erfect {E MURE IT'S IMITATED dlA" the proud distinction of bein, ntinent that is imitated, A" and Ste That You Get I-. » 30c., 40c., 50c., 60c. By an Grocers, Highest Award at St. Louls, 1904, ng OSVENOR NCOAT has his Cravenette Coat nowy that are thoroughly tailored, They have the broad shoulc ire characteristic of well-made ndsomer effect than the ordip- ther fit nor style. new shades, $7 50 to $18.50. | $12.50 Raincoat. lom of getting around in wet rella, try a GROSVENOR » $1 to $s. Soft Bosom Shirts - BIBBY CO, berdashers, Oak-Hall, {now Good I You See It? ve want to see our Suits. Once customer of ours. The man values, and cares as little for out of five, is of nc use to us, we want to deal with us, since 1g advertisement for us. 'mine the one you're friend rices to suit all tastes. Suits $12, Suits $15 THE FIT TO SUIT. he People's Clothier Redden's and Crawford's Groceries. als TN 1» amin r Oxfords were $2 25, Clearing ier Oxfords, John McPherson Shoe Store." dian Chocolates Ali Princess St. RE ------ IN STRICT CONFIDENCE, 'Women Obtain Mr Mrs. Pinkham's Advice ang Help. She Has Guided Tagusnds ta Health. woman to feel that she can write to anothertelling her the most vate jjand confidential details about her illness, and know "that her letter will be seen by a wo- man only, a wo- pathy 4 of sym- pat or her sick sisters, and a woman who has had above all, more experience in treating female ills than any li person. Over one hundred: thousand cases of female diseases come before Mrs. Pink- ham every vyear, some rsonall others by mail; and hh been pA "Ean! on for twenty years, day after day. ely. women are wise in seeking Tom a woman of such experi- tne, he aAny when it is absolutely ree. Mrs. Pinkham never violates the con- fidence of women, and every testimo- nial letter published is done so with the written consent or request of the writer, in order that other sick women may be benefited as they have been. Mrs. Fred Seydel, of 412 North 54th Street, West Philadelphia, Pa., writes: Dear Mos, Pinkham: -- wyenr ago 1 wrote you a letter asking Vice, 88] DAL oi and could not Surly s chil) to maturity. I received your letter of instructions and followed your advice. Iam not a well worhan in con- sequence, but have a tiful baby girl. I wish every suffering woman in the would write Ll for advice, as you have done so much Just as surely as Mrs. Seydel was cured, will Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound cure. every woman suffering from any form of female ills. No othér medicine in all the world has such a record of cures of female troubles as has Lydia E. Pinkhaw's Vegetable Compound. Therefore no prudent woman will accept any substi- tute which a druggist may offer. If you are sick, write Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass, for special advice. It is free and always helpful. EE -------------------------------- ON THREE CHARGES. Gananoque Hotel Keeper Before the Police Magistrate. Gananoque, July 31. - charge has been laid against Joseph Church, proprietor of the American Hotel, for violation of the liquor law, in selling to minors, This makes three charges against him to be heard on Monday. The charge for selling lignor to an intoxicated person, adjourned from last Thursday, will come up: on Tuesday. J. A. Jackson and W., B. Carroll for the prosecution, J. A. Hutcheson, Brogkyille, for. the. defend- ant, ' a No league baseball games at Grass hopper Park on Saturday, on account of the rain. Mi. Hampton, Hamilton, gave a solo in St. Andrew's church on Sunday morning. Rev. C. E. Radclifie conducted services in Christ. church, Anglican, Sunday. Eighty-eight = new arrivals registered at Gananoque Inn last week, This is a record season. Another Thousands Die Of Constipation. No condition causes inenr- able diseases as constipation. It not only prevents the kidneys froy, elimin- ating the poisonous wastes, but cal anaemia, stomach trouble and indigestion. Why won't you use Dr Hamilton's Pills and get cured ? This excellent medicine restores normal bowel action in one night. Thousands say so. Your system will be pure aud clean, you'll be free from headaches, no more sour stomach--in short you'll have jovial spirits and perfect good health, Dr. Hamilton's Pills are sold everywhere, 25¢. a box. Get the genu- ine, 0 many Attended The Funeral. Col. Gordon, D.0.C., conducted the military funeral over the remains of Major Walsh, of Brockville. He had on his stafi Lieut.-Col. Williams, A.D.C. Lieut.-Col. Young, D.A.A.G., Lieut. (ol. Strange, Major A. B, Cunning hani. The body was borie to the gun carriage in éhar, of a squad from "A" battery, Kingston, consisting of eight men who served in South Africa, namely, Privates Carron, Kenny, Turner, Fraser, Pearson, Mcintosh, Sargeant and Robinson. Bugler Saul ' pier sounded the reveille and the first and. last post. COMMERCIAL. MONTREAL STOCKS Telegraphed specially to the Whig hy Norman Brinig , Manager Hartshorne Bogert & Battelle, Meemb New York nes Street Aueist 1st 12.80 p.m Stock Exchange, 151 St Japanese 4} Bonds Canadian Pacific Railway Montreal Street Railway Toronto Stréet Railway Detroit Railway Toledo Railway Montreal Power Nova Scotia Steel Mackay, Com Canadian Electric . NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS. 18 Supplied by W. F. Dever & Co., Market Square. Kingston. Open Sloses Aueust ist Atchison 87 Baltimore & Ohio Amal, Copper Brooklyn Rapid Canadian Pacific Erie . Tilinoiy Central x.d Louisville - & Nashville Metropolitan Missouri Pacific New York Central Pennsylvania . Vock Island Reading . St Fav] Transit Twin City xd. Vinien « Pacific 11. KR. Steel U. 8. Steel; pid: " GRAIN MARKET Wheat -- [RY RA Tel pry 2 Sept. . 85% 84% Corn-- Ast 471 ay v 52 52% Sept. 52¢ 52 J They were SOLDIERS 'WIDOW! LASTOF WIVES O! OF SOLDIERS OF REVOLUTION. The 'Records in the Bureau of Pensions--She Retains Her . Faculties, But Has to Stay in Her Bed. Snecial to the Whig. Montpelier, Vt. home in Windsor: Mrs, Aug. 1.-At her ur 'this state, Esther Summer Damon, the last widow of a soldier of the revolution, celebrated her ninety-first day. 'Aunt Esther," (as she is familiarly known, is the widdw of Noah Damon, whose service as a revolutionary sol dier is, shown by the records in the bureau of pensions to have been as follows : Six days, from April 19th, 1775, in Capt. Tucker's company; a five days, from April 17th, Tr in Capt. Seth Summer's com- pany, Col. Benjamin Gill's regiment; two months, five days, from May 15th, 1777, in Capt. cn the roll of federal pensioners as a { fully, having leased the labor of con- | she will be, go 5 THE DAILY 'WHIG, TUESDAY, AUGUST 1. THE LATE L. B. SPENCER. A Loyal Citizen Has Passed to i His Rest. { On Monday moming at 5.10 o "clock, | i ' HOPED TO GET GET STEAMER (Levi B. Spencer, one of Kingston's | ARGYLE SOON OFF. best citizens, passed away. Born at -- Branford, Conn., in 1833, he, in early ife, took an active part in all the af- © : fairs of his town, and showed that She Rests on a Solid Bottom--A Question of Pull--A Railway Man Retired From Duties at | activity, which later made his life so: \ successful, In 1563, he came to King- | ston to take charge of the lock manus Toronto. factory of the late Mr. Evans, and, on Special to the Whig, the failure of the latter, undertook the | Toronto, Aug 1.-The steamer whole business as his own, and Yor | Argyle is still aground Q v twenty-five years carried it on success but off Oshawa, it is confidently expected that off in a few hours. She has been pulled off the rocks and now rests on the solid bottom. It is A. Macdonald. At the expiration of his [ow only a question if the tugs have lease he retired from active business, walicient power to get the vessel having attained a competence, la ay. . In religion he was a Congregational | bi Earles, for nine years man- ist of New England stock, and during | | ager of the Canadian Freight Asso- his long residence in Kingston was one | ciation, with head offices here, and of the strongest supporters of the First | one of the best known railway men Congregationalist church, where until | in Canada, has retired. He will be his recent illness, he was a constant succeeded by Thomas Marshall, for viets in Kingston penitentiary from | the government of the late Sir John : listener. He was a lifelong conserva- | merly divisional freight agent of the tive and a great admirer of his revered | Pere Marquette railway, London, Ont, leader, the late Sir John A. Macdon- | An interesting point of military ald. | etiquette was raised, this morning, Moses French's eom- pany, Col. Jonathan Titcomb's reyi- ment; two months, twenty-two days, from December 10th; 1777, in Capt. 3 Thomas White's company, Col, Kd ward Proctor's regiment; two months, | twentysdive- days, from April Oth, 1778, in Capt. Banjamin Lapham's i company, Col. Jonathan Reads regi ment; one month, seven days, arnt | July 26th, 1778, in Capt. Nathaniel ! Clapp's company, Col. Benjamin | Howe's regiment; nine days, from February 5th, 1779, in Capt.. Abner Crane's company, colonel not stated; ote month ome day, from August 14th, 177, in Capt. Joseph Richard's company, Col. Gul's regiment; eight ! months, from May 11th, 1780, in Capt. | Caleb Champney's company. Damon entered the service as a miniite man when about.sixteen vears of age. He was nearly twenty-two when his last recorded service completed. His period of intermittent enlistment covered a period of nearly five years and seven months, The ir regular troops of - the continentyl army were gssembled and disbanded as occasion required, which explains | his frequent changes of assignment to | companies and regiments. He nearly four-score years old when he was married to ther Summer, the widow who survives him. Mrs, Damon has been conlined to her bed for nearly a yéar, and has lost to a gredt, extent the use of her limbs. | With the exception of a slight deaf nes however, she retains her facul ties wemarkably. Last April her pen- | sion. was increased by the government | to $21 per month, was was LAKE ONTARIO PARK. Was a Fine Performance " Last Evening. In spite of the in 'the city there erowd at Lake There counter attractions was an immense Ontario Park last evening. The pavilion was packed to its utmost capacity by an enthusias- tie and pleasuresecking + andiance. for their at of the work members Of well repaid tendance By the merit performed by the several the company. The programme commenced illustrated pictures by Naydon. Some new with I'ritchard and and pretty sub jects were introduced. Miss Eloise Mortimer, a beautiful and accom '| plished singer, gave "Star Cf My Life,"' and being ene 1. sang charm ingly "Apnie Laurie. In the second part she sang "The Last Rose Of Summer" (Martha.) Tt piece of work the beautiful old nielody never sound ed sweoter. She received applause The Kaufman brothers are able 5, in singing and dancing. 2 their coon sketch they made a de ed hit and were repeatedly encern The costumes were elegant. They sang was a simple "0 Sally," "I undy ly the Water Melon Vine, 'Tommy,' "Mamie," "My Girl Sal" and "Abner Hem mingway."' The Seymour family, who accidentally missed the boat at Rochester, will appear to-night in their double trapese acts and con tortion work. They were well ed at thé pavilion last' year. At the of the perform ance there was a very pretty display, of fireworks under the careful man agement of W. Shea. The freworks was viewed with interest by the larze crowd. Dancing was afterwards in dulged in for time by a large receiv- conclusion some number of young people and a merry hour or two was spent. Miss Mc Glade presided at the piano and D. aller offi." There presented Brannigan was the "¢ will be a big progranume to-night, Miss Eloise Mortimer will join "The Echoes From Broadway' company, in New York in September, who will make a tour of the maritime pro vinces and Ontario. An Evening Of Song. The Goslin party, of New York, are at Villa Dawson, Wolfe Island. They i Hilda, i family were not unprepared for the ill -aechook and dwelt unon the resignation Ness: ats artistically done and | Uncompromising when a question of in the police court, when an. escort principle was involved, his word was (from. the barracks appeared before the hig bond, and he was to be trusted | magistrate to claim one of their 'to do just as he promised, Although | comrades arrested for drunkenness. laid aside from the pursuits of active | The escort wore their helmets as the | business life for some time past, he is | constables do. "Take vour hats off," ordered Col. Denison, which promptly did, As 'the kindly remembered, come will be and hig cheery wel missed by fH his many the men soldiers = left friends. the court with their prisoner, his He Yeaves a widow and one child, | lordship said : "Now mind and Mrs. L. [. Hend®eson, of this city, to learn that in the future," On en- mourn his loss and await a happy re union beyond. n - quiry, subsequently, at the barracks. Tit was stated that the magistrate | was wrong,""and that, according to | military etiquette. the soldiers should | have worn thei hats, being on duty. This the magistrate disputes A Great Bereavement. A bright and beautiful spirit passed | to the rest of Paradise on Sunday | '" morning, in the person of Kathleen h The Hvdro-Electric Power company, thin daughter. of | has made some appointments, Jt is Mrs. Benjamin Bailey. Friends of the | Probable that Go ordon Sproule will be J es secretary of the commission, He is at present scoretary to the Temiskaming railway commission and can unite the offices. Harold Acres, an expert hvdro- electrical engineer, and W. G. Chase. St. Catharines, an electrical exvert, both' graduates of the School of Prac tical Science, have been engaged by | the commission. BB. Clements, a McGill graduate, will have charge of the field worl surviving ness, that ended so peacefully on Sun day, had been a long one. But it had been borne with a Christian fortitude and an unselfish sweetness and pati- ence, that were touching to witness. The sympathy of the whole commiimi ty goes out to the bereaved mother and sisters, Miss Bailey was attended during hia illness hy Rev. W. T. G. Brown and, after his departure from the city, hy Rev, C. BE. Manning. At the Sunday morning service in Sydenham ~~ Street | Methodist church, My. Manning made | TO Secure the Release of Frank special reference to the bereavement | Rielly. sustained by the church and Sunday | At a late hour, thigafternoon, a de cided movement towards securing the release of Frank Riellv, now confined A PETITION FRAMED to God's "will which marked the last days of the deceased upon earth, | in Belleville jail, for infraction of the The funeral, a private, one, took | law «in connection with the hogus bal place this morning, from the family re- | lot boxes, at the last Dominion elec idence on Queen street, to Cataraqui | tion, eulminatad in united action. cemetery. Rev, Mr. Manning conducted A petition has been started addressed the services, Lovely flowers spoke of | {6 W, J, Paul, for Addington membes: svmpathy and many friends and rela- | in the Dominion i raying I 1 islature, tives attended, including Dr. and Mrs. him to uso his influence towards are Crews, of Pittsford, N.Y, and others | prieve. Nor is-the action coming from from a distance. political friends, hut from all classes, parties, and crpeds for the prevailing HOMEWARD BOUND. | opinion is, that Rielly has condoned | his offence, 'ahd if 'he much longer re- ! maine in confinement, he Will vever leave the jail alive. His mother also comes infor a large share of sym Ottawa Contingent Left at Mid. night. a. Wg > i t we . » ell, they got Bway J, Heh v after pathy. Although in British Columbia. SLE things up 8 ik. ev WEICW | af. 'Avery, M.P.) hae sanctioned his warm' proposition, that Ottawa bunch tie bell aad oi auch a petition and the memory of their 1905 visit to - I : A ile M bk ng 0 itness Kingston will long remain fresh; it while Mr lapping, one of the witnes y re : : + | es against Rielly, is not only willing was '"'watered"' sufhciently to keep it " ? : : Th | but "anxipus to see the sentemce with green for a long time. They got away ha Monday just as the clock in the old | drawn. 'The cqunty council is also belfry eT 'Hie oity buildings chimed quite unanimous in signing the doen the mystic hour of midnight, but the | Ment and the member for Frontenac old bell was put clear out of busi | will, no doubt, 'alse, give his encour dulect were drowned | agement to the action. Ls bv the loud cheering of the "whale | When the petition is finished it will gang." who. gathered ab the Ko & F be at once conveyed to the government tones station to bid adieu to the parting by the member for Addington, and guests, and as though sufficient noise With the assistance of other confreres could not be made by their - husky the hope is that the desired object throats, they exploded giant firecrack- | will be quickly accomplished. ers to emphasize the good will felt hy those at towards the old: boys Secret Of Long Life. home and youthful girls who now make Port Jefferson, L.J., Aug. 1.--Mrs (Mtawa their place of x widence, Such | Sarah Ann Jones, celebrated her one a time as they had eding the | hundredth birthday vesterday. Asked parting guests!" Hundreds of 'good- for her "secret of long life" she said wes" were uttered o'er and o'er each | "First, God's kindness, then hard time the locomotive whistle gave a | work and plenty of it, along with false alarm "toot," until finally Con- | much fresh air. Hard work never hurts ductor Healey bade. the departing | any body. 1 went to work when | was ones get abroad, and when assured | nine years old, and I Kept it up until that he had them all safely in his three years ago, and then I had to stop because | could not get ghout on toot" | my feet. Both my parénts were slaves they | My mother was sold nine times, for a pair of oxen." Well, -- " English Claims To Be Pressed. care, he waved his lantern and re ceived an answering "toot, from. the engine driver, and bwere off > Did they have a good time? vou can bet they did, and they went once away happy, full of kindly thought: London, Aug. L--In reply to no of the old burg and "its hospitable | (yastion in the House of Lords, Lord people, and next year they will re | fangdowne, foreign secretary, said the turn in Joeriunn numbers Jud live Fgovernment had intimated to Russia over again the experiences of 1905. that claims for compensation to the A large number from the city ac respective owners and crews of the companied the returning exeursionists | poo {eamers St. Kilda and as far as Sharbot Lake returning at half" past ecight-- this morning, and they say that the fun continued al the way out to the lake. which were sunk by Russian cruisers after the battle of the Sea of Japan, would be pross«l irrespective of the findings of the original price court, Pretty Church Wedding. An exceedingly pretty wedding was thag¢ on June 19th, at the Roman | Thousand Islan@® And Rochester. number fourteen persons and on Sun day evening Mrs. Goslin entertained a gathering of villagers. She posses ses a rare voice of great range © and her musical selections were much ap preciated during the evening Miss Branifi, who was présent, after much solicitatiqn, also rendgred a slo which "showed only that" finish which can be attained and executed after yvoars of faithfal training. The party will remain on the island for some time. The Music Of The Band. The members of the 11th band gathered at Macdonald Park on Sun day evening amid the pouring rain They played two selections and, need lest to say. they were their own lis teers. On - Monday morning they were at the park again for an hour, rendering some four pieces, during th¢ races. This time there was a considerable number on the grounds In the evening the musicians were stationed on the market square and gave one of their favorite concerts, concerts. On this occasion the place was black with delighted listeners A Day, Any Day. Spend a day' on the water hy tak- ing North King or Caspian for Thous- and Islands. Daily except Monday at 10.15 a.m. + h, Steamers Nori™ging and Caspian Catholic church, Erinsville; the only | java daily except onday for Thou daughter of Patrick Donoghue, Mary | gand Islands at = 10:15 a.m., calling bie : at Alexandria Bay, Rockport and Michael .J., son of William Kennedy, Gananoque. Returning leave at 5 p.m. ato of that vicinity. The fifty guests fr Bay of Quinte ports and Rochest- were the nearest friends or relatives. er. i The bride wore a costume of white silk, white chiffon hat, tegimmed with silk flowers, and ribbon. The brides | Wednesday, Aug. 2nd, America makes maid was Miss Kennedy, sister of the 4 ? ithe. islands, 2.30" p groom, and the groomsman was Fd-| 2 special our £ we 3g SHC, e)-D, die Domohue, arother of the bride, The | ™M:, supper on board, fare 35e. bridesmaid"s dress was white silk 5 grenadine and she wore a white chif fc n hat. At the. home of the bride's acquired the old Gilmour sawmill at father a rich dinner was served and in Trinton, and will renovate and use it the midst of an increased number of || the near future, employing several friends in the evening, a most enjoy- hundred men. This would be a splen- able times was spent. The bride's go ai thine for. Trenton, which 'awn ing away suit t : : was of turquoise blue folt the closing up of the Gilmour { Jane cloth. The groom is one of Fr mill very much { insville's enterprising young men, and The Montreal chief of police says fof sterling integrity and greatly res wife-beating in that city is becoming { pected. His brite. young, amiable and common, and he suggests steps to- ropular, is a pride to him. She re wards prevention. evived a beautiful array of gifts, am- The Army and Navy Veterans' As- 'ong them a pretty crescent pin from "ciation have decided to establish an t the groom and a $20 pold piece from employment "surean for ex-soldier im hor brother, Matthew Donohue, P.C.. migrants . \ .. . of Toronto. ' Thieves entered a Toronto ware house by means of a fire escape and carried off the booty in a waggon. i A., was united by Father Carey, to! { Tour Of The Islands. The statement is made that the Rathbun company, Deseronto, have For kidney and bladder trouble, Dy. Chown's Buchn- Juniper Kidney Pilla Buy Sal Hepatica for the liver. Gib is the best to take. Only 25¢. box. son's Red Cross desig store has it Buy taleam powders at Gibson's Daviess peafed bacon, tasty for Red Crdss drug store. reahtast. 15 STILL A AGROUND/, ANOTHER IDEAL TOUR. rr-- : To Pacific Coast and Lewis & Clark Exposition. On August 25th, the last of Bawler's personally conducted tours to the Pa- cific coast will ctart from Portland and Boston, the sections joining in Montreal, on 'a special train for the entire journey. This will be a "trip of a life time," as declared bv party which 'started on July 3th. The mem- bers of that party cannot say enough as to the generous treatment received. The excellent dining ear service was appreciated, the high clase hotels used fully enjoyed, and the excellent routes and side trips called for pronounced enthusiasm from 'one and all. They will always recommend Bowler's Tours as the "Ideal Tours." Any interested in August toute should make reserva. 'tions with KE. Bowler, Bonaventure Station, aay, BY Joljowia the instructions with ee Tae re a Sold by all Druggists In Canada and U. §. America. ln Water In Your Blood ? - Lots of people have thin watery blood- 'they eat plenty but don't di est. When digestion is poor, food isn al converted into nourishment--in conse uence the body rapidly loses strength, To positively renew health, nothing equals Ferrozone, It excites 'sharp ap petite--makes the stomach digest, forms life sustaining blood. Abundagt strength is sure to follow, 1 you need more vitality, extra ' energy, better nerves, then use Ferrozone the medical triumph of the age, Fifty cents buys a box of fifty chocolate coated Ferbozone tablets. Mixed Relations. T. P's Weekly. Can_any of our--seaders truthfully declare that they once had a brother, but that he died 150 years ago ? 1 see that there is at least one person in the world making such a claim, and that he recently swore to the fact in a court of law. The French contemporary from I quote adds that the judge at first thought that the man was joking, and called him to substantiate his story. He declared, 8s was afterwards verifi- ed, that his father had married at the age of nineteen, and had one son, who died within two days of his birth, Be. coming a widowes the father married again, in his seventy-filth year, and had then had another son, the wit- ness, This latter was ninety-lour at the time of the trial. Adding ninety- four vears to fifty-six years (the 'peri od which elapsed between the two mar- riages) the result is exactly 150. We did Wd largest day night's 5 of year, she pec visited our Here and' pleased wit bargains 3 attention they r: ceived We' planned to make toe beat it out, and we will 'some great ind Setieday night sl pecially in the Hosiery, » orset, Neckwear, 'Be -Handkerchief and Rib sections, HANDSOME NECK RIBBONS, in dainty Dresden and mid woh NEW.CRUSH gM gr Spelal at 25. bo N LT nite Pique, handsomely embroidered with White, PERCALE SUMMER CORSETS. worth Te. for 0c. FABRIC GLOVES in new shades. Npeeial line at 25c. KNIT UNDERWEAR, for Ladies, at 10c., i#ige. and 18¢ LADIES" NECKW EAR, ll kinds desirable, 6c. to 9¢. LADIES' LINEN HANDK ERCHIEFS. The 15e. kind for 10c. © @ A CLEAN- UP 1 67 Pairs of Men's $380 °° Shoes and Oxfords " There's about 7 styles in this lot. Fine up to-date shoes in Box Calf, Russia Calf Patent Colt and Vici Kid. If you like fine shoes, big value at little prices, come here on SATURDAY! McDERMOTT'S SHOE STORE ©8906 LEPONE 8 OPEGORO §6 FINE SHIRT WAIST SUITS AT CLEARING-0UT PRIGES Rich and Profitable Choosing Y only, BLUE AND GREEN SHOT SILK SUIT, nicely made al A faded feathers Phi aa oa Witnmed iy in the vary lated. "ye size 36; regular ries ni blouses, jackets, silk sashes, dresses, 2 \ skirts, stockings and other articles of only, BLACK BRAZILIAN SUIT, size 34; regula price $11, wearing apparel Now . . Hp t is easy to dye a faded garment large--with DIAMOND as it is to wash it with soap, colors are forever fast ine 0 A railway across the Australian con. tin'nt, to connect Adelaide with Port Darwin, South Australia, is projected. HOW'S THIS ? We offer One Ilundred Dollars Reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. We the undersigned have known F. J Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations made hy his firm. WALDING, KINNAN & MARVIN, Wholesale Druggists Toledo, O Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the aystom. Testi monials seat free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold LY mit Drupeists. Take Hall's Family Pills for consti nation. DIAMOND DYES Color and Article of Dress From Feathers and Stockings. See Se ese | 3 1 % Diamond Dyes are the only package dyes made specially for easy and snccessful homo dyeing, They re-color ww small or DYES, and the only, BROWN LUSTRE SUITS, trimmed with king. ad and the new tan leat! ihing, hoy 3 and 38 Now Shpmseriaben her east seererens washing or sunlight. Bgight and eco- a TT BEAN ran 5 ¥ . re ar save gi dollars 2 only, OREES LUSTRE SUITS, same as above; siren 2 a cach year by the use of Diamond 36; regular $9. Now veel aeianed beni gadis Hee Dyes, which sake' uid things look, as 2 only, BLACK LUSTRE SUITS, self trimmed; 'sims 34 and 3%: good as ne regular $4.50. Now ....... Usors of package. dyss will pleas] § © 0 rn ap tie isteaee tat EE re bear ine wind that vi'e and worthless ; 1 only, NAVY LUSTRE SUIT, self- trimmed; rize 34, , rogue £4.50, $ imitations of Diamond Dyes are sold ARs na " $1.75 by some dealers. Every time "yon purchase dyed be sure you ask for the "DIAMOND." Refuse all other makes if you would avoid trouble and loss of money, Write to Wells & : Richardson Co., Limited, Montreal, PAL, for valuable book on dyeing work, and ecard of forty-eight eolors of dyed cloth. Sent free to any ad dress. UNNA DEFINES A CAUSE. FINANCE AND INSURANCE ' 1f You Want a | ; OR INSURANCE, Have a ' European Skin Specialist Says Dandruff is Caused by Para- Sites. G. A. BATEMAN Issuer of Marriage Licenses, Upon that theory, proved beyond a Life and Fire Insurance Talk Wish doubt a cure for dandruff was sought Real Estate after. Scientists, chemists, druggists BROKER George Leigler, and physicians all "took a hand)' and 57 Brock Street. the sucecssful issue is the present product known as "Newbro's Herpi- cide." This remedy. actoally kills the parasites that infest the hair bulb, does its work most effective and con- Office, 61 Clarence St. For Real Estate If You Want to ow] T. J. Corner of tains not an atom of substance injur- 'ellington Brock Streets, King- ious to anything else than the germ : 0 | - - . alone. Herpicide causes the hair 10 ur nsurance i grow as nature intended it should, Fire, and Life Insurance. soft and abundant. Sold hy leading druggists. 10-. in stamps, for sample to The Pervicide Cai. Detroit, Mich, G. V. I Mahood, special agent. Consult with GEO, CLIFF before buying at gb Clarence Street. Send 00000000000 0000000000C0000V000