| Montserrat Lime Juice A most delightful, cooling 'and quenching beverage fo, | hot weather, also a new lot of ~ MINERAL WATERS VICHY WATER. APENTA WATER, in pints ang quarts. | | | | { ] 8 | 1 | | HUNYADI WATER, in pints ang | quarts. | Which are the proper meq. |icines to act as a laxative and | blood purifier. 1 --AT-- The "Best" Drug Store, | 124 Princess Street. 'Phone 59 | Quick Delivery. Eyes 'Tested FRER SYMAPLE LEAF" CANNED SALMON PACKED Palatable Dishes At a falr price, are a feature at The Keswick { +TeoeesesereVveTR Porterhouse Steak and Mushrooms, 60c., in- cluding Potatoes, Bread and Butter. Gesu ¢ ; ¢ ' ¢ ! ~9 Thee" VLVLLIAY Standard remedy for Gleet, Gonorrhea and Runnings IN 48 HOURS. - Cures Kid- ney and Bladder Troubles. ---- $2 and $2.50 White Waists For 98. See our window for samples of the biggest White Waist snap ever shown in Kingston. A manufacturer's wind-up lot, 145 in all, bought at less han half the wholesale price, new styles, all this season's make, perfect- itting garments, sizes 32 0 40. If bought ordinarily Xo sell at $2 and $2 50 ach. Wednesday One Price, 96c. At the same time we vill cell 200 yards Victoria -awn, full 40 inches wide, Ine sheer quality, wortn 3¢ and 15¢. a yard. Vedesday Snap, 10c. a yard. ewman & Shaw We have a few by tons of smali- ) sized coal to sell at $4.50 TON, If your stove isa small one: it's just the size for you. LOOK AT IT! ® J . d 3 y 3 JAMES SWIFT & C0. ® : 1 POLL 00 0000 Er ---------- leLeod's Little Liver Tablets cure dache and sick stomach, 10c. bots . McLeod's drug store, enry. - Cunningham, piano tuner m Chickering. Orders received it \uley's book store, treet. A Bovril Sandwich The contents of the picnic basket should be nourishing as well as dainty. the basket should supply the proper food. Things that are good for us are usually the things we don't like. Bovril Sand- wiches are an exception. They are piquant, delicious, appetizing and con- tain in high degree the muscle-forming and nutritive: properties of prime beef. Take Bovril Sandwiches in your picnic Basket. ,, BOVRIL SANDWICHES. Intoa Colonial London Dry Gin A Strictly Pure and Wholesome Spirit. butter, and a squeeze of lemon juice. Season with pepper and salt Warm this slowly over the fire, -and when L.- the whole letit thin s thoroughly incorporated. et cold and then spread it on ices of bread. KEEP THE CAPSULES AND GET A VALUABLE PREMIUM. BOIVIN, WILSON ®@. CO. Montreal. "Just A Little Bigger Than The Rest." "Just A Little Better Than The Best.'* In fact, Canada Flakes package is nearly 3{ larger than auy other. With every package you receive a beautiful premium. Order Canada Flakes next time. At your grocer's. PETERBOROUGH CEREAL CO. Limited, - - PETERBOROUGH, Ont. SiG 4 0 A GHILD'S BROOM FREE Every purchaser on Friday and Saturday will be given a Child's Broom FREE. Your little one will appre- ciate such a gift. LEMMON & SONS (SUCCESSORS TO LEMMON AND LAWRENSON), KING STREET. SPECIAL SALE Enamelled Preserving [ ettles All sizes, from 2 to 18 quarts, 100 Quart Size, 44c. These are good goods at Special Cut Prices. McKelvey & Birch, 69 and 71 Brock Street. The day out-of-doors gives the appetite-- THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY, AUGUST 8. - \ T0 STOP THE ISSUE A LAWYER IN NAPANEE TO TAKE PROCEEDINGS. | Recent By-Law | instructions to take proceedings to quash the by-law authorizing the issu- ing of debentures for the installing of and has notified the council to that cficet, not to issue any debentures un- til the matter has upon. On Saturday last, quite a lot of ex- citement was caused by the report that Samuel Howard had fired three shots from a rifle One of the shots took effect. in Peter- son's arm, hut not very serious injury Was caused. Howard was arrested and remanded to jail for a week. Later he was hailed out to appear on Satur- day next. The cause for the shooting was of a private character. The electrical storm of Sunday af- ternoon was one of the worst in some vears., For over an hour thunder and lightning rent the air and, from the peale of thunder followed by light feared that considerable damage would be reported later. Yesterday it was learned that Mr. Wiggins, living about two miles west of the town, had "barn burned. Another man named Mec- Auley, near Selby, met with a similar loss, and several other narrow escapes are reported. Mr. and Mrs. PF. 8. Mec. Cay and mother, Mrs. W. McCay, left yesterday for Carman, where Mr. Me Cay has a good position. R. 8. Pyke, Vancouver, B. C,, was friends"in >town yesterday. David Whe lan, of the Manor House, Winnipeg, Man., arrived Saturday to spend some weeks with friends in' town. Mrs... _H. Deroche, is very low, and but small hopes are enter tained for her recovery. G. M. Eliott, Toronto, was calling upon friends in town this gveek. James Garratt has disposed of his comfortable home to John Williams. the county on Saturday, 300. of number completing the journey ° to Picton from Toronto. In town very little "fuss" was made over their ar rival, as in former years. The C(iti- zens' band played at the station when the train came in. The main thoroughfares of the towfi were pret tily decorated with appropriate mot- toes, flags and bunting. The majority of the home-comers returned to To ronto this afternoon, but a goodly munber remained for a longer holi day. The death occurred, Sunday, of Henry Bartholmew, at the advanced age of ninety-two years. The steamer Alexandria had 140 through pi ssen gers to Quebee to-day. Miss Mary White, Kingston, is visit ing in town. Mr. and Mrs. J. Wal lace, Toronto, are guests of Mrs. Hunt. Fred Rouse, Toronto, is in town. H. B. Bristol, returned Satur day from a six weeks' business = trip abroad, in the interests of A. Bristol & Son. Miss Helen Davison has re- turned home from a visit in Montreal, Mrs. Blackhall and Miss May Blaek hall are visiting Mrs. A, Chalmers. Miss Philpott, Balmy Beach, is the guest of Miss Minnie Barker. Miss Mabel Lake, Kingston, --is visiting Mrs. R. Davison, Paul street and Mrs. Dean and family, were in town to-day on their way to the Sand Banks for a holiday. Mr. Duncan, assistant postmaster, Lon don, Ont., who has been spending a week's holiday about town, . returned to his home to-day. Miss Julia Wil cocks, after a three week's stay at Presque Isle Point, returned ta town, to-day. Your Jeweler has framed in his store a copy of the guarantee given by the makers of H. @ A. S. Ask to see it. Your jeweler sells H. & A. S, Chains, Send for the H. & A. S. Chain Book. H. & A. SAUNDERS, King & Joba Sts., Toronto. Mid-summer Sale IN These Sales have been a great success by the many bargains. These are a few suggestions -- Parlor Setts, 5 pieces, $25. Fancy Rattan Rockers. $4.30 Golden Finished Sideboards, $7.50. Golden Finished Chairs, 60c, Fancy Velour Couches. $6.50, Fancy Tapastry Couches. $5. The above is limited. Open at' nighta. JAMES REID, The Leading Undertaker, 'Phone 147. | Hopi jk Napanee, Ont., Aug. 8.--One of the | leading lawyers in town has received | a municipal vleetrie plant in Nuputee, | bech adjudicated | at Paul Peterson. | § ning, in such-rapid succession, it was | his | calling on | PRINCE EDWARD OLD BOYS'. Over 500 of Them Visiting Their Former Homes. Picton, Aug. 7.--Five hundred Old Boys and "Girls took possession of gold-filled Watch Chains. | Every Department Lhe vd The' Revolutionizing of the Cracker Mooney revolutionized the To Quash - the Passed--Shots Fired By One ; oar. He made folk Man at Another--Personal | admit that they never knew Notes. . Snecidl to the Whig. ! i { f | | | | | | HE Oxford Hot Water Boiler takes { advantage of every known scien- tific port which will increase | . the generation and distrilution of heat. { We have increased its power enor. mously by making the walls of the fire pot slant inwards above the fire. This gives a greater surface 'or the direct action of the rays of heat. | Oxford | { Hot Water Boiler The first water section over the fire is double depih, w th bell-shaped flues, which also increases the surface directly displayed to the action of the heat These are but two of the exclusive points which make the Oxford Hot Water Boiler the most economical and mast effici warming apparatus on the ma If you will drop us a post card, we will s»nd you our cata- | logue, which expla ns the whole system. voo4 THE GURNEY FOUNDRY CO. Limited. Toronto Meoatreal Winnipeg Calgary Vancouver | Wood's Phos Remedy. | W A positive cure for all forms Sexual Weakn Monial oo URE AND AFTER rain y I~, Sper matorrhoea, Impotency, Kifoots of Abuse or xcess, all of which lead to Consumptidn, Infirmity, Ineanity'and an satip ve. Pries n per pkg., six for 85. One 'will please, six will | sure. Bold by alldruggiste Fuiled in plain on receipt of price te for Pamphlet, oe Wood Medicine Co. Windser, '"VOLCANO-BORN" PROPHET | Many Peasant s Entrapped 1 by Scoupdrel Berlin, Aug. extraordinary, tnal, conduded Volodga, sheds a | glaring light on thes extraordinary ad | ministration of justice' in the czar's dominions. The pre<iding judge is re | ported by the local press to have ex plained that inunorality is not a pun { ishable offence, hut that disloyalty to the czar called for the very heaviest pumishment. As a result, Andrei liesnikofi, an aged pedlar, was sentenced last week to sixty-ive vear nprisonment, His case had lasted nearly a year, and no fewer than 320 icnals witnesses testi | fied during the tael. Evidence of the | most extraordinary oveduilty among the Vologda peasantry was given, the story told savoring more of the 15th, than the 20th contury. For years, it was proved, Lies had been in the habit of. masquerading among the simple moujiks as a Heaven-sent pro phet. Born, he said, spontaneously of | a voleano, he had been sent into the world to reveal to the women of the village, in which he happened t) be at | the time, that one of their number | was destined to be the mother of the | present czars wu r on the throne. | Nicholas 11., he wed, would prob ably never have a son, and, if he did, that wonld die hefore twelve months had passed. Discradited among his people, the present czar would in | the year 1906, adopt a peasant boy; of which he (Liesnikofi) was fated to be the father. It was proved at the trial that more than 200 peasant girls had been "entrapped by this extraordinaty sooundrel et ene tte The Liniment That Will. You can absolutely depend on Smith's White Liniment to do all that an external application ean do Its action is prompt, eertain and thorough. It stops pain, heals injuries, and cures inflammation of every kind, It should be in your home' for emer- gencies now. 2c. only at Wade's, rn McLeod's foot powder for tired or swollen feet, 9c. tins. Meleod's Drug store, . n son NEWS OF THE WORLD OCCURRENCES 'RECOUNTED Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little Of Everything Easily Read And Remembered. Premier Balfour save no invitations have heen sent out for a svionial con- ference, Alexander Bell, father of Professor Alexander Graham Bell, died at Wash- ington, A new Japanese torpedo boat de stroyer, the Yayoi, was launched at Yokosuka. The United States grain cvops are expected to exceed those of any other year in quantity and value. Doty Webb, a London = ball player, was hit on the head by a pitched ball and died a few hours afterwards. The Mth Regiment of Buffalo, will vigit Toronto, on September 1st, as guests of the Queen's Own Rifles. The militia department expeot that the transfer of the Halifax fortress to the Canadian authorities will take place on September 15th. Pr. Rankine, Dawson, son of the late principal of MoGill University, has been chosen as the liberal unionist candidate for Bast Edinburgh, A ball 'is to take place at the par Kament buildings, Quebec, in honor of the visit of H. R. H. Prince Louis of Battenberg, and officers of the cruiser squadron, On Saghalien Island, the Russian prisoners of war, forty thousand in all, are being transferred The political prisoners be returned to Russia, The crops on the south shore from Levis east to Gaspe, are suffering from want of rain. The hav and oats very poor, and it is feared that root crops will also sulier. In the case of the seized sailing schooner Agnes (i. Donahue, satisfac. tory arrangentents have been. coms pleted between the Canadian authori- ties and the Uruguayan government. In an upset on St. Hyacinthe river, at the eitv of that name. Misses Anna and Laura Phaneuf, aged seven- teen and thirteen, were drowned, and Almosa, aged nine, was resoued as well as Mr. Sicotte, in charge of the craft Senor Jose sliguel Gomer, mayor of Santa Clara, province of Cuba. and candidate for the presidency, of the island. has given out an interview full of defiance to the Palma govern ment and declares that Cuba is a powder mine with the fuse half-hurn- ed to Japan will probably are the United | States Secretary in Newfoundland, will hold a confer ence with the colonial ministry re speeting the Bond Hay treaty with the view of effecting a compromise 'which will prevent the enforcement of the bait act and grant the colony the advantage of the American fish mar kets. The reactionaries of the commission at Peterhof, wade strong efforts to secure the rejection or allération of i of the pro prevented by the czar and grand dukes, who showed them Root, now two important provision Jeet, hut were selves more anxious {or reform than any other, members of the commis sion While bathing alone in the waters of Phillips Beach. Mase., Dr. Robert Fowler Beattie, Prookline, whose ro Revolution, is the talk of society, was overcome by heart failure this morn ing and drowned. The body was re covered, Gananoque And Brockville, Wed- nesday. America 8 a.m, returning Brockville 7 p.m., 50c, leave fitted by an Trusses expert--Dr, Chown. mantic wedding, a vear ago, 16° Miss [' Sarah Whittmore Daggett former state regent of the Daughters of the $6090 00000000000640 $4004 ents. Lortice BISCUIT Eaten three times a day stimulates op 3 | nutriment found in the whole wheat Kernel. Send for the ** Vital Question Cook Book," postpaid. SHREDDED WHEAT 00., DORA " GRATES has more labor-saving PAN FILET ( features than any FEEL other range. Its labor: © bl AS - <7 saving features are NX J practical, real, muscle- i? A saving devices, D The grates are A triple, that is, there are three ( instead of two as is usual in common ranges. The 'grates are geared into each other at the shaker. Because there are three instead of two wheels gearing into each other, the leverace ------ is twice as great and the effort of turning them is just one- . half, so that is why the labor of shaking down a Pandora Range is just one-half of that in common ranges. Then, when a grate burns out you can remove it in half a minute with a ten cent piece for a screw-driver. In common ranges it takes an expert mechanic and a big plumber's bill to renew the grates, because the common range must be practically taken apart to get the old grate out. That is one big reason why the Pandora is the best range ever used.in a kitchen, and it has. dozens of other good parts. It actually does 2 Warehouses and Factories: an e London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, N.B., Hamilton ; Lemmon & Sons. Sole Agents. 000 000000000000000885 4844 © Wo Carry in Stock INGOT COPPER, ANTIMONY & TIN & ® THE CANADA METAL CO; TORONTO. i Skirt Protector Z5iwed on flat -- not turned over-will last as long as any skirt. lady should take. Issue ar, 96 pages beautifully Write for sample Hi Silk Co:Ltd. al Home Needlework is a maga pl! y that ever Sk HIRE IMustrated, 50 cts per year. sending, 15 ¢