GRAND | {A Man of Evil Reputation--die x TRAGIC DEATH g KE 5 : Leit a Letter to the Profigate Son of Grand Duke Vladimir. : OF THE DAY. Pacagraphs Picked Tp By ters On Their Rounds 'Use od's cold cream, 10e. pots. Davies" peafed bacon, tasty for Miss. Hattie Ruthetiord, Toronto, is visiting here for a couple of weeks. The steamer Pierrepont is on the Sipe Vincent route for the balance of Phil. Davies' fut race mare from Tor- Sito is entered in the free-for-all class this a a Fred. Wilson and Harry Owen, Tor- onto, are on a visit to friends of this Newsy % be used in the build- Canadign Northern rai has yoar, iy 's flacal year ond- ich has just peen ise 3 earn in bs in. Ta Bari tend its mileage miles. new indistry which n us ah. Po Eh SE and Caspian daily except Monday for Thou Jeass Islands at 10:15 am. Selling TAL port : Bunn in rg 4 . a I. ; wy of Quinte ports and Rochest- i @ you satisfaction in every ® you purchase. We buy direct the manufacturers. Send our uyers to the best markets and avoid all middlemen and agents. This de- creases the cost to us, and therefore ' Corsets Which feel comfortable the first time they are worn, al'owing the dress to sag or fall, retaining their shape to the very last: -- iidren's Corset Waists and Stays--Large range of styles and sizes, 35¢., 50c., 75¢., $1. ; Raincoats= '. Which have a particularly distinguished appear- e. They look more like a Shirt Waist Suit than an ordinary Raincoat :-- hree-Quarter and Full Lengths--All shades, +. $495, 5.75, 7.50, 8.90, 9.75, 10, 12.50, Japanese Silk White, Cream and Black, 77 inches wide, nothing © equul it for wear' and washing, Ssoc., boc, 75¢., goc Lustres . All the desired colors, Navy, Brown, Green, Grey,. Sky, Cardinal; Cream, etc, 50¢., 60c., 75c. Fancy Mohairs For Shirt Waist Suits, very stylish designs, neat ef. ecis, 45c., Soc, Boc., 75¢., 9c. yard. : Lace Curtains We are offering some particularly attractive values Lace Curtains, one and two sets to a pattern, at prices Dm one-quarter to one-third under the regular prices GRAND DUKE BORIS, Snecial to the Paris, Aug. 5 Throughout the czar's empire "grand duke" and "pro- fligate"" have long been' synonomous terms: To tell a Russian that he is "no better than a grand duke is She greatest possible reproach against his moral character. : Perhaps the most notorious and pro- fligate of all the Russian grand dukps, is the Grand Duke Boris, who shocked Newport society on the occasion of his visit there a couple of years ago and later was recalled from the army in Manchuria on sccount of his notorious escapes. . The evil utation of Grand Duke Boris has Hot re lessened by the terrible tragic death of Mlle. As- astasia Mazduroff, the youngest daugh- ter of a well-known lawyer and ac- My to ee mos beautiful girl in Kazan. ite the rigorous measures taken by the Russian auth- or ties to prevent the matter hecom- ing Julltie he particulars of the. sad air have just appeared in sev of he Paris t a past,. so the story goes, Mlle. Mazourofi caused her riends great anxiety by her particu lar fits of melancholy and nervous de- don. For w at a time she remained in the house, steadfastly re- fusing the dozens of invitations she received to dances and parties. A week ago, however, her parents pre- vailed upon her to accompany them to a garden party given by the gov- emor of the city. Here she displayed unwonted animation, and throughout the afternoon was the centre of a large crown of admirers. 'Returming home Mlle. Mazouroff re- tired %0 her bedroom, butl on the morning" following her maid was un- For some mont to obtain a reply when she knocked at her mistress" door. In a state of frenzy Mazourofi broke into her daughter's room. Thers he found the voung girl, clad in a blue oeignoit, lying back in a chair before her Jookinghglnss. There was a bullet wound in her temple, and a tov revol- ver lay by her side. Stuck in the looking~glass was an autograph por- trait of Grand Duke Boris, and beside it lay a letter in the dead girl's hand- writing addressed to the Grand Duke Vladimir's profligate son. What the letter contained has not transpired, but grand ducal influence has a brought to bear on Mazouroff, who, with. his family, left Kazan. THE CATTLE MARKETS. The has Prices Offered at Various Points. Montreal, July 31.--About 1,000 head of butchers' cattle, 200 calves, 40 milch cows, 600 sheép and lambs, and 100 fat hbgs were offered for sale at the east end abattoir to-day. Th large numbers of cattle in such web weather had a depressing effect on the market, but really good cattle were not too plentiful, and sold at about Sc. per lb. Pretty good animals sold at about 3}c. to 4c. and the com- mon stock at 2}c. to 3c. per lb. A con- sidergble number of the eommon cattle will be held over for another market. Milch cows sold at from $25 fo $50 each. Calves sold at $2.50 to $8 each, or de. to Sie. per lb. Shippers paid de. per lb. for good, large sheep, Lambs sold at from $2.50 to $4.50 each. Fat hogs sold at 6lc. to Tie. per lb. ) BRITISH ANNUITIES. They Total $75,000 Yearly More Than All Pensions. London, Aug. 2.--According to a porlumentary return issued Great ritain grants $540,000 in annuities to the royal family and pensions for judi- cial services to the amount of $245, 000, the total of which is £75,000 more than the pensions paid for naval, military, political * and civil services together. The sum of $305. 000 is spent in the maintenance of royal palaces, £510,000 on royal parks, and $145,000 on the secret service. Broadmoor asylum, for crim- inal lunatics, costs $170,000 vearly; the Irish constabulary, $6,620,000; the British museam, 8845.000, and the Na- tional Gallery, $52,500, -------- Looking After Marine Interest. Special to the ; Montreal, Aug. 2.--Hon. Raymond Prefontaine, of the marine and: fish- eries' department, left on the govern- ment steamer Frontenae for Sorel to inspect the works of his own depart- ment there, U, P. Boucher, superin- tendent of buoys, and D. H. Fraser, assistant engineer of the department, Ottawa. leit on the Shamrock to in. spect the buoys as far down as Platon. o Dreadful Rains. S-acial to the Whig. Seoul, Aug. 2~The heaviest rains, in thirty years, have occurred anc the Tumen river is flooded. The Rus- sians who have been holding semi- permancat works, south of the river, have been cut off - from Vladivostok and are unable to return. "Blanco, in ting," for white boots, city and G. Tonic Pills at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. The genuine are sold there, Miss Boyle, and Miss Alice Boyle, Hamilton, returned home last evening, after a pleasant visit with friends in Pas Ki gh lad, th ingston y was among the who jumped from the gaso- ene yacht I'll See, at Gananoque, yes- terday. She escaped uninjured. The steamer America goes to Pic: ton to-night to carry . an excursion out of there to-morrow morning to Cape Vincent, en route to Water- town. "The steamer New York had a trial trip over the harbor this afternoon, and ran quite smoothly. She is con- ceded to one of the handsomest vessels above the water line that ply the river. What an important institution the free public bath-houses along New York's water-front are, can be realiz- etl after reading the article in the Out- ing Magazine by Ralph D. Paine, Near- Iv three million baths were taken in three months last year at the absurd- ly small cost to the city of a trifle more than one cent a bath. The Ro- mance of Red Fox, like wine, grows better as it grows older and is one of the strongest pieces of fiction "Charles G. D. Roberts has yet done. TELEGRAPHERS STRIKE. Declare Terms Equivalent to a Lock-Out. St. 'Paul, Minn., Aug. 2.--A general strike of the telegraphers on the lines of the Great Northern and Northern Pacific railways was orde last night by President Perham, of the Order of Railway Telegraphers. He is confident that ninety-five per cent. of the operators will he out. General Manager Horne, of the Northern Paci- fie railroad; sent an order to all telegraphers employed by the system from St. Paul to the Pacific coast that they could. accept the terms of- fered by the company or they could leave the service. The men declare the action a lockout. President Perham, of the 0. R. T., saya all the Great Northern telegraph- ors are standing firm and obeying the strike ordered. All opgrators on the Minnesota are out, he says, except at Wadena and Detroit station. The Montana division js deserted except by the telegraph anager at Billings. The Montana railway is tied up. The block systém on the Dakota division has been abandoned, Trains on both roads arvived in, and left St. Paul this morning on time, ------------------ AFTER THE STOCK. Prices Offered for High Their . Holdings. Special to the Whig. Montreal, Aug. 2.-The Dominion Textile company which, for months, has endeavored to obtain control of the Montreal Cotton company, in order to make the combina- tion in Canada complete, has now of- fered the representatives of the large estates interested in Montreal cotton $120 cash for their stock. It is be- lieved that this will eventually bring in the necessary fifty-one per cent. ONE KILLED ;, ONE SAVED. A Terrible Acrident Occurred Near Utica, Snecial to the Whig. Utica, N.Y., Aug. 2.--At two o'clock this morning, John Sheehan, proprie- tor of a wholesale liquor store, and G. W. Sayles, an insurance agent, while driving a car over the Western Shore railway crossing, weré struck by a passenger train. Sayles was instantly killed, Sheehan was unhurt and the attomobile cut in two. Maberly Jottings. Maberly, Aug. 1.--Mr. McConnell is seriously ill. Thomas Strong is able to be about again. Thomas Munroe was in Perth on Saturday on business. Messrs. John Cobb and John Young were here on "usiness on Saturday. Mrs. George Dowdell returned from Clarendon, where she was visiting her parents. Some of the villagers have gone on the excursion to Ste. Anpe's. Mrs. John Lavender is expected home to-day. A girl boarder has arrived at John Mander's. Messrs. James Camp bell and Erwin passed through here with a drove of beef cattle. John Me- Veigh has purchased Samuel Hughes' farm, Visitors: Mts. Churchill, Perth, at her father's, George Buchannan's: Miss Jennie Armstrong at John Palm- er's; Mrs. J. Norrie at Lawrence Moores: Thomas Charlton spent Sun- day at home, Is Commander In Chief. London, Aug. 2.--It is officially an- nounced in the London Gazette that the king has, by letters patent, under the great seal, constituted the office of govermorgeneral and commander-in- chief of Canada, and that Earl Grey is appointed to the extended office. Was Giving Dog A Bath. Hastings, Ont., Awe. 2.--Yesterdav, Oscar, the six-year-old som of T. MW. O'Neil, was drowned in the Trent Riv- er. He was giving a dog a swim, and in throwing it in overbalanced and fell off the pier on which he was standing. A Railway Officer Dead. Snacinl to the Whig. Halifax, Aung. 2.~J. Price, superin- tendent of the Intercolonial railway, died at his residence, Moncton, to- day. Mr. Price has beén confined to bed for some time past. All the members of parliament at at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, Cape Colony. are entitled to one guing JEDNESDAY, AUGUST NEWS OF THE WORLD) ananoque, undreds of peuple buy Blaud's Iron |. of 2. OCCURRENCES RECOUNTED _+ IN BRIEF FORM. Matters That Interest Everybody ' --Notes From All Over--Little Read William Sylvester, ex-reeve of York township, is dead. The C.P.R. will build a new sta- tion at Guelph at a cost of $40,000. Mrs. John Tuke, Rectory street, London, committed suicide by pois- oning. The supreme court of the Indepen- dent Order of Foresters decided to hold its next meeting in Toronto. A strike at the Dvigatel works, Reval, Russia, where the work- men . offered up prayers before march- ing on the streets. The body of the young man killed on the railway track near Uxbridge on Sunday was identified as that of Edgar Chase, Siloam, Ont. By a payment of $2,500,000 to the widow of William Ziegler, the Ziegler will contest, involving nearly $IS,- 500,000, was settled to-day. George Brown, a grocer's clerk in Toronto, has disappeared with, it is alleged, R385 in cash and $455 in marked checks belonging to his em- ployers. : Sir Ambrose Shea, speaker of the legislative assembly of Newfoundland from 1855 to 1861 and governor of the Bathamga Islands from 1887 to 1894, is dead, He was born in 1818. Cne white boy and two negro hoys had been killed outright and some twenty other persons have been more or less seriously injured during a heavy wind storm which struck Bess- may, La." Emmet Higgins; contractor, has shot four times and killed Robert E. Deane, a vineyardist, living near Cloris, Cal. Deane was once editor of a Philadel- phia paper. The shooting grew out of a trivial quarrel. Capt. Edward C. Parkinson, 'senior vice-commander of the Grand Army of the Republic, department of New York, whose home was in Rochester, N.Y, died at the Clifton Springs sanitarium, aged eighty-three years. Sentence in the case of Walter Brown, the Elkhart (Ind.) banker, convicted of infractions of the bank: ing laws, was affirmed by the United States circuit court of appeals. As a result Brown will go to jail for eight vears, Advices are received from Australia by the Manuka of the murder Ly na- tives in the New Hebrides of Henry Trumble, a brother of the well-known Austrialian cricketer, now in England with the Australian eleven. He was involved in a quarrel with natives on Epi Island while trgding, and was obliged 'to shoot one in self-defence. een WANTS TO GET NEWS. About a Clerk Under John, " A man named' Hoiiston, was in the city, to-day, endeavoring to secure in- formation regarding ome Stewart, a lawyer of Ottawa, who, years ago, was clerk in one of the government departments during the late Sir John A. Macdonald's regime. The stranger claims that in the year 1834, his fa- ther owned some property about three miles from Ottawa, and also in the Rocky Mountains. Since that time it has been occupied by others. About 1870, Stewart wrote offering to buy it for the sum of $100, but Houston re- fused to sell. More lately valuable gold deposits have been discovered on the western lands and this set Houston on the track to discover some clues where- with to again get the property into his familv's possession. For threo years he has been hunting the matter up and during that time has tramped over nine counties. As vet he has been unable to learn anything of the man Stewart and from present appearanc- es, his search will be in vain. Howev- er the old gentleman is persistent and claims he will spend the rest of his vears in the effort. He was directed to John Melntyre, K.C., as. that gentle- man was intimately acquainted with the late Sir John. and would proba- lv be the most likelv person in King- ston to know if he had any clerk by the name of Stewart. : -- Engagements Announced. The engagement is announced of Miss Mildred Allen, daughter of the Rev. James Allen, of Toronto, to Mr. Berkeley Chadwick, of Montreal. The engagegement is announced of Miss 'Edna Blanche Dean, daughter of Mrs. John Dean, Annette street, To- ronto Junction, to J. Howard Eakin, of the government railways, South Africa. The marriage is to take place at Cape Town in September. Miss Dean sails from Montreal on August 4th, by the steamer Victorian, and will visit friends in Scotland be- fore leaving T.ondon for Cape Town. Late Sir ------------------ Brought Up 150 People. To-day the steamer America brought up her first excursion of the summer from Thousand Island points. Though several small vessels are running on the route to Kingston at twenty-five cents, the America brought up 150 at the old rate of fifty cents. She reach- ed here at 11.45 a.m. and the excur- sionists were given till 2.30 p.m. The Folger boats will bring Thousand Is- lng eXcaton to Kingston every Wednesday and Saturday during Au- gust. Inland Revenue Collections. Collections at the inland revenue office for July: Vinegar, $208.08; spirits, $4,566.53; malt, $765; tobacco and cigars, $2,951.45; licenses, $450; electric light inspector's fees, $40; other receijts, $27.24; total, $9,008. -------- Vital Statisvics. Births, marriages and deaths during month of July: Births, 22; marriages, 8; deaths, 28, No Band Concert This Week. The 14th P.W.0. Rifles band will not give 4 concert in Macdonald Park this week. Mrs. Singleton and daughter, Aleda, Albert street. are visiting at Rev. S. a day for their services, Shibley's, Albert street. KNITTERS ! And all who use PLAIN OR FAN- CY WOOLS- will be interested in our New Stock of Wools. The as- sortments we offer are nearly double that of any other store in Kingston, and our prices are always lowest for the well-known English and German makes of Wools and Yarns. Berlin, 4 fold, 68 shades to choose from, with com. plete ranges of shades in many colors ; also 8 : fold in all wanted colors. Shetland Wool, or Split Zephyr, as some know it, 40 shades, including. black and. white. Andalusian Wool, in black, white and 15 most wanted colors. Shetland Floss, in black, white, cream, 2 pinks, blues, greys. yellows, helio and other shades. Our "Standard" Quality, that is of greater weight than the usual Shetland Floss now of- fered by the trade. : J Tce Wool for fascinators and small shawls. The Genuine Bee Hive Yarns, made by J. & |. Baldwin, of Halifax, England. and each tkein marked by this firm with their well-known ticket. See that a ticket is on each skein as a lot of cheap yarn is now sold as Bee Hive that never was made by Baldwin. For Golf Waists and Golf Jackets, Bee Hive Yarns are now considered the proper ones to use. We have a great variety of color, includ- ing 'Golf Reds." Bee Hive Yarns for knitting sox, heather and fancy mixtures, blacks in 3 and 4 ply for stockings. White for children's vests, etc. Wyvern Saxony Yarns for sox and stockings. Woolsack Saxony Yarns for sox and stockings. Queen Saxony Yarns for sox and Stockings. We have now a complete stock of the genuine © ay; "* Fingering Yarn in black, white, greys (4 shades), reds, cardinal, pinks, blues. Every skein marked with maker's ticket, that the word "Unbreakable" is on it. See This Yarn is to be had from vs only in King- ston. (JorvLADLAWESON LADIES' CHOCOLATE SHOES SPECIAL BARGAIN e -- A nice, fine Chocolate Blucher Low Shoe, nice coi good sole, new goods, sizes 23% to 7, .SPECIA THIS WEEK .......ccooooiiinnnnnn $1.50 THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE YEAR 72, JULY 8) ae Off FURNITU 3-Piece Parlor Set, $95 3-Piece Parlor Set, $50, 5-Piece Parlor Set, $35 5-Piece Parlor Set, $25 All other goods sold portion. N We need your money--Y [the goodsy ¥ou will m you do not seé our stock Robt. J. 222 Princess Two Doors Above Oper: Telephone 3 SOUVEN In Sterling Silver, FEnamgl comprising Belt Pins, Hal Pi es, Ash Trays, Pin Trays, a These can be supplied you Canadian, Ontario or Kingsi Arms, together with many: o desigtts. SMITH BR Jewelers 03 350 King Street " Marriage Licenses IF YOU H Any difficulty in & ted with Shoes, COM and we will make d a pleasant one. Wear "Alle Military Bootmake 84 Brock St. Sign of 6 DON'T, KEI BACHELOR'S While your wife is at 1 She would rather have you ¢ ALL THE COMFORTS By teking your meals at 1 | IROQUOIS H inn SWIFT'S INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, ( le ies only 1 T TES on app LOWasT RAZ description. Office, Opposite Untario Bank Cheap Preserving 100 'dozen Preserving Bot pints: 45¢. for quarts and gallons. AT TURK'S SECOND-H/ 398 Princess Str GOOD WAGES PAID TO ers. 'Apply to Runaldo 175 Cooper St. Ottawa TEACHER, FOR SS County of Leeds, to ¢ term of 1905. / and qualifications, to Sec.~Treas., Melcombe, J GENTLE Overcoa and & Thomas Galloway's, Also bring your old them repaired. Style, guaranteed to please INFORMATION RESPF water-color drawing cal West Vigw of ings Fort Frontenac in the last century. This dre was used in connection in Kingston. has g Richard T. Walkem. MEN AND BOYS WAN plumbing trade, great graduates $4 $5 da plete course two mont admitted to Union Plumber's Ass'n. 1 Plumbing Schools, Ne cinnati, St. Louis. F logue, address 239 10U York. TO-LET. ETI IIIT SHOP ON DIVISI THE Garrett street, oc Boon, milliner. Apply i ---------------------- WELLINGS FURNISHI » furnished, stores, office: Caun"s Real Estat Brock Stroet. ; FOR SALE BRICK HOUS 8392 A all modern, 12 rooms. premises orto S Re Wellington St ene ONE BLACK MARE, SI light work or driving: ply at the office of thy Delivery. 285 Princess i en tee THAT PROPERTY, AT street, comtaining near a large frame house, For particulars, app Perry. on vremises. Aids Wesleyan Sq San Jose, Cal. Aung. T. Besse, a retitgd mi city, has given 850,000 dist Wesleyan church] ministers and missions Wesleyan Seminary af N.Y. Ten years ago h for similar purposes. A Kansas or lowa pay b part of the money Tooth brushes, good tles dom't come oul, Chown's Prug Store.