Daily British Whig (1850), 1 Aug 1905, p. 7

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Veather Medicine ION BOXES A YEAR Refreshing, Invigorating, Hygienic t John Collins. GET A VALUABLE PREMIUM. I @Q. CO., Montreal. BUTORS. | Fae joints are the natural out! come of the old style of boiler construction 3 two smooth surfaces squeezed together on a sheet of rubber This rubber in a short time dried out and left a leaky joint. Oxford | Hot Water Boiler Nothing but iron and steel enters into the construction of the Oxford Hot became washers are used. d into smooth, tapered holes make an abso- ¢ to tell you the many other advantages of gue, ** The Gurney Oxford Book of Steam the whole story. It's free, INDRY C€O,, Limited nipeg Calgary 1001 Vancouver ale at SIMMONS BROS. ' v Refrigerators left and do r, we will sell them off This 'educed Prices. € you a good family size that er seeerei on snsee $0.50 y are all picked up. N, 351 and 353 King St. PAY YOU r Windows and ns We Are Offer- Footwear. S-------- PENDABLE ; SHOES ) S ALE & PORTER al merit and superiority IN LABATT'S ALE PORTER are well . The claimis made, ted by numerous and. testimonials, that are pure, wholesome ges, superior to any . on this continent. a AND, AGENT, , Kingston. | SUMMER SESSION THR DALY WHIG, TUESDAY, AUGUST! 1. -- 'MADE IN CANADA (n Fomin'on Day, 1905, a large and splendid'y equipped factory was ; formally o) ened at Niagara Falls Centre, Ont , for the mauulacture of I TRISCUIT Ca radian Shre ided Wheat Company, Limited, Niagara Falls Centre, Ont. Toronto Office, 32 Church Street. ea a ---- EDUCATIONAL. 'MUSIC! MUSIC! MISS BLYTH FORMERLY OF WATERTOWN, N.Y., will open a studio for music at her home, 140 Union St.. on May 11th. A limited Su/vher of pupils desired, Call Thurs- ye. 24 : : Stomach Cramps. THESE are very painful, and their attacks are often sudden and sometimes fatal. The principal seat is in the 'stomach and bowels, pro- ducing severe twisting, cramping pain, and often accompanied by For Teachers and others during | VS \iS" tie 3s only one. remedy July and August to cure you, and that one is Dr. KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE | 1, ir ecend of cures on LIMITED tending over 6o years and we have Mead of Queen St., Kingston, Ont. yet to hear of it failing to either All commercial subjects taught. relieve or cure. 1 and Joseph Bechard "were each fined NEWS OF THE WORLD 5 ani oes or ten' sa Tor tirting. S---- The tone of the Russia press grows OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED! are. warlike = he Poss. conference IN BRIEF FORM. i | all sides is urged to resist humiliating i demands, even at the cost of continu- ing the war. M. Boudourig, Greck minister of 3 marine, has been appointed minister of | war, and Epaminandos Delyannis, a nephew of the late Premier Delvannis, has been given the portiolic of minis- ter of marine. W. L. D. Cary, king of the Calf of Man, an island adjacent to the Isle of Man, himself an American citizen, is in New York trying to sell the is- land to . some millionaire with an itch for a title. There is great discontent among the reservists in Manchuria at the dis of | tress inflicted on their families because of the negligence of the anthotities who have failed to provide proper support for them. Lou Dillon and Major Delmar, the 'Matters That Interest Everybody --Notes From All Over--Little Of Everything Easily Read And Remembered. : Saratoga, N.Y., now has two full fledged gambling joints in operation. So far this year Winnipeg building permits aggregate in value $7,700,000, Red rust is reported to be general in the wheat fields around Hartney, Man. A Grimsby woman was drugged and detained in a disreputable resort in Tonawanda. Gen, Stoessel has been relieved his command of the Third Siberian Army Corps. A New York girl fell three storeys, hut wlighud on a' clothesline and two greatest living trotters, will have saved ©! e. » A G.T.P. surveyor named Deschene their fst tute of he year jt love. : : . Grey Ares has been lost in the wilds north of | 'and, on Avecdnesda, A \ : Sturgeon Lake manifested by hazsctncn in the meet. > i : Clai ing iv mpions, Sheriffi Brown, of Flgin county has Mg of the val ig P wi niceviews been removed from office. Dugald Me- Eaipecor William no ¢ mm Nios Coll succeeds him | off the Island of Boer oe not. only did ls : ; The London Times' commercial --re- NOt encourage Famginror Nicholas to view says that the trade reports are continue the war, but gave . his in more encouraging fluence directly in favor of President The czar refused Grand Dike Cyril Roosevelt s peace, policy. 2 permission to marry the divoreed Miss Margaret Anglin. the actress, is Grand Duchess of Hesse. lying at her summer home in Noro There have been 283 cases of yellow |"ton, Conn. suffering from a broken fever in New Orleans and two suspect- collarbone and severe bruises as the ed cass in Mew York. result of being thrown from their car An unknown man, - sitting on the | riage when hee horse rau wway. a track near Blackwater Junction, was Cotton brokers in ew Yor say Students admitted at any time. ¥xpert professional teachers in charge Write for catalogue and terms. . B. McKAY, UH. FF. METCALFE, President. Priucipa} ST. AGNES SCHOOL CHURCH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Elmpool, Belleville, Ontario. Patron--The Lord Bishop of Ontario Thorough courses in ages, Music, Art Conservatory of held at the school. Pupils taken from the Kindergarten to Mgrs. M. Secorp, Bristol, N.B., writes: "I was terribly troubled with cramps for some time and had several doctors attend me, but their medicine did not do me an good. I got two bottles of Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry and they com, pletely cured me. I would not be without # in my house." REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. THEY'RE DANGEROUS, English, and Ph cal Music Langu- Culture xaminations strack by a train and killed high officials in Washington have for : Elizabeth MeGlone, seventy years been sending them emissaries | arin : ht Ta i ors se infor | Michael MeGlone, eighty, for divorcee, with offers to sell informa lin Denver. Théy wére married a year ton on official crop reports. They ¥ want a chance to make exposures sues advance ago, . + » . Khe legacy of £20,000 left by the A mysterious third woman is said lil : 3 h 3 s case brough o 8 | late Hon. James Sutherland to the 5) figure in the fae hrought again t J stock i s been paid; Fugene Nacoy ago by he | Woodstodk hospital: has ! man who claims to be his second wife over. 5 Map \ is 3; i i x and who says Macoy ran two homes Skin grafting will have to be per! y ) M "STi . V iv years. Macoy's friends formed on sixteen of the wounded men Chicago for 'year i 3 aim blackmail The big blaze which destroyed $100,- 000 worth of property in Toronto, Sat urday morning, is believed by ex-Ald- ermen William Burns, of the Knicker in the disaster on the gunboat Ben | nington. HY American lumber manufacturers will raise £150,000 for the endowment of a the preparation for universities. The success of the school has justified a large addition to the building, contain- ing six class rooms, piano rooms, gym- nasium, swimming bath and sleeping ap- partments. The building is heated by steam and lighted by gas and electricity. The grounds extend over five acres. For prospectus tion, apply to MISS F. E. CARROLL, Lady Principal and further informa- Mid-summer Sale Every Department These Sales have been a great success by the many bargains. These are a few suggestions '-- Parlor Setts, 5 pieces, $25. Fancy Rattan Rockers, $4.50 Golden Finished Sideboards, $7.50. Golden Finished Chairs, 60c Fancy Velour Couches, $6 Fancy Tapastry Couches, The above is limited. Open at nights. JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker, *'Phone 147. ss "MAPLE LEAF™ BEST CANNED SALMON packep os] CURE 'Bick Headache and relieve all tho troubles incl dent to a bilious state of the system, such as Dizziness, Nnusca, Drowsiness, Distress after eating, Pain in the Side, &e. While their mos$ yemarkable success has been shown in curing SICK Headache, yot Carter's Little Liver Pills aze equally valuable if Constipation, curing and pre- correct all disorders of { hestomach stimulate the liver and regulato the bowels. Even if they only ~ HEAD Achethey wonld bosimont pricoless to those who suffer from Luis distressing complaint; but fort nately their goodness does notond here,and thoes whooneetry them vill find these little pills valu able in so many wavs that they will not be wik "ing to do without them. Dut after allsick bead Athe bane of so many lives that here in where Ahers do not. Carter's Littlo Liver Pills aro very small and very easy to take. Ono or two pills inakea docy. They aro strictly vegetablo and do not gripe os purge, but Ly their gentleaction please all wha ase them. sat 23cents; fivo for $1. Sold gy druggist. ywhere, or sent by mail, CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York, food A. ff Do fod Bin. "venting thisannoying complaint, while they aiso | wo make our great boast, Qur pillscure it while chair of applied forestry at Yale Uni- | versity. Bv- the discharge of a shotgun Charles E. George, Toronto. had the side of his head blown off, killing him instantly. At New York on Saturday nearly a | score of yellow fever suspects were re- [ moved from two steamers from south- | ern ports, | A strike of 60,000 Lancashire cotton | operatives is threatened, owing to | the masters' refusal of a five per cent. | advance in wag An excursion steamer on Lake Hop hocker lee company, to have started in their premises, owing to defective in sulation of electric wires, 1t bas been officially announced that the committee of ministers who are to inquire into the operation of 'the cus toms tariff, with 4 view to some revi sion, will enter upon their work about the end of August or the beginning of Sentember. Sir Charles Dilke, whom hoth parties in the British House of Commons re gard as the ablest nolitician and the shrewdest student of foreign affairs in tchoney, -N.J struck a rock and this country, is engaged to marry Miss I» nk and her 120 passengers were Monck. a relative of Viscount Monck, sank, 2 ss i , rescued just in time. an Irish peor. Sie : The Zionist congress at Basle, | Gertrude Hertz. twentv-four; Annie, Switzerland, declined Great Britain's | tighten: and 3 illic fourteen, gave offer of 5 tract of land in East Africa up eighteen: sghare inches of cuticle for Zi ist colony from their nether limbs in Paterson oD on Puiu t Detroit for N.J.. vesterdav. to patch the face of a | their sister, Minnie. on whem some the murderers of Pawnbroker Joseph Mover, found in his skull beaten to pieces, E. H. Harriman, the railroad mag nate, is reported to be thinking of going to the Philippines to investi gate railway conditions William Glidden, chief accountant { of the Dominion government printing bureau, is to be superannuated after thirty-four vears' service The "Cannonball" express on the St. Louis, Iron Mountain & Southern railroad was wrecked at Diaz, Ark, {and two men were killed. It is the determination of both the president and Secretary Wilson to clear the United States department of Agri ture of every form of "grafter."" Canadian owners are arranging to | develop the Atikokan iron areas, with | a view to shipping 50,000 tons of ore | | | Big rewards offered | | | per year to the United States. | Japen comes to the Washington conference assured that whatever her peace terms thev will have the sym patheti: approval of Great Britain. | Russia says the capture of the Brit | ish steamer Oldhamia, was on account of the presence of contraband either thells or machinery, in her cargo. Alderman Coatsworth states posi tively that he will be a candidate for the Toronto mayoralty next January, no matter who else may be in the field. Susie Jane Turner, formerly of Ayl mer, has notified her friends that she shop with his [LL 2 ye ee while th unknown fend throw sulphuric acid a was asleep, Because he took as hie wife a cami val 'dancing girl, Samuel 8. Revmer, son of Jacob S. Revmer, the million aire econfectioner, Pittsburg, has been practically disinherited. Under the will of the elder Reymer, filed for probate, recently, the son is to receive only the income from $20,000, Heretofore, his expenses have amounted to more than FAL000 a year rp ---- Every Man Hates Himself. H he wakes up with headache and bad taste in the mouth. Something to settle the stomach is needed. That dull, heavy feeling must be lifted, an appetite must be ereated. Get a tumbler of water, some sugar, and then pour in a stiff dose of Nerviline You'll feel tip top in a few minutes Nerviline invigorates, braces, tones, puts vim and snap into your move ments, You'll be fitted for a hard day's work by taking Nerviline -no thing hetter. Large bottle, he everywhere Lifebuoy Soap -- disinfectant -- ix strongly recommended by the medical prof ssion ns a safeguard against in fections discases. Only pute fruit syrups Wade's soda fountain. Mav's cheese factory at Martintown was burned Jast week with 140 boxes Nd used at Stunning Suits: For fashionuble men. The' hand- somest fincst falrics. Qur garments all have a Distinctive Style That marks the wearer as a man of taste. Berge Buits at $10 should tempt you. ISAAC ZACKS The New Store and the Old Stand. 271-273 Princess Street. Clean, Honest That is the kind we sell--The . kind you should burn if you want a satisfaction fire. models and We are filling orders now for winter supplies. Have you ordered yours yet 7 'Phone No. 133. BOOTH & CO. O-0-0-0-0-0- 0000 O0OOOBOO : § | MEN AND WOMER Usa Big G for unnatury' discharg a.inflammations irtiiatior = or ulceration of muceus membrane; Painlew, and not astrls . gent or poisonous, CARRIAGES and BUGGIES FOR SALE 1 Kensington, second-hand, in good order; 1 Makedo, second: . hand; 1 Phaeton; 1 road wag- gon; also new Top Buggies, Runabouta with rubber tires; also a few sets of Harness left. Call and see for yourself. JAMES LATURNEY, 300 PRINCESS STREET. SAFE STORAGE 'Phone 526 Furniture, © Carriages to store, send them to us si. Circular » mt on reques' Grand Union Hotel Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up Opposite Grand LC Station BAGGAGE: FREE THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISHED 1863.) President--Sir Richard Cartwright It 'you have Pianos, etc, We have large space and use great care in Money Joancd > Aas and ora handling your goods. Charges moderate Propertis. un cipal on™ or oun y Deposits recelved and Interest allowed S., C. McGill, Managing Director. Office, 97 Clarence Strest. Kingston. W. J. Pryvan is going abroad again soon for a long trip. W. G. Frost. City Storage, 299 Queen Street | Painting of V. hicles a Specialty . f cheese 3 will marry Adolphug Porter, a colored "© N » restaurant keeper in Chicago, because she loves him. Mrs. Pearl Lorillard, Philadelphia, a week" ago, had her scalp torn off in an accident. Friday doctors fully grafted a new *one on her skull. Then she died . John MeNaughton, Finch, Ont. nearly lost his life by being gored by a vicious bull. He was putting up the bars of the pasture gate when the animal charged him. As a defender of the Canada's Cup, the vacht a Herreshofi boat of Rochester. N.Y., has been selected. Lorie G. Mabbeft{ Will Be captain of the Iroquois for the races. The London Daily Telegraph makes the authoritative announcement that parliament will not be dissolved this vear unless the government is again defeated before prorogation. Alex. M. Hall. formerly of Cornwall, is reported to have been shot by a drunkén miner. Mr. Hall is superin tendent of a mine at Big Stone Gap, W. Va. The wound is not serious. During a thunderstorm of terrific in- | tensity on Sunday five persons were struck by lightning and instantly kill- ! ed end nine were seriously injured at ithe Parkway baths at Coney Island. A Philadelphia syndicate has covered a silver deposit at a depth of four feet of Rueke township, Temiska- ming district. R. R. Gamey, M.P.P., from Manitoulin, has the adjoining claim. Nathan Snoos, a farmer of Tomhie- ken Valley, Pa., has, within the last few dave, painted some of his horses and cows a bricht bottle green, be lieving this would aid them to keep cool, Two wears in State prison was im posed upon Thomas J. Scollans, for mer! a Boston teamimg department contractor, for bribing juror during a previous trial of himself on the charge of fraud, At St. Louis de Mile Fond. 5 muni. | cipality adjacent to Montreal, on Frio + day, two young men, Henri Bilodeau | Success Iroquois is- Nestlé's Pood has nourished three generations of sturdy children, Nestlés Food is used by thousands hers, who were themselves brought uj oa it. Nestié's Food Means Healthy Babies because it supplies all the nourish ment that any baby needs or intoa sturdy, rosy, thy chiv, Nestié's Pood requires no milk just add water. Free sample sent 10 any mother who will try it. The Looming, Mies Ca, Sole Agools, Bduireal, Color number on every spool IN HARD LUCK. . Canadian Prosperity Has Not Reached This Family. Picton, July 31.<An effort is mak ing, by local subseription, to get a sufliciint sums for the return passage to Scotland of the McKellar family, The parints, together with five chil dren, emigrated to Canada a year ago, coming te Picton. Seemingly one hardship has followed upon another and they have been dependent on- the town since last winter, They now de sire to return to their native land, Mrs. Baker, wife of Amos H. Baker, menager Old Homestead canning fac tory, who 'underwent an operation two weeks agq, ois much improved. Mr. and Mrs. % W. Johnson and, fa- mily, Belleville, are staying at the Sand Banks, J. G. Widdifield and Eugene llkey, of the Standard Bank; retiined to town today - after a cruise up the bay to twelve o'clock Pcint on the "Galoa." Mr. and Mrs, E. A. Bog and Miss Bog, of Toronto, are in town, guests of Col. and Mrs, T. Bor. Mrs, Martin and the Misses Martin returned, Saturday, to Kings ton, after a month's ' stay in town Miss Hexbertg Roblin, Boston, spend ing the suguner in town, accompanied them to Kingston for a visit, Stanley Carmen, Belleville, has been in town for a few days. Miss Ethel Handley returns this week after a few weeks' stay in Shelbourn:. "After a month's holiday in Foronto, Miss Walker, dea coness, and organist of St, Mary Magdaline's church, returns to town this week. Miss Mary Shorey, Osha wa, is in town, the guest of H.C McMullen, Dr. and Mrs, W. G. Tyner left Saturday for New York, where Dr. Tyner intends taking a post graduate's course, They will then go to West Virginia to reside. A, W Hepburn returned to-day from West Virginia for a short stay in town, Mrs. Smith, soprano soloist in St, uke's church, Rpchester, returned to her home Saturday, after two weeks' holidays at "West Lake. Mrs, KE. BB, Smith, is staying at "Kamp Do asupleeze," '1 gke Ontario shore, for a week, Advice To The Young. Speak kindly And gently » jaguar And when you 1 Please do not hin taf Respect the tider's feeling deur Hix whiskers do mot pull ; t your heart with Kkindliness ver, ever ful Oh, do not pinch the python Or punch the rat ke If you should hurt the cobra I 1 hrenk crocodile Polar bear nding on his. back make the lion ery, my child Don't By walking on his toes Nor slight the hinnopotamus By standing nose Fe pe x, wou must know, Fach morniy adly "wing Oh. help me to be considerate Of ever ltile thing." A True Heroine An instance of lady was witnessed at land, the other day. heroism in a Galway, Ire Among a party of eveursionists from Athlone was a small boy who got isolated hy the tide on a rock at the Strand, near Fairhill No one was plucky enough at attempt a rescue; meanwhile the tide wee rapidly coming in Miss Quinn, daughter of a naval officer, without hesitation, entered the water, and swimming across reached the rock, dragged the hoy off, and re turned with her burden so tightly clasving her neck that his finger nails sank into the flesh Where Is The Hurt ? Any deep-seated pain, any strain oa bruise of the muscle or tendon will he cured quickest by the use of Smith's White Liniment. It penctrates deeply ishes pain or inflammation, If have backache, musenlar rheumatism, lnmbago, ete., try this remedy to-day. Big bottles 25¢c., at Wade's. Davies' pork head-cherse, made of soverior aunlity meal. Tasty and wholesome. into the muscles and tissues and ban: you' 5 1] Home Needlework is a magazine that every lady should take. Issued 4 times a year, 96 pages beautifully Hlustrated, 50 cts per year: ) sending 15 cents. Corticelli Silk Co. Ltd, Wriie jor sample BEN dt Special for Men We have placed on sale all our Heywood Tan Boots for Men. These are all high grade A nerican $5 Shoes, made in the very newest styles and toes, Blu- cher cuts and Balmorals. . Any Pair Now $3.50 The name Heywood is a guarantee of fit, style and workmanship. J. H. Sutherland & Bro. against cold invasions, in use from Halifax to Esquimalt gees 00000000000000000 0044 « Wo Carry dn. Stock INGOT COPPER. ANTIMONY & TIN * THE CANADA METAL CO., TORONTO. $ \ 00030 000000000000 00 00000

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