Daily British Whig (1850), 11 Aug 1905, p. 1

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Cool and dainty, new and stylish designs, some plain _hemstitched, others with dainty embroidered insertion or | and at the price considered ex- cellent values. Z5¢., 95¢ , $1,25, 1.49, 1.75, 1.89, 2.50, 2.75. rrow ! ollowing Special : -- N'S LINEN SUITS s with gored skirts, full mmed with navy or red, ot, sizes for 6 years and idered exceptional value 51.25. N'S : SAILOR SUITS | Engich ed with finished 6 years, 1.25. we will Cotton Socks inch, 5 5%, 6 inch, y. ow Le IT CASES ISES . ines : in, good lock, $2. ttrips and a good Jock, orners, go>d lock, $1.50. . Hand Bug, mice' shape, of canvas, from 6oc. to PY "TH Jenkins' Summer: Sale COMMENCES : » g | , indigestion | from dreaming about a square meal y é When a woman doesn't know wi ch 25 to 50%, Discount ON ALL Summer Goods & Clothing Straw Hats Fancy Vests Underwear Collars, etc. E. P. Jenkins Clothing Go. Secure a Free Copy of the Real Estate Bulletin Issued This Week. SWIFT'S oa% EF RAR A Donor CT PREAD SINERMADRG | 7 | lie he SoRtesl ol Russo-Chinese 2, SEE OER vo JUST TO HAND" hs nie YEAR 72. NO. 186. E DAILY BRITI i KINGSTON, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST 11, 1908. -- DAILY MEMORANDA, IN -- | Living faith breaks through dead forms. . Vaudeville, Lake Ontario Park, 8.30 4 vm. | { _ Yacht Club Cruising Race, 2.80 pm, | Suturd { There were soven deaths from vellow | fever in. New Orleans on Thursday. There is a call for a hotel license at | | i { | | Doub people never have brains | The greatness of any truth is seen re . Demands its, growth. Now Known The sun rises Saturday at 5 a m., and [= ts at 7.09 pan. , Steamer America-to Thousand Islands, 2.30 pam. Saturday. | The quarryman is not ! whose hopes are blasted. A hungry man never ge ed { Th Bureau. ! pert's Land, passed a resolution favor | ing religious teaching in all public | { | -- -- | schools, the only one ONLY SLIGHT HOPE The British government, through | DOWN { Lord Strathcona, are. sending forms of | n | . : | | | i n ol The Calgary Anglican Synod of Ru! | i | tender for the supply of fresh meat for | Malta and Gozo. i NEGOTIATIONS | | THE Way to turn, she gene This da; De ly turns pale. Broek Rear-Admiral Calliard and the offic-| WERE STATISTICS WILL BE ers of the French fleet { in history :--General now visiting took 1812 ; Cardinal Newman, CAN SUCCEED. Britain were cordially greeted and TABULATED, died, orge IV visited Ireland, : splendidly entertained. | hs Tush fo Klondvke started, | Wants Indemnity and | 'The private loan of $2,500,000, made | The Customs Department Had No ---- | Cession of Territory -- A [bv German banks ; to the sultan of | Power to Act As Agents for | Chance of Compromise Over | Moraeco, is. regarded as having im- | Australia--The Commonwealth I~ : . | portant political significance, | ia 1g the Question of Indemnity-- |" |, he city of Warsaw, and in sever { Should Do As Canada Does 0 " No Further Session Before |al rural districts of Poland, the ye | United States. i Monday at Least. Ottawa, * Aug. 11.-It is understood | Special to the Whig. | Portsmouth, N.H., Aug. 11.-The | Lord" Roberts will\devots the au { Japanesé peace terms are at last | tmn and winter to 4 vigorous cam- | tistical bureau in connection with the { known to the Russian envoys. They { Duign on behalf of army reform and | agricultural department, for which fare rosardet > czar's envoys as | Dational instruction in rifle shooting. | parliament provided last session. Ar . are regard yy the ars envoys a { Al | e I , | unnecessarily severe and humiliating, | The St. Henri coun il has voted for | chibald Biue, wha directed the taking {but there is yet a lingering hope of a | annexation to Montreai, {of the last census of the dominion, { given charge of the bureau, t PLATES, = sssful termination of the nego ish of Longue Pointe, reports | will be | tiations, It is only a lingering hope, | itself without debt, wants to come in | George Johnstone, who has for many CANDLESTICKS, however, if one is to judge fin the jralso, | years filed the office of dominion . , i 9 apprehension and dis Subordinate lodges of the ' Roval statistician, will likely bo Superannu- BUR-BON JUGS, may uttered in the Summer hotel an- | Arcanum, at a meeting held in Toron- | ated. We are showing some and the par Suoe which expressions of | t : : h | uex, where "the Russians have their | to, voted against an increase in the | The Canadian customs department, | quarter Although not officially an- | rates until the proposed schedule has | after full consideration, found it had LOVING CUPS, ETC. { nounced it is learned that Japan's | been submitted to the lodges. | mo authority to accede to the request demands are : : | | And a lot of odd articles in| An indemnity commensurate with | he has despatched one naval squadron | customs officers should be employed to : . | the monetary losses sustained by her to Kamchatka and another to Ok | furnish the Commonwealth with the quaint old-fashioned shapes. [in prosecuting the war: | hotsk, and that they are now engaged | home market's prices of certain line The cession of Port their tions in | of manufactures which are also sold in the Liao Tung peninsula to Japan, regard to the work to he performed at | Australia. The only way in which this ---- | The evacuation of Manchuria; their respective destinations. | information could be accurately ob ROBERTSON BROS { The cession of the sland Sagha { y . #8 | lien; tained would be by an examination of | Rear-Admiral Katdoka rports that | of the Australian government that our Arthur and | in carrying out instr | 1.0.0.F. GRAND LODGE. { The Election the manufacturers' books, and this our officers have no authority to make for the rT a = : of Officers--Liquor { the wee of Australia or any other part 2 Blac falnut Sideboards, 10 : { A 'ark W iv, each, for $15: 1 Onk Board, § for I mantling of Vivir of peti) Men Not Qualified. ot the workl, Paslinment has given §12:.1 Ash Hoard, $15, for $8. All a fmantling of ¥ aciye | Brockville, Aug. 10.-At the Lo, | he Canadian customs officers no au bevelled edge, large size Mirrors, ull in { tion - of a tranfer of Japanese au : > 2 Ee | thority to act as agents for the Aus good shaper" TR y | VAN UVE ' { thorit Kor O.F,, grand lodge, the report of the |: thorit ~ : BOC 8 14 Pe: | rity over Rorea. i alee ralian government, and so, no mat- . i I N EE a: : Rida committee on elections wis read and | : AT TURKS SECOND-HAND STORE i S | Nore a Sunishing Ta he Rugtiging adopted, the following officers being | tor how Anxious our ministers were to 398 Princess Street. Several new lines, Fancy Biscuits and | sha any © yr ¥ a N ; - Baron Ko- | declared elected for the ensuing yoar : | Sir William Lyne in this mat Ces Our usual Saturday special 3 lps. be 1 A a Wi LO her | Grandmaster, F. R. Blewett, Listo | they had no right to do it. It | Severut 'attractive lines, "2 hs. 25e¢ i i" po. 0 = lid not ask for any | wel: deputy grandmaster, W. 8. John- | um rakia on uy Jute r a Si . ram 3 Dh aoe, Japanese « ) 4 | Tor : mp v tis perfeotly free to send or Al i Jersey Cream Sodas in Drums. The | 200 2aP Sy, as ston, Toronto; grand warden, R. R. | line she i perfec y TWO WOMEN WAN LY Biscuits are nice and the Drums will in | specific indemnity. The Japanese do Britt x; grand secretary, J. RB, | officers to this country to gather it day. Apply Box "MM. Whig. test the children, price 30¢ { make it plain, however, that Hey eel King. Toronto; grand treasurer, W. | exactly as our officers obtain the t Vigor pus. 10¢ | pect to be compensated for the k i | s : " a 1} * : : 3 3 . ' 1 : «, sks: Toronto: sea « | home market prices of goods in the SMART BOY AS JUNIOR OFFICE | Orange Mout, Now Coupons, New pre- [1 0 by them in their confiict | J: McCormick, Toront grand repre | United hod z clerk. Apply Box "A. Whig. | mids, usual prices, Sad hich is interpreted. ii | Sentative, J. B. Turmer, Hamilton: i , 3 hi Swan Breakfast Food, large | With Russia, which is interpr " erand. representative. ©. .C Lown A detailed report of the work of the A BOY ABOUT SIXTEEN YEARS OF | pkgs., 2e some quarters to mean that the ro- | & 1 . . vida) n, age, to assist in the oflice, * Swit & Co. ----------------e eee TWO DINING ROOM GIRLS AND two chambermaids. Apply Hovel ni) i te A FEW SMART GIRLS CAN SEUURE steady work | and earn good pay Apply Kingston Hosiery Co. SOME ONE TE TAKE GOOD HORSE manure at once, it 'may be had for the carting. Apply at this Office 2 DRY GOODS SALESMEN 3 Lady clerks, 1 parcel boy. Permanent Situation wo right party. Apply at Whie office. FOR FIRS HOTEL, TWO ¢ chambermaic and three waitresses. Steady employment and good wages Apply in person at Whig office GE JEMEN TO GET THEIR FALL Overcoats and uits made at Thomas Galloway's, 131 Brock St Also bring your old ones and ha them repaired. Style, fit price guaranteed to pleas and , FOR THE Public School teachers, one Applicants to PORTSMOUTH two seconti-cle male and one few state salary expected and enclose copies of testimonials ete, Applications close on the 19th inst. Thos. ¥. Graham, Secy., Port smouth. ra ------------------------ MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO LEARN plumbing trade, great demand for graduates $4, $5 day. Many com- plete course two months. Graduates admitted to Union and Master Plumber's Ass'n. Coyne Co Plumbing Sc New York, Cin- cinnati, St For free cata logue, address 239 10th Avenue New York. HOSPITAL ON date and mc ram on back August 5th. Reward at Sydenham St. A GOLD WATCH AND TAN LEATHER Ww ' st-Brac between Knapp's Boat House ' and cor Queen and Clergy Sts. Reward for return to this Office, AN'S SARDONYX STICK rday afternoon, between 4 , cither on Princess St or on Street Car. Reward if return- ed te Whig office. A SPOTTED BLACK AND WHITE Hound, answering to the name of "Sport. Any one harhoring this dog after this notice cuted. Reward for return James St. FOR SALE. ALFRES s BRICK HOUS 392 T all modern, 12 rooms. Apply at the premises orto S. Roughton, 171 Wellington _St. THAT PROPERTY, AT 42 DURHAM street, cc sing nearly an acre and | young man than to take him to | Street car. 1 August a" A a nshutia, grostal sundemmation of.3t, hers fo frame ho we with Brooms. | 3 ny th av. Cynthia and | it, as her baby was usually the soul | date ugh . May | An Un ould be no doubt that an excess of RB a RO to Mrs. A. False 10 Ahy OLISF wa) ii ws | of good nature. The child kept on | official armistice has prevailed between | alcohol made men old before their Perry. on premises a young chap who gave hi ; crying when they reached the street | the two armies «ince it became known | time. . pam ho - seventeen, sauntered up to . | railway station, where they got out. | that the peace plenipotentiaries were | TO-LET. i of clerk ol thy distriet onE Where i Suddenly the mother was attracted by | meeting. Even the smallest scouting ¢ For All Employees. pe ION STI ph Innfringe licenses : furs} ii something unfamiliar in the baby's | expexit sions have been abandoned on are ro A a nh THE SHOP ON DIVISION STREET, "Po you wish to act as t . + near Garrett street, occupied by. Miss Boon, milliner. Apply at Whig office. DWELLINGS FURNISHED AND UN- furnished, stores, offices, etc., at Mec Cann's Real Estate Agency, 51 Brock Straet. -- rs A "FARM CONTAINING 175 ACRES, situated five miles from Kings and one mile north of Collins' | For particulars, apply to. M ® Mack St. Kingston. Must Give Up Theatre. Kansas City. Aug. 11:--Before h inherit has father's 335,000 John T. O'Connor, stage electrician at the Orpheum theatre, must give up the theatrical business and attend mase 'every Sunday morning. If he does nat comply with these conditions he will be aut off without 4 cent. Such are the terms contained 'in the will of Patrick O'Connor, filed to-day. can James | } ye cheaper | not the mother. The real mother came | the seal fisheries. Sede { . 3 the | ago. but 1 reckon it will be a up on the next car, bringing the other | The government is inviting compe | the Sntctiise. have or het he {40 marty Mw. than to 1: : baby with hee. She was nearly frantic | titive bids for the Saghalien fisheries, | public benalit_ wx hat Bie all { him any other way 1 £1.25, (at her little one's disappearance. The | The licenses are to cover a period, in- | tinued, declaring that , y bes on. {The woman planked | walk ut ot, relief was great, when the message | cluding 1906. The government thus, in i would sate fo all © nployees J by it { procured the Soon, aly ol wing | came, tolling of the mix-up in babies, | directly, announces that the Japanese | families. The Sem now estimates their { the ga widegroom folle 7 land that her's was safe and sound at | ocenpation of the island is to be por- | loss at $500,000, i} doeilely heyilit, the other end of the line, manent. | { Jones Falls And Return. | Brockville, A schedule of the arranged by the committee Pacific cable for the past year has | | pean belligerent is expected to pay in districts 'an. Ye i received by the government, The full for the enormous expenditures which Japan has made but. the failure Other New Goods | Ham Loaf, Chipped Beef in flass and | tins, Kipperad Herring, Pork ahd Bes As, was sub- | total receipts amounted 16 £87,446 . Ar mitted to the subordinate lodges 10s. 8d. "including a special item of plain and in nan Taddie, | of the Japanese to insist upon thé ine Beth I lentgon- anal £5,118 on account of r services Crossed Fish Sardin leLaren's Cheese. payment of a specific sum holds out a | 20opt y the gran oddg je. 1oronta dered hy the Iris 80, Enporated ~ Crosmm, Now. Honey 4n-the-| Dhanos Of compromise. md tha mie | AISFICS wav Toft us ole dioirics with Fendetetd hy the Tie Against, £50; sinh, : Est ry i the addition of Newmarket amd Ag- | ast year. J 100 1b, Bes. Redp: Bx-Gri Sugar. | exists among many of the Russian " n ! | Fhe mbps wiirki . ! Special ie aRediey xd ran. Sugar, | a. that it admits of dis. | rora: :Smith's. "Falls and. Me rickville The surplus on actual mg Was Garden Peas are: ghar . i! href - : 4 | were pl i he 8 mee d theref. C69, The board, how Jarde as about done--We' have | ooccic The Russians politely re- | were placed in the St. Lawrence dis- | ----n some just as nice just as cheap in| 9 on he -- i the Ja. | triet over, set aside £35.000 for the renewal ye Cans. Tc. © Se ceived the commmmication of we. 8G. A oS " : thé cans. '7o-'or 4 > | ac envoys with the request that | The judiciary committee reported | fund, ee A alse 0 grovide b { | | sum o iar or interest a sink | an adjournment be taken until it | that a member going into the liquor | * a a. : F. Ww. VAN LUVEN, Wi Th be oxamined. This, of course, | business. must. quit. it at-onee or: be. ing fund, which in fiky Jeni will i 248 Princess St. Phone 417. was granted immediately and it is | expelled. The attention of the grand | tinguish the whole capital expendi | was grant ; ture. | probable that there will not be an- [lodge was brought to the notice of a | tv i. : { Seber meeting until Monday at least. | young baker, who had been initiated, | These figures mean that the -- IF YOU HAVE | moins ms Wome gt lous, | yong ier, vies bed boon, ini Tow fvenents, Just make . . : [ plenipotentiaries was surprisingly | embarked as a bartender. The report | 2ovd a deficiency hi £75,819 against Any difficulty in being fit- | brief and its text, or very full synop | was adopted without a dissenting | £87,751 in the preceding year, i | sis. was cabled to the foreign office | voice, f itis | ted with Shoes, COME T0 Us, | Se Porrhnrg early Yost oh | aie report of the memininl commit SHOULD SPAN A CENTURY and we will make that duty | trnoon ' | tee was presented by Bro. Farwell. | Forty-seven grandmasters had held of | Physician Says it Ought to be a pleasart one. The News Of Terms. | fice since 1536, and thirty-two were | Natural Term. " | sti ) } car 251 deaths o« 1 Av 1IP--"It is a good | St. Petersburg, Aug. 11. The Jap- | still living. I year 29 a London, Aug g Wear "Allen's"' | anese terms were known early, this | curred in the onder, i king hypothesis to regard the na- | moming, but only to a very few of | ------ | life of a man as 100 years, Military Bootmakers, } the highest officials, who oarefully | WANT MUCH HELP. | said Sir James Crichton-Browne at a 8¢ Brock St. Sign of Golden Boot. | guarded their knowledge. The newspa | meeting of the public health congress | per offices were informed of the terms | Can the Crops of the West Be | now being held m Loudon, The sub- | throug e prose spatohes | Saved ? {ject of his address was "Senility. Forced Sale [{unigh she prs diapmidee don: i saz J tind a ca bury 'H Portsmouth and they rapidly becam Winnipeg, Aug. 1L--With crop pro ; oy en a (ou ry t Ol ¢ and every Of « y Of Dwelling Houses inn. or al lei atest, Samidera: | tle tage, fof women IN ORDER TO WIND UP AN apart ble anxiety is vet felt as to whether | 2 ' estate it is necessary to dispose of the Making Preparations. { the enormons yield oan he sucomssfully | longer than men. o ag up ressed with the ob following property at very reasonable London, Aug. Tl.--The correspon- | handlid before the coming of early | be bre ught n 0 d taught figures : ™ Todor Pa he © ian Pac ligation o wing to , an aug A double brick house, 10 rooms | 4¢Pt of the Exchange Felegraph, at | frosts, It up to th anadian Pact io avoid "\he rrogulnrities each side, modern conveniences, on | St. Petershurg, wires that despatches | fie. If enough men of the right kind hich teil to prevent the attainment | for Stuart St { from the front say Field Marshal Ova- | are got together in good time to han "a iti J A irame house, 8 rodws, modern | ma and Prince Kanin, Japanese cav- | dle [00,000,000 bushels of wheat, all | Yap i frequently prolonged to 100 | cunvemences, un: Stuart Si alry commande accompanied by the | will he well; but if there is any hitch | oe e Ho ier, i Hinot the | ing no on Pinca 00S, on Divi: { American, Engiish and French mili- | in. the arrangements, if thers a aa | yoors, fo i sion * near HCess . | f i ary # hes % se Ar sakdown if rene svt a CUNNINGHAM & LYON, | tary attaches with the Japanese army | breakdown i Reneral syutem, JF | 0 onthe registersd in THO, Silty , . | have arrived at Chantufu with the re i ient labor cannot he readily ob hree were those of reputed contenar Vender's Solicitors, 79 Clarence St. | ported object of making preparation, | . then apt to go hard with apes { whom thirty-seven were wo- | pg anticipation of » ceremonies | the ers of the Canae North- | ans, © ' ) TENDERS WANTED i) puticipasi n i oe mnie { Hu farmer snadian h-|} wand sixteen men. In one year the Is al 9 which will follow he declaring « | est, \ . . | deaths of persons above the age of | SEALED TENDERS MARKED | peace. The Japanese have repaired the 1 In the opinion of many good judges, dighty-five nutidhered "10,801 tender on the envelope, will be received | railway to the north of Chantufu in | the propused arrangements of the rail op | by the indersigued u Rhy net for the | order to facilitate the expected meet- | way compan wv altogether inade "rs. of ine oi s t we 10t or the "4 ) v | ars of age. carpenter and Joiner work 'required in the | ing between Field Marshal Oyama and | quate for ti rompt and efficient | ¥© In the lives of "niany: eminent erection of a Methodist church for the Gen, Linevitch, the Russian command | handling of t} np In an Srsiituey writers. statesmen. and poets their | astern ethodist ongregation. Nap-| ih ohiof | ¥ear, they might. he all right, but . : y : i ! 3 x ys . , ol ol ishments were achieved A rahe andl specifications may be s with the sencon at least a week late chief accomplichmen J lee n he offic of « ractorized 1 1 # i BY oes or ul the offer. of | 3 HAD THE WRONG BABY. | characterized it hab hon, hy an HE century of Wealthy | here tant: crock ville : | nnusnally wet wring, the almost sure life could 'be attain The lowest or any tender ot r " f n i ' fronts, there ~ antl vigorous life cou w atta ni 1 sarily accepted a | : : wesage of earl wis, 18 on "How to live to be a centenarian' | i al . ; HAL L. er Mothers Frantic Over a Mix-Up | tainly grave cantise for alarm Without | was the next point touched upon by | ple Rik Tons mille of Children. . | exaggerating the difficultios, it is en | There | Otigh to sav harvesters is Sir James who said that if old age were to be attained, a good start in fife must be given, and hence the un {portance of the question: of infant | feeding and milk supply. | m-- E-- E-- St. Catharines, Ont., Aug. 11. | WED BOY TO SAVE MONEY. | was a strang: in connec | | . the butchers' barbecue at | Dalhousie, attended by 7.000 or wt an ample supply of absolate neoessity, occurrence tion with Port | That's the. Cheapest Way to Raise | AN ARMISTICE, i | S000 people. A young woman who ---- "Regular employment, must be se { : = Cynthia Frisk, | had gone to the barbecue with her {It is Unofficial, But is Well { cured and poverty diminished, so that | Des Moin , 4 ig, | : ti bia "| baby of about a year and a half. old Obeyed. - | we might no longer have thirteen mil {a buxom widow who wil CVE Se \ i hunger. As to fifty seventh hirthday | clares that it is cheaper to marry a | was surprised at the continual crving | Special to the Whig { ims on the verge of of the child on the way home on the London, Aug. H1.~A. news ne oy | alcohol, while he would indulge in no | her again, de She could not understand | despatch, from Albany, N.Y.. Aug. ¥ clothes dl she was very quickly con: | each side. . bia Nur ron in oh Asini ro po i tl id had oie Kelly ot | A despatch to the Express . from | daughters of the -- 2 Yers, blandly enquired the official. Tan haby, and had left her own at the | Kobe, ars «ays that the real de founder of pond el a em | vou grvenhorn, thundered] the '. wo rounds. That accounted for the baby | tination of the guadron detached } Har, which collapd y nl W | man the ie not my, son id ¥ Hl Fron who evidently knew she was | from the Northern Japgnese fleet are | bands, George . Hilton, an . { hoy I°took to raise abou oe s | King Stirdee, are senior parfgers in "«Three Swallows." .' of : te "hha tacit | - ow Clark's Canned Meats: # "Rideau _ King avery Wednesday { Power and Son's "Three Fill the revjuiements alike of camper | and 8 at 6 am. F Ble, al are and housekeeper. Wholesome, tasty, | Apply for ti Swallows" Irish Whiskey, famous for | the most prosperous part of India is ts to the pute oh and they are always ready. i ! ' \ A . Of highest standard! to be found in the basing of the Indus, rarity Distillers igh His Majesty | the Gangesm and the Lower Brahma- ) ing. | putea, ; | the ing. rn, | The mummer cough and what to cure Williams' Pink Pills at Gib- | it. Take Gibson's Red Crows cough wy- | Sic John The richest, the most populons, ws} | board. James Bwilt & Co., agents. MoConkey's and Hayle's high dass candies, sold at Gibson's Red Peruvian tonic will make vou eat. The 31 only 50c. Gibson's Red Cross Buy Dr. valigionists fought with the police and | attacked governnint treasuries. | that steps wil be taken the end of { this month to organize the central sta- | PITH OF THE NEWS. | {Very Latest Culled From All| | Over the World. | Are | Cobalt, Ont. but it cannot be grant: He Will Have Charge of The AT OTTAWA Police Are Killed in Attack of Revolutionists. The police were busy this af filling the jails with Jewish social iste. They captured 200 armed wish revolvers and daggers in a synagogue :on_Novolipie street, Fifteen others were arrested by a patrol on Francis Zkauska street after an exchange of shots. A bomb was discovered in a street this morning, and three policemen were shot. There were also disturbane- es in the surrounding distriot. Gangs of revolutionists armed with revolvers and bombs attacked the gov. ernment treasuries in the three dis trict towns of Opatow, Lubartow and Wengrow, huving a tiff fight with the police, several of whom were killed or won! the palace of Peasants destroyed Count Krasinski at Tykooin, near By- dostok, HUSBAND FATALLY HURT. Wife With Unshaken Nerve "Loops the Loop." Helena, Mont, Aug. 11.-Tom But ler, a bicycle rider, known as "Volo," who "jumps the pn" during a oir cus performance, failed to do. the trick at a performance here and fell to the an hour. The physicians say they fear he is internally injured and will die. His wile "loops the loop" in an auto- mobile, and she followed with her turn immediately after the accident to her husband. 60,000 Grass Widows. New York, Aug. 11.~A New York magistrate makes the astounding statement that 60,000 wives are de wertod by their husbands in Now York city alone. As his day's grist contain- od no Joss than 100 of conned, it if not improbable that he speaks by the book, He said: "Every momi the police courts are srowded wi women, leading from one to six child- ren, begging the magistrates for war- rants for their husbands, The evil of wife desertion has grown to menacing proportions," - ? His demand that some ours be found for the evil should and doubtless will be heeded by students of social econo my. Both Are Getting Better. Sopcial to the Whig. | Aylmer, Ont., Aug, 11.--Mrs. Napo- los Guay, shot in the head, on Wed nesday morning, by Joseph Monier, with whom she had eloped some months ago, is getting along ni cr will recover. Menges, R os ing Mrs. Guay, is still unconscious, but the doctor in attendance reports hiv wounds much botter this morning. Nothing has been oe with Menier so- fir. However, he will hawe his pre liminary hearing, on Monday morn: ing, if his condition permits of his being present. Paint Lover's Lane Black. Elgin, 1, Aug, 11.---H. H. Cook, proprietor of a rug factory, was ar rested for constantly applying black paint to a rustic sat near his house. For severdl weeks Cook has kept a frosh poat of paint on the seat, and many suits of clothes and dresses have been ruined in consequence, Cook com- plains that lovers congregate there almost nightly, and, with theip willy talk; vey him of sleop. It is the Lov- ers' Lane, Four couples have sworn out warrants for him, ---- live | ner, of this city was Every child should | prised, Tuesday, upon = receiving a | package containing a Pol living | year ago. Av that time he advertised rarity he ix supposed to be. Among | would tell anything about it except and a of Matthew Caldwell, the second en- { great many of these approaching 100 | gineer of the steamer Brin, killed by | the bursting of a cylinder head on the | of the steamer. Thomas Conlon, Thor- in later middle age or old age, and it | old, one of the owners of the Erin, is { have not been "decided upon. Drug Store son's Red Cross Drug Store, | rup, 200, bottle, + i Lost Diamond Returned. N.Y. Aug. Ll~dohn Bon agreeably sur. Oswego, diamond pin valued at $250, which he lost about al the article, but 'until Tuesday never heard anything from it. The sender is unknown to him, there be marks on the covering that that it was mailed in this city, Funeral Of Engineer, to the Whig, . Windsor, Ont., Ang. 11.<The funeral boat, Wednesday, was held here and was attended hy the captam and crew , but repairs to the machinery Baseball On Thursday. Nationsel League. At Chicago, 0; New York, 1. At Pittsburg, 1; Boston, 7. At St. Louis, 5; Brooklyn, 4. At Cincinnati, 4; Philadelphia, 1. American Teague.--~At Boston, 1-5; Detroit, 28, Ag, New York, 8; Chica- 0, . Kastern * League. Jersey City, 1: Providence, 1. Toromto, 5; Bufialo, 2 Montreal, 2; Rochester, 1. Assembly Plan Delayed. St. Petersburg, Aug. 11.~The pro- clamation calling together the Nation- nl assembly is meeting with unexpeet- ed and undesired delay, 16 is possible now that the project will not be ready for issuance Saturday, Perhaps You Have Neve: Taken It.. If so, the America makes another of her own tonrs of the islands, Sater. | 0 For" cauiplag, © picaleing und Bnhivie 3 day, 2:30 pw. Po not miss it. Home | Portes 1 Hite early. 3c. Have you tried Ham Loaf, Beef Loaf, ei Cattage Loaf, Vahl | Loaf, Roast Bef, Killed Mr. Maloney. Roast Mutton ? . & Special to the Whig, Py NY, a President Roosevelt's liam Maloney at the crossing, last night. 4 The pilot of ain, killed Wil Warren street Don't forget championship bateball match, Orientals ve, 1 yah "Prentica Boys' pienic, August 12th, Warsaw, Russian Poland, Aug, 1. . opn §. + ground. He was unconscious for half | BOYS' LADIES' SUMMER | wh revolver on Mall at Sha. cLuGA-Y HOI oY en eight mo Funeral private, plenty ' Cunned Goods, cunvenfent and v to save the busy housewife from « over the hot fire, 'and just what is wan Lok wn ily our Bumpers fo Jas. Redden @: war " _ FANCY . HOS: Polka Dots and' Stripes, lar price, ¥5c. To clear urday, 25e. of ty for 10e, Lisle, neatly trimmed - w lace and braid, extra knit, in white. 25c. make JO Ft i Clog, of Vancouver, 15,0, . (Port abe. Daples, lease copy). ULLOCH.--At OQortigan Street, King ston, on POG, M; August 9th, Isabella Sarah, beloved daughter Wm. anit Mrs. W, A. Tulloch, aged moths. ROBT. J. REID, Toe Leading Undertater 'Phone 577. 23% Princess. TO-NIGHT {ns Bver Is. still with wa. snd : of warm weather 3 pm. at fair 4 Rig ers, 15¢, Ib; front quarters, 1c,

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