Daily British Whig (1850), 10 Aug 1905, p. 5

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a uits here, we assure you et him another one in 3 nits for Boys are pratically nd Rip Proof en tailors--made with the 2 man's suit. Reinforced ictically wear-resisting as ook at our > years, .50, $2.75, $3 to $5. MEN vear, New Collars, New ew Hats, New Cape, Bosom "Shirts. $5 and $6.50 3IBBY CO. ashers, Oak Hall. y. Hardly a garment you but we have the pattern. » trouble to cut from a New understand. * Patterns, roc. refully, as patterns 'when sed, hter Sale | tions in all departments for 5and even larger discounts on following lines : --Wash tton Underw ar, Millinery, root Coats for men ard S FOR CASH ONLY. ( BROS. 09000950 @E® PY § Is for $2.65: in this lot. Fine © Calf, Russia Calf, @ If you like fine ® 'S, come here on ® DAY! § ---- HOE - STORE © - Coeee ecee0e ee ------------ ada Cuba Go. the Capitalist i--Absolute sceurity. in two years will be worth five the present price. the Working Man and Farmer :-- way of procuring a home. A cannot be obtained clsewhere. Do il to write or "call. he Merchant =I your business or fails, a plantation will give you some return. No laborious work climate of perpetual Jane. Every tion freely given. Apply at once B. HUTTON, 2054 Bagour St, . Ont. Heirs To Thousands. N.Y. Aug. 10--By the will mas Fitzgerald, who died re- in Les Angeles, Cal., $200,000 * dinided between two brothers niece residing in Little Falls, The nieces works in the mill. old of her good fortune she ked if she would now resign ition. She replied that she saw on why she should stop work, » The Cook Medicine Co... © MISS BLYTH E_-- Cracker Proof / Doubt all we've said about MOONEY'S PERFEC. TION CREAM SODAS. Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas JUST ARRIVED FoR OUR MID-SUMMER SALE A luge asecp ment of Extension Tables, gold m ovk finish, same as our $8.50. Bale price, $6.50. Also Velour Cushions = Morris Chaies, only $5,560. Leather Rested Dining Chairs, in golden oak ficish, only $1.50. Brass and Iron Beds, in white enamel, ouly $150. Springs aud Matties os to fit Store Open Nights. JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker, "Phone 147. : Try Myers. for Fine COOKED MEATS. mt "MAPLE LEAF CANNED SALMON packen Cook's Cotton koot Compound. The only safe effectual monthly medicine on which women can depend. Sold in two degrees of strength--No. 1, for ordinary | epses, $1 per box; No. 2, 10 de- rees stronger for 8 al Jases, £8 per . Sola a drugg a ASK for Cook's Cot- ton st Compound ; take no titate. ube) Windsor, Ontario, DON'T KEEP BACHELOR'S HALL While your wife is at the sea-side. She would rather have you enjoy ALL THE COMFORTS OF HOME By taking your meals at the IROQUOIS HOTEL.! COOLING and HEALTHFUL Everybody should drink Particularly at this season, and especially when it can be procured at such a reasonable price. 'Mack, that celebrated water from the famous Mack 'Springs, St Catherines, is only 35¢. a dozen, and there is nothing beter We have all the White Rock. Rednor, derry, Lithia, otc. Use only water from a Pure Spring. JAS. McPARLAND 339 and 341 King St. 'Phone 274. otheérs--Appollinaris, Red Ravin. London- in pints and splits. Mineral MUSIC! MUSIC! ORMERLY OF WATERTOWN, N.Y., will a a studio for music at her hohe 140 Union St.. on May 11th. A limite number of pupils desired. Call Thurs days. SE i ---------- Fall Term Opens Sept, 5th KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE LIMITED self, -- ABOUT POWER IN THE OT- TAWA RIVER, tion to the Supreme Court But No Decision Has Been Yet Rendered. *+acinl tg the Whig. Ottawa, Aug. 10.--Litigation is said to be probably between some of the hydraulic lot holders on the Gt- twa and Hull sides of the Gttawa river, 'ag the Chaudiere. Certain work, now in. progress, is claimed to! cause injury, to the power of other ecn- cerns and an expert is now reporting on the situation preliminary, it is understood, to action. A year or so ago, it © will be recalled, the govern- ment heard the representation of dif- ferent power interests and decided to | refer to the sipreme court the ques- tion as Rodwhicther the: control of the water rights belongs to the federal or provincial authorities. Pending the ft The Government Sent the Ques- PERSONAL MENTION. ---- Movements Of The People--What They Are Saying And Doing. 1. Allison, Napanee, spent yesterday in the city, : Lieut.-Col. Hunter has been appoint- ed assistant to Sheriff Dawson. Poter Wilmot and 'wife, Brock street _are visiting friends in Gananoque, Miss Irene Dix, Bagot street, 1s home after a six weeks' visit in Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. English, Sagi- naw, are in the city visiting friends. Dr. Harold Bowie is in the city from Windsor on a visit to his pa- rents. Mrs. TF. H. Miller, Toronto, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs, Robert Aiken, Stuart street. Miss ilylda Maine, Toronto, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Begg, Prin- cess street, £ Mrs. A. G. Burrows has returned to Belleville, after visiting «her parents on Johnston street, ¥ : J. L. Stephenson, toba Fire the ¢ity on business. George Kinnear, Chicago Tribune, and wife, returned home after visit. ing Mrs. Lemmon, Division street. inspector, Moni- decision on this reference, which has never. vet . been. determined, it was agreed that no great development | work. should go ahead. It is now i claimed that one of the Chaudicre concerns, by carrying on work of { deepening x channel, jg violating this | agreement and injuring power, par | ticularly on the Hull side. The hydraulic expert, who has reported on the whole Chautliere development, My. Kennedy, Montreal, is in the city looking into the situation. : HOMES FOR LABORERS. Building Cottages and Will Hire : Married Men. Toronto Star The, Ontario farmer sees a solution to the farm help problem. "Some of us are building=cottages," one said to the Star, "and when they are ready for occupancy. English or Scotch farm laborers will be the ten ants. 1 had noticed that the majority of desirable men at the Toronto im. ! migration office were married and last vear '1 fost a good man because 1 could not accommodate his wife and family. Consequently, this vear 1 de- cided to. Build a comfortable house, and 1 expect to get a first-class man, when that place is ready for him." | The farmer mentioned in the forego- i not alone, Manw are following :¥ample, and next year is likely to see a marked improvement in the situ- 'ation. Apart from the advantage of having oan eflivient hired nian, and beag, able ~~ to keep him, the farmer sc. 8 another: aspect, When he employs a married man, the latter's wife is available for housework. This, of course commends itself to the farm- et's wife, -- 'A Modern Table. Smart Set. There once lived a gid who was a great theorist. She had theories on housekeeping, diet, education, dress and love, which she took great de- light in expounding to 'her family and friends. Now, it #0 happened that, during a sojourn in a distant city, she met a very nice young! man who became en- amoured of her and whose affection she was inclined to return. But as she had a pet theory concerning engage ments, she withheld a definite answer to his entreaties that she become his wife, and said: "Although I love you, I cannot an- swer you in the affirppative until your affection for me has undergone a test. From what you have told me of vour- vou have' associated but little with girls. How, then, can vou be sure that your love for me will en dure ? Therefore, leave me for month, during which time no com- munication shall pass between us; as- sociate with other girld as much as and -if at the end of that time vour heart is still true to me 1 shall become yours for all time." The young man{ protested and plead- ed with all the ardor of love, but the theorist remaised firm in her decision. Finally the lover bade her a reluctant adieu, and was off to keep the com pact, The weeks went bv and the end of the month came. The theorist, who by this time, it. must be confessed, had begome exceedingly lonesome for the nice young man, attired herself in her most becoming frock and awaited with fluttering heart his coming. A bounding step was heard on the one possible, porch. The theorist sprang to the door, A messenger-boy handed her a telegram. It read : Test successful. Am engaged. Girl said ves at once, Has no theories, Moral--A bird in hand often flies out of the window. | | How He Kept The Bridge. J.E.M. in Toronto Star sung Some years ago the Lays of Ancient Rome How, hrage Horatius kept the bridge to save His house and home, But what's the use of reams of rhyme for Dugo celebrgtion Micaulay When heroes are so common in this young and lusty nation | At Rideau Ferry, there's a bridge, swung hy a wan named Campbell When steamers blow their whistles loud, | he does not rush or scramble, 1 Rut with & native dignity ilumining his face; He _ stalks majestically forth to his of- ficial place. One day a fashionable launch, propelled by easoline ; Was spreading variegated smells o'er all the peaceful scéne, tourists gave a lusty shout to open up the wav ; . | But Campbell saw the Stars and Stripes and calmly he did say The "Tak doon yon flannel barber pole ye're flauntin' frae yer stern ye will turn . ii Taen Section &§ Soobsection 6, which wull explain tae vou . Thot ve must float a Breetish flag afore | nN ad of Queen St., Kingston, Ont. ! of A modern, permanent and reliable school. Hea | Practical, complete, thorough, individ ual instruction piven in all commercia sulifects. Students may enter at any time. Expert professional teachers in charge i Open throughout the whole year, Write, call or telephone for terms and catalogue. i H. F. METCALFE, Principal. J.B. McEAY, President. Perfactly pure soda water, pure 'ice cream, pure fruit syrups. and laree, thin glasses at Wade's soda fountain, bos to 1 let ye through." i { passengers besought with tears for | right to go ahead, But Campbell was a sturdy ancestors had bled Paps, and Carrickmuir ; he The Scot, his At Preston wonld not even budge, Therefore the tourists turned around ard » | widly muttered "fudge everybody at 'Prentice full programme of Fan for Boys' pienie, A ) orts, good prizes; dancing from August 12th, at rounds. Bog BE Frosh to-day" Horlick's malted milk, and Nestlet' food at Gibson's Red Cross Drag Store, : pm. fair t hoard decided to | keen and intelligent interest in educa Tiere is. the Navigation Act, 1 trust thot | m-- 3 Perhaps You Have Never Taken It. | Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Warren, Sr. are in the city from Orillia, Ont., on a visit to their son, W. KH. Warren, Garrett street. John Gibson, local representative for Lovell & Christmas, cheese ex- porters, is making a tour of inspee- tion of the county of Frontenac cheese factories. Miss Irene Armstrong, nurse, of Dansville, N.Y., has arrived home. After two or three s' holidays she will go to New York City for a post-graduate course. Mrs. Gaylord Hosélton and her little daughter Edith, returned to their home, in Bath, 'on Monday, after spending a month with her sister, Mrs, Christopher Rooke, Whitehall, N.Y..|¢ graduate |) Sanitoriam, where her father is very ill. There js | atween United States ports on _ the : river, but is wanted for Kingston and no hope for Mr. Gunn's recovery. Mr. and Mrs. John J, Bugee, St. Louis, Mo., formerly of Kingston, are the guests of Mis. George and Mrs. Jamer Belanger, Bagot street, for a couple of weeks. It ia twenty vears since Mr, Bugee left Kingston, and has not been here in all that time, He is head manager of the Moline Plough company, St. Louis. A GENEROUS GIFT. Ten Thousand Dollars Fer Co- burg Schools. Cobourg, Ont., "Aug. 10.--At a spe- cial meeting of the public school board the chairman, E. H. Oder, read a lot- ter from Thomas Gillbard dated at the offies of BE. C. 8. Huycke, K, ©, or' August 56th, and bearing Mr. Huyecke's name as witness, stating that the writer, Mr, Gillbard, had in serted a provision in his will giving a legacy of $16,000 to the public scho«! board of Cobourg, for the erection of |; a school building, and that he had de- cided to advance this in his life time should 'he live so long, and if the build. during 1906, Mr. Gillbard, who is one of the most highly esteemed citizens, was 1 men ber of Cobourg public school board\ for * forty years, and chairman for many years, and only resigned 5 éou- ple of vears ago, owing to advan ed age. Last year he presented tha Co- bourg cemetery board with a hand- some sum for the erection of a morta- ary chapel at the Union cemetery, and this beautiful building was dedicated last autumn. He has always taken a tional mattert, and his recent minmfi- cent git is greatly appreciatod hy cure. progressive footing. It js expoct- ed that the money will be used in the erection of a general consolidated spending holidave | with his parents, school. The gift was most grawfuliv | Mr. and Mrs Sidney Wood. Dr. To received by the board, vell and Mr. Swith returned to Sy. ren denham to-day Mrs. Nash and HIS FIRST LOVE. daughter, Bella, have returned to James Marshall Does Not Forget | Miss Bella Vanluven is home for holi L.O.L. No. 6. days. » At a regular meeting of L.0.L., No. in Botte 3 6. held in the Orange hall, this city. Canada's Butjer Pure. Joseph 8S. Gould, past county master of South Frontenac, presented to the lodge, on behalf of James Marshall, Toronto, a handsome press seal for the use of the lodge. Brother shall is a past county master, and a past master of No. 6 lodge, ¢nd al though now living in Toronto, he is still a good member of No. 6. It was, moved by Brother Gould, se conded by Brother 6 wishog to extend the city Sentinel, a vote of thanks for his handsome present to the lodge." to him, through Frontenac Cheese Board. Kingston, Aug. 10.-One of the smallest meetings of the season of the Frontepac cheese board was that whicn President Cramer called to or- | has been heard by theatregoers, "The dozen | Girl From at the Grand Opera House, on Tues the. | day, original Awerican production in New York. it bid | months. der to-day. - Not more than a or fifteen salesmen were in atteml ance. and buyers © grumbled at smallness of the offerings. There were only 932 boxes on sale, of which 520 were white and 412 colored, One of 10@c. was made, without securing any takers. These factories had cheese on sale : White Cataraqui, Star, 50; Ontario, 50: Silver Springs, 75: Wolfe Island, 70; Glendower, 10; Collins Bay, 75. Colored --Eden Grove, 50; Clenbur: nie, 70; Glenvale, 75; Gilt Edge, B50: Howe Tsland, 25: Hinchinbrook. 30: St. Lawrence, 55; Thousand Island, 100; Morning Buyers present were : Messrs. Me- Kinnon, Gibson, Gillespie, Alexander, An Enjoyable Gathering. Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Pillar, Glen- vale, entertained a number of friends Wednesday evening, in honor of their guest, Miss Flora Schofield, of this city. Tea was served on the grounds which were prettily arranged for the occasion. With pleasant music and a |» delightful night the hours flew all too guickly. Ice cream and cake were par- taken duripg- the evening, and the guests attending earried away with them memories of a most enjoyable gathering. If so, the Anmwrica makes another of her own tours of the islands, Sutur: day. 2:30 p.mx. Do not miss it. Howe carly. 3bc. wa, -- A WILL KOT PASS HER] vate in the meantime Insurance company, is in od Molther and Chestnut, and also by a as being in sound condition. Since the reciprocity arrangement between Can- into force this season, the custom is for the inspector of cither county to be given by the vessel owner, the cer tificate of the county to which the hoat belohgs. Then looks over the vessel to see that is exactly as the s0, then he of the New York, but the local Can- adian inspector did not agree the inspection of the men. buginess, and* is anxious to get her in being entitled to a certificate, in view of the which; it is akgued, that one country must accept the other. may arise as a result. Sydenham Workman Meet With a building, his: footing, and fell through '0 the dropped on his found cepted a position receives an increase in salary of £100, citizens generally, as it will place the |The cement walk interests of the publie school on a ve- | and will, ne dav or two Canadian butter, Awenty-six contained bora' Mar- | In seven . contained coloring matiér. In thirty-nine United States samples horax and forty-three coloring matter, In 232 Austpalion samples 230 contain- Hays, that "Np, | ed matter. In 227 papers and also the Orange | contained horas ing matter. Th Norwegian butter contained terates, althouch a good percentage of 'young men and womgn in the comedy, many jests that are bright, much mu sic that is melodious and sartorial ef frote that are dazeling, The comedy is Pine Hill, 60; | in three acts the, Oddfellows' big parade in Brock- ville last evening, 55. mired. Many other Kingston lows. were in the procession, wards, the Thompson, Murphy and Everetts. peared on their strange great amusement, street, just above the First Congrega- tional chureh, whose root is infested with ants little creatures, which have eaten right into it. has been carried out by the pest. STEAMER NEW YORK REFUS- ED CERTIFICATE. By the Local Inspector--She Pass- ed United States Inspection-- Collision = With Reciprocity Arra t. H. 8. Folger, manager of the Thou: sand Island Steamboat company, is in Madr erviewing the minister of marine "regard to the steamer' New York which has been refused a certificate by the local inspector, The inspector was interviewed this morn- ing about matter, but refused to disques it. he would say was that his report of inspection on the New York was being sent to the depart: ment &t Ottawa, and that it was pri- The New York was recently inspect- by United States I New York inspector, who passed her da and the United States has gone that inspector she certificate . says. If issues his certificate, This mode was followed in the case with United States The. contpany is in need of the New York, on actount of the heavy river commission at once. She could run Brockville, besides. My. Folger claims reciprocity arrangement by certificate International of the complications -- FELL INTO CELLAR Painful Accident, Svdenham, Aug. 9.-John Wood is building a new barn, One of the men, Emery Docteur, working on this met with a painful aeci dent. He was engaged in carrying mortar and doing odd chores about the building. While entering the barn, careving a pail of mortar, he missed floor, a distance of ahout mine fort. A heavy board followed him and head, inflicting a nasty gash in the scalp, about three inches long. On' cxamination it was there was nothing seriously wrong with Mr. Docteur, excopt the wound in his head, from which he lost a great deal of blood. Li A fow days hgo Walter Barclay, blacksmith, who had a roll' of batting in his shop. received a surprise by suddenly discovering that he "didn't have it." Heé hdd hid 'back turned to the article mentioned," while shoeing a horse, and on turning around, ascer tained that the batting which was on a shelf, along with ether goods, had been consumed by fige. A spark from the anvil must have alighted on it. Miss (. Wood, wha has 'been teach- ing at Harrowsmith school, has ac at Hastings She is well under way » doubt, be finished in a William Wood, of Eat- on's departmental store, Toronto, is Kingston after spending holidays here, According to the government labora- tory ont of sevewty-nine samples of and vightéen coloring matter. fifty-seven Belgium samples fifty- horax, and fifty-four ffty"four contained seventy-four coloring French samples 226 and ninetv-one' dolor Swedish, Russian and less adul borax and these contained coloring matter, "The Girl From Kay's" A musioal comedy about which much Kay's," will be presented August lst. The piece had ite remained there for There are scoces nine of clever Kingston Well Represented. The Kingston Canton took part in was much ad- Oddfel- After Kingston Orientals ap- the Brockville streets in costumes, and created Destroyed By Ants. There is a small tree on Johnston T he noparently from tree iy Almost dead, the work of these The sawdust about the trunk A Record Donation. + Snecinl to the Whig. Makes Energetic Effort: to Wipe 'Out Debt. 'London, Aug. 10.--ANhough 'it was only last Monday week that Dr. Bar- nardo asked at the Mansion House for $600,900 to wipe out the deficit on his Ss Home, he has already received eadd $250,000 to the Founder's Day It was beneath a gigantic marquee in the midst of the Kildren's Village, in Essex, that the million shilling fund was started on Thursdav after: noon. Hundrids of pretty litte girls, in pink overalls and sun bonnets, clap- ped their chubby hands and cheered in shrill tones as Howard Williams offered 10,000 shillings on the spot. The diy's proceedings started with a service in the children's church, where an interesting incident took place. This was the meeting and introdue tion of Baron Honda, president of the Baptist Associati in Japan, and Baron Voldemar Uxkull, of Russia, who kissed and embraced each other before the altar. Lord Brassey made a speech to the great birthday party, over the heads of a regiment of baby villagers in pink' frocks, who sat upon 'the boards of 'a kind of quarterdeck in front of the platform, Four hundred and fifty hov and girl emigrants about to leave England for Canada marched past, amid = cheers, and the little girls sang to them "God Will Take Care of You." i FINDS MAN UNDER BED. Long Vigil Rewarded, She Screams --Stranger Caught. New Kensington, Pa,, Aug, 10,--Af- ter having looked under the bed for many years each evening before ghe retired, Miss Lillian Heckman, daugh- ter 'of Oswald Heckman, proprietor of tho Rotel Heckman, in this place, was rewarded for her search last night. Sure enough, * there, under the bed, Was a man. Miss Heckman screawed, aid all the hotel employees and guests rushed to her assistance. Then the man was taken into custody and searched. A gold watch, two diamond rings and other booty were found. The stranger gave his home 'as Davis, but a letterfrom Philadelphia and a name plate, both bearing the name Guy Madden, lead the police to believe that he is from Philadel phia, He is in jail at Greenshurg. CONVICTS RELEASED. 2 Japs Have a New Trouble on Island. Tokio, "Aug. 10.~An official report from the Saghalien army says: "Gen. Lapinov and five stafl officers who surrendered at Hamdsa on July Ast, were escorted to Rykoff, where they were met by our commander-in- chief in a church building. Gen. Lia: pinov states. that a detachment con: sisting' of two officers and 100 men, who had been sent toward Nuoro, and been ordered by telegraph to come at once and surrender. "The number of prisoners is increas: ing. "The convicts seem to have been re- leased before our occupation, and it is apprehended that they will disturb the peace." Throws Away $100 Bills. New York, Aug. 10.-Mrs, Daniel Hardy, who, with her daughter Ethel and her husband, arrived ig. the city from Stroudsburg, Pa., where they had been passing the summer, went apparently insane at the Christopher street ferry and threw away hundred dollar bills, She had many diamonds and wan richly dressed. She wae tak en to the Bellevue hospital psyehopa- thic ward. Mrs. Hardy asked her hus hand for monev at the ferry, and he handed her a large roll of bills, She seized the roll of some hundreds of dollars and becan to throw the yel- low %agcked bills to the people who stood about. "I am queen of the worl." she eried hysterically, "and President Roosevelt is coming here to lsok after my interests. The Tiffany diamonds were stolen from me." Rates For Money Orders. Montreal, Aug. 10.--Following the lead of the American Bankers' Associ ation the Canadian Bankers' Associa tion will trv to recover the money or- der business of Canada, which is now almost entirely done hv different ex- pres companies and. the government post-office department, This action will end the practice of banks of charging 15 cents on a cheque whother it was for 83 or 850, and any amount under 85 will, according to the new rates acrteed on, be put through for a charge of 3 cents: from 85 to $10 for a charge of 6 conte: from $10 to $20, for 10 cents, and from 820 to $50 for 15 cents. Coming Of British Ships. © ' Quebes, Aug, 10.--Flaborate prepara- tions have been made in local govern. ment and civic circles for the recep tion of Prince Lonis of Battenburg, and officers of the British second eruis- er squadron, due to arrive here to- day or tomorrow. Lord and Lady Grey will give a ball at the Citadel in the viee-regal quarters, and the pro- vireial government will also honor the prince and officers with a similar mark of resvect.. The city of Qnebee will ales do ite vhare in the reception and entertainment of the distinguished na- val visitors, Perfect Soda Water. Ours is perfect because we manufac fure it with scrupulous care. Every- thing we use ix pure and fresh. One sora water in ae cold as ioe ean make it. We use nothine but pure fruit joie ex. Pure ice cream and large, thin glnases. Wade's Deng Store, Americans svenk well of the expert ontician at Pr. Chown's Drug Store, with the reevlt thet quite a number come over bv Lost to have their eves axaminod. They always receive |! satisfaction. . Robert Davies, of Bangor, has sent a donation of £10,000 towards the centenary fund of the Foreign Bible Society, This cent gift leaves only. £7,000 now to be raised, in order to complete the nved- jed quarter of a million guineas, Pritish and | munifi- i oldest. residents, died on Sanday aged ' minety-Awo years, i Arey Now he 'asks for a million shillings Fr SA XR American Models = pairs of W. B. CORSETS | Just arrived at this store and are ready for inspection. We buy these well-known celebrated Cor. sets direct from the maker, which enables us to offer them at prices as low as inferior makes usually on sale. Wa % , B. "Unifornv" wi poplin and nse. \ wn eo adapted io to Mot gure. All sizes, { i » RR . a 3 with lace and Prive . B. "No. 419" Corset, same mollel as No. v of heavy Frouoh Qoull Winamed with' bon, a very strong corset. Price Ee r-------- A, MEL CI DID YOU EV That Fire Insurance 'the loss of yaluable" ps nil jewelry. A SMALL SAFE is a che precaution. i Ere Call and See Them, and DO IT NOW | SA se J.B. C. DOBBS & €0., 171 WELLINGTON § Typewriters and Bloycles. A CHILD'S BROOM F Every purchaser on Friday and Saturday will be given a Child's Broom FREE. Your little one will appre- ciate such a gift. 240 ' r LEMMON & SO **TSUCGESSORS T0 LENNON AND LAWRENSON), KING STREET, v8 5 00000000000000000 OO OCOO0 V0 FINANCE AND INSU} G.A. BATEMAN Life And Fire lnsarasce | BROKER | Office, 01 Clarance Bt. For Real Estate Aden is the only fortified point he- tween Egvpt and Bombay, snd is re garded ax an outpost of the Indian] emvire, Henry Paptholmew. one of Picton's Or Insurance Cunrult with GEO: CLIP befors baying | + "at 63 Clarence Street.

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