#8 i we Bave mot wot the S MSortmmt of Busi os oC BABY CARRIAGES and reasonably, HALLIDAY ELECTRIC COMPANY Specialists jn Diseases of i | The finest, purest cream is requiréd for such a delicious dish. 'THAT is the only kind of cream we supply. It's always fresh and tasty. Delivered anywhere in the city, 'Phono 567. David Hall, 98 Brook Stroet. . "Phone 85, SANITARY PLUMBING ! RE Rs tr ou ith workman ea Th, ohm Pent. We mak very 'o uo Shares for estimates on plumbing or wi . to A.& J. JAMIESON. uns work solicited snd promptly SAFE STORAGE : " Phone 526 If. you have Furniture, Carriages, Pianos, etc. to store, send them to us. We have large space and use great care in handling your goods. Charges moderate. W. G. Frost. City Storage, 209 Queen Street Painting of Vehicles a Specialty. DENTAL | DR. A. B KNAPP, BA, LDS, DDS. «19 Montreal St., Phone 652, Princess St, of Dentistry skilfully per- All branches , | formed. Nitrous Oxide. Gas used for ex traction of GARDINER'S Insurance and Real: Estate. Eight. Companies at Lowest Rates. Loan on Real Estate. Money to 151 Wellington Street. TT -------- Donate $5,000,000 Cash. , Aug. 3. --Swedish-Ameri- cans in this city have declared their i to subscribe to a $3,000,- ont became involved in hany will be amicably set- declare tl would stand by ho ata hey n ' ------------------ Three applications of Peck's Corn salve cure © hard or 20 come #4 Wade's drug store, ti and repairing Prae Ee will be renovated inside and out. A jarge gang of Ttalians are engaged raising the G.T.R. tracks, westw from here. ---- a Caintown Cullings. Caintown, Aug. 2.--Church will be hield ment Simday. evening in the Moth odist church here, im of the after- noon. Mrs. 8. L. Hogeboom has been under the Wealmant of Dr. Lane, Mal. orytown. iss Iva Numn is ng . ek for visiting friends g py n. E. J. Kent is building an addition to his house, by putting up a kitchen and woodshed, Pisses Brena and Alice Tennant has returned home af- ter an extended visit to friends in Toronto and Owen Sound. Mrs. H. W. Powell and Miss Edith have re turned home. Good Yield Of Huckleberries. Mountain Grove, Aug. 1.--Owing to the recent rain of such long continu- ance, farmers have been detamed with their hay harvest, quite a quantity of whieh. has been consi ly d 5 Quite a number have gone huckleber- ing and the report is a good yield this year. Our boarding house has again shianged hands. M. Cronk re- moving to Parham and H. Loyst tak- ing the position of "mine host." Am- ong the late items of news to be chronicled is the marriage of L. Wood to I. Burley on Wednesday, 2nd inst. Moving To Kingston. Sharbot Lake, Aug. 1.-M. Avery, M.P., wile and daughter have gone on a trip to British Columbia. James Watson' and family are moving to Kingston. Miss Grace Killens spent Sunday with her parents at Hinchin- brook. T. McCune has bought the! butcher shop from S. Deyo. H. Hall, clerk for Thomson and Avery, is leav-| ing here, having a situation with a Kingston firm, Rev. W. Smith is away on a few weeks' holidays. Misses Eva and Bertha Dodds are visiting friends in Beachburg. Miss F. Elliott, Mont- real, and Mrs. (Dr) Downey, Bruce Mines, are visiting at Dr. Kilborn s. T. Bristleon, Gananoque, is spending a few days with his brother M. Bristle- on. Millhaven Affairs. Millhaven, Aug. 2.--Mrs. Allen Wemp and children, of Rochester. are visiting at Frederick Wemp's. William Vanwinkle and wife, Toronto, are spending a few days at George Mil- Jer's. Irwin Miller and wile, Link's Mills, have rented John Clements house and are moving in. On Satur- day evening, July- 29th, a little son was horn to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller. Miss Mabel Fairfield is spend- ing a week in Kingston. Frank Col- line and wife spent Sunday at Na- pance. Mrs. Oswald Finnigan and children, Portsmouth, are visiting Mrs. Robert Finnigan. Miss Leroy, Chatham, will arrive here on Satur: day and will be the guest of Mrs. Frederick Wemp for a few wecks. Miss Abbie Buck is visiting Laura Sharpe. Elgirburg Personals. dginburg, Aug. 2.--~There will not po Dei Br vio here next Sabbath owing to quarterly service being held at Glenvale. The young people pur- pose having a Jengue sotia) at She 'ona, rounds on Friday even- Miss Frankie Buck has returned to Kingston after spending three weeks with friends here. W. Lawson visited his daughter, Mrs. W. Smith, at Messena, N.Y. Miss Etta McBride is. visiting friends in the city. Willie McBride is spending part of his vaea- tion at Sunbury. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hosier and family, Brames, Mo., and Mrs. J. Robinson, Picton, at' 1. Spooner's; Mr. and Mrs. and Miss Dowsley, Toronto, at H. Coun- ter's; Mise Fern Fredenburg, Water town, at J. W. Martin's; Leslie Clogg, Toronto, at his father's; Miss Mary Letherland at her home, Accidents At Cedar Valley. 'edar Valley, Aug. '2.--The grain on never o better. The iy & W. run special trains from Brockville to Crosby Station every Sunday for the accommodation of those who visit the big Rideau at Portland, as it's the best fishing grounds around. "Ozone Solution" Special Offer. There is just one way by which you ean get a package of "Celery King" free with a bottle of "Ozone." That is ask your druggist for "Solution of Ozone (the coupon kind)". Each bottle of this contains a coupon for which we send you a twenty-five cent pack- of "Celery King." Never take . ne' without "Celery King" if you want the best results. We are putting coupons in "Ozone" good for "Celery King" because no other dealer or firm in the world has the right to manu- facture "Celery King" but ourselves apd no other remedy in the world will give such good results. ""Ozonei' kills the inside germs and "Celery King" is a toni¢ laxative, 1 Ask your | ist for "Solution of Ozone (th coupor kind)" manufactue- e gone up all a A dow . their : M. Balfe, Marie Docher, Lombardy; Miss M. O'Mara, Toronto, 3 Caused A Horse's Death. i having 'quantities of hay out and nearly all ¥all wheat in' this seo tion was out and standifig out. Mrs. Johanna Slack js visiting her daugh- ter, Mrs. T. Laflin at Prescott, at pré sent. Mrs, Luther Murphy, of New York, has been quite ill 'at her fath- er's here, for the past few days, but is better now. Dr. Creggan of Delta, has been attending her, John Townsend was taken seriously ill at his broth ay last, but is able rBiliott, Seéley's again. Bay, was his attending physician, Mrs. James Millar returned to her home in Schenectady, N.Y., on Satur day last, aftér a six weeks' visit with hee brothers hero, Mr. and Mes 8.x "hipman ittle son spent Monday at her brother's, W. J. Byam's, Mrs. - ~ - J. and Mre. T. McConnell and rd, visited' at W. C. Monday of this week: Miss v went on the excursion to Ste. Anne do Beaupre, Quebec; on July th; E. McReady, Sand Bay, visited his cheese factory here, yesterday. ... . Doings At Denbigh. Denbigh, Aug. 1.--A court was held here on. July 25th, by the county judge for the hearing of appeals against the assessment of this municipality and some decisions of the court of re- vision, About $2,500 of chiefly busi- ness and income gssessauents were gdd- ed to the amount of the original as- sessment, Misses Minnie and Eveline Lane; 4nd John Mandigo, of Ottawa, have spent a pleasant. time visiting at Mr. 'and Mrs. James e's, of the Denbigh house, but have returned again to the capital. Dr. J. Chant has returned from a visit to friends and relatives in Leeds county, James Youmans, of Cache Bay, made a short visit at his te and other friends here. Miss artha Marquardt, of Renfrew, had to return to town after enjoying a couple of weeks rusticating' at the old home. Her sister, Annie, glso of Renfrew, has just arrived home to enjoy a few weeks' vacation at her father's, E. Marquardt Gustav and Harry Jolin and Frank Chatsod, Jr., late of Sault Ste. Marie, have returned io Denbigh to assist their parents during haying and harvesting. George Fox has os a trip to the North-West and returned home so well satisfied with Alberta, that he in- tends to move there permanently as soon as he can conveniently make the necessary grrangements, Farmers are all very busy with their haying. Otto Stein and family have moved back from Flower Station to Denbigh and are now residing on Robert Stein's farm. Byam's, on Rose F ROMANCE IN REAL LIFE Sweethearts of Half a Century Ago Are Married. Toronto, Aug, 3.--Five decades ago Alired Butler, St. Thomas, and Mrs. E. Tummons, London, who was then not Mrs. Tummons, were boy and girl tokether, and were sweethearts. As the years went by Alfred Butler mar- ried, and his old sweetheart became Mrs. Tummons. ' Then Mrs. Butler died, and Mr. Tummons also died. Last night, at the home of a mutual friend in Toronto Junction, Alfred Butler, the widower, was married to Mrs. Tummons, the widow, the groom being just sixty-four years of age and the bride two years younger. Both have grown-up families, and a 'mar- ried daughter of Mrs. Tummons did duty as bridesmaid. How to Avoid Catching Cold. Allow yourself to "run: down" and catch cold from the first germ that comes your way. Wade's Iron Tonio Pills make you cold proof by giving JSu rich healthy blood, the kind that ills all disease 8. In boxes 25c. at Wade's Drug Store. Money back if not satisfactory. -- Dr. Pafnell Dead. Ottawa Citizen. The death occurred: on Wednesday morning of Dr. John Hunter Parnell at the residence of his brother-in-law, J. P. Featherston, after a long illness of paralysis. Deceased was sixty-four s old, and was born in Dublin, reland. He came to 'this country as a child, with his father and settled in Kingston, Mr. Parnell later went to Merrickville, where he published the Canadi urchman, He resigned from this work to study 'dentistry at Kingston. He eame to Ottawa after graduating and for neatly twenty-five years carried on his profession very successfully on Rideau street. During this time he was for several terms a member of the city council and always took a interest in the welfare of the city. e was a cons scientious member of the Anglican church and prominent in the Indepen- dent Order of Oddfellows. : He was never married and is' sur- 'vived by one brother, Rev. Dr. Par- nell, Rochester, N.Y., and two sisters, Mrs, J. P. Featherston; and Mrs. Géorge Merrick. The funeral will take place to Burritt's Rapids. Do your eyes trouble you ? Consult Chown's optician. Satisfaction guar. jor els INEW YORK sensation in the way of amusements MANAGERS ARE GETTING READY, th, For the Coming Season--The Chief Things to Be Offered-- Elsie Janis is the Darling of New York This Summer, Srecial to Whig, New Yok: Aug. 3.--Broadway man- agers gre getting busy now, prepar- ing for the coming season, and indi- cations are that the Rialto here will see a big variety. Among the an- nouncements are Raymond Hitchoock, in straight dramatic comedy at Wgl- lack's; vis James, in "Virginius" and classic revivals at the Broadway, following the big spectacle, "The Pearl and the ' Pumpkin'; - another Drury Lane spectacle, "The White Cat," at the New Amsterdam; "Babes in the .5 Point, Aug.' I.--Thonias By- Woods," Madame Bernhardt, and Alice nt Dh 'died on Wednesday last, It | Neilson in grand opera at the Schw was not pink eye as was thought at | bert theatres; a brand new melodra- first; it was some spinal disease that matic-vaudeville-musical-circus pro- affected the head. The heavy fall of duction at the Hippodrome; and aside rain for the few days will put {rom these novelties, the usual number the 'farmers Rast with their work, | of importations, Clyde Fitch plays, | the John Drews, the Maude. Adamses and others in the Frohman theatres. One the most interesting an- houncements is that a number of pro- minent managers are to return to the production of real comic opera of the more meretorious kind. In 5 column interview in the Telegram, Reginald De Koven tells of his oR ontract Bh Henry W. Savage for the production of four new comic operas gn the style of "Robinhood." Mr. De Koven says : "For the last few years, musical com edy of a hetero-generous kind, has reigned supreme, and it has remained for Col. Savage to put himself on record that there is a public ready and anxious {o support legitimate light music of the best type in real comic opera." It now looks as if this idea of more worthy musical enter- tainment will become widespread, for others have anticipated this change of public taste. Fritzi Scheff made some notable revivals last season with much success, and Miltan and = Sargent Abom were so well satisfied with their operatic ventures last vear that they will send out such high class comic obera revivals as Victor Herbert's "The Fortune Teller," Reginald De Koven's "Robinhood" and others of like calibre. Among the roof shows every sum- mer, there is room for about one big New York has a fickle public, . but when they decide what they like, there is no doubt about if, as they all want the same thing. The centre of attrac- tion this summer has proved to be Elsie Janis' irresistible comedy work at the Wistaria Grove on the New York theatre roof. Miss Janis was "it" from her first appearance, and the garden atop of the New York has been getting all of the crowds. Na- turally, there is some rivalry between the caterers of. summer diversion, and it is whispered that Oscar Hammer stein, neross the street, has been cast- ing longing eyes at Miss Janis, as she only had a six-weeks contract at the Wistarias, Consequently her sal- ary jumped skyward, and the an- nouncement appeared in the papers that Miss Janis has been retained by the Wistaria management at the en- ormous salary of $1,000 5 week, for the balance of the summer. Miss Janis is to be starred next season by Mil- } ton & Sargent Aborm.; who have bought "The Little Duchess" from Anna Held as 4 starring vehicle. Grace Orr Myers created a flutter of curiosity and a small sized whirlwind that sounded like "Whoishe," as she appeared on Broadway the other day in a dreamy creation of tan ponge with short sleeves, and with 5 stun- ning hat and veil to match. The brown effect was further carried out in the bona fide seaside tan on her face and arms, accumulated at Rock- away, where Gracie is summering. She stopped long enough to let us in on her plans for next season, and we learned that Miss Myers and her hird- like soprano are to be exploited in Alice Neilson's former: role in "The Fortune Teller." If any prima donna to-day is capable of filling the exact- ing roles formerly played by Miss Neilson, it is our vivacious little friend, Grace Orr Myers. A Jubilee Occasion. The Prince Edward County Old Boys of Toronto, and the people of Picton will have a chance next Sunday inorn- ing. in the Methodist church, Picton, of listening to an address by John N! Lake, Toronto, the president of the association, commemorating fifty years of public life on his part. Mr. Lake went from his home in Newburg to Picton in 1855, to fill the position of assistant preacher on the Pietem circuit, comprising at that time about half 'the county. He 'spent two years there * when he was removed to Aylmer in the county of Elgin. at Only pure fruit Wade's» soda foun . Buy Dodd's Kidney Pills at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Queen Alexandra is using her influ- ence amongst the ladies 5 the court for the suppression of "bridge" play- , syrups used ed by the Public: Dru company, Bridge Ont, A s ¢ Friglish + D0: h. Excellent for nl Fie yr and is ee cP art sweetened It fa pleasant to or -y max of a family should it now. Lemay ave Hn. Buy Pum, 3 Orem. x HOES ! Te ' > i RAY [a i. I'ih the Camp y There are at least three strong reasons why Bovril should be included ia ry) camp kit, i : ha, . Itis a nourishing strengthening food which can be packed in very little space. | It adds an appetizing flavor and strengthening "nourishment to nearly every dish you cook. £0 ; After a wet day with the rod, al strenuous day at the paddle, or a cold day with the gun, a teaspoonful of Bovril in| a cup of hot water will revive and] strengthen you and ward off bid. Es 4 Put BOVRIL on your camping list : J a) Financial Pointers. Makes dulies .moderale, expenses lower, temperature London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. Jolifi, NB. N Lemmon & Lawrenson, Sole Agents Scan carefully our Summer Bargain Price List, Odd prices, odd lots and broken sizes we must part with, so with a big crash, down go the prices : 1 piece Blue Grey Dress Linen, 33 inches wide, 10c. a yard. 1 piece Pink and: White Mixed Dress Linen, 33 Sale price, 10e. a yard. 300 yards White Ground Print, with wide Blue now Te. a yard, . 750 yards Anderson's Scotch Dress Ginghams in Stripes, fast color, 20¢ now Se. oh I piece Novelty Knot Press Linen, yard, I piece Pink and White Check Basket Wash Cloth, value 200, now 12}c. yard, A few pieces only Black: or Navy Ground with white spot or stripe Eng- lish Mercerized Sateen, elegant goods, at 25¢,, now 15c. a yard, Good fast color Oxford Shirtings, worth 124c. for 9c. yard, 1 pile Fancy Muslins, Fancy: Ghambrays, Stripe Linen Color Lawns and American Wash Materials. Values were 15c. 20c., 25c., 35c., and 50¢, 4 yard. Will make Dyessing Sacques, Waists, Dresses or' Shirt Waist Suits, Now for a scramble' While they last Sc. a yard. Women's White Muslin' Unitlerwear all reduced in price, Untrimmed Hats from, 250, each and Trimmed Hats all at one-half price. CRUMLEY BROS. Ses Bargains. CHOCOLATES ! Ganong's Canadian Chocolates PE A.J. REES, Princess St. value 25c. Sale price Xe. inches wide, value or Black Stripes, 12jc. Blue and White, value 45c., now 25c. ¢'s a man behind the capital, | The man behind the gun, The man behind the enterprise, The man behind the son. Though all-important they may be, 1 quit them and return T'0 her who cheers my home for me -- The wife behind the urn. '(What though the frenzied financiers : Do tear each other down ; leave my struggles, cares and fears § Behind me in the fown. or splendars and the gauds of pride § I'll never; never yearn, No other gift can rank beside The wife behind the wn, ' The wind may shake the window-pa And boofle in the flue; Our roof can shed the driving rain, Our love sheds trouble, too. With CHASE & SANBORN'S coffee, True comfort do we learn; 1 pledge you in its fragrant cheer -- The wife behind the urn. | Mid-summer Si Every Departme These Sales have been a great s by the many bargains. These are suggestions -- Parlor Setts, 5 pieces, $25. Fancy Rattan Rockers, $4.50. 4 Golden Finished Sidehoards, $7.5 i Golden Finished Chairs, 66c, Fancy Velour Couches. $6.50. Fancy Tapastry Couches, $5. The above is limited. Open at nights. JAMES REI The Leading Undertake: 'Phane 147. fom' thing to Please the L: always thankfully received is a box- o He is alway with a box « Somerning gratefully choice confections. lovely, who comes delicious Chocolates, Marshmallows To sweetheart friend .or wife gifts always bring their reward in larity, and a box of our Candies cost much, to win it. Call at T. PETTERS & C 184 Princess Street. 'Phone ( Children's and Misses' Low I and Strap Shoes We are going to sell all ou cost, Children's Low Laced and Shoes, in tan and black, at cost Children's Boots and Shoes, buttoned and strap that were cut price 3bc. Children's Low Laced and Shoes that were 75c., cut price Misses' Low Shoes, laced or that were $1, out price 75c. H. JENNINGS, King | CEMENT. WAL We will be picased to farsi estimates and constenct ye cement walk. Satisfaction guaranteed. Douglas & Mellqul 15 Nelson Street.