Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jul 1905, p. 6

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se and certainty when uting one of our "nh WA shat th a v SOUVENIRS dn Sterling Silver, Enameled Pleces, ot Ah Traye, Finn, Fine: Brooch These can be supplied you in British, ~ Canadian, Ontario or Kipgston Coats of Arms, together with many other unique déalsns. ; SMITH BROS. " Marriage. Licenses Issued " . PROCLAMATION CIVIC HOLIDAY. WHEREAS THE has resolution inted MOND. NEXT te 81st or Sige Present ton in Unf ted 700,000 Tweed, All wold, hoxes, 'of } Jul 800 at 10 9-16c., Montreal ral om the "Sher uld seem that J concluded asked or HIGH PRIC Contracts short to the being in the nei 9{c. a pound. Is Going On . RS a A despatch from Kast Li combination with . has been i tons. If aggregate 240 setvatively estimated. . The Cheese Markets. July 27. --Ulferings, 475 boxes. at 10 13-18¢. July 27.~The that they -------- ca the that some ta lack" rust may } ho To Agree To An Armistice. San fone The' het is 'however thes | New York, July 19. Aimar Sato, man who looks at the situation 27 --Offerings. were colored. Sales and 190 at 104c. t demand full ices, and it is : Hers that buyers have Paid Them in London, July 29.--The Tokio corres- . inst For finest western cheese pondent of the Telegraph says the 104¢c. to 10fc, is being demanded, ian officers that w ¢ | | for fiiest. eas 104c. to 10fc. isn be : ere captur- Fe oie: Receipts amounted to 261962 | ed in Saghalien are depressed ss Julv 28 Offerings, 2.310 | L1heY declare they were left to take . . i ef el a ¥ . hoof way BR ware colored. | ©are of themselves, Their requests for Salen. 530 white and 845 colored at 10 | reinforcements were ignored and they 15-16e¢. ------ E FOR CHEESE Wholesalers Must Make Good With Buyers. +The cheese marke! has taken a ra- pid jump during the past week, a rise of close on two cents having taken place. The situation in a nutshell is this : The exporters sold July cheese ish buyers, the price Po. and his was done on the expectation of the market taking a drop. So far this season the exporters have waited 'in vain for the price to go down, However, it failed and as the goods borhood of iverpool, Ohio, wey us and Wary 1 Rim. ig I veur VR all previ hi records ably ous w - . Total of 18 40057 in 1902 as record have o wheat in and eet 8, con- 1,070 market for change. Sevelal orders de are reported. and ft English importers have ust pay the price gO without cheese. Holders con- to slump, must be delivered | before the end of July, there is now a seramble on the part of the whole sale houses to secure cheese enough to fulfil their. contracts. Every one wants the output of the factories and the re sult 9 the competition is a jump to over 1le. Thus the exporter is losing (a cent and a half a pound on all om he now buys, while the farmer and the owner of the factory get the benefit. There is hardly' a wholesale house in Montreal, which did not sell July cheese short, and hence all arg mixed up. in the present situation, When July contracts have been cover ed, it is likely the market will take a decided slump, But meanwhile the fare mer is profiting by the high prices, ------ Against The Village. Judge Price has rendered decision in the appeal of the Kingston and Mont real Forwarding company against the business assessment of $1,000 made by the village of Portsmouth. In former years the company paid taxes on $800 personal property, but when the new assessment act came into force wip- Woman, . -- 1 THE PEACE CZAR OF RUSSIA. In The Peace Negotiations--An- 'other Story That Emperor 'William Does Nct Want Peace to nig, Russial to July 29. --A correspondent, at Rome, has mailed the following which the authorities refused to trans. mit by telograph : "The kaiser, as . - 4 czar he -- The Kaiser's Motive. Paris, July 29.--1t is learned from a good source that it is feared the kaisor's motive in meeting the czar was Yo put a spoke in the wheel of peace, or at least to make sure that, should peace be effected, it would not be lasting. speaking for the Japanese peace mis. gion, said, in reply to a question, that Japan was perfectly willing to agree to an armistice after the creden- tials of both commissions had been examined and verified, it having been the custom in alt peace negotiations to cease hostilities during the con- vention of peace plenipotentiaries, Asked as to the definite powers of the Japanese mission Mr. Sato said the mission had power to reject any proposal and to commit the Japanese government to any document it might tign, subject, of course, to the ganc- tion of the emperor, Retreat Or Be Lost. © ts were practically helpless, Vladivostok is now blockaded by a strong squadron. This explains the in activity of the eruisers Rossin and Gromboi and the torpedo boats which are inside the harbor, Information from officers who have returned from Manchuria shows that when the Japanese plan is in full swing. Gen. Linevitch must premature- ly retreat or be absolutely lost. . A GREAT FIRE. -- Big Damage Done to Toronto Houses. Snecial to the Whig. Toronto, July 2.--Nearly one hund- red thousand dollars damage was done by a five which broke out shortly be- fore two o'clock, this morning, in thi premises of the Knigkerbooker lee company, on the Esplanade, and spread to the premises of Ames, Hold- en & Co., rubber manufacturers, com- plasdly guiting the latter place. It voked for a time as if the fire would spread along the entire Esplanade. The fire started in the stables of the Knickerbocker company, and nineteen horses were burned, ---- BIGAMY ON BOTH SIDES. Charged in Court, is Acquitted. London, Ont., July 29. Mrs! Ro- selle, charged with bigamy, who mar ried a boy seventeen years old, less than half her own age, was acquit- ed. The crown witness was William Scott, who admitted he married Jen- nie Gough before he met the prisoner, and that Jennie is still living. He was married to Mrs, Roselle many and by her was the father of four children. When Mrs. Roselle discovered years, i MISSION THE KAISER WILL HELP THE perty, 81,000 Price upheld limited, 14 King has been appoin the estate of Hostetter, of ~ : Swollen feet, 10c, tins McPeod"s drug Men's Suits, odd lots, $14. Reduced to Men's Sits, : 4 Sd Vests, Shirt Waists, - NO GOODS ON APPROVAL. + E a Civic Holiday. 1 do | divided among here vite Citizens of Kingston: | ters. to e the d 31st, of July, as a Lilebuoy Soay General Holiday and So of rejoicing. stron; Fe R. N. F. MACFARLANE, gly Recomm, ; ~~ Mayo¥. | profession as a __Gity Hall, July 28th. 1908. fectious di B Cas . Dr. Dhowa & iron enry Junningham, piano tuner | best tonic, T ey from Chickering, Orders roceived at and tone up the MeAuley's hook store, Princess street. | Davies' closed M 's foot powder for tired or s OFF REGULAR PRICES. | | PLEASE NOTE--SALE LASTS ONLY 10 DAYS LONGER, | ALL SALES FOR CASH. GOODS MARKED IM PLAIN FIGURES. IVINGS ing out assessment of the village The Trusts and Guarantee 10.30 Saturday night. this struck off the tax. company, street west, Toront., ted administrator of the late Mrs. Herman Niagara, who died December ast, lea in ving a large estate, her sons and daugh- p -- disinfectant -- jy ended by the medical safeguard against in- tonio pills are the make pure, rich blood syatem, 25¢. and 50¢. Monday. Open until Granulated sugar cheap in 100 1b. bags at Mullin's 333 3333939 933999399 33 RE PLEASED! With the success of our SUMMER SALE in Ready-to-Wear Department, Siz€ 34 to 44. Price $10 to Clear................96.98. Rain Coats, Odd Trousers Odd Coats, Light Summer Boys' Tweed Suits, Washing Suits, Blouse Waists, etc., 25 TON"S .. T0 30 PER J personal pro- levied a tax of on the company's business. The company claimed it did not carry on business at Portemouth, and Judge contention and New York, used Lor Jo Scott's real wife was living she left him, ------ Welcomed In A Rain Storm. One thing that puzzles Sergt.-Maj. O'Hagan is 'to find out who is the Jo- nah ? Who caused the rainstorm to- day that dampened the arrival of the 500 oxpursionists + from Ottawa, as they debarked at 12.45 pun, ? The only man who worried was Sergt.-Major O'Hagan, who acted as manager of the trip. Despite the fact that rain fell in heavy showers, there was a splendid turnout of citizens at the K, & P. station as the Ottawa contingent pulled in. Mayor Macfarlane, Edw. J. B. Pense, M.P.P., J. Morgan Shaw and members of the city council board- ed the train at the Montreal street crossing, and bid weleome to the home-comers. When the station was reached, the joyful strains of a stir. ring march, rendered by the 14th Regi- mental Band, was heard, and soon fratemizing and welcomings were gen- eral. Owing to the downfall of rain the proposed march to the armouries was cancelled. The only attraction for to-night is the promenade concert, by the Governor-General's Foot Guards' band in the armouries. ------ Saved A Horse. Miss Alice Dudley, a trained nurse in of the treatment of human bei mm heat Prostration, and she od 'a' horse While others were waiting for a veter. inarian. Miss Dudley realized that the horse was almost dead. She started men, for the articles she needed--one for whiskey, (another for ammonia, and another for ice. The whiskey was pour- ed down the aniniad's throat, the am- monia held fo his nostrils, and the jce war Applied to his neck and head, while a crowd stood around and cheer. ed. She didn't wait--she acted. After she had the horse out of danger the veterinarian arrived. i ---- Capt. De Bury Selected. Capt. R. V. de Bury, of the Garrison artillery, who is garrison ad- jutant at the Windward Is es, has been appointed professor of artillery at the Royal Military College. : ------ The net profits of the C. P. R. 'for the: twelve months ending Juno 30th, Were 815,476,088 compared with $14,- Royal ic LATE COL. MONTIZAMBERT. Mrs, E. F. Hill telegraphs the Whi that Col. Montizambert died at 8:30 o'clock this (Saturday) morning at Ovid, Michigan. He was formerly DOL: both at Kingston and Mont- real. : 'ol. Montizambert was born in Que- bec on January 27th, 1841. He enter- ton, He was through the. North-West rebellion where he distinguished = him- sell. In 1897 he was transferred to Kingston as district officer eommand- Two tired. INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds Green corn at Carnovsky's, No paper issued on Monday--Civie holiday. Newman & Shaw's "to-night." Davies' New England ham, 15c. Try it. Attend the cheap sale of rain coats at Spence's, to-night. The Longshoremen have begun pre- parations for the Labor day eelebra- tidn, Inspector Dawson will be"here next week to investigate some penitentiary matters, Always say I'll t vou at Gib- son's Red Cross drug store. Its handy there, and you are always welcome, Clarence Chown, Montreal, arrived in the city this morning to spend the civic holiday. Miss H. E. Cooke, Pittsburgh, Pa., is visiting her brother, H. H. Cooke. Princess street, city. Sale Saturday of $1 Bonton corsets for 5c.; 0c. tape girdle corsets for ec. New York Dress Reform. 25 per cent. discount on rain coats at Spence's to-day. Helen R., owned by Philip Davies, fast race mare, from Toronto, is en. tered in the free-for-all class on Mon- day. J. M. Sherlock, tenor soloist, of To- ronto, will sing in St. Andrew's church to-morrow, at the morning ser- vice, Davies' breakfast. Seventy-five excursionists came by Bay of Quinte railway this morning en route to the Thousand Island Park by steamers Varuna and Niagara. In addition to the regular pro- gramme at the fair grounds on Mon- day afternoon there will be dancing in the palace, for those who wish to trip the light fantastic. 'Are you bilious, constipated, have sick headaches, sour stomach, ete. one MWe, box of Dr. Chown's little Pink Laxatives will cure you. Dr. J. E. McCambridge, house sur- geon at Manhattan Eye and Ear hos: pital, has successfully passed New York state council examinations, gain- ing honors in all subjects. Eggs took a sudden jump .in price to-day, farmers on the market de- manding 18¢. to 2c. Butter also ad- vanced and brought from 22c. to 25e. in print form, and from 20c. t¢ 22%. in rolls. The old boys and girls are all wel- come at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. At a meeting of the city baseball league, the amateur standing of Rich- ard Halligan was sustained and he will wear the Fmerald uniform un- molested during the remainder of the season. On Wednesday afternoon next the Fortnightly Dancing Club, will hold another of their picnics at Lake On- tario Park. The occasion will be in honor of Miss Strachan, Toronto, 4 former member. Gent's Oxfords and tan Abernethy 's, The father and mother of the late John MoNally, ho came to such a sad end, on Thursday night, at the railway tracks, foot fof Johnston street, arrived in the city last night, and conveyed the remains on the mid. night train to Prescott. Fresh Huyler's and MeConkey's high class candies at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. So overcrowded 'for the next few days are the local hotels going to he that one proprietor secured the vac ant store next to the Bay of Quinte Navigation companv"s office, and has fitted it up with beds. Already these years and a half ago he was re- pea-fed bacon, tasty afor in kid, patent colt calf, at big discount at "whereon to lay their heads" have been spoken for, ---- OLD BOYS' SERVICE. Music at Queen Street Methodist . Church. ing anthem, "Lift up Your Eves the hight - is Glorious" (Schnecker) ; "The Glory Song." Evening service, "Old Boys' Reunion"; anthem, "Radi- ant Morn Hath Passed Away"; an- them, "Guide Me"; organ solo, "Home Sweet Home"; anthem, "My Faith Looks up to Thee," violin obli gato, rs. Burrows, Belleville; solo, y MN. Sherlock; anthem, "Gloria" (Conooni); chorus, "What A Gathering." ------ Hit, SATURDAY, me---------------- A ------ oom os NEWS. OF THE WORLD ed military life in 1860. In 1871 he $25,000, to provide for conditions entered the Canadian permanent artil- arising out of the separation. from ety gnd served at Quebec and Kings- Norway. ing military districts Nos, 3 and 4. | JULY 30. {OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED IN BRIEF FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little Of Everything Easily - Read And Remembered. The funeral of the late Major J. M. Walsh, at Brockville, was largely attended, The German steamer Lydia, 1,000 tons, has been seized by the Japancse | near Loochoo. |. A. E. Sanderson, Ottawa, and C. E. 'Roy, Quebec, have been appointed food inspectors. i Rosyth, Scotland, will be the new jnaval base for Britain. Initial works will cost $12,500,000, Miss Emma Katherine Reilly, Toron- 10, died of heart failure at Point Wil. liam, Lake Muskoka. iss Lizzie Duffield, Ottawa, nine- jlocn years of age, died as g result of g severe attack of hiccoughs. At Kalamazoo, Mich., by will Mrs, | Almira "Kramer, left a trust fund of 510000 0 be used to feed tampa. consular protest against the boy- cott of United" States' s by Chi- nese: guilds has been ineffective, T. §. Burgess, an English long dis- tance swimmer, for the second time failed to swim the English channel. Sweden has arranged for a loan of i] The British government! will con- 'sider the proposals of the United Em. pire League for a permanent council for the empire, The cabinet passed an order in coun- cil permitting the Victoria, Vancouver & Eastern railway to cross the inter- national boundary. "Tom" Sullivan, the English cham- 'pionship sculler, who rows Durnan, on Toronto Bay, on August 23rd, has arrived at Toronto. The Uruguay government will give the captain of the Canadian ship, Ag- nes Donohue, who was imprisoned for, poaching a new trial. Investigations, under government auspices, show that twenty-five per cent. of the food stufis sold to Cana- dians are adulterated, The Ontario government the appointment of Samuel Adams, Brockville, as bailiff first division court, Leeds and Grenville. The Boston trip of the 43rd Regi- ment, Ottawa, is "off," because the corps. has been refused permission to carry arms in Massachusetts. Governor Vardaman, Mississippi, called out the state militia to protect the state against people from Louisi- ana fleeing to escape yellow fever, Several American Sunday papers and a Toronto paper are said to be making a test case in Hamilton of a charge of selling papers on the streets on Sunday. Commander Kamimura and staff, of Japanese navy, arrived at Bufialo, N.Y., this morning, on their way to announces England to sail back to Japan on the warship Katori, built at Barrow negr Glasgow. The change in the channel in the Lime' Kiln crossing, from the east to the west side, went into effect on Fri- day afternoon. All the present buoys and floating lights have been moved 300 feet to the west. Gen. Durnove, a member of the council of the empire, has been made the governor-general of Moscow, in place of Gen. Gozloff, considered to have been too vacillating in his policy towards the Zemstvos congress, Mary Elizabeth and Levi Wakeman Bradley, brother and sister, of As- patuck, Mass., have succumbed to ill- ness incident 'to their age and have died within a comparatively few hours of each other. They lived together for seventy-two years. At Windsor, Ont., the board of ap- peals has again decided against the city, on the appeal of the G.T.R, against the assessment commissioners' valuation of the railway's real estate, placed at $244,970, The. board reduced this by $118,415. The c ty will appeal. The silver discovery in the Temis- kaming district is said, by R. R. Ga- mey, M.P.P., to be the most wonder- ful that has ever been made within any area twenty-five and a half miles, | Embroidery ! Tuesday Morning at 9:30 1,560 YAN EMBROIDERY All good patterns, regular roc.,, 12%c., 15¢C. yard. Your Choice Sc. Yard | Y i ' | 700 a ro Insertion 3 to 4 inches wide, 12%ec., 15¢. Your Choice Tuesday Morning Sc. Yard. Insertions y Also a small lot of go dozens Narrow French RE Woven Insertions for Waists and for Children's Sk Dresses, very dainty and durable, This make has sold wholesale at 65c. dozen, We secured the lot from a manufacturer at the close of his season, as he starts next season with a new range of patterns, Your Choice Tuesday Morning 2Y5c. yard. Hosiery ] CHILDREN'S HOSIERY Fast Black Cotton Stockings, 6 different makes to select from. Plain or Lace Ankle, all sizes. White Cotton Stockirigs, all sizes. Boys' extra strong "Leather Knit" Ribbed Cotton Stockings, jl sizes, prices from 1 5¢. to 25c., according to size. LADIES' HOSIERY Fast Black Cotton, Fast Black Lisle Thread, Tan Cotton, Tan Lisle. ranging in values 1oc., Tan Cotton Stockings, by eight, He estimates the certain output will be fiftv million dollars and | it may be twice that. ------ A discovery of hessemer iron ore reported from Loon Lake, east Port Arthur. The Orange ledges will attend a de- monstration at Hamilton on August 12th, Sweet potatoes at Carnovsky's, in of VOTERS' LIST, 1905 Munioipality of the Township of Lough- boro, County of Frontenae. -- NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT I have transmitted or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 8 and of the "'Ontario Voters' List 1897," the copies required by said sec- tions be so transmitted or delivered of the list made pursuant to said Act of all persons appearing by the last revised assessment roll of to be entitled to vote in the said cipality at elections for members of the Legislative Assembly and at Municipal elections, and that said list was first posted up in my office at Sydenham, on the twenty-seventh day of July, 1905, and remains there for inspection. glectors are called upon to examine the said list, and if any omissiong or any other errors are found therein to take immediate proceedings to have the said errors corrected according to law. F. M. LAWSON, Clerk of said Municipality. REMEMBER THE POPULAR Excursionto Watertown Under Auspices of the Odd- feliows of Napanee Lodge Wednesday, Aug. 9th "Per Steamer America Leaves Falger's Wha R108, for the twelve months ending June 30th, 1904, i During the year ending June 30th, HEXG inmigrants entered Canada, * 1 *f, 8.45 am. giv- ine nearly eight howrs in Watertown. / Tickets to Watertown and Return, $1.50 ~ Children half fare, ----------_-- LADIES' CHOGOLATE SHOES A nice, fine Chocolate Blucher Low Shoe, nice color, THE LOCKE White Stockings, all sizes, T¥c., 20C., 25¢C,. Summer Cashmere Stockings, black only, very light in weight, but almost as fine as Lisle Thread, 39¢. and soc, pair. Everything in Stockings for Women fLABLAWGSH) 35¢. A SPECIAL BARGAIN good sole, new goods, sizes 2% to 7. SPECIAL \ THIS WEEK peer erent] 50 : TT SHOE STORE es BABY TODD'S OF SORE E Over Two Years of Awful § Eyes Stuck Together Bleed When Washed ( Morning -- Every Lasl ANOTHER WONDE! CURE BY Cl "1 feel it my duty to most wondesful cures of s Cuticura Ointment. My Ii an attack of measles whi eyesin a shockingly bad lids becaméy inflamed an every lash fell out. For tw ten mouths I tried' man ments and lotions, beside every advice given me, 1 scemed to do them any g would be stuck in the mor had to bathe them in war water, which was a very t as the eyelids would aly causing the child untold s "I had heard a lot abo Ointment, so I thought] it, and from the first a; have had cause to be th: fore 1 had used one box ¢ the lashes showed signs. and at the end of afew mo a crop of lashes of which might be proud. . 'I recommended Cuticy Phillips for her child, w sore eyes, and her little or with less than one box. vised dozens of people to Ointment, often stopping street, as I did Mrs. Philli a total stranger to me. | implicit faith init that I } to relatives in England telling them of its wonde: "I am sending you this of my own free will, in th others may be benefited been, (signed) Mrs. C. South Head Road, Waver N. 8. W." Reference, Towns & Co., Sydney. Cuticurs Soap, Ointment, and Pills ar he world. Depots : London, #7 Cha re "6 In Paix; Australia, R. To Potte & Chem. Corp., Boston, Sols Potter Muka Free, "All About Babys The Od Family Doc CURBS: Burns, genlds, br sprain oundsMameness rheumatism, neuralgi bites, stings, ~ STOPS :--Nose bleed, tooth ache, bleeding lungs, her pains, Bold only tn seated b ties under buff wrapp: ACCEPT NO SUBST IT IS TO THE ADVANTAGE HOUSEKEEPER IN CANAD THEN oie. oi wc» Magic Baking Powder. Glilett's Perfumed L Imperial Baking Gillett's Crea Royal Yeast Cakes. QGillett's Mammoth B Baking Soc Qillett's Was) MADE FOR OvER 50 1 (ssTaBLISNED 108 EW.GILLETT . TORONTO. ON Dye: At Hom hy AA eg Good-bye to that trip to the dye at home with Maypole. Maypole Soa Made in England but sold ¢ roc. for Colovs--ige. for ERR. THE FRONTEN LOAN & INVESTMENT (ESTABLISHED 18 President--Sir Richard pions Jon al Debentures. Mortgages Deposits received and in S. C. McGill, Managi: Office, 97 Clarence Street . DENTA DR. A. E. KNAPP, BA, 19 Montreal St., Cor. | Phone 652, All branches of Dentistry formed. Nitrous Oxide ' Ge traction of teoth. on sia bn The famous marble Glasgow municipal 430,000,

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