Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Jul 1905, p. 6

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For 4° Good, Rosy. Complexion-- outshines them will not injure tl tains no unsap Pejaps : hes ner Jee [ hud For: Clear Eyes erfoctly bala everyons of hy --Sweet Breath : 3 cording. Je nate. Jas in the:honse, ASCARETS act --Clean Tongue Your money refu mounted a pile of . cordwood : in. the just like Exercise. : Ee shot Ta a ee pi cond They are a Tonic to --Calm Nerves Was - L witha re, He ,¥ the Muscles that con- : Ls T fhoose an old harm af the back dt the | tract, expand, and work the "Good Temper arm in preference. to the ones Bowels and Intestines. ES Am 3 Tf all hi prperty ta Socal a: These Muscles propel Food . --and Poise-- . onward, squeeze Digestive Juice into it, and draw Nutrition out aver --Eat a Candy Cascaret whenever you of it. : 'sugpect' you need it. Sold by all be Cascarets don't purge, nor Db gels ts, 10c, 25¢, S50c. weaken, nor inconvenience, 4 | Because, they don't operate by flooding the Bowels with a waste of Digestive Juice. They are safc to take as often as you nced them, while allowell and 1. no children, True, agam, 4 po of settlers hoe ---- the | life consisteth not. in the abuudafice of most of any. conditions. The favorad | the th which he th. : land' Prince Edward dounty proved to | It would naturally expected that be th %il orm at the | in a county where the agricultural in- home well-to-do ilt | terests: were divided into fruit-raisi the eo long-time ed bul and dairying, and where 'no po | leasant to eat as Candy, Picton Evi sof g ideas of p land is kept, the You can try Cascarets FREE be- and rich returns from good harvests | Zeneral grain trop area would be ling- fore you buy. "Write for Free Sam- are {6 be seen in the farm houses and | ited. Such is the case. There is. pro- ple and booklet, 'The Curse of Con- bans of the county, the churches and |mi®e: however, of a good yield - of stipation," best over printed on the schools. all of more than ordinary va- | gain to the full e¥tent, of its acreage, subject... Address Sterling Rermody lue and attractiveness in design eat suffered coms ly last wint- | Company, 374 St. Paul St., Montreal. 7 ? generous ideas . er, and was repl in many ne building of many five os De stances by spring grains. Reseeding. ' barns . which were mortgaged quite | With oats or barley was also. done. men heavily. The" past seven years has | Pe Wheat fields look well. So alsa fod en the 'mortgages 4 PRODUCE AND PRICES. POPPER OTIERRE POSOCERCESREREE EE greatly reduced, the barley fields. 2 'county yield of oes : Fancy Goods, Toys, etc. shels ey and 750,- China Berry Sets, Glass Serr Sets, Salad a 4 Hay & Wils 000 of oats is looked for. Hay is an ; : Pre i The general financial position of the | Abundant 'crop, and is just being | To At Present Prevailing in Bowls, Tea, Sugar and Cream Sets, Fancy MASSEY-NARRIS AGENTS, Cups and Saacérs, Bread and Cake Plates. i 132 CLARENCE STR FANGY WHITE CHINA FOR DECORATING § a result of the rains isi quite decided, | Kingston, July 25. Prices prevailing Baby Carriages, Go-Carts, Waggons, Carts, or in > ia par Fiston Farmers, however, regard. the .crop as | O0 Kingston market for farm. produce, Wheelbarrows: + i A ! : : den stuff for the canning factories, A | The past 'week has seefi a falling off pay Jo to So..a lb; spring three-fourths source of revenue. This year's crop ery, 124c., 15c., and 20e. head; 40¢. to SEEING IS BELIEVING Come and see if we have not largest and best assortment of and Harness in the eity, O00 EES) 8 OO0000000000000000 00 vin putting it out, and A unimpaired for feeding ete, will be found below ' HAMMOCKS, FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY purposes. The 3 i ng 4 ow i Ouly »a general. root crop . is. likely to be} Grain--Manitoba, No. 1, Northern, considerable number of the retired far. | it the quantity of milk brought. The | 12Mbs 83.50 to $5. %y the carcase; by Agent for the Niagara District Fruit Growers. eral mber J ar: - y : t y $1.03; No, 1 Northern, $1; No. 3 Nor [now a few farmers, however, who are | 13VY: 3 : . ter, f Toe, $1. - mers living in Picton have rented } 9°CTease is attributed te the flies, for | N° auarter, from 75c, to' $1.50; mut = J. HISCOCK - 'thern, 93c.; white winter, 86e.; buck- carrying quite heavy burdens. The te their farms, and the tenants are not | there is no Jack of 'pasture, pou Sarcase, (|. to Be; hogs, on the 160 and 162 Princess Street. Going at $I. Don't Be Too La mortgage ley, 150.; oats, 43c. to 45c.; rye, T0c. mains about what it was ten,years | The cheese trade of the County, Ye Four and. feed--Flour, bakers' ago. Last year was not a good one | having a good Shason. The Picton strong, $2.60. to $2.70; farmers', $2.70 {in the county, The wheat yield was | cheese board handles weekly about 2,- to $2.90; Hungarian patent, $2.80 to only half that of 1008, as a result of 500 Bases, an increase -of about 500 83; oatmeal and rolled cats, $5 to the spring frost. The fall of 1904, |& Wéek over 1904. If 4a. these figures $5.20; cornmeal, $1.50 to $1.65: bran, brought early frost, which out short | are added another 500 boxes from the 817 to $18; shorts, $20 to $21: straw, the scason all round and lessened the | {0UF factories in the north, which are #6 to 87; hay, loose, $7 to $9; press. income from the garden products for | 00 the Bellevilla board, .. the. county ed, $8 to 810. canning. The implement men are car | 09tPut foots up fo abput 3,000 boxes | 3ont." Beef. on the hoof, choice, $4 rying. over considerable paper, and do | ® week. The butter output is. slight, to $5.50; medium, $3.50 to $4: car as le. not large; are by+ao means in- 3 Fm s . amount of land has been sold By far- | "hile f ] Poultry. --Fowl, 70c, to 80e.; spring mets, removing to the North-Weet, The | Simiicant. The People ars sufficiently, | chickens; O0c. to' 0c. takere. lo iE exodus hus been slight, and chiefly of poe th 0. Wah to ard a Pires 15¢. a lb; geese, 0c. to 124¢.; ducks, Young men. 'The change from Prince Fi mpd i 2 oe 4 them, fen We. to Se. a pair, Edward conty fo the North-West ith b ge wy y od lea ab ferec * Vegetables.-- Potatoes, ald, 50, to |O@, = - ¢ prairies: must be indeed be great. A . % 8 autom ites. except Ln SOc. a bag; new, 2c. to 350. a peck ; SOOO) feature of local conditions is that loan ore re all. or ures tia of | turnips, 15¢. a peck; carrots, 20e. the rs re foing tmlv J oetion of about £500,000 is taken annually . for | * peck; beets, 0. a peck; cabbage, : = : in- J and the cream separators-have not in. ies Oc not Soh uBimity the fa in torfered with the cheese trade. oe Yin Te $1 to 86; choice cuts, 10c. to : Se. to 7c. a head; onions, $1.75 to $2 out of the $307,000, put out on mort- he Stock sold oF Killed, and hoge ao a bush.; cauliflowers, Se. to 10c.; cel- ages, local money leaders got about | © Make up a substantial part of the Ree (SSE y Cheese Holds ¥ts Own. Jats 320; corn, 60k; pens, 75; bar- indebtedness. re- k 3 : hoof, 84.50 to $6; hy the carcase, $6.- getting rich on the land. No Jarge The stock interests 'this county, Poudre ache Ladies' Dongola fords, light or heavy Dongola or patent to ht mg and $1.t ae Ny . ; ° 3 $ promises to be a large ie. Dairy cat- A egos SuCbare Tg >) aT AV Alb Tn ne addres, since 1601 This Week for 1 Cunaing The Chie Industry. | meee cure eek Bre. fe ora cae eX. Famal Ravine Bec" Waung price cards, White . ustry. u . carrots and beets, 10c. a bunch; as- / y 11-18 T3 S - H JENNINGS Ki { The Shiet industry of the island a BRIGHT TEA paragus, 5c. a bunch. Co Jack 0-11-13 King St. W., Toronto. . 9 0 county has come to'be that of can. Fruit. --Lemons, 15¢. to %e. a doz. = 4 ning fruit and vegetables. Recent | ®4vén By Mrs, Tovel at Syden- bananas, 15¢, to 20c. a dozen; or- me -------- me rr ------ : years have seen rapid growth and de. ham--Village News. anges, 200. to 50c. a dozen; apples, Wines and Lig velopment of the capacities of local | Sydenham, July 24. Mrs: Tovell's (200. to 50c. a peck; pines, 10c. to 30c. canneries. They are now nine in the pleasant little tea of Wednesday last, | each; strawberries, 12lec. tg 15¢. © qa county, employing approximately : a }from five to seven o'clock, given in | hox; raspberries, .10c. 'a box; red cur- total of 1,000 hands, and receiving tri- f honor of her niece, Miss gna Parkin, rants, 10c. a quart. bute from a large proportion of the | Brandon, Man., was chiefly for . Miss ¢ Butter--Creamery, 22c, to 24c. a b.; \ . farmers in the county. This year has | Parkin's old acquaintances, Among choice farmers' prints, 'We. to 2. : seen the building of a new co-opera- | the number were : Mrs, Anderson, the rolls, IRc., to 200. $ tive factory at Bloomfield by the | Misses Griffith, . Shorey, Asselstine, Eggs.--New laid eggs, 15c. to 17c. a growers of the district, and 'the en. | Clow, McRory, > Purdy, Grant, Penil, dozen. Ia our large and new a: stock of Ales, Wines, Liquo Cigars, we think that we everything to meet the de We guarantees entire satis as to prices and quality. Agent for the well know spatch'" Scotch Whiskey. JAS. McPARLA largement of one of the Picton fac- | Roberts, Palnier, Boyce, Sills, Ben- Fish--Salmon trout, 124c.: white for tories built last year. The plans of fnington and. Townsend. ; Over the re- | fish; ic; pickerel, 10c. 4 Ib.; pike, this factory call for a complete plant, | freshments were the little Misses Aleen | Be. Ih.; Seattle salmon, 30c. Ib.: salt : en It invigorates in Canada. This factory is independ- table were seated Mes. Spafford. and | 20c. a Ib: haddock, ead and bull- It strengthens i |ent of the Canadian Canners. Of the | Miss Ethel Moore,, ponring: tea. The heads, 10c. a 'Ib.: lobsters, 30e. to it builds nine canneries, in the county only foyr | floral decorations were nhsturtivms | 40e. a dozen; smoked kippers, 40c. to It makes new blood supérior to and larger than anv other | Tovell and Jessie Anderson: At a side | codfish. Te. to 15c. a Ib.; halibut, H d ShoesWear" are in the combine, and they are mot fin. many shades, which gave the | 50¢. a dozen: finan haddie, 10c. a CYywoo oes ear. fi BONE AND MUSCLE. the largest, nor, it is held, the most | lengthy tea table a very bright ap |W; lobsters, . 920k. ; t ed i About 2,000 pearance n a0 ati Saree S39 ahi 34) Hig Bt. vigorous. About 2, acres arein to- Ti x : nay salmon, ote. a lb; rec 274. weak people, ovens aimauane by, all matoes in Prince Rdward. Of the Sydenham' not only has its usual herding, 15c. a box: bluefish, 15c. "Hone pallid into roay ones. 1,700 acres contracted for not less | Number of summer tourists, but* 5 | a Ih. sea bass, 12ic. a 1b.; sea trout, Davis & Lawrence Co., Ltd., Montreal. than 1,000 are for the independent fac. | large addition has been made to the { 12]c. a 1b, tories. The regular price paid is 250, | list; at the present time actomimoda- | Hides--These prices are given hy : * a bushel, taking the tomat he tion is out of the question. The high {John | McKay, Brock street : Beef = como, gle tomatoes as they school is undergoing repairs. F. Fox. | hides, Tic. a Ib; dairy skins, 75c.; The tomato crop Hids fair to be § ton has laid down 4 new: front and | to Koc. cach; veal skins, 10c. to lle. : very large. Warm .weather and a long | walk of cement, is now levelling , hia [a Ib.; . calf skine 73o, to 80c. each ; Season are needed, and with them this f 18Wn; when finished it will be one if | tallow, rendered, 9c. SAFE a STORAGE 'Phone a Ib; tallow, will be a record year in Prince Ed- not the most up-to-date fronts in the rough; 2. a Ib; horse hides, $2 or We have placed on sale all our Heywood Tan MN. Sou have. Fuvaituse. On tard tomatoes. Last year the frost | village. Mrs. E. Totts and Mrs. H, | $2.75, according to sive. Boots for Men. These are all high grade American $5 Pianos, 'ete. to store, send then came, and cut short the season and MoM; lan, have gone to Minnesota to * -- 2 . x g We have large space and use great ha returns to the growers. All the oa yee Palmar, Patan , Toronto Street Market. Shoes, made in the very newest styles and toes, Blu- bandling your goods. Charges me 2 » . en, . Hh " sy . of soup That yea last, Herewa cake rT anuing exbpe rpmise auite nl Eo ae LM 10 Toron. |, Toronto, July 24.--Wheat, white, [cher cuts and Balmorals. Bakes m@s and trouble all over the = e Ping to. W. B.'H, : bush,, 98. to %i: wheat, red, bush., F \ house, Maypole yields brilliant harvinied now, and ° the results are oil aliong thor, And io: Franklin, 8c. to £1; wheat spring, bush } . ° . ro: cannot fade. "It dyes to any shade satisfactory" so far as the yield js ]® if old friends again. to Oe ' E> ua | At last home dy is made pleasant, concerned. 90¢, to 9%o,; wheat, goose, hush., 750.; . 5 Stor. 299 Queen | Made I But mapy of the growers complai BROKE HER WRIST. oats, bush.,. 48jc. to 49; barley. An P air Now 3. 0 : Hy age, Speeis Madein, Mavee e and with: good pero Rr plain, bush., 48. to 49; peas., bush., 72¢.. Painting of Vehicles a oe Soap Dyes wasted at the factory in getting rid | Young Lady Suffers Accident in ov, a fan, 3 hid ns B gy Fy : Neve. . L A y, Y . 5 0 D0; 1 _20c. for Colovs--ise, for Black, be : poy In Hen me ut 7 Staten TT A Martin Sirtsesh i fo $9, SPbles, per The name Heywood Isa guamnies of Bs, style ad UBBER TIR to, wait until late in the afternoon | Kehoo has been to Kingston for treat- oS tr, JE®. per Hosen, $2. workmanship. before their. turn comes to get to the | ment for her eves: she han; been thou- to biter, gd We. to 2a; . thrasher. (Each load is thrashed out bled for some time 1 old, 1 Taenery, Be. to Mo; chickens . : \ at t - a Ponty Wak the grows a ome |e, DUI "hE Dan wk a | a 0 Eke pre To money grower at once i great amount of been ha in » fd a sived, acreage tributary 10 the | vested, as the wenthor fits becn ho Soren. soc ushel, he. to 75c.; cabbage, The . : CARRIAGE sha, tf hin | io Ba 1 wo Spal 3 | da, Sn 10 lr. or | J H. Sutherland & Bro. BABY --_-- --FOR -- i with it ' ve growers takes the form some of thom rain. The ne oy ig ro to $0.50; beef, forequarters, $0 to 87; say it will, of Erowing no more peas, | down the barn that beef, choice, carcase, 88 to $8.75; beef, it will be the canner's fun to wail Rileas an thal Stoo: ear She medium, carcase, $7 to $7.50; mut. next year. The strawberry season has | the works. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seott, | car'. or (ots $7 to $8.50; veal, per oh 0 y . s ] i 5 | ewt., 88 to 280.50, lamb, spring, per Jen short nd the orop light. But all and grand-daughter, of Natural Dam, owt, 812 to $14. er I fruits--cherries, plums, -Y., are guests of Mrs. Scott's sis raspberries and éuerants--re a good | ter, Mrs, Edward ok: they. form airs ¢rop, and in abundance, The Founty is lived here. Ben Back; ago Me Sos Dates Ot Fall F: 1 well adapted for growing all kinds of | moved to New York State where he Soronto-_Auk. 22 to Jort 11. fruit in paying quantities, except | has prospered. 'Miss Mamie Connors, Woody less ot 1% BF ches, and grapes. Nothing sandy | i r mill, had her d--Seot. 19 peaches, and gra ty much is | employed in the paper mill, had her | Victoria R Seot. 19. 20. done in either of those fruits, arm caught in the machinery, hreak- Barks ui Vi n oh a) -- hy acres are devoted to ing it just above the wrist, Mrs, Ro- Feterhorough-se ot. 35, 96, 07. pple orchards in this county, The ney, Hudson, N.Y., is visiting hér Millbrook < pt, 26. 27. ig Sa the most part follow the § mother, Mrs. Tott. Mrs. Roney and | SORIEY- Port) te PE. 26, 27 best me 5 Mm spraving and prun- § Miss Lott took i ebeo oi " 19. ing. and caring for the land in the . i BO hex | Otmab 1 nville--Sept. 28. 30. orchards; Tn con th h by boat, Mrs, M. B. Hawley hans her | Otonabee at Keone--Oct. 2 and 8: K sequence they yearly Ae a 4 3 , -------------- reap a larger and better Harvest, The Wright Toroacghter, Mrs. lise ° d h Wright, Toronto, visiti her; also For Campers. Sime has come in Ontario when the Mrs. Dyak, of Trenton. % young son| Try Cook's English carbolic soap, ie flavoured, juiov apple of early brightens the home. of 'John ager, | Prevonts and cures mosquito bites, be, gays can only ba had 'by careful at. The L. 0. L. lodge 'of this place at- | and 10c. McLeod's Drug Store. tention to the things that will over. tended the celebration at Napanee on em ------ come the difficulties now in the way the 12th. J. Winters! * station agent! Henry Cunningham, piano ' tuner of apvle-raising. The most valuable | here, spent Sunday with his parents in | from ickering. Orders received at in this county is the apple or § Varker, : wr ihe MeAuley's hook store, Princess street. chard land. Tt sells at high figures al- ; . Farina cologne, in pint bottles, 81.- t This year's will not 3 at McLeod's Drug. Store, ; Put on promptly LABATT'S MLE & PORTER 1 ovo The real merit pu Sepstion 272 BACOT STREET. of JOHN LABATT'S A and PORTER - are _ well CARRIAGES and BUG known. - The claim is made, FOR SALE supported by numerous medals and testimonials, that they 'are pure, wholesome ) beverages, ' superior to any ~ made on this continent. also a few sets of Harness | Call' and see for your ze nT. BB JEMES LATURI ARLAND, AGENT, BB "bums Es year = - vx [) SWE *

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