Satisfaction, comfort and Profit. = of all other package dyes mon glass, or the electric will color more material f dyes. So -- olors that are fast to soap them are so simple, that nd dingy dresses, skirts, 7 boy's clothing, curtains, » uaking the old things you use the DIAMOND Card, and we will mail AMOND DYES AND will prove a wonderful 1g. 00., Limited, « St., MONTREAL, P.qQ, TE -- RARER, The ; Pandora Broiler The biggest steak is ot too ' big for the andora Broiler door. uccessful broiling must e done quickly over a ottest fire you want in he Pandora range, and yood steak is to broil is on a Pandora range. Jandora houses and Factories: n, Toronto, Montreal, vipeg, Vancouver, hn, N.B.,, Hamilton Sole Agents. i AND S QUALITIES | USERS CRS TO ted, Hull, Canada nt, Kingston, Ont, DDY"S MATCHES IN ALL GRADES ITHOUT enlarging the X/ Oxford Boil Sn hare . , Breatly increased the diating, surfaces and almost ubled its power. * Jacketed e-pot insulates fire, and keeps heat in the boiler. Sides of fire-pot slant inwards er the fire, giving a greater face. Flue openings in first ter section are bell-sha; d present an enlarged surface the direct heat rays. Oxford Hot Water Boiler washers and avoid leaks. trating the Gurney Oxford tells the whole story, ~100§ 0., Limited Calgary Vancouver ee ------------------------ ee ---- RIGERATORS August 5th we will offer the of our Refrigerators at the prices, viz, ;-- 38.50, now ............ $7.00 9.50, now ...... sonanes 1.50 10.50, now: ........... 8.00 14.00, now... 11.00 16.00, now ..... 13.00 26.00, now « 22 00 re all first class refrigerators. 3ROS .. r oot. A SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTHWEST HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS Any even numbered section of Domin- jon Lands in Manitoba or the North- west Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, not eserved, may be homesteaded upon by any person who is the sole head of a fumily. or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section, of 160 acres, more or less. Eutry may be made personally at the local land office for the district in which the land to be taken is situated, or if the homesteader desires; he may, on applica- tion to the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, the Commissioner of Immigru- tion, Winnipeg, or the local agent for the district in which the land is situate, receive authority for some one to make entry for him. HUMESTEAD DUTIES : has been granted an entry for a home- stead is required to perform the con ditions connected therewith under one of the following plans : (1) At least six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each year during the term of three years. (2)H the father (or "mother, if the father is deceased) of any person who is eligible to make a homestead entry un- der the provisions of this Act, resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the land entered for by such person as a howme- stead, the réguirements of this Act as tp residence prior to obtaining patent mav be satisfied by such person residing with : father or mother. If the settler has his permanent residence upon farming land owned by him in the vicinity of his homestead, the requirements of this Act as to residence way be satisfied by residence upon the said land. APPLICATION FOR PATENT should be made at the end of three years, be- fore the Local Agent, Sub-Agent or the Homestead Inspector Before making application for the settler must give six montas' in writing to the Commiss minion Lands at Ottawa, of to do so. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH. WEST MINING REGULATIONS Coali--Coal lands may be $10 per acre for coal an} $20 for anthracite. Not more than 320 aches can be acquired by one individual or cowm- pany. Royalty at the rate of ten tents ner ton of 2,000 pounds shall be collected on the gross output. Quartz.--A free "miner's certificate is granted upon payment in advance of 7.50 per annum for an individual, and from $50 to $100 per annum for a com- vany according to capital A free miner, having discovered mineral in place, may locate 'a claim 1,500x 1,500 feet. The fee for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended on the cluim each year or paid to the mining re corder in lieu thereof. When $500 has been expended or paid, the locator may, unon having a survey made, and upon complying with other requirements, pur- chase the land at $1 an acre The patent provides for the pavment of a royalty of 24 per cent on the sales, A settler who is intention purchused at ACER mining claims generally are 100 feet square ; entry fee $35, renewable vearly. A free miner 'may obtain two leases to dredge for wold--of five mites each for @ term of twenty, years, renewable at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior The lessee shall have a dredge in oper- ation within one season from the date of the lease for each five miles. Rental, $10 per annum for each mile of river lensed Royalty at the rate of 24 ver cent collect ed on the output after it exceeds $10,000 W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. S AUGUST SALE Here Are Some Bargains Some left over stock ; seizes, but the prices are will have to hurry if you g 86 pairs of Women's Shoes strap. Your/ seize is price, $1.25 and $1.75. Cut Price, $1. H. JENNINGS, King St, some broken so low you yours, in lace or here. Regular Stove Polish yy (CT The Polis that won't wear of, fold Only at Strachan's Hardware HAVE YOU ANYTHINC TO SELL OUTSIDE OF YOUR SINS AND YOUR TROUBLES? COME TO WM. RURRAY, The Auctioneer NOW Is the time for spring renovation, and 'y one who intends to build or rem re- t bath m David Hall, 6' Brock Street. "Phone 35. ". THE FRONTENAC LOAN & INVESTMENT SOCIETY. (ESTABLISHED 1863.) t--Sir Richard Cartwright prone Ipansd Municipal County Debentures. Mortgages purchaser Deposits received and interest allows: 8. C. McGill, Managing Director ee -- oy NIRS TS THE CHURCH SUPPER. "" Ding-dong 1 ** said the big church bell, *'A supper to-night and things to sell ; Ding-dong! Ido declare, Here I'm rung in on a vestry fair, I've a mind to stick and refuse to ring, For I wasn't donated for such a thing. Dut my, oh, my! How sweet that smells | I wish that coffee were good for bells | For at every pull the sexton gave The bell swung out above the pave, And at every swing he got the scent, And on he swung there, all content. Said down below good pastor Pipp, Fingers tapping, tip to tip, 'I have been asked by all who're here To say uato the sister dear, Who brought the coffee here to-night, That we consider it her right To thus be thanked in public wise -- She finds great favor in our eyes. May all her deeds smell sweet as this By whith sho brings her neighbors bliss.' Thought blushing Mrs. Jones, 'I knew What CHASE & SANBORM'S brand would do." Good deeds, you know, are enly lent, And s0 she smiled in deep contant. re A Most Remarkable Remedy. Has Used it for 22 Years, man DIARRHOEA, DYSENTERY, - COLIC, STOMACH CRANPS, CHOLERA MORBUS, CHOLERA IN. FANTUN, SEA-SICKNESS, and in fact all BOWEL TROUBLES can be quickly cured by the use of DR. FOWLER'S EXTRACT OF WILD STRAWBERRY. It is the original Looseness of tae Bowels remedy. Be sure and accept no substitute. Has been on the market 60 years, sc you do not experiment when you buy it, Mrs. D. Taylor, Cranbrook, Ont,. writes: "For the past 22 years I havc used Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Straw. berry as a family remedy for all kinds o' summer complaints with the greatest success, in fact, I have found it a mosi remarkable remedy." Price 35 Cents. ALL DEALERS SELL IT. PURE AND WHOLESOME. OME POUND CAN 250 EW.GILLETT ares TORONTO,.ONT. Strawberries' 'and Cream The finest. purest cream is required for such a delicious dish. THAT js the only kind of cream we supply. It's always fresh and tasty. Delivered anywhere in the city. 'Phone 567. Kingston Milk Depot, Cor. Brock and Bagot Streets OOORIGGOROO oooh "THERE IS A TIME FUR ALL THINGS." Now, while prices are low, is tle time to fill your coal bin with best quality SCRANTON COAL from P. Walsh's Yard BARRACK STREET, 1 §000000000000000000008 GAR DINER'S Eight Companies at Lowest Rates. Monev to Loan on Real Estate. 151 Wellington Street. The photographer is not a higamist ~Utfice. 97 Clarence Street, Kiugston. m---------- NEWS OF NEIGHBORS 222%: m2 1 ---- { WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying, Improving The Mines. Long Lake, Aug. 9.--Farmers are busy in the hay fields, The zinc and lead mines are much improved by new buildings and machinery. Quar- terly service, conducted by Rev. W, Smart, was well attended here, Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. A. Charlton' = at-' tended the quarterly board on Satur day at Mountain Grove. A little boy has come to gladden the home of R. Wager. Miss S. M. Cronk spent Thursday in Kingston. Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. A. Charlton and Mr. and Mrs. B. Charlton at H. Drew's; Mrs. H. A. Combes, Buffalo, at' J. Cronk's; Fred Charleton, at Harvey Loyst's, Mountain Grove; Harry Charleton paid a flying visit to Harrowsmith last week, ---------- Killed By Lightning. Westbrook, Aug. 9.--There was no service in the Methodist church here Sumday, owing to quarterly meeting being held in Cataraqui. The recent heavy rains detained the farmers with the hay harvest. Mrs. G. Smith and daughter, Miss Loraine, returns home, Tuesday, after enjoying a very pleasant visit with friends in Toron- te. Miss Jennie Howie spent a few days this week in' Verona, the guest of Rev. J. Cunningham. Miss Harker, California, was a recemt guest 'of Mrs. F. J. Gates. Mr. and Mrs. Shane spent Tuesday last with friends in Napanee. Charles Babcock had a valuable cow killed by lightning, Sunday. Harvey Wright and family, Harrowsmith, is visiting friends in the village. Lewis Lafonteese and wife, Rochester, N.Y., at one time residents of this place, are visiting at J. R. Smith's, "A Successful Operation. Calabogie, Aug. 8.--Master Howard Box spent a short time in Renfrew visiting. Messrs. Leo McNeely and Willie Bartell left Monday for New Ontario, wheré they expect to secure employment on "the railroad. Pen- jamin Yohn paid a flying visit to his home. Master N. Budd, Rénfrow, is the guest of Master Howard Box, this village. Miss Emma Dempsay has returned home fropy Kingston, af- ter spending ten days with her sister, who underwent an operation for ap pendicitis, A quiet wedding took place at William Brydge's, when his daughter, Maud, was married to Rob ert, Stoughton. Only immediate friends were present. Mrs. James Early has returned to Arnprior, after an extended visit here with her hus band. A pleasant "At Home" was given by Mr. and Mrs. James Don- bury, Tuesday. John McKenzie has returned from Ardoch. Chief MeDer- mott paid a visit to town, Thursday, of" business. W. A. Black, Rev. .J. M, McDonald and ©. M. Reid spent last week at the head of the lake and re- port a profitable day's fishing. Miss Melia Yuill is seriously ill with an attack® of typhoid. Miss Aggie Yuill has returned home from Armprior, af ter a short visit. Has Gone West. . Wilton, Aug. 8.--James Simmons left last week for Ox-Bow, Assiniboia, where he will carry on blacksmithing with Ira Davison, formerly of this lace. The shop vacated by him has jeen rented by Wellington Babeock. i here was no service Sunday in the Methodist church, owing to quarterly services being held at Camden East. Communion will be administered in the Presbyterian church, Sunday even ing. George Lucas, Mountain, was in Wilton last week. Miss Emma Storms was visiting friends in Kingston last week, B. B. Shibley and Uharles Neil son spent Saturday fishing at Lough oro Lake. Misses Gretta and Grace Asselstine are visiting friends in King ston, Miss Pauline Mills has been vis iting her aunt, Mrs. William Gallagh er, Portland. Visitors : Mrs. Thomas Joyce, Mrs. Ward and children, at R. K. Ovens'; Mrs. Pearson, Syracuse, at Nicholas Simmons'; Mrs, McKim, Napanee, at her brother's, William Neilson; Miss Florence Caton, Odessa, at W. Babcock's; Miss Hulett, Picton, at Elmer MeArthur's; Mrs, Elgin Par rott, Odessa, at S. Storms'. Miss Mabel Babcock has returned 7 from a few weeks' visit at her uncle's, Rov. Mr. Lidstone, Newtonville. Mrs, Bart is having her house painted. Alfred Jabcock is in Switzerville, where he has begun' clovér-dressing. . A First Class Factory. Plevna, Aug. 7.--J. H. Echlin, in- spector of cheese factories, made this place a visit on August 2nd. He con- gratulated R. Stewart, the cheesemak- er, on the clean appearance of the in terior of the factory. He had made a number of visits this sedson and found the Plevna factory 10 be the neatest and cleanest he had seen this year. The average make of cheese ia thirty-five boxes a w The result of the inspection of milk is as follows: Chamberlain's COLIC, CHOLERA AND DiarrhoeaRemedy he takes many wives for better or for worse, . Philadelphia Press. "Mr, of tests made hy average test, four; highest tést made, five; lowest, 34. The quality of the cheese tumed out is of the highest grade, always bringing the highest price. Beech Corners' school re-opened, Monday, with a la attendance. Miss Lena Lindsay, of Arden, has been ro-ongag- Ved for the balance 'of the scason. Dr. C. K. and Mrs, Clarke and family, Kingston, are camped on Mackie lake. A. G. Bryant and Dr. T. J, y, who were in Kingston for the "old boys" ation, returned Thursday last. Mes. (Rev) W. J. P, Wilson, Ring, Ont, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. James Stalker, R. W. and Miss Wensley, of Wensley, are vis- ith at Mrs, A. W. Woods'. James Tooley lost a valuable horse last week, by it i poisoned. Mr. and Mrs. James Weeks and Mrs, James Kellenbeok, Osw uests of Mr. and Mes, Leonard:K Mise Ione Ostler, visiting Mrs, I, Dawson, Om A number of lost considerable hay, by wet, as a result storm of last week. y. returned Saturday, armers iv thiz section, 1t®yot ting the heavy rain Township Of Kingston Council, Council met August 7th. Moved, Mar- tin-Reid, that Cetmcillor Malver ex- amine a oulvert. complained of by Watson Hanley, mear Sharpton.--Car- ried. Moved, 'Aylesworth-Mclver, that taxes of Mrs, Gray, 8%, be accepted. Moved, Molver-Martin, that Councillor to act in the. matter of a washout complained jof by J. Hyland near John David's.--~Carried. Moved, Ayles- worth-Magtin, that ~~ Councillor - Reid sell a job Sepposite Mr. Sheppard's place, on August 14th ai 5 p.m.--Car- ried. Moved, ver-Martin, that $30 be granted township of Kingston agri- cultural sosielgpe for 1005 Carried. Moved, Avioiw Molver, that Coun: cillors Reid an artin meet at Ken- noth Orser's g with power to act and sell a nined of by Kon- neth Orser if "des advisable --Car- ried. Moved, Aled®orth-Melver, that Reeve Day and O8tnoillors Reid and Martin wait on the eity council in the matter - of having Concession street put in a safe state for public travel. Carried. Moved, Reid-Melver, that council pay the reeve for services rendered if connection with the York Road, Carried. Moved, Aylesworth-Mclver, that John David he paid £1 for one sheep killed by dogs, being two-thinds value.--~Carried. Moved, Mclver Reid, that the clerk and treasurer be ap- pointed to examine into the collestors sureties with power to acoupt the same if found satisfactory, Carried, Moved, Melver-Martin, that "Clork Simpson be empowered to act in case of complaint being made against any resident of the township, who ne glects to cut down or destroy any noxious weeds contrary to a by-law of the said township in that behalf. Carried. Moved, Reid-Martin, that Henry = Melver be paid $2.33 for a lamb killed by dogs, this being the two-third value, Carried, Ordered paid : George Pillar, $21.50, for gra- velling ten rods of road between the ith and 5th concessions: George Baw den, 81.60, for pe stage, and reg p ing voters' lists: S Anglin & Co, B7E8, for lumber for the mse of town. ship; the carctaker, $3.15: Babcock, 84, for work on Mrs. A, McQuay, £6.70, on Page wire fenct on concession road: W. B. Scott, $200 for building a bridge near Elginburg: P. Manion, £30, for job on town line; Alexander Howie, 818, for gravel put on road division, No. 7, and charge to same: being bonus Jd. Hooper, $3.15, for bonus re wire fence on concession road; Joseph Scott, $15, for job on town line, ditching, gravelling apd building a culvert; P. Kell £1, for fortv rods of Page wire fince; Robert Walks r. #8, for building a eulvert and road repairs. Adjourned to first Monday in October, at 10 a.m. ANOTHER IDEAL TOUR. To Pacific Coast and Lewis & Clark Exposition. personally conducted' tours tis the Pa cific coast will start from and Boston, the sections joining in Montreal, on a special train for the entire journey. This will be a "trip of a life time," as declared by party which started on July 5th. The mem- bers of that party cannot say enough as to the gencrous treatment received, The excellent dining car servies was appreciated, the high class hotels used fully enjoyed, and the exellent routes and side trips called for pronounced enthusiabm fram one and all, "They wil always reCommend Bowler's Tours as the "Ideal Tours." Any interested in August tours should make reserva- tions with E. C. Bowler, Bonaventure Station, Montreal, ------------ Bears Are Fierce Game. Grizzlies are the best game in the world, When you once get their dan der up they are savage fighters, and the hunter's, lif: is in danger every minute unless he is a good shot and has a steady nerve. If you ever get within range of the grizaly's paw, vou are a degd one. These stories of men killing them with knives in hund-to to-hand fights are about as reasonable as it would be to talk of stopping a locomotive by getting in the way of the train. If the big follow pets the chante to deliver one below, it is all over, Dates Of Fall Fairs. Toronto--Aug. 26 to Sept. 11, Ottawa--Sept. 8 to 16. Woodville--Sept. 14, 15. Victoria Road--Sent. 19, 20. Newmarket--Sent. 19. 20, 21, Lindsay--Sept. 21, 22. 23. 'Peterborough--Seot. 25, 26, 07, Millbrook--Sept. 26, 27. Menfrew--Sept. 26, 27. Sunderland (Brock)--Sept. 26, 27, Howmanville--Sept. 73. 20, Otonabee at Keene--Oct. 2 and 3. Who's To Be Boss ? fairly clean: atchie, N.Y., ° are! Aylesworth be appointed with power | On August 25th, the' last of Bowler's ' tland , Poetical Selections The Green Apple. Cleveland Plain Dealer. 3 "Why do you take the city census in summer ¥* "We wait for the green apple sea- son." "Why 7 "Because much of our population in the suburbs will then be doubled up." "The Greatest Of These." ' Holan M. Gomes, in Brooklyn Eagle. There is mirth and dearth, There is dross and worth, 'there is much to mankind given, Nut a hoart to dare Through joy and care, Is a treasure horn of heaven, When we toil for spoil, And our brains do whirl, And our hearts with care are laden ; Then a smile to cheer, Makes our life loss drear. And our fot on earth an Eden. Riessed is he or she Whose glad lot to be In this world of "too much trouble," To find a mate, With a soul so great. That each task becomes a bubble. That these are hut few, We rot and row, Anat we offer neayers to heaven ; That more of love, From that vast ahove. To mortal man he riven. You've Heard This Before. The moment that I felt the jerk, 1 knew the fish would make me work. 1 thought at first the line would break Or he would pull me in the lake. I've seen some bass that I would call Fulr-sised, but this one beat them all. Two feet would be his lopgth, I guess. He certainly was not much less. You needn't snicker. I defy The world to prove that it's a lie. You'd better go and ask the guide, Well, then, if you're not satisfied 1 played him till my arms were sore, Yes--played him for an hour or more ; And all the time the way he fought Beat any fish 1 ever caught. I waw exhausted, just about, Before I tired the monster out. No, T can't say what he would scale, But all the same he was a whale. The reason why I cannot say Is that the beggar got away. The Foolish Folk. Theodosia Garrison in The Smart Set. Between life's sates of mystery Throng solemn men and wise, With scales to weigh the things that be To sift, reject, and ovrize bowed bepeath their wisdom's yoke hey ponder as is meet ; But we, we he foolish folk Who know the world is sweet. Scholar and sage and fearful nriest They trudge a dismal quest, And marvel if the great be least Or if the least he best : Weighs each the worth of prince or bind Neath cowl and cap and hood ! But we, we he the foolish kipd Who know the world is good. Within the dust of yosterdavs Their gaunt hands dip and stir? | They ponder on to-morrow"s ways i And guess, distrust, aver - Yesterday's fault, to-morrpw's sin Their withered lips rencat But we, we he the foolish kind Who know to-day is sweet Oh. wise men of the somber heart, We he-of little worth, Who play our usplyss games apart And take our jdy of enrth God's mirth when this his Ye have not understood We only heard, we foolish folk, Who know that life is good world awoke Sure Curey. , Chicago News. 1 had th. wwothache bang, Logave mé Gta all of a month' or more It jumped und thumped until I couldn't stand Another night--and every day I swore I'd hie me tv Lhe dentists, but -siy sand Was shy of that by just about' a grain, And so | doped it with a lavish hand And' poulticed up ny face to stop the once Lo beat the And some of them would hold it for a while, But it broke loose again, and, holy land 1 thought my ryof woud surely losk a ile It kept me squirming for a month, about And then it stopped--because 1 had it out Say! Have you noticed how we seem to hate To yank the measly snags thal give us grief- The moral snags ? We always want to 'To see if they'll turn over a nuw leaf, We dope and poultice in affairs of state And rub the social gum with creosote, 1 We pateh the ugly places with gold plate | And try each politician's antidote, We fill and fool around to get things straight, Although we know that plugging does nt work But with the dentist we don't make a date Because we've not the sand to stand the jerk As long as there's a dead sure cure to take 1 reckon that we'd rather have the ache The Automobile, Chicago Chronicle. | Biblical students declare that the | voit of prophecy is plainly heard in the book of Nahum, which might have heen written some 2,700 years ago "I'he chariots shall rage in the streets, they shall jostle one against another in the broad ways; they shall seem i like torches; they shall run like the | lightnings."" Anyone who will take a stroll along the Lake Shore drive or Grand boulevard on a fine afternoon will see what Nahum had in mind. H# Did It. "Who gave the bride away 7" "Her little brother, He stood up right in the middle of the ceremony and velled : "Hurrah, Fanny, you've got him at last!" . . DEA by local reach the ESS CANNOT BE CURED applications, as they cannot disen portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness. is. caused by an inflamed con- dition of the mucous lining of the Eustachian Tube. When this tube is in- flamed you have a rumbling sound or im- Meekloy and Miss. Strong are | actually to be married, eh 7" Yes," unless he gets seared and backs out, It makes him nervous every 'time she mentions the 'trous- seat" she's going to wear. She pro-{ nounces it so much like 'trousers,' s-------------- oth "Two attacks on hodies of Europeans have been made by the natives near ' the Moroccan frontier, : perfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and | ! this tube restored Lo its notmal condi tion, hearing will be destroyed forever : nine cases out of ten are 0 Catarrh. which is nothing yt an inflam- ed condition of the mucous surf, | SPECIAL SALE The new sliredded whole-wheat toast served with butter, che or pre- ZR Ta ae ** Vital | Bond for DR. J. COLLIS BROWNE' CHLORODYN (THE ORIGINAL AND ONLY GENUINE). effectu cuts A E EPILEPSY, TION and SP. CHLORODY NE iiatmisriss Always ask for "DR. J, COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE," and beware of spurious compoundd or imitations. The genuine bears the words "DR. COLLIS BROWNE'S CHLORODYNE" on the Government Stamp of battle, : Sold in bottles at 1s. 134d., 2s. gd., and 4s, 6d. each. (Overwhelming Medical Testimony accompanies 'each hottie, Sole Manufacturers :--J. T. DAVENPORT, Limited, LONDON. Wholesale Agents, LYMAN BROS. & ©€O., Limited, Toronte, A Chance to Save Money We have placed on sale three lots of Ladies' Tan Oxfords at a price that will save you money. i No. 1. Ladies' Tan Russia Oxford, Blucher cut, Good~ * year welt, new stylish shape. Regular price, $3. Now rs1etiessmaniysansnp van eeun $2.25. No. 2. Ladies' Tan Russia, Gibson Tie, Goodyear welt, high Cuban heel, stylish shape. Regular price, $350. Now .......... rerenine saa $2.25. Sh os : Jk No. 3. Ladies' Chocolate, Gibson tie, turn sole, high Cuban heel, nice dark shade. Regular price, $3. b Lots of time to wear Tan Shoes and a chance to save money J. H. Sutherland & Bro. Enamelled . Preserving Kettles All sizes, from 2 to0.18 quarts, 10 Quart Size, 4d. These are good goods at Special Cut Prices. McKelvey & Birch, 69 and 71 Brock Street. ish. Gh S60 0000006000000 06000 & o Wo Garry In Steck INGOT CORRE : THE CANADA METAL €0 We Sil elves She Hundred Dollars Joe Any case of afness (caused atarrh) that cannot be cured Yadtn Catarrh Cure. Sand for circulars, free. FP. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0. Sold hy Ivugeists, The. . Take Hall's Family Pills for consti- pation. FE z A * E ANADA P4000 Beate