sorally cylpable of reckless of odily strength and By Staecs. Then per- aps She bes health ows a oS sem doomed ET THERE ISAREHEDY AT AND opireds and thousands of ailing men nd women have found that BEECHAM'S PILLS erily * make life worth living." Purify the Blood, set right the BN Stomach, arouse the fuggish Liver, dispel Sick-Head.- She, SUID he Servas System, nd repalr the damage caused ay verwork and brain worry. The pS. Fane worth and never-failing BEEGHAN'S PILLS ave been fully proved Juting 8 a period early 8i sixty years, and they are recog- est Sutoguara LAguinat B Blllous and The most satisactory eS oti00.6 niversal esteem in which BEECHAM S ILLS areheld is found in thefact that the Sales Bren Your, lnuresse elously. Prepared os pare sav by Thomas Beecham, St, Sold. everywhere In Canada nd U. S, America. In boxes, 25 cents. 5 ntserrat Lime Juice \ 'most delightful, cooling | quenching beverage for weather, also a new lot of IINERAL WATERS HY WATER. NTA WATER, in plats and uarts. IYADI WATER, in pints and uarts. Vhich arc the proper med- es to act as a laxative and d purifier. -- AT "Best" Drug Store, 4 Princess Street. 'Phone 59 Delivery. Eyes Tested FREE "MAPLE LEAF" ™ ANNED SALMON paces 0-NIGHT Be on hand early as we ve some Extra Big aps to offer you :-- Ar ob lot of Taffeta and Duchess Ribbons, 15c., 17c. and 20¢ formerly, to-night 124c. yard ARLE LL Arr et a xtra big values in Tan Hos ery for Ladies and Children, prices very low. © the line of Ladies' F ¢ Black Cotton Hose, reg ular 18%¢., to-night 2 pair * have. a "Cracker Jack" in Men's Cashmere Sox, the 30¢ line, on sale 19¢. a pair, ' Only a Nickle" dozen 36 inch Boot Laces, or 3 card' Mending Cotton, or dozen Curtain Pins, or 6 dozen Agate Buttons, or 5 package Hair Pins, or I dozen Best Safety Pins, or I vard Je. Silk Ribbon, or I dozen Collar Buttons our Choice for 5c. 2 sssasasAsssssssssssas anes EVERYBODY is wise comes to us when ant to buy or sell any EAL ESTATE ave a well established re- n for successful dealing. attractive offerings at Rents collected, Estates d, etr. F. BOND, urance and Real Estate, nce Street - "- . Kingston. I's foot powder for tired or feet, 10c. tins, McLeod's Drug p-- grate an who is bir ons or has any stomach ADYTO ACT '1|Pertsmouth, N. H.. In' Un- Wonted Excitement. HOVER CONFERENCE IN THE NAVY GENERAL BUILDING. | for a free package of my Paw-Paw P His. his ok am Bi to give milion o kages | ___=pu CATION AL. Wentworth care has been taken that! in the active militia or cack mission may have the privilege | Sot. Contestants will be compelled of absolute seclusion at all times. Al- | to compete in the 'uniform of the though practically identical in furnish- ! corps to which they belong, and ali ings "and géncral desirability, the special paraphernalia, such quarters for the Russian and Japanese | "trunks," running shoes, ete, envoys are in opposite wings of the thotel. Fach suite has its private din- | tha Toronto Telegram savs these re ing roam and reception rooms, and | gulations are just ae they should be, each its private entrance, "and it would he well if the 0. R. A Mission at Hotel Wentworth-- Every Convenience Has Been Provided for the tiaries and Staffs. Special to the Whig. MISS BLYTH FORMERLY OF WATERTOWN, N.Y., ill 'open a studie for music at her home, 40 Union St., on May Iu, A limited all eepy okt seaport 'town es signs of Wonted animation in anticipation of : afival of the Russian and commissioners and the I Fall Term Opens Sept, 5th INGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE Head of de St., Kingston, Ont. navy vard when the weather is fair in | the hook of the 'old boys launches belonging to the navy, Auto- tions and enact that all riflemen com- mobiles and carriages will take them peting either at Long Branch through Portsmouth, when the weath Rockeliffe, should shoot. under er is not propiticus, or when they prefer this trip to the ride by water. ' wind guages, ete., ete., should be rul- Jt is not expected the sessions will begin" mich before two o'clock in the | shoot, make them * shoot, as if they afternoon. : Rotols yd boarding houses are filling with visitors, trac ted by: mere ilo curiosity, desirous of lea 'arning what if any news Students may enter g number of sessions each dav wilt, of course, be left . entirely to the pleni- Ottawa Ladies' the best equipped ares for the I) Nive! sity ALL DEPARTMENTS Musie, Art, Elocution; Stenography, Domestle Science; Physical FINISHING C COURSES arranged for to develop intelligent and ined Christain Womanhood WRITE FOR CALENDAR Containing Particulars. MRS. GRANT NEEDHAN. Iady riscial Speéfal Whig Correspondence. Fall Tora Opens Sept. § a s hearsal the Rogers Brothers' . com- te 8.0. tin, {host ng) J pany, in the new McNally vaudeville | Sthiect, "they will be acceptec 8 farce, "The Rogers Prothers in Ire. | "Onveying the orders of their superior land," and McIntyre and Heath's | Officer. that the strictest secrecy will he main- Cor. Barrie and Clergy Streets, Kingston, Ont. 1 Accounting, Short- men already on the field are repr tions and leading newspapers of United States and Canada, Prese ntatives Riis of many of the lead- Furopean 'countries ROYAL VICTORIA |": COLLEG A Residential College for the Women Students of McGill University. McGill University 0 y son ? will be presented at the, New Amster- | Uttawa garri « n dam Theatre in January next, follow N I roll hy . ing the new Drury Lane spectacle, ot many years will roll hy ere it Next Session Sens 20th Speer "The White Cat." This i wl DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY. AVGUST 5. A -- The whole building, which "han & ever I been occupied, will be at the disposal MILITARY b MA ERS of the plenipotentiaries, Every ar, rangement has been made for the ocom- | ort and convenience of the commis | vers, th et i the commis | NEWS: FOR THE KINGSTON suites, Plain but rich furniture, including GARRISON. mahogany desks, chairs and settees, Persian rugs and other acees- sories, have been hrought from Wash- A Time Honored, But Useless ington for the furnishing and decora- Phrase to Be Discarded Here- fiom of the interior of the building. Rooms. have Deen petitioned off for the | private use of the commissioners and Should Not Be Allowed on their secretaries. Telegraph and tele- | Ranges, phone instruments have heen installed In connection with the "Old Boys" and accommodations will be furnished | celebration in London, Ont. on Aug- to the press in case such an arrange- ust 9th, there is to be a military day. ment meets with the views of the commissioners. After -- Aids to Shooting | In the programme arranged for this | particular day there are sixteenfevents In the arrangements at the Hotel opened to officers, N. C. 0.'s ahd men permanent as are strictly barred. = A military writer in The envoys will be taken to the and D. R. A. would take a leaf out of " regula- or se rvice conditions and none other. Orthopties, ed out most rigorously. Let the men Ite . were doing so for their lives, -then the These details, - however, and the | contests would be of far more value than they are at present." Years ago the Whig advocated the adoption of es, the arrangements made | such measures by the D. R, A. and 0, potentia hy asia Secretary Pierce on be- | R. A. Men should be taught to shoot half of the Washington government being confined entirdlv to fitting up comfortable and suitable quarters and providing adequate protection: from | Jije has, after wore than a intrusion and every possible facility for the personal comfort of the en- Evérvone who has ever worn the voys. under service conditions and no other. LN Re A familiar expression in military century | of uselessness, been. at last discarded king's uniform, ig familiar with the tee way in which orders, whether "gene THEATRICAL TIDINGS. ral," "brigade" or "regimental" are issued and conclude. Though they "A Prince of India" Will Be An |always begin in this fashion, "garri p p be), "or Elaborate Production, son "(or as the case may ' ders by Maj.-Gen. Blank," and the w York; Aug. 4.--Kklaw & Erlan- | the various details are recited, al { ways concluding By ospr, and C have begun the new atrical : x season: most auspiciously r pro- signed by the adjutant-gencral, his ductions of "Lifting the Lid" ~ and {deputy or hy the _ regimental adju "The Whole Damm Family," at. the | tant according to circumstances. The New Amsterdam Aerial theatre and | Powers that be' have at last dis Gardens have proved big hits, and covered that the Far hy order their new extravaganza; '"The Pearl | 8F¢ superfluous and "the use of the anil the Pumpkin," presented in Bos- | 'Pression: in official correspondence is ton at the Colonial theatre the first | OFdered to be disepntinued." in ok tune Monday," July 17th, has' scored | ture adjutants will"simply sign = the orders, when, to quote the words of cess. This firm has now in re lous + 2 h « oe u company, to presen jeorge ' +3170 . : Habart s new musical comedy, "The | Maj. Carruthers, of the signalling Ham Tree," and in two weeks will {©0rPs, will open a course of instruc have Joseph Cawthrone's company, | Hon at Ottawa on the 28th inst, to to prose nt the new . MeNally musical last six weeks. During the last camp comedy, "In Tammany Hall," in re- | at Rockliffe considérable progress Jn hearsal. Last Monday the companies signalling was made, under the in- to present "Ben Hur," and the great | struction of Sergt. McGowan, and the Drury Lane spectacle, "Humpty course is to begin on the 28th is the Dumpty " also began rehearsals. This ©ttcome of the interest shown in the season will be the most important jn | WOUS during the late camp, Ottawa Klaw & Erlanger s career. They will ha arge garrison, and a great have twelve great attractions. em- Many non-commissioned officers and ploving nearly 3,000 people, before te Men have applied for the course. The ublic by the first day of Janu result will be that by the time next Klaw & Frlanger's produ or camp opens, many members of Ot ion of s e A 8 I be ified i the play, "A Prince of India," by J. | tawa garrison will be qualified in I. C. Clark, founded on the late Gen. signalling. Could not Kingston gar Lew Wallace's story of the same title, rison take a leaf out of the book of . . . : : i n MOOSE, »" f every offi firm is making | will be a necessary part of every o ps and other information res Royal Victoria College, Montreal. ~ "44 Ua i} gel) rrr ITER ST. AGNES' SCHOOL CHURCH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS , Belleville, Ontario. Patron--The Lord Bishop of Ontario this production with Klaw & FErlan- ger, placed orders for armor, costumes and ancient weapons with manufac turers in London and Berlin, after drawings made "y archaeologists, who spent many months in the British! Museum and the great musetims of the continent in search of authorities, Is taken from the Kindergarten to we addition to the building. "hath "and sleeping ap- The Ic and lighted by gas and eléctricity. grounds extend over turn with the completed score the lat bie, ter part of September. The story deals with the period of the overthrow of the Greek empire by the Turks under the Sultan Kohammed, oulminating in the siege and fall of Constantinople. MISS F. E. CARROLL, Lady Principal | Hotel Wentworth, In bi » practically complete, ¢ CONSERVATORY nificent opportunity for unusually ela- borate musical background. Not™ onlv the Greek and- Byzantine musie, sacred » . » . and. secular, but the oriental love mu- sio and martial strains of the conquer ing Moslems of the fiftieth century, are Hex 1 fi called for. EDWARD FISHER. Mus. Doc., FALL TERM OPENS TUESDAY, = SEPTEMBER 5TH. Sta dents Suopd register if possible dur- mandant of the vard, « an ambassador's TTT RVR S escort the party town of Portsmouth, , New Calender. # schoo OF F EXPRESSION, F. H. KIREPATKICK, PhB, SPECIAL CALENDAR. rrrrererereriia McGILL UNIVERSITY Sess 1905-1906. Ls Applied Science (Civil Piscataqua river, the governor of New Hampshire will probably the same time extend to them an invitation to be the g i the state on a trip across the Hampshire mountains sion of negotistions, ae B BRT TRL D usy harvesting; grain crops are good. | P. F. Corrigan, Kingston, Pa., visit ed the Messrs, Dooher this week on his way home from a trip up the great lakes. Miss Ambrose, Trenton, Ont the guest of Miss Vvma Cauley, k J. Hamer and farhily moved to West- port last week. Mrs. Hamer hae pur chased a 'residence there. Miss Marie Dooher is visiting friends in West- port. John MoCann and daughters, Perth, visited friends in Lombardy and vicinity, Wednesdav. Mise Me-| Cann and Miss Josephine will spend two weeks at the Coutts" House, Ri- " - ne dean Ferrv. The ladies of the Roman Catholic church intend holding a lawn social on the church grounds, Miss with Watts, Carberry, Man., is visiting re lations here and .in New Boyne. Mrs, John Rvan and children, New York, are visiting Mr. Ryan's parents here. | jnet Gimblett building of brick Ayers Cherry Pectoral. We believe in doctors. They be- , Law and Medicine Matriculation Examinations and Exa- rations for Exhibitions and ooilk be held on the 1ith 'Septem- Lectures iA all Faculties will begin on 20th of September. of examinations and copies the formula of our Cherry They order it for coughs, colds, bronchitis: croup, the grip. J. A. NICHOLSON, M.A, v's dge to be quali i t claborate preparations for the a Wig hedge ! a 9 aged oa . ! ) ) sig y « tly so. Accor iere of this play, which will be, | Sg€nalling. And ni ' with the exception of "Ben-Hur," the jing to the ethics of modern warfare, signalling plays just as important a greatest dramatic offort ever staged | "'EN8HIng ple aes oF! part on the battlefield as ability to in this country. While abroad recently, hoot straight id of should not Tag .* | shoot straight, and one y Jospeh Brooks, who is interested in Rg be overlooked any more than the other. Signalling at long distance is taking the place of bugle calls at short distance, as practised under oh solete conditions, and very soon offi cers will find that they will need to eas proficient in being able to translate or read a | distance sig nal, as they were in ner yoars to understand a bugle A feature will be made of the entre | acte and incidental music as in "Ren . . . . Hur." Dr. Horatio Parker, professor Some time a t wad# suggested of theory of music at Yale University, that Kingston had & possible chance has been engaged to provide this fea of securing the wmanent military ture of the production. He is now in camp, Gen, Lake having gone over the Furope at work on it, and will re : entire ground here and found it sunita Ontario and Que Other place beo possessing for a year past, heen he wibarditig Ot tawa with deputation in the interests of their respective "town lots." Has Kingston stirred a hand towards for Among other great characters is in- warding the dlaims of the local troduced the mystic Wanderer as the! site? That old adage, "everything Prince of India. The period, story comes to him who wai ' was long and locale of scenes furnishes a mag- ago exploded: it ie the individual who gets out and hustles who carries off the premium, A militia order issurd contains the following with reference to the grant ing of leave of absmce to the heads of departmental servi Leave of ab sence up to three da; will be given Clayton, N.¥., And Kingston And | by the district officer comunanding, or Ottawa, Ont. the officer holding the command, All i kes' Navigati anplications for le ave, in excess of Pijeun Inkis Navigation Sompany three days, will he forwarded by the Wednesday, Friday and Sa- | officer commanding the dJistrie with turday, at 6:30 p.m. Leave for Ot- | his recommendation or otherwise, for tawa every Monday, Wednesday, | the sanction of the adjutant-general Thursday and Saturday at 6 a.m. J. | for medical services, the quartermast Swift & Co., agents. | er-general for army service and ordin- ance store corpse and the master gen- Lombardy Locals. {eral of ordinance for engineer ser- vices, Lombardy, Aug. 3.--Farmers are . . . . tumor has it that at an early date the name of Sergt. Maj. Long, W.0., will appear on the list of commission od officers, At present Mr. Long is Nis in Ottawa. on duty at militia head quarters, but it-is said he will soon be transférred to Walifax, as a sub- altern under Col. Tirurv. Sergt.-Maj. Long is a clever soldigr, who pos sesses high qualification _ and his translation to thé commissioned ranks | would be a decided acquisition to the artillery branch of the Canadian militia. According to the new establishment, a riding master is to be appointed, commissioned rank, to have charge. of equitation relating to the Royal Military College and the veal militia corps. The name of Sergt.- is mentioned in con | nection with the appointment, and Perfectly pure soda water, pure ioe | no hotter man could be obtained for cream, pure. fiuit® syrune and Jaree | the position, His qualification is up thin glasses at Wade's soda fountain, ' surpassed and his ability unguestion- failure in impossible, E od. He wold fit he position eredit- ably. "le ew Lieut. A. J. Hughes, 9th: Toronto Field Battery, in a "special" course of instruction taken at the Royal School of Artillery, Kingston, has ob- tained w captain's certificate of quali: fication. This is the second course taken by Lieut. Hughes. He will in the near future be promoted to the rank of captain, . «he. Towards the latter' end of August or first of September gn artillery camp will open at Petewawa, when about twenty field batteries, including _ the er an. two local units, will perform t nual firing exercises, . . . . The unit of the R. C. R, stationed | at London is eighty men under |= strength, but it is expected that when | harvesting is over the shortage will quickly be odvered by the enlisting of desirable recruits. THE PRODUCE MARKET, Remarkably High | Prices for | | | i Clearance Sale Cheese and Butter. The Canadian produce market is certainly holding its own against the wheat market in the matter of. high prices, and at the different country hoards this week touched the highest prices of the season. This seems all the more surprising becauso'it is just at the period of the season when the | offerings are very large. As high as | Itje. to 11 5:16c. was paid in the | country for finest Ontario cheese, while at Cowansville,""Que., butter sold as high as 23)c, and at St. Hya cinthe 230c. was paid, the highest price of the season so far. There is no doubt keen competition | for the offerings, and some of the biggest buyers in the trade are ap- parently ready to pay the high prices demanded. There is no doubt, too, that there has been considerable short covering and this has helped to stifion prices. The interesting question naw is to what Jength the English market will follow the advance on this side. There has been a fairly active con- sumptive demand on the other side, and the English market shows a stronger tendency, cables showing a | sharp advanee, but - the faet cannot | be lost sight of that the carrving of | prices to too high a level would in terfere with consumption, and that | this would in all probability result in a break in prices The Canadian producer is now oh- taining "higher prices for his prodnet than he has since 1903, which was a banner year for the Canadian pro ducer. In that year as high as 13. a pound was obtained in the ecoun- try for cheese, and the exports for the | season represented a return to the : : a ek | Canadian dairymen of $21,563,388, | The course of prices in 1903, however, | was different to what the course of prices Hag been this season, so far. | The highest prices of the season of 1903 ruled in the primary month of | the season, May, but before the end | of June values had fallen to 10c., and in July there was a further | weakening to 9¢c., which was the bot tom 'price of the season, for finest | Ontario. Before the end of Angust, values had once more risen to 10%e. at country points, and steadily ad vanced after that until in September factorvmen realized as high as 124c for finest fall cheese. This advance | was followed by a reaction, which again carried prices down to 9c. The course of prices so far during the | present season have been consistently strong, The season opened with pro mizing prospects for the factorymen, as high as 10le, being paid at the beginning of May. During June prices | showed a slightly easier tendency, finest Ontario selling as low as Sle but since then prices have steadily trengthened until the top prices of the season so far were reached this | week ANOTHER IDEAL TOUR. To Pacific Coast and Lewis & | Clark Exposition. On August 28th, the last of Bowler's personally conducted tours to the Pa- cific coast will start from Portland and Boston, the sections joining in Montreal, on a special train for the entire journey. This will be a "trip of | a life time," as declared bv party | which started on July 5th. The mem bers of that party cannot say enough | as to the generous treatment received. | The excellent dining car service was | appreciated, the high class hotels used fully enjoved, and the excellent routes and side trips called | for pronounced enthusiasm from one and all. They | will always recommend Bowlers Tours | as the "Ideal Toure," Any interested in August tours should make reserva- tions with E. C. Bowler, Bonaventure Station, Montreal, -------- Is Sciatica Curable ? Many who have used poor remedies think sciatica is well nigh incurable. Jut it doesn't take long to change this opinion when Polson's Nerviline is tried. Nerviline has penetrating, pain-relioving power unknown in or dinary treatments, Jenkins, of Portland, says: "I spent a small fortune on sciatica cures, hut the only one of real merit was Nerviline. T used a fow bottles and was cured. | can recommend Nerviline as ao sure cure | for sciatica: it is excellent also for | rheumatism: and 1 nearly fifty years Nerviline has been Turing, the worst cases; it will cure iralgia." For vou too. Large bottles, 25¢., at all dealers, Davies' English pork pies, 5c. each. Excellent for luncheon. St. John's church, Balderson, was open Wednesday, for a pretty wedding, when Miss Mary Warren, daughter of the late Joseph Warren, of Harper, was married to Ernest E. Sturgeon, | of Caron, Assa. The bridesmaid was Miss Annie KE. Warren, and the best man, II. W. Sturgeon, brother of the groom. The cerememy was performed | by Rev. CC. E. 8, Radelifie, B.CL., rector of Camden East. A choir, led | by Miss Singleton, who presided at the organ, renderéd appropriate music, | Brack, Mixed or Natural Green. Sealed Packets Only. 8 8 ® During this month we will sell all SUM- '§ MER FOOTWEAR at a reduction which will . PAGE THEE. "Its Equal is Unknown" i From Ocean to Ocean = Ceylon Tea 'A Daily Treat." : Sense Sultsthutes. Highest Award, St. Louis, 1904, SEEbOEES 60 ETOFOEEo0Ua000000006000 OO pd Augus Of Shoes gnable every one to save money. We do not want to have any SUMMER SHOES after this month, and have marked down the price of every Summer Shoe in_our store. "Below we mention a few snaps. LADIES' OXFORD SHOES | * LADIES' STRAP SHOES We have not pot all sizes in | Wo have about 75 pairs of La- every style, but can fit you in | dies' Fine Kid Strap Shoes .any size required : v which are well. worth $1.75, All Ladies + Regular £3.00 Oxfords or ns as wee BL 2 ~ - or. oh far $380.0 42 30 pairs of Ladies $1.25 Steap 4 Ja jos' regular Xtords ~ fOr ad a Ganadaa fore a e200 hoes for «300 All Ladies' regulne 81. bo 'Oxfords - BOE oll iia sae $1.25 * y These Shows are ull made of LADIES TAN SHOES fine vici kid, high or low heels, | All Ladies' regular 8300 Tan with or without patent leather Shoes (light shade) for... $2.00 toes, Ladies' Phocolate Shoes, lar $2.00, for ..... a avtesean an 52.00 GENTS' OXFORD SHOES , : "We will sell all Gents' Oxford py Shoes, including patent colt, viei 20% 0 " kid and tan calf, at the follow ing prices : 1 C Regular 83.50 Shoes for 30.75 A 1 anvas Regular $4.50 Shoes for ....83.25 Sh Regular 85.00 Shoes for .... $3.50 oes The above is only a small list of bargains. If you are needing anything in Footwear it will pay you to visit our store. ABERNETHY S th Nerviline ORE heat from less fuel is what is looked for in a good boiler. @ In the Oxford we have taken ad- 2 vantage of every scientific point that ° would add power and save fuel, The ash pit is particularly spacious in our high base and is provided with an 'ash sifter which removes all dead ashes and leaves the coal so it can be shovelled back into the fire with the least trouble and no dust. Oxford Hot S= Water Boiler Flues are made bell-shaped in first water section, and the upper walls of the fire pot are inclined inwards so as to give a Jarge surface to the action of the fire. Write for our free book illustrating and explaining the Gurney Oxford steam and hot water apparatus. 1003 THE GURNEY FOUNDRY €O., Limited 2 Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Calgary Vancouver as, hr ---- i a) to the undersigned and marked derd for Blake und Crow Islands,' will | be received at this Department until noo on Wednesday, August 16th, 1905, for | the purchase of Blake and Crow Islands, formiag parts of Lot 10 in the 5th Con- cession of the Township of Pittsburg, and Lot 14 inthe 6th Concession of the Township of Storrington, respectively. | No tender fur jess than 820 will be con- sidered. Plan and description of the pro- perty to be supplied by the purchaser. Department of the Interior, NOTICE. . SEALED TENDERS, ADDR) By order, or Er v0 Follah then war's b PERLEY 0. KEYES. rv. Sold Only. at Strachan's Hardware = PERSONAL. MEN SHOULD KNOW THAT THE only perfect and safe Vacuum Appli- ance is manufactured and controlled by the Erie Medical Co., 94 Mohawk ! St., Bufialo, N.Y., who administer in | connection with it interior and ex- terior remedies having a world-wide utation for weak men. rite to. circulars and for BACHELOR'S HALL/| T0 SELL OUTSIDE OF YOUR She would rather have you enjoy 'SINS AND YOUR TROUBLES? - 5 ALL THE COMFORTS oF HOME| (COME TO Sehr wl Ottawa, July 20th, 1905. y i sor aces" - | HAVE YOU ANYTHING While your wife {8 at the sea-wide. By taking ROQUOIS HOTEL w NURRAY, The