iy ~onsigts of Kfentest amount - # I consumption ol will sell vou five toms or five gs "ee i HE _. in from ion telling of TE. and Dyes in the home. substitutes wheh vou ask fo WHOLRSALE AGENTS Geo, Robertson & Sons KINGSTON, ST. ACNES' SCHOOL CHURCH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Elmpeol, Belleville, Ontario. Patron--The Lord Bishop of Ontario Thorough courses in English, Langu- ages, Music, Art and Physical Culture. Conservatory of Music Examinations held at the school. Pupils taken from the Kindergarten to the preparation for universities. The success of the school has justified a large addition to the building, contain- ing six class rooms, piano rooms, gymn- nasium, swigiining bath and sleeping ap- partments. The building is heated by steam and lighted by gas and electricity. The gro extend over five acres. For pi tus and further informa- tion, apply to hundred tons of steam codl every ounce of which will be if ly the highest quality that the mines ean produce. This is not Wik--you will NOTICE THE FERENCE. Your fireman * will tell u there's a HIG difference. Y nw Hare is Coal, But do you Do you know it when to, ~a know where to get it. Xou get good coal once in a while probably. But mine is good ALWAYS. And if WASN'T, . What good do you su it Would do me to CLAIM it? I Want your BUSINESS. --not one Small order. Will you test my Superlatively GOOD Coal. R. CRAWFORD. know how to tell? Comfortable Our aim in fitling Trusses is to make each truss we sell a : Comfortable Truss russ we fit is adjusted so as and secure at all times und conditions, giving the right pressure in the .right place At the same tine easy and We carry ® large assortment of all + Sizes and shapes of Trusses. Truss Btted by us is guaranteed Satisfaction and a perfect fit. Every to give "All By Daylight' Per Steamer "ALETHA" Which will be & ly fitted out for this trip, with e "Ghkirs, sofas, ete. Success. Guaranteed DIAMOND DES. Fach year thousands of letters com | ingle him out for special mention ? all parts of this vast Domin- | with The marvelous and immense sales of Di \ 8 an 8 when vou use Diamond iamond Dyes are sold by all lead- ing d ists and dealers, to "'Opifer per Orbem Dicor." oA Large Question, From the fue treasury Clifford Sifton draws $H7 a week. now. | this does not last forever. When Mr, | S#ton ceases to be a member of par- liament his income from the taxpayer {will drop to 368 per week, and will continues as long as he lives.--Mail. | _ Why pitch upon Mr. Sifton ? Why He has certainly done as much for his country s | course he has adopted with regard to the streets. He is primarily in charge of them, and his department is res ponsible for their care and condition, Yet it has happened that not, until How has the engineer asserted his po- sition and insisted that all excava- | tions be made under his direction. | Then and only then can ho be held to account for the manner in which the "| work*is done. It is true that in al these years the engineer has been the consulting au- thority for waterworks extension. The gas company was expected to report to him the street delving which it un- dertook, for no matter who made the cuttings the city Hecame liable for any accident which occurred * in con- nection with them. | Mr. Craig is right in assuming that | the order of proceedings which is cor- | rect begins with a report to him as | to every excavation, so that he may prescribe its houndaries, oversee its progress, and 'be - satisfied with its completion, eo There is no reason why the putilic i t. be highly organized, that every official should have his du- ties and his powers defined, and that {as a result there should be both harmony and efficiency in the public b In some places the municipal assess- ment for the year has been completed and it is making a commotion. In Toronto, for instance, the court of re- vision and the assessment department are being haunted by those who ob- ject to the assessment of their in- comes, : A great many new tax payers are in progpective, because the new law only THE DAILY WHIG. But {and\its 'agencies are simply foeders to: a kind of Monte Carlo, UT cm---- The Mail is on the fence. It is doing what it can to justify the salary grab. The 'only fault it finds is that the amount is too large. Mr. Borden does not say so. Hon. Mr. Monteith is going to re- srganize the fairs. They can stand it. Some of them have become rank enough. They are not really fairs but rendezvous for fakire. Sir M Bowell has been in political "life for about forty years. And he has been in the thick of the fight 'all along. He deserves a rest. Long may he enjoy it. -- T. C, Platt," senator, political boss and man 'of " wealth, at seventy-two admits regretfully that life has not been altogether sitisfactory. "It could have been better," he remarks. Is his Le Hity-Bve injured oh G. Loren, for twenty-five years chigan Central Hamilton, NEWS OF THE WORLD| OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM, Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little | of E Easily Read And Remembered. The Shah of Persia, now in France, will visit the United States and Mex- ico. Seven persons have been killed automobiles in Chicago this year, he appointmmt of B. B. as chief engineer for the Grand Prunk Albert Meddin took a sentence of six months in Montreal for stealing a hicyels rather than return to Pug. and. Passenger agent' of the Mi railway, died at APS AN --- as Sir Adolph Caron, Sir | Hibbard Tupper, Sir John Carling, n on Saturday. | Five military convicts have esc from Fort the wail of the average politician ? The controller of the Equitable re. Wright, Spokane, Wn. sawing their upon accepting a 'call to church at Fairville, take up his new duties ber 15th. In the explos ed the life of one. ofthe vietims wes Beha Hey. tor tothe sultan's sons. The major tv of the vietims were Twenty-seven with the 'ansouncement, in many places, that he would give the license | holders a solemn talk and that there would be no violations of the law. And there are complaints. Are they pot justified $ > --- . Chauncey Depew is a man of nerve as well as eloquence. At a time when he is under the searchlight, and some disclosures have been made tohis dis- credit in the Equitable's affairs, NB. He wi about Septem ion which so nearly onc killed. A three-acre ledge of rock a pamphlet has been issued with gems been sistant to F. W. Morse, and general manager The body of John Paul Jones--or the appointed as alleged remains of the naval hero - have arrived at Annapolis. It has cost about $100,000 to find the relic and convey it to Amelica. A year hence it will be interved of the Gran ters 'at Winnipeg. Patrick' Dawson committed on a in the permanent | Wife No. 1 is Mary Breen, whom he place that is now being erected. And Batied in Syduey Iwo Years gO, he s + ve misgiv- | VO: 2 is Catherine Weis, whom all the while there 18, a grave i, tf married in Westville two weeks Fy ing that the 'body is not Jones'. No The Breen woman laid the Frederick Funston, comma department - of California, his aides, Lieuts. Long, and Burton J. Mitchell, department inspector of sractice, narrowly escaped death onterey, Cal.,, when an crashed into the carriage they were riding. complaint wonder there is a subdued feeling in naval circles. -------- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. A------ One View Of It. Hadhil Spectator, A salary of ¥,000 vi in a year might j make some ledtlérs of the opposition Ye 35 Jahukip Lun er. ub 1 service. : 3 content to retin in opposition. cases of goods and other merchandise The system: at which Mr. Craig is Ef --- Were seen drifting past the lightship = aiming, following so 'won alter the | =~. Wild With Delight. dination hag air a0 ther four some admirable ith all reclassification of duties in the treas- he weather man is acting as if he | the vicinity yi port akin --- 0 up maintain | ury department, augure well for the didn't care what he did Since being [goods. No trace of where they came Io rink good of the oity's business. sentenced to Ottawa for life. from can be found. ; - rh Fines op TX, - After The Boys. $5,000 REWARD. New Assessment Act. Montreal Herald. >. -- . Toronto alderman is ud vinhay all | For Recovery of Jewels Stolen young men to get married so they can ' what ?--pay Lm There's a left Montren From Johanson = banded ifvitation for you. Montrea : itness. J an reward equal to one-third the value of the $15,000 worth of dia- monds recently stolen from Johnson Bros' jewellery store, on St. Catherine Party Can't See It. Hamilton Herald. get ot There should be no objection to the street, is offered for information that payment of a salary to the leader of will lead to the arrest and conviction the: opposition. But the salary "ought [of the thieves or for the recovery of to be paid by his party. the missing jewels, The police here and in exempts the young man, not a house holder, to the extent of $400. All he earns over that sum is taxable, and | in a city like Toronto there are thous- ands of them. | It is a question whether there will | be more taxes under the new law. It | was designed to be fairer and to af- | ford more revenue, and if it does not | lead to this result it will be a disap | be at large have been : x 2 fience to circulate campaign lies in | sent here from Boston, New York, Chi- coul, 1 » MISS F.®. CARROLL. pointment. It may be that in Kings-| print. 0 Soya ampag cago and other cities, but one The Lady Prinoipal | ton there will be a loss. Some of the | © --- members of the firm of Johnson Bros. large taxpayets are being spared ax. / Strange Ruling. bor hei Slerks pve been able to SECOND V ti t k itr to. News, ; aentily any Of them as pictures of the BiF ANNUAL EXCURSION u vy -- Tena able extent, and it | ar 5 Sudye has decided that a | men who visited the store on the day . ood | 18 doubtfu Whether the amount they | woman has the right to search her | of the rohbery. difference. You : =--=TO ~~ are saved will be made up by the | husband's pockets for loose Change. . al: | smaller taxpayers, and especially by | Some husbands shoulc apply for an 'farina cologne, in sou weit | MONTREAL and OTTAWA ; PY |S § those who have now been added The business tax appears to he a succes. It is a substitute for: the per- | sonal tax which was always objected | .: | | Cincinnati, 3, At Brooklyn, 8; St. Going, THURSDAY, August 3rd |, It was hard to collect. It was Louis, 7 At Philadelphia, 0; Chicago, Life Impossible RR ING Tuenday Ausust ae, oi harder still to accurately define. Now | 7. At Boston, 8; Pittsburg, a : w h ville an ol uin . : : ' -- * ports, Kingston, Clayton, and Al | a man's stock is not taken into uc. | pleican paige, Ayub, it out Sleep andria ¥. Via the St. Lawrence count, but the premises in which the HH {Chi "9. Nn. River, (Running all the rapids). Ottaws 1% F . | Washington. 1. At Chicago, 2; Phia- ; River and Rideau River and Canal | stock is kept. Its valuation, for the dolphia, 1. At St. Louis, 5 New York, | The Vitality Consumed During bx SIX DAYS 16 50 { purpose of taxation, is fixed, and the | 10. : Waking Hours Must be Re- $ business tax is the percentage auth- | Eastern League --At Baltimore, 5; stored by Sleep--Otherwise Which includ 3 . : oF bawt | arived in the act, the figures varying | Rodhuster, 2 A rovidence; 3 Tor. Collapse; ich includes 10: roa boat, | : . | @ 2, . oy » ~ and hotel accomodation" oversight at | according to occupations. | real, 1 ' t densburg, ontreal | g 2 . ¢ aks i 3 3 Ottawa 3 night ind Sitio Falls de canals Jabou: tux Sllec, Answers His Accusers fen i Jive jor Seeks rithout ng ¥ and evening on- H 0 8 collec | SW . » Whereas a ew days without wes a Te Jay (Sunday) in DWE | tor, But it will be mere than made | Senator Chauncey M. Depew, before Sloop and meh hecommes A raving ma- Denmark of Belleville, will accompany the | up by the gains from income and on | Sailing from France for New York, ['niao--a niental anc physical wreek, excursion, . {all Shing over $100 in 'each = | said: "On my arrival in New York, I Nights of sleeplessness tell of a fee- ts ogy ot $3.00 Bd al 2 rei ---------- ase. | shall answer ov ch against me | ble and depleted nervous system, of Pronounced by last year's passongurs. to be the finest trip ever taken. For further particulars and reserva- tions, apply to W. J. MAGRATH, Chairman REV. R," "H. Holloway St. church, P. F. CANNIFF. | ry. | LEITCH, E Pastor | Belleville, Ont. i "THERE IS A TIME FOR ALL THINGS." Now, while prices are low, is the time to fll your coal bin with best quality SCRANTON COAL from P. Walsh's Yard BARRACK STREET. o0o® { off, and because he did not move Editorial Notes. A lot of artificial going down aud a lot of civil debt is | going up. | An Ingersoll woman ordered tramp fast | enough she shof him dead. Now she | is fighting a charge of manslaughter, | | vestigate Rider Hoggard s plan for : n si. | locating Salvation Army' colonies in Balfour is keeping the politicians | Canada. aguessing. Now he is going to resigy | and now he is not. Is the country | 18c. Colgate's Cashmere bouquet soap, the | 100. and 20c. McLeod's Drug Sto ready for an election if he sent trotters off ? -- Lawson advises no young man | to invest his small savings in stocks. | He cannot afford to gamble with his {limited possessions, and Wall street. 2 to | order the assessment roll for the fiest time. | Pockets. | in connection with the Equitable mat- | ter. My conscience is perfectly clear. I stone walks are | have done nothing wrong and do not | fear to face the music made by my enemies," the National Teamsters' U the United engaged actively in this and other cases of similar robberies which have been perpetrated in different cities in Canada and the United States under circumstances already made known, Unfortunately the detectives have very little clue to work upon, so cleverly have the thieves organized and carried into effect their schemes of theft. Photographs of jewellery thieves who are known to Fat Jobs. States are Toronto World. Ex-ministers in the senate will get 87,000 apiece from the grateful coun- try as long as they live. Verily, poli- tics is beginning to pay. Ungrateful Man. Brockville Recorder. R. L. Borden is very unkind to some of his newspaper supporters. He has introduced a bill making it 4 criminal pint bottles, $1. 25. at McLeod's Drug S Store. Mrs. Kyle was committed for trial at Ingersoll , on the charge of murder ing David MoGee. EE e------ for discovery of "his wife's Baseball On Monday. National League. At New York, 4; approaching nervous paralysis, The use of opiates merely gives tem- porary rebel. and actually hastens the collapse of the nervous system, regular and persistent Dr. Chase's Nerve Food will form few, rich blood, created new nerve prostration or 5 use of George Prescott, walking delegate of nion, was aped » by the Baptist the sultan of Turkey, coachmen. n hackney coaches were blown to pieces, and fifty-five horses i e-acy obstruct- Ing navigation at Portgmouth, N.H,, has %een blown up. Fortv-seven tons viee-president Trunk Pacific railway, with headsug. THE H. D Ww: -B I BBY CO, &/ : Svdhey, N.S. was charge of bigamy. nder of the small arms at electric car which | ited States - peal again to the privy council. many industries in the central south- ern provinces of Russia. soda fountain, shot dead at Staten Island by non- union men. A parliamentary committee will in- Colgate's Monad violet toilet soap, re. the alleged Un- embezzlers, will not .ap- Gaynor and Greene, A famine of naphtha will tie up | force and thoroughly enre sleepless: ness and nervous exhaustion. By keeping a record of your increase in weight while using this great food Cure vou can be certain that new, firm flesh and tissue is being added to the body. You will feel the benefit in every organ. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, 50¢c. a box, six boxes for $2.50, at all dealers, or Edmanson, Rates & Co., Toronto, Coca-Cola for headache at Wade's IF YOU KNOW A MAN Who wants the BEST SUIT he ever bought in his life for | Hibba roll . : vay through two iron | $7.50, $8.50, $10 or $12 50, send him around and there oh in Canada have induc- | Mr. Fos Ties, OK Xe. Haggast. This por oad (Hh fhe Shatrsien (aouae ~ wd crawling through a win- | will be something doing at this at once. la sion on is a one, i or on | i regarding 3 > bres ators ye troubles und benebta 4 good many |company's side lines and was dis |, Wolter Stanley, formerly of New If you don't know of such a man, what do you say to colors) to go into the putting of issed a. fi ch, hen ian has disappeared from a little age dyes. Such dyes are adulter- | TORY mi s It's time of a change wl island, where he lived alone, near ° Pack ge dyes, yas are wr : an underling undertakes to hold up the | Vancouver, B.C., and it is thought he 4 bl inging ruin to the materi: Order In Everyth | boss," Hal W2Y have dom, hurdered, omin our SE 4 ! he { 4 v. W. W. Bishop, pastor of Beth. - als You Dh, the chaice of wise a dy gear, & Young wan The. liottiat inspector. mebapted office aus. church, Sydney; N.S., has decided : : omen, are the kind used when bright, 2.18.10 Sony . ll n- Our assortment of Suits in Cheviots, Scotches, Home- spuns, Serges and Worsteds is well worth coming to see, he tailoring is exceptional, collars and lapels hand finished, hand-made button holes, seams welted and stitched. It's i- | wonderful how we can crowd so much style 'and tailoring * |into so little money, We are surprised at it ourselves and we think you'll be; Come, see. NEW FANCY VESTS, $1, $1.25, $1.50 and up. New Trousers, New Shirts, New Suspenders, - New Handkerchiefs, New Caps, New Collars, New Neckwear, from ip pola] peechen. Ho in cut. | vers reir so pune he Sin: | NEW Hosiery, New Underwear, New Sweaters no for another term as - senator, 'and if atu}: We work cost, three-quarters of a ) ats. ( vs? public opinivn does not- change he [Million dollars, ; vst received another fresh lot of SOFT BOSOM SHIRTS ; Dennis O'Brien, niaster mechanic of wan ? will stay ous: - the Grand Trunk railway, at Point the latest things. he St. 'Charles, has Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall. ee ---- Refrigerators! As we have only a few Refrigerators left and do not wish to carry them over, we will sell them off This Week at Greatly Reduced Prices. While they last we ¢an give you a good family size that sold for $12, for errr. $0) 50 Come early, before they are all picked up. LEMMON & LAWRENSON, 351 and 353 King St YOU COULD NEVER THINK Of a large business house not using a safe for protection of their books and valuables, Why 'don't you use the same sense in smaller affairs ? The Gost Is In Proportion. <Q J. B.C. DOBBS & €0., 171 WELLINGTON STREET, Typewriter Supplies, Inks and Mucliage. ' > 08 TO-MORROW 2 Remarkable Silk Waist: Bargains Price-cuts Deep, to Clear 43 only, SILK SHIRT WAISTS, in white, cream, black and fancy, at- tractively trimmed with lace, tuck- ing and embroidery. Sizes 32.40. Regular prices $2 75 to $5. To be sold TO-MORROW in two lots, as follows : -- $2.75 to $3.50 Waists ...... $1.49. '$3 75 to $5.00 Waists ...... $1.79. PENCE'S, ™ up, at rete es ed WON 8 LS a jt TRB BB ee YW CANNED SALMON . racxen pease | INTERESTING LET WRITTENBYANOTABLEW( | Mrs. Sarah Kellogg of Denver, Bearer of the Woman's Relief Sends Thanks to Mrs. Pinkham The {oll letter was w reat mental Re to my house work,and life becam confined 1 was unab den tome. Iwas for days to) - tite, my co and all lost my r **1 could not bear to Vegetalle Compound to 'women to give it a trial ! 1 alt 20 disco ag bad little hope of recovery, w| to feel Reber, ater th coat 'week, | it only meant tem relief; bu great surprise I found 1 loops 8 ile the tumor lessened "ih While the tumor lumened insies. | general health and the tumor seeme absorbed, until, in seven months, the was entire] and I a well womsn +f my recovery that I 4 letter in ne $ o wonderful Pinkham's Ve When women are troubled with ular or painful menstruation, wea leucorrheea, displacement or ulee of the womb, that bearing-dow: ing, inflammation of the ovaries, wche, flatulence; general debility gestion and nervous prostratior should remember there i dne tri true remedy. Lydia E. Pinkham etable Compound at once remove trouble. No other medicine in the wor received such widespread and un fied endorsement. ' No other me has such a record of cures of | troubles. Refuse to. buy any medicine: . Mrs. Pinkham invites all sick + to write her for advice. She has; thousands. to health. Address, Mass. Health is too valuable to risk periments with unknown and v medicines or methods of trea Remember that itis Lydia E. Pinl Vegetable Compound that is women, and don't allow any dr to sell you anything else in its p BE ------r-- CUT OFF PENSION. Paid to Widow of the Soc Founder. New York, July 25.--The $25 year pension money which Mrs, B. Hyde, mother of Hyde gnd widow of the founder Equitable, has drawn from the since her husband's death ha cut off by Paul Morton, The lopping off of this pensic part of Mr. Morton's general of retrenchment, and he has it out in spite of the greates sure. Every effort was made t Mr. Morton to leave this one gi on the books, but he replied th for sentiment had passed, wiped off the account. Mrs. Hyde is said still to } few shares of Equitable stock and James H. Hyde's position . hoard of diréetors is all that i of the Hyde influence in the s It is practically nil, as Hyde | only out as first vice-president also off 'the executive committer James time Solace For Woes In Funeral South Haven, Mich, July Building a funeral pyre in the o behind her home, Miss Lucy E. roe, daughter of a banker and pi ent socially, saturated it with sene, lighted it, and while ti leaped before her threw herself « blazing pile and was burned alm a crisp. Unrequited love for ai lish nobleman led the young wou take her life. To her the man sf ed was dead, and like the devote the east, she built her funeral py brush and joyfully died Take Dr. Chown's Buchu-Ji pills for kidney and bladder tre 25 cents. In Japan you can for twelve lings travel seven hundred miles. ter dining in the cafe car it i quette to throw the dishes out « window, Nestlé's Food is always th same, whether you buy it © Canada or China, Nestlé's never varies dayor night--summer or winter You can't always get mill from the same cow. A chang of milk often means serious ill ness for baby. You can get Nestlé's Food is every part of the globe. THe MILES CO., Limrree Leeming,