connection LL ee---- 4 Not Be Fooled With--Results of the Contests. : a and closing day's races with the Kingston Turf concluded conducted fair and square and with- out room for the slightest cause of complaint. And for this satisfact state of affairs, credit, in no small share is due Starter Frank Smith, Buffalo, He has proven - himself the cream of officials, demanding and re- ceiving the *t of everyone on the unds, for manner in which he t the entries in hand and the races ee. running without delay. And through- In white or ivory, fe Sh + ww NE 1 Curtains 1 s From $1,00 Per Day Up out the whole procedure he was at all times the same gentlemanly start- er, bearing in"mind the full responsi- bility of his trying position. The 2.28 Event. noon was the 2.28 class. There were seven entries and the horses were well matched. During the first heat all kept well together and at the finish the first three passed under the wire with little difference between their p siti In the ond heat, Helen 1. jumped to second © on the first narter, but was = soon passed by Hiewdight and on the stretch Aceta took the lead, though all kept well bunched. The final quarter was finish: ed under the lash with the other local entry, Lord Russell well in the string. It was a grand heat. Frank C. and Aceta' led for a while in' the third heat, but Henry Snow had taken the lines over Helen D. and brought her down the stretch a close second. She held the inside of the track and 'had there been sufficient room to the bunch. Tt was a beautiful finish. For the fourth and final heat, Snow immedia forced. hi to the front, but "she broke be and fell covered her lead, but again broke badly and fell behind. It then came Russell's turn to break, but he pick- ed up and made a grand finish. Sum mary : Miss (Paisley, (Gus Lipsett, Peter- Minnie Bell. (Geo Powell, Peter- a 3 be angi 8.4.6. cota, . Lake Sa Helen D,, (1. McCue, Kingston) Lord Russe), (Dr. Bell, King- ston) ....... (W. Acton, 8) iin SARRES + S%aatt ¢ , (C. Caverly. Madoc) Time--2.944 ; 2.974; 2.25: 2.2 Gan- -- Free-For{All Race. In the free-for-all there were two entries and Helen R., the fast Toronto mare, owned by Phil Davy, had things all her own way through: out. Only in the first heat was there any question as to Supremacy. At the start, Helen R. was behind and fell farther back throughout the half, but by the time the pole was reached she had picked up and passed under the wire, even with her rival. On the second round there was a pretty go, but the Queen City pacer won by a nose. Sumnrary : R. (Phil Davy. Toronto) Mawd Wilkes (Dr. Lak, Napanee) 2.2.2 Time--2.22¢ ; 2214; 2.18. As for the runners, there was little doubt as to the best mount, Liquo- zone casily winning both heats. The bookies would take no bets on the winner. Summary : Liquozone (Geor, Reid, Flint, Mich.)1.1. Golden Cocade £5. Patterson, Ring only Tine--51 ; 52. #1 88, | In the free-for-all class, the track record for Kingston was broken in the final heat. During the afternoon. Dr. McPher son, . Toronto, judged the carriage horses, awarding W. Marshall, first: W. A, Robertson, second, and A. Glover, third. The officials for the day's were : Starter and judge, Frank Smith, Buffalo; judges, F. Whitney, 3 J Gijon; Sleek of course, I! organ, V.S.; ting-keepers, C. F, Horne, V. Telfer. Fv Sporting Notes. "The Troanois, Canada cup defender, will be lightened. : ' there will be no fall meeting of the 'Hamilton Jockey Club Sullivan and' Durnan are rowing daily on Toronto Ray for their match race, Temeraire, Canada's cup challenger. will be sailed over to Rochester, leay- ing on Saturday night. The players of the Collingwood and You car' trust the - ness of an H. &» A. S. gold - filled Watch Chain, which is positively guaran- teed for 10, 15 or 25 years, according to the thickness of the gold casing. Your jeweler sells H. & A. S. Chains. Send for the H. & A. S. Chain Book. H. & A. SAUNDERS, King & John Sts., Toronto. 4 Of course the event of the after- pass many believe she would have led king's plate be run in bec this year. The event will be pull- ed off under the auspices of the Que- bee Turl Club. ¥ RE Its t Pritt got for his share of his recent t with "Kid" Sul $3,125.52, Sullivan re v i , quondam s horse and winner of nearly a has, been purchased is reported that at a meeting of the National League of Baseball Clubs here in Docember Pat Powers will be eléeted president of the league. © Frank Hahn, who was the best left hand pitcher in the National® League two weeks y, was uncondi released by. President Hermann from the Cincinnati . team i |. The visit of the Marylebone eleven next week is exciting a great deal of interest. The English cleven will play a picked team Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at Rosedale, Ae During a match between Pembroke and w, Frank ' » broke's pitcher, formerly of Toronto. broke his arm between the elbow and shoulder, in delivering a ball. A. T. Kerr is of consumption at El Paso. He graduated at Colum- bia in 1904, and while an athlete at that college, he caught cold in a cross-country run and it led to his dea th. "Billy" O'Hara, the Toronto boy, barre, leaders in the New York State League. is performing in sensational style. He is batting away over .300, and is leading off for the Barons. Robert Fitzsimmons is the latest to be pursued by the vaudeville man: ager, and preparations are under way for a contract that will take the long Cornishman away from the legitimate stage for next season, savs the New York Telegraph. It is the intention to present himv in vaudeville in® a one-act play. LAKE ONTARIO PARK. Had Big Crowd For Vaudeville and Dance. As ga pleasure resort Lake Ontario Park is growing in popular favor. There was an immense crowd in at- tendance last evening. In the pavilion every seat was occupied and standing room was at 4 premium, The com- pany has proved to be a good one, The Kaufman Bros. produced "several new features in their work which were loudly applanded. Their singing 'and dameing - gave great pleasure. Miss Mortimer was in good voice and won favor by her rendition of a beautiful song, entitled "I'll Be True." By re. quest she sang "Annie Laurie," in a manner to gain her additional plau- dits. The Seymour family in their diffi- cult and expert work on the trapeze und ring act kept the attention of the audience and were applauded several times. Their. daring exploits on the trapeze won the admiration of all. Miss Seymour, by her skill and dex- ity in her work and especially in hér drop act proved herself to be an expert in her profession. She was warmly applauded. ee company will in appear to-night. he 7? the close of the performance dancing was engaged in by a number of young people, a quadrille band. be- ing in attendance, Tour Of The Islands. Yesterday, the America took a party of 200 down the river, -including 100 tourists. This is the Husiest season the America has had for yeays. She dis- British, Canadian and United States '| od as the steamer events" flags and pennants. Supper was serv- neared Alexandria | Bay. The cuisine is excellent, and eight | waitresses are employed, The tourists | commend the service, and add that the { scenery along the America's routes is the most beautiful they have ever seen, and they are advising all other tourists to take this trip. The officers are: James F. Allen, master; Ira B. Folger, mate; G. St. V. Hunter, purs- er: L. Mitchell, steward; Thomas OL Reilly, first engineer: Joseph Branch, second engineer, The crew includes twenty-four officers and men. The Am- erica for three weeks has been run- ning almost day and night, handling excursions from all points on the riv- er and Bav of Quinte. To-day she car ried a party from Picton to Cape | Vincent, 1:1} Dug Up Old Leeboard. Yesterday, while working at the slip at the foot of Queen street, the dredge Nipissing dug up the lecboard "of a ship, which must he about a hundred years old. Leeboards are not in use now, having long ago been. displaced by centreboards. Two leeboards were used on ships, one on each side; and would be let down according to the tack the vessel was on, The centre board then came as a vast improve ment, The leebsard dug up is of three inch plank, and is in pretty good con- dition. Re ---- Perfect Soda Water. Ours is perfect because we manufac- ture it with scrupulous care. Every- thing we use is pure and fresh. Our [soda water is as cold as ice can make it. We use nothing but pure fruit juio- es. Pure ice cream and large, thin glasses. Wade's Drug Store. Wharf Front Dangerous. Harbor Master McCammon has call- od the attention of the city engineer to the fact that the railway wharf ex- tending along the harbor front from Brock to Clarence streets is in danger. ous condition. In several places it is caved in and the timbers in others are rotted. The engineer hgs--written the railway company interested, pointing out the need of repairs. Third Gang For Walks. In order to complete three more miles of concrete walks before the cold weather sets in, City Engineer Craig contemplates putting a third gang of men at work. By so doing, all the walks proyivled for will be finished this year. ®Rixty asphalt trossings have been laid this season, and no more will likely be put down for an- other year, Dr. Chown's Little Pink Laxatives for billiousness; 25¢. a box. Davies' sweet pickle corned beef, ex- © cellent for boiled dinner, by Mose Gold: | | blatt, the western horseman, Pem- who is playing 'centreficld for Wilkes: plays new flags, almost a profusion of aD TRIP. Had a Talk With Andrew Car- - megie About the Fund for Aged ' Professors--Mr. Carnegie Said That Queen's Would Share in It. A Whig representative had a talk last evening with Dr. Third, who is recently from a trip to the old country. visit there > was purely professional. Asked as to his impres- the London sion of hospitals, Dr. to say, they have tha ere as here--lack of funds, 3 are supported almost entirely b; untary subscriptions. Hospital lay. this year was ob- served on June 5th, and the re sponse was most liberal. Of course as you would expect, our high commis. sfoner, Lord Strathconas-is deeply in- terested in the t hospitals. He is on the advi board of several and is a member of the executive com- mittee of university college hospitals. In fact it is difficult to see how he finds time for all the varied dutics he has assigned himsel, ®s the Cana- dian office "Cansdians flock for in- formation, for passes to House of Commons and to a hundred other in- stitutions." Concerning his visit to Scotland, Dr. Third said that of course the all- absorbing topie of discussion there was the Seottish church bill: The claims of the United Free Church, nu- merically the strongest of the - Scot- tish chu sare gradually being ro: cognized, y terness, 8 | Singer; the evietions began. ; 3 "For example, at Ayr, the birth place of Bobi Burns, 4 United Free congregation. was evicted by the 'Wee Frees," or the Legal Free church, as they prefer to call themselves on July 2nd. The Frees, numbered 119; the ovictod congregation considerably over 1,000. The latter rented a hall and with numbers augmented to fully 1,500 worshipped there. At the elose of the morning service the Wee [rees found themselves in the midst, of a dense and none too orderly street crowd, Such weapons as stale eggs and bits of rock were frequently in evidence. Nothing but the vigilance of 'a well-organized police force pre- vented bloodshed. The Wee Frees, on the advice of the police, did not at tempt to held an evening service. Out of this chaos much-neeled legis. lation will bring order and that be. fore long, but all must deplore the belligerent attitude of the different sections of the Scottish church at the present time." "I understand you had. some con- versation with Mr. Carnegie regard: ing his endowment fund for retired university professors." "Yes, Dr. Third said; "I met Mr. Carnegie after we were two or three «ays out from New York, and I en- quired regarding Queen's relationship to the fund. After stating the rela- tion of the college to the Presbyterian church, as far as 1 knew it, Mr. Carhogie assured me that Queen's would. participate in the fund. In fact, he stated that the claims of even state universities would not he absolutely ignored if presented to the trustees of the fund. His schema far as I understand it. is not to in terfere with any existing relationship between a university and the state, Or a university or any branch of the church. Such phrases as 'Indiserim- mate giving impoverishes,' 'help those who help themselves," were fre- quently on his lips. I found him ox. ceedingly liberal in his views and for my own part I see no reason why Queen's should not enjoy the fruits of this branch of his generosity. I un derstapd one of (Queens professors wishes to retire and 1 am of the opinion that his case should. be made a test one in order to aseertain finitely the relationship of the versity to the fund." -------------- Carried Far Apart. A Brockville lady picked up wrong hand valise at Kingston ton, on Friday evening. On home she declared she would wear the things she found in that "grip;""---she was no, advanced wo- man. So she advertised in the Whig on Wednesday for an exchange of baggage, and the other "grip" ecvld no longer stay ont. Word at once came from a Port. Arthur gentleman that those things at Brockville just fitted him and that he possessed other queer "fixing" he had no personal use for. The Whig duly notified the vie- tims of mishap. The losers were both named Pritchard, a coincidence of labels and of similar travelling bags. ------ Proper Treatment For Sprains. Doctors say that nothing relieves a sprained joint so promptly as a good rubbing of Nerviline. "I sprained my wrist," writte Leonard E. Milford, of Rockland. "It became very painful and swelled up. 1 rubbed on Nervi- line twice a day and put on a band- age. The pain soon went away and rubbing' with Nerviline cured. "Nervi line is undoubtedly the best pain re- liever I ever ed." For nearly fifty Years Polson's Nerviline has been tha leading liniment of Canada. \ Large bottles 25¢; everywhere, 80 de- 'uni- the sta- arrival never Knight's Find In Temiskaming. C. W. Knight, of Kingston, has applied for the south-west corner of ot five, concession four, Half of the lot is in the Gillies lumber limite, Mr. Knight has found a silver vein one- half inch wide, and he has traced it for 125 Jeet. Ho thinks the vein will become wider on depth. Excursion To Kingston. The annual excursion of the C W. A. to Kingston, promises to be a pro- nounced success. A special G. T. R. train will leave Toronto, at about 2.15 p.m., Saturday, the tickets being good to retarn on all trains except the International Limited until . Au gust Sth, ------------ The Friday Trip To Ogdensburg. America, at 8 a.m., calling at Gan- anoque, Rockport and Broekville both ways; howe early; meals on board. S 506, Searchlight on return trip. there is much lsit- | RAN AGROUND. JA Big Upper Lake Freighter Strikes In the Harbor. big iron ! propeller Plummer, by the Canadian Lake and Ocean company, Toronto, arrived at Swift's wharf, about 7:30 o'clock last evening from Fort William. After un- loading a portion of her cargo, con- sisting of flour, the vessel left this morning for Montreal at seven o'clock, £ha only got a few yards from the wharf, however, when she ran upon the shoal opposite the harbor tower. The accident was due to the propeller getting out of her course. All morn my the powerful engines were kept go- ing and the huge propeller lashed the water to a whirl of foam in an effort to release the vessel. The M. T. Co's, tug Fanmerson tried to pull the Plummer offi about eleven o'cloc's, and worked in the neighbor- hood of an hour without success. The vessel lies on the edge of the shoal, which is formed of rock. Capt. John Boyd was the pilot in charge at the time of the accident, which was due to the attempt of the big iron boat to keep out of the way of the steamer Kingston, The owned Movements Of Vessels. Crawford's whar?: wind, from Charlotte, with coal. The steamer Calvin, Quebec to Buf- falo, with pulpwood, passed up this morning. During the month of Julv the steam- ers Kingston and Toronto carried '2,000 passengers more than for same month in 1904, Craig's wharf: Steamers ¢. W. Cole, from _ Rideau points; . Persia, down, last night; Castanet, from Alexandria Bay; Wherenow, from 7T. 1. Park. The government lighthouse steamer Oseola, Cape. McMaster, left the dry- dock yesterday afternoon, and pro- ceeded up the lakes on a two months' cruise. Swift's wharf : Steamers Kingston, down; Caspian, from Charlotte; Belle- ville, down, last night; Rideau Queen, for 'Ottawa; schooner Mary Lydon, from Charlotte. The steamer Scout was to have been end of the month for Prescott, where she will be finished. biggest passenger list of the season for her Rideau trip yesterddy. account of changes in boiler and cn- gine, the Queen's coal bill this year will just be one-half that of season. MT. company wharf : Tug Thom- son, from Cape Vincent, having left a pulp-laden up with two light barges and cleared down with one, grain-laden: tug Emerson, from Oswego and Charlotte, with three coal-laden barges. At Whitby temporaty repairs to the steamer Argyle are being made, so as to "ring her to Kingston. Some 200 planks, four feet long, will be required to cover the bad places. ~ When the ®lanking is finished an immense sail is in readiness to be pulled underneath swaddled in sail cloth, and this bat- tened"on thoroughly. That will al most perfectly prevent water getting into 'the hold on the vovage. ? Built at Buflalo in 1862 and econ- idered one of the finest passenger steamers on the lake in her day, the steamer Badger State is now to le converted into *a lumber hooker. H. R. Harvey, her present owner, al ready has men cutting her down to mit her in the lumber trade. The Badger State has had probably as tempestuous 4 enreer on the lakes as any steamer could have. She has owners and has plied on every one of the great lakes. MUST PROVIDE FOR THEM. A Husband Neglecting Wife and Children. The case against Emest Watson for neglecting to support his wife and fa- mily was called at the police court to- day. Johannah Watson, his wife, took the stand and related the following story : They were married in Roches. ter on September 10th, 1908. Two days afterwards, Watson left her and came to Kingston without any explanation. til, through letters from his mother. she discovered him to be in Deseronto, He came back about February, 1904, having sent three dollars a week to her for two weeks before his return, her mother's home. Then Watson left his wie once more and for three months lived with back again, however, and his wife Early in June he came to Kingston, and she followed some two weeks lat- er. They lived at his 'mother's, on Cle rgy street, but the two women could not get on together. Crueltv to the baby was also charged. Watson had been before the court in Rioches- ter two or three times, and ordered to pay $1 a weck towards his wife's maintenance, In reply to the magis- trate the defendant said part of his wife's story was true, and wished the oase adjotrrned till to-morrow in order that he might secure counsel. The cadi, however, gave him two weeks adjourn- ment, and in that time he must either provide a home and live with his wife, | or pay her, $3 a week. He was warned | not to attempt to escape across to the States. The children will live at home | also provided such ix established. ------------ Her Two Ages. The passenger was very fond of children, says the Philadelphia Re- cord, and it was not long before he was flicting with the little girl on the seat in front. After a while she came and sat on his Tp. After he had show- ed the picture of his own little girl in the back of his watch, told her , fairy tale, and bought her some candy from the newsboy, he enquired : "How old are you, Nellie 2" With an alarmed glance at the conductor, she said : "Pll whisper it in Your ear; I'm four and one-half years old on the train and six and one-half every other place." . -- -- Fifty Lithia Tablets in a sealed bot- tle; dose, one tablet to a gluss of water; a very ref; ing tonic; 25c. a bottle - Dr. Chown's Drug Store Schooner Trade- | the | Ann | The steamer Rideau Queen had the On | last | barge there; tug Glide, | the steamer, so she will be, as it were, | belonged to more than her share of | His wife didn't know where he was un. | Both lived together till December, at | another woman | whose husband had left her. He came | lived with him from 'March till May. | | Thomas Vanhorne, Clergy street, this GUS MONTGOMERY DIED " FROM INJURIES. He Was a Sectionman at Yarker--Run Over By & Bay of Quinte Train--Brought to Kingston Hospital. Gus. Montgomery, a Bay of Quinte railway sectiomman, was horribly 'mu- tilated about 5.30 o'clock, Wednes- day afternoon, near the Yarker sta- tion, and died at midnight, As a re- sult of being run over by a train, he lost his left leg below the kneee, part of his right hand and the toes of his right foot. He was cleaning weeds off the tracks, and failed to notice the train from Napanee. backing down on him. Before he could get out of the way, the rear coach struck him, knocking him across the rails, | Six trucks passed over him, inflicting the frightful injuries mentioned. The left foot was ground to a pulp and the forefingers of the right hand were cut completely off, also "were the toes of | the left foot. The injured man was carried into the station and medical aid summoned. As soon as the injuries were temporarily dressed, a special train wae made up. and he was brought to Kingston. and | conveyed, to the General Hospital in | an ambulance, | The deceased was about fifty years of age and has a wife, a daughter and | a son. The two former accompanied { him here. Dr. Robertson of Tweed, and | Dr. Ruttan. of Yarker, were the two | who attended the unfortunate man. They accompanied » him to Kingston. | Though he was quite conscious when | brought here, the loss of blood and_ | the shock = were too much, and the | poor sectionman died about midnight. | At the hospital. 'Drs. Wood. Mundell, Robertson and Ruttan were in attend- ance, R INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Reporters On Their Rounds. Eat Toye's bread and be healthy. Sick room supplies, Chown's Drug Store. Davies' Try it. William Swain, piano tuner; Orders received at McAuley's book store. Buy Chase's Kidney and Liver Pills at Gibson's Red Cross Drug. Store. Charles Prosser, London, an ex-con- | vict, has been sent again to the peni tentiary for three years for stealing | wire. : Henry Cunningham, piano tuner { from Chickering. Orders received at | McAuley's book store, Princess streot, { The Belleville excursionists returned | to. their 'lyre by chal G.T.R. train at 7.30 o'clock last evening, regret | ting that their lot had not been cast lin K New England ham, 15c. | Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By floated out of Davis dry dock to-day. | '¢ The work of rebuilding is proceeding | rapidly. She will leave here about the! MUTATED BY TRAIN, py. Lyon's og x : | i Take Methodist church exeursion to | Rochester, Tuesday, the Sth, by Cas pian at 5 p.m. Round trip $2.50. Can | tay a week, See bills, Dales' pork head-cheese, superior quality meal. wholesome. s Passengers on Swift's wharf in the afternoons are subjected to much dan- ger by cabs and waggons being driven about. There were a number of people badly scared yesterday. Headaches cured, 12 for wr A Chown's Headache Powders. The harbor master still awaits =» new guage for the commer of the har- bor at the foot of Brock street, so that he may continue his monthly re ports regarding the depths of the water, made of | Testy and Drug Store is made from pure cream Bb 1t, 8 expected that quite a large number of "Prentice Boys and Orange men from the Kingston for the celebration on Sat- urday, August 12th, of the closing of the gat s of Derry. Don't waste money in baking during the hot weather. Buy your bread from Toye. A King street delivery horse kicked up anties on Swift's wharf yesterday | afternoon. The driver. explaing that | the horse was simply shying at the | Pelleville people coming off the steamer North King. Workmen were busy this morning unloading some of the new machinery for the e i lant, which arrived in the city over™~the Grand Trank lines. The consignment consisted of a new arc machine and an Edison machine. Offered A Position. Robert Laidlaw, of the Brockville Recorder, has been asked by the min ister of agriculture to accept an im- portant position in the archives de- partment at Ottawa. The minister's attention has "een attracted by the work of Mr. Laidlaw in journalism, particularly in connection with his re- search in digging up interesting relics of history. Mr. Laidlaw will enter up- on his new duties about September 1st. He will be the right man in the right place. Going To The Coast. Miss Carrie Vanhorne, daughter of city, leit this morning for Vancouver, B.C,, where she will be married to Herbert Clegg, a former Port Hope young man, Miss Vanhorne will make a short stay with friends in Winnipeg and will be met at Calgary by her brother, Charles, 'of Lethbridge, Will You Be Going. Saturday, 2.30 p.m., America via the American and Canadian channels. Searchlight on return trip. 33e. The ice eream at Gibson's Red Cross | | | district will come to |; | N y Cherry Pectoral. Coughs, colds, croup, the grip, bronchitis, consumption. For over sixty years the leading cough medicine of the whole world. Ask your doc- tor all about it. owe on: {0UT | & rr WIT Tw . --- PERFECT Tooth Powder Cleanses and beaut teeth and purites Tings the Used by people of refin for over a quarter of a century: Very convenient for tourists, FREPARED BY IY Gr. 32.5; Montserrat Lime Juice A mort delightful, cooling and quenching beverage for hot weather, also a new lot (f MINERAL WATERS VICHY WATER. APENTA WATER, in pints and quarts. HUNYAD! WATER, in pints ard quarts. Which are the proper med- icines to act as a laxative and blood purifiet. --AT -- The "Best" Drug Store, 124 Princess Street 'Phoue 59 ? "THERE IS A TIME 5 FOR ALL THINGS." 3 Now, while prices are low, i~ the time to fll ! your coal bin wih bst quality SCRANTON COAL BARRACK STREET. L ob +a seseeessesesel] MOVING 2 : from ) P. Walsh's = This all our Summer Dress Materials, including Muslins, Mercerized Mattings, hams, Percales, etc. is the case with Pigues, Ging- You can get the for a Waist or Dress at ex- actly half the former price, if you buy early on Friday Bargains galore in our Whitewear section, including White Skirts, Corset Covers, Waists, pieces clipped prices, making away below Cost. Gowns, etc. Big off former many lines Some handsome designs in Ladies' Golf Jackets received to-day, Colors, Cardinal, White, Black, Navy. Regular $2.25 quality, for $1.95. ¢ ¢ i ¢ material : ' ' ¢ ' ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ $ ' ¢ ' : ¢ ' ' ¢ ' ' ¢ : ¢ IN ' an & Shaw I have for sale one of the best Cornet Groceries in the city. Call and get particulars. . $1,350 for a nice s'x-room dwelling $900 will buy a six-room dwelling UY e rs on Rideau Btreet, large lot and barn. | on Pine Btreét, good stable. 'A. F. BOND, Insurance and Real Estate. 163 Clarence Street - - - Kingston. Mclrod's foot powder for tired or swollen feet, 10c. tins. McLeod's Drug stove. . Lo 7 son "RAND TRU nteonial Exposition, Portiand, 0 June 1st to Oct. 15th. Roun e, $75.80, from Kingston. Ticks siiy. rand valid to retura 3 80 of sale: but no ith, . LOCAL TIME TABLE Trains will' leave and arrive City 'oot of Johnston Street. GOING WEST Lve. City 5 Mail"... ..12.53 a.m. 3 Express ... 2.26 a.m. 11 Loeal ... .. 9.15 a.m. 1 Intern'l Ltd12.16 noon 7 Mail ... .. 3.19 p.m. 15 Local ... . 7.03 p.m: GOING EAST Lve. City RRR peah SN wot aod = -- =RoWwob Saw 9) - 4 Fast Exp. 1.00 p.m. §'* 12 Local ... ... 7.03 p.m. Nos. 1, 2, 8 and 4 run daily. No. run daily, except Monday. All ns daily except' Sunday. For fufther particulars, tickets g her information apply to . J.P. HANLEY, City Passenger Aj 3 we TRIS IRL RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWA entennial Exposit Portland, Oregon June ist to October 15th, 19( Round Trip Fare $7. FROM KINGSTON Tickets on sale daily, and valid jurn within 90 days from date of t not later thah November 30th, Sharbot Lake and Retur "$1.40 Good going all trains Saturdays Returning following Monday. Full particulars at K. & P. an R. Ticket office, Ontario Street. iF. CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, Gen. Pass. Agent Gen, i N . . Bay of Quinte Rail 5 New short line fer Tweed, Ni rento, and all local points. ve City Hall Depot at 8:35 ». MOCNWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry.. Kiags (QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COM LIMITED, 'River and Guif of St. Law Summer Cruises in Cool Latit in Screw Iron SS, "Cam 00 tons with electric lights, ls and all modern comfort, ails from Montreal Mondays, and 28th August: 11tn ay pptemirer, for Pictou, 3., val bebee. Gaspe, Mal Bay " ove, Grand River, merside, pd Charlottetown, IBermuc I Summer Excursions, $35 iby the new Twin Screw S gan, 5,500 tons. Sailing frow ork, 2nd, 16th, and 30th Aug Bfortnightly thereafter. Temperatur by sea breezes seldom rises al fdegrees. Princess Hotel open round. The finest trips of the seasc EF health and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, For tickets and staterooms app! H 3Y Lo gl 1 and uj 8, P. ANLEY, or SLEEVE, Ticket Ont; HE Daily | & Kav [o - wy i Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand | Brockville, Preseott and Mont New ors FINGSTON & TOF LEAVE KINGSTON : GOING EAST-Daily, at 6 a.m GOING WEST---Daily, at 5 p.m Kingston to Clayton, 1,000 fF Ports, Brockville or Prescott, goi returning Sunday only. Single far Kingston to Montreal and retu: F ing Saturday or Sunday. Return T.R., Monday. Fare, $6. Also excursion rates to Toros *harlotte going Saturday or Sunt turning Monday. -- . Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Qui Montreal Line. LEAVE KINGSTON: GOING = EAST, Wednesdays & days and Sundays, at 4.30 pn. | GOING WEST, Tuesdays, Th and Saturdays, 11.30 p.m. J, P. HANLEY, J. SWIFT Ticket Agent Freight T0 QUEBEC DIRECT WITH! CHANGE STR. ""ALEXAND lepves Craig & Co's. wha Monday, at 6.30 p.m., for Mont Quebec, running the rapids. Re leaves Kingston Fridays at 12 m i via Bay of Quinte, for Charlot Buffalo. The Steel Lake Excur Steamer 'NIAGARA ( for Charter. For particulars, apply to CO., A CRAIC & M. gts, Kiogstor R. HEPBURN. Manager, Picton. pit. opto. bt i Lake Ontario and Bay of ( Steamboat Co,, Limite 1000 Islands -- Roch Taking Effect June 24 Stes. North' King and C Leave Kingston daily, except 'ut 10.15 a.m., for ousand i calling at Alexandrian Bay and que. Returning steamert leave .m., for Rochester, N.Y., call icton, Deseronto, Belleville ap mediate Bay of Quinte ports. STR. ALETHA=Leaves Kingst days at 5 p.m. for Picton and i fate Bay Guinte, Dory P. He x r A Full information om nis Agents, k Gildersleeve, gents. : E. BE. HORSEY, Trafic Man