refresh- ng sum- 1er drink Try it. . Hot Weather i Necessities cum * Powders im Powders, "The Best" Violet, e's Violet Tale, Mennen's Bor nd Violet, Pineo Dowson's Toi oth's Berma, Stearn's Suprema, n's Baby, and many others. rn's Crystal Velvet for softening ter and perfuming the bath, 25c. ic. 'Ezy and" Foot Elm for tired, ing feet: . Solihe (Best) mr excellent fruit t taken in the morning. Very al in constipation, biliousness adache ave everything in the drug line. e always sure of getting what int at "Best" Drug Store. - Bost, Chemist and Optiglan, incess Street "F'hone 59 he Lady Vho Does \ot- Like : AINTY INENS 1er home is certainly ty, especially when splay is once seen. ek we received an import or- deboard ris, Pillow Shams, ock Covers! Tray Cloths, ods are made 'n with hand 1 we purpose hird less than ow display. c. from genuin embroidered selling them regular 'orice special in White Muslin Cush- _ hand embroidered, worth 50¢. cach. Unbleached Table Linen ity, 3%. a yard. Mércerized Table Damask, pattern, regular price 6Cc.. ly 0c. a yard. nes of Table Damask at and up to 81.50 a. yard 3 ~ ' 'to-day 20 dozen of Genuine n Table Napkins, Dinner v magnificent patterns and the best' 83.50 quality in Our Friday price will pe ese would make very ac- ° presents for prospective 'ERYBODY wise comes to us when to buy or: seli any \L ESTATE a well established re- for successful dealing. tractive offerings at nts collected, Estates itr . BOND, we and Real Estate. . Street ~~ . Kingston, CITY is nara tem SERA itis ou pyc in Sika a a : 'health and strength-- Ceatennial Exposition, Portland, Oregon | & is imborsive co cach be Oct. 15th. Round trig opt in action, and BEECHAM'S and valid to return Within F115 are foremost Ofte Jew things ate lr sale but not later 3 than Now iy t wre . a awe rime | For Mel Tali TIM. TABLE, Depot' For ' ve Brains Foot of Johnston Street, 2 Joantiv must be our stomach GOING WEST a ealthy Conan oy Stomach : Lve. City Arr, City roper} orming their peculiar No. § Mail w 1258 8m, 1.27 am. Raney. pe ur 2 won't stand » J Express 022% am. 3.05am.| the Strain ny your brain won't be "3 Local sv 15 a.m. 947 am.| active. Ii you would have a clear "1 Intern'l Ltd12.16 noon 1246 p.m | head and keen perception, get a box * TMail .. .. 3.19pm. 381 pm.| of BEECHAM'S PILLS, use themand " 15 Local "... . 7.03 p. 7.38 p.m. | see how much more alive you will be, GOING EAST ai. 8 Arr, City 8 No. 5 Mail, .. = 250. | For Perfect Health " 2Fast Exp. 22% a.m. 305am. | & : 4 " 16 Local - . 8.47 p.m, | there isno gebatedpromoter than these « Mail. Xs 12.46p.m. Tamous Bj Se will vy it a all " 4 Fast Exp. 1.00pm, 1.29pm, | Over world, and, mark you, the " 12Laeal .. .. 7.03 po: 7.38 oy | most perfect specimens of ' Nos. 1,2, 8 and 4 run daily. No. 5 and | R run daily, except Monday. All other | trains daily except Sunday. For further Jarticulars, tickets and all other information apply to | J. P. HANLBY City Passenger Agent. KincsTong PemBRokE RAILWAY IN CONNECTION WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. ot en BEEGHAM'S PILLS Prepared only by Thomas Beecham, St. d everywhere in Canada Ba and U, S. in boxes, 25 cents. Centennial Exposition Portland, Oregon June 1st to October 15th, 1905. Round Trip Fare $75.30 FROM KINGSTON ' Tickets on sale daily, and valid to re turn within 90 days from date of sale ; but not later than November: 30th, 1905. Sharbot Lake and Return Grand Union Hotel |THE SPORT REVIEW INTERNATIONAL CRICKET AT OTTAWA. Oldfield's Miraculous Escape From Death--Pulliam Will Not Succeed Himseli--To Protest a Lacrosse Match.- we Cleveland has lost eleven straight games in the American League. "Barring misfortune, the Pittsburg team has an excellent chance to win the pennant," says Fred. Clarke. Byers of Baltimore still leads the Eastern League, with a mark of 366. Jones of Baltimore is next with .348, Ammbuster, the * Boston Americans new catcher, is now a favorite with Collins. Good, clean, hard work, has also made him a favorite with the rooters, te track, | : 4 $s of Lan-| L ; : wdaduat Abiding S---- ree quarter. po w : --. first. niile of the five-mile open event. | | OCA SCHOONERS NEARL Oldfield and his ear went through | L : brs d Y the fence into the infeld, Oldfield re-| - ALLTIED UP. ing a nly acu goo and a | : ; ny bruised right arm. is car | -- also went off the track on the outside, | As Dealers Have Their Supply-- injured They Should Lay in An Extra * president of the | ~~ Stock So As to Be Ready for Eastern Canada Cricket Association, | a Possible Miners' Strike. has re;eived a message fram the as-| The local sailing schooners are now sociated cricket clubs of Philadelphia | practically all tied up for the rest that they would séfid a team to play | of the summer. The coal supply as far a match with eastern Canada at Ot- | as local dealers are concerned is prac tava on Aug 30th, and September | tically all in. In speaking of the situ: 1st and 2nd. This same team will lation an old marine capiain stated play the Canadian Cricket Association | that all the hard coal which would be at Taronto on September 4th, 5th | brought to the sity for the next couple and Gth, This 3 the first international | of months was in. According to his match between these' assooiations, but | view the local merchants started early it will be an, anhdal affair in future, | in the spring to get their stock across The Easthrn * Caniidlia Asdociation is | to this side of the lake. To that ond hoping to make "the same arrange- every available schooner was charter: {ed and even outside vessels brought to rush the supply to Kingston, The re- (sult is that the coal is now in the bins of the city merchants and the | schooners are Toreed to' tie up till Hall, when a few more commissions | may possibly be secured. There is still a httle soft coal coming across, hut that will soon cease. The mariner thought that the local dealers might just as well have taken 'their time {in the matter. The coal was lying to their Charlotte and Oswego rand if so much haste had not been | displayed, the limestone city sailors | might have been given work for the {entire season. {Continuing the speaker voiced his | opinion that a strike would certainly toccur next: March not only among | the hard coal miners, but in the soft coal districts ne well. He considered it {would pay the Kingston merchants to | angment their stocks as much as pos- {sible and then if such a condition of affairs did arise they would not. he caught napping, but would be able (to supply their customers. To finance ity we handle. See the $ 40 Corset Covers ....$ .29 50 Corset Covers.......,« .88 100 Corset Qovers......... 15 ers, chemises, underskirts a 11% : Prices are always ring uth N doubly strong when attached to whitewear of the ¢ goods--you'll rareness of the values. For instance : wo 85¢, Oorset Covers are now 27¢. And there are like redactions in nightgown, draw- $ 45 Corset Covers.'.....$ .88 a5 Be ianrins 5 1.95 Corset Covers,........ ete, $1.40 Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up i 3 { the matter would, he claimed, he quite Interior of the storehouse at the Portsmouth Navy Yard, where 'h* y st he A the peace plenipotentiaries of Russia and Japan are in conference; | "2%: 88 any bank would advance the : : . Inccessary eapital on such a staple also vignette of Judge Calvin Pa ge, - Portsmouth, who will enter article as coal. Relowing.: to. the bv the new Twin Screw SS. Opposite Grand Gentral Station Good going all trains Saturdays. New York Returning following Monday. Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P. | BAGGAGE ¥-= R. Ticket office, Ontario Street. { Station i F. CONWAY, F. A. FOL Gen. .Pass. Agent R, JR. | éw 4 |C. H. POWELL : os | CARPENTER AND JOBBEP, Bay of Quinte Railway| 3 Raglan Street. New short line fer Tweed, Napanee 1 mie ens Deserento, and all local points. Trains | leave City Hall Depot at 8:35 p.m. F DENTAL A wm. J KY. Kieren | op - o. 0 KNAVP; BAG ADS. DDS. QUEBEG STEAMSHIP COMPANY | ro monireai si., cor. riingess st. 1 | PI 52, LIMITED, | Phone 652, - | AIL branches of Dentistry skilfully per- . | formed. Nitrous Oxide Gas used for ex River and Gulf of St. Lawrence | (orisd: Nitrous Summer Cruises in Cool Latitudes | Twin Screw Iron SS. "Campana," 1700 tons with electric lights, electric bells and all modern comfort, Sails from Montreal Mondays, 2 p.m. 14th and 28th August, and 1 p.m., 11th and 25th September, for Pictou, N.S. calling at Gospe, . Mal 'Bay, Perce, © Grand River, Sum- NOTICE. ape CO ; d PRL. and Charlottetown, | SFALED TENDERS, ADDRE PRI Xa Ee to's the undersigned and marked der§ for Blake and Crow Tslonds.™ wil 'be roctived at this (Depurtment until noon r | on Wednesday, August 16th, 1905, for { the purchase of Blake and Crow Islands, | forming parts of Lot 10 in the 5th Con- Summer Excursions, $85 and upwards, | cession of the Township of Pittsburg, and "Bermud- | Lot: 14 in the 6th Concession of the an," 5,500 tons. Sailing from New | Township of Storrington, respectively York, 16th and 30th August and | No tender for less than $20 will be con- fortnightly thereafter. Temperature cool- | sidgred. JPlan and description of the pro- ed by sea breezes seldom rises ahove SO periy to be supplied by the purchaser. degrees. Princess Hotel open the year | By order round. | PERLE® G. KEYES, Secretary. The finest trips of halth and comfort. ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec the season for | Department of the Interior, Ottawa, July 20th, 1905. v For tickets and statereoms ly to J. 299904949644 P HANLEY, or J. Pe, ILD ER. * SLEEVE, Ticket Kingston, | @ Agents, Daily Line - Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Islands, | Brockville, Prescott and Montreal. | sized coal to sell at ¢ $4.60 TON. If your stove isa : 9 E have a few ¢ 4 4 tons of wo § 4 Seeu KINGSTON & TORONTO Steamers LEAVE KINGSTON : GOING EAST--Daily, at 6 a.m. GOING WEST--Daily, at 5 p.m. | Kingston to Clayton, 1.000 Island | Ports, Brockville or ¥ pscott, going and returning Sunday only. Single fare. | Kingston to Montreal and return. oi Ing Saturday or Sunday, Returning, + Also excursion rates to | T.R., Monday. Fare, $6. the size for you. Toronto and ohurlotte zolug Saturday or Sunday, re- LO®K AT IT { : ® | Hamilton, Toronto, Bay of Quinte and | o-- ® small one it's just Montreal Line. | A © MES] padontreal Live. | ® JAMES SWIFT & CO. GOING EAST, Wednesdays and rr | » days and Sundays, at 4.30 p.m. | GOING WEST, Tuesdays, Thursdays | and Saturdays, 11.30 p.m. J. P. HANLEY, J. SWIFT & CO. Ticket Agent Freight Agents T0 QUEBEC DinecT withour | ©9000 00000644 STR. MEMORY CEMENT WALKS, Loaves Craig & Co's. "whar! every - Monday, at 6.30 pom. for Montreal and We will be pleased to furnish el running e rapids. urning, SLI r leaves Kingston Fridays at 12 midnight, ] estimates and con of yom Mia Hay of Quints, for Charlotte and cement walk. Buffalo, Satisfaction guaranteed. The Steel Lake Excursion Tor emar oriacara" open | Douglas & Mel'quham, ota parti ar TE or $s: 15 Nelson Stre:t. R. HEPBURN, Manager. Pieton. | T ft hsm cr te inte ALLAN LINE BVERPOOLIS | Lake Ontario and Bay of Quin Steamboat Co., Limited. Royal Mall Steamers. ! From Montreal, From Quebec. " S---- Bavarian, Aug. 11, 9 aan. Aug. 11, 30 p.m | R h ter Virginian, Aug. 18, 4 p.m. Aug. 18,4 pho. | ds == ROCNES! Tunisiat, AUB Salam, ASE. 25, 2 » m. | TES 0 SAGE--First "Cabin, | ; : 75 and upwards, necording to steamer. | Taking Effect June 24th Second Cabin, Liverpool and London- | derry 84350, 845 'and 47 580: Loner | Stps, North King and Caspian $2.50 extra. Third class, $27.50, superior a Leave Kingston dally, except Monday, at 10.15 a.m., for ousand Islands, accoinmodation. Liverpool, li Bel. fast, Gl) wv, naon ictorian and Virvinian, $28.75. * . i calling at Alexandrin Bay and Ganano- MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT. que. Returning steamert leave at > Sicilian, Aug. 17. JTonian, Aug. 24.) p.m. for Rochester, N.Y.. calling oa MONTREAL TO LONDON & HAVRE. | Picton, Deseronto, i levills and in pomeranian, Aug. 19. $40 single | mediate inte Dorn cuton Mons 320 return only one 'Glass. carried called days at 5 p.m., for Picton and intermed- 'e i ores NEW YORK TO GLASGUW. tats Bay of Quinte BorH P. Hanley, J be HARLEY. Arn ar Cay | P. Gilderaineve, Joke Swift & 00 aT * f= 'a A Agents. SLEETR Stat, T¢ OILDERs | A HONSHY. Teale Managers wr, v tain the visiting dignitaries. » | famine of a fow years back, the cap The job of managing St. Louis was offered to Hank O'Day, for many years an umpire in the National League. O'Day has refused to take hold of the Cardinals, he members of the Toronto Argo- nauts to compete at the National Re- gatta will leave to-morrow for Balti- wove, If Melee goes he will go with the Argonaut party. : Pittshurg papers are now booming PP. 1. Powers, president of the ern League for - the National League presidency. "Pat" has trouble enough just now, and it is not likely he wants the berth, s The stewards at Saratoga hav started an investigation into the cir cumstances surrounding the Athlone race on Monday. Last week the horse was seventh in an cight-horse race. On Monday he beat n good fickd and J. J. Ryan won £30,000, He is said to he owned by W. 8. Richard, but Ryan is reported to be his real owner, The National lacrosse club has de- cided to protest the match played with {the Capitale Saturday at Otfa- wa, Phee say that Emmet Qu'nn was originally appointed referee, and that when Reynolds took the place of Caf- frey, who was appointed assistant, and could not act, he (Revnolds) took the entire affair in . his own hands and acted most unfairly towards the Nationals, Manager McGraw, of the New York team, in an interview, gave it as his unbiased opinion that President Har ry (, Pulliam of the National League has no chance to succeed himself as the head of the league, Asked what he thonght of Pulliam's chances, MoGraw said, with feeling: "Bet anvthing you can that Pulliam will not be re-elect ed president of the National League. 1 know what I am talking about." A dozen boats started in the race for King Edward's Cup, including FEmper- or William's American-built yacht Me teor. which was the scratch boat. The vawl Satinita soon took the lead, the Meteor following. The race was ultim- atelv won bv the Earl of Dunraven's Cariad, which had a handicap of fifty- fix minutes, although the Satanita. the Meteor, the: wvawl Brinhilde and the schooner Cetonia finished ahead in the order named. Toni Sullivan, the oarsman, was a happy individual, when his two shells, in one of which he will row Durnan, orvived, without being in the least in inred. The boats were shipped by the Bavarian. One was built by Clasper and the other by Sfme, the most fa- mous huilders in England. The Clasper b : : boat will be used if the water is very rough. The shells are twenty-five feet long, and built of Spanish cedar, Sui livan is now rowing from Centre Is land, taking two spins dailv. ey Oldfield had an almost mir aculong escape from death at the au Er ------------ Itching, Burning, Stingi ng, Fczema With All Its Unbearable Torture is Entirely Overcome by the Use of Dr. Chase's Ointment. Itching skin diseases such as eczema, salt rheum and tetter are the despair of the doctors, They prescribe some relief for the itching or an internal medicine to act through the blood, but usually tell their patient candidly that they cannot cure such ailments, We do not recommend Dr. Chase's Ointment as an experiment for it has long wince passed the experimental stage as a cure for itching skin dis- cases, It has positively proven its power to relieve and cure in thous. ands of severe cases, and if you could read the sincere letters of recommen- dation which come to these offices, you could not help but consider this the most successful tregiment dor dis- eases of the skin that was ever dis- covered. - It exercises to a remarkable degree that soothing, healing, antiseptic in- fluence which alone is succes@ful * in making a thorough cure of eczema and other itching sKin diseases. we Dr. Chase's Omvment, 60e, a box, at East- * TT tain pointed out that a much similar ments with. the District League of state of afiairs existed just previous New: York. : to its occurrence as were evident at | Canadian "Champion George 8. present.. At that time he had warned { Lyon, led the field in the first half of the coal dealers for whom he was | the qualifying ound' oi the annual | carrying that the strike would: Geour championship of the - United States | and advised them to take on an ex- Golf Association at the Chicago Golf | tra supply while they cold. The idea Club. His seore for the eighteen holes | was pooh-poohed, however, and the was 76, six strokes mdr Pogey. | strike considered only newspaper talk, With his good start, he should be ao until the inevitable happened, One strong contender 'for the medal for | merchant in the city did listen to the low score, W. C. Fownes, Jr. of Pitts: | murmurings from afar and got in all burg was second with 78, while 7, M. | the extra fuel he could. On Christras Sherman of Utica, and Hugh Campbell | day of that year a daring Kingston of Chicago, tied 'for third place with mariner crossed the lake with a car 79. Fritz Martin of Hamilton played | #0 of coal and landed it on safety. fine golf, getting 42, 40, 82, tieing for | There was only one result. That mer ninth' place with National Champion | chant who held his ear to the ground Egan. and-fopmer Champion Travies,| wore a happy smile all winter. Coal Douglas Laird of Toronto had 50, 41, | was selling at a high figure and he 91, and will have to get a low score had a few tons to the good. to-morrow in order to qualify. KEEPS UP TRADITION, U.S. CHURCHES TO UNITE | Example Set by Woman Eighty x { Ago. 4 May Le Marshalled in One bond Years i an Monster; . { New York, Aug. 10.---Ag did his PALA. hater Army. 4 areat-grandmother, who eloped Arom New York, Aug. 10. Twenty four ree! Philadelphia, eighty years ago, and ligious denominations contalning 18, | a4 every generation since has done, 000,000 communicants have each ap- | William Elder Gilbert, of Fordham, pointed from five la fifty Selesraton to | eloped with Miss Lillian Montgomery, meet in the citv on November 15th, to and was married on June 23rd, The Rake past in = { er-thuugch Sutera announcement of the marriage was on federation. The meeting will be held | jpade public. yesterday. in Camegie Hall for a week, the ob- | Another peculiar feature of this Jeet 'being the federation, of the Protes- { eloping family is that each bride has Jame forms in America. President | been refused admittance to her home, Roosevelt has expressed his sympethy | and each in turn has been later for with the movement, and it ie expeoted | given. that one or members of bis | When Gilbert informed his father-in cabinet will be able to take part in | law of the daughter's marriage he was the discussions of the, sanierence, | ordered from the house and his bride Among the issues to be brought he | kept under lock and key for twelve Jore the church and nation. by the con | days before the father relented. erence are religions eduegtion, the so- | Gilbert's mother and grandmother cial order, evangelization; home anid experienced similar treatment. His ais- foreign missions, the fellowship of | ter eloped last winter, and an aunt faith, the national life, and Chris | was sceretly married two years ago. tian progress, Besides declaring faith in the essential unitv of the Protest ant churches, several speakers will re hearse the practical workihgs of Pres | stiff and sore, nothing brings such in sent federation movements in cities, stant relief ar Nerviline. Fvery drop is ral districts, states, foreign lands, | just full of pain destroving power. Its 80 ines evscminationth Svar: ene action is mont ; magieal. Nutviliue mal ralhes, a platiorm meeting penetrates through the pores of the Suveited tor young pemla's Huvemonts. skin, Jomoves fie wifes on one. ap, 8 A tion to the ogra te at | plication. "My nec was so sti She Waldnrt Aorta. Even Hy the half conldn't fue a uartee of an Shel" ven denominational sosial Binions in | writes red, TP, aldwin, of Ports this city, will be among 4h more po | moth, "F had it robbed with Nervi pular features of the conference. | ine a few times, and all the sorness ' and stiffness disappeared. 1 don't | know of another liniment vou can de «pend on like Nerviline; it's splendid for more To Cure Stiff Neck. When the cords of the neck become TO CATCH SWINDLERS. Adopts Secret Code Confidential | colds, lameness, For fifty years Pol Business. son's Newviline has been "the" lini Now York, Aug. 1.--Mambars of the | ™! of Canada, Boll everywhere in N¢ rk, If ® of the | a OF ss Bankers' Association of America ar. | 12%® 25¢. bottles. receiving a private code; the work of the members, which was edited by the secretary of the association. Py its use it is expected that members will be able to communicate with one an other at a great sa ng, at. the same time insuring ahsolute secrecy in' all Draughts Expert Dead. Markham, Ont., Aung. 10.---William Fleming, who for many years has heen recognized as the champion checker {player of Canada, is dead. In 1867 he made a tour of Canada, losing but ers. For several months the fssocin. | Fleming was the author of many dif tion has heen ghtting together a | ferent works dealing with the playing terial for the, little book, which will | Of checkers, exert a powerful influenee in stopping the payment of spurious chéeks, | Of course the code is Aecpet, Only -------- Tast week W. Boulter & Bons receiv- «la large order of canned goods to the members will be able ser: decipher | €0 to the Methodist and Presbyterian the meaning of commmnieations that | Missions of China, Thess goods, many are expected to save the assoeiation | of them, go over a thousand miles up thousands of dollars each year, from Hong Kong, There are 7,600 members of the | A perfumed borated taleum powder, Bankers' Association. Sines organi- | 15¢. at Gibson's Red Cross Deng Store, zation some new plan has heen adopt. Stephen: Jones, Hillier, dropped dead ol each year to safeguard the institu- | in Philip Carley's barn, in Amelias- tions against fraud. A detective | agency keeps under surveillance the notorious criminals of America. When the cause. confidential' matters ! one game out of two hundred, In | had the Strange experience of reading There has been no code which con. | 1863 he won.ghe championship of Can- | his own memorinl notice here, The tained the terms 'employed. by hank- { 298, which he has wmce held, Mr. | man, a Scottish horse trooper, was | burgh, August 3rd, Heart failure was bis A western farmer came to the pastor of his congregation, and as that name taken off the church books : "What is the trouble, brother S ; ~ 'S, Spence SEE OUR Made of fine Vici Kid lasts, with good soles, | $2 50. : od beverages. Perfect tonics. Highly nourishing. Refreshing, delightiul and pleasing to tho taste. at all Expositions. so good. Sdotch Soldier Sees Name Chiseled on Monument. Edinburgh, Aug. 10.~A soldier has invalided, home from the South Afri: can war, and .a few dayy aro vidited Edinburgh. He inspected the monu- ment erected on the Castle esplanade to the memory of the men of the Seot- tish horse 'who fell in the war, His surprise may be imagined on finding hix own name and regimental number, with a note that he had died of disease, inscribed on the tablet, Christianity In Fly Time. Jomes," asked the surprised all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co. Toronto. lower of believed that myself, but there is Just no use talkin', a man can't serve the Lord where ie has to milk four cows in fly time. After the first heavy frost Vll try this church business agsin, but just now IT either the cows, give up the church, or be a durned ¢ money and satisfaction guaranteed, at Dr. Chown's. : da astor, 1 you were a faithtal fol. the Lamb." "Well, 1 sorter havé to sell hypocrite." Trusses, we are not novices but ex- pert truss fitters. Valué = for 'our Ladies' Special $2 , with military heels, n Labatt's London Ale&Porter I Are the most delightful of 'all Gold medals and highest award. See that you get Labatt's--itis the same price as other brands not half JAS. McPARLAND, AGE 339 and 341 King St. READS HIS OWN EPITAPH. | Ling out; and, as a dressing ithas nd "Bovril, perfeotly fresh," | { a safe ix robbed the detectives of the | agency begin to hunt down the bur- | alors. With dhe code iil bo cs. | Bouncing Babies sible for bankers in w wemote dis- | tricte to communicate Quickly and | are Nestlé's Food babies. No upset secretly, a i stomachs--no bowel troubles--no { hot weather sickness -- come to To Brockville And Ogdensburg. babies brought up on . America, Friday, 8 a.m. returning 9 leave Ogdensburg, 3 pani, meals on | board, fare 500, § e S The report that the Rathbun com- i Sample (enough for eight meals) pany, will go into business at Tren | sent free to any mother, ton, is pronounced to be & canard. { Buy taleum powders ot Gibson's Red | THE LENG, MILES co, United, MONTREAL Cross Drug Store, + mt | - wins . N % ® A rou son's Red Cross Drug Store, * Gi The er good. fitters, Well SHOLS NN ENT 'Phone 274, nin re Beauty Doctors Endorse Herpi- cide: 4 : Women who .make a business of beautifying other women come pretty neaf 'knowing what will bring ubout the bowt results, Here are lotto from two concerning Herpicide : 1 ean recommend Newhro's: © ie cide," aw it stopped my haic from superior, "(Signed.) Bertha A. Trallis "204 Morrison 'St., Portland, Ore," Yo fem ia er ing, ona batt 4 cide" my hair stopped falling out, and Vor scalp is ae ing ty dnslvt; or "(Signed.) ace Dodge, - "Beauty Dootor, "195 Sixth 8t., Portland, Ore." Sold ty leading druggists, Send 100, in stamps for sample to The : ¢ide Co., Detroit, Mich, G. W, hood, special agent. : Fa Collects 100,000 Stamps. ul oadon, Aug. 10~The ca ie amas Tapling stamp has just been published by the who hecan collecting stam