Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Jul 1905, p. 4

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"Re Oo: i i i irr iff TFFiFTFEF gr Prof. Shortt's article in the last Queen's Quarterly will be read with | move ithan. ordinary interest. It deals with independent criticism of political events and political parties and merits great consideration because of its ab- | xolute fairness. 1. The professor is not in favour of a a shifting element in political life, at least not an element whose change- ableness mgkes for its weakness. The party. which on meny grounds and in most things is sound and wise is not deserving of the opposition which may lead to ite defeat if that opposition be confined to one thing, even an im- portant issue, and be carried to ex- tremes. The man of affairs is under ne obligation to endorse everything his party does--he will be the better, and it the stronger if he does not--but, on the contrary, it will improve the public morals if the criticism be moderate and honest. - 7 on iis - © "On such an understanding," Prof. Short. remarks, "'thére is ample range for free discussion and: independent criticism, leading to true growth of jideas and expansion of policy, while stability of political organization is preserved. In proportion, however, as such freedom and independence are de- nied, by either friends or opponents, party organation tends to become blind partisans.' As to the position of the indepen hard far one to be moving from side turn. "Not only is. this a difficult po- man to maintain, but the virtues of was independent eriticism. The liberal tions. Party bigotry would make procedure, lings. i - = Fe H I 8 i, $83,500, <=> sions--no woeful waete of words and any case. Edkorsal Notes. In Peterboro a man charged with murder is out ow bail. This is a new experience, The bee question has been settled Something less portentious than a by-law did the business. More Poukhobours coming, and of their own free will ? The government should see to it that they are mental: Jy as well as physically sound, < ' Several members of the government present at the inauguration of the new provinces, Laurier will be a con- tral figure, Chauncey Depew is back from Europe and ready to answer for his performance in the world of finance. The idea of suspecting him of wrong: doing must be very painful ! The Spectator says that Mr. Hanng ought to be able to give people 4 non- partizan administration through his own appcintments, The question is not what he ought to do but what he is dong. The Toronto Star offers a good sug- gestion. It is that ex-ministers should not enjoy $3,500 a year, as a pension, and $2,500 each a8 members of the house. The limit in any case should be an A ts on The North-West farmer who looks out upon his waving grain and con. the mint the government is building in Ottawa. | er use for Mr. Borden, the to side, on favouring one side and | the opposition. It thinks the party then the other, or criticising 'them in | made a horrible mistake when it pick- | { ed him up, after the general clections, sition," he writes, "for the ordinary | and gave him a new lease of life. such' persons, or such organs of public | opinion, necessarily depends upon their being limited in/ number. Even for people of such .a character no stable | hal | estate, carrying out a general legitiative andl. execiti Sy ao 8 In the autonomy bill discussion there | football of its independent criticism, and it had some reason to resent the Prof. Shortt's analytical mind gives to the subject a clearness which is very desirable. Lét us have political dis- | cussion occasionally of an independent | ys, Java 1+ Sasiada, i¢ the Juinie- : 5 wa | ter Justice does riot feel that he has | end patriotic kind, but let us have | the physical foree to continue in office | | We can say that he will take with him the esteem, admiration and gratitude | {of all Canadians." a freedom from the misrepresentation that drives the independent one back into the party lines, in order to es eape from political misunderstand. | Yale University bas decided to os- | tracise corruptors of any kind. Depew's | | picture has been 'turned toward the hidebound, and its adhernts 'merely | wall, and the New York Post says his | | only tion in future will be that of | "a shrinking and silent alymmus;" dent generally Prof. Shortt has some | pertinent thoughts. He sees that it is | The Toronto Telegram has no furth- The local government gets about No gambling with insurance funds. With All Canada's Respect. Mcntreal, July 26.--It is evident that Hon. Charles Fitzpatrick is about | ta leave the federal cabinet. Lo Gon ada has an inspired article dealing | with the minister of justice. The lead- jer asks Mr. Fitzpatrick, in the first | { plage to make the sacrifice and re- main, giving him credit for his efforts The average Japanese soldier i= not imove than five feet four inches high. THE DAIL [DUCKED IN RIVER],_™ = Sine Here we have the prophecy of a time when there will be ne weary parlia- ments--fo all night or all day ses- of the thousands of dollars that are nities while they may. Rosebery being a prophet it will be short epough in 'foney and Harty H. Nye, are going to the North-West to he templates a harvest, with wheat at | $1.10 per bushel, needn't worry about | a million out of the Gooderham And the money is accepted i | thougl. the party, through good Hen- | oy | ry Carscallen. some time since regard: | organization could be formed for the | ed the estates' tax as a species of con- | | fiscation. the church. - speech. Oratory, in my lord's opinion, The story told by the men who did will be a thing of the past. Public | the has to do with frequent . visits the girls have heen mak- speaking, as now practiced, will be re- ing to the parsonage, and to Kirk- garded "" a barbarons and unchival- wood a place just cast of here, Every rous absurdity." time they happened to go to Kirk- The idea is ominously impressive in et he. er. Mr. Thomas would also . + » be there, it is snid, and in time the Ti ot he loot. that oratory in a gilt, | fouprwmetiert Feat to: look "on the and it is esteemed as among the glor- coincidences as: scandalous; ies of the present. Nor is it a develop- Rev. Mr. Thomas is about sixty ment of recent years. The choicest | Years old. Hp fled the city a r the one in ote. lbraciés. preserve. the | ocho ahddboia beliveed, he sill not thoughts of the great men who have his congregation will take nction this helped to make history. Great events | week toward having him expelled from are recalled, and one reads the words | the ministry, of i Besides preaching the gospel here, he those who in them, and | oe hy the tlesieie oil they have their inspiration. Played by the rays | ways in this otion of the state, look: ng to [ing after rights of way and fel Bence ud there will be another | bonds. the gang of constables and lawyers in the bui at 119 La Salle street. It is expe that Archbishop Quigley will return from Rochester, N.Y., next Monday and send the disgraced priest fo a monastery. With the priest's confession the entire story was re vealed, e ing once more the opera- tions of nian and justices of the peace in Chi . and turns oer for public enlightenment a nest of = black- mailers. Following the arrest of Justice Isaac Hartman, Attorney Michael Y Ma- T the charge of extorting $2,000 from the Rev. Father . Erhard. Attorney Ma- loney confessed facts in the case to Attorney Charles A. McDonald, who was called in by H. Dubia, president of the Industrial Savings bank, from which the priest tried to get his hush money, until his actions excited sus- Maloney haf been promised light treatment for telling the police: the story. Justice Hartman steadiastly denies his compl ity in the plot. In- specior Lavin, "turned his atien- tion to the case, hoping to unravel similar blackmailing mysteries, an- nounced last night that his detectives soon would arrest Charles Mitchell, the member of the gang who collected the money from the priest and refused to divide. Another. angle of, the investigation, which may not stop until it geté to the state's attorney's office, is the ac- ivity of the United States secret ser- vice. Capt. Porter's interest lies in the fact that Mitehell, in dealing with the Rev. Father Erhard, represented himself as a United States marshal. Capt. Porter may raid the entire gang. Rev, Father Erhard is a red faced, chubby man, over fifty years of age. When the reporter found him, the priest, clad in vestments of his office, was in the midst of upturned house- held belongings. His voice, raised in debate with his housckeeper over the disposal of pictures and books which were being torn from the walls, sound- ed in "the street. - § Sins When he was questioned concerning the scandal of wl ich he is the centre | he muttered : "Yes, I am forced to go. 1 am a priest, and | think they might have spared me. | am but a man after all, and the nest of vipers and confeder- ates made me the vietim.. | have told the archbishop of my fall. My place will_be Glled, although I have not been unfrocked. 1 have placed my carse upon the man who hired that | villian Nye to come here. "Nye came here in the guise of an | insurance agent," he continued. "'Af- {ter a few visits he demanded $500. Then he wanted $1,500. 1 gat it at the bank for him. I_did not care for | myself, but for my office. Then; when leader of | I thought "it was all ovet, Maloney | and Hartman tried « to get another 81,000. I have a letter from Maloney in my pocket in which he demands the money by noon last Monday. It was | too much. They pushed me too far. I am ready to suffer. They can send me to prison-if they want to." SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. His Nerve: Toronto World. . It is surely a wild conceit that | leads Emperor Bill to imagine that he {ean whip France, Great Britain and | Col. Sam. Hughes combined, | That is the cry of the day. Would the | members or papers that favoured a | government be warranted in establish. | change in the bill were, however, mis- | ing state insurance and using the pre- quoted and misrepresented. The Globe | miums for public purposes ! Some acts counselled respect for provincial rights | and still it supported the general | gambling--with the people's money. policy of the government. It was as-'| sailed and abused during the bye-elec- | Holds The Tainted. St. John Tel - i) Tonsing™ to note that Mr. It is Rockefeller has not fiver away all of of parliament are dangerously near to | his tainted money. 100,000 shares of Amalgamated cop | per. Of Little Account. | From the Weekly Sun. We will venture the assertion that not one man in a hundred has read a | column of print concerning the doings of the Senate this session. And vet the | Senators are to receive $2,500 each for their labors, £ = on behalf of the North-West ministers, | Time For Enquiry. | Ottawa Citizen. In the light of recent revelations it would be interesting to compare the tesults of the tontine insurance poli- cies with the promises made to policy holders. Tt is just about twenty vears since the tonto - dian companies and that ie the usual period of a tontine poliey, ion, six. She leaves a husband and three ling proach to a point within ten rods of their way to «the lake. Several have still at liberty." : thing equally interesting will soon he sighted nearer to Rochester than Hen- E. Oliver,. a prominent attorney of Scranton, fell dead at the conclusion of a speech on the steamer Natona at party of friends, he and his wife and speech then, but it was late, and he sembled on the steamer for a trip around the lake. Then he spoke for has offered gq reward of £10,000 Tur- e has just bought i 4 > iw £ LY 26. IN OUR OWN, CIRCUIT. m4 | TREATMENT ACCORDED AN| iw 1dn Cassclondn, thirteen, AGED ; aged is dead, in Brockville, of typhoid fev- er. Work has been started on the ex. tension of the C. ' 0. Railway from Baneroft Col. Ponton, Belleville, has been ap- pointed D.D.G.M., of the Prince Ed. ward Masonic district. ; = Corby park-and & beautiful Hronze fountain ete Presepted on Monday to Belleville by Henry and Mrs. Corby. Mrs. G Cornish, Belleville, is dead, from Seart trouble, aged fifty- Ry) Tice, of ie Madoc public school 1 ted position as principal of the Proton school, in the Na of ne Woodworth, rs. Richard Isasc aged eighty-two years, died on Tuesday last at her home, Salmon Point, and was buried at Cherry Valley. § Mrs. Eliza A. Ross, who resided in the township of Thurlow, died on Sunday. Deceased was in her seventy- seventh year. Mrs. James MoNellis, one of Belle ville's oldest residents, is dead, aged seventy-five, She was a Roman Catho- lic, and was bom in Manchester. Mrs. John M. Dulmage has left for her home in Indian Head. Assa., after a four months' visit with friends in Buffalo and Prince Fidward county. At a meeting of the Prince Edward Old Boys' Association in Picton, May- or G. M. Farrington was elected pre- sident and E. W. Sherriff, secretary. The engagement is announced of Emma, daughter of Mrs. Henry John- ston, Charleston, to George Percival Chamberhain, of Chilliwack B.C.. the marriage to take place in August. Edward Little. Almonte, and Alex: ander Scott, Renfrew, got mixed up ia row over a lacrosse match in Renfrew, and Little had his jaw brok- en. He is suing Scott for dameoes. Miss Reynar and Walter Williams have resigned from the teaching staff of the Pitcon High School, Miss Win- nifred Moorish, Toronto, and Dougall Gilchrist, Chatsworth, .have been ap- pointed to take their places. Mrs. Kelly, who as' Miss Mamie Price. was well known and much be- loved in Brockville, where she was a devoted member of Trinity church, is ad in Almonte, She leaves her hus- band, Dr. T. J. Kelly, after one year of married life. The late" Major Walsh, of Brock- vile, was born in Prescott sixty-four year ago. He lived there and in Brockville. He was through the North- West rebellion and was the first gov- ernor of the Yukon. A widow and one daughter survive. Fire on Monday destroyed two barns and a drive house, the property of Robert Caskey, a farmer, residing two miles from Tweed. Tt is thought the fire originated from the heating of the pullevs on hay carriers. The barns contained forty tons of hay. Loss ab- out $3,000: covered by insurance, Arthur Patton, prominent in Tro quois, and throughout Eastern On. tario, is dead, aged seventy-six. He was born in Ireland, in 1829, He has been married fifty years, his widow and one daughter, Mrs. W. G. Par. ish, Athens, surviving. He was active in municipal matters, and a faithful member of St. John's Anglican church, -- SEA SERPENTISH FLAVOR. -- Tale of Seals Dispbrting Them- selves in Lake. The nearest thing to a Lake Ontario sea serpent story so far noticed this season is the following which bears the seal of approval of the Monroe county Mail, published at Fairport, a thriving part of the Erie waterway : "There are seals in Lake Ontario. A few days ago a large seal was seen in the water near Campbell Point in Hen- derson Harbor. It was diving and re appearing at short intervals and 4 party. in a launch were able to ap- it. Last week a seal was seen near Sackett's Harbor. *Sevezal years ago a number of seals escaped at Water- town and got into the river and made been killed, but there are a number Lookouts have been posted by Man- er Collins of Ontario Beach, and Excursion Manager Morgan of the Sea Breeze, and 'Roeser of the Manitou line, and it is expected seals or some. derson or Sackett's Harbor. A SAD EPISODE. » -- Falls Dead As He is Cheered For His Eloquence. Wilkesbarre, Pa." July 26.--~Charles Harvey's lake, near here. With a two children 'had spent 'the day at the lake. A banquet was serv | in the evening, and he was called ou for a postponed it until the party had as- fifteen minutes, and the applause had hardly ended when he fell on the deck. pt------ ONE THOUSAND ARRESTED. £ | im---- Z Not Yet Caught Man Who Threw 2 Bomb. London, July 26.--The Daily Mail's Vienna correspondent says the sultan kish, for the discovery of the con- spirators vho arranged for the throw- ing of the bomb at his majesty last Friday. 'Nearly a thousand persons have already been arrested on sus- picion. An early repetition of the at- tempt on the sultan's lifé is feared, and extensive precautions have been taken to prevent it. The modern peerage of Japan con- sists of ten princes, twenty-five mar- quises, eighty "cotints, 352 viscounts, and ninety-eight barons, New Shirts, Just received another fresh lot the latest things. THE H. D. BIBBY CO. Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall, Jos. Abramson, Th 180 Princess Street, Between Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. IF YOU KNOW A MAN $7.50, $8.50, $10 or will be something doin If you don't know of sach a man, what do you say to Coming Yourself ? Our assortment of Suits in Chevio spuns, Serges and Worsteds is well w The tailoring is exceptional, collars and hand-made button holes, wonderful how we 'can cro into so little money. We a we think you'll be. Come, NEW FANCY VESTS. $1, $1.25, $1.50 and up. New Trousers, Handkerchiefs, New Hosiery, Do You Know Good Cloth When You See It? If so you're the man we want to see our Suits, Once you see them you'll be a customer of ours. The man who knows little of cloth values, and cares as little for it, and he is found in three out of five, is of nc use to us, It is the "canny" man we want to deal with us, since he will always be a walking advertisement for us. Try one Suit or examine the one you're friend bought here. We have them at all prices to suit all tastes. Suits 88, Suits $10, Suits $12, Suits $15 THE SUIT TO FIT, THE FIT T0 SUIT. e People's Clothier Our 2 Specials This Week ! Ladies' Tan Calf Blucher Oxfords were $..25, Clearing out at $1.50. Ladies' Tan Calf Blucher Oxfords, John McPherson make, were §3. Now $2. WANT STREET SPRINKLED. Wellington Ratepayers Are After the Village Councillors. Vigllington, June 24.--The Wellington ratepayers would like to know why the council does not Place a sprinkler on the streets. A petition was' placed before" the people and nearly four-fifths of the ratepavers . signed J ment, Jacob Chodsey, Jersey City, is here, Chas, Gerling, Rochester, ix the guest of Hotel W and Mrs. William Garratt, Yonkers, N.Y., arrived here, Saturday and will spend nn few weeks with his v..and Mrs, W. H. Garratt. H. Y. Cooper and W. H. Johnsen, ar- rived home from Winnipeg, Saturday. Dr. McDonald sent his little son down in their care to his grandfather. Miss Mabel Paine, Lindsay, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Rorrbeck. Wellman is well filled with boarders. The Trenton hand gave an open air concert, Wednesday night; Lake View Park was well filled with spectators; 4 Mrs. Vandusen, Trenton, sang to the delightful audience. Dy. Beet: Fraleigh, late of the General Hospital, . Toron to, and his Krother Joseph, Montreal, PERSONAL. MEN SHOULD KNOW THAT THE only perfect and safe Vacuum Apili- ance is manufactured and controlled by the Erie Medical Co., 94 Mohawk "fever struck Cana-. Connection with it interior and ex- terior remedies having a world-wide reputation for weak men. Write 4 spent Saturday in Welling tom. William Benson of Toronto, aged father and sisters. My, Soenrles Bahbit, New York, are 8 St., Buffalo, N.Y.. who administer in ©f his mother; Miss 'Alice Babbit. Ro- i. Warderm is suffering at his home in Washinglon, D.C.. from heart day for sealed circulars and route. failure, His Wellington friends hope The Sawyer Shoe Store. soon to hear of his recovery. Mrs. Ackerman, Peterboro, with her family, are guests at Hotel Wellman, HERPICIDE'S MISSION. It Takes Awky tie Dread of Birth- days. Nothing - is wore annoying to- men and women of middle age than {¢ see those unmistakable signs of age-thin : 3 hair and grayness--approaching. But | science has discovered that these: con ditions are no longer, "unmistakable" idence of old age, Joe the: dandruff rm - theory proves that even ven ER people may suffer hair Joss, while those fortunate enough to es cape the ravages of the scalp gern. retain their abundant locks to a Fite old age. Newbro's Herpicide kills the dandruff germ and removes the ish of appearing old before your Hie. Save your hair and your feelings, hy using the genuine Herpicide. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to the Herpicide Co. Do, troit, Mich, G. W. Mahood, specia agent. , One Thing Needed. Ho watt possible. to intro- duce the piece work system into thas parliament 'of ours, things might work better for those 'who pay the wages. Colgate's Monad 'violet toilet soap. 15e, Colgate's Cashmore bouquet soap. 19e. and 20v. Moleod's Prug Store: bought in his life for $12 80, send him around and there g at this at once. ts, Scotches, Home- orth coming to see, lapels hand finished, seams welted and stitched. I's wd so much style and tailoring re surprised at it ourselves and see, New Suspenders, New New Collars, New Neckwear, New Underwear, New Sweaters, New of SOFT BOSOM SHIRTS, tial. Pe ---- ht sits, MISS MARIA DUCHA Every Woman in Americ ested in This Young Girl's I PELVIC CATARRH DESTROYING HER PE-RU-NA SAVED | Migs Maria Ducharme, 182 betly street, Montreal, Can., v "I .am satisfied that tho women guffer because the realize how bad they really n ment and feel a natural delic sulting a physician, . 14.1 telt badly-for years, hi pains, and at times was unabl to my daily duties. I tried't self, butfinally my attention to an advertisement of Pe similar case to mine, and I give it a trial. "My improvement began 1 started to use Peruna and ; well woman. I feel that N and my health to your medicine and gratefully acl this fact," -- Maria Ducharm Address Dr. Hartman, Presid Hartman Sanitarium, Colum for free medical advice. All correspondence strictly Zatc Is a Boon for P It Stops their Pair ---- "I received your samole Tablets, and {ook them for s (monthly) and headache. At 30 minutes I was entirely free and experienced no more thro period. I suffer a great dea times and feel grateful that I ; a remedy which affords quick ery woman in the land sho about Zutoo Tablets and what do." MRS. ALLEN WRI Full 10c. and 25¢. at dealers or b; B. N. Robinson & Co., Coatict Three Months For Fri Peterboro, July 26.--Thom chell, pleaded guilty to hav frauded . several ministers small sums: of money, and wi sentenced to three months ir hard labor. He states that h years out from Middlesex, F has wince lived - in Rat Por Buffalo. Will You Be Going To" Brockville and Ogdensh ing at Gananoque and Rock; ways, Friday, 8 a.m. Home « ---------------- Blueberries, in pails. Cra Ernest Fischer, a retired h er, of Niagara Falls, died failure, while riding on a str that city. SS -- - HE al ROY. DER the most 1 leavening : tains no 1 or "ammoni alkalitie res its use alw: and sweet | which are | wholesome, fresh or st: Royal Bakir lyzed by the Great Brita; States wh wholesome ROYAL B HEAL LO TY, LEAR PA §

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