Hot Weather Necessities alcum Powders alcum Powders, "The Best" Violet, gate"s Violet Tale, Mennen's Bor {| and Violet, Pineo Dowson's Toi an s Berma, Stearn's Supre ma, lton's Baby, and many others earn's Crystal Velvet for softe "Ring water and perfuming the bath, 50c. ot-Ezy and Foot Elm for tired, piring feet, uit Soline (Best) an excellent fj ient taken in the morning. Vp, ficial in constipation, biliousne. headache. § cm. AF WG TIVE » have everything in the drug lin are always sure of getting wha, want at : 8 "Best" Drug Store, +. T. Best, Chemist and Optician, Princess Street. "Phone 59, alatable Dishes 0 2 | At a fair price, are a feature at ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ' ¢ ¢ ' [he Keswick Porterhouse Steak and Mushrooms, 60c., iIn- cluding Potatoes, Bread and Butter. "THERE IS A TIME FOR ALL THINGS." Now, 'while prices are w, is the time to fill our coal bin with best nality SCRANTON COAL om Walsh's Yard BARRACK STREET. \ 000000000000000TTINY 0 and $2 Fancy Shirt Waists For 76¢, Each, hor Shirt Waist Slaughter ~=ON-- ATURDAY! lot we sold on Wednesday admitted by all to be the Bargain in Waists ever n in this city. The Saturday will be even better value. only fine quality Fancy Waists, some in plain s, others in Fancy designs, nple lot and all this seasons ns, regular price would be to $2 each. Yours on Sat- y morning (if you are early rh), 75¢. each. | SNAP FOR THE MEN line of fine quality Fancy s, in odd sizes, big value at One price to clear, 49c. best Dollar Shirt in the -either stiff or soft bosom, t designs made from finest le, any of them, on Satur- 9c. each. yards of Crash Towelling, ality for 5c. a yard. dozen small size Cotton 5 slightly damaged, former 10c. to 15c. a pair. Satur- pecial 5c. a pair. the $1.25 White Quilt on 98c. man & Shaw : : : . E have a few tons of small- zed coal to sell at 4.80 TOW. If your stove is a nall one it's just e size for you. LOOK AT IT! MES SWIFT & CO. § PHP P00 0000400000 0400 orere 4 A Chance to: Save Money We have placed on 'sale three lots of Ladies Tan Oxfords at a price that will save you money. No. 1. Ladies' Tan Russia Oxford, Blucher cut, Good- year welt, new stylish shape. Regular price, $3. Now .....ccvieiiininiiiimanvnes,., $2.25. No. 2. Ladies' Tan Russia,' Gibson Tie, Goodyear welt, high Cuban heel, stylish shape. Regular price, $3.50. Now eves fit ansanansns $2.25. No. 3. Ladies' Chocolate, Gibson tie, turn sole, high . Cuban heel, nice dark ; shade. Regular price, $3. NOW ..........000 00 cnpdensivasunvatenas $2.35 Lots of time to wear Tdn Shoes and a chance to save money o-3 J. _H. Sutherland & Bro. Or, KOHR'S RESTORINE :==% = Century. --the most wonderful Medicine ever : New oo It is astounding the- medical world om cases cured in one month in Paris. The National Medica! Board has recommended this Remedy for ne in the Insane Asylims where, as is well majority of the male inmates are victims of lost Vitality in its most terrible form. In Europe the rei endorsed by all governments and is now used as § Specific in the t Hancing armies of both France and Germany. Stops losses in irom seven to ten so thst they never return. Dreins entirely cease after a few day's treatment. The akin becomes clean, the eyesbLright. Confidence returns, step elastic, bowels regular, lieadaches disappear. No more weak me. mory, the mind Yefomes bright and active. A F for brain and Blood. A permanent cure no matter how chronic the case, Just sénd us to-day your nathe and address p'ainly writlei and a s days treatment of Restoring wi'l be sent FREE in pain sealed fg» ~Do not hesitate a moment We will treat you with success and wilh honest confidence. Dre ROHR MEDICINE CO.. PO. DRAWEEL 234i. MONTREAL. Handy "House Scale sow Weighs !{ oz. to 10 Ibs. A most convenient scale for preserving time, and a useful, thoroughly reliable one for all seasons. McKELVEY & BIRCH, 69 and 71 Brock Street, Kingston. ARCHITECTS: ,» NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- | Wo second floor bver Mahood's drug | store, corner Princess and Bagot streets. Enterance om Bagot street. i Telephone ------------ TH ELLi® ARCHITECT, OF- ARTE UR of New Drill' Hall, near cor- ner of Queen and Montreal Streats. OWER & SON ARCHITECT, MER- P chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets: (Phone 212. ARCHITECT. ding. Market GILLETTS PURE POWDERED E------------------------TE-- . AND BUSINESS. : Eee AND GLORE : A oO a Available mssets $61,187,215. Ia addition to IENRY P. SMITH, otc. Anchor Buil Square. 'Phone, 845. MONEY ich the policy holders have for - y the poiimited, Japility of tockholders. Farm ay sured at lowest possible For Ready. for Use in Any Quantity. P, proper renewing old or giving it, disinfecting sinks, Faves, bustines, Ret Jato from Strange - 4 deals nd for many other & Strange, Agents 'equals 20 pounds ee SOLD EVERYWHERE, DUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON : MPANY Ln and fers" enmine "tgs E. W.GILLETT 0aires Godwin's Emveriym, Mark- | TORONTO. ONT. MEDICAL. r--e--------ecagem----------ET George F. Dalton B.A. M.D, C.M., M.R.C.S,, (England) Lk. R.C. P., (London). Office and Residence, 64 William Street Telephone 378. EDUCATIONAL. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co , Limited. Fall Torm Opens Sept. 5th KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE LIMITED Head of Queen St., Kingston, Ont. T reliable 1000 Islands -- Rochester A modern, . permanent and Taking Effect Junie 24th school. ' . Practical, complete, thorough, individ-1.Gtps. Nopth 'King and Caspian ual instruction given in ail commercial v subjects. Leave Kingston daily, except Monday, o at 10.15 a.m., for Thousand Islands, Students may enter at any time . + calling at Alexandria Bay and Ganano- Expert professional teachers in charge. | gye, "Returning steamert leave at 5 Open throughout the whole year p.m., for Rochester, N.Y., caliing at! Write call or telephone for terms and | Picton, Deseronto, "Belleville and inter éatalosrue. mediate Bay of Quinte ports, J. B. McKAY H. F. METCALFE, STR. ALETHA Leaves Kingston Mon- 2 4 President. sb "Principal. [days at 5 pam., for Picton and intermed- fy igen iate Bay of Quinte ports. fru ne i RY Full information from J. P. Hanley, J, Gilderslesve, Jas, Swift Co Agents E. ». HORSFV, Traffic Manager, T0 SELL OUTSIDE OF YOUR | ---- sins Anp your Trousies? |C. H. POWELL | William Ellerby, NEWS OF Chon WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They, Are Saying. Damaged By Lightning, Gananoque, Aug. 11.--During the severe electrical storm, which passed over here last evening The Hubbard House, Clayton, N.Y., was struck by lightning, but not wuch damage was done. Mark Shear was taken to the Hotel Dieu, Kingston, suffering with ap- pendicitis. The new Gananoque bolt works are being pushed along rapid- ly and expect to be ready for upera: tion by. November 1st. Mr. Armour, Chicago, the packing house proprie- tor, arrived here today in his pri- vate yacht, and registered at the Inn. Po-- Eagle Hill Echoes. Eagle Hill, Aug, 10.--Most of the farmers are through haying. H. Grant is busy sawing lumber and shingles in his mill here, Mrs. J. Hillis and three children, of Gilmour, arrived flere Thursday last to spend the summer onthe with her parents here, Mr. and | Mrs, J. Irvine, Those from here. who attended the Lakeview party report | a pleasant time. S. Lane, of Denbigh, and Mrs, J. Esson, of Petrolia, pass- ed through here Saturday. Miss Jessie Stewart, of Actinolite is spending a few days with her sister, F. CO, Ste- wart. Visitors: Mr, and Mrs, F. Platts," at M. Ready's; Mr. and Mrs. | M. Irvine, at H. Pettlir's; I. Chatson, it C, Marqurdt's. Northbrook Notes. i Northbrook, Aug. 9.-- Lightning struck William Renan's barn, burning it and its contents. Marshall Presley had a hay fork put in his bam on Tuesday last. Mr, Chritchley was here | yesterday. The telephone. system is | completed and in running order. Eli- | sha Lloyd has returned home 'after | spending five months near Detroit. Mrs. Marshall Presley, Northbrook, and Miss Hattie Reid, of Rochester, are 'spending a few weeks with their father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Reid, Tamworth. Mrs, John Camp- bell and two children "are spending their vacation with her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. James Presley, Northbrook: Mrs. Moore and Miss Mil dred Williams, of Kingston, returned home after spending four weeks with her brother, Kobert Abbott. Many Bath Visitors. Bath, Aug. 10.--Miss Fanny Forres- ter, visiting friends in Guelph for a few weeks, has returned home. Miss Ethel Covert and Faber Covert, Roch- ester, N.Y., are visiting at H. Co- vert's, Miss Margaret Kdwards, visit. ing at John Forrester's, hes returned to her home at Napanee. Mrs. M. H. Hall; Essex, Ont., visiting her son here, William H, Hall, returned home Thursday of this week. Miss Hattie Wartman, visiting friends ston, has retirned home. Mrs. Pha- len, Blackstock, is visiting her mother, Mrs. H. Armstrong. Mrs. Claney, En- terprise, visiting Charles Johnson, has returned to her home. John Redden is opening a meat shop in the place formerly occupied by Charles Burley. Richard Paynter "took in" the excur- sion to Watertown, N.Y., Wednesday. Frank Wiskins, Gananoque, is visiting 3. I. Shephard. Two Barns Burned. Strathcona, Aug. 9.--During the thunder storm of Sunday last, a barn near Selby, belonging to Mr. Me Cally, was struck, and burned, with contents. A barn on the Belleville road, ownid by Mr. Wigging, was also burned. Mrs. J. Asselstine 'was tuken suddenly ill, Sunday last; she is improving. The infant child of W: Thompson was buried, Wednesday, having died Monday. J. Bowezer, Point Ann ctment works, also CO. Thompson, spent Sunday with their friends here. Mr. Watson, Toronto, is the guest of his nephew, William Watson. RT Rook has returned after ! a pleasant visit with his son at Stan | stead and friends &t Vallpyficld, Que. ! Mrs. Stafford, Valleyfield, and Miss | Stirling, Watertown, are visiting friends here. Mr. and Mrs. H. Wager), in company with Mrs, Stone, New burgh, visited at L, Milburn' 8, Empty | Hill, Sunday last. 'A. Love condnet od service in St. Jude's church, Sun day. Mr. and Mri. R. Ransay were | . 1 the gmests of Miss Lott, Sunday. | | | A Pleasant Outing. t Black River Bridge, Aug. 9.--Farm- | ers are having great difficulty in get- | ting their harvest in on account of | the scarcity of help and frequent rain storms. Miss Bertha Smith and friend came down from Toronto, Sa turday, and are guests of Nrs. R. Hughes. A number from here attend ed the band excursion to Watertown, Thursday. Miss Jennie brother, Michael, are tives in this visiting rela: vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Weston, came down on the "Old Boys' ". exvursion, Sa- | turday, and . visited J, G. Jarvis, | There was a small attendance at quar- terly meeting here, Sunday, owing to rain. Miss Mabel Clarke; Brighton, the guest of Miss aurde Minaker, passed through here Sunday. Miss Josie Shannon returned from Syra- cuse, Thursday, accompanied by hor | sister, Mrs. James Leanw, and two children. Mr. and Mrs. 8. Jarvis en- tertained some of the "Old Boys." A numbér of the young people spent a pleasant time, Thursday, at Glenora. After strolling about and enjoying the pleasant scenery, they had tea on the bank of Lake-on-the Mountain, after which they enjoyed the drive home. Miss R. York has returned to her. home in Battersea after spending some time with her brother, W, J, York. Eugene Shammon, Toronto, | epent Saturday and Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. Shapion. Dr. and Mrs. Davison, Chicago, are rusticating at "the ald homestead" farms; also Mri and Mrs. C. A, Ne. | Donald and Miss Daisy. H. Shannon and A. Jarvis have returned after a short stay at Cape Viacent. Mr. and COME TO T CARPENTER AND JOBBER, WM. KURRAY, The Auctioneer' 103 Raglan Street. ® Mrs, William Hughes spent Thursday at J, Hughes', in King- | Delancy and i: | Winnipeg, are { with relgtives in | Just been received here shaw j the marriage T rE TTT JUST ARRIVED FOR OUR MID-SUMMER SALE A lar ent of Extension | Tables, en Lp nish, ssme as our | $6.50, Bale price, $6.50. Also Velour - Qushions Morris Chairs, only $5.50. Leather Beated Dining Chairs, in golden oak finish, only $1.50. Brass ahd Iron Bede, in white | enamel, only $4.60. Springs and Mattresses to fit. Store Open Nights. JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker. 'Phone 147. GREAT SUMMER SALE ! We are Offering ! the balance | of our Summer Suits at 20% Discount, Separate, . Trousers Sumas Vests at: prices. Boys' Linen Suits reduced | 30 per cent. "A splendid | and bargain duced prices. Summer Underwear, Men's Hosiery and all other summer | stock reduced in price. ISAAC ZACKS The New Store and the Old Stand, 271-273 Princess Street. FALLING HAIR STOPPED. 2, Baldness Cured by Destroying the Parasitic Germ That Causes It. Baldness follows falling hair, falling hair fillows dandruff] and dandsufl is the result of a germ digging its way | to the scalp to the-root of the: hair | where it saps the vitality of the hair. { To destroy that germ is to prevent as lastly, baldness. There is only one pre paration known tor do that, Herpicide, an entirely new, discovery. has proven. wondedbally successful. Jt edn't be « because it utterly | destroys the dandrufi germ. 'You des | troy the cause, vou remove the diet." Sold Ly leading druggists. Send 10¢, in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich!" W. Mahood, speci] 'agen agent: scientfic stherwise, 806000000 0000000000008 | Clean, f Honest That 15 the kind we sell--The kind you should burn if you want a satisfaction fire, orders now for ies. Have you ordered 'Phone No. 133, yours yet ? BOOTH &CO. | @o0000000 0000000000008 DON'T KEE KEEP | BACHELOR'S HALL | While your wife is at the sea-side She would rather pave you enjoy ALL THE COMFORTS OF NOME By taking your meals at the IROQUOIS = HOTEL Grand Union Hotel Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up Opposite Grand Foqteal Station | BAGGAGEX: FREE Try Myers' for Fine COOKED MEATS. Napanee Notes. Napanee, Ont., Aug M.~Miss Jessie | Pallister, Ottawa, is the guest of Miss J. Ross, Fred, Ly, Perry and wife, spending, their holidays Mapghes and vidnity, When other plus 16 the north of us| experjenced a severe electrical storm on Wednesday night, we had scarcely | a drop of rain bere. The weather yes: terday was exorndingly. warm, the | thermometer registering ninety degrees | ! during the day. -------- * Must "Keep" Not "Obey."' Pittsburg, Ang. 1l~Copies of the revised rules {0 ministers of the Meth- odist Episcopal church, which have that in ceremony the word "Obey" does not appear. Hereafter the bride will have only to agree to "love, honor and Keep him," the worl "keen" having taken the place of the word "obey" in the ritual, Army Service foots powder is only | chance to get your little boy | a new outfit at greatly re. | well as cure dandruff, falling hair, and | Newbro's | ; Wherever it-has been tried it | fone of | the THE SPORT REVIEW ing Round . of Golfers--The Ordeal That "Bill" O'Hara Has to Undergo is Disgusting i Him. | Catcher Warner has been signed by | Detroit. At Brantford the home teant beat | Woodstock by 2 to 1. Ed. Grant and Cy Ferry have been relcased hy Cleveland. Tim Hurst has been appointed an Atnarican ue umpire, Shrubb will make an endeavor, he says, to break all previous records at these distances, ! © has definitely entered for the } ote, two and five mile events at the HO aledonian sports. Skip Doherty, of the Toronto Can- adas, was the uncongquerable hing of the green on the last day of the St. | Catharines bowling tournament. Alfred Shrubb; the ch ion lon; (distance runner of the world, will sai | by the Allan liner Victorian next week, and 'is due in 26th. Fdward Geers, at sixty years of age, the dean of ' the grand. circuit driving brigade, had a close call at Kenilworth Park, Buffalo, this after- | noon, The Rochester Yacht Club has ap- { pointed "Frank T. Christy as seruti- neer on board the Temeraire during the races, and the Royal Canadian Yacht Club named James McMurray, of Toronto, Ont., as serutineer on the Iroquois. Trainer "Jimmy" Rice arrived ves: | terday in Toronto from Ottawa and took charge of Eddie Durnan, whom | he will traite-for his rate on the bay with Tom Sullivan. Durnan is in | prime condition, atid Rice expects to | awe him as fit as a fiddle, . While the Canadian not expressing their opinion of the | sailing qualities of either yacht, they | are said to be ready to back their | boat for any amount of money, but {up to date not a wager has been re corded. No Canadian boat that has ever appeared in these waters is con sidered so highly as the Temeraire, Ap the Atlantic = A.U., Rackeway Beach, Artie Edumnds, the clever Can: adian 125 pound boxer and wrestler | from Toronto, defeated Harry Haff ney, one of the best lightweights in New York, winning by a clean knock out in the second round, after a ter | rific battle. There were some Can | adians at the ringside, and théy were | elated at Edmunds' decisive vietory, The Saratogg stewards have an nounced that they have held an in | sestigation in the Athlone race, as to the rianning of the horse and | as to the ownership, but have failed | to find any evidence that would war | rant their taking any action. 'This | probably ends what promised to be the sensation of the year, for if there is no evidence now it is not probable | any will be found, The report that the diretorate of the Toronto Baseball Club are nego: tiating with Edward Barrow wth ye garde to his assuming the manpage | ment of that club, is without foun | dation. However, the Toronto elub lis after a new manager, but Barrow If the deal ix put through a man infinitely above Bar row in baseball circles will assume the management of the Toronto base ball team. The challenger Temerairé was put on the ways yesterday afternoon at Mill | er's shipyard for her final polishing it not the man | up in preparations for the coming races, The boat is in excellent condi tion, and will only remain on the 008 | ways witil to-morrow afternoon, when | the Iroquois will take her place, and Freceive her last scraping before the | races, The Temeraire and Iroquois will | be measured Friday, and both will fi then take their ante racing spins. T. W. Burgess started yesterday morning from the coast guard station | at Lydden, four miles. north-west of y | Dover, in another attempt to swim across the English channel. After he ing #ix hours in the water, he was i about twelve miles out and was go ing strong, Burgess got within four miles of the French coast when the | strong current commenced to carry him back, compelling him to give up { the attempt. He left the water at 8:45 {p.m. The preliminary conference of the judges of the races for the Canada's | cup was held, to-day, Tha committee is made up of Charles Van Yoorhis, as representative of the Rochester Yacht Club; E. H. Ambrose, represen | ting the Royal Canadian Yacht Club, | anfl W.. I. Stephens, of New York, a wellknown yachtsman and eritie, who was picked hy the representatives of leach club, Owing to the inability of | Mr. Ambrose, 10 be present last night the first conference of the judges was | not held. John Seigle, the hard-hitting centre fielder, of the Wilkesbarre Club of the New York State League, and William Hinchman, who jumped: the toam, and is now plaving with Williamsport, of the trieState League, were sold to Cincinnati for $3 500. Hincliman is | reserved by Wilkesbaree, and i nnder- stood to be willing to play with « one of the big league teams, Seigle is also a clover pitcher, and won every games he pitched for Wilkesbarre this season. The deal was made for Cincinnati by former | Catcher Jack Grim. An ordeal that "Bill" O' Hara, the Toronto boy with Wilkesbarre, is com pelied to undergo at the conclusion of ahout every game has become guite distasteful to the modest young out fielder. O'Hara has been fortunate enough to break up several games hy [ hix hitting, and this, along with his superh fielding, has made him a great favorite among the youth of this old town. The result is that at the close of each game he is surrounded by a ! mob of youngsters, who cheer hiln to the echo and follow in' his wake unti) he has landed on a car and is moving too fast for them. No where "does quality count 80 much as in the drug store. You cen depend on © getti beat qualit; | gd sxactly wha le & for Yi Na Buy Tangleloot ) paper at Gibsons Drug Store, !10c, Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. Red Cross Montreal on August | ~vachtomen are] both | Tastist of lorning Dishes fs Laing's Breakfast t | Cured with white sages = 400 Sa : that give the sweet, nutty flavor, a brown, itis whale beeatfastia ill pi shi Gr yn eis HAM os Thoroughly Satisfactory is the way every women who has used the Imperial expresses her opinion. . OXFORD 2 FIA has the mo perfect oven and is the most promptly There is a constructional reason for each of the # many good points found exclusively in this range. For ; i : i iit : f such a favorite, is the result of our Patent Diffusive Oven a Flue. No other range has it. x rg oi ch as Co re putin Pesple who prefer a See Pluie Range wil find the Osferd Cha cellor as perfect in every way as such a range can be oa The Gurney Foundry Co., Limited 7 . ' " -S , re "Are the most Sefightiul of al beverages. Perfect topics. Highly nourishing. Refreshing, delightiul and pleasing to the taste, Gold médals and highest award at all Expositions, See that you get Laban' Smit is the same price as other brands not half $2 good, JAS. McPARLAND, AG 339 and 341 King St.