Are Coming 2 good front, and show our visitors that i Getting a New Suit ? cady, and a vast number get. ready all a "we will never be tod busy to wait on nm on, and want to buy comfortably, We are proud of our handsome suits. come a new $5 Smart as can be. and carciully {a ars, 2 for 28c, aberdashery hing in a" Shirt, the right thing in a Tie, find what he's looking for here, and find it rts something very uobby, 81. " Robes, latest style, 50c.. The. and §| Bathing Suits eaters ), ebotdachers; Oak Hall, Know Good n You See [t? we want to see our Suits. Once A customer of ours. The man 1 'values, and cares as little for e out of five, is of nc use to us, A we want to deal with us, since ing advertisement for us. . tamine the one you're friend prices to suit all tastes. ), Suits $12, Suits $15 THE FIT TO SUIT. 'he People's Clothier 1 Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. "| CRESCENT WIRE WORKS ar T: PARTRIDGE Manufacturer of Ornamental Feu ing, Railings, Flow- er Stands and ek Wire Works of all mn kinds; also agent for Wire Lidge Rea or dy Roofing, cheap- jo er and better thay di shingles. ill 275 KING STREET. ir- : {HAVE YOU ANYTHING nd . TO SELL OUTSIDE OF YOUR ng SINS AND YOUR TROUBLES? de. COME TO de «i | WH. MURRAY, The he Auctionecr MOTHER HENDY'S ALL HEALING OINTMENT PRICE, 25 CENTS. Rheuni, .| Children's Sore Heads, Boils, Blood Pois- on and Bealing SOLD BY DRUGGISTS. Soft Drinks for il the Warm Spell C. Gurd & Co., Champaghe Cider, pints, $1.20 per dozen. C. Gurd & Co., Belfast Ginger Ale bints, 60c. per dozen. C. Gurd & Co., Soda, pints, 50c. or dozen Cantrell & Cocliras Celebrated Ginger Ale Soda, $1.5 Schweppe's Dry ol Ale Soda, $1.5 Bh 15ed w= | JER No safer, sounder or better drinks [or dy | the warm weather. 3 = Se -| JAS. McPARLAND ' 339 and 341 King St. Phone 274. on Tn 7 il g i JETP BIBBY CO, i / DAILY | WHIG, SATURDAY, J JULY 29. WOMEN SUFFER NEEDLESS MISERY. COVERS VANISH, rE view of the great multitude of 'women suffering from some form of female disease and yet unable to find any cure, Dr. Hartman, the renowned gene- cologist, has announced his willingness to direct the treatment of as many cases as make application to him during the summer months without charge. The treatment will be conducted by correspondence. The medicines prescribed can be ob- tained at all drug stores. This offer will hold good only during the summer months. Any weman can . become s regular patient by sending a written statement of her age, condition of life, history and symptoms of her dey ts, "Since my seventeenth year I have had female complaint and irregularities. My general health suffered, I had pains in my back and lower limbs, my eyes. were dim, and I became marose and un- reasonable. "Mother sought the advice of our family physician, who prescribed for me, but I grew no better. . a bottle. That ome bottle was worth more than all the doctor's medicine 1 bad taken pre A "J cannot express my gratitnde, Pe- runa has been a great blessing to me."-- Nellie South. Miss Edna Moore, 46 Elm street, Buf- falo, N. Y., Secretary East End Literary Association, writes: "I was a great sufferer from systemic catarrh, was extremely nervous, could not sleep, fainted easily, was very irrita- ble, had p confusion of the senses, and got up in the mprning feeling more tired than when I went to bed. «J was very wretched, but upon tak- Peruna | aa to improve, and using the medicine four months, 1 felt like a new woman and was com= pletely cured."-- Edna Moore. The principal remedy which Dr. Hartman relies upon in curing catarrhal diseases of women is Peruna. Hun- dreds of women sufferers find Peruna a housebold necessity LUXURY IN TRAVELLING Great Western's Up-to-Date Train a Record-Breaker. London, July 28.--The Great West ern Railway company recently ran a trial trip with. the "Cornishman Lim ited" express, which commenced to run between London and Penzance on July Ist. As was the case last season, this train will achieve the world's record long-distance non-stop run between London and Plymouth, 246 miles in 265 minutes--a speed of 55.7 miles per hour. Three entirely new trains have been built for- the service, composed of the largest and most palatial vehicles ever seen in the country. Kach coach is seventy feet long and ning and one half feet wide. A train is made up of six coaches, with a total. seating ca pacity of 268 passengers, divided be tween thirty-six first-class and 232 third-class, Second-class passengers will no longer be carried by this par ticular train in either direction. Every seat in the train is numbered, ind the passengers receive 5 perforat ed ticket, half of which is torn off by the guard, and slipped, that .it cannot be removed, into a little slot at the back of the seat just above the head. The fittings of the trains are of the most sumptuotis description. Electric light and eléctric fans are found every £0 where. The chief feature of the train, however, is the fact that for the first time in the history of British rail ways valets and ladies" maids gre car ried, in addition to the guards and dining-car attendants. The ladies' maids are in a black alpaca dress with white linen collar and enfis, a nurse's bon tet, fancy aprom, and a badge in silver thread inscribed, "G.W.R. Lady's Attendant." The valets wear a smart Serge uniform. The maids con stantly patrol the train to render ser neatly attired MA Montreal, Can., writes: "Having heard Peruna praised so highly induced me to try it formy cold, and pains in the groins with which 'I had been suffering for months. It took nearly three bot- tles to cure me, but I consider that was but a short time, as I have often taken doctors' prescriptions for months be- fore I gotrelief,"--Angelina Grotton. 3 As is well known, Dr. Hartman is the President of 'the Hartman Sanitarium, an institution which has a department devoted to the treatment of female dis-| eases. He is thus brought to every year, the most whom re tarn to their homes to be treated by. correspond « ence. lls are Catarrh and for Catarrh Pe-ru-na is Unrivalled Columbu specially watch over ladies travelling | without an escort. The valets do everything for the male passenger's comfort, and at a pinch are prepared to clean his boots. The new French de Glebn four-cvlin- der compound' locomotives, the largest and most powerful engines yet seen in this country, are employed on .the ser- vice, The down train léaves Paddington at 10:10 a.m. and reaches Penzance at 5:10 p.m., and the up train starts from Penzance at 16:10 am. and reaches: London at 5 p.m. Marine Notes. Booths wharf: Schooner Tradewind clears to-morrow for Oswego M.T. company wharf: Tug Emerson up with two lumberidgden barges Oswego Swift's from Charlotte ; down; steamer Rideau Queen, Ottawa, to-night. Craig's wharf : Steamer up; steamer Waterlily, Lake Michigan, up; steamer Where now, from T. I Park; steamer Cas tanet, from Alexandria Pay. for wharf Steamer Caspian, steamer Toronto, from Alexandria, up; propeller Fine Prospects. Ernest Gildersleeve, who has very in preparing the motor and sailing races for Monday, reported the entries as high ly encouraging The cup and flags the best vet. The turf races promise: a rattling com petition. All's well for the people's holiday. been active clenched hand vices to ladies and children, and they aking Saves Health an 1% Saves Royal and stick stick out the tongue, 4 i -- Angelina Grotten, 8305 St. Urbain There are hundreds of thousands of women in America Suffering } from Female Diseases, ! endangering their lives by doing nothing. If they write to me I will give thex= the benefit of mv extensive expe- rience.-==S. B. Hartman, M. D. e Ses £ona Foon R Asti Sr Sora RY ILE Bo We have on fle thousands of testi- monials like the ones given here, We can give glimpse of our readers only a slight the vast array of unsolicited endorsements we are constantly re- ceiving. No other physician in the Those wishing to become patients world has received snch a volume of should Aadre. Dr. 8. B. Hartman, | enthusiastic letters of thanks as Dr. Hartman for Peruna. PERSONAL MENTION. Movemen ts Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. John Pe his holida visit Mrs, Mrs: rier, Montreal is home for VS. VICTIM A Mapper) A MYSTERY. Wherever He Slespe, in the Middle of the Wight His Bedclothing Disappears "and Is Never Found. Marysville, Ky., July 29.--Since Feb- every lime Stuart ries of his dreams, Bai - hope of t ° been taken 5 She 8 i noe of the i oreover, he has job lots of bed whi from above his man- t's blackest hour mystery has got his nerves Ca is in hospital ing from nervous prostra- Mis remarkable story traveller for Cincinnati eo Srm. More than a dozen times his bed clothing has strangely vanished in as many widely-separated Bota," | Sometimes he has been ac cused of stealing them. Never has he been able to accoant for them. Some. times he thinks himself pursued by a mysterious enemy bent on wrecking his reason. Sometimes he fancies ma- licious spooks are playing uncanny Diusks on him. Often he pinches him- self to make sure he is not a spook himself. Always he is puzzled, ever he is distracted by the mystery, In Jackson, O., Crane "pinned the bed clothes to the matresses. He awove at three o'clock a.m. and the bed clothes were gone. For the next three nights Crane stopped at Cald- well, Cambridge and New Philadelphia. The bed pri 4 disappeared at each place. When he arrived at Youngs town he was almost a raving maniac. He was Joksn to the. hospital, and that nig although there were four nurses in the ward, the bed clothes disappeared from his cot. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR. Should Have A Holiday. Kingston, July 2.--(To the Editor): Lest our loyalty to the city and the mayor's proclamation, should be questionod, when our absence from the festal scenes are noted, permit us to explain the reason thereof. The order has gone forth that all prison employ- ees must work all day Monday, be cause as the penitentiary is not with- in thescity limits, no heed will be tak- en of the civic holiday proclamation, though nine-tenths of the employees reside in the city. Most of the guards have friends com- ing to visit Kingston, between to-day and Tnesday, and naturally they would like to spend an hour or two with the visitors: those who have not friends would like to join with their fellow citizens in attending the sports, but we are debarred and or- dered to report Yor duty, We to romise by taking a half dav on Monday, and onlv a half day labor day, but this proposition was not agreeable, and the order, as unaltera- ble as the law of the Persians, is is sed that we return to work on the civic holiday, while our friends from distant parts and fellow citizeps meet, fraternize and enjov a dav of pleasure. Miss Meta Dobbs goes to-day, to} .--ONE OF THE SUFFERERS. Machar, ren seme Thomten © Huycke came down to-day from Brighton. Mrs, Grier, will return to Staten Is land, N.Y., next week. J. B.. Walkem has gone down te Metis for R. Claxton is home to spend ents. WwW. J. J aftes spending friends. James ( wasiting ( street, Miss Daisy Montreal, is at "Fd Arthur Matheson is take will him to Pembroke, Mrs, children, Mrs. Phi on Friday, harles AL his holidays. from Montreal, his. vacation with his par- returned to Perth two weeks here with acobs has hetwin, of Svracuse, Murphy, N.Y. is Rideau Fortesoue is home from for a month's holidays, and eehill." in town, and Matheson back with next week. Mrs. Harry Cartwright and her three are down from are staving Toronto, and r at "The Maples." lip Bajus left for Syracuse, after spending three weeks with her sister, Mrs. Bowen, 219 Ba got street, Dr. JJ. H. Close, St. Lows, is dead aged sixty. He was a graduate of Queen's medical college in 1973. He was born school at Odessa and Selby. was due te Trusses that satisfy, Dr. Chown's. a Sm. hs Six tins of pork and beans, 235 2 rian ier large tins o> mustard sardines, 25 Sa Xelion at Mullin's, corner Johnston and Di ar and vision streets, A A sign of politeness in Thibet on times, be meeting a person is to hold up the | Jangtry. the army. Double A new v menes Southall ing a week Ontario Park on Monday. at ~ Crovdon "and "taught His death y the accidental discharge of and Mrs, Army, will Southall, of the visit here on Sun- enliven the meetings. has been here three well-known as Lieut. She is school secretary of Attraction At Park. audeville company will com- k's engagement at Lake The perform ance will consist of perial acts, opera tio singing never before the civie h place 3 ly after at J. and other high dass acts, seen here. Monday being oliday, a matinee will take MN o'ce and immediate. the even: performance, there will be dancing 'in the pavilion and a grand display of fireworks will be given, Admission to the grounds , will be free hy cars. Huylers, the big American econfec- tioners, who have branch stores all through the ing to° Canada, Toronto, «Dent ont gq box of high class candy Gibson's Red Crosi drug store, go Doctors, wort that an antidote Gent's Oxfords tan : Abernethy's. Money ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., NEW YORK. Davies' p. superior quality wholesome sugar cured hams, mild and sweet. gg phosphate at Gibson's Red Cross drug store fountain, Vegetable Davies' Try an ¢ United States, are com- and will locate in to the races Monday with- from through experiment, re the bite of a tarantula js for rheumatism. in kid, patent colt calf, at big discount. at ork 'head -cheesh, meal of and made Tasty specially marrowe at Camovsky's. SHOT IN THE NECK. Roy Davis, of Pittsburg, Met With An Accident. Roy Davis, the eight-year-old son of Mrs. John Davis, Pittsburg, and nephew of Capt. Davis, of this dty, was brought to the General Hospital, Friday = afternoon, suffering from a gunshot wound in the neck. He and his brother were out shooting birds, and the latter accide mtally discharged the rifle while it pointed at the other little fellow. The bullet, a small one, entered the front of his neck, escaped the dangerous vessels, and impinged near the back of the neck near the spinal chord. Dr. Campbell held an X ray examination and located the bul let, But found it in too dangerous a p¥ee for opertaion. The wound will simply be treated, and the bullet al lowed to remain, as it is not likely to cause anv trouble, Rain vs Hay. The heavy rain of last night and this morning proved very damaging to the agricultural interests of this district. It caught the farmers' un awares, Much hay had been cut and on the ground. Of course it will never he the same in quality. As for the barley, hay, etc., that remained stand ing, it was beaten and bruised far more than one would imagine. The downpour will thus' represent large financial loss to the residents of the rural districts to say nothing of the falling off in the quality of the hay offered for sale next spring. Novelists To Assist. London, July 29. George Meredith, Sir George Newnes, Sir Gilbert Park er; Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and other well-known persons of the literary world, have formed a committees to raise a fund in behalf of the late Bret Harte's daughter, Kthel, whose health has become seriously undermined. -------- Just give the old boys and girls the glad hand and say come nto the Ked Cross drug store and have a soda. It's the best in the Zity, The nails of two fingers never grow with the same rapidity, that of the middle finger growing the fastest, while that of the thumb grows slow est. McConkey's candies from Toronto. Huyler's candies from New York, Sold only at Gibson's Red Cross drug store, .. Have vou kidnev or bladder trouble. Dr. Chown's Buchu Juniper kidney pills, will cure vou, 2c. box. Best grades of trunks, lowest prices and largest. assortment to ahi. from, at Abernethyv's. lee cream made from pure cream at Gibson's Red Cros: drug store \loun- tan. Best grades of trunks, and largest assortment from, at Abernethy's. Daviee' sweet nickle corned beef, ox- cellent for boiled dinner, 1 lowest prices to choose EE ----_---- JA NIC Ll RUSKINS FINE SENTIMENT. | | SOR femnation of Money Madness | Well Worth Reading. From "The Crown of Wild Olive. Following the conclusion of Miss Tarhell's character sketch of John D, Rockefeller in the pages of the August | MoClure's is a short quotation from | John Ruskin, It has no connection in | form with the Rockefeller article, but ; coming upon these livi words of | Ruskin's fresh from Miss Tarbell's powerful narrative the strange nan | she has #0 keenly analyzed is, in a | meastire, understood; and the pitiable | figure of Ruskin's words is seen in a new light : "We do great jarigatics to Teenriot | in thinking him wicked above all com- | mon wickedness. He was only a com: | mon money-lover, and, like all money- | lovers, didn't understand Christ... .". He didn't want Him to be killed. He | was horror-struck when he found that Christ would be killed, threw his money away instantly, md hanged himself. How many of resent | money-seckers, think you, a d have | the grace to hang themselves whoever | was killed ? Bue Judas was a ocom- | mon, selfish, muddle-headed, pilfering | fellow. .. . He didn't understand | Christ; yet he believed in Him much more than most of us do; had seo | Him do miracles, thought He was lite strong enough to shift for Him- and he, Judas, might as well BE his own little by- "perquisites out | of (the affair. . . . Now, that is the | money-seeker's idea all over tho world, He doesn't hate Christ, but! god in that benevolent business; he | makes his own little job out of it at { all events, come what will. And thus, | out of every mass of men, you have a certain number of bagmen. . . whose | main object is to make money. And | they do make it--make it in all sorts | of unfair ways, chiefly by the elght | and force of money itself, or what is called the power of capital. . . T is the modern Judas' way of 'carrying | the bag,' and 'bearing what is put | therein.' Medical College Changes. Queen's Medical Faculty had a meet: | ing yesterday afternoon to arrange for the filling of the chair of clinioal me- dicine, vacant by the death of "Dr. Herald, It was decided to unite the departments of practice of medicine and olinical medicine, with Dr, Third and Dr. Campbell as professors. They will make whatever 'other arrange ments they may think necessary, Dr, Ross was appointed to succeed Dr. Campbell in: the dopartment of mate ria medica and pharmacology. Dr. Richardson will take Dr. Ross' place as demonstrator in practical anato my and Dr. Dalton will become assist: | ant demonstrator in anatomy, | Accident To Steamer Toronto. Considerable excitement was caused on the arrival of the steamer Toronto in Toronto on Friday. She came in at | full speed and attempted to climb out | on the dock. Nearly all the steel braces on the port side connecting the hull with the main d were torn away ! as far as the paddle box. The dock caught the first brace, and the pas: sengers had a rocky ride. Several deck. hands jumped ashore. The engine bolls went wrong, and when the first mate on the bridge, gave the signal to re verse jit rang in the engine room, | "Full Speed Ahead." Dr. Chown's Drug Store is head quarters for sick room supplies. Fémale barbers are numerous in Austrian cities. They dre compelled to undergo an examination before be ing permitted to go into business, and must demonstrate their ability in shaving, hair-cutting and hair-curling. | Two lbs. of good green tea, 2c. : 2 Ibs. of Japan tea siftings, 26c.; 1 Ib. pure coffee, 25¢., at Mullins, "corner | Johnston and Division streets, Buy enamel ware fountain syringes. They last a life time, Chown's Drug Store. Ladies' regular $1.50 strap shoes | onlv 81 at Abernethy's. The winter palace at St, Petersburg is the largest and the most magnificent roval residence in the world, For an up-to-date eve glass, Chown"s Drug Store, anteed. The American railroads have six employees for every mile of track. and the British roads have twenty-eight. Black and white the new sundae go to Perfect fit guar Gibson's Red Cross drug store. A Hesham's Opinion A cross or WoMEN nervous woman is 'not a pleasant one to live with, Husbands know this, But in nine cases out of ten, women are cross and irritable because they are not well, Dr. Hugo's Health Tablets transform cross and irritable wives into bright, pleasant woe mer. They Make Healthy Women Husbands appreciate the change the remedy that causes it. he letter of cone appreciative. husband is given below. | I wish to atulate upon | the efficacy of Dr. H os Henith | Tablets for Women. Mrs. Bald- win has tested them, and certifies to their worth. Her experience to- "gether with testimony of the oth- 1 ers 8 this vicinity who have been | hem "made healthy women," i by Shem me to request you to send three boxes to a relative, Mrs, --, who is asufferer from ills * peculiar to wemen, whom physi. cians and their remedies have thus far failed to cure. ' CHAS. E. BALDWIN, i (Mr. Baldwin is Mayor of Bar- i ford Jord and ex-Wardenof Stanstead So! A ans or by mail postpaid. § | AN Robinson & Co., Coaticook, Q. J i NE and Back and Rod: Very special at Se. PERCALE SUMMER CORSETS, orth 186, Bor 0" > . : 1 We did the largest Satur- day night's business of the year. Hundreds of visited our "Shore Fy were, pleased with e ins attention they veetived W We' 3 lanned to at'it out, nd we we "will ¢ nducements . © ¥ Saturday n ht shoppers, es pecially in t ¢ Hosiary, Glove, owen Neckwear, Belt, Handkerchief and Ribbon , aNpgONE N NECK RIBBONS, in dainty. Dresden and Sontiimen ab ivw asd . doesn't care for Him--sees no | NEW ORUSH dy in White and Black. Spcial at 5c. have, handsomely embridered with Whith, | FABRIC GLOVES In new shades. Spécial line at 5c. KNIT UNDERWEAR, for Ladies, at 10c,, 19)4¢. and 13¢ LADIES' NECKWEAR, all kinds desirable, fo. to Te. LADIES' LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS. The 18s. kind for 10c. _shoes, big value at little SATURDAY! A CLEAN-UP | s 67 Pairs of Men's $3.50 Shoes and Oxfords for There's about 7 styles in this lot. up to-date shoes in Box Calf, Russia Calf, Patent Colt and Vici Kid. If you like fine prices, come here on McDERMOTT'S SHOE STORE FINE SHIRT WAIST SUITS. AT CLEARING-OUT PRICES Rich and Profitable Choosing 10T SILK SUIT, nicely made and 4 1 only, BLUE AND GREEN Sk trimmed in the very latest style; wize 36; regular price $15, BOW isin abesies Seinasebansisnmiry Fnsennsstaren. semmsdnbt Dassntonst ssaat $13. 1 only, BLACK BRAZILIAN SUIT, size 34; regular price $11.90, NOW o.ciis resins Stmssmas sevaaben Maisbanet" sentative. aint masa A $8.70 2 only, BROWN LUSTRE SUITS, trimmed with tucking, buttons 3 and the new tan leather Sint sized' 34 and 3%; regular 8h Now ay ass ATRIAL LS La £6.50 y 2 only, GREEN LUSTRE SUITS, same as above; sizes 32 amd 3 36; regular 89. NOW... ... .. comics assim wee 30.00 2 only, BLACK LUSTRE SUITS, selftrimmed; sizes 34 and 38: regular $4.50. Now ..... £3.75 1 only, N AY LUSTRE SUIT, welf-trimmed; size 3M, regular $1.50, Now ..... Mririige sirsbenasaEa a saiYEe siaia Cherie Tina ahaa 3.18 SPENCE'S, ™ suet ter ' and Mantle Store. §& 4 - op Ae A. = - ® x Our 2 Specials = Dffudes Belfi This Week ! Ladies' Tan Calf Blucher out at $1.50. el ae. gl SE Te Oxfords were 5a 25, Clearing Ladies' Tan Calf Blucher Oxfords, John McPherscn. Now $2. make, were ¢3. The Sawyer Shoe Store, 000000000000006000000- 300000 F FINANCE AND INSURANCE OO G. A. BATEMAN Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Life and Fire Insurance BROKER Office, 61 Clarence St. For Real Estate Or Insurance Consult with GEO, CLIFF before buying at 55 Clarence Street. OBO 00 000000000000000000000000 If You Want a Home OR INSURANCE, Have a Talk With George Zeigler, Rey, Entate 57 Brock Street. If You Want to Sell or Buy A Farm or City Property, consult T. J. LOCKHART, Corner of a Sd Ph Sto, Bug Fire and Life Insvrance. Up-to-date Policies. oX >