10 A C. H. POWELL. 3 Raglan Street: MONTREAL STOCKS. Wi b; ra Gronga""fuod 00 Se 3 August Sth ~ p.m, ge 98 85§ 2 oa ww 18 Close. ay 8 ! 115. 70 156 at 4 bt 172 1 147 127 10 101 149 13 1484 1 81 ju 1 $ Hig 181 145 144 «27 A811 181) Be + . 1082 108% . B81} rg as BE 9 | of cruel fate Review. At the police court, this , from the city, were i pdt the one fined {85 and costs or one month, and the and costs or fifteen days. : hr ba under the influence of liguor making themselves generally ob noxious, particularly to ladies. Two | hen Dresonted a somewhat ho "| morous aspect. James Brann go ndder the and in, the hed in. Sb windows at the he toward the " 'his chum was confimed. constable intervened, however, whi a race back to the window urrest. Brown got ten days. ¢ Wourns the, perversity 3 allows the pi log , while goes tly on_his rr way mot be of In the case of Abraham Lewin claim- ing some thrée dollars wages from a local , , secured & verdict in favor of the complaint- Jant. He will his ho and the delendant will alo pay 82 and costs. erfect Soda Water. because we manufac can make 0 "use nothing but pure fruit juie oF ico and large, thin Rlasson, Wade's r Store. Spend Six Hours In Brockville. America 8 a.m, Wednesday returning leaves Brodkville 7 pm. calling at Gananoque both ways giving exeur. sionists a chance to see the biggest race meet ever held in Gananoque, Boecham's Pills, The genuihe are tore. : Wade's glove cleaner, 10c, Diamond Dye Blacks. Are the Blackest o The three wondrous and wool, silk and cotton and mixed ¥ s, have a reputation for perfect ng work in every part of the civilized world, These three blacks which ave sold by all druggists and | and satisfaction to our women, and girls, No other pa dyes in' the world can equal the Fast Diamond Dye Blacks in purity, strength and beauty of color, of crude, 'worthless blgek Stores for the sake of large nrclits. | ¢ 'Such deceptive dyes * are positively adulterated and company, in assisting in t destroyers of good materials, safety and protection demands that You ask in every case for the "Dia- mand Dyes." Send to Wells & Rich: ardson Co., limited, Montreal, PQ. for new hook, Diamond Dyes and h How to Use Them » and sample card 0 Fad. ion Seneiul ant Toronto, Aug. 8 --An examination ballots and paper, in connee- election t, is going on at Os- En, Ra ates goods Hall. The" examination is un t he has re. | and is for the ghat he } | any the of the 10 | sion "Canal to }1 sitar a Tn -- V, er , Aya. 5. ~Offerings, AE a 7 w 488 were colored. All Bot, A | = saz | few of them but the majority refuse farm work, S~Offerings. | and aro swallowing up in the city. bo! 4 200 at 10 18-16c. 2, sold at lc. y Aug. 5.~Offerings, 9 boxes. 7% #t from 10%c. to 11. A avanti ue. Aug. 5.--Oferings morning, @ | Magistrate Farrell had to decide five . | canes. Two His partner, | the 000. sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug | Brom 'pushed off her bicycle has called to see him; he 'will know me." bedside, words. Chinese at famous here have agreed not to deal in Am- Placks of the Diamond Dye family; for | °Tican goods, not to ship goods of any American steamer, especially the China, and to punish any dealing in American goods cobs, an employee of the .J es soltl in some [of a case of sheet stee tallyinjured. The steel dangerous to handle, and they are | and fell from th Your | between it and the wag; every rib moved to the hospital condition, District is Will Not Do Wor Farms. to the Whie. : with the Port Arthur briefs to fachlitat Yat the trial, set for to the Trmiskaming dis being always crowded. Mr sand! campers around Lake Temagami. have gone out gn farms, This afternoon 125 more arrived, a | party of Beotch farmers being among them. New ¥ 7 i make Os- Wilenkin and two. seoret service officers New York August 17th and make Os _boxés Ad-. wt from 10f¢. to a ---------- 1 ide. WITTE IN BOSTON. rockville, Aug. B5.~Offerings, 6,080 -- 5 bu. Ai sled at BC etins. 451) | Some Admitted They Liked Am. boxes. All sold ut 16 1100 | Fics Better. | ee Sracial to the Whig. 3 POLICE COURT-TUESDAY: Boston, Aug. BM. De Witte, M. Varions Cases Were Up for | weré driven to the North station, where boarded Portamouth. Before the train left, M. De Witte addressed several former re. ts of Russia, who cheered him. He asked his hearers wheihir they pre- ferred this country to Russia, Several in the audience replied that they liked better, as there were more nities for advancement. M. De itte acknowledged the chivers of the party by removing his hat. As the train pulled out ome of the Hebrews Shout "Give freedom to the ows," : Cost Of Struggle. New York, Aug. R--Indication that the indemnity which Japan will de mand of Russia will be of such a size 88 to at least cover the cost of the War gives fore to fgures recently dis- tributed wt New York hy Consul-Gen. eral Uchida in the financial annual of Japan, make Japan's expendi- ture from February Tet, 1904, to March Bist last, '3678,000,000. The daily oxpenses were figured at $1,022. Computed to date this would Wi to Japan $1,104,518. 000 Loss in ships and material 20,000,000 Total cost to Japan $1,124 518 000 Total cost to Russia : (est) a ia 1,500,000 ,000 Total war cost Japan's war loans 5 Russia's war loans apan's © yearly interest bill oe pred v hr Yearly interest et etn $2,624. 518,000 650,000,000 670,000,000 81,000,000 35,000,000 Drove Japanese Out. St. Jetordiung, Aug. 8.--An official dispatoh from Gen. Linevitch, reports that, on August 2nd, the Russitins ap- broached chensi and Suivalu- hua, foraing the Japanese to evacuate their frontal positions, and retreat to their fortifications. The following day the Japanese advanced, but were fore- od to retreat. On August 2nd, also, Russiang drove the Japanese from Landunchensi, -- PRINCESS THROWN Her Wheel by Lodge r London, Aug. 8.--A few weeks ago Andrew Green, who keeps the King's Lodge in the Long Walk, Windsor Great Park, saw a woman cycling on the walk, As riding is not allowed on the walk, the veteran promptly caught hold of the bicycle, with the result that the rider fell heavily in the road- way, Abject apologies followed the dis covery that she was the Princess Vie- toria, and the old man was forgiven, t week Green, who is eighty- three years of age, had a log amputst- ed, and while he was in bed a woman called at the lodge and asked for him, Mrs. Green ignorant of the identity of the caller, inquired her name so that she might tell her husband. "Oh, tell him," said the stranger with a smile, "that the lady whom he A few minutes Jater Princess Vie- toria was sitting by the old man's cheering him with Kindly A STRINGENT BOYCOTT. Yokohama Follow Shanghai Brethren. Yokohama, Aug. R---The Chinese | ¢ on is Ol Pacific Mail company's steamship Chinese | n, through thers; also net to deal with Ameri Crushed By Case Of Steel. Brookville, Ont. Aug. 8.--Robert Ja- ames Smart {eo} he unloading 1 from a car in he railway vards, was probably fa. m the car, pinning Jacobs | be gon, breaking v on one side and injuring im otherwise internally. He was re. in a critical w , i8 THE DAILY WHIG, TUESDAY. AUGUST 8. for Tourists-- William Elliott, rpose of completing e the proceedings September 11th. 8 regarded as a good indication hat the trial will £0 on. The pro- ¥s Bgainst Mr. Kennedy, the libe- 1 ) ral momier. incial The governor of the Isthmian canal |The. loss is arrived hack from a Se some excellent fishing wtated' that the tourist Aisisics Xeeptionally large, a daily O.T.R. train consisting of two coaches and a Matheson says there are. two thou. Fivo hundred immigrants have ar. rived in the city since Friday. Some y yacht Tezpi, formerly owned by Lieut: She. Strain Sh Thousand Islands. ket taker; N. Woodrow, chiof of usher staff. the 15th, Kavs " will be presented. only 60c., at Carnovsky's. commissioner of gatin Principal witnesses, the enquiry could start to-morrow morning at nine o'- t ¢ clock in dealers, are simple and easy: to use om banks nd re raion, Capt. Thomas in the home and always give delight nese convicted. cot ravening this | the position of assessor 3 agreement will be he fined. the bench with Commander Spain, -- in Lunenburg county, in Bridgewater and Vicinity. So far | there has been five deaths from the overbalanced {| disease. attacked, except in two oases. .vFasy way of Borne terday. The 5 , | Very Latest Culled From Al ARE BURNING: DOWN Rodolfe Pagyuet, a young man of STORAGE BUILDINGS OF BIG Montreal, died from excessive cigarette MILLING CO. smoking. Old boys' celebration were held at London, Lindsay, (obourg, Peterboro a land Grand Valley. e A heavy fall of mow has #mprisoned x | 140 foreign tourists in the Ziller Val- ¥, in the North Tyrol. Special to the Whig. 3 King Oscar will leave Monday™hext ontreal, Aug. 8. An immense flour for Marstrand, Sweden, situated on a storage group of buildings, owned by small island in the Kattegat. the Lake-of-the-Woods Milling com- At Jeast twenty persons wero killed, pany, located at St. Louis De Mile and many injured, in a reilroad colli- | End. a northern suburb, valued at sion between Spremberg and Goerlitz. | £300,000, has been burning for a St. Mary's ratepayers carried a by- couple of \ law to devote %15,000 to extensions of | was unable to cope with the fire and the water works and electric light | a large portion of the Montreal brig- systems. ade was sent-to the assistance of the "A school teacher named Harvey, [local firemen. The fire has already from Ivanhoe, int. was drowned | destroved about half of the block of while bathing in the Qu Appelle River, | buildings, and, at last accounts, there near Regina. were hopes of saving the balance. roughly estimated at { Are in Flames--The Montreal Fire Department Sends Assistance ~Likely Fire Under Control. ¥ hours. The local brigade | rts that A. CG. Livingston, a Can- [S150.000 to" £200,000. be employee, has been stricken with 5 SOF DAY. yellow fever, : i T. RK , Winnipeg, jumped over Deacon, Winnipeg. ju Ne Peingeis Bi Vp By Reporters On Their Rounds. the side of a bridge into twenty feet of water to rescue a little son of C. Smith from drowning. Bananas, 15c. doz., at Carnovsky's. JE. W. Case, Picton, yas elected pre- The yacht Romena, of Albany, call- sident and G. E. Gibbard, Taoromto, ed at Swift's wharf to-day. ' vice-president of the council of the Om- Miss May Mackic has reterned from visiting her sister at Oshawa. B. W. Folger will leave next week for taric 'College of Pharmacy. Sal The barns on the farm of Daniel Ers- New Ontario on mining business, That invigorating drink, Coca-Cola. kine, five miles north of Dutton, were struck by lightning and completely de- The original at Wade's soda fountain. T. J. Naylor, Deseronto, has pur stroyed by fire, together with all this season's p. If the structural iron workers are | phased J. J. C. called out on account of the griev- | isha. ances that exist at New Haven, Comn., Friday evening is the time fived for it it said that 50.000 men will he n- {the steamer Argyle to leave. the gov volved, mostly in the eastern states, ernment dry-doek. The Oswego Yacht club is making The first of the harvesters' exeur- sions to the North-West is announced to leave here September 1st, Seat preparations for welcoming the E. C. Gildersleeve has purchased the Almon's yacht, t of moter boats which will leave wego its rendezvous on its trip to the LeRoy Grant, R.CFA. ed at Quebec. Violet ammonia for the bath, 25e., Gibson's Red (ross Drug Store. Former Lieutenant-Governor Timo- $UNow station thy L. Woodruff, of Brooklyn, and Syracuse is the latest man talked about at republican state headquart- Miss Addie Mills, who has been vis ers for the party nomimation for may- iting with brother. Thomas Mills, 122 or of Greater New York. 2 University avenue, returned to Chieca- The loss to St. Thomas church, New go, lest evening. York, with its magniffeent bronze bas | "pL Chown's special iron tonic pills relief, known all over the world, willy, kes rich, pure blood and builds the reach nearly a million dollars. The system up generally, A splendid tonic structure cost $375,000. _ One bronge | ior this hot weather, bas relief called "The Adoration of the Fridav next the Kingston Cricket Cross." was valued at 250,000, Club will send a team to Cobourg, to Nearly a quarter of a milkion Peo meet a team of the club of that place. ple were carried by the street railway | o return match will be played here Company in Toronto on eivie holiday, about September 1st. ™ that number of fares being collected, | 0) pure {pt syrups used at while 85,000 people took the boats tc, Wade's soda folntain. various owtside points, The train ser- A general meeting of the Vice out of the city was the heaviest directors of the K. & P. railroad com on record, : ; pany will be held tomorow, CO, W. J. A. McLean, of this years gra- | Suencer, superintendent, eastern divi duating class in the animal hs sion of the C, p. R., and general bandry department of the lowa Apri manager of the K. & P., will be in at cultural College, has been appointed | tandance to the position of professor of ani- mal husbandry in the Colorado Agri- cultural College at Fort. Collins, Colo- rado, at a salary of £1.500 per vear, Nir. McLean is a native of Ontario. ---- Going To See Yacht Races. Interest in the Canada's cup races to be sailed at Charlotte; has become quite keen among the members of the THE GRAND OPERA HOUSE. ---- Its Interior ' Decorations Have Been Completed. The frescoing and painting of the Grand Opera House interior is local yachting fraternity, and a num- ber of Kingston sailors will be on hand, next Saturday, to witness the start. Commodore J.J. C, Almon, of the Kingston Yacht Club, will leave on the steamer Kingston next Fridav and return Monday. Dr. D. A. Black }. pleted, and the house is vastly im- | intends sailing over in hie vacht, the proved. The decorations were dope Verona, and will have along with him by the William Eckart Decorating J. M. Camphell. the Limestone City Company, of Chicago, which sent three | club's rear-commodore, and that vete. men. here--.J ohn Simpson, Archibald | ran of the helm, Henry Cunningham. Myer and Herbert Knoblcinch. They F. W. Albree has commissioned his have been just one month at work, gasoline . vacht Turtle for the trip The color etheme is rich empire green, | once and will be accompanied hy Doe miei oid evlings 'ov | Col F. Stranen, and W. F: Nia, M beautifully finished in Tou _ are looking inky with keen antici ornaments of delicate hue Tre Bae pation to a good outing and fine rac interiors are done in dark red and the 3 main entrance colors are gold and brown. New wainscotting has been placed in the hallway and gallery ways and the gallery; the "fence" which former lv hid the musicians has been cut down one-half and will be surmounted by a brass rail, There will also be com * ---------- Wanted Cat To Come Back. A lady called at the nolice station, to-day, and requested that the police institute a search for her pet cat. In answer to the. surprised officer who started to explain how brevalent the Species: were in this city, and how brass railing around the lower boxes. | manv they daily encountered in their Heretofore there was mo railing in | rounds, she explained that hers Was front of the ticket office in the hall- | such a pretty little Angora kitten, way; this has now been providad. | and had a tail just so long--she plac Linoleupy will cover the hallway floor, | ed her index fingers about two inches The former frosted electric globes all | apart. From this deseription there is over the house have been replaced hy | but little doubt some keen member of clear glass ones, and better light will | "our finest' will eather the wanderer result: Later on, the present system | into the fold. At least the owner car- of hot air heating will he chinged to | ried away that assurance. Sean. In every way the theatre will - a credit to the city. Prof. EF. M ieni Merry, a violinist of Suracuse, N.Y. A Zusmie 0). Summer Damp. ¢ ' > . ih . 8 . 'as enjoyed las has been engaged as orchestra lead ovening by the embers of Sydenham, The house staff will be: D, p |irect church Epworth League, who, : ral. | 2 the number of sixty, drove y Brannigan, loeal manager; John Wal. | 10 the oO 3 a Tam er. treasurer; Peter Hunter, chidf No ee i of op EE Ts. i Rb . . ireenlees, a "as ticket taker: Allan Reid, gallery tie- View." 'down the river. Rev. C. RB. anning was one of the guests, Cro- chet and boating were enjoyed hy the leaguers, whe also had sipper on the lawn. A feature of the event was a sale conducted by two children, Threne Jenkins and Tlovd Greenlees, in aid of the general hospital. This marks the first of a series of children's sales for that institution. The two named had a table under an applé tree, beautifully decorated with flags and evergreens, The _ house will when an English open on Tuesday, "The Girl From musical comedy, -------- Canadian Plums And Peaches. Big baskets on Wednesday morning ------------ Will Sit To-morrow. Commander 0, @G. V. Spain, wreck 7 Canatla, arrived in Material, Styl i he city today to conduct an investi- >. » Style And Workmanship Tinto th stranding of the Prevost, Brock street, has the teamer Argyle, Owing to the absehce largest Tange of imported goods for f the mate and wheelsiman, the two [¥itings, English and Scotch tweers, blue and black serges, worsteds and chevoits, up-to-date pattern, for or- der work, Fit and workmanship gu of the steamer |OBteed at lowest prices. Give Donnelly will ocoupy eal]. : and sit on ---- ot be gone on with to-day, but will ar- the cabin him a --------. Buy Bathing caps at ( Cross Drug Store. SE ------ Canada Cuba Co. isons Red Meningitis Epidemic. Halifax, N.S, Aug. 8.--There is an videmic of cerebro-spinal meningitis It is prevalent To the Capitalist :--Absolute security. Land in two wears will be worth five dey times the prosentMgrice All the victims have esr} N ws.» It i§ "children who have been To thes Working Man and Farmer procuring a home A ----. Creamery Destroyed. | Colborne, Ont., Aug. 8.-The Col: To the Merchant :-- oamery and butter faltory health fails as completely destroyed by fire yes- 8 handsome retum. No laborious work chevse future cannot he If your business or a plantation will give you May Doyle, moved. The as nearly all' re- MA climate of perpetual June. Every be_about £3,500, en ran eh at once : F Ladies' Raincoats In a climate that can mix sunshine and storm the importance of having a Raincoat at hand cannot be overestimated. New varieties of Raincoats at LAIDLAW'S make it easy for Kingston wonien to be prepared for every emergency and at the same time be attired -in the height of fashion. These Raincoats are made from good quality English Cravenette, finished with particular care and skill. LADIES' RAINCOATS $4.75, 5.95, 675, 7.50, 7.95, 9.50, 9.75, 10.50, 11.75, 12.50, 13.99. p Even if not prepared to buy just now come in and see them. If you see one that catches your fancy have it laid aside until required. Ladies' Umbrellas at $1, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, 2, 2.25 and up. Children's Umbrellas, soc, 75¢., $1. Men's Umbrellas, 75¢., $1, 1.25, 1.50, 2 and up to 5. UMBRELLAS RE-COVERED You must have one or more Umbrellas that were expensive and that you value but the covers are worn out, We can re-cover these and return them to you quite as good as new. Prices mode- rate. Get an estimate, SHIRTS AND HOSIERY Men's Soft Front Shirts, neat, small designs on white grounds, well made, 'full size, Special values at Soc. " Men's Balbriggan Shirts and Drawers, soc. Men's White Unlaundried Shirts, re-inforced fronts and shoulders, good quality of cotton used, ali sizes from 14 to 17, 50c. Made by Tooke Bros., of Montreal, and stamped with their well-kno vn. trade mark, This is a guarantee for good valu :. Men's Black Cotton Sox, 12}5c., 15¢., 20c., 25¢. Men's Black Cashmer 45¢, 49c. e Sox, 25c, 35c,4 30. -------- Yourself Worry and trouble by starting on your journey with the proper baggage. RUNK ! Is half the battle in travelling. We havea splen- fd SS be ohne inewhers Ti did stock of good,' medium everyone guaranteed, and cheap Trunks, and A Call Solicited. Discount Summer Goods & G Straw Hats Fancy Vests Underwear Collars, etc. (COME EARLY. E. P, Jenkins Clot} Practical Optical Prescriptions for glasses FILLED, y All styles of mounts and ways in stock, with repairs. Eyes carefully examined AN ES FITTED. Prices for above work mode SMITH BR Jewelers Op 850 King Street. " Marriage Licenses Secure a Free Copy of Real Estate Bul Issued This Week. SWIFT'S "44 SERRA CHEAP SIDEBOAF Black Walnut Sideboards 1 Oak 2 cach, for $185; Boar $12; 1 'Ash Board, 15, fo Dative Seid. Mire rood shape.' AT TURK'S SECOND-HAN . 398 Princess Suireet WANTED. A STRONG BOY, AGED A Apply N. CO, Polson & Co. GENERAL SERVANT. REF] required. Apply to Mrs. Barrie street. -------------------------------------- TWO DINING ROOM GIR two chambermaids. App Quinte, Belleville, Ont. ------------ COMPETENT NURS FOR three to go to Winnipeg. Apply to "'Sunnysid AT ROCKWOOD HOSPIT second cook, Applyg to th on Wednesday or Friday or evenings. SITUATION BY 'A YOUN( man as cook, speaks E English experienced. Good Apply 104 William St. FOR FIRST-CLASS chambermaids and three Steady employment and go Apply in person at Whig of HOTE TEACHER, FOR SCHOOL No. 12, Hungerford ; libe will be paid; Male or Fe ly to James Brown, ye GENTLEMEN TO Overcoats and | ts, Thomas Galloway & 131 Also bring your old ones them repaired. Style, fit guaranteed to please. MEN AND BOYS WANTED TY plumbing trade, great de graduates . $5 day. ) plete course -two months, admitted to Union and Plumber's Ass'n. Coyne Plumbing Schools, New cinnati, St. Louis. For | logue, address 239 10th A: York. : ------------------------ LOST. A PEARL CROWN STICK Sunday night. Reward io tarn to 59 St. A PAIR OF GOLD RIMMEL acles, on Saturday. Find return to Archbishop's Pals A KINGSTON GENERAL H © Pin; date and monogram on August 5th. Reward Sydenham St. A GOLD PIN, MONOGRAM Monduy evening, hetween w Earl Sts, by way of Syde Reward on return to 133 \ ----------------i i tition sm A GOLD WATCH AND TAN L Nrist-Brncelet, between Boat ouse and cor. ( Clérgy Sts. Reward for this Office. A GENTLEMAN'S SARDONI Pin, | yesterday afternoon, 1 o'clock, either on Pr) or on Striet (Car. Reward ed to Whig office. tt ------ et A BLACK AND TAN FOX with scar on one hind leg will be given for his rat Princess St. Parties harbo this notice will be prosecut et tsa A VERY LARGE BLACK Cat, with large Hrush white spot on breast. 1 ward for return to T. J Vineent's ' Academy, Bagot iam St. WE --------------------e------------ Typhoon Cuts Off Jap New York, Aug. 9.--The Co Cable issues a ne there