Daily British Whig (1850), 25 Jul 1905, p. 6

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ease and when using one of our We: will sell the balance: of our LAWN 4 MOWERS, while they last, atthe lowest and prices ever offered, they are the Maxwell high wheel Mower, best mower made, at prices that will astonish you, 14 inch. High Wheel for $3.25 'Get your choice whilé they last as we only have a limited number. CW TCHELL'S D n A- MITCHELL'S. HARDWARE Montreal. From Quebec. y 28, 9 am. July 2s 10 p.m. , Aug. 4, 4 an, Aug. 4, 4 p.m. Varian, Aug. 11. 9 a.m. Aug. 11, 10 p.m RATES OF PASSAGE--First Ca in, $75 and wards, Second . Liver. Wards" hiva Crass, $47 0 sca 'Sam. 35. © . Liverpool, Derry, fast; Glasgow, Pe 1, 5 Bel MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT. Corinthian .: Thurs: July 27, (daylight.) ] '0 GLASGUW MONTREAL = STOCKS. Telegraphed to the Whia b; Berti" Mani, Mopar erisdrid le, rs Ne! sos Exchange. 161 St. James Street "i MONTREAL STOCKS, July 12 J 4} Bond : Catudian Pactpe Detroit United Toledo Rails Dominion Iron, 25th. p.m, ' NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS. 8 by W. F. Dever & Marke Bare; Rinna ' SY Jul, Atchison " : Amal, 178 188 128 84 io 87 90 : a Co., 18 1381 139 1295 as A331 ~ 102% 1013 S78 a very good | Rett Cross Tooth brushes that wear well and never loose the bristles. Chown's, There is al fine war among the Thousand Tsland Nedmbost men. The rates are being cut with a vengeance, Don't let that summer cough get 4 hold on you. It's Haugerous. Gibson's Cou, yrup cures an hy Tog Nh . Ne Steamer America's grand searchlight excursion via Gananoque and Clayton, Wednesday, 5.30 ne making a complete tour of the islands, 35¢. A yachtiman from Port Dalhousie arrived in the city in an of skiff, the latter past of last week, He had sailed al way on a wager and is now return tri on trip, Prompt relief in sick headache, dizai- Noss, Rausea, constipation, pain in the side, guaranteed to those using Car- ter's Little Liver Pills. One a dose. Small price. Small dose. Small pill, Residents at the corner of Barrie anfl Union streets, were rudely awak- e by a runaway about midnight. The horse tore along the sidewalk on Union street," and dashed the earri inte a telegraph pole, The vehicle was badly damaged, but all signs of the mishap were removed bv daybreak, They Fell Of A Wharf. Two young men, very well known about the city, gre, to-day, putting up with the laugh from their friends. Yesterday afternoon the pair thought to indulge in 'an afternoon's Sport so became disciples of Isank Walton for the time being. Details as to what happened further are known | enly to a select circle and they won't peep. However, when next seen in town it was last evening and after dark, Walking into a local merchant's place of business to borrow a coat ete proceeding on their homeward way, for one of the boys was minus that portion of his wearing apparel, they ufetly remarked, "Well what do youn think of two fellows who would Tall off a wharf when fishing." The bluff was allowed to pass, but the appear- ance of the visitors had to underg, thorough sorutiny. They looked most comical in ill-fitting fragments of an outfit such as the dominion govern- ment gllows the defenders of our coun: try. A kindly soldier had taken com- passion upon them and sent them on their way with dry clothes, nbs ces Y. M. C. A. Notes. A number of the mothers of the boys at the Y.M.C.A. junior 'camp purpose taking the Jones' Falls ex. cursion to-morrow morning. They will get off at Brewer's Mills, have five or more hours with the boys and re- turn with the boat in the evening. It was thought that if this was gen- known many of the boys' par- ents would like to join the party. Please bring your lunch baskets. Eas Had To Come Home. Miss Edith Leader, who left some months ago to enter the training school for nurses, in the Quiney, Mass., hospital, has: had to come home for a rest. She dislocated her hip. while in performanée of her du- ties, and the injury will demand a rest of some weeks. Thousand Islands And Rochester. Steamers North King and Caspian leave daily except Monday for Thou- sand Islands at 10:15 a.m., calling at Alexandria Bay, Rockport and Genanoque. Returning leave at 5 p.m. for Bay of Quinte ports and Rochest- er, i 1 Looking For Cramps. The real bad kind that double you up with pain. Nerviline looks for them because it cures in a jiffly--just ten in Water--cramps go for good, Nothing like Polson's - Nerviline for Colic, Diarrhoea, and all summer ills; try it yourself, ---- The wheat throughout Elgin and Kent counties is mostly all cut, and busy hauling it in. } tomatic guns be declared ms, : chairman; 8, Windsor; | Thompson, Amprior; and N. H. Case. | ments has been arr {Mayor Shaw and John J. Maun, To- (GAME COMMISSION MEETS x IN TORONTO. Throughout the Province--The Convention. game commission held a session, at the city hall, this morning, aj which sigstic sportsmen would appear to amendments to the daws, one gentleman, A, C. Frat, Nor folk county, a) red, however. Pratt suggested that the use of nu. illegal and running of deer by dogs and ing of deer in the water should be prohibited. Further meetings of the commission will be held at Windsor, Arthur, North Bay and Ottawa. , were: H, S$. y Buchanan, oranto, ment, Lakefield. The seventeenth annual convention of the Association of Boiler Manufye- turers of the United States and Can- ada, tel, this morning. The del ates, with their ladies, number hors 300 and ® elaborate programme of entertain. for them by local committee. This morning The es © were welcomed by Acting ronto, in behalf of the local commit- tee. Replies were made by R. Monroe "Bateman, Iphia, secretary, of the associgtion. Four United States cities are after next year's conven- tion, New Orleans, Toledo, Atlanta and Pittsburg, crossing the tracks at foot of Spading, avenue, at eleven o'clock, this morn- ing, was struck by a Canadian Pacific train and died of his injuries two hours later in the Emergency Hos- pital. He leaves a widow and seven children. Differences with his wife led to the suicide of W. G. Toyterisee. The couple run a hoarding house. Mis. Togterisee wanted to ® in some new hoarders and the husband objected. The tw, had a serious quarrel, last night, and Mrs. Togterisee left the house and spent the night 'with friends. When the woman returned home at 10:30 o'clock this morning, she found her husband hanging by a leather belt from a bean in the cellar, PITH OF THE NEWS. The Very Latest Culled From Al Over The Werld. Prince Louis of Battenberg may nt- tend the Toronto exhibition, Rev. Thomas Fenwick, Preshyterian minister, of Woodbridge, is dead. Gov. Folk put 100 policemen on Del- mar race track, to prevent pool-sell- ing. At New Orleans, to check vellow fev er, a war has been ordered on mos- quitoes, The funeral of Col. Lamont will oe- eur on Wednesday. Grover Cleveland will attend, With probably twelve persons dead, the fire in the Humble, Texas, oil fields is still burning. The elections to the Servian parlia- ment have resulted in an assured ma- jority for the government. Two hundred Montreal plasterers are on strike, in an endeavor to enforce a demand for increased wages, Up to date there have been seven- teen cases of fever in New Orleans, and six deaths from yellow fever, The commander of a German. beat apologized for using dummies of French soldiers as practice targets. Two new ferries will be added to the fleet of the Toronto Ferry company, plying between the city and the island. The Michigan Central railroad has appropriated $100,000 for improve- ments to its 8t. Thomas shops and equipment. : A Japanese protectorate over Korea will open the way for Japanese immi- tion there and divert it from the Cited States, No more of the teamsters who were recently on strike in Chicago will be reinstated until all of the unions in- volved have called off the strike. The diamonds valued at $100,000 missed from Tiffany & Co's, New York, on April 25th, have heen returned as mysteriously as they disappeared. Mrs. Mowers, Port Bruce, Ont., re- ports that her fourteen-year-old daughter has eloped with Walter Weir, of the same village, a married man. The Mill of the Norwich Silk com- pany, Thamesville, Conn., was wreck. ed by the explosion of a boiler, and .J. E. Hopkins, engineer and fireman, was fatally burned. Mr. and Mrs. Murdock Howell, Mont- elair, N.J.. reported to be at the Thousand Tslands, have not register- ed at any of the leading hotels along the river during the past week, Philip "Horley, Pottsville, Pa., learning that his body, badly mangled and eaten at a birthday party have caused the death of four of the six members of the family of Joseph Franzor, a farmer, residing near Land- isville, N..J, The Turks are meeting with some sion of that city commenced July 17th from three directions. veorge E. Weller, New York. party, reported lost near Cranberry Lake. in the Adirondacks, repiste at Clayton on Monday, and went | ¢ down the river, on the Kingston, Thev can't understand why 'searching rarties had started and ey, famous for over a centurv. Of highest standard of purity, Distillers to. His Majesty the King: Various Meetings to Be Held | Boiler Manufacturers Have .a [P™ Spdsial the , prerinl Ju ag 25.--The Ontarig | it was expected , number of -enthue | 'J have, been appointed guards at the Mr. | The commissioners present, this morn- |! in the King Edwasd ho- | Jr. Fittsbug, president, and H...S. | Michael Lannigan, & teamster, while || work, but the police put them as vags. Soon. afterwards friends in- by a train, was supposed to be buried | terested themselves in the strangers, in the potter's field, visited the spot | and after much correspondence with and put a bouquet on the grave. the: minister of jus their release _Toadstools mixed with = mushrooms | was obtained vesterdal. They turned out io be rospectable immigrants who had landed in this country one weck prior to their arrest. Success against the insurgents at | Have Been Perpetrated About Sanaa, the capital city of Yemen pro- Montreal. vince. Operations "to recover Dosses- Sracial to the Whig. burglaries occurred, last night, in ex- treme which only small things =~ were taken, At Montreal Water Proof factory, how- over 400 waterproof coats, valued at £5 each. It is thought that the six heimer, 4 member of the firm of Bern. héimer & Walton, ---- Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. _ "Audley Mirphy was in the tty 't6- day, on a business trip to the east. Miss Florence Weese, Kingston, is visiting Miss Bessie Maguire, Relle- ville, Archbishop Gauthier has gone on hth pilgrimage to Ste. Anne de Beau- i is home to. spend his vacation with his mother, George street, Ernest Sparks and George Mills left | to-day for a week's trip to Montreal land Quebec, Messrs. J. O'Driscoll and Potter, [penitentiary and have begun duty. | Miss Ethel Beaupre, Portsmouth, has ireturned from Montreal, after a jmonth's visit with her aunt and other (relatives, : Alderman Harkness left to-day for Montreal, en route to England to spend a month or two visiting: places tof interest, {. Miss Alice Madran, Dufferin street, land the two Misses Jackson, Mont. real street, left, yesterday, for Belle- iville, to visit friends for a week, Miss Luella Alcombrack has been ap- pointed kindergarten directress at Ren. {frew public schools. Miss Alcombrack lis a graduate of the Kingston schools, Governor Higgins will visit Cainp Higgins at Cape Vincent, N.Y., where the First Regiment of National Cwardamen are. encamped on Wednes- day. 3 Miss Katie Brennan, Smith's Falls; Master Edward Brennan, Oswego; Mrs. | William Hetherington and daughter, Mamie, New York, are the guests of iMrs. Michael Brennan, Johnston street. | Gene Beaupre, who has been travel. Jing {nthe western provinces with a theatrical y during the past year, is npw in the city spending his vacation with his mother, on .John- ston street. James Gillespie, injured yesterday in [attempting to Stop a runaway at the corner of Montreal and Ordnance streets, is slightly improved today, though still suffering. much from num- erous cuts and bruises, The Berlin collegiate "oard has ac cepted the application of W. H. Wil liams, Picton, for the position of lan- guage master at the Collegiate, to succeed Miss us, resigned, He starts at $900 and will take charge when the school' opens. Rev. Father James Fallon, of Otta- wa University, who is spending his holidays in the dity the guest of his parents, Brock street, will leave on Friday moming on a visit to his biither, Rev. M. F. Fallon, eetor of Holv Angels church, Buffalo, Nyy, | John J. Behan, grand secretary of the C. M. B. A. and wife, will leave on Saturday aftemoon on his trip to the Pacific Coast, in the interest of the uhave association. He will address Many meetings en route to Vancouver and wili likely be about six weeks' ab- sent, THE DATE FIXED. Flower and Fruit Show to Be Held Sept. 13th and 14th. At a meeting of directors of the Horticultural Society, held in the City Buildings last evening, it was unanimously decided to hold a show this year, and the date was accord ingly fixed for Wednesday and Thurs- day, September 13th and 14th. Lieut.- Col. Kent presided at the meeting, and the attendance of directors was large. The splendid show of last fall, and the praise . accorded it by every citizen who visited the armouries, en- couraged the directorate to renew their efforts this year. The prize. list has .been carefully revised and made as equitable and fair as possible for all classes | of exhibitors. The prizes are large, and should tempt many growers of fruit, flowers and vegeta- bles. The date fixed is four days earli- er than last vear. The society's finances are not what they should be. The fierce storms that kept. people away from the show last year were the means of depleting the treasury. This year the directors .gnd officials must struggle hard. They will require the co-operation of the citi- 7ens in a very substantial manner, un- less the show is to die, as too many Kingston caterprises have done, The membership fee was placed at 81. which entitles the holder to two tie- kets of admission. An effort will be made to obtain the co-operation of the school boards with a view to se- ouring a half holiday when the child- ren might visit the show. -------- SENT DOWN AS VAGS. ---- Respectable Immigrants, enced at Brockville. Brockville, Ont., July 25.--0On June Sth the Brockville police arrested two voung immigrants, William Perry and Robert Laing, and the following day the 'magistrate sentenced them to six months at hard labor in the Central prison on charges of vagrancy. 'The prisoners were loitering about town at the time, claimi to be looking for Sent- down ------ -- MYSTERIOUS BURGLARIES ---- Montreal, July 95. --Six mysterious parts of the city in most of over, they made a large haul, stealing out to look for { burglaries were the work of the same AN S _GOVERNOR-GENERAL'S them. gang, who miust have had a team with | FOOT GUARDS BAND, Ottawa, wil etn. them in order 16 carry off the goods. Jeive a Coneert: on the evening of July 'Three Swallows.' Detectives have so far been unable to Boh. at Taly Slacirien, and on ater Sir John Power and Son's "Thres| locate any of the goods, Phis band is co "0 be 'the heat Swallows™ Irish Whisk He Took His Life. New York, July 25.--Arthur Pern- dealers in cotton st Late 'Red Cherries For Canning. Wednesday morning we will have few baskets for sale, if an will be a large one and of a | quality, 5 ordpx early at Carnovsky's, 2 iis 5 goods; committed a | his apartments in the Hotel Y wanted, | His motive in ubkhown. He was re. - iputed to be i suicide, to-dav, in Seville, [ congregation, July 31st, August 1st Trotting & Running Races ronto. carriage Silver and Ryrie Bros. Toronto. Ist 24 2nd prizes, Silver Cups. donated yy FLW musicial organization in Canada. the best racing programme eo this city. steambont lines THE DAILY WH, TUESDAY, JULY 25. HELD A SESSION Ik MINE_EXPLOSION 'WROUGHT HAVOC, KILLING THREE, ' Men Literally Blown to Pieces Near Banff--Cause Unknown-- Report That All at Work in Mine Were Killed. Special to the Whig. Banfi, NW.T., July 25 While min- ers were at work in the Bank Head mine, three miles east of here, yester- day afternoon, a fearful explosion of dynamite' occurred, which wrought awful havoc to the mine, and resulted in the death of Thomas Smiley of Ire land, David Thomas of Wales and John Williams of Wales; and in- jury to many others. The three men killed were literally blown to pieces, The cause of explosion + net vet known, and at this writing no partic- ulars of the tragedy can be ascertain- ed. There is an uncertainty as to the number, injured. It is feared, how- ever, that it will be large, as it is known that quite, a large force of men were at work in the mine, One report says that all who were at work in the mine were killed, but this cannot be confirmed. Of those known to be dead, David Thomas was the only one married, and he leaves a widow and. family of six children. -- KINGSTON TURF CLUB. New Features at Next Race Meet. A new and attractive feature of the meet to be held 'under the auspices of the Kingston . Turi € tab; --with beg competition for carriage horses and roadsters, On Monday, July 3Ist.--Roadster | class, single, to he shown in harness to a road waggon, the entire exhibit to he the bona fide property of the exhibitor. Two cups are being offered, first "and second: these being donated by. F. W. 'Spangenberg and PB. Crews, jewellers, of this city. On Tuesday, August lst.- --Carriage horses, single, for ° handsome silver and bronze medals, dgnated by. Ryrie Bros, jewellers, Toronto. The Turf Club are to be congratul- ated for introducing these features, the arranging of which was in thé hands of W. A. Robertson and J. Morgan Shaw, and for their, success in inter- esting the donors medals. . Week's of the cups and -- Object To The Time. Several of the aldermen are rather annoyed over the calling of a meet ing of the city council for yesterday afternoon. As one of the people's re- prosentatives put it, "We have some- thing else to do besides running down to the city buildings to satisfy the whims of a certain clique. The meet: ings should be held in the evening =o as to give us a chance to attend to our own business during the day." That some, at least, expected the meeting would be called for the even. ing, was evidenced by the fact that certain of -the aldermen after answer- ing the hasty reminder over' the tele- phone to attend yesterday's gather- ing, apologized to his worship for not being on time. They had just glanced at the notice and supposed it was for the usual hour. -------- The Late Sister Dunn. Rev. Sister Dunn died in the Hotel Dieu on the 18th, after an illness of six months. This amiable sister much beloved, and her loss at the carly age of thirty-eight years is deeply felt by her sisters in religion. The late Sister Dunn was born at Elgin, Leeds county, Ont., in 181} and entered the novitiate in 1889. She was sixteen years in the service of God's suffering members in the hospi- tal, where her highest ambition was to relieve them in their need. was ---------------- Death Of A Veteran. John Howard, a Crimean veteran, and one of the oldest British soldiers living in Canada, died at the Hotel Dicu last Saturday, at a ripe old age aud although he had been in many a battle and had received medals for bravery, was quictly buried in a lone- Iy part of St. Mary's cemetery on Monday. In his younger days he was a man of fine personal appearance, con- scientious in every particular, and fer vent and pious member of St. Mary's ---------------- Tee cream made from pure cream at sone Gibson's Red Cross drug store foun- tain. 2 BIG DAYS To wile away the hot afternoons or the dull mornings in some shady spot, Supplies can be bought here most reasonably, as this list will prove. A complete range of : Corticelli Art Silks, Dresden Floss, Filo, Roman Floss, Twisted Silks, Mount Mellick. For Linen Work Peri-Lusta, Moravian Padding . * Cotion, Knox's Linen Floss, Honiton Lace Braids, Six Makes 'of Genuine Irish Embroidery Linen, grass bleached and fine even thread, suitable both for drawn work and embroidering, 39c., 45¢., 47¢ 59¢., 65¢., 75¢., prices according to width and fineness. WOOLS We have just received a large lot of the follow- tng Wools : Shetland Floss in black, white, pinks, mauve, greys, yellows, cardinal blues; etc, Germantown Wools, fifty-two colors to choose from. ; Split Sephyr in black, white and 47 colors. Andalusian Wools in a complete range of color { Bee-Hive Yarns for Golf Jackets, for stock- ings, for children's underwear. "All wanted shades now ready, Buy Half-a-Dozen Stocks So that you will always be sure of having a clean, fresh one with each shirt waist. A supply of pretty neck pieces is a decidedly good invest- ment in point of ading to your good looks. Washing Stocks, new designs, 25¢c. and 3sc. DHALAIDLAWESON IN KINGSTON MOTOR BOAT RACE, for Sitver Cup. TWO SAILING RACES, for Flags. PURSES, $1,000 STEEPLE CHASE, for Silver Cup, POLO NOVELTY RACE BASEBALL GAME, Ottawa vs. To- ASSOCIATION FOOTBALL GAME. APPOINTMENT CLASSES--Open to horses, 1st and 2nd prizes, Bronze Medals, donated. by Open to roaders + Spaogenberg and P. B. Crews, conceded to be the Lest The Kingston Turf Club will present ver given in Special rates on all rail roads and WANTED. wealthy and unmarried, INMEDIATELY, 3 FIRST OLASS Canoes. Must ba safe. Apply King- ston Boat Co, 5 { THIS WEEK We Will Dress Our Window With Men's Fine Boots at $us0, $2 and $2.50. Men of Kingston Look at this display. It will surprise you what a good looking, good quality Root can be bought at our store at those prices. : Trunks & Valises The largest' stock in this district and the lowest prices. » THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE ~FIRET CLASS Underw Special: Manchanffee"s French B 80. LL aati Fancy Ribbed Cotton, 3 Brown, Blue, Black, Light Natural Wool ... ! White Cashmere, ver srareasianan ar crntv vue 3 Aertex Cellular, a fin MIRBIN cv cus way axe ass Silk and Wool, extrs Diemel's Linen (The only Underw Also lot odds and eng ing of ..Wool,. Cotton a Garments, all summe; Special prices. E. P, Jenkins Clot! 114 Princess Str IF YOU H Any difficulty in t ted witli Shoes, COM and we will make ti a pleasant one. Wear "Alle Military Bootmake: 84 Brock St. Sign of 6 SOU VEN In Sterling Silver, Fname comprising Belt Pins, Hal P es, Ash Trays, Pia Trays, s These can be supplied you Canadian, Ontario or Kingst Arms, together with many o designs. SMITH BR eo Kine Surger i Licenses INSURANCE / FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, G , Blyong reliable Companies only re : LOSSES PHOMPTLY PA BST S on appre Wi of RATES on a Office, Opposite Untario Bank ORT OR EE------------------ ry WANTED. rege -------- A FEW SMART GIRLS; work; good wages. Call 4 Haosiery Co A YOUNG GIRL FOR hpuse work. Apply in Mrs. Grout, 257 Brock St AT ONCE, A GOOD BRI to enter, warehouse Skinner & Co., Wholesale Good prospects for the ri ee meme A MAN OF ABILITY TO RY us in the city of Kingst vass for high class Fruits meatal Nursery stocky T served for the right man. Wucements. Pay weekly, Wellington, Toronto. MEN AND BOYS TO LEAR ing trade. Cannot supply graduates. $4 to $5 per complete course in v Graduates admitted to Master Plumbers Ass'n. Sy catalogue. Coyne Bros. Cc Schools, New York City, 0., St. Louis, Mo. mr------------ TO-LET. IE TE THE SHOP ON DIVISION near Garrett street, occup Boon, milliner. Apply at Ameer DWELLINGS FURNISHED furnished, stores, offices, e Cann's Real Estate "Brock Tt. SIX-ROOM HOUSE, ON AL) near Fair Grounds. north Street. Apply next ' Albert Street. FOR SALE. THAT PROPERTY, AT 42 street, containing nearly a a large frame house, wit} For particulars, apply t Perry, on premises. FARM; 1 out of Kingston. All uu tion. Dwelling, 24x3¢, 19 and additions, 36x48. 18x "Prive House, 24x48. Py Hh for fall plowing. Oy chase may remain on mot ply John A. Gardiner, Cif LOST. SMALL GOLD WATCH AN with gold coin on chain. ! ward by returning same office. Give All Canada A C pntreal, July 26.--It has tically decided" that the | Lawrence Yacht club will lenge for the Seawanhaka © summer, but will go in que cup in' two years, if it has previously, brought back t Commodore Finley, of the | Lawrence Yacht club, state officials of the club felt that Royal St. Lawrence had he for nine years, much mo would be aroused in the « the cup if some other Cana made an endeavor to lift it ir Thomas ton wil touieh er oe the

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