Daily British Whig (1850), 7 Aug 1905, p. 4

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he did--n0 he says--some heroie i © - $500 »oa=. 5,00] and he intimated that they would had to youtig men, and he wants it under stood that he represents modern thonight and modern service. But this new chapter reads like one from the last edition of Rip Van Winkle, ---------- Stighting The Canadians, Two vacancies ocourred on the staff of the Ontario Agricultural College, and they appear to have been filled by Americans. "Apart from the Alien Labour Law, the appointment of foreigners," says the Peterboro Examiner, "is unpat- riotic and the outcome of an unpat- riotie policy, We certainly have in On- tario, or at least in Canada, native bom and eduented Britis Canadian subjects fitted to oceupy the positions and enjoy the honors and emoluments Appertaining to the high offices in question." Why the Whitney government should £0 outside of Ontario for the men it shonld get in it is beyond the prehension. One was wanted to do ex- | pert accounting and a book-keeper was imported from Port Huron. Now two assistants in agriculture are de. sired and they are smuggled in and | given employment. | Hon. Mr. Monteith is oveditod with | being a graduate of the Guelph Col lege, in which case his conduct is the more inexplicable. He hows, or he | ought to know, of the men who have | gone out from this institution to take | - » : ArmRarve LETT ora It is all very well to waive the old | flag at election times, as the Examin- | er remarks, but. when it comes to dis- id session he wa on his feet nearly every a tip to as a watchman upon the | walls of the political citadel, He busi. | -- ed himself while he was on duty, and | Maclean, during the session of par remodelled or defeated if he and others hold the fort all summer, We oom: | course. He has had a change | federation left, | shouldn't logt the mother country and |! [Mat desrived Notes, T i, pot et The liberals of | declared for the same thing months. ago, ' was not shot through the house. Hon. Mr. t ple of Windsor that there will' not i a sweep of<provincial officials, Is th seekers ? thingw, | lament, was willing to give the ex- At times he beoume obstructive, He did not approve of the autonomy bills, minister a pension of $1,500. Now hy repudiates the principle and declare be was he converted ? t of ex-minister's erquisites ? = The peace com ission, shortly to { 1am, will not Wipe out' the '6,000 Jlis- ticos who now have a right to do business in the king's name. It will add, however, a large number of | names to the list, Presently there | will be at least one, and perhaps two, Justices at every cross roads, -- Under the new provincial regulation a marriage license carmot be issued to a man unless he and the bride-elect have lived for two weeks in a certain place. This means a terrible the business in Windsor, where last year 1,000 marriages were solemnized, The Yanks must find a new Mecca, -- Rev. Mr. Sparling in his sermon yesterday was careful to explain that purity of heart did not come with conversion. It was the work of grace subsequently, Politicians see in this same explanation of William McLean's slump to of heart only. The transformation comes later, ---------- SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. -- Sabbatarian Paradise. Guelph Herald Glasgow must be a cheerful place for a traveller on a Sunday; to get :. food, you miust either. "get run in or taken to a hospital," Giving Themselves Away. Syracuse Post Standard. The "Fads and Fancies' episode has t 'With only three Fathers of Mr. Chamberlain anxious that Con- is naturally Canada TRE DAILY ay the Mail's delicacy Alberta have de © + elared in favour of a party campaign in the new province. The conservatives « : Race Sailed in 1896--The Iroquois, of Rochester Now two Where were Mr, Whitney and his a ij botiates when the alleged land grab bill went through the legislature last year ? The Grand Trunk Pacific deal ------ Monteith assures the peo- Windsor only, or to the pro- vinee ¥ Is he, too, afraid of the office that he can have none of it. When Chicago on August and lth, 190], of Detroit, defen Hale Thompson, 1 signed by Sibbick sailed by the redoubtable ADA'S CUP. First the Defender. Three contests embracing i races have been sailed for the ada's cup, emblematic of the yach kupremacy of the great lakes, which is : . . gone west, : to be defended off Charlotte, the ig Joseph Troke, Renfrew. painter. beginning on Saturday, August os f | passed away last week. He was one Boe Saud wma by ih; aguine "the of the Anticostians who came to Ren- ie a efiib, Temeraire, desi, land, who will races, 5 N \ f by Rear Commodore Nichols, Koyal Canedign yacht club, in by Fife, of 8 WHIG, MONDAY, AUGUST 7. LAKE YACHT RACING|,._ THE CONTEST FOR THE CAN. twelve on board during the The challenging vacht is owned IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. ee ---- Ss BiBBY' of The District on Both Sides of The Line. Alfred Moore, farmer, near Perth, is the prond owner of 4 Yorkshire pig that tips the beam at 710 pounds. . i The marriage took place at New-) port, Vt, on July 27th, of Miss ® Margaret A. Kelly, Montague, and Richard Ellis, Cobden, Ont. W. J. Hisey, so many: vears. with Carter Bros., received an offer from a big hardware firm in Calgary, if he would accept at once. Mr. sey has Can- ting frew about twenty years He was sixty-four years of age. A fine maskoninge was captured Tuesday, near Camp = Louise, by Messrs. Ed. Brewster and Lee Hess, cot ago. ot- the % pf Picton. It méasured four feet four In 1806 : group of Yolo yachts mches in length, twenty inches Sr lie du iver ar fe around the body and weighing thir- Proper act " ' "| ty-two pounds. el Tet at ce off hed. Fhe son "Robert Sibbitt, Carleton Place, has legs St took place on August 2 ( with a raei length of 41.78 ing and the Veneedor; of Chicago, w butt of it jabbed erham, George H. Gooderham, 8, F. the bear in the eves many times before McKinnon, Frank J. Phillips, H. | he released his hold. The boy's hand Plummer, James Ross, and Aemihius | and wrist were terribly mangled, and Jarvis--dongted it by deed of gift to Ihe was placed in the care of Dr. Whit the Royal Canadian yacht club as | comb, who hurried him. to the hos- trustee "as 5 perpetual international pital, challenge cup for friendly, competition ---- between saili achts, r resentatives : i of yacht clues yo the jo nations Education In Travelling Scuoots, . Fn adelp| ress. bordering on the great lakes, 1he Farmers' daughters are educated in trophy was to be known as Canada's many parts of Germany in travelling cup, and was to be sailed for by v vachts with a load water length twenty-five # to forty feet, under regulations of the Yacht Racing union of the great lakes, The Chicag, Yacht club was the challenger and selected the own"d by members of the yacht club, as the yacht flag. The race took place firs (ienesee to bear it on August 24th, 95th and 26th, 1<gy, | Cooking for the hers, pending nd | yourself or your boys which will ae" caine her sigh | ering; he neh, olor ci | FOUSSE or i? ren. 5 '| atet o » schools of housewo 4 : ; ) . stom oe Renver--th ae by have passed government examing- selection, but in knowing what to reject. Second hy thir a a the tions, carry with them an outfit of a a 3 third by ten minutes % | 26th between the Canada of Toronto, feet a racing length of 45.33 feet, the Can- cup--George Goods Rochester off Torontg and forty-seven formed a company to manufacture turpentine and bye-products out of pine stumps. The capital stock is ith | $500,000, and with Me. Sibbitt in the -------- enterprise are associated several pro Bo . k Senator Macdonald, of Victoria, | =t---------- minent American financiers, grim 1.50 0eite this: as "an evidence of what be | po wri a. Free Press |! y Mervin Cavell, Lombardy, out d 1 do whim be ox Po h B.C., writes to the Ottawa Free Press * pb aes O UE vide iY 3 - con wi set his 'mind to the . | raking hay, fell unde: p e g ,ie 1.50 oy i the Sew bers of the appes house ¥ | TO REBUILD NAVY. . a runaway and WEE dragped a so L : . '¢ not make any request for an in- Mas w». | fiderable distance, and only release When the indemnity bill came before crease of indemnity. Every one of |4 St. Petersburg, Aug. 7.-- 3» by the horses freeing themselves from tho house he had his way. It did not them, however, gladly took all that # The first instalments of a <4 the rake. When . picked up' he was £0 far enough. It might work a great | bo Jaw allowed, + fuud raised Japong Jhe # | unconscious, and considerably bruised, : i kn ined " # officers and soldiers in > ---------- ues . he ig he thou Dr. Dyde's deductions on the school [+ fleld for the rebuilding of i Boy Bitten By Bear. nt o Principle, - Bak iA : il # the navy, subscriptions for i Batavia, Aug. 7.--Francis Growney, say that the bill was an outrage on | question do not please the Mail Jo ohien vere voluntarily be- 4 |." voars of age, who lives with his Public decency. He did not undertake | "Some of our professors," it remarks, * gun after the battle of the » parents on Summit street, met with a up all ou w - | "are very funny people." Truly, but|4 Sea of Ja an, have been 4 | rious and painful accident at the | Com to bold up all and ndry who oppose y y I : Pp : ) I a ; . ed it, He did not acouse the deader of | Dr. Dyde is not one of them, By all | received here, : ve. ¥ | Liberty street crossing of the Central. two he Fei i i i rho k ow him he is regarded a r a + General Mistchenko's 4 While watching the unloading of Ring- fo Opposition of incapacity, nor in- | % now Toga, : + Sorps contributed $130,000 3% jing Dron circus. Cage No. 29, con. | Neat sinuate that he and others accepted | most sensible person, ¥ and that of General Zerpit- taining polar bears, stood up on the 2.25 the inorcased indemnity as "the Price | : i asp + + sky, the heroes of the Muk- 4 front of the cage.. He placed his hand of the coercion of 'the. west i | va it is Mr. Foster whe. denies * den retreat, $76,000. # | on the little grate and one of the bears : 8 o im, | that he signed the round robin in |g + | grabbed it and pulled the boy's arm Now, weeks Tater, aecirding to him, F connection with the increase of in- > | into the cage. The boy's terrible cries the Raverhment will regulate 'the lle | demmity Did he sign the receipt for of agony attracted a large crowd, and and conduct of all who accepted its | bh > 1.000 of ional allow. | @dian boat taking the first race by | it was thres minutes before the boy inaludi ) He is | 10® extra 81 ol. Sessional. allow. vighteen minutes and the second by [could be released from the bear's bounty, inclu ling Mr. Borden, ei ? & 8 3 continually talking about his bright {ance and part or whole of the $3,500 the minute. On January 16th, 1897, grasp. Henry Rimmer grabbed a large ' the owners of the whip, and with the schdols, which go from village to vill of age to give girls over sixteen vears 1 © | of age practical lessons in housekeep- | 4 ing, cooking, the selection of food, Suits care of poultry and cattle, the cult > t vation of vegetables, and butter and cheese making. The results have been so satisfactory that it is now pro- posed to add instruction in nursing, HIT, cooking stove and the various uten- seconds, The Genesee was go centre- Se tok Sling and he board yacht designed and built by ©, the term lasts Rix weeks an th cost, of me . Hanley, of Quiney Point, Mass. im 8 ) racti ualit ps 9 3 t The | ©f tuition is put so low as practically | q and C, G. Davis was the skipper. The to exclude no one 1 Beaver, with a fin keel, was designed | : else. ) E. Payne, of Southampton Fngland, and was sailed by Aemilin Jarvis, The second contest was sailed of 10th, 12th, 131) between the Cadillac ler, and Invader, Torcnto, challenger, The former lonos, and was sailed by Willig, The Invader was de Jarvis, the 3 Jet } cleverest| skipper ; C, i The firs i ns : : if | Proved, that the alleged Smart Set in | © pper in Canada. The first Poni tions a the United Staten, and if | New York are in reality little more | Face was won by Cadillac by eight the American schools can find in Can. than a set of smartios. minutes thirty-five seconds, but the ada the men they want Canada is not | -- Invader won the other three. the first . Es or | : WY six mi : : pconds warianted in Locking outede of ps fo Some Bul «fm i : 2 ! » B C » boundaries for trainers and teachers, | Toronto Star. a 5 ¥ WO minutes and twenty seconds. The Rochester Yacht elab then chal enged and came forward with the rondequoit, designed by Gardner, the rem { be complet : Canadians defending with the Strath- tributing honors and emoluments, well, [ "¢ Completely orphaned : cona, of which Jorn. was the skip sorts of wood are M| that is a different thing. | Doing Them Proud. per. The Strathcona won the fire "others so certain ---- | Hamiiton Times rp which was sailed off the port The Toronto Telegram says Sir Wil. | of oronto, hy twenty-two seconds : A Delicate Hin¢ Surely. lirid Laurier was made by John | and the second by nine minutes fifty- There have been various reports | Charlton: and Joseph Martin. Wo two seconds. Then Arthur Hannan, of al ovr. his with regard to the grant of land by [don't bolieve it, But if they had any | New York, replaced James Harr; als, RE to. set it here. t's this province to the Grand Trunk | hand in it they have no reas nm to be ; Tonio ion, = the skipper, of the . ty . gn . o C \ " Te het i Sree Pacific railway company. 'Mr. Whit. | @shamed of the product. pst and she won i ne cranky --know- Then the Globe butted in, and with in favor of this form of assistance under any circumstances. The Mail has its say' upon the sab- | ject, and in a Very remarkable way, | "A contract once made js morally | binding," it declares. "While a legis- lature has the power to cancel it, and to take back what it has given, this Power cannot he exercised, except" in extreme cases, [It certainly cannot be exercised without rendering the state liable for damages if any action has been taken in good faith by the party of the second part under the ec '| tract. The best Way out for both in- | |B further loss, while a o treaty may give | relief." | cured a rake-ofi for election expens:s, Now they vote no subsidies, jover the money direct to {in the form of $2500 salaries. "185 a hird and, two dozen times, acronaut did everything he do. "dont's," s . a i in an observation which indicated that le a Systems Contested. > Hk i | Exchange. " it did not take stock In any land | Formerly, members of parliament | th grants to railways. The Globe is not | vated subsidies to railways and so | sw pe but pay ly themselves There in righton Beach, 'going up as casily after cireling around coming down like a wanted to forty-foot class, agreed on September 12th, 1904, thy has been since, limit, years they third c ! | -- race by four Dlinutes twenty-nine see. wo 500 it, and insint. ney, on one occasion, Since the ad New Sign Of Graft. onds, the fourth by one minute eight ing on. Rotting it. a Journment of the session, is alleged | moronto Mail seconds, and the Bfth by one minute won't have nsist to got ) ; | urd twenty-two seconds, th bring: ¢ to have broken out in the severest | Quebec is going to tax the large yo wu laus bringing the A A postal or telephone hrings you condemnation of it. Later he is bill boards that are erceted along the ! cup to Rochester, These races were ip. Cpnl that cannot be surpas nd, rwdited ith : he oninion | Tallways and along the country high- tensely exciting and Irondequoit's i di £ \ - as : o Pius ways, on the ground that they deface Victory after Josing two races in sue. a . al whatever hag en done would | nature's charms. The impost that is cession, was the eanse of great je. R. CRAWFORD. remain, so far as ho was concerned. | proposed is $200 a year, Joieing on this side of the lake, SFL SPNONE @ vo ¢ for the Candy's Cup were in {he but the yachtsmen of e lakes .cume to the conclusion that ch yachts were too nsive in nstruction, in maintengnce, large, to oy and too cost Accordingly it w as the next race the yachts should no of the races of 1903, out of commission ever This vear, with thirty feet the Rochester vachtsmen have con- it 4 n 1 : tructed no less 'th three vachts ! terosts is through negotiation. Drastic | feather. The beauty of tho flight was tro Tl a pos Yachts tg action may lead to complication, und | the apparent ease with which the EO into the trig] maoess but in other | constructed only one. # e------ ; ) i Clayton, N.Y. And Kingst . : | ---------- » .y gston And toms: the right Fent What, pray, would be the objoct of | Unanswerable. Ottawa, Ont. : At the sume time ocasy and the treaty ? It cannot be imagined. | Phage Tribune. J Rideau Lakes Navigation company a da assortment of i {By Some the Mail's deliverance js re } aden aunt- Caroline, you don't' steamers leave for Clayte every SAFEY. and Shapes of "Tr hy 1 h know how to train children, [I've heen Tuesday, Wednesday Friday n i 'S - Truss fitted by ui is wanranteed § £arded as a threat and to the effect noticing you deal with Johnny. Nine tarday, at 6:30 nm 1 ny ane ot . p i 3 teat ys 8 Y, at 6: nm, ve ( Satisfaction and a perfect fit that the Grand Trunk People must out of every ten injunctions You lay tawa every Monday, Werchao! realize there is o change of govern | upon him are "don'ts."' " Tharsday and Saturday at 6 am. J F 3 [ment in Ontario, and it may be mol. | Married nieceSWhy, Aunt Abigail, Swifg & Co, agents, ThE Fit ter, lified. How? (One can only infer, and | 2 Of the ten foumandments "gre 1 we SS | ' : . the process is such as to exemplify most clearly what a cont | ---- ewporary | 'Use McLeod's cold cream, 10¢. pots, \ v a Rev. Mr. and Mrs. WM 3 H. Quer termaine, Renfrow, are. svending a month at Kennebunkport, Maine, P 3 i Was | de ined by Crowninshield, Davis an » of Cowes, and was { | | Up to this time the Yachts compet. -------- Attack The Moth. What is being done by 7 | partments of streets and parks to des troy the Tussock moths ? In other places vigorous: measures are being i | taken to save the city de A the trees and here in Kingston the insects are allowed a 1 | free field, with such success that a rasservhy counted fifty of the moths 0S. within nine feet of the ground one one tree trunk in the park ? Time for ac » | tion has been ample, and the trees, one of Kingston's hest assets, are ip danger. The cost of a war upon the Jests will be trifling, 'if men or even bys are bonused, for results of gath- ering them in. All This Week. Doherty's Poodles have at great expense gramme which will he presented at Lake Ontario Park pavilion, for one week, commencing to-night. Fifteen 'now white poodles, the only troop of this kind of trained dogs in the world, the largest weighing twelve pounds add the smallest two and one half pounds. Other acts on the programme will be presented by Miss Dolly Bland 'm a new line of beautifully illust songs, and Mike Harvey, a Jewish co median and parodist, who is excepti onally clover in his particular line of work, been secured for a special pro ~ La rated La ---- To Raise Pay Of Officers. Washington, Aug. 7.--The navy ~ de partment has received from Pay' Direc tor T. J. Cowie, of the navy, a draft of a proposed bill which looks to in creasing the Pay of - offic ~f all grades in the navy, marine corps pad revenue cutter servipe. Attention j jcaled to the fact that the cost of | living in this from twenty the adoption country has increased to thirty per cent, of the army Pav tables, upon which the pay of the since of the tray was held as a wit ness. The case went over until Fri | dign office that the natives in the | condition dav, when the preliminary enquiry Maturhi Mountains, ne rth of Kilwa | fessor Urna, will commence. : have risen; also that there has been | pean anthe an outbreak on the coast at Sam- | dandruff is You're Not The Only One. anga, during which several ware: | burrows under houses wor direontent While rel other Gers Africa, hit outbreak { j cern, as ly tired of Who has Hay Fever, But the others are cur'ng thomselves with "Catarrho- | zone" and still vou suffer, Just a dol lar for ease and ore. Don't wait, get Catarrhozone to day, -- A big wind and rain storm, dav night. tore down electric poles, ete., on Emily street. damage was repaired to day. Strictly high class camlv sold Gibson's Red Cross Drug Stave. ler's and MeConkey's, raflle is not made righteously by a religious atmosphere, Satur Wires, The Huy. Gananoque sionists a rice meet 50¢, them you'll b The Will be 180 Princess Street, Between Redden's make, were ¢3. Now $2. day to the colonial bur the covernment is thorough- ' oe ---------- = Spend Six Hours. In Brockville. America 8 a.m. , at leaves Brockville 7 Trousers Trousers are ready and e surprised to see how well we can dress yoy Our new/ for $3.(3.50, 4, 4.50 and 5, Other lines at The variety is Summer Vests will be worn all winter, too, for that matter. There Are Vests a : \ Vests you would wear, and \Vests if you'll call ¢o see $1.50, 2 and 2.50. large enough to suit the taste of any legs, Summer Vests not only all summer but nd Vests. that you wouldn't, €, See our new styles, and you will certainly want (ne or These is no garment 2 man and clean' as a light Vest. and 2.50. Summer Suits, $7.50, 8.50, Summer Coats, $1.50, 1.75, 2, 2.25, 2.50. English Raincoats, $7.50, $.50, New Neckwear THE H. 'D. BIBB Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Joy'of Feel your experience if You will but what you AIM at 1S Important philosopher. i We aim n, and we're doing it. y and style than your We're doing that, too. The difficulty will be, not in makin can wear that looks g, $1, 1.25, 1.50, 1 +75 2, 10, 12.50 and 13.50. 10 and 12,50. New Shirts Y Co, ing Fitted No matter Suit either for meet your every ga Not what you We aim to give you better money will buy anywhere Men's Suits, From $6 to $18, Men's Tailor-made Suits, From $15 to $20. Abramson, The People's Clothier dies' Tan Calf Bluchrer Oxfords out at $1.50. dies' Tan Calf Blucher Oxfor ¢ te] other mil; & were advantages in the old system, . exceed thirty feet on the lo d-water | '8TY Services is based, We at least got the railways, i line. The change was in every, respect _-- 0030 090000 -- | wise, for there are wany vachtsmen Accused Of Murder. : Coney Airship Flies. | en the great lakes who will construct | Snecial to the Whig." TIRED OF COLONIAL WARS. WHAT Coney Island saw ao real airship thirty footers, which can always by Montreal, Aug "Charles Kernick, - [flight and crooked its neck for twenty 18° economically gang enjoyably for [and his wife, appeared in the polio . Hear of More Trouble jn | Greatest minutes watching a pretty and skill. "WSN purposes, who would nog | court, to-day, charged with the mur Africa ful piece of aerial navigation. With "onstruct yachts ten feet longer, which | der of Dorion Mitchell, at Ilo Ronde, Berli A Th Ger: the big dirigible balloon made famous 8M Practically useless after the cup Lake St. Louis. Mrs Girard, one Gera in, E ng Al : The , governor of He = | by Baldwin as the California Arrow, Saces re over. The Irondequoit, for | the party present at or near the tin ay to (host, Africa telegraphed to ie ot Leo Stevens sailed all around over ample, winner of cau of the for re burned. The causes of the aprear to he wllions are han African herto has heen quiet. herviore vitality of the cause, causes gome' cnly cures con- these colonial wars. sample 10 Wednesday returning | Mich. p.m., calling at both ways giving excur- Lifebuoy chance ever to see the higgest held in Gananoque, | profession Skin Diseases, Says skin thrown off, little scales. of cuticle, and Crawford's Groceries. were $2.25. Clearing ds, John McP! erson The Sawyer Shoe Store. sooo NI 0000000000000 sees < We Camry in Stock INGOT COPPER. ANTIMONY & TIN ¢ ® THE CANADA METAL CO, TORONTO. 3 09000000 0000000 ® CAUSES DANDRUFF. Evropean Authority on It's a idea that dandruff js s through a fer of the scalp is exploded. Hamburg, Germany, Fur- rity on skm diseases, sa) germ disease, The gern the scalp, throwing up and sapping th hair at the root. The a the : + r ye only hair Preparation that kills dane germs is Newhro's Herpicide. "Destro you remove the effect." Not dandrufi, but stops fallin hair and permits a luxuriant growth Delightful hair dvessi ing. Sold by lead me druggists, Send 10c. in stamps for The Herpicide Co., Detroit, -- ! Soap -- disinfectant =~ 93 Strongly recommended by the medical as a salegward against ins | fectious diseases, ~~ -~ WM, NEWLANDS, corner streets. Enterance Telephone AQS. ~ -------- THUR ELL:S ARCHITECT, WRITE site of New Drill Hall, near ner of Queen and Montreal Stre POWER '& SON ARCHITECT, M chant's Building, corner B and Wellington streets. Phone NRY P. SMITH, ARCHITE 18 ea Anchor Building, Ma Sauare. Phone, 345. MONEY AND BUSINESS. gh AND O14 ce ompany. VR Ia additior ty the unital Habe securi un all the Stoskholdars, Farm and roperty insu at lowest pos ates, Before renewing old or wi new business get rates from Str, & Strange, Agents. s------------ Dib wor) SO th uildin, con an any or sompasy offers. Examine ther Godw'n's Insurance ** Square. ARCHITECT, over hgh ood's Coss an on Bagot st Emperium, M MEDICAL. ee George F. Dalto B.A, M.D, C.M., M.R.C.S., (Englan L.R.C.P., (London). Office and Residence, 64 William Str Telephone 878. a -------------- COROOE VIO CALLING CARDS ENGRAVED FROM COPPER PLATE Tn he DBritish Wiig NO NEED TO SEND OUT OF - TOWN FOR ENGRAVED CARDS WHIG WORK IS GOOD WORK eo FPR PEER RRR bb WE ALSO DO 3 STEEL DIE EMBOSSING NOTICE. SEALED TENDERS, ADDRESS to the undersigned and marked Fe ders for Blake and Crow Islands," wi be received at this Department until r on Wednesday, August 16th, 1905, f the purthase of Biuke and Crow Island forming parts of Lot 10 in the 5th Con cession of the Lot 14 in Township No tender Township of Pittsburg, ane Wie 6th Concession of th 3 rrington, respectively s8 than "$20 will he sidered and description of the mr perty to be supplied by the purchiser By order, PERLEY G. KEYES Secretary Department of the Interior Ottawa, July 29th. 1905 8000000000000000000008 "THERE IS A TIME FOR ALL THINGS." Now, while prices are low, is the time to fill your coal bin with best quality SCRANTON COAL from ' P. Walsh's Yard. BARRACK STREET. i §00000000000000000000g CEMENT WALKS, We will be pleased to furnish estimates and construct your cement walk, Satisfaction guaranteed. Douglas & Mellquham, 15 Nelson Street. A Stunning Suits For fashionable men. The hand- somest models and Our garments all have a Distinctive Style That marks the wearer asa man of | taste. Berge Buits at $10 should tempt you. ISAAC ZACKS The New Store and the Old Stand. 271-273 Princess Street. Try Myers' for . Fine COOKED MEATS. finest fabrics. |

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