Daily British Whig (1850), 26 Jul 1905, p. 7

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od, Rosy . xion-- ar Eyes eet Breath an Tongue m Nerves od Temper | Poise-- - . Cascaret whenever you need it. Sold by all Xk, 25¢, 50c. Berry Sets, Salad Cream Sets, Fancy 1 and Cake Plates. FOR DECORATING § 5, Waggons, Carts, CONFECTIONERY strict Fruit Growers. 1 at it, same address, since 1891° eel Stamps, Co'pany Seals. Rub- s for printing price White Cc. rite us, we'll do the rest. -13 King St. W., Toronto. all our Heywood Tan igh grade American $5 t styles and toes, Blu- 1 $3.50 arantee of fit, style and nd & Bro. ALE & PORTER rit and superiori ABATT'S AL TER - are well 1e claim is made, )y numerous testimonials, that ure, wholesome . superior to any Ss continent. D., AGENT, JL FA tains no unsapon ee -- Sunlight Soa SIT fia, SEL aro, gow - : Try Sunlight, Your money refunded if you don't find it best. Love Bros Lid It con- fats to discolor your clothes nor free alkali to destroy them. It is a ly balanced soap. equally good ard or soft water. No scru 1noy with bing, no boiling. nr P } A La Buggies ! We bave qo NM line of McLoughlin Buggies, Runabouts, Surreys and Wag- ons, also a large asortment of single and double Harness, which we will sell at very closes figures. NEWS OF NEIGHBORS WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- i ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. 4 Called To Rest. y Glendower, July 24.--T. J. Kelly has sold his farm to T. Babcock; he is go- ing to build a new house where the old one was burned down, T. Babcock has bought a new horse. An old resident in the person of Jane Hoppins has passed away. $he had been ailing for a number of years. Light Apple Crop. Bongard's, July 24.--Miss A. Achis- i on is taking a course at the Picton " business College. Mr. and Mrs. D. T. McCormick spent Sunday at Black i River Bridge. R. Harrison was in | Hamilton recently. Several from here 'attended a dance at Glenora last | week. The apple crop promises to be light in this district..J. H. Harrison and wife, were recent guests at E. A. Williams'. Messrs..J. C. and Thomas Bongard are shipping quantities of raspberries to Picton. Died At Gananoque. Ganknoque, July 25.--The death took place Monday, at the home of Mrs. B. Shields, of Alexander 7. Campbell, aged fifty years. The de- ceased had been a great sufferer for a long time. For many years he was cashier inthe Merchants' Bank here; but for the past nine years, filled the THE DAILY WHIG, WEDNESD. and Harness in the eity, Hay & Wilson, miitestees chois i i Going at $1.19! fords, light or heavy soles, Dongola or patent toe cap, worth This Week for $1.19, H. JENNINGS, King St, Wines and Liquors Cigars, we think that we have everything to meet the demand. We guarantee entire satisfaction as to prices and quality. Agent for the well known "De- spatch'" Scotch Whiskey. and JAS. McPARLAND DEEME IS CURE BELIEVING Blok Headache and relioveall the troubles tne. dent to a bilicus state of the system, such as position of deputy postmaster, He was popular and highly esteemed. The Dizziness, Nausca, Drowsiness. Distress after | funeral took place to-day to St. Come and ses if we have mot got the jamin in the Side ko. While thelr most | John's church, théhee to Gananoque argest and best assortment of Buggies avian, he fiia So. nila thete Si cemetery. a SICK Headache, yét Carter's Little Liver Pilla ave A Heavy Storm. Mclean, July 25.-Service was held in the school house on Sunday night Nating th Ss by Rov. 'Mr, Smart. Mrs. Cranhia, of SSEY-HAR bowels, Even Watertown, N.Y., visiting relatives x regulate the » ' rs ay NA ¥ RIS AGENTS, hp Shay ouly here, is very ill at Mrs. D. Kirk's, 132 CLARENCE STREET. Mrs. Harry Vanvolkenburg has re- turned from Napanee, after ab ab- bastmost price) n sence of a week or mere, A heavy a, eh bn thunderstorm, with wind anal Tail, X Soca hot » eo Re ahalr goodies Goss ten noe | passed through here last we e .g wind shook the buildings and broke down trees. Visitors : Miss Ida Sills is visiting Napanee, Enterptise and other places. Mr. and Mrs, William Brown, and little daughter, Iva, Sharbot Lake spent Sunday at A. Brown's. ' ~ A Regretted Death. Sangster, July 25. Farmers are through haying and have begun cut- ting grain. All are sorry to hear tell of the death of Patrick McDonald, who died in Kingston asylum July 16th. The remains were brought home for burial by his brother, Michael Mc- Donald, Carthage, N.Y. Martin J. Cgrgoran has purchased a new buggy. Yisitors : Mrs. Carey and Miss Cher- ry, at Mrs. Barrett's; Mrs. James Daly and Mrs, James O'Connor, at Mrs. Thomas Young's; Mrs. Patrick Corcoran spent Sunday at John Mad- den"s; Miss Montgomery and Mise Beattie, Kingston, speit a week at Mrs. Samuel Walker's, Bedford. Don't Be Too Late, Ladies' Dongola = Ox- $1.25 and $1.50 Mine To Open. : Cloyne, July 24.--Farmers gare busy Auction Sale of Valuable Workiny at their hay, which is a very good crop. The Star of the East mine closed for the past week, is expected to soon open again. The picnic, held "| Free-Hold Property. ions " Ss oF ma] on the 19th, in aid of the Roman DER. AND BY JIRTUS a Catholic church at Flinton, was a In our large and new assorted | which will be produced at the time of | success; many people of this vicinity sale, the will _ be offe for sala, by | attended and report a, very enjoyable stock of Ales, Wines, 'Liquors and | PUBLIC AUCTION, by Johan H. Mills, time. Martin O'Donnell "and wife, Auctioneer, at his auction rooms, Brock street, in 'the City of Kingston, on SATURDAY, Bth, day of August, 1905, at the hour of twelve o'clock noon the following property, those parts of lots number Three Hundred and Nineteen, in the said City of Kingston, and County of Frontenat, upon which are erected two Brick dwellings, kmown as Nos. one and two Victoria Terrace, situate en the West. side of Montreal street near Queen street, in the said City of Kidgston. The above dwellings are satisfactorily rented in a wood state of repair, and will be sold either singly or eam bloc. Title good. For terms and conditions of Sale, apply to Cross Carney, are visiting friends here, Mrs. F. Corkie and Miss ar King- ston, are visiting at John Arm- strong's. A. Wickmore, who returned home from Michigan last week, Is not expected to live; his niece accompanied him from Michigan and is attending hima during his illness, * Broke Shoulder Blade. Glen Buell, July 25. --R. G. Sturgeon 839 and 341 King St. "hone 274. T. J. RIGNEY, 115 Brock St., Kingston, Ont. Dated this 27th, day of June, 1905. SAFE STORAGE 'Phone 526 SHOO FLY The flies will not bother you if you use our Screen Doors and Windows and family left, to-day, for Perth, to attend the marriage of his son, Farn- est, who is home on a visit from As- siniboia, NW.T. John Avery, em- ployed by W. Touriss for the past few months, fell from a load of hay while driving over the railway qgossing, and had his shoulder dislocated. ussel Sturgeon, ill for sometime, is able to be around again. Mrs. Taber, Athens, spent last week with - her daughter, Mrs. W. Touriss. Mr. and Mrs. J. Anderson, Winchester, Ont., If. you have Furniture, Carriages, formerly of this place, have taken up Pianos, etc., to store, send them to us. Screens--a large assort- residence in Glen Buell for the sum- We have large space and use great care in mer. Mr. and Mrs. D. Dack visited at bandling your goods. Charges moderate. | MENt, Dack's Sunday last. Mrs. J. Tour- W. G. Frost. City Storage, 299 Queen Street Painting of Vehicles a Specialty. RUBBER TIRES BABY CARRIAGES Put on promptly and reasonably. HARVEY MILNE, 272 BACOT STREET. CARRIAGES and BUGGIES FOR SALE 1 Kensington, second-hand, in good order; 1 Makedo, second- hand; 1 Phaeton; 1 road wag- gon; also new Top Buggies, variety. Hardware. 66 Brock Street. When you are 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT For Next Ten Days. Harvest Tools. in large Fine stock of Staple Nugent & Graham King St., Next Door to McPariand's. with expert advice and detafled prices All our material is first class and our orkman skilled mechanics. "Devid Hall. "Phone 85. nesd of SANITARY PLUMBING in plumbing or heating work of any kind, we can give iss spent last week at Glen Elbe, W. Forth, on the sick list, is better. A Barn Burned. Centreville, July 21.--A number from here attended the picnic at Chippewas on Wednesday last. The barn of Geo, Clancy was destroyed by fire on Tues- day. Our new town hall is expected to be completed by September. Mr. W. D. Kenney. and Kenneth Cugragh,' of Kingston, and Miss May Gibson, Em- erald, are visiting friends in this vicinity, Miss Amie Dewey has refurn- ed home after spending the past few months with her sister, Mrs. E. J, Perry. Edward Lochhead has moved in the house of 8. Daupe, Miss L. Ingoldsby has retu home. after spending the past two. weeks with friends at Erineville. Visitors: Miss Amanda Wartman at M. Lochhead's James Bell, Montana: Miss Lillie Bell Toronto; Miss B. Hinch, Kingston ; 'Mrs. N. Jordan, Forest Mills, 5 Hay A Big Crop. Forfar, July 24.--Farmers are ex- ceedingly busy with their hay. A num- ber from here took in the Elgin Sun- day school excursion to Thousand Is. land Park. Miss Edith Myers, Kings- ton Collegiate Institute, is spending the holidays at her home here, as is also Misy Estella Young, of Athens high schonl/ Little Miss Hazel Dow- ] you what you want at prices that will sett, Portland, is i a short with fu : I ee a prim visit, a guest of her gunt, . George also a few sets of Harness left. Call' and wee for yourself JIMES _ LATUBREY. beating wo Jobbleg very 80 charges for estimates om plumbing or Dowsett, Miss Bessie Comers, " Kings- ton, is spending a couple of weeks, the 'sttendes to est of Mise E. Myers. Miss Minnie A & J. JAMIESO ortis han gone to' Udnatoque, to B. Preston, Smith's Falls, accompani- ed by 'her children, who spent some four weeks the guest of her father, John Baker, has returned to her home; {Secured A Good Home. tle giels who artived at Faitknowe a few days ago, has foind 4 good home with Mrs. Henry Johnson. Miss B. Slack' has returned home after an ab- sence of three months. Mr. and Mrs, W. H. Hanson have taken up their abode at their island home. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Donovan and family are spending a few weeks at Camp Look- out, Mr, and Mra. ©. P. Bishop and amily are enjoying their holidays at Boulton, Portland, are visiting triends here. Many attended the funeral of Miss Pearl Fair at Athens on Thurs day. ~ Plenty Of Guests. Rockport, July 21. Miss Scott, Gouverneur, N.Y, is spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cornwall. Hickory Lodge, owned by J. F. Fitesimméns, is filled with sum- mer guests. Miss Edna Root is home from Brockville Collegiate for vaca- tion Misses Nita and Laretta Senc- cal, Grenedier Island, spent Sunday last with friends here. Miss Maggie Kirkir, Rochester, N.Y. is spending her vacation with her father and sis- ter here. 'Mra. Charles Cornwall and son have returned, after spending a few days at their home in Gouverneur, N.Y. Albert Ferguson, on the sick list, is convalescent. Mrs. Albert Ivey, Ivy Lea, spent a couple of days last week with friends here. Miss B. Hopkins and Miss Rella Murphy start- ed for St. Anne de Beaupre, where they will spend a short vacation. Miss Annabel Root spent Sunday the guest Bessie of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thurston, ° Alexandria Bay. ---- An Electrical Storm. Westport, July 23.-E. A. Geiger and family are occupying their camp on the west Rideau. The Misses Irene and Blanche Pierce, of Morristown, N.Y., are guests of the Misses Bilton. The Misses Teda and Arley Dier are spending the holidays in" Carleton Place. Thomas 8. Duncan, M.A., Mis- sissippi, is home, suffering from blood poisoning in his arm. Westport was visited by an electrical storm last week, though no damdge was done, E. J. Compton, chief miller for the West port Milling company, has moved to ingston, where he has obtained a similar position. L. R. Steele will have charge of 'the milling department. Miss Ida Coburn and Miss Marie, Phee, Chicago, 1ll., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mulville, The Misses Stasia and Jennie Lynett, New York, are spending their holidays at their home. W, for farm laborers are hith and h is scarce; $45 4 month has been offered by some farm- ers who have a big hay crop, Mrs. J. | | perty on George street to Mrs. Ham- mer, Lombardy, and she, with her family, is moving to Port Huron. A Progressive Society. Parham, July 21.-The heavy storm this locality, except laying the crops | dat. Preparations are already - being made for, the 12th of August celobra- | tion, which is to be held here, with a baseball match and other sports. The Agricultural Society of this township has decided to build a dining bal up their grounds. The directors are already interesting themselves to no small extent and judging from = the "swing" of things, the prospects' are that the thirteenth annual fall fair of Hinchinbrooke will be equal to the best in this part of the province. | Rumors have it that M. Eg Moun- tain Grove, will shortly take over the store business of W. D. Black. Arthur ! Cronk, who spent last summer in| prospecting in New Ontario, has .re- turned to that part of the province, ! after spending the winter and spring with his parents. Angus Mcleod is at present undergoing treatment in the Kingston General Hospital, J. Goodfellow has returned from New Hompshire, Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Howes, Calumet, Mich., at G. Howes', Sr. Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Black, Gananoque, at T. G. Black's; Miss Edith Thompson, Torohto, at W Shellington's, A Painful Accident. "Lapum, July 25.--Mr. and Mrs. Wil: liam Pringle, were on Tuesday éven- ing, 17th inst., "At Home" to a num- ber of their Napanee friends. William Lapum is speiding a few days with friends in Fredericksburgh, Courtland Clyde, the seven year-old son of Thos. Clyde, met with a painful accident, Thursday, by getting his hand caught in a pulley, removing part of the skin and flesh," but luckily. no bones were broken. Mrs. C. Lapum and Mrs. B. Rose, attended, Wednesday, a meet- ing of the Ladies' Auxiliary, held at Mrs. (Rev.) Whattam's, Wilton. Prayer meeting was held at the home of My. and Mra. Wesley Brown, Wednesday evening. J. Hufi and 8, Wrightley were in Odessa, Saturday evening on business. Visitors: Miss Leita Simp Mr, and Mrs. Levi Snider, Maple ave- nue, with Mr. and Mrs, J. Lucas': .J, E. Boulton and family with Mr. Boul- ton's father, Camden East; Myr. and Mrs. W. Love, Mr. and Mrs. B. Ruse and Edwin Bell, with Mr. and Mrs. Wilkie Pringle; J. Longmore and his daughter Mrs, (Dr) O'Hara. with Mr. and Mrs: F. E. Brown: Courtland and Gwendolin Love with their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs, Wil- liam Love. Struck By A Car. Mississippi, July 25. ~The annual picnic on the 13th inst, in connection with the Presbyterian church was a success in every way, S00 were the proceeds. The weather was all that could be desired. Oar village is in a state of ennui at present, mavy of the villagers are resorting at Lake Dal house. Mr. Allan and family left lost week for their cottage at that ecast- ing spot. Charles Warner and family have moved to Folger to manage the honse at Clyde Mills. Frank lightning left a of last week did' no serious damage in { locality. . { town, spent king, Odessa, with Miss Carrie Brown; ! week = while coming home from his work at She ll Te silen kn ro ing hand-car di m is ne tly, and broke three of i his ribs, . Visitors : a. iw Mrs, & Clark and sen, Arthur, Kingston; T, S. Millar and family, Gemmelville; ton, July 28.--One of the lit- Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Millar and child- ren, McLaren's Depot, at J. D. Al lan's; Robert Allan and Mrs. I. Narguerat, Tomstown, N.D., at Mrs. Robert Allan's; Mrs. (Dr.) Jacquith, Chicago, Ill, at I. Allan's; Mrs. C. Booth and daughter, Brooklyn, N.Y, at M. G. Storms"; T. 8S, Duncan is holidaying at his home in Westport. Next Sunday the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered in the Presbyterian church b+ Rev, W. A, the e. The Misses Annie and Katie Guy. Preparatory service is being held Burns and Master Martin, Ogd4nsburg, on Thursday evening. 3 are ing a part of their holidays with relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Sotials A Success. John Foster and children, Toledo, are Harrowamith, July 25.--The lawn visi.ors at: Charleston Lake hotel, ' social held under the auspices of the Richard Boulton and Miss Hattie Presbyterian church was a financial suctess notwithstanding very unfav- orable weather. The one held by St. Peter's church was also most success ful, the weather, in the latter case, | being all that could be desired. Mrs. {David Wallace has returned - from " Pennsylvania, accompanied hy her neice, Miss Ball. and a lady friend. Our health officers are having the vil- lage put in a better | sanitary condi: tion. Health Inspector Thomas Dowk- er is enforcing the regulations, Miss Gracie Graves is home after a visit of several weeks with friends at Tich- borne, Miss Hannah McCammon, King- ston, is visiting at Mrs. Snider's, Miss Rose Cohen, Montreal, is visiting at M. J. Sproule's. Miss Edna Park- in, Brandon, Man., has heen calling on friends here. Charlens McLean is home from Renfrew, where he spent several weeks with relatives. More, Hunter; Miss lla Day and Ross Hunter, at- tended the Old Ooys" Reunion. in Belleville. Miss Gertrude Carscallen, Enterprice, visited Miss Myrtle Gal- lagher, recently. Miss Phillis Brad shaw is spending her holidays with Mrs. Caverley in Kingston. - Miss Aylesworth, B.A., our senior teacher, i84to be congsdtnlated on the success of her pupils at aminations, the passed. recent entrance ex- whole class having T---- Lightning Plays Pranks. Barriefield, July 25.-During the electric storm," which passed over here Wednesday morning, lightning struck the house of Mr. Sharp, opposite Bar- riefield town hall, going down the big stone chimney, spliting it from top to bottom, and tearing all the plaster off the walls and ceiling of the rooms it passed through. The bed that Mr, Sharp had but shortly before vacated was piled with broken plaster and stones, There was no one in the house at the time, Mrs. Sharp having ran across the road to 'a neighbor when she saw the storm coming. The lerge hole mn the chimney, throwing the stones into the next yard. The chimney will have to be rebuilt from the ground. Willie Tisdale, son of Louis Tisdale, met th a painful accident. While driv- wi | a team attached to a patent hay. loader, on Mr. Barrett's farm, some of T. Ryan has sold her house and pro- | the steel attachments pierced the boy's leg, between the ankle and knee, mak- ing an ugly and painful wound; some stitches had to be put in. The boy is getting on all right. Barrett brothers did all that was possible to have the lad properly attended to. Small fruit is almost a failure in this Visitors : Frank Purdy and Mrs, Purdy, New York, also Mr. Pur dy, Sr, Picton, at Mrs. M. Byrn'; James Tisdale and cousin, Rochester, at his mather's, Mrs. L. Tisdale; Mrs. Belwa has returned after a pleasant visit to Buffalo; Mrs. H. Esford lost a purse containing $4. It was taken off her table Saturday morning. AN ISLAND WEDDING. S---- Popular Young Couple United in Matrimonial Bonds. Wolfe Island, July 24,--Miss Minnie Spoor, eldest daughter of ex-Warden R. F. Spoor, and one of our most popular young ladies, was. married, last week, to D. F. Cosgrove, an en- terprizing agent of this place. The bride received many costly presents. Upon return from their wedding trip, thei-will take up residence at Marys ville. Arthur 'Bustard, an old resident, passed away, Tuesday, after a linger- ing illness. Dennis Haggarty is crit- ically ill and his death is expected at !any moment. Mrs. John Laughlin is also seriously ill. Mrs. Thomas | Briceland's condition remains about the same. Islanders will regret to learn of the death of Samuel Fryer, Cape Vincent. The deceased was widely known on the island and con- ducted ome of the best hotels in the above place. It is stated that a Cape Vincent sa- loon-keeper is negotiating for a sum- mer resort in the village. Thomas Hutchioxon has disposed of his farm, 'known as the Burns property, to Mrs, i Mackay. Lewis Fargo has rented Thomas' Briceland's farm, Farmers {find it difficult to secure help to take off the enormous-crop of hay; in many cases they are offering £250 a day. | Michael Troy has returned from: Reo. ! chester, N.Y., where he spent the {past week." Mm. Lang, Carleton Place; was & recent visitor at Mrs, Robert Boyd's. Mrs. Cummings is | visiting at Watertown, N.Y. Miss Henessey and Miss Washer, Water- the past week at Mrs. John Gremwood's. Miss Alice Lyons 'and Mrs. Slater, Watertown, are vis- (iting at the former's home. Dr. t Kingsley, Boston, accompanied by Neil W. MeNeil, manager of the New York and New Haven railway, spent a few days on the island. Alma, The New Inhalation Treatment. For weakness of the lungs, bron: chitis and catarrh, it has no equal, **Catarrhozone' is its name and every doctor pronounces it a marvellous sue- cess. Catarrhorone is scientific and certain to cure; try it. ---------- Rockefelle? is depressed because of the outcry against him, and has lost desire for the mastery of men and fimance. With all his wealth, he grasps at a kind word as a drowning man grasps a straw, Nathan Newman, New York, while saving his mother and sister, who were in a burning tenement house, fill back into the flames to death. The Red Cross deg store is noted for high class candy + Do you always That "Rich Fruity Flavor" ESULT of expen blending of soe, rich R Indian Tea id delicate, fragrant Ceylon Tea. That "rich fruity flavor" ha made Red Rose Tea the table beverage of thousands of homes: E : 2 It distinguishes Red Rose Tea from all other teas. Ey It makes it different from and better than any other téa--it's a flavor you won't forget. It makes - . Red or er se CS pramatgre | lnlng young man. Have [|S vitality, I took the a Fi ieee Fit GouLD Wor As good SHOE BARGAINS in'a Bankrupt Stock as we are now offering in new upstosda We are cleaning up the odd lots. Extraor- ® dinary values while they last at McDERMOTT'S SHOE STORE { ® 0000 9060056 €080060 466868! a Clearing Sale Prices on Following Lines. Women's Ready-to-Wear Shirt Waist Suits, Some oiles, Piques, Muslins, Blue, Pink and White with Black Spot Voiles, Champagne or Silk, Brown and White Silk, Black and Na Prices from $2.75 to $15. Bargain Sale Prices. 86 only White Muslin Blouse, Weists, Last season's prices were $1, $1.25, $1.60, 82. $2.25. While they Inst 80e. each. - 80 Wash Bkists, White and Blue, White and Pink Stripes, and Linen Color, value $1.25, $1.60. Now 50e. cach. ] Women's Print Wrappers, to clear at a big discount. Bcys' Print and Linen Color Blouses, age 8 to 7, 10¢. esch. ; Boys' and Little Girls' Buster Brown Wash Dresses, very protly, half regular price. \ Girls' Wash Drosaes, age 8 to 7, $1.26 quality, now 50e. each. Black Leather Bolts for Buster Brown Buits, 20¢., for 100 Plain Blue and Lavender Pique, worth 200 , Yor 8c, a 86-inch, light color Prints, worth 15¢., for 10c. a yard. Now for Millinery Bargains, Untrimmed Hats, worth $1to 3 each, Now 26e. + ' Trimamed Hats all at Half Price, Big Bargains in all departments at CRUMLEY BROS. Gents' Oxford Shoe Sale THIS WEEK we are boaod to cledr out every pair of Oxford Bhoses in our store, and offer them at such low prices that you eahnot afford tn neglect this opportunity. ' Gents' Pateut Colt Oxfords, regular $4.60 and $8, for $3. Gents' Tan Colt Oxfords, regular $8 50. for $2050, 3 ¥ Geaots' Tan Colt Oxfords, regular $4.50 and $5, for $8. See Them in Our Window. oy in White . Cotton Lus J Sizes 34, 36,38. All to go at : ' ' wy

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