Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Jul 1905, p. 7

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. Rt SH ry {oe AL SALE OF ® a Aer Lad oldery Morning at 9:30 YARDS EMBROIDERY atterns, regular roc., 12%c., r Choice Sc. Yard. ----l 3 abet $ &€ dery Insertion s wide, ranging in values 10c., ay Morning Sc. Yard. sertions of go dozens Narrow French r Waists and for Children's and durable. This make has - dozen, We secured the lot at the close of his season, as with a new range of patterns, ay Morning 2Y5c¢. yard. osiery EN'S HOSIERY n Stockings, 6 different makes nkle, Tan Cotton Stockings, kings, all sizes, ng *'Leather Knit" Ribbed sizes, prices from 15¢. to 25c., LS' HOSIERY 1, Fast Black Lisle Thread, e. all sizes, T¥c., 20c., 25¢.. 35¢. e Stockings, black only, very most as fine as Lisle Thread, Stockings for Women TE. DLAWESON Blucher Low Shoe, nice color, 8, sizes 2% to 7. SPECIAL T SHOE STORE SECOND SECTION. THE DAILY YEAR 72. BABY TODD'S CUBE SORE EVES Over Two Years of Awful Suffering-- Eyes Stuck Together and Would Bleed When Washed Open in the Morning-- Every Lash Fell Out, ANOTHER WONDERFUL CURE BY CUTICURA "1 feel it my duty to tell of two most wondetful cures of sore eyes by Cuticura Ointment. My little son had an attack of measles which left the eyesin a shockingly bad state. The lids becamé inflamed and sore and every lash fell out. For two years and ten mouths I triedi many eye oint- ments and lotions, besides following every advice given me, but nothing scemed to do them any good. They would be stuck in the morning, and I had to bathe them in warm milk and water, which was a very trying duty, as the eyelids would always bleed; causing the child untold suffering. "I had heard a lot about Citicura Ointment, so I thought I would try it, and from the first application I have had cause to be thankful. Be- fore 1 had used one box of Ointment the lashes showed signs-of growing, and at the end of a few months he had a crop of lashes of which any person might be proud. 'I recommended Cuticura toa Mrs. Phillips for her child, who also had sore eyes, and her little one was cured with less than one box. I have ad- vised dozens of people to use Cuticura Ointment, often stopping them in the street, as I did Mrs. Phillips, who was a total stranger to me. I have such implicit faith init that I have written to relatives in Kngland and Ireland welling them of its wonderful virtues. "I am sending you this testimonial of my own free will, in the hope that others may be benefited as we have been, (signed) Mrs. C. Todd, Old South Head Road, Waverly, Sydney, N. 8 W." Reference, Messrs. R. Towns & Co., Sydney. Cuticurs Soap, Olutment, and Pill the world. Depots : Loudon, #7 C 8 Hue de In Paix; Australia, R. n & Co., "aa Mullod Bree, Al About Baby's Skin aud Sealp." qonlds, bruises, cuts, , wounds Maineness, soreness, neuralgia, rheumatism, sunburn, bites, stings, - STOPS :--Nose bleed, toothache, ear anche, bleeding lungs, hemorrhages, and all pains, Sold only tn sealed bot- ties under buff wrapper. ACCEPT NO SUBSTITUTE. STANDARD ARTICLES IT IS TO THE ADVANTAGE OF EVERY HOUSEKEEPER IN CANADA TO USE THEM + + + « « + « Magic Baking Powder. Glilett's Perfumed Lye. Imperial Baking Powder. Gillett's Cream Tartar. Royal Yeast Cakes. QGillett's Mammoth Blue. Baking Soda. Qillett's Washing Crystal. MADE FOR OVER 50 YEARS. (ssTaBLIsnED 1082) IY EW.GILLETT aires TORONTO. ONT. to any ye At Home! "Maypole" is a cake of Sosp that washes and dyes at one \! pe! powder an old fi anything--~dyes color or shade. 5 bouse-- dil dye. It gives Deillians. fast to any Good-bye to that trip to the dye dye at home with Maypole. Maypole Soap Made in England but s0ld everywhere. roc. for Colovs--15¢. for Black. THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISHED 1863.) President--Sir Richard Cartwright Money loaned on City wand Farm Properties. Municipal and County Debentures. ortgages Deposits recelved and interest allowed 8S. C. McGill, Managing Director. Office, 97 Clarence Street. Kingston. . DENTAL DR. A. E. KNAPP, B.A, LDS, DDS. 19 Montreal St., Cor. Princess St. Phone 652, All branches of Dentistry skilfully per formed, Nitrous Oxide traction of teoth. The famous marble stair 430,000, purchased Gas used for ex- of the Glasgow municipal boildings cost THEY HAVE ERRED SOME AMUSING MISTAKES MADE BY PAPERS. Even the ""Thunderer" Went Astray a Few Days Ago-- Other Papers Occasionally Make Blunders. "The man who never makes 4 mis take never makes anything '--not even if he is a reporter. And, unguestion ably, you do occasionally see some funny things in ' the serious newspa- pers. Recently, for instance, during the hearing of an action brought by a "Gibson Girl" chorus lady against London theatre manager, Justice Dar ling asked her what were the line had to say jn "Ihe Catch of the Sea son." "I'm a perfect wonder at spot ting winners," was her reply, "and | hardly ever lost at bridge." The Daily Mail, the Telegraph,™ the Standard, and most of the other Lon dor papers, reported the answer cor- rectly; but the Times; which is sup posed never to make a mistake, and never to apologize when it makes one, reported the Gibson Girl's reply as: "I'm a ° perfect wonder at hugging widows, and 1 hardly ever lose 4 breach." This is much like a statement made in a German newspaper concerning Prince Bismarck. The writer was re ferring to the endeavors of "thé" great statesman to maintain good terms she with all the powers, but he was made to say, by the substitution of 6 word chen," girls, for "mach ten, powers-- Prince Bismarek is trying - to "maintain good relations with all the girls." But Bismarck is by no means the only statesman who has been egre giouslyreported hy some of the news sir Wil papers. In a famous speech, liam Harcourt exclaimed : "Great is Diana of the Ephesians." But when he read his favorite newspaper at breakfast the next morning he discov ered himself 5 having said Digna ! What a farce itis Chamberlain, too, has often bee; victim of the reporter's industry, "1 feel like 'Beaumarchais, " he said on one oe casion while addressing an gudience, His pronunciation, it is true, may have been at fault, though most of the newspapers correctly reported him. One of them, however, took oc cagion to differ, and when his speech appeared, he was reported to have said, "1 feel like Figaro in the Bon Marche." one occasion Lord Randolph Churchill described John Bright as the Gamaliel of Birmingham. The fol lowing morning the "Stormy Petrel" was not a little amazed to find that he was reported to have called the "Tribune" the "'gamebird of Birming- ham." There was a debate on vestments in the Chapter House of Wells eathi dral. "Ii," said the dean, "someone should feel disposed to make me qa present of a cope with decent sleeves, J shall have no objection to wear it in the cathedral." The Chapter House must have echoed strangely, for when the report of his speech appeared the following morning in a London news paper, he was startled to observe that he had expressed himself us being willing. to "conduct Divine service in a coat with a dozen sleeves." Another divine, the late Bishop Frazer, of Manchester, once, attended a meeting held on behalf of the wails and stravs of the city. "We tak these children out of the street," he said; "we tend them, and we watch them." In one of the local newspapers his words were reported : "We take these children out of the street; we mend them, and we wash them." Remarkable was the mistake one made by the invariable accurate Renu ter. The agency sent out a message announcing that the wife of the Hon Graham Berry, premier of Victoria, had presented him with twins, and that one of the children was his first son, As Mr. Barry was unmarried, the statement, ag it appeared in the pa pers, puzzled his friends considerably. By-and-by a correction appeared. It seemed that Mr. Berry had been open ing 4 new line of railway. Reuter's telegram had read : "Graham Berry. Twins, First son." What should have been telegraphed was "Graham Perry turns first sod." Collins' Bay Cullings. Collins Bay, July 27. Berry picking and hayimg is -the order of the day A. Rankin's new office iz nearing com pletion Mr. Mills, Belleville, is re leaving our section agent. T. K. Ruath- erford, who is away enjoving his well earned holidays. Miss Maud March, Cleveland, jis visiting at - her home here. H. Rankin and daughter E spent a few. days in Belleville this week. Mr. and Mrs. Walken, Toron to, Oare visiting their daughter, Mrs W. Gardhouse. Miss Florence Marsh attended the "Old Boys' reunion at Belleville, Monday Mrs. T. Vanluven spent a few days in: the city this week. Miss Ela Kiel has secured a position in Napanee Master George Howell is spending his holiday in Cleveland, -------- ses "The Frenchman eat: near,v qQwice a¢ much bread as the Britisher KINGSTON, ONTARIO, SATURDAY, JULY 29, 1905. The latest photograph of Elihu R the new Secretary of State. WERE-WOLVES AND VAMPIRES As Described . By An English Banker. From the earliest ages of the world the occult arts have been practised under varied™ designations, and in many diverse forms, the east especial- ly having been for many ages the home of 'magic and sorcery. Even at the present day the most astounding tricks are performed by jugglers and magicians in India and other eastern countries; amongst the most startling being the ordinary basket trick, which 20 many have witnessed, The juggler places a large emply basket on the ground, into which » little girl steps, the lid being then closed and fixed. He then apparently pierces the hasket through and through with a long sharp. rapier, the weapon © soon _reeking with blood, while the most agonizing shrieks and gasps horrify the audience, eventuplly becoming fainter gnd weaker until Lat blood' of sleepers until they pined tinued spread of cducation the belief ont. There ig, however, a dread vam pice hovering about, "ever devour and to drag down those whe we might Jive, we fended from the att angel will ever be ut oar fend ug from harm unlike the Hotel d'Invalides of of the great Napoleon. Sr IORI eames The Magnificent new chapel now polis naval academy in which the to be inurned. The new chapel, a structed naval academy group of a cost of many millions, rises on dome for its inspiration, the arc hitecture by Congress at formed, trick is even more wonde The sorcerer throws a rope upwards, HOW'S THIS ? for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure PF. J. CHENEY & €O., Toledo, O. We the undersigned have known F. J him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially able to carr] out any obligations made by his firm. WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists Toledo, O Hall's Catarrh Cure is takea internally acting directly upon the blood ans mucous surfaces of the system Testi- monials sent free Price 75 cents per Mhottle. Sold 47 an Drupeisis, Take Hall's Family Pilis for, consti- vation, . . We offer One Hundred Dollafs Reward | | Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe | length they die away altogether, After a final vicious thrust the basket is opened and is found to be empty, and the little git trips smilingly from the back of the ring of people sur rounding the magi Another, though less frequently ul. thetend of which is apparently goon lost sight of in the clouds, a boy then climbing up the rope until hb top disappears. The audience is then told, that me monster is cutting up the child, limb after linib then falling from the skies until a pile 'of reeking remains is seen upon the ground. H, however, an attempt * be made te photograph this gruesome heap it will cen (Mat it! existed omly in the imagination of the spectators, the magician having hypnotised the entire audience into the behef that they saw that which did not exist. Of conren the basket trick, and other feats of |, the: jugglers, are to be explained in | the same way, ! This black art, or sorcery, is subject | to innumerable developments, and | { even in the present age of advanesd | knowledge is, very. largely practised, | | But in the middle ages, when snpersi | tion was rife, and bind credulity morn { prevabint . than now, © many strange | fictions were believed in. For instance the belief obtained throughout Europe | that men of infamous chareter were frevpuently changed in Fume | wolves, sf 1 devouring -animal ever seeking . human prey; or, s were sometimes trandorm into vampires, at night escaping | td {irom their tombs and sucking the | Drag company, Dridgeburg, Ont. rd taking the large old and take some com- stand everything. I ------ NEWS OF CHURCHES THE VARIOUS DOINGS IN THE RELIGIOUS WORLD. An Offer Made to the Southern Presbyterians -- A Monument to Columbus at Rome-- Christians Maintain the Hospitals. God waits for us somewhere on every pathway of pain, Rev. W. E. Brickman, Philadelphia, has nceepted a call to the New Jeru- salem 'Temple, Berlin, The Baptist church; Belleville, unan- imously decided to extend a eall to the Rev, Charles H. Fmerson, of Dut: ton, Ont, Rev. A. F. MeGregor has accepted the call to St. Andrew's church, Ni agara-on-the-Lake, He will be inducted July Bist. Rev, A. MeAulay, who is leaving Mitchell for Ladner, B.C, Was pre. sented with 4 purse of gold, a Bible and an address, Professor, Selmi, the last surviving teacher of the present pope, when the latter was a student at, the seminary of Treviso, died recently at Padua. Rev. W. S. Wright has resigned the pastorate of Newcastle and Newton ville churches, Pi¥shytericn. He will attend College at Glasgow, Scotland. Deaconess settlements are increasing in number and grawing in favor. Chi- cago has a great enterprise of the kind, 'also Washington and Cleveland, "When you malize that you are liv. ing in a perishing world there will be something greater to you than get- ing gold | or shining in society. '--- Rev, Joseph Clarke. The Catholics of Igeland have about twice as many clergymen to support as Protestants, and no land in Europe «an _cqual Treland in its number of bishops and archbishops. A layman of the Southern American Presbyterian chureh in Atlanta, Ga, has offered to give 8100000 to its ministerial relief fund on condition that the denomination raises $195,000, Rev. H. RB, Horne, Chalmers' church, Elora, has tendered his resignatign as pastor of the church, A movement is now on foot for the union of the two Presbyteridn churches in that place, Of the 981 missionaries on the roll of the Church Missionary Sodety 101 pay their own expenses, and 471 oth ere are supported in whole or in part gociely, Rev. J. A. MoKenzie, pastor of the cepted a call to Knox: church, Shel burne, N.S, Mr. McKenzie will leave for his new field of labour the first week in August, A falling off -in the number of stud. ents preparing for the ministry is re d to England. There has also been a marked decrease in the num- ber of theological students at the Ger- man universities, ' Cardinal Richelmy is endeavoring to raise funds for the erection of a monument to Christopher Columbnis in the neighborhood of St, Peter's, Rome, o commemorate the 440th anniversary of the great discoverer's death, ~\_ Union Theological Seminary; while nominally under Presbyterian control, is considered now to be as free as Harvard Divinity School. Tufts Col lege is also about us liberal in its divinity school as Hurvard or Union. Rev, Rattenburg, of Notting: ham, Eng. Nims been desoribed as a second "Hugh Price Hughes." He has attruoted considerable attention by his vigorous speeches in favour of an institutional and demoordtio church, The total number of American Con gregational churches as shown in the new Year Book is 6,476, This includes 557 foreign missionary churches of the American board, The grand total of church - members, inclusive. of 63,178 members of foreign mission churches, is TIR09, ~~ 3 Since the consummation of the Methodist union in Australasia, the membership there has, of course, not been included in the returns, The spiri- itnal prosperity this year has been shared by all the districts.' South Wales leads the way with 532 net in- crease, New headquarters have just heen provided the Church Army of Eng land. The building, which is of red brick, and cost $200,000, is situated in Marble Arch, London. Ig was formally opened Ly Princess Loulge Augusta of Sehleswig-Holstein, and™ the chief speaker was Field Marshal 'Lord Rob erie, Rew. Dr. Briggs, who has been for some time in Rome, believes that the pope promises to become a great re former; that "great reforms are in his mind, which ere long will become evi dent in fact." Dr. Briggs believes that the Roman church hax in it "the pro mise of a reformation that would am- ount almost to transformation." At the present time there (8 not a single hospital in the Chinese empire people. Such institutions are found A Problem Solved. re . | ] a » get the purest form. | three small hospitals are maintained , Coupon | which | loltion of Ozone ¢ : nitrated form of Ozone, ¢ the "Celery King" sine; that =uch individuals, | of Ozone offers this vour draggist for it, { only where Christian niissions are at work, with the exception of two or by the foreign population exclusively Are You Pale And Sallow ? It's blood you want, more blood and Money back if not satisfactory. Shepherds believe the wool on a [sheep's back is an unfailing barome- to | ter. The curlier the wool, the finer will be the weather, "Mauna Loa, in the Sandwich Is lands, 13,650 feet high, is tha highest mountain which ~ rises directly from the sea. Red Ro. A mean Red Rose Tea is Clean Tea . LEANLINESS is as necessary, tg tea quality as to any other food. Tea rolled by. hand, cured by hand, weighed, blended and packed by hand may or may not be clean: : Every operation of making Red Rose Tea, on the plantation and in the warehouse, is performed by machines, the rolling and curing, the blending and weighing are all done by scrupulously clean automatic machinery. na Red Rose Teais never touched by human hands from the picking to your kitchen. Pe Red Rose Tea is gways clean. It cannot be other- ¥ wise, because it has no possible chance of contamination. Its "rich, fruity flavor " cannot be impaired by foreign substance of any sort whatever, o Melcher's Red Cross The only Gin MATURED FOR YEARS in ------------ BOIVIN, WILSON @. CO., Montreal. independently of the treasury of the Preshvterian church, - Beverley, Won ac- Tea CANADIAN GIN 2 'THE OLDEST : THE PUREST Bonded warehouses, and bottled un- der Government Supervision. CANADA FLAKES Canada Flakes is delicious toasted wheat-ready to eat. The most inviting--and most nutritions--cerenl food. J larger package than any other, | : "Just A Little Bigger Than The Rest. "Just A Little Better Than The Best." Every packige contains a hand. some premium, AT YOUR GROCERS. THE PETERBOROUGH CEREAL COMPANY, Limited PETERBOROUGH, ONT. GOLD MEDAL AWARDED, WOMAN'S EXHIBITION, LONDON, 1900, For : And Infants, FOO The Invalids, Aged. DR. BARNARDO "Ne bo shut ued Noss Yeo fo too Wholesale Agents : ~THE LYMAN BROS. &Co., Ltd., Toronto & Montreal Neaoves Nearly 80 Years' Established Reputation. ga Et es at " . an ave no tation in sal bas says i-- satishhc tory." July 27th, gor. . yay Manufacturers: JOSIAH R. NEAVE & CO., FORDINGBRIDGE, ENGLAND. founded and maintained by the native for the treatment of their countrymen. | better. Wade's Iron Tonic Pills make plirify and enrich the blood, changing that sallow face into one of beadty. In boxes 25c. at Wade's drug store. « ELLIOTT BROS . pos Until August 5th we will offer the = balance bf our Refrigerators at the following prices, viz, :-- i regular $9.50, NOW ........co. $700 1 regular 9.50, NOW ...cvves M50 1 regular 10.50, nw cineioens 8.00 1 regular 14.00, now ....%.. 11.00 1 regular 16.00, now .. ; 1 regular 26.00, now ... 4 These are all first class refrigerators, 77 Princess Street. 7 pea

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