yo Oe left A refreshing, thirst-satisfyi ng drink port for Quebec seventy through pas- sengerss A party. of 'six were expected at Kingston. The sloop Gull cleared port to-day, having unloaded lumber for Lake & Killop. The schooner Mad- 'that contains wholesome nourishment | is made with a teaspoonful of Bovril in, 5 meme pk J le Az || a glass of mineral water, 4) Suffel is in port. The steamer Reindeer | It is a pleasant, strengthening' dri E was on the "ways" last week receiv- | |" and may be taken at any time. &- ing repairs to her wheel, Rey. Mr. de Pencier, Wellington, conducted the in St. ary Madalene's Sunday; W. H. Armitage church Rev. BOVRIL is the cook's greatest pletion. The masons have begun work on the second storey, which will be fitted up into offices, one of which will be occupied by the bank's solicitor, UC. H. Widdifield. Herman Fredericks, the voung men who suffered the loss of his arm in an accident. at the Old Howdstead can" ning factory, last week, is réported io be improving. There rent to the effect that the intend giving him it Is rT a Question To ask a question is to learn. 15 a rumor cur Richard There's the question of first cost. sons, of Kingston, £1,000 and . sending him to college. 4 Percy Williamson, of the Union bank, : Weim hn ton on his hulifays Another question of consistent quality. i | with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H, Williamson. Miss Wood, Toronto, is the : : eT tia A question of completeness of line, * visit in town, Miss Mabel Ackrell re : turned on Saturday to Belleville, Fred Tulley, Toronto, is in town on his holidays. The Misses Fralick, Kings ton, are visiting in town. R. Y."Les lie left Sunday for a two weeks'holi day with Kis family, at Presque Isle Point. Mr. and Mrs. D. J, Barker were in Toronto and Hamilton. last week, C,H. Widdifield was on Waupoos ls- land over Sunday; Mrs. Widdiheld re Then the question whether you have seen our sample room of Bath-room fixtures, If not--- come. McKELVEY: & BIRCH 69 and 71 Brock Street. i ren's and Girls' WHITE CANVAS SHOES a short stay in Montreal Brilliant Wedding In London. Special to the Whig London, July 25.--~The marriage of } : Miss Alberta Sturges, duughter of Children's Canvas Shoes, spring heels, sizes 8, 9, 10, a Mrs. Francis H. Leggett, of New York, only 75¢c. J to George Charles Montague, M.P,, for Girls' Canvas Shoes, spring Waatss Sizes "to 2, only 90c., and 81, Huntingdonshire and nephew and Earl of Lord Sandwich, at St. Paul's church, Wnigiisridge, this afternoon, brightest ever seen. The LS was one of the scene in the church was 4 very pretty one. The bridesmaids, among them Lady Marjorie Manners, Miss Leily Paget, Miss Padelford and Miss Ruby Lindsay, were all gowned in whit After the bride and bridegroom had driven away from the church every one repaired too Mrs, Leggedt's resi dence, No. 12 Bruton street, where re freshments of all kinds were dispensed Later the bridal couple left for the country in an automobile. Early next week Mr. Montague and his bride will where Lady Lavard has August her residence, Capello Palace go to Venice, ofiered them for the Perfect Soda Water. wgfect because we manufac ture it wih scrupulous care. Every- thing we use' is pure and fresh. Our soda water is as cold as ice can make W. We use nothing but pure fruit juic- ENEW CONFECTION § : GANONG'S _ Ours "1s Pearled Puffed Rice, 30c. per pound. es. Pure ice cream and large, thin glasses, Wade's Drug Store. TRY IT AT * 7 Ny : { rer Tons = 5 | A. J. REES'. P St. £ strongly recommended by the medical . . 9 ricess * L profession as a safeguard against in i di TP fectious djpense 8. & ml Home Needlework is a magazine , that every lady should take. Issued 4 times a year, 96 pages beautifully eg ited, 30 cts per year. Write jor sanple nding 15 cents. Corticelli Silk Co gir | td hy