ward. DR. MEACHAM DEAD. Lennox. to the some time. fession in that p a A -------------- ~ Band In The Park. kind oi usion of Lieut.-Col, Keng and rs the band of the 14th P.W.O. Rifles will the following Hon. Billa Flint, at Brid afterwards taught schoo! for ty of Prince a doctor, and gradu first sottled at; St serenade, "Sunshine and | moved to Odessa. march, "Port Arthur'; Murch, "God Save the Entomologi are astounded ,t the effects of Scourge of mosquitoes in South Dakota. hospi at Pierre is filled with persons bitten at the insects, and many are in a crits © ony, | cal condition, Cattle and horses have th. been driven frantic by the pests and ance movements. oe 18 Take the America's tour of the is. | F Te July 27th. on board, fare 35c. Goa i 5 47 : vision Court of Frontenae, vice John 3 1381 " i 30] Sale Saturday of 81 Bonton corsets 1024 108 35c. New York Dress Reform. all 8, 9, 11" to 9, 7c, i chi Pie Totkets doe ste ing Wile ana Chil. 88 804 cure biliousness, liver trouble and constipation, only 25c. a box. 54 Pears soap at Gibson's Red 533. Cross drug store. epileptic somnambulism, -------------- To Stop Smuggling. Min dd Tots size to 44. Price $10 to lied 10 Clearer. ener. 46.00 fen's Suits, Rain Coats, Odd- Trousers, Odd Veo," Odd Coats, Hd, w Light - Summer Jp | ent of a gang company. the bureau of engrav and entered on her duties th meet in Toronto next year. pad guest of Mrs. Jame he police Fores, B , 2 » Martin Clayton, Bagot street, } Chris Baideén, Portsmou lft. for one vie uncle, sides. S The Allal line steamship Corinthian, while m her - could get straightened out rapid current she had gone aground. It is not believed that she will have sustained any. damage, though, owi to the swift current running in Os neighborhood of eight miles per hour, her is a matter of some difficulty. She has a general , sixty-nine cattle on board, also . The cattle are be ing unloaded in order to: lighten for- M. AROTANDER, the Provisvona] seamen in a large measu straightening out eG J. Bullis expects to leave in about two weeks gn poi annu; to pect. 1 eat ey Robert Herbison, B.A., received a oall to Giles' Presbyterian church, Toronto. ail and Empire says e name of Hon. W. Harty is men- tioned for one of the vacant cabinet the pulpit of St. He Was Formerly Member for | The Toronto M hat July vou comes from Warsaw, near here, of the Pe de EF. Xx, at ome, there, this morn- ing. Dr. Meacham had been ill of Syracuse, N.Y., and Miss Mabel Sullivan, of Ottawa, are visiting their aunt, Mrs. D. Mur. phy, Rideau street. . Col. Gordon and divisional staff of. Dr. Meacham was hom at Colborne in 1841, He was the grandson of Dr. Seth Meacham, who came to Belle ville from the United States about the year 1801, and who practised his pro- lace until his death in the | 1815, Deceased after school went behind the counter for | Edge, Silver Spring, 1000 Islands and Walsh's funeral at Brockville row afternoon at 2.30. the Temiskamin at a salary of $3, brother of Mes. (P) Miss E. Staley returned, last even- ing; after an absence « the southern stated, h her parents on Wolfe g railroad commission, ter, and Years at Reduersville and in the coun- Edward. He studied for ated in 1869 and rathallen, in county of Oxford, where he resided until the spring of 1872, when he re- The steamer Where Now arrived, last evening, from Thousand Island ~ Henderson on board. city is seriously ill. In 1886 he was tendered the nomina- tion of the party for the Ontario leg- islature, being particularly Selected as barrister, Picton, get the position of judge , Judge Morris- a representative of a higher moral sen- being transferred timent in politics. id served three terms. He was an earnest, con- sistent member of, the Methodist church for over forty years, a liberal supporter of its every interest, and an active worker in moral and temper- on, of Owen Sound, to Prince Edward county. Ulick Burke, a prominent member of the St. Lawrence Athletic Club, Ham- Walsh, will leave points on the St. Lawrence river, Sat- for their annual sum- They will also take the Kingston Old Boys reunion. Te -------------- INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By « Reporters On Their Rounds Societe Hygienique Gibson's Red Cross drug store, The band concert if the: weather is unfavorable to-night, will be held on 92 Sige le, so that bhar- THE IROQUOIS INDIANS. 1 vestin to pe ed whenever : the wind drops. en to permit the | May Try Conclusions With Gan- a 3H of i to swoop down up- anoque Nine. os he * jon human beings and live stack, Con, Millan, this * morning, received Avensis A : - a letter from Clarke Allen, Ganane- re ge FO via Gananoque, 2 p.m., supper Stipes] of Su Scams, euch oh hich rata se Splendid value in ladies' chocolate $1.50. The Lockett as 26th. ------ Sg the old champion nine of bygone days. 85 r, Allen suggests picking a strong 83 Appointed Bailiff, Y 118 us William McGregor, of Arden, has | MS8Fegation from the flo of these i % : : | four teams, and pitting 7 against the 1594 152 been appointed bailif of the Sixth Di- Artilleries, or some strong nine from ferry wharl this after noon. One of them had angered t 40,000 rn. p i i Now, if it had rained on-8t.-Swith. | 22°" Meh. The main fores is in's day many would have hung on to here, He concludes by stating that the 308 iB M. Hays. people of the factory town are keen iat 126 i ---- see some of the old rivalry be- Sy Be 150 Miles For 50¢c. tween Kingston and Gan ue, In re. I141F 142 America to Brockville and Ogdens- {ply Mr. Millan stated that I would sal a1 , Friday, 8 am, returning leave | be quite willing to bring down the Iro- jm 308 sburg 3 p.m, Meals on board, quois Indians, who lately defeated 2181 179% C Vi i -imnin, me. i i ape feet Jaa nim BS. ga Sale Saturday of $1 Bonton corsets Between Bulgarians And Servians for 75¢.; B0c. tape' girdle corsets 3 New York Dress Reform. The seal which has been seen on sev: eral occasions in the St. again this week by a par- in: the swift current St. Lawrence river, he- for 7c.; 50c. tape girdle corsets for SLEEP WALKER'S MURDERS. Special to the Whi a 4 $ Bel Girls' tan asap) slippers, 800d soles, | Pleads Irresponsibility for Slay. and and Servians has occurred near Pries, Macedonia. Seventeen Bulgari- ans] including Donche, the leader of the band, and seven Soryians were killed, : Dr. Show's Little Pink Laxatives | gobicnte, Jolt John Wueller; makes the plea that the act was com- dow Ogdensburg mitted when he'was powerless with Conti high class g castile soap is sold only at Gibson's C Mueller declares there was no mo- tive that he slew his wife in his sleep and that his actions were due to a blow on the head received during a labor riot two years ago. He is con- ducting his own case. Mucller killed {his wife and child by shooting them | 8nd then hacking them to pieces with an axe. of Wednedday visited Cape Vincent as well as Kingston, but neither at the military at the Cape or Lake here did it extend, the western fringe. When the Steams America had her complement this morning, officer at Folger's wharf would let no more aboard, and about fifty left behind. The Kin ficers are very ca of Kingston, were crossing the mili. tary camp. ground near Cape Vincent on Wednesday, when the rain storm was visible to the east, but apparent. ly not close at hind. Out of an al- most quiet sky a bolt of lightning shot down to a tree directly in front of 'them and very near, cutting off branches and leaves, but allowing the officers to depart uminjured Only a few rain drops fell later, and the two gallant Canadians are wondering why t ton customs of- New York, July 27. --The custom abou} such mat- house authorities intend to take ac- tive measures to put a stop to the The steamer Pierrepont went Cape Vincent this afternoon. Five pas- sengers were leit behind, three U soldiers and two others. The reached the wharf just as the Pierre- pont backed out and she hadn't time to spare to come back. Another showery afternoon was the city's luck. The downpour at half-past two o'clock was so heavy that | Souggling of tobacco at Bayonne, N, Bing on Saturday, twenty-seven | bales of Sumatra tobacco, valued at' | about $2,000, were seized in the house of a woman who is said to be the ag- of smugglers. The ves- sel on which the tobacco came is the steamer Diamant of the Standard Oil modest; Wall conduéted visitors for a startling demonstration of that order, Special to the i the Swedish parhament, this morning, approved the report of the special A mu in Panama police force was er by the war secretary PE odiitioual mes: will Teave Wolseley barracks, on, for ile Halifax i a PF. C. fabwee, PLS. Montreal, will act for in the ing of the vincial boundary. ] * David Waiker, Meitton, while walk. ing on the G.T.R. tracks, was struck by a train and decapitated. Jehn Nowa an, a Satertuwn a o an, has two smas toes, ir a truck passifig over his foot. i . Berots Romie and i Taka: ira, the Japanese peace plenipotenti- aries, id an informal visit to Presi- dent alt t y Mrs. G. A. Young, Jackson street. Hamilton, was rol of two valuable solitaire diamond rings while board- ing the steamer Turbinia. Fhe gunboat Bennington s again afloat on an even keel, and it will be towed by the Iris to the Mare Island navy yard to be thoroughly examinch and repaired. Amnette Kellman, Australia, as- tonishing England with _ swimming feats, tried, with Edward Herton, to swim the English channel. Seasick- ness overcame her when she bad been in the water five hours, -- CHEESE BOARD. * ---- Over Ten Cents Was the Price Obtained. Kingston, July 27.--The Erontenac Cheese Board met this afternoon in the Whig Hall. The following buyers were present : Messrs, Murphv, Thomp- son, Alexander, Gillespie, Gibson, Mo-. Kinnon and Parkhill. 510 white and 489 colored wero boarded, The bidding was opened by Mr. McKinnon at 10c, and raised 'by Mr. Alexander to 1011-16. The following factories of- fered goods for sale: Colored. --Arigan, 40; Thousand Is- lande, 55; Glenburnie, T00; Glenvale, 185; Gilt Edge, @: Howe Island, 40 Ontario, 54; St. 1 wrence, 55. White.--Cataraqui, 100; Pine Hill, 90; Rose Hill, 0; Sunbury, 40; Silver Spring, 75; Wolfe Idand, 70; Col- ling Bay, 75¢c. Of these Alexander, secured "Gilt Sunbury. McKinnon. --Glenvale and Ontario. Murphy. --Cataraqui, St. Lawrence, Wolfe Island and Collins Bay. The to- tal number of cheese sold amounted to 6. ---------- PROPERTY OWNERS Sie Have Some Rights Against Rail- way Companies. Special to the Whig. Toronto, July 27.--The right of a railway company to carry on con: struction work through private pro- perty, irrespective of the wishes of the property owner, was involved in a case before single court, in Osgoode Hall, to-day, , double trackin its line near London, the Grand Trunk ran through the farm of Anthony Dickey and the railway desired to move a bridge which gave Dickey access from one part of his farm to the other, Dickey objected to this, and also to several plans that were sub- mitted to him for alternative bridges, To-day he obtained an injunction re. straining the Grand Trunk from re. moving the bridge unless an order was obtained from the railway com- mission. ---------- HAVE 40-MILE FRONT. Japanese Advance Along Tumen River, Kuanchangteu, Manchuria, July 27. --According to reports from Korea, the Japanese are advancing along a forty-mile front. The vangnard is now about eighty miles off the mouth of the Tumen river. The Koréans estim- ate the strength of the Japanese at concentrated at Kenchen. ---- ANOTHER BLOODY FIGHT. --Seven Killed. ig. de, July 27.--Another bloody battle between thousands of Bulgari- t Had a Close Call. Col. Gordon and Major Cunningham, at stray bolt should pick on two ---------------- Both Houses Approve. Whig. . Stockholm, iy 27.--Both houses of committee appointed by parliament to deal with the crisis between Norway and Sweden, In the first chamber the report was adopted without debate. Streets were flooded in some places four and five inches deep. Providence is favoring Kingston with plenty rain. It must he a dry town to Nan's Sister Has Government Job! Washi n, July 27 Mrs. Harriet P. Powell, a sister of Nan Patterson, bai been" appointed to a position in ing and printing tan Oxfords, $2 chocolates for $1.50. New Yacht Club At Clayton.. rhe Lookett shoe soo Clayton, N.Y, July 27-Dr. James « Stebbins, Jr, New the prominent citizens Clayton and vicinity had consented pret nd wrs of a) new ich will be organi at Opera. Hy Mouday ere last night. She took the civil SeEVice exam- ination and work as a plate printer assistant at $1.25 per day. ne comm } The British Medical Association wil, Cross drug store. f for 786.: B50e, tape girdle corsets for 3c... New York Dress Reform t toilet soap at ---- Bargaine in ladies' chocolate and Buy shaving soap- at Gibkon's Red Sale Saturday of 81 Bonton corsets English," at To-morrow + Morning At 9:30 We Will Place on . Sale the Following 3 Special Lots Just received at prices much below their regular value, and as these will be sold fo you at a very small advance on cost, we expect to turn the lot into cash before we close at 5p.m. 7 20 Linen Huck- aback Towels Full bleached and of good qual- ity and weight. Size is 44 inches long by 22 inches wide. This makes a large towel. The ends are hem- med and finished with fancy damask border (all white). These towels are - worth regularly 3oc. each. i Special Price for the Lot To-morrow 18c. Each. S 7 Doz. Pure Bleached Linen Table Napkins Sizes 22 inches square, all hemmed, ready for use. Patterns all gocd. This quality is considered excellent value pégularly at 2.25 dozen. Tat Yours To-morrow $1.59 Dozen. i. 85 Sold either in dozens or half dozens. A limit of one dczen to a customer as the lot is not large, ] 00 LINEN : TABLE COVERS Pure bleached and hemmed ready for use, size'2 yards and 7 inches long by 134 yards wide. Regular value of these covers 1s $1 25 each, Yours To-morrow 85c¢. Each. Sale at 9:30. BE SURE and read our announce- ment To-morrow Night as we will of- fer on Saturday something that will in- terest every woman in Kingston. Cleaver's honey soap ihson i 8 Red Cross 'dru 5 THE LOCKETT SH SPECIAL BARGAIN ial A nice, fine Chocolate Blucher Low Shoe, nice color, good sole, new goods, sizes 2% to 7, SPECIAL THIS WEBBK.................. Treen ¥3 wf COLATE SHOES $1.50 YEAR 72. Our \_Underw Special Manchanffee's French BAN sar was cast mai' cases Fancy Ribbed Cotton, ! Brown, Blue, Black, Light Natural Wool ... White Cashmere, ve: Aertex Cellular, a fine netsh ...... ... ... ... Silk and Wool, extr Dr. Diemel's Linen (The only Underv Also lot odds and en ing of Wool, Cotton » Garments, all summd Special prices. B. P_ Jenkins Clot 714 Princess St IF YOU H Any difficulty in | ted with Shoes, /COM and we will make 1 a pleasant one. Wear "All Military Bootmake 8¢ Brock St. Sign of ¢ ---------------- a ------ SOU VEN In Sterling Silver, Fnam comprising Belt Pins, Hal ¥ es, Ash Trays, Pin Trays, These can be supplied you Canadian, Ontario or Kingst Arms, together with many designs. SMITH BR Jewelers Q 350 King Stree "Marriage Licenses AA os i500 SWIFT'S INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, ( Strong reliable Companies only LOSSES PROMYTLY PI EST RATES on app ww of every description, Office, Opposite Untario Bank TEE CE------ WANTED. sEnEe------------------ AT. ONCE, TWO STALL City. Apply Mr. Osler, Works. IMMEDIATELY, 3 FIR! Canoes. Must be safe ston Boat Co. GOOD GENERAL SERVA! ences required. Apply to ; re C. Alman, 22 Barrie st A GENERAL SERVANT ences require. Apply St., Cor. University Ave GENERAL SERVANT, W go to Pembroke ; small ences required. Apply al the evening at 17 Mac TEACHER, FOR 8.8 County of Leeds, to com term of 1905. Apply st and qualifications, to O Sec.-Treas., Melcombe, & A MAN OF ABILITY TO R! us in the city of Kings vass for high class Fruits mental Nursery stock. served for the right man ducements. Pay weekly Wellington, Toronto. MEN AND BOYS WANTED plumbing trade, great graduates $4, $5 day plete course two months admitted to Union a Plumber's Ass'n. Coyne Plumbing Schools, New cinnati, St Louis. For logue, address 239 10th York. TO-LET, I R THE SHOP ON DIVISIO! * near Garrett street, occu Boon, milliner. Apply at DWELLINGS FURNISHED furnished, stores, offices, Cann"s Real Estate Brock Street. GE ON. WOLFE 1SLAND, J side Village, stone dw heated by furnace, nine ) cellar, and out-building horse-barn; well sity spacious front overlo Lawrence River. Apply office. FOR SALE. THAT PROPERTY, AT 4 street, containing nearly a large frame house, wit For particulars, apply Perry, on premises. FIRST CLASS FARM, out of Kingston. All w , tion. Dwelling, 24x34, 1 and additions, 36x48. 18 Drive House, 24x48. ¥ time for fall plowing. ( chase may remain on mg ply John A. Qardiner, Ci I ---------------- LOST. A SMALL SILVER WA' Souvenir Fob, ath. Q. 1 ing. Reward for its re Offices. EE ------ For 'Old Boys" & '0 Steamer America will ma tour of the islands, Mon holiday; 2.30pm Home Ladies" regular $1.50 only $1 at Abernethy's,