Daily British Whig (1850), 3 Aug 1905, p. 8

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Found The At Wellington, Ont. ETE or dary" ne } morning, when Ma A., was united Rowland, mony was by 5d Rae, of the First Methodist church, in the pre: of only a few more " friends of the bride. Mr. 'and. Mrs. Rowland left on the mern- 'ing train for a trip to the northern es eo-- Writing Here. Entrance examinations for the staff college, land, are being held at the armouries here. The imperial au thorities have allotted two vacancies 18 | cach year, to officers of the Canadian permanent forces. Two candidates are writing, Col. Williams, ADC, C8.0, is president of the board. g Married On Tuesday. On iesdday evening, at hall past eight Toot he wedding of Robert J Orwell, of this city, to Miss Anna Sayers, of Oso, was quietly solemn- et St. Jumes' church by Canon 147 Hr 106 Macmorine, 81 81 180 142 11 B80, 35. C.N.R. Going Into Battleford. Battleford, Aug. 3.--Positive assur- ance has received from the Ca- nadian Northern railway and the gov- ernment that the company will build a spur line into this town at once. ae) 8 . The Popular Trip Saturday. v { 't 1 America, 2. .m., on her own to Sal aa of the islands; Home early; supper on 434 'J board; fare 3c. . The st Argyle is to leave Whit- by "this evening, and will reach the government dry dock here to-morrow morning, our : Fancy Cotton, Lisle Thread and Cashmere in Tan and all the new shades. egligee Shirts, in qualities and designs that are sure ool and Aertex Cellular Mesh. g Suits, Bath Towels, stc. Linen Collars, 2 for 25¢. FL ear, in Silkateen. Ellis Spring Needle, Balbrig. Fa SEE i wae revealed, this mornin 5 Beton the master in-chambers, at Os goode Hall. D. J. McKinnon, = a ¥ mail rom Slengurzy, Waa on. 16 buy cheese for. ontreal Iau k . Ballantyne, In the fall of ¢ on ovardrew for $11,000, - A, McKinnon, and four respectable Scotch residents . of 17573 £ alin ley hen, Kot t ault use defen AT, Yel the illusion that they need not go to Stratford, or ' here olse autside the county, to selves. It was moved be- fore: the master, to-day, that the ment should be set aside, as the ction, having been made to » was void. Judg- : reserved, : E. J. Jellicoe, London, Eng., was isi ~the labor bureaw; this de is nga in an en- the possibilities for the in Canada and is under- to be acting in the interests of the liberal party, in England, in view of the alleged failure of the vetnment to deal uately with ib nigraition probleny., ur. Jollicoe left for Winnipeg this afternoon. - Frank Sherman, M.S., has been ap- painted a professor of ento and at the Ontario Agricultural Collége, Guelph. He will assume his duties on September 15th, Mr. Sher- man is a graduate of Comell, whepe he studied Prof. Comstock. He has resigned the position of state en- ist for North Carolina to come to G 5 Massey Hall, Toronto, has heen en- fae by the Ontario department of griculture from November 13th to 18th, for the provincial fruit, flower \ show. Four conventions, will he held in the smaller hall in the rear at the same time for fruit grow- ers, vegetable growers, bee-keepers and horticultural associations, Sr ---- To Adjust Difficulties. Special to the Whig. . Montreal, Aug. 3.-- Representatives of the stock exchange interviewed Hon, J.C. MoCorkill, with regard to the workings of the new tax. The question of appiing the tax represents some difficulties. The provincial treasurer declared that all difficulties would be met in a fair spirit. He rejoiced that the law went into effect when the brokers were not very busy, so that there was time to deal with details. Another interview will take place next Tuesday, when the brokers will sub- mit a memorandum of all possible ob- lections. to the tax, so that any difii- culty may be adjusted, - ® papal bulls creating Mgr. Ber nard, of St. Hyacinthe bishop of that see .were received, here, to-day. The consecreation: will take place. on Au- gust 2th, Special Officer O'Grady, of the ous- toms, yesterday, seized seventy thou- sand eigarettes, known as' Dubee Rich, on hoard the O.P.R. Atlantic steamer Montreal, from Antwerp. The second cook and 'steerage steward are held in connection with : the smuggling. These cigarettes have been on sale here for 5 Ic time and are used mostly by old country © French and Belgians. m ng. quiry thto unemployed Baseball On Wednesday. National League, -- Boston, 4; Chi- oago,. 3. (11 innings). Cincinnati, 8; yn, 7 (13 innings). New York, 3 Pittsburg, 1. Philadelphia, 4; St. Louis, 2. American Tetigue--(First game) Bos- ton, 4; St. Louis, 2. (Second game) Boston 4; St. Louis, 3. Philadelphia, 4; Chi , 3; Washington, 2 Detroit, 3 Slew ork. 4; Cleveland, 3 3 astern Loague.--At Providence, 3 ¢ Rochester, 2 (first game). Providence; 13; Rochester, 3 (second game), 7 inn. ings, called to allow visitors to catch train, At Jersey City, (first ), Jersey City, 5: Buffalo, 4: el game), Ruffalo, 4; Jersey City, 16: At Newark (first game), Newark, 4; Tor- onto, 1. (Second game), * Newark, 2; Toronto, 1. At Baltimore, 8; Mont- s The Lad Is Deaf. Snecial to the Whig. : Lemberg, Austria, Aug. 3.--The newspaper here stato they have learn- ed that physicians say the czareviich, infant son of the czar, is deaf.' - corsets, 7bc.; i corsets, 33¢, New York on Co,, in their August sale, Bie are. amt ened hase are s double ig ? found a the opera house eloven the othér even- an owner at the po- » g the Soverign Grand ts Templar. A. W. . for Kingston and Ot. 65c. New . peo FOR the excursion of the Citizens' Picton, to Cape Vincent this : She went down among the this afternoon, : se's Ointment is sold at Gibson's Red Crom ug Store, : Squatie sports of the R. C. F held on Saturday, in Navy arom She Roval Military Cal- y ne p me of I one of the trial heats in the 28 he terday afternoon, a the small have who swarm, the track Was run over by a su 'y. He eaca shout nurs," as" uckily the ar 9 Jay, ted or not remains to ' The beat place to buy , Gibson > Red Cross Drug Store. The Fortnightly Dancing Club to the number. of sixty, had a gathering at Lake Ontario Park last evening, the grounds. Af- ter the vaudeville performance, danc- ing took place in the pavilion, music being supplied by MeAuley's orchestra. ------------. PITH OF THE NEws. a -- Over The World. - Willianw Ironsides, London, aged seventy-four: years, committed suicide. P. C. Barrett, Hamilton, won the championship at the police games in that city, William is said to favor Prince Charles of Denmark for the throne ! vy. E. C. Chadwick, a passenger on the Toronto island ferry, was relieved of ots v pickpockets. Sir Sanford Fleming makes the statement = that cable tolls an the Pacific line will be greatly reduced. The little daughter of F. Fountain, West Second street, Cornwall, was accidentally drowned in a tub of water, The Provincial Firemen's Associa- Convention concluded at Merritton. Hamilton being chosen as the mex place of meeting. "he supreme court of the Indepen- dent Order of Foresters decided = to impose a special rate for the "main- tenance of the order's orphanage. Rev, Dr. Warden, M.P., has accept- ed the offer of $3,000 for lands ex- propriated bv the James Bay railway and the arbitration has been can- celled. : CHINESE TO BUILD RAILWAYS -------- Offer Americans $6,000,000 for Concession. Hong Kong, Aug: 3.~The Canton representative of the South China Morning Post is informed that the viceroy has consented to the construc progressing favorably, the correspond- ent says, and the Chinese are friendly to the enterprise. He also says that the Chinese minister at Washington has offered the American syndicate which owns the Canton-Hankow rail- Way concession to Chinese, the trans fer to include the rolling stock and material of the Samshui line, The Chinese merchants and gentry of three provinces have doneented to raise the capital necessary. to indem- nify the present owners and to carry on the undertaking. To Make Exploration. Berlin, Aug. 3.--A scientific expedi- tion 'will Jeave this city next week for voyage of exploration in Turkestan, the desert adjorning Thibet. The ex- pedition is financed by the German government, and has for its object the exploration of the Chinese part of that territory, in which immense trea- sures of ancient civilization are said to he hidden, * tion of Grunwede , in bring- ing to the Berlin museums an import- "ant collection of statues, Paintings, teries which are said to have existed there before the Turkish domination end which are known to have flourish- ed in the filth century. ----. Are Unfounded. Sneclal to the Whie. London, Aug. 3.-The Aortheoming visit of a British fleet to the Baltic appears more than likely to mark the ning - of more 1 relations between Germany and Great Britain, instead of adding to the friction now existing. The proposed visit was known to the German ign office months age, and that objections were : raised by Germany are unfounded. ---------- Phoenix Park Murders. Dublin, Aug, 3--J. J. Mullet, who was convicted and sorved a long sen- |® tence for complicity in the murder of Lord Frederick Cavendish, chief secre- tary for Ireland, aud C. H. Burke, un- tary, in Phoenix Park, on|® May 6th, 1888, died yesterday, wi $1.25, Watertown, $1.25. y Every Saturday, 5 a.m. and 2 p.m; returning Monday, 9.10 a.m. and 1.40 p.m, ; - ngston's. ee emep-- Buy Andrew's Plugs for toothache at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. . p: , of 8, usand Island ha bom hts 130 Stans Sd 1 to volved are well known throughout the at the Frontenac cheese hoard meeting cheese for sale; Springs, 75; docs 70. Lawrence, 85; Thousand Islands, 55. 10 11-16e. To-day the % , 1-16c. to 103c., at which figure the ton of the proposed Canton-Kowloon following factories sold to Mr. Mur railway. The survey for the road is phy : Springs, Thousand Islands and Wolfe Island. a the figure offered, the price is dropping. salesmen that cheese in on rainy days, He would not accept it, as the wet weather was liable to spoil it. Brewers shown a little more activity of late, hops to carry them over into the new crop, and we hear of transactions on the local market from 183c. up to 214 cents, according to quality, th price for medium grades and the lat- The last expedition under the direc. | ter states have been handled two cents. There six bales of prime Yakima offered on and manuscripts, f cient monas- | the local market during the week at jor Ahan from am - auction and they brought 21} cents. worst electrical A ha Sottion sted over, hove last night, xainfall was phenomenal. John Chek : stantly killed at Connybear's Gate by coming in contact Murch & P.G.P. for Kingston and Ot- ---- port both ways, Friday, 8 a.m. Meals on board. Fare 50¢, report, issued by the agricaltu; partment, to-day, gives the condition intends Oregon, 6 Pitcairn Islands, Those islands ISU AFTER A WAR {LIBEL ALLEGED BY HOWARD 5. FOLGER. W. IL Viger and G. W. Cooper Accused 'of Printing State- ments Damaging to Thousan Island Steamboat Company. Clayton, N.Y., Aug. 3.--A legal hui, criminal libel, has been start. ediby Howard S. Folger, general man- ager of the: d Islands Steam- a ul BT s ¢ e Capt. Steamboat. line, and George: W. Coo Py mages for literature ile ve been issued and oir culated by the defendants about - the lands during the past. week io statements complained against were printed on small handbills. The papers in the. action are bein Prepared by Purcell, Burns & Purcell, of Watertown, N.Y, attorneys for the plaintifi, and according to the state ments made by Goal Manager How- ard S. Folger, of the Thousand Is- lands Steamboat company, to a Post andar reporter last evening, will be served at once upon the defend- ants. The dama that will be de- manded by the plaintiff have not vet been fixed but will probably reach into the thousands, The handbill on which the ground [for the action rests casts reflection, it it claimed, upon the safety of the vessels of the Thousand Islands Steamboat company and their fitness for public service. The suit is the result of a rate War which has been raging on the river during the past two weeks and which has resul in bargain day excur- sions on all of the yaohts taking the island rambles. Capt. Visgar, df the Capt, Visgar Steamboat line, and Genera anager Folger out the rate of the ----le about the same time to twenty-five cents, one-half of the regular rate. The Thousand Islands Steamboat com- pany, in its announcement of bargain rates, issued a circular i "Bargain Day Excursion - and the Reason Why." The competing line of Capt. Visgar replied with the hand- bill "Bargain Day Excursions and the Reason Why Not," in which the al. leged libelous statmnents were made against the Thousand Islands Steam- boat' company. Gearge Cooper, the Thousand Island Park printer, who won fame recently by aw imining a mile to sh his waiti ide, is the all printer of the ile 3 Both of 'the steamboat lines in- country as the transporters of visit. ors in this region, Sharp rivarly and keen competition have existed between the two for years and several suits of a civil nature have heen waged by the managers to contest the rights of their respective lines at the docks of the St. Lawrence, The present suit coming at the height of the season promises to. stir up a hotbed of dig- cussions, ------ THE CHEESE ROARD, ---- Price Paid in Kingston This Week is 103 Cents. Kingston, Aug. 3.--There were 585 white and 485 colored cheese .hogrded this afternoon. These factories = had White--Odessa, 200; Cataraqui, 100; orning Star, 30; Sunbury, 40; Silver Wolfe Island, 70; Glen- Colored--Glenburnie, 75; Glenvale, 100; Gilt Edge, 60; Howe Island, 50; Hinchinbrook, 40; Ontario, 50; St. Last week the price paid here wge figure advance Cataraqui, St. Lawrence, Silver The rest of the board. refused to sell At Picton on nesday 10.15-160,, was paid, but Mr. Mackinnon impressed upon the they must not ship ------------ THE HOP MARKET, Looking for Supp ies-- Sale at Auction. New York, Aug. 3.--The market has lers have been in want of a few e lower for choice Pacifice, and a few at twenty- was a lot of sixty- «Death In Electrical Storm. Lethbridge, NWT, Aug. 3-The storm in the history um, a plumber, was in- with an electric Brockville And Ogdensburg. Calling at Gananoque 'and Rock- | urning leave Ogdensburg 3 "pn. No Fake In This. ~scial to the Whig. Washington, Aug. '8.~The cot tan al de- 8 74.9. ---- For perfect fitting corsets, any style, ver fifty kinds to choose from. New 'ork Dress Reform. a Miss Emma Bushell, %f Bloomfield, shortly to gO to Portland, visit her son. Disease is glmost unknown in the have --a-------- Cascarets are sold at Gibson's" Red Cross Drug Store a CY WOOLS And ali who u se PLAIN OR FAN. will be interested in our New Stock 'of Wools. The as- ' ' sortments we offer are nearly. double that of any other store in Kingston, and our prices are always lowest for the well-known English and Gertnan makes of Wools and Yarns. Berlin, 4 fold, 68'shades to choose from, with com. plete Fappes of shades in many colors ; also 8 fold in al Shetland Wool, or Split Zephyr, as some 40 shades, including black and white. Andalusian Wool, wanted colors, Shetland Floss, Our « weight than the fered by the trade. wanted colors. know it, in 'black, white and 15 most in black, white, cream, 2 pinks, blues, greys. yellows, helio and tandard"' ¢ ther shades. Quality, that is of greater usual Shetland Floss now of- Ice Wool for fascimators and small shawls. The Genuine Bee Hive Yarns, made by J. & 3¢ Baldwin, of Halifax, England, and each skein marked by this ticket. See that lot of cheap yarn never was made at firm with their well-known a ticket is on each skein as a is now sold as Bee Hive that by Baldwin. - For Golf Waists and Golf Jackets, Bee Hive Yarns are now considered the use, We have a ing *"Golf Reds. proper ones to great variety of color, includ- ' Bee Hive Yarns for knitting sox, . heather and fancy mixtures, stockings. White for children's blacks in 3 and 4 ply for vests, etc. Wyvern Saxony Yasns for sox and stockings. Woolsack Saxony Yarns for sox and stockings. Queen Saxony Yarns for sox and stockings. We have now a com **Unbreakabls" white, greys (4 shades), reds, blues, lete stock of the genuine ing Yarn in black, cardinal, pinks, Every skein marked with maker's ti. ket, Sce that the word "Unbreakable" is on it. ston, This Yarn is to be h-a from vs only in Kinz- JOH LAIDLAW A GOO Parliament of seven members, ) ih Is half the battle in Yourself with the proper baggage. D TRUNK! We havea ¢ ple, did stock of good, medium and cheap Trunks, an everyone guaranteed. THE LO travelling. A Call Solicited. CKETT SHOE STORE eS Worry and trouble by starting on your journey YEAR 72. Jenki Sumr Sale COMMENC: Satur 25 to 5 Discoun ON ALL Summer Goods & Straw Hat: Fancy Vest Underwear Collars, etc COME EARI E. P, Jenkins Cle SOU VEI In Sterling Silver, Ena comprising Belt Pins, Had es, Ash Trays, Pin Trays These can be supplied y Canadian, Optario or King Arms, together with man) designs. SMITH BI Jewelers 850 King Stre *" Marriage License: IF YOU | Any difficulty in ted with Shoes, COI and we will make a pleasant one. Wear "All Military Boetmal S¢orock®e. Sig of DON'T KE BACHELOR'S While your wife is at She would rather have you ALL THE COMFORTS By taking your meals at IROQUOIS Fk A ---------- SWIFT'S INSURANCE FIRE, LIFE, ACCIDENT, Strong reliable Companies only LOSSES PROMPTLY I LOWEST RATES on ap of every aescription Office, Opposite Ontario Bank CA RE IR Cheap Preserving 100 dozen Preserving Bot pints: 4bc. for quarts and gallons. AT TURK'S SECOND-H. 398 Princess Str WANTED. PAID TO Runal GOOD WAGES TEACHER, FOR SS. County of Leeds, to con term of 1905. Apply s ations, to © , Melcombe, J GENTLEMEN TO GET 1 INFORMATION RESPE water-qolor drawing call Wess View of Fort Frontenac This ~ dra connection was used i ingston. has fe in Richard T. Walken MIIN AND BOY plumbing tr two mont to Union Ass'n. Coyne in; Schools, Nev St Louis. Fo address 239 10th Ar-------- TO-LET. Sarees THEE SHOP ON DIVISIO near Garrett street, oot Boon, milliner. Apply a DWELLINGS FURNIS furnished, stores, o Cann's Real Estate Brock Stet. THAT PROPERTY, AT ¢ Street, comaining nearly a large frame house, Ww Por particulars, Percy, on premises.

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