We are going to: sellsall out at cost, Children's Tow Taced and Strap Shoes, in tan and black, at cost. Children's. Boots and 'Shoes, laced, ~ buttoned and strap that were 50c., Children's Yow Taced and Strap Shoes that were 75c., cut price Sic. Misses" Low Shoes, laced or strap, that were $1, cut price Tbe. H, JENNINGS, King St Buggies! Bare u Bt lies of MeLuwibin Bugwies, Runabouts, Surreys and Wae- ons, also a large ssortient of gle and Harness, which we will sell S | iN = % EWS OF NIG WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- 1a ~ ENTS TELL US, |The Tidings In From Various Points Eastern Ontario -- What | People Are Doing And What Rochester. Lapum, July 31.~Mrs. B. Rose re wived, Friday, the sad mews of = the death, at Rochester, N.Y, of her sis- ter-in-law, Mrs. Nelson Hicks; She formerly lived at Odessa, but since the death of her husband, some thirty years ago, had made her home with her daughter, Mrs. H. C. Day. She missed by her many friends. ---- Junetown Jottings. Junetown, July 29. Miss Coon, of Brockville, recently visiting Mrs. Alex. Tennant, has returned. James Purvis has recovered from his- illness. Verma and Lulu Warren, Lansdowne, were last week guests of Nettie and Blsie Herbison. Allan Earl, Temperance Lake, was calling on friends hers. 7. Purvis: has his new stable and shed almost completed: Charles Weston and sister, Lizzie, spent last Sunday with frietnls here. Miss Maude Avery is spending holidays here with her par- ents. Mrs. W. W. Hall is slightlv ill. Mrs. Margaret Griffin has returned to her home at Gananoque. Malcolm Hall No Waste of Heat In the "Bison" Hot Water-Heater © The * Bison" bas two drafts--a center draft to burn quickly, and a Hl Tt 0 My c Wi The side t carries heat up a side flue passing up and down, and up again through a center flue, always in contact with water surfaces, trapping the heat and burn. ing the gases. See illustration. The draft is continuous, syphon- like in action, but always under easy control, Not a particle of heat is lost--the sections get it all, the water heats | uickly.-- the effect on the radiators | most instantaneous -- The "Bison" has more good heatin points than all other heaters | combined. THE H, R. IVES CO0., Limited, MONTREAL. i | has purchased { years. Haying is 'night open air concerts a new binder, $ min Ameliasburg Items. Ameliashurg, "July 29.--There has been a great number of fine hass put in olir pretty little lake. They were brought from Point Anne, We should have fine fishing here in two or three prétty well along; foo weather, and the quality is good. David Stafiord took seven loads from one acre. The council met, last-week, and' laid plans to repair the town ball, and lay 4 cement walk in front of it. W. H. Roblin is building a large drive Kouse on the latest plan, Har- vesting has begun and 'a contilerable barley is cut. A number from this n ivhborkood attend the Wednesday at Wellington. Mr. Jon=s, Melleville, has returned to the hospital, Mr. and Mrs. Barnes and. daughter, Chicago, have returned home, Wedding At Westport. Westport, July 31.-H. W. Lawson has purchased Mr. Kane's steamyacht end is having it painted and over. hauled; she will be used for excursion parties on the Rideau. Edwin Speagle, home on his vacation, returned to Al- bany, N.Y, Saturday. Miss Ding Burke, Brockville, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Grey. Mrs, John A. McCann and family, Ottawa, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Me Cann, last week. John L. McCann has purchased the Wardrobe house, for- merly owned by P. J. McParland. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Murch, Kingston, are occupying their summer cottage on the Rideau. number from here attended the excursion to St. Anne de Beaupre, Tuesday. Miss Tessie McCann is the guest of her sister, Mrs, 7. Silvah, Smith's Falls. Monday last a pretty wedding took place in St. Edward's church, when Miss Annie Ward, daugh | ter of John Ward, was united to Pa- trick Bennett. The ceremony perform- ed by Rev. Father O'Rourke. Hugh Hagan made ,a business trip to Perth last week. Mrs. Khzabeth McParland and son, James, Burgess, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. K. McCann, Sun- day. Mrs. T. P. Hogan, is visiting friends in Peterboro, and Toronto, McDonald & Erwin's store has been painted and oyerhauled and presents a neat appearance. A. C. Bradley is all smiles; it's a boy. A Serious Accident. Myers" Cave, July 31.--Crops are looking fine and there is every pros- pect of an abundant harvest. Farmers are busy cutting hay and fall grain, both promising a large yield, es- pecially hay, the best for some vears, What might have been a serious acei- dent happened James E., eldest son of | T. D. Perry, this place. In some un- { accountable manner he became entang- RUBBER TIRES | | --FOR ~ BABY CARRIAGES :: ~ Put on promptly and reasonably, | HARVEY MILNE, | 272 BACOT dane Strawberries | and Cream The finest, purest required tor such a delicious dish.{ TPAT in the | | only kind of cream we 8 It's always fresh and tasty. Delivered | Kingston Milk Depot, Cor, Brock and Bagot Streets | | David Hall, +66 Brook Street. 'Phone 85, | Balderson. | | led in the rope, used in drawing logs from the water to the mill. He was carried ground the wheel several times, when his 'brother Oscar, seein: his perilous position, sprang to his assistance, stopped the wheel, and lib- erated him. Fortunately no bones were broken. Besides 4 severe shaking up he sustained several bad bruises, about the neck and shoulders. During a severe electric storm, which passed over this place Tuesday last, two boys, Philip Critchley and Oscar 'erry, and a man named Daniel Ledgwick, engaged cutting hay for John Critchley, took shelter under some bushes, when lightning struck an elm tree about 150 yards from them, the shock rendering all three unconscious for some time. Dr. Me- Callum, Cloyne, was summoned, and made a careful examination. He found that nothing serious had taken place save the shock to their nervous svstems, Miss Lillie McGregor left Monday to visit friends in Perth and Miss Laury Carmichael, | i ---- was an amiable woman and will be | _ THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, AUGUST i. 8 visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. x baby boy has come to brighten the home of Mr. and . Mrs. D. Gray. A. Dellyea made a business trip to Arden, Thursday last. T. Del- yea is on the sick list. CL ---- A Rich Mine. Holleford, July 31.--Farme harvesting, 'but the recent rai will be a draw back. 8S. Martin, Sr., is seriously ill. G. Smith has his new re- sidence almost completed. A wedding is expected in the near future. J. W, Redmond has sold his feldspar mine to the Rathbun company, Deseronto, who have begun work, with Mr. Chisholm, Kingston, as er. Mr. Chisholm claims the ore is of first class quality and he expects to turn out over three hundred tons a day. D. Walker has purchased y new binder, Mr. and Mrs, T. Bawden have gone to New York state for the summer. Of the three pupils who tried the entrance examin- ations, two were successful, viz., Bea- 'trice Freeman and Harold Redmond; the last named ' receiving over 500 marks. Mrs, D. Walker has returned from spending a week in Picton: J, W. Redmond is building an addition to his house. A drove of pigs is creating Lite an excitement in this vicinity. Miss Sylvia Walker has re- turned to her school 4t Fernley. J. 1. Redmond has sold his pacer gnd pur- chased a colt from J. 0" Rie}ly. iss thel Babcock continues very low. Visitors : Miss Annie Redmond, Adame, with her parents; Mrs. Gal- braith, Chicago, at I). Freeman's; F. Dennison, at J. O'Rielly's; Mrs. Van Paton and Miss Ids Martin, Syracuse, and E. Genge, Watertown, N.Y., at James Walker's, are Eleven Cows Killed. Morton, July 31.--Farmers have their haying pretty well under way ; they report a bountiful crop. The electric storm last week did consider- able damage. Benjamin Brown had eleven cows killed. Some work is be: ing done towards. repairing our roads; the grader and stone crusher have been at work.: 1. Booth has his new house nearly completed. W. Lloyd, of Gananoque has" rented the hotel here. F. Harrison, Smith's Falls, visited here on business, J, Stewart, who had his hand badly jammed while working in the mill, is doing well, and will soon be able to resume his duties. The péople of this neighborhood were shocked upon hearing of the death of John Dobbs, highly_ respected farm- er. He was sick only a few days; the funeral services were conducted under the Orange Order in St. John's church, The Presbyterians of Morton purpose holding their annual ice cream social August 16th; arrangements are being made for a baseball match in the af- ternoon; a brass band is expected to be in attendance, Mr. and Mrs, Tidd, Syracuse, have returned home after visiting their uncle's, S. Stevens, Mrs, McDonald, Almonte, was the guest of her son, Rev. J. A. McDonald, - last week. Mise Minnes, Kingston, visiting at the manse, has returned to her home, Mrs. A. Stevens, hurriedly call- ed to visit her mother; Mra, Fergus- on, Bediord, whé was very ill, re turned yesterday; she leit her mother much improved. Hi PF, Metcalfe, prin- éipal of Kingston' Business College, called on friends Here Thursday last. Mrs. Frank Smith ahd little son, spent a couple of weeks 'at her home here. Mr. and Mrs. Johnston, Lyn, were the guests of Mrs. Wood, this week. Rev, Robert Herbison 'and sister, Sand Bay, who are enjoying a canoe trip, called here Thursday. Campers At! Newboro. Newboro, . July 31.--Miss Eva Grah- am, dangerously ill, with appendicitis, is recovering, An enjoyable evening was spent at the home of L. S, Lewis, Wednesday, by a number of guests from Newboro, Westport and Elgin. The Von Spiegql party of Utica, N.Y. spending vacatiyn at Grass Point, re- turned home lagt week. The third match in the termediate baseball league which was to have been played in Elgin, Saturday, was postponed on account. of rain. The Chester party of New Brunswick, N.J., are camping in their summer residence at Loon's Lodge," and the Cassels party of Ches- terville, are summeting' in Mrs, Bree zee's cottage on Newboro Lake. Miss C. Burke is visiting friends in Smith's Falls. Miss Carrie Mondban; seriously ill in Brockville General Hospital, is recovering. R. P. Tett has opened a hoot and shoe store in the Vickery stand, Main street. Newboro fair dates 'have heen drranged for Septem- ber 21d and 4th, Excursions will be run from Brockville and Smith's Falls. A number from Westport held a picnic on the shores of Newhoro Leake on Friday. Dr. M. McBonigle, practising for some time at Sudbury andatho re- cently' wrote on the esamindtions of the Medical 'Council' of 'Wisconsin, is spending his vacation at his home here. Mrs. (Rev.) 'Stanton left Thurs day for a Yoyage to England: ¥isit- ors: H, Pearson, Montreal, at his home here; Miss O'Donahue, New Bliss, at T. Ryan's; Mr. Lester, Elgin; Mrs. B. J. MoNally, Westport, at Mrs. W. J. Hart's: © Misa Cohler, of Smith's Falls, Miss Wright, Perth, Miss Simmons and Mise Whelan, Tole do, at T. Synett's; , Misegs. Ji and 8, Synett, New York, at-home; My. and Mrs. Witherell and daughter, Williams burg, at T. Foster's:a Mr. and Mrs. D. Davison, Delta, at D.. Davison's: H. Cauley, and H. Graham, Brockville, at T. Foster's, oS a, rah : aii Fashionable Clodhing To-Order. Prevost's, Brock! street, has always had the reputation' of making the finest clothing to ovder,.For material, style and workmanship, he cannot be beaten. A large variety of goods to choose from at rock-bottom prices. A first class fit guaranteed. Give him a trial ws The Blue Scarecrow. The farmer's scareeréws were garbed in blue, | "A blue scarecrow," said the man, "does more good than ten ordinary | ones, for birds hate and fear blue as ivou and I hate and fear typhoid and consumption. A professor pointed out to me that blue 'was the thing for birds. At first 1 was uhbelieving but I experimented, and found that profes- sor to be right." : Admiral Yeh, & the Chinese Fr is dead at the Ki senal. Buy Lydia Pinkhrire Compe "at Gibson's Red Cross drug store. NEWS OF DISTRICT. LOCAL NOTES AND THINGS IN GENERAL. I] Gananogue board of education asks $9,500 from the council for school purposes. r Dr. J. A. Bean has disposed of his livery business at Gananoque to Jos- eph B. Dempster. W. H. Taplin died suddenly at Mel- rose, Mass, His remains will be in- terred at Athens, Ont. Charles English, Thurlow township, He was stricken in the hay field. A. T. Campbell, aged fifty years, for some time assistant postmaster of Gananoyue, passed away Monday last. He leaves a widow. Miss M. Bennett and Missy Gladys Yule have secured positions on Gana- noque"s public school staff. Miss Moulton has been made model school assistant. Mist McLaurin, one of the best and most reliable teachers on the staff of West Ward school, Napanes, resigned and Miss Harrison was appointed her successor, There died at the old family resi- dence, Northport, on July 15th, Har- monus Fox, at the age of cighty-four years. He had been a life-long resi- dent of the place., Carrie, youngest daughter of Mrs. Henry Graham, Perth, fell off a lad- der and broke the large bone in her right wrist. Her Dp was pierced by two of her teeth. A popular Grand = Trunk employee passed away on Friday in the person of John York, after quite a lengthy illness. He was born in England forty - years ago. Mrs. C. Marshall, of Phillipsville, Ont., is held at Watertown, N.Y., on a charge of criminally receiving stolen property, Her - two children Gladys and Clara, are accused of petit lar ceny. Mrs. and Miss Grace Chalmers and Miss Crane, of San Francisco, Cal, Gerald Loynes and Misses Muriel and Helen Chalmers, are spending the sum- mer in J. Frank Chalmers' residence, Adolphustown village. The Gananoque Journal Houser, missing at Burlington, Out., lived in Gananoque for some. time, but left several years ago. He mar ried a Miss Little, but she died a few months after the marriage, James O'Hare, = Belleville, 1 "dead, aged seventy-two. He died on the same day that his son-in-law. the late James Adams, was buried. Pe sides his widow, the late Mr. OV[l,r. leaves two sons and five Mrs, Maria Jane Hamilton, wife of Alexander Hamilton, died on the homestead on which she was horn in Corbyville, on Saturday morning, af: ter a lingering illness from cancer. The deedhsed was sixty-seven years of age. At Lanark, Rev. J. M: Miller uni ted in marriage Miss Mary A. Mac Infies and James Forbes: The! cop mony took place at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mre. Alex ander Maclnnes, Lanark and Hope- town highway. Fred. R. Davis, eldest son of M.V. Davis, Adolphustown, was récently married to Miss Maud Balfour. The ceremony was conducted at the farm residence of the bride's parents, Mr, and Mrs. Samuel Balfour, near nah, North Dakota. It is said Inspector Walker winked at the violations of during the OK says that daughters. Boys' re-union by allowing them to keep open during prohibited hours. The Ontario says his leniency was certainly of great as sistance in the entertainment of the visitors. Mrs. L. N. Phelps, Delta, was azree ably surprised at being called sudden- ly to Lyndhurst, to receive at the hands of the Presbyterian church, a very handsome gold chain and loc- ket, as appreciation of her lmg and efficient services as organist of the church. The oldest married couple ville, in the persons of ir. and Mrs. Chancey Bellamy, celebrated the sixty-second anniversary of their mar- riage a few days ago. Mr. Bellamy is eighty-nine and Mrs. Bellamy = i eighty-five years old and are in splen. did health. George Steen, formerly of Paken- ham, and a popular member of Al monte's famous lacrosse team of g few vears ago, met a tragic death in the far west, Thursday. He was oper- ating a farm six miles north of Moosomin and had a hired man nam ed George Summers working for him Thursday, at breakfast, they had en altercation and Steen, a great strong man, threw Summers and then turned to go away when the latter hit him on the back of the head with a stick. Steen never recovered consciousness. John Horner, Hayburn, passed sud- denly away at the home of his John Homer, Adolphustown, on July | 15th. Deceased was apparently in good health, and though he had ben poorly all winter was helping his son with his hay harvest. The cause of death was evidently heart failure, he retired to bed in a few minutes, called by his in Frank- | son, | as in good spirits, and before help could he wife, had gone. He leaves besides his widow three sons and two daughters, John in Adolphus- town, George at Hayburn, and anoth- er in Irondequoit, N.Y.; one daugheer in. Toronto, and - Mrs. Bailey, third concession. Mr. Horner and family came to this country from England about twenty-four years ago and set- tled on Henry Allison's farm as' ten- ants. The family have lived near there since. He was aged seventy-two years. Value Of "Ozone." The value of "Ozone" (it is really liquid oxygen) is well known to medi- cal science. It kills the germs of in- ternal disorders. If taken in conocen- trated form (and that means "Solu- tion of Ozone, the. coupon kind") it ensures a speedy cute for asthma, bronchitis, Bright's disease; kidney trouble, malaria and rheumatism. This stringent remedy needs with ita tonic laxative to secure the best re- sults. Your druggist will give von sixteen ounces of "Solution of Ozone' for fifty cents, and if you insist .on the coupon kind will guarantee a free package of "Celery King." The Pub. The Tidings From Various Points | = Eastern Ontario -- What - "is dead from paralysis, aged forty-five. |' Han- the liquor sellers | SALE TEN MILLION BOXE Best Hot Weather Medicine 2 ! ore sie CREE Hygienic Makes the best John Collins. KEEP THE CAPSULES AND GET A VALUABLE PREMIUM. BOIVIN, WILSON @&. CO., Montreal. DISTRIBUTORS. EE ------ EAKING joints are the natural out: L come of the old style of boiler construction ; two smooth surfaces squeezed together on a sheet of rubber This rubber in a short time became dried out and left a leaky joint. Oxford Hot Water Boiler Nothing Dut iron and steel enters into : 3 the construction of the Oxford Hot Water Boiler--no rubber or composition washers are used. Smooth, tapered steel wipples préssed into smooth, tapered holes make an abso: lutely.indes' ructible joint. 5We waiild like to tell you the many other advantages of the Oxford Boiler. Our illustrated citlogue, ** The Gurney Oxford Book of Steam and Hot Water Heating Apparatus," tells the whole story. It's free, THE GURNEY FOUNDRY CO., Limited Montreal Calgary 1001 Toronto Winnipeg' Vancouver On Exhibition and For Sale at SIMMONS BROS, Refrigerators! As we have only 'a few Refrigerators left and do not wish to carry them over, we will sell them off This Week at Greatly Reduced Prices. While they last we can give you a good family size that sold for $12, for ........ ene. $9.50 Come early, before they are all picked up. LEMMON & LAWRENSON, 351 and 353 King St. ---- " ----_-- IT WILL PAY YOU To Look in Our Windows and See the Bargains WeAre Offer- ing in Summer Footwear. The real merit and superiority of JOHN LABATT'S ALE and PORTER are well known. The claimis made, supported by numerous medals and. testimonials, that 'they are pure, wholesome beverages, superior to any made on this continent. JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, lic Drug Company, Bridgsburg, Ont. King Street, Kingston. 3 ] ] i 'MADE (n Fomin'on Day, 1905, a formally o) ened at Niagara 1 TRI Oa radian Shre ided Wheat ( Toronto O EDUCATIONAL. Mu 'MUSIC ! MISS BLYT FORMERLY OF WATERTOV will open a studio for music at | 140 Union St.. on May 11th. | mumber of pupils desired. Cal days. SUMMER SES: For Teachers and others di July and August KINGSTON BUSINESS G LIMITED Mead of Queen St., Kingston All commercial subjects taught Students admitted at any tin Expert professional teachers i Write for catalogue and terms . B. McKAY, HU. F. MET( President. ST. AGNES' SOI . CHURCH SCHOOL FOR G Elmpool, Belleville, Ont Patron--The Lord Bishop of Thorough courses in Englist ages, Music, Art "and Physical Conservatory of Music Exa held at the school. is Pupils taken from the Kinder the preparation for universities The success of the school ha a large addition to the building ing six class rooms, piano roo nasium, swimming bath and sl partments. The building is hs steam and lighted by gas and ¢ The grounds extend over five For prospectus and further tion, apply to MISS F. E. CAR) Lady F Mid-summer Every Depart These Sales have been a gre by the many bargains. These suggestions :-- Parlor Setts $25. Fancy Rattan Rockers, $1.50 Golden Finished Sideboards, Golden Kinished Chairs, 60c Fancy Velour Couches, $6.50, $5. 5 pieces, Fancy Tapastry Couches, The above is limited. Open at nights. JAMES RE The Leading Underta *'Phone 147. = "MAPLE LEAF CANNED SALMON §0000000000000000 GO/ That is kind * kind you should burn if you a satisfaction fire. Clean, Honest the we se We are filling orders winter supplies. Have you yours yet ? "Phone No. 1# BOOTH &( 9000000 CARRIAGES and BU FOR SALE 1 Kensington, second-han good order; 1 Makedo, se hand; 1 Phaeton; 1 road gon; also new Top Bu Runabouts with rubber also a few sets of Harness Call and see for yo JAMES LATU 390 PRINCESS STREE SAFE STORAGE » i Phon It 'you have Furniture, Pianos, etc, to store, send ti We have large space and use gre handling your goods. Charges W. G. Fra City Storage, 299 Cuee Painting of V. hieles a Spe no: