' hen on getting it. YOU won't have to insist to rot A postal or telephone hrings ou "eal that cannot surpasiod. i ee een, CRAWFORD. Jinto Canada. It is being invested. in i keeper to a city's 'courts, sold the saloon. He gave him- self to study. He entered politics, as any young man of spirit is expected became a leader in his 'the clerkship aforesaid became vacant he was nominated for |it. and lator he got the appointment, 'He is said to be in every way fitted for its work. Then, what is the objection of Mr, Jerome based on? That Culkin was a saloon-keeper some ten years ago? | Surely not. A more untenable posi- | tion could not be taken. It is the of America that it | offers a fair ficld to every man, that 'proud boast he has room for his' ambition in any direction. The assumption that any occupation 'taints and: disqualifies for : a change is the rankest heresy. Costs Nore To Live. The cost of living is a great issue. It concerns all cl of the people. | It particularly concerns' the working classes. These discover, from weok ito week, that the goods they desire, the neeessarics of life, are rising in | value, and they cannot account for fis. . » Bradstreet's,, which has been mak- ing a special enquiry, and with = an honest desire to solve the problem, + | has it that 'the trusts, directly or in- 'directly, are responsible for the changed, Jgonditions. And there is co its way | various ways. The great food houses | tractive, are opening agencies which are at and which are supplied with the latest. appliances for the care of perishable goods. The osten- sible plan ix to give the people the best service, but the roal reason is to get a grip 'on Canadian trade and [to regulate its profits, Kingston has had its object lessons in this respect. The staple articles of Tood are none the 'cheaper because Amcrican capital bas. provided a "| modern refrigerator for the preserva- tion of fish and meat. The trust is J not, as a rule, thrusting its organi: ; sntly on hand all the ir and conveni- 1b¢., 20¢.. 25c., 0c. p30 to Soc. | Syringes, Hot Water Botues $1.50, $1.75. to 81.25 SO : Savatia Rings. $2.95 to zation before the people and revealing the gocrots of its board room. It is content to .angle for "trade, as the" expert fishermen angles for the play- ful trout. It beguils ils victims the while and is yet steadily and surely drawing them into its mushes. Well, some one says, suppose the {cost of living has increased, have the earning powers of the people not in- creased also? Yes, in some dopart- ments of labour, The unions of the country have affected the wage lists from thirty to' fifty per cent. in the last nine years, but the advance in many commodities has increased more than that. : Tho Bradstreet authority prepares a table in which is embraced the prices of 107 articles, and by a process of comparison, analysis and deduction {he shows that there has been an ad- 'vance of over forty per cent in the cost of them since the ycar 1896. What is calculated to provoke the greatest concern is the fact that the articles that arc most indispensible to the human family show the great: 'ost percentage of increase. Bread stuffs for example have advanced fifty per cent., textiles, fifty per cent., and metals, sixty per cent. ; Bhe change is not so marked in Canada as in the United States, but it is alarming enough. To the. man of salary, a fixed stipend, the situa- ton is indeed embarrassing. He may not be able to show his loyer that he is worth more in service he performs, judged by his Xpendi- not. Mr. Depew hurred back from Eu- rope in order to defend his good name. Equitable Life and will hand it out for publication. ter. His. reputation meanwhile has had some of the gilt, rubbed off. Davies' sweet pickle corned Book ine cellent for boiled dinner. TA a | Jerome, the picturesque district at- torney of Now York, has protested Sgtinat the appointment of an -ex- aloon Jin" one of Le protest re- . Or | plant, ; | the manner in which it is to be man- '| committee. of the council and a com- mission. What is the difference between Tihemy bod committee in this rebpept. But the same men cannot bo elected ¥. every year, and with every change in has to be a change in the committees, and this change is not in the city's in- terest. Tu J is true that the samo officials | may be in the service of the people, but the officials do not and cannot govern under our municipal institu- | tions. The poliey of the council, in officials, They may advise, but they do not govern, 2s The advantage of the commission is not, as an Ottawa paper asserts," to avoid the publicity which would he given if the civic electric plant were managed by a committee." The pro- ceedings of amy body, acting for the people, would be public 'in any case. The commission is, however, more per- manent in its character, Bach com: missioner should hold office for three years. Each year but one of three would be going to the people for the approval or non-approval of his ac- tion. awa has bought an c nght and the council worries over | aged. Opinions fluctuate between = go *{ advantage ins commission over a | the council's political complexion there | any respect, cannot be decided by the | eh the nthe Semi-Cent, t i St, Maey's ship 'bbtween Lake ue over to-morrow, 58 for nearly go approprie tions were government and gan, together with of the great ' programme in- r exercises, marine and an elaborate pyrotech- ithlay, lay. Visitors are here from all sta and Canadian provinces bordering on the great lakes and amon the Soc participants are many notable sentatives of the two Michigan, in 1855, the "Seo' Saal was transferred to the United overnment in 1870, hi i and deepened . sev- the the 1 times | is now immeasurably the busiest of "all the world's arti- ficial waterways. The traffic by way of the "Soo" canals. American and «dor the seven and a half of last year, in which the ice was absent and they were open to navigation, was 32,000,000 net tons, 27,000,000 of which was through the Ame: 1 mca -- _ Represen tatives of the . States and Canada to Oday wibl hrough tet possible thr "wat a Mich., Aug; 2.2 re Vici ty is en fete to-day lakes and the Atl antic 3 for thet celebration, _ LAKE ONTARIO PARK. [Vaudeville 'at Pavilion Draws a Last evening the attendance atLake Ontario Park wap, unprecedeited. Dur- img the aft thers were several private pienics on the grounds, which were greatly enjoyed by those present. ) ie pavilion at the of the The paviii h i f the? performance was well flied by a very ht siamtin aardi Phe 4 gave a first-class entertainment, which was pontly a iated. . The Kauf-| man Bros., in their coon sketch and \ dancing, were 'very fine and received several encores, - They sang several a-days, or wants one. THE SEYMOUR CHILDREN. new songs, which took very well, Miss Eloise Mortimer, by her charming per- sonality and' graceful manner, won the favor of the audience.' Her singine was greatly admired. Her rendition of the "Last Rose of Summer" de- HE GROSVENOR RAINCOAT: Every careful man has his Craveaette Coat noy. * We show Ruaincoats that are thoroughly tailored, like all of our clothing. They have the broad should. ers and perfect fit that are characteristic of well-made clothing, giving a far handsomer effect than the ordin. ary Raincoat that has neither fit nor style. We have them in all new shades, $7 50 to $18.50, See Our Special $12.50 Raincoat. If you like the freedom of getting around in wet weather without an umbrella, try a GROSVENOR The longer tery, of service would as- sure a better knowledge of the plant, ite value and its capacity. It would country bevond, calculation. By open- warrant the devotion of more time to | iN water communication be- : | tween Lake Superior and the lower the work in hand. It would qualify lakes andthe Atlantic seaboard, hy the commissioner for the safe admin- way of the Erie canal and the Hud- istration of the public service. The Soh, it has Slexsloped Ye vast min- man who had three years in office | Fa! Wealth of the Lake Superior re would understand the departinent as gion, has furnished a cheap and con the man of one year could not. In of grain, flour and other products to time, if continued in the trust, he the Cast and to furore, hes helped become: - ; itu. | to build t industrial centres a rd me the master of the situ Chicago, uth, Clepeland and other voints, and has contributed material- Kingston has not had any experience | ly. toward giving the United States with a issi It has had long \ its primacy in the production of iron, experience with committees. "Only an steel and capper, experiment could demonstrate the A merits and demerits of the two sys- 8 OF THE PRESS. tems, Oiling The Rollers. Toionto Star. § A. G, Blair. is prepared' to admit that even roller bearings run a little easier on account of certain financial provisions for ex-cabinet ministers, The "Soo" 'consi has had industrial Editorial Notes. Henry Carscallen, M.P.P., is not in favour of the license changes in Ham- ilton. The tories wanted to do some- thing, and they appear to have suc- ceeded Great | Expectations. Belleville. Intelligencer. Baron Komoea, the Japanese peace envoy, brought: 600 trunks to America. He must expectifo. take the Sar in- demnity home with him. S-- The tariff enquiry will begin in Sep- tember and continue until it}is com- pleted. Now get ready for discussion. - rN Let no interest suffer for lack of pro- A Question Of Ideals. : tice = ¥ St. Catharines Journal. Per olive, : © note thatia good many preachers are again taking for a Sunday topie. "The Ideal Newspaper." The "ideal newsoaper" of the average preacher would contain merely selected poems and a ghost story. IW Don't Worry. Belleville Ontario. That's an interesting statement in the report of insanity in Ontario that most of the cases arise from worry, which practically bears out an old the- | ory. So, don't worry! "Apples will grow again," The bonus fever has taken hold of some western people. They seem to think that industries are started into life by fancy financing. The history of municipal foolishness is not yet com- plete. The wheat corner in Winnipeg has not been a success. The longs ran up sprices, but in order to keep them there had to buy considerable grain at the inflated rates. On these purchases they are bound to lose heavily, Once a saloon-keeper always a saloon-keeper js not a wise conelusion. Jerome, of New York, cannot he cor- rectly reported as objecting to the ap- pointment of a court clerk hycause he had been in the saloon business ten years age, His Variegated Ideas. Toronto Star. No 'reproach can ever attach to Mr. Tarte for his variegated political ideas. The original Joseph Israel, it will be rementberéd, was passionately fond of a coat of many colors. Knocking At The Door. Hatilton Herald. : Victoria College is the latest Cana- son , v 3 dian medicant to knock at Carnegie's Willison, of the Toronto Globe, ina door, Will thie deeven the pride of signed article to Le Nationalist, shows | Victoria alumpi in. their alma mater ? that he has always bven the friend of -- the Roman Catholics. It is not a ques- Inviting Attention. i v i Heville Ontario. sion. of What. he has been, bus what 15 ee Wilt Laurier has at hand the he now ? Let tho cartoons in the News means to bring the Ontario tory spoils- supply the answer, men to reason, and if the future of the liberal party in Ontario is worth his care he should seo that it is time to act, and to got with vigor and thor oughness, > -- J. H. Hyde, it appears, was a oan- didate for the office of ambassador to France. What on eaith did he do to merit this distinction ? Did the Equit- able Life give a big subscription to the campaign fund ? But honors are not bought that wav, surely'? Mr. Monet has had a great dream about the French Canadians. If they would only be true to their language, their religion and their race for fifty- years they would become a wonderful people. But the development of racial feelings in America is impossible. The country is too big. A Brilliant Idea. A very pretty incident occurred some distance from the city, the other day, which showed the forethought of a couple of young ladies, who were driv- ing along a level stretch of country road. On percriving an automobile ap- proaching in_the distance, and doubt- ing their ability to manage their horse they came to the conclusion that something mast be done and done quickly. Theit fertile minds soon con- ceived that the only plan was to de- tach the hors from the carriage. This done the "timid animal' was fastened to a neighboring tree, while the very thoughtful ladies mounted the fence to await results. After a few moments of suspense, the automobile flew by, while the horse took advantage of the abundant griss without even raising his head. There is trouble in Hamilton on the license question. A prominent conser- vative is disgusted with hs party, and says the work of the commission ers is ths worst blow it has ever re- ceived. "You could not," he says, ture. The employer may be making a | larger percentage of gain, and he may | | | He is going to prepare a statament | closing had arrived and he spread the teal, ¥; with regard to hs connection with the | Wir. that he could not get his op. Newark, 3; Toronto, 2. | The sooner the het- | bank, the run ceased: ms woman who | | "get a handful of conservatives to go: Baselall On Tuesday. out and work now." National League--At St. Louis. 1; -------------- Boston, 10, + At Cincinnati, 5; New Started A Run. York. '10. At Chicago, "6; Phil A run on the Auburn, N.¥., savings ia, even: inn. Ih bank was caused by an Italian, who' aie Longe i anhington, rien my craw SLO, had to. be Gijngc"s. "as New York, 3: : Cleve. identified. By the time he obtained a 9 Ne mEE : a d, person to identify him the time for A tony League. ~Baltimore, 7; Mon- Jawey City, 2; Buffalo, ¥. ter $50,000 had heen drawn 'from the 'PERSONAL. MEN SHOULD KNOW THAT THE only perfet and safe Vacuum Apoli- tured and «controlled Co., 94 Mohawk ; administer in Ba wah w, w men. Write to. and proofs, rew $700 and put in a trunk d has been robbed of the whole amount. ---- rn, The penning Beecham's Pills, "Fng- sold at Gibson's Red Cross | lish," nro Drag Store: . and sociological consequences for the venient outlet for the transportation | Kaisha operates twelve lighted the audience and gained for her much applause. The Seymour children, by their trapeze act and oth- er startling feats, gave much pleas- ure, especially the drop act of Miss Seymour, which was loudly applavd- ed. They well earned the plaudets of the audience, The company will again appear to-night. Several new fea- tures will be introduced. -------- \ PRODUCE AND PRICES. ---- Prices At Present Prevailing ip The City. Kingston Aug. 1.-With the excep tion of meat, prices in the local mar ket practically remain the same as quoted last week, as here given : Grain.--Manitoba, No. 1, Northern, $1.03; No. 2 Northern, $1; No. 3 Nor- thern, 93c.; white winter, 86c.; buck- wheat, 0c; corn, @0c.; peas, 75. bar- ley, 450.; oats, 43c. to 45¢.; rye, 0c. Flour and fecd--Flour, bgkers' strong, $2.60 to $2.70; farmers', $2.70 to $2.90; Hungarian patent, $2.80 to $3; oatmeal and rolled oats, 8 to $5.20; cornmeal, $1.50 to $1.65; bran, $17 to $18; shorts, $20 to 821; straw, to 87; hay, loose, $7 to $9; pross- ed, $8 to $10. Meat--Beef, on the hoof, $4 to $5.50; carcase, $6 to $8; choice cuts, 10. to 15¢.; veal, by the quarter, fe. to Be.; cuts, Se, to 15¢c.; spring lamb; = from $3.50 to $4.50; hy the quarter, from 5c. to $1.50; outs, 15¢. a Ib; mutton, carcase, Sc, to 10c,; euts, 15c. a lb; hogs, 85 to $6.50; carcase, $9; cuts, 13c. a 1h. Poultry--Fowl, 60c. to 80c. spring chickens, 60c. to T0c.; turkeys, 10e. to 15c. a lb.; geese, 10c. to 124c.; ducks, 5c. to 81 a pair. Vegetables.--- Potatoes, old, 75¢. to \80e. a bag; -new, 20¢. a peck; turnips, 18e. a peck; carrots, 920c. a peck; beets, 200. a peck; cabbage, 8. to To. a head; onions, $1.75 to $2 a bush; cauliffiowers, 5c. to 10¢.; cel- ery, 124e., 15c., and 20c. head; 40¢c. to 76c. doz; cucumbers 3 for Se, parsley, 5c. a bunch : lettuce, 5c. a head; water cress, 5c. a bunch; new carrots and heets 5¢. a bunch; aspar- agus, 5c. a bunch. Fruit. --Lemons, 15¢. to 2c. a doz; bananas, 15c. to. 2be. a dozen; - or- anges, 20c. to 50c. a dozen: apples, 20c. to 50c. 4 peck; raspberries, 10c, to 124c. a box; red currants, Se. a quart; black currants, 15¢. a quart, Butter--Creamery, 29. to 24c. a Ib; choice farmers' prints, 2c. to Ne, ; rolls, 18. to 20c. Eggs--New laid eggs, 18¢. to 20e. a dozen. Fish--Salmon trout, 124c.; white fish, 12}e.; pickerel, 10c. 4 1h.; pike, 8c. Ih.; Seattle salmon, 30c. lb.: salt codfish, 7c. to 15c. a Ib.; halibut, 20c. a lb; haddock, cod and bull. heads, 10c. a Ib.: lobsters, 30c. to 40c. a dozen; smoked kippers, 40c. to 50c. a dozen; finnan haddie, 100. a Ib. ; lobsters, 20c. ga Ib.; Sague- nay salmon, Je, a Wb; red herring, 15¢c. a box; bluefich, = 150. a lIb.; sea bass, 12ic. a Ib.; sea trout, 124c. a 1b, Hides--These prices John McKay, Brock street : Beef hides, Tic. a Ib.; dairy «kins, '75¢.; to 80c. each; veal skins, 16v. to 1lc. a Ih; calf skins 75. to SOc. each ; tallow, rendered, 2. a lb.: tallow, rough, 2c. a Ib.: horse hides, $2 to $2.75, according to size. ---- Japan's Marine Lead. : The Nippon Yusen Kaisha, chief steamship company of Japan, though only a few years old, is far larger and more powerful, and also possesses more tonnage, than any ocean steam- ship company in America. It has sev- enty steamers, of 236,000 tong, and re- cently declared a twelve per cent. divi- dend. Besides the lines to Australia and Pugst Sound, the Nippon Yusen fourteen-knot steamers to Furope, for which it re ceives a subsidy of $1,364,000 annual ly, or as much as the United States Fives in mail and naval subventions to all the ocean hnes beneath the Asneri- can flag. The shinning laws which have wrought this swift expansion 'of the Japanese merchant marine,--the act 1890 and the amendatory act of 1900-- passed the diet by unanimous vote, -------------- ; Excused. He--You'll excuse me for picking up your gar---- 7 She--Certainly; don't mention itle-- --------ti a: At a meoting in Toronto of repre- sentatives, of various councils in On- tario of the Royal Arcanum resolu- are given by RAINCOAT. Umbrellas, 50¢., 75¢., $1 to $s. Sale of Boys' Soft Bosom Shirts Now Going On! | Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall. THE H. D. BIBBY CO. Do You Know Good Cloth When You See |t? If so you're the man we want to see our Suits, Once you see them you'll be a customer of ours. The man who knows little of cloth values, and cares.as little for it, and he is found in three out of five, is of no use to us, It is the "canny" man we want to deal with us, since he will always be a walking advertisement for us. Try one Suit. of examine the one you'r& friend bought here, We have them at all prices to suit all tastes. Suits $8, Suits $10, Suits $12, Suits $15 THE SUIT TO FIT. THE FIT TO SuIT. Jos. Abramson, The People's Clothier Our 2 Specials For This Week ! Ladies' Tan Calf Blucher Oxfords were $2 235. out at $1.50. Ladies' Tan Calf Blucher Oxfords, John McPherson make, were ¢3. Now $2. The Sawyer Shoe Store. C000 00000000000000000¢ $004 $ Wo Carry in Stock INGOT COPPER. ANTIMONY & TIN & ® THE CANADA METAL CO, TORONTO. 3 CPOI0 009000000600 44¢ Hed HY ins Clearing AULA Ee * . We have been at it, same address, since 1891. § Stomeiin. Steel Stamps, Co'pany Seals. Rub- ber Alphabet Sets for printing price cards, White Enamel Letters, &c. rite us, we'll do therest. C. W. Mack, 9-11-13 King St. W.., Toronto. PROPHESIES FLOOD claiming to come from the Willamette Valley, Many persons fearing that the prophecy will come true have already made excuses to absent themselves from the town and valley. Says Mount Hood Will Belch Lava in August. Portlend, Ore, Aug. 2. "Between July 27th and August 10th, the smoul- wi dering voleano at Mount Hood will William Is Touchy. da break forth in eruption, sending show- The German people have to be ay ers of molten lava hroadeast over the | cumspect when speaking of the Simp land. There will also be floods of such | or. The other day Frederick Greulic i magnitude that the whole Hood River | a Berlin miller, while at a oarniva' Valley will be inundated, and every | remarked : "All is not Solomonic W1¥ man, woman and.child who remains | dom that drops from , the emperors therein will be drowned.' lips." That would not seem like a zr. Such is the prophecy uttered in Hood | rible orime, 'hut for saving it Nr. tions were passed protesting against recent increase in rates, River, by an itinerant evangelist, call: } Greulich is undergoing three months ing himself the "Second Daniel," and | term in jail, So nes i F. 8. Davidson Army, Washingt Pension Office, w "Io my mind tatingly recomn afflicted as I b Davidson, NAAN If you do not deri factory results fro) write at once to Ds full statement of y be pleased to give vice gratis. Address Dr. Ha The Hartman Sar Ohio. TEEN Drug C Head You can't take th dies contain, withot sometime, Give Zutoo, the remedy, just one tri oF ya fo take a ds er still, you w will cure your head: and leave you feelin This is always the r Zutoo, the Ve RA eT ------ COMME Ri MONTREAL Telegraphed specia Norman Binmore, | Bogert & Battelle, Stock Exchange, 15 Japanese 44 Bonds Toledo Railway. Richelieu & Ont. Na Montreal Power Dominion Iron pid. Nova Scotia Steel Havana, pfdf Hocheliga Bank NEW YORK ST Supplied by W. 1 Market Square, King Atchison Amal. Capper Baltimore & Ohio Brooklyn Rapid Tro Canadian Pacific Srie 1linoi Central Louis & Nashvil Metropolitan Missouri Pacific New York Central Pennsylvania Reading Rock Island St. Paul Sugar Union Pa S. Ste U. S. Steel, nid GRAIN M Wheat-- Dec May Sept Corn-- May Sept. EEEE------------ A SPLENDI How a Pilgrim His I1 The Brockville Re that among the Anne de Beaupre, fins 'looking young at Kingston. He with rheumatism a siffering fearfully w the train at King along on crutdhes, | a pitiable gight. H ingly for the end ¢ the blessed shrine, get relief. But stra) «not have to wait w Anne de Peaupre, fo "fering. When the tr away from Kingsto up in a marvellous the time Sharbot L had thrown his en car window and hi after all it would n hm to go to Ste. J Lake he took a tra posite direction, ar he is still going. Th a ruse to get away Barracks. McLeod's Little hradache and sick tles. Meleod's drug Fresh Horlick's m sms Red Cross Dr