Raincoats can mix sunshine and f having a Raincoat at imated. New varieties LAW'S make it easy be prepared for every ame time be attired -in These Raincoats are y English Cravenette, care and skill, AINCOATS +50, 7.95, 9.50, 9.75, to buy just now come in > One that catches your til required. SLLAS $1, 1.25, 1.50, 1.38, 2, Soc, 75¢., $1. 1.25, 1.50, 2 and OX RE-COVERED or more Umbrellas that Ou value but the covers -cover these and return as new. Prices mode- ) HOSIERY ts, neat, small designs ade, full size, Special ts and Drawers, soc, Iried 'Shirts, re-inforced quality of cotton used, Made by Tooke Bros., with their well-kno vn rantee for good valu :. 0X, 12l5¢., 15¢., 20c., Sox, 25¢c, 35¢4 39%, ourself Worry and trouble by arting on your journey ith the proper baggage. TRUNK ! ling. and cheap Trunks, and We have a splen- icited. Jenkins' le Saturday! 25 to 50%, Discount ON ALL Summer Goods & Clothing Straw Hats Fancy Vests Underwear Collars, etc. (COME EARLY. E, P, Jenkins Clothing Co, Practical Optical Work Prescriptions for FILLED. glasses carefully All styles of ways in stock, with repairs. Eyes carefully examingd AND GLASS- ES FITTED. Prices for above work moderate, SMITH BROS. Jewelers Opticians 850 King Street. " Marriage Licenses Issued " Secure a Free Copy of the | Real Estate Bulletin Issued This Week. ND SWIFT'S AL RARE AGENCY RE, HEAP SIDEBOARDS. 2 Black Walnut Sideboards, cost $0 sia a Jour, $M Doviiag awe alte "Mirrors, of in rood shape. AT TURKS SECOND-HAND STORE 398 Princess Street. WANTED. A STRONG BOY, AGED ABOUT 1s. Apply N. CO, Polson & Co. GENERAL SERVANT. REFERENCES required. Apply to Mrs, "Almon, 22 Barrie street. ------ eeprom en TWO DINING ROOM GIRLS AND| two chambermaids. Apply Hotel Quinte, Belleville, Ont. ------------ COMPETENT NURSE FOR CHILD OF three to go to Winnipeg. Fare paid Apply to "Sunnyside," Union St. AT ROCKWOOD HOSPITAL, A secondl cook. Applyg to the Matron on Wednesday or Friday afternoons or evenings. | YOUNG ez cook, speaks English and | nglish expe red. Good references. Apply 104 William St FOR FIRST-CLASS HOTEL, TWO chambermaids and three waitresse Steady employment and good wages Apply in person at Whig office. TEACHER, FOR SCHOOL No. 12, Hungerford ; lit will be paid ; Male or Fema ly to James Brown, Secretary BY A Srr------ = | THE SHOP ON DIVISION STRE DAILY MEMORANDA, Cheese Board, 1.30 p.m., Thursday. Vaudeville, Lake Ontario Park, 8.30 p.m, 1. 0.0. F. Excursion to Brockville, by G.T.R., 6 p.m. The chronic hand-shaker knife up his sleeve. The sun rises Thursday at 4.58 aau., {and sots at 7.12 p.m. | Ignorance of the law is no excuse, un- | less you have a pull | ts of religion is scu {ory substitute for a This day in history #-- Edward VII PLY 1902 ; ueen Vietoriy visited | Ireland, 1849 ; Ashburton treaty, 1842 | Some years ago the folks all stared When forth the horseless carriage ran-- But very soon they'll be surprised To see the automobileless man. DINNER SETS We have a very fine set in white and gold. Just the thing for your country house. 97 Piaces for $6.25 This set is the best gual- ity English Porcelain and equal in wear and appear- ance to china. often has a a satisfaét- escape. ROBERTSON BROS mounts and frames al- i " a mi - May be sweet, but there are none more lusciqus, or. more exquisite flavor than what you procure from our selected stock. We choose nothing, but the rarest' ripest and most tempting fruits that are picked and: when You buy here it is something better than you ean get else- where. for we make a specialty of fruits and candies. CALL 'AT T. PETTERS Co. 184 Pri Street. "Phone 649, IF YOU HAVE Any difficulty in being fit- ted with Shoes, COME TO US, |and we will make that duty a pleasant one, Wear '""Allen's" Military Bootmakers, 84 Brock St. Sign of Golden Boot. | | tions the LOST OR STOLEN. | AN UMBRELLA, 'ON BARRIEFIELD | comnons, Monday night near board | walk. Finder please return to Whig | office, TO-LET. near Garrett street, occupied M Boon; milliner. Apply at Whig office, | DWELLINGS FURNISHED . AND UN- furnished, stores, offices, etc., at c- | M Treasurer. Cann's Real Estate Agency, 51 | ---------------------------------------------------------- Brock Street. { GENTLEMEN TO GET THEIR FALL | ~~ oo | Overcoats and Suits, made at | OWING TO REMOVAL OF OFFIC} Thomas Galloway's, 181 Brock St. | we will sell some very fine Office | Also bring your old ones and have fittings. Will be pleased to hay a | them repaired. Style, fit and price eall from those interested. W. J guaranteed to please. Fair | MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO LEARN | A FARM CONTAINING 175 ACRES plumbing trade, great demand for situated five miles from King graduates $4, $5 day. Many com- and one mile « r plete course two months. Graduates admitted to Union and Master Plumber's Ass'n. Coyne Bros. Co. Plumbing Schools, New York, Cin- cinnati, St. Louis. For free cata- logue, address 239 10th Avenue New v York. : ------------------ LOST. = re i A PEARL CROWN STICK PIN. ON Sunday night. Reward for its re- tarn to 59 West St. A PAIR OF GOLD RIMMED sprecT- | acles, on Saturday. Finder please return to Archbishop's Palace. A. KINGSTON GENERAL HOSPITAL Pin ; date and monogram on back, on August 5th. Reward at 25 Sydenham St. gh A GOLD PIN, MONOGRAM, "M.," ON Monduy evening, hetween William ond Earl Sts., by way of Sydenham St. Reward on return to 133 William st ------------------------------------------------------ A GOLD WATCH AND TAN LEATHER Wrist-Bracelet, between Knapp's Boat ouse and cor. Queen and Clérgy Sts. Reward for return to this Office. A GE EMAN'S SARDONIC STICK Pi esterday afternoon. hetween 4 apg 8 o'clock, gither on Princess St. or on Stréet (Car. Reward if return- ed to Whig office. A BLACK AND TAN FOX HOUND, with scar on one hind leg. Reward will be given for his return to 69 i St. Parties harboring after this notice will be prosecuted. A teat ------------ a i ---- A VERY LARGE BLACK ANGORA Cat, with large Brush and small | white spot on breast. Liberal re ward for return to T. Evans, St Vincent's Academy, Bagot and Will- iam St. Typhoon Cuts Off Japan. New York, Aug. 9.--The Commercial Cable company issues a notice thet there is 'Welay in the Sramsnission of messages to. aod frog apan. A typhoon is ra and the Japancse For particulars, 9 Mack St., Kings LANDED IN SIBERIA. The Japanese Captured Guns and Keeper, $necial to the Whie. Tokio, Aug. 9--The navy depart- ment announces that a foree of Jap- | anese landed at Port Imperator, 1560 miles south of Kastries Bay, Siberia, and captured the lighthouse keeper who, however, was subsequently leased and allowed to continue in his duty. The lighthouse guard fled in land without making any 'resistance. When the Japanese first landed at Kastries Bay, théy captured two eight centimetre bronze guns with which the Russians were hombarded Damaged The Hay Crop. Perth Road, Aug. 4.--The recent | heavy rains damaged the hay in this | vicinity, Nelson Amey has his new | hay barn and stables completed. Rev, | Nr. Hollington, Ottawa, filled the | pulpit of the Methodist church, Sane | day. J. A. Freeman is recovering from a bad kick which ho received ! fromy & horse. Sampson Darling is on | the sick list. Visitors : Mr. and Mrs i Hollington at R. Hairis': Miss E, i Peters, Kingston, at J. S. Roberts'; Harold Shales, Toronto, with his pa- rents; Miss M. Craine is visiting her at 3 brother, Rev, Charles Craine; Rev. | John Waddell, Battersea, was rencw- | ing acquaintances here this week. Mrs. B. Sears, Portsmouth, at Samuel | hor je 5 | Sears. Australia is reaping a bad reputa- tion; out of 2,843 divorces and separ- | spends lamenting her loneliness with- ations in New South Wales, 1,034 were | for mere desertion. : ry Even the hangman says his business done to death IS TRICTION OVER PEACE TERMS THE COURT IS NOT IN PEACE- FUL MOOD. Cipher Telegrams Flying From Portsmouth to Peterhoff Without Any Intermediary In- terruption--Paris Thinks Peace Terms Will Be Reached. S-acial to the Whig. St. Petersburg, Aug. 9-The exi change of cipher telegrams between the czar and M. De Witte continues on the eve of the opening of the peace ne gotintions at Portsmouth. These mes- sages pass to and from Portsmouth and the palace at Peterhoff . direct without the intermediation of the min- istry of foreign affairs. While the con- tents can only be conjectured it is accepted as a fact, by all parties, that want of harmony. exists between the emperor and his chief plenipotentiary, The preponderance of sentiment at the court is now so unpeaceful that the hope is expressed that the terms of Japan will be so severe that it will be immediatély seen that they cannot be accepted. What Paris Thinks: Paris, Aug. 9.-Diplomatists government officials the greatest interest relative to the and tentiaries. The recent pessimism has feeling of confidence reigns that the wisdom of the governments concerned will overcome all difficulties and that the conference will eventuate in a sat- isfactory arrangement. The buoyant tendency of the Bourse, on which Russian securities are very firm, shows that this view is also prevalent in commercial circles, May Astonish The World. St. Petershurg, Aug. 9.--Officials connected with the foreign office have been greatly impressed by a telegram received from London, which says : "President Roosevelt has other means to bring about peace in the event of the failure of the negotiations." The di on, as to just "other means" may be. One high of- ficial, commenting upon the telegram said : very statesman like may astonish the world," Roosevelt | Greetings At Portsmouth, N.H. Portsmouth, N.H., Aug. 9. landing and reception of the envoys, vesterday, were replete with ceremony. | ¢ The envoys of both Japan and Russia | were affected by the demonstration accorded them and knowledged the salutes. Three car riages were occupied by éach mission | and, in the procession through the | } Ito | yard, for the purpose of on. | each other's eredentials and powers, | mobiles, the envoys of Russia and Ja- | pan were escorted by Secretary Pierce i | pared for them. Ther Mr. Pierce when | chamber announcdd it was his pleasure, for the use of { to settle down to business, | 7: Brooklyn, 2 { have departed for the honeymoon she streets of Portsmouth, first, thied, and fifth car- riages were Russian and the second, fourth and sixth, Japanese. The public | | ware excluded from where the envoys landed. h The envoys were met at the court | ¢ house by Assistant Setretary of State Pierce, who first presented M. Witte vernor McLane and then Baron Komura. Then the senior Russian re presentative presented his suite to the chief executive officer of New Hamp- shire and the Japanese plenipotentiary ¥ did likewise, tims of tuber As the guests of Rear Admiral Reid, | the plenipotentiaries and their nites, | last night, were introduced to ahot sixty dnvited guests. The envoys will meet, to-day, in the Naval Ste Building, of the navy examining The First Session. Officials Say Thos. James Gall $100 and cos out a arc manifesting | convietion was made, was on Satur outcome of the conference between the | Jin day, fined $20 and costs for buying uor from an unlicensed man, The license department Russian and Japanese peace plenipo- | officers of the states that section 61 of the lic nor almost entirely disappeared, and = the | get prosecution and an effort will be made to quash the and remit the fine. death year-old daughter of .I. Boles, of Sel: handle. message has caused a great deal of | medical aid was of no avail, As Soon what the | as Mrs, Boles was told she became hys | terical, though up to that time she ", | had acted with unusual calmness. The rand energetic | Boles are The | has reevived official recognition as a hymn writer from the Methodist Epis- have heen constantly ac | hymnal, which From the Russians | chanted in the and Japanese received alternate posi- | (he country, north gular services the navy yard | sioners who have the same family on Church str later Moses forty-one, wh months, Mrs. in Montreal. Married Another--He Was Collared. Sc a 5 Aug. 9A young r woman, with two children, accompan. ied deteetives, last night, to a ind on First street, whore A, s Hazoltine, who says he is manager of a Can electric ruilvay, was ar- rested in company with a woman, who claims to have married him in Leamington, Ont., oven weeks 0, being satisfied that Hazeltine was free to marry. This woman refused to And give her miden name, She and azeltine wore locked up, The com- olainant, who complaing she was fazeltine's only wile, says Hazeltine deserted her in Detroit last week. ---- BENNETT WANTS LAWYER. Has Expressed a Desire to Have L. F. Heyd. Brantford, Ont., Ang, 9.--"Joe" Ben nett, lying in the county jail awaiting trial on charge of murdering Betsy Jacobs, wants Louis F, Heyd to plead his cause before the jury, Bennett has intimated his desire to Col, Cameron, the Indian agent, and Me. Heyd has been notified. It is rot known as yet whether Mr. Heyd has consented to act or not: It is not thought that Bennett's mother will provide the ex- penses for a trial. 1t appears that the family on the reserve are none too well' fixed financially. -- CAN'T FINE INFORMERS. Hill Illegally Fined. Montreal, Aug. 9A few days ago r, Burketon, was fined , for selling liquor with- license. Thomas Hill, who bought a drink and through whom the Was protects an informant against magisterial conviction Baby Hangs Herself. Fresno, Cal, Aug. 9.-A strange fame to pretty June, the one ma. She was clambering from a bahy buggy in which her mother had left her, and fell between the body of the buggy and one of the side arms of the The neck was wedged tightly, and there the baby hung until life was ex- tinct, Dr. Fred: Williams was called and arrived with. o few minutes af. ter the discovery of the baby, but prominent people of county. June was their only child, this EVENTS OF THE DAY GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS. SIBLE FORM. ---- Matters That Interest Everyhody ~--Notes From All Oyer--Little Of Everything Easily Read And Remembered, ! Hall an inch of snow foll at New- berry, Mich, Natives have . massacred Portuguese in German South West. Africa, The east-bound passenger rate war framy Chicago to New York, has been settled, 5 The district of Melita, Man., suffer od severely by a violent hail and wind storm. According to officials the Northern Pacific telegraphers' strike is prac: tically over. A run was started on the Denver Savings bank, which owes depositors about $2,000,000. E. Coff Penny, ex-M.P., has heen ap- wainted a member of the Montreal arbor commission, Miss Mary Hamilton, daughter of the hishop of Ottawa, has on- gaged as a member of BE. 8. Willard's company for the coming season.' YL. Melvin, char with blow ing up threo saloons in Iola, Kas., has been captured in Kansas City, Ho says he did the job in a spirit of revenge The fire in Lake-of the-Woods Mill- ing company's warchonse at Mile End, near Montreal, did damage to the ox- tent of £150,000 or $200,000, covered by insurance. Rodolphe Paquette, {wenty-one years of age, and very popular among his friceds, is dead in Montreal, after two weeks' terrible suffering, a vietin of cigarettes. Through the arrest of Capt. Romal: do De Pararich, of an Austrian liner for bringing over 660 steerage passengers in excessive of ace lation, it transpires detectives are on' all ocean hoatas, Vandals cut a strip two feet long and two inches wide from the historic silk battle flag wsed to drape the casket containing the romaine of John Paul Jones, while en rote" 6" "Now York. Negroes attending a camp meeting near Clayton, Del, got into & row over a game of craps. Bullets flow, and when the stoke cleared John Pierce and George Juokson were found to be dead, Kipling'A Hymn Writer. Chicago, Aug. 9. Rudyard Kipling | opal church, His "'Recessional" is one f a number of recent-day poems which placed in the new * church has just been issued. now on its well known words, | 'Lord God of Hosts, be with us vet, | est we forget, lest we forget," will be Mothodist churches of | and south, at re Kipling is not | the emle living w riter | who has heen h } nored by the commis prepared the new aymnal. Richard Watson Gilder, odi- | or of the Century Mageasine, is also | recognized, | | -------------------- 1 Two Deaths In Same Family. { Ottawa, Aug. 9.--~Two members of | died within fifteen | other, both being vie Iowig, Mis, Napoleon | rty-three who has | » years, passed away and fifteen minutes | ninutes of eac loutier, aged ill for © died Cloutier 1 St. Andrew street hushand is at present Two Were Drowned. Proso " { Portsmouth. N.H.. Aug: 9--The first Prescott, 0 t, Aug. 9.---Wonday | ra cc conference began | MEht four of the crew of the tug | =Sasion of ¢ ¢ Deon eh Ot 5 _ | Nellie Reid rowed over to Ogdensburg, shortly alter 0h Ocod, Lis WOm-| when returning, about one hundred ing, in the General Stores Building, at the navy vard. Arriving in auto t to the rooms on the second floor pre all were gathered in the big council as the United States government ve presentative to turn over the rooms | the representatives of | Japan and Russia, and to assure them t of the deep interest the United States felt in the happy outcome of their I orass a tent. where he had taken lahore. Then with a bow Mr, Pierce shelter from a terrific wind and rain withdrew to the rooms reserved for stormy, which swept across 8 see himself and the envovs of the two | warring emperors were left fice to face National league--At. St. Louis, 5; known 2 ke a 3 : ured and in the hospitals, and more Brooklyn. 2 (first game.) At St. Louis id forty. pre' nN, a tt of (sceond game) At Pittsburg, 8: Boston, 4, At New |! York, 4; Chicago, 3. 1; Philadelphia, I. ' American league--At Boston, 2; De- troit. 0. At Washington, 2: St. | gnecial to the Whig. ths Teniis, 1. At Cleveland, 5; Philadel: | Toronto, Aug. 9.--The United States phia, 4. government cable has been laid to Eastern league--At Montreal, 6; Buf- | Seward, Alaska, amd business for falo, 3. At Toronto, 2; Rochester; 1. | ¢ C Until her daughfers are married no satisfied, before they thinks how 'much better they ought to have done, and the rest of her life she out them. . i There ix a great deal of pleasare in the world for those who don't hunt too band fog ite vards from t} they attempted a deck hand: were drowned, "=acfal to the Whig. ly killed by a huge tree being blown Sneeial to the Whig. At Cincinnati, | partment store, yesterday morning. pany. much ax in the drug store. You can pend on gettin Se exactly what . asked for Leod's 2 American lighthouse to change seats and Two were rescued Knapp but the fireman and ho skiff capsized w Fred Killed By Tree. Gravenhurst, Ont, Aug. 9. Pelor ennison, a Swede, working for iironax & Jamieson, contractors, for he James Bay railway, was instant ion of the country. Many Still Missing. Albany, N.Y. Aug. 9-Twelve are to be dead, twenty-seven in he collapse of John G. Myers' do- A Cable Laid, hat place is now accepted hy the ireat North-Western Telegraph com- No where does quality count so tho best quality at We- Red Cross v Rowril at re Sine. J a | a continental whether skirts Aro ankle | all papers a mark was deducted for i Governor 3 | Maryland's "grand old man," was the | recipient of many congratulations to | | nearly every office in the power of his | 1560 he was United | and was governor of Mayor Stoy, Atlantic City, NJ, is sued an order demanding knee length skirts for bathers, and has had his life made a burden by protests. He has finally announced that he "don't care length or a mere rufile." WOULD-BE TEACHERS, * at Winnipeg Be- cause of Spelling. Winnipeg, Aug. 9. Spelling, knowl edge of English, and good penmanship do not seem to be strong features with Manitoba students. This year ot Many Plucked every misspelled word, and the result showed that a special examination will have to be held for hundreds of students who passed in other matters, The writing of these future teachers in also nothing to boast of, and it will be made a special subject hereafter. Knowledge of English, likewise, makes a poor showing, "Grand Old Man." Special to the Whig, Baltimore, Md. William Maryland's Aug. '9.-Former Pinkney Whyte, day on the occasion of his eighty-first birthday, Governor Whyte has fillod city and state to bestow. In 1846 he was admitted to the bar and the fol lowing vear was elected to the legis lature. He was elected controller of the state in 1853 and a delegate to the democratic national convention in New York in 1863. From 1868 to States senator Maryland from 1871 to 1874, serving in the United States senate again from 1875 to ISS]. He has also been attorney: gen- eral of the state, mayor of Baltimore and head of the law department of the eity. : It is an interesting fact that one of Governor Whyte's most intimate friends and business associates is H, G. Davie, of West Virginia, who like wise is a stavwnch democrat and © former United States senator, and al: most of the exact age as Governor Whyte. Almost Buried Alive. New Orleaf, Aug. 9.--A remarkable fever case created consternation in the Italinn quarter, Sunday. Lopez, sixteen years old, had heen pronounced dead by the family phy- sician. Propatation -- made AR the funeral, and the wal in a coffin. The mother walked to the side of her son to take a purting Jook. She stooped to kiss the lips, and found them warm and moist, A physician was ealled, and after a asty examination the doctor pro- nounced the boy alive, and he takon fron; the coffin and replaced in bed. Tt is said fever patients some- times drop into a trance remain as dead for hours. . Emil pdotie besides exchangin, HEAD CHOPPED OFF. Colony of Reptiles at Mountain's Base Invaded, HEE Nh 9A nan named | Joba Siackhome Te Brag St. Johns, while at the ae, - and club killed oe wd axe + hi When the "job wan hed ho " Eif of Northwest, Vancouver, B.C., Aug. 8.-A report has been made to the provincial po- lice by Constable Jones, who just re- turned from the Ind vi at Cape Nudge, that in that sett t there is open trafic in Indian girls. Jones foind a number of well u ticated cases where Ralf breed and quarter-broed girls have recently bosn sold to white men at prices from $100 to "8200. A complote in vatigation will bo made by the au- | thorities, . First Session In November. St. Petersburg, Aug, 9.--In principle the national Bi which the czar is about to institute will be a deliber- ative and consultative body for rh Ya before it. It will have the power orce the withdrawal of ministerial | Propositions by. a sEf OOO GOO SOOO cleetions; and the first session, it is understood, will bo held in Novemper, The elections will take place in Octo ber. Quarrel Over White Lover, New York, Aug.' 9.<After a jealous quarrel over a white man with 'whom _ had lived as his wife, Mary Mat- thews, colored, shot and instantly kill- ed Martha Martin, also colored, in the rooms of the latter in Brooklyn, yes- torday, Mrs. Matthews then returned to her own room and committed sui: cide with the revolver with which she thot Miss Martin. Mrs. Matthews had duce Matthews to abandon her. Elected Officers. Snecinl to the Whig. Ottawa, Aug, 9. The Master Bakers' Convention eoncluded to-day, and el- ect the following office President, G. W. Shouldis, Ottawa; first. Vico-pre- sident, M. Broedin, Toronto; geeons vice-president, J, Re Heardman, Corn. wall; third vico-president, A. LE. Thib- odenu, Windsor; fourth vice-president, W. D. Muir, Vancouver; treasurer, A. W. Carrick, Toronto; secretary, James Acton, Toronto, Celebrated Anniversary, Special to the Whig. Portsmouth, kng., Aug. 9.-King Edward eclebrated the anniversary of his coronation, to-day, by reviewing the cotvbined French and British floets aggregating some seventy ships. Later the king proceeded to the French flag. ship, where he was the guest of Vice: Admiral Caillard at luneeod, ) 1 ------------------ Plotters Fail To Aid Rebels. Victoria, B.O., Aug. 9.<The steamer Kanagawa Maru, Hong Keng, brings news of a plot there to sh 10,000 rifles and 1,000,000 rounds of amonunition to Samar and other un- pacified districts of the Philippioes. The scheme wan discovered and the filibustorers are in hiding. Lamont Leaves Over $3,000,000. Now York, Aug. 9.<An estate valued at $3,300,000 is left by Col. Daniel 8, | Lamont, secretary of war under Pre sident Cleveland, according to Mr. La: mont's will filed for to, Mrs. Lamont and her three daughters are the beneficiaries, The! estate is valued at $3,000,000 in personal property and £300,000 in real property. ---------- Arranging A Programme. 5 ial the Whig. rai, NH Ang. 9. The first seasion of the peace conference lu about one hour. No business wus erodentinle And are a programing for future aging PR $1,500 Required For Shield. London, Aug, 9.--Suhseriptions are rei ived for the Canadian thie ny -- British battleship Do- miniame Abott 1,500 is required, and All be raised without any difficulty. ann colony of Plank maak bled : OOOO OOCOOTCOOOOOO0 OOO COO accused Miss Martin of trying to in- | ® WESTMORELAND «At Everett, Wash., TURNER, ~At LPARY At anee, ath CHAMBERLAIN --At Fidmonton, Alta July 20th, Row OHO-OOOO-OOOOO0 view. 'Ri selling, wi Bate . not 'a giods " without it, . ¥ pleco od Q uphold and' fearlbssly~so it's all saving hi Conting Sula. Ment ~Matorials worth from idth 48 neh. h pl i we a8 i ORDO 000000: June i 5. 5 Westmoreland, ormerly of Desetonto. Glenors, July 25th, Else Dorlund, wile 61°F il. Turner, agnd rty-tivi OH, 5 Yo Drandon, N.Y, July an: George 1B, Leary, formerly of N Maitland Campbell of W. B, gs Chamberlain, Lythin tablets are 250. at Gison' tel Cross: Drug Store. Not 380,