ide Inn finds it necessary to is become so popular that it is e--at the smallest Inn as well , clubs, cafes, restaurants and e from water which registered J No THE DAILY BRITIS YEAR 72. NO. 188. aca i ak Ee -- DAILY MEMORANDA, Vaudeville, Lake Ontario Park, 8.30 nn Love may level all thing the level itself, The sun rises Tuesday at 5.04 a.m. and sets at 7.04 p.m. The still, small 8, if it's on voice of conscience | never seems to strain its vocal cords. All This Week All New Goods See Our Window STRAW HATS HALF PRICE E. P. Jenkins Clothing Co, IF_YOU HAVE Any difficulty in being fit-| ted with Shoes, COME TO US, and we will make that duty a pleasant one. Wear '"'Allen' §" Military Bootmakers, 84 Brock St. Sign of Golden Boet. DO IT NOW List your property in the September issue of the | 'REAL ESTATE BULLETIN It will cost you not a cent. I'll find the man and the price you are loekirvy for, Real Estate and Insur- SWIFT ance Agency CHEAP SIDEBOARDS. 2 Black Walnut Sideboards, cost $40 | each, for $15; 1 Oak Board, § $12; 1 Ash Board, $15, for § All} Fe ad edge, large size Mirrors, all iv good shape. AT TUsK'S SECOND-HAND STORE .......398 Princess Street. | WANTED. | AT ONCE, A GOOD COOK AT ROCK = wood Hospital. Apply to the | Matron. | AN EXPERIENCED MAN SERVANT. | Must understand care of horses and flowers. Apply to Lt.-Col. H. Smith, King St., West A A COMPETENT NURSE, FOR CHILD of thre to go to Winnipeg. Fare | paid References required Apply | Sunnyside," Union street. FOR FIRST-CLASS HOTEL, TWO chambermaids and three waitresses Steady employment and good wages Apply in person at Whig office. TEACHER, FOR SCHOOL SECTION No 2, Hungerford ; liberal will be paid ; Male or Female. Ap-| ply to James Brown, Secretary- 1reasurer, Marlbank. TO GET THEIR FALL IV and Suits made at Thomas Galloway's, 131 Brock St Also bring your i ones and have them repaired. Style, fit and price guaranteed to please RE------------------------ ee | MAN AND WIFE, OR A COMPETENT | housekeeper, man and wife preferred man to work on farm ; wile k house for and two 1 1 Address Barriefield; P.O Ont., or 298 » St Johnston and Earl Sts Kingston between MEN AND,BOYS WANTED TO LEARN plumbing trade, great demand for | graduates $4. $5 day. Many com plete course admitted to Union and Master Plumber's Ass'n. Coyne Bros. Co Plumbing Schools New York, Cin- cinnati, St Louis. For free cata- logue, address 239 10th Avenue New York. |" Marriage Licenses | Absence two months. Graduates | Nell--Did she marry for money ? Belle No, she merely invested in a gold brick This vi in history :--Battle of Fort 18 KINGSTON, | 'He Talks Favoritism Invention of Printing, 1437 ; | Hebcuing Ton reach Pekin, 1900, If love is blind, as poets say, Permit me to remark, That love will always find a way, While courting in the dark. Doulton ! We are showing some 0DD JuGs, PLATES, 'CANDLESTICKS, BUR-BON JUGS, LOVING CUPS, ETC. And a Igt of odd articles in | quaint old-fashioned shapes. | ROBERTSON BROS. THE WARM 'WEATHER Is still with us, and we plenty of warm weather goods. Nice Canned Goods, convenient and economical to save the busy housewife from stewing over the hot fire, and just what is want- ed for camping, picnicing and fishing parties Have you tried Ham Loaf, Beef Loaf | Cattage af, Veal Loaf, Roast Beef, Roast hrs Y Let us fill your hamper. Jas. Redden @ Co. Importers of Fine Groceries | Practical Optical Work J rescrintions for glasses FILLE carefully All styles of mounts and frames al- ways in stock, with repairs. ves satofuliy examined AND OLASS: ES FITTEL Prices for above work moderate. SMITH BROS, Jewelers Opticians 350 King Street. Phone 666 AUCTION SALE OF FREEHOLD PROPERTY IN AN improving locality | Wednesday, Aug. 16th Twelve o'clock noon. By order of the vendor, IT will offer for si reserve bid, that frontage and 2064 N six-tenths of an acre re or less, University Avenue, with two dwellings" thereon in good repair 303 and air] street | same time and place 1 will sell the | household effects. Terms made known at time of sale. J. A. SALTER, Auctioneer. REWARD TEN DOLLARS TO ANYONE RIE turning my large Black Angora Tom Cat. T. Evans, St. Vincent's Aca 1 Bagot and William Sts POLE-CAREW RES! SIGNS. From Promotion List-- Brilliant Career, London, Ang. J14.---Maj.-Gen, Sir Reginald Pole-Carew hes resigned his { command of the Fighth Division, whose headquarters is at Cork, ation was not unexpected, in view of the recent Gen. Pole-Carew's res | promotion to the rank of licutenant- TO-LET. ee TTI THE SHOP ON DIVISION STREET, near Garrett street, occupied by Miss Boon, milliner. Apply at Whig office. DWELLINGS FURNISHED furnished, stores, offices, etc., Cann's Real Estate Agency, 51 Brock Street. --_-- | A FARM CONTAINING 175 ACRES situntedt five miles from Kingston, and one mile north of Collins' Hay 9 Mack St., Kingston. etree | SFAIRVIEW," MACK ST. HOME oF Rev. Dr. Tucker. Desirable ho professional gentleman. All pe m Beautiful location nreferred. Possession Avply on premises LOST. ere A GOLD HAT PIN, MOUNTED WITH birds head and ruby eves. on Sunday morning. Please leave at McFauls' Carpet Warehouse ent 3 8 NAVY BLUE COAT, ON 4 ey ii between Williamsville and © Gibson's Hill, Portland Road. Finder please return to Schofields Bakery, Williamsville ------------------------------------ A BLACK AND TAN FOX HOUND, "with scar on one hind leg. Reward | will be given for his return to ao | Princess St, this notice wiil be prosecuted FOR SALE. BRICK HOUSE, 892 ALFRED ¥ all mbdern, 12 rooms.' Apply at the premises or to S. Roughton, 171 Wellington St tase THAT PROPERTY, AT 42 DURHAM street, containing nearly an acre and | a large frame house, with S8-rooms. For particulars, apply to Mrs, erry, on premises, Tle first anniversary of the birthday of ihe czarevitch = was celebrated throughout R | general of Gen. | commanded with conspicuous : | from the For particulars, apply to M. McGuin, | | | | | geuouds before Parties harboring aft er | Douglas, who, al though a member of the army council, was very much his junio Gen. C. N. H, Douglas, ( C.B., is 'se cond military of the army AND UN- | council, and adjutant general of the | at | forces, The fact that Maj.-Gen. Pole-Carew SUCCESS a brigade, and afterwards a division; in the Bod war, rendered his absence promotion lists the more unaccountable, and among officers of | all arms there was a ¢ rally ex igning his | pressed opinion that in 1 tion and his self-respect. CANADIAN BOAT LEADS. The Second of the Races is in Progress. Special to the Whig. Rochester, A boat race Iroquois getting over the line thre Francis For President. Butte, Mon., Aug. 14. David R. Francis, ex-governor of Missouri, who, | with his family and a party of friends entered Yellowstone Park to-day for is quoted as saying that | Lhe will soon. announce himsell as" a outing, candidate for the next democratic pre sidentinl nomination, {is out of the way. -------- In the second and probably the last running of the | stake at Seratoga, LO { the greatest crowds in the history of | that Protestants, the Rowe horse win, | Saratogs saw still have | Issued " | command Sir Reginald has taken the | | only step compatible with his reputa- .. Aug. 14. Today's started: at eleven o'clock, | the Canadian boat. At 1.50 o'cdock Temernire had a lead of | one-quarter to. one half a mile provided Bryan | " | humorous rather than serious. Bishop containing cherries, which were being 10 THE (Al HOLICS Mills of Kingston, of the Anglican | soaked in alcohol. They fished the BY FEDERAL, PROVINCIAL AND MUNICIPAL BODIES. He Calls for the Union of Pro- testants for the Defence and Insistance of Their Rights-- The Catholics Were Everlast- ingly Getting Special Privi- leges. At the "Prentice Boys' picnic Saturday, Capt. Gaskin was plea | at being present once more to take part in celebrating the 12th of August the anniversary of the shutting of the Gates of Derry. A vear ago to-day, he said, No. 1 Derry Lodge of 'Pren tice Boys of Kingston with many oth r lodges from other places, ce Jebrated | in the village of Oso, He had the hon- | or of delivering an address at that | | time on the siege of Derry. That ad- | dress was published in the British | Whig, the Daily News and Times, of { Kingston, and other papers, so that it | will not be necessary for me at the | present time to touch on the siege of { Derry, In the last six | have had very exciting times in the | Dominion of Canada, especially in the parliament buildings in the city of Ot- tawa, Before touching on that 1 will refer to the years 1895 and 1896, | when the conservative party held pow er in Ottawa. The liberals in Manito- ba had abolished separate schools, but the Roman Catholic church had appli- ed to the Dominion government, led by Sir Charles Tupper, and the Hon. | Mackenzie" Bowellx for a remedial bill, { allowing separate schools in Manitoba against the wishes of a large majority | of the people in that province, | - The premier of the conservative par | ty at Ottawa, Sir Charles Tupper and | several of the leading men of that | party, were in favor of granting sepa rate schools, but there was a party in the conservative party led hy the { late Hon. Clarke Wallace which was not. The Tupper government went to the country. on the issue and was de- feared. What defeated them ? The lib- eral party Tefl hy Sir WiMrid Laurier, with the assistance of the almost | #olid 'Orange vote throughout the Do { minion. Sir Wilfrid had the Roman Catholic clergy against him at that time in the province of Quebec, hut to { counteract that influence. his lieuten | ants went through the different coun ties whispering in the ears of the habitants, "Sir Wilfrid is a French- vou are a Frenchman; Sir Wil is vour yrother, | knocked the church in a great many enrses. In the other provinces down hy the sea, and in the west, licutenants | vineial cannot run § "Hands off Manitoba vre kept intact apd Rome must not be al the Dominion of Canada. As you 1905. The iésue was the Pacific and was said about the autonomy hill; but | Sir Wilfrid had a surprise for the peo [le of the Dominion of Canada and a { disappointment for manv of his own friends. Soine five months before the House of Commons adjourned he in troduced h itonomy North-West rritories into two pro vinces under certain conditions. This caused a great cominotion in the House of Commons, | supporters from were opposed to the bill and some o Sir Wilfrid's ministers kicked, He sat isfiod those bv an hill, which they admitted ONTARIO, months we | Don't vou want vour brother to he premier 2" That the cry was raised hy Sir Wilfrid Laurier and hie | rights. The Catholic hishops r+ Wiltrid Laurier and his | party." The constitution was to he lowed to interfere with "the business of all know the liberal party | went to the country in January last, Grand Trunk past record, hut nothing | hill making the and several of his | supporters in the west," and also his down by the sea, alteration in the satisfied MONDAY, AUGUST » 1905 Protestant Money In Quebec. Principal Shaw of the Wesleyan Cob} { loge, of Montreal, and an appointee of | rs, ing his views here and there regard the treatment of provinee of Quebec. He says they get | justice, and his arguments to prove it! were so strained, that they appear | About Great |: the Quebec government, has been 1 ag The Present Prospects nue, were in a room on the ground For Peace. Protdstants in t | church, who lived in Quebec for twen- | ty-five years, and took a keen interest un educational matters, hut who evi dently is mot pliable enough for al WITH ENVOYS. . government position, says the very! | reverse and gives facts and figures to | | prove' his assertion. He shows that | There Are | while Protestants pay the larger por | | tion of the taxes toward schools, the | money is divided according to the po pulation with the result that the Pro { Commissions Want to Make it testants have oncseventh and the | Easy hid Soeutvelt, Catholics six-sevenths of the money | Special to x collected for educational purposes. In Portsmouth, ha iy Aug. 14, Never other words, Protestants are paying a since the envoys of Japan and Russia large sum of money to educate child gathered hore were the prospects of ren in the dogmas of the Roman Ca- | Ponte so promising as they are at pre- tholie church, If. this is Principal | ent, this statement is based on the Shaw's "justice," it ix a new kimd knowledge that Russia is ed, and follows all Romish principles, In| through her envoys here, to raise Ontario, the school taxes of large in. | Money which, if suconssful, would en- dustries go to the schools that the | able her to pay an indemnity to Ja owners support, for instance, the tax- | Pan. es of the Kingston Locomotive Works, | | Jacob H. Schalff, of the great bank: go to the separate school because the | ing house of Kuhne, Lobb & Co, and owners are Catholics, In Quebec, the Messrs. Straus and Seligmann p the | commercial taxes are divided accord: | banking house of J, & W. Seligmann | ing to population, even although the & Co., New York, are expocted here, owners are Protestants, and Princi- | to-day, Tor the purpose of consulting pal Shaw says that the system is just | M. De Witte and Baron De Rosen with because the employees make money for | respect to negotiating a loan to the the employers. Iii this connection, it is | Russian government. In the absence worthy of notiee. that Principal Shaw, | of an authoritative statement on the | whether designedly or not, omitted to | sibject there is unofficial evidence, ! state that the homes of the emplovees that the Russians have been convinced | are taxed for school purposes and that | from the first that it might, nltimate- | when they receive a share of the taxes | 1¥3 be compelled to remunerate Japan from the institution, they get a double | for the expenditure to which that na- rarsion and that simply because they | irn has Geen put to prosecute the | are children of the Roman Catholic | war. This seenis rather a bold asser- church, tion in the face of the repeated de In Montreal, not long sino, an al- | clarations that Russia would never derman belonging to the city coumeil | pay a penny of indemnity, but there there, received from the city comptrol- | are move ways than one of adjusting ler of taxes, u statement showing that | monetary differences between warring the following proportion of commer- | countries with . satisfaction to the vial property is owned hy commercial pride of the payer and there can be men : Roman Catlolics are assessed | no doubt that the envoys, who are to the extent of $5,631,300; Protest- | here, will be able, if there is an hon ants are assesscd to the extent of | est attempt at an agreement, to ar: $5,577,800; meutral, $21,522,420. Neut- | range a basis for the payment by ral moans oases - in which there are | Russia of part, at least, of Japan's several mombers in a fiem, and in| war expenses in exchange for import | that ease the money is divided among | ant! concessions by the Tokio gover the schools in accordance with the | ment, population. Amary-- There is one thing in which the Ro How To Ease Roosevelt, man Catholics sets a good lesson | Si, Petersburg, Aug: 14.1 is con and that is : Catholics are the same | sidored here that both peace commis all over thé dominion ; Quebeo is not | gong, now in Portsmouth, are chiefly the only place where they vote for the | concerned how to make the failure of church as one man. In Ontario they | the negotiations the least offensive to do the same thing and that is why | {he United States .and other neutval they win. In the last. London election Russia strongly desires to there were 1,400 Catholic votes and it | yesid damaging President Roosevelt's is stated on good authority that they | hrastige, and Japan, undoubtedly, hes all supported Hyman, because he fav: | the same desire, though it is considered ored the autonomy bill. Few men} jn diplomatic circles, that she rather could beat an opponent who had al coffers by the whole episode. Some start of 1,400 votes, out of a total of | believe that the pext session of the 5,000 or 0,000. The speaker knows in | conference will be the last; others are his own election in Kingston, in which | inclined to think that several more he was an independent conservative | meetings will be held, if for no other candidate, and his opponent was 8 purpose than in tribute to Mr. Roose Roman Catholic liberal. There are volt's desires, and with a view to pos some 1.200 Roman Catholic votes in | sible understanding on minor points, Kingston, and a large number ol | which will prove valuable when real these are huown to be conservative in | peace negotintions are reached, recent elcctions, but notwithstantling the fact, h as satisfied that he did not reevive over fifteen of those votes Many of theh were personal friends; and he had given a number of them The | employment for "years, but when it came between him and a Roman Cath: | Special to the Whig not even considered. Some London, Aug. 14.-The correspond. | prominent Roman Catholifs told him | ent of the Daily Telegraph, at Moji, him before the election that he would | says that the troops under Gen. Line not 'reeeive over twenty Roman Cath- | viteh," which have recently arrived oliec votrs, so that his estimate of | from Russia, are disinclined to fight, having got only fifteen is a safe one ILey constantly declare that they wiil Is not this fact alone proof that it | surrender at the first opportunity. A {ig high time that Protestants should | Japanese squadron is now freely oruis { unite also and that Orangemen should | ing in the Sea of Okhotsk and. Viee do more than beat their drums on the | Admiral Kataoka has invaded and oo 12th of Ju If they stood shoulder | oupivd Kamtchataka, | to shoulder like the Catholics do, | they would not have to submit to the dictation of a premier who refeive his inspiration from a delegate of fl the pope at Rome. | CAPITALISTS TO CONSULT i Various Ways of Ad- Jjusting Monetary Differences St. Petersburg Says the Peace powers, READY TO QUIT. Russians Will Surrender When Attacked, | oie, he we Ready To Fight. Portsmouth, N. H., Aug, 14. negotiations are broken off, Oyama It looks ne if history were going to | $ifl immediately give battle to Line repeat itself before long. In 1688, it | Vik h. Oyama's plans are rerfected, was. the who dlies ! his armies are ready and only await H the | them, but which in fact was made tated to K . % the Second, | the signal that a rupture has ocourred simply to give them a through which to crawl. in 1905, try. But since Mr, did. Tt was increase of £1,000 in sessional alle who could not earn a living if they had to,.drawing $2500 per vear for whistling their time away in the Sen- ate at Ottawa. In referring | Quebec supported the autonomy. hill, every single member, except one, sup- ported it, | divide in anything concerning the Ro- man Catholie church, This being the case A move is now language made made to get made by Mr. Monk and Mr. Bergeron but these two gentlemen, two conse valives, who want to go Yarther Ve than Sir Wilfrid Laurier, must be giv- n to | British eolony, that | through force © of arms from the | 1 a Great Republic $50,000 | French, Tf these gentlomen make the | and ahut the parliament buildings Sysonby beat | attempt again, they will meet abiolate failure . eortai a with Broomstick third, Ome of | abeolate failure, a 8 it day or wie thon shout, Stvnine to for. | will bave none of it, even if as usual Joop-hole | ith the re that both parties | The result | was that the very men who opposed separate schools in 1896, swallowed | their stntementss and supported them A more disgraceful affair nev- | er occurred in the historv of anv conn- Maclean made his | celebrated speech in Toronto, we now McDonald know the cange of them acting as they the promise of a'bribe, | which they received in the shape of an ance. Just imagine a lot of old fogies | G5one that number there wore 8,500 | r to the solid manner in| (ho local legislature, was also elected which the members for the province of indicating that they never |i, anv country as shown in the vote Politics, just 88 | Catholic member in the House of Com | enough in the senate everything else is east aside, when the | pons apposed it, while sixty-four out | interests of that church are at stake. Protestants must | f Quebec supported it. { | take steps in the way of counteracting {f= elsa the Dominion of Canada will soon $ | Guire, be in the hande of the Roman Catho- lic church to do with as she pleases, | | ! French | ting no more than a fair share of pa- | compulsory in the | North-West Territories. This move is | Dougall, of the Montreal understand that Canada is a | statistics from A it wg secured | juts and the figures showed that in | was dead when taken out. with | of these and his carcer as | the feeling among those in the confi short by - William 11, | dence of both sides that the prediction of the Boyne. was made dubbed the "bigoted | be held this afternoon, it might be French Let us see to what extent it | In the last election Claude a Roman Catholic, was re tumed by a big majority in a con situeticy known to be largely Or ange, Accord to his. own statement, | cuban his constituency had 10,900 votes and | joined together king was cut and the batt Toronto i city" hy premier is bigoted "Washington conference'"' abruptly soncluded. would be | MOVE TO IMPEACH PALMA. Liberals | Not Strong Enough to Fofce Trial. Havana, Aug. 14. 'Fhe liberals are preparing a manifesto, telling of acts | on the part of the government alleged {to be unconstitutional, The liberal congressmen are directed to lay be fore the sguate charges against Pre sident Palma to the.effoct that he has heen guilty of various acts not warranied by the constitution, The liberals, 'however, have not strength to bring Presi Protestants, and his opponent was n | Protestant, but he received a large majority and was elected. Again, J. J. Foy, another Catholie, who ran for by a large majority in Orange and bigoted Toronto. Talk about bigotry | there never was such an illustration on the awtonomy hill, only one dent Palma to trial, Buried Under Felling Wall, Syracuse, N.¥Y., Aug, 14.-Bert Mo of Solvay, twenty-vight years of sixty-five members in the province Fair Share Of Patronage. It is claimed that Catholics are get school in thet village. MeGuire and | tronage at Ottawa and Toronto, John | Witness, {claimed to the comtrary. and the French papers challenged him to prove Hhis statement. He sent a representa | tive of the Witness to Ottawa and got the government re | rain in the basement of the school. McGuire sat close to a brick wall, Le { hind, which was fifty tons of coal. The man with him heard the wall | cracking; and got-- away, bul. Me Guire was caught by the falling wall, 805, there were 1,548 employees in 21 were Protestants and S27 | were Ronis Catholics.) The popula: | from Galt, 4 to 3, (Continued on Poge 3.) at Gibson' s Hed ross drug store, RIGHT - Chaps Eat Cherries Soaking in It. 4 to laimeh his attack. So pessimistic is | day pronounced in favor of the disso that if a meoting shguld.) ' | be y : § cast ballots, papers and the | the last and that the history of the While the full result will not be GRAND | known for some hours old, was crushed to death at the high | head. She ix believed to have becomn a companion sought shelter from the making preparations for a family re aud buried under brick and coal. He | to Cape Vinoent, On Sutardny Brantford beat Inger | 2:30 p.m. America's tour of islands, wll at ball, 4 to 2; and Guelph won | 35e Hugo's Ho aith 1 Tablets are sold they may get Quebec solid, grit and | < tory, because they are doing great | work for the Roman Catholic Jai ! ° ALCOHOL MAY KILL BOYS -- Toronto, ps Moderath $6 Yonkers, N Aug. 14.-~Bennie Goldstein, aged Bix, and his brother Abie, aged three, of 11 Yonkers nve floor of their home playing, when Mrs, Goldstein heatd groaning. = She went to see what was the matter and found them writhing' on the floor The boys had discovered a large jar cherries out and had eaten almost the entire contents. Both boys were pumped out and taken to the hos pital. It is said they may recover, although they are in a very precarious condition, BIG TURKISH ARMY. Fifty Thousand Men Operating Against the Arabs. Aden, Aug. 14.--Fifty thousand Tur. kish troops are now massed - at the portof Hodeida, on the Red Sea, and will shortly take the field against the insurgents of the Yemea province of Arabia. The Turks are said to have with them 5300 of the latest pattern field guns and over a million rounds of ammunition. Their commissariat supply, consisting of thousands of bags of rice, flour and sugar, is ready, and the whole ry only awaiting the arrival of the transports conveying mules and camels from Constantinople. WARNED BOYCOTTERS, That Their Action is Severely Most all kinds to cho 0 a ey from, includidg the fan "J ondon, 1A despateh tothe |" BUSTER BROWN Daily Teleg _ says that an anti foreign outbreak is feared at Soochow, Suits. Some are made where the boycott _of the American . goods is becoming a political move Duck, others of Pique ment, It is stated that the governor Linen materials. of New Chwang warned the hoyeotters Both ' light and that their action was punishable with oath. The Parties Will Recover. colors. Hnocial to the Whi Amherstburg, Ont. Aug, 14--The doctors who are attending the vietims of Alfred Horton's murderous attack, on Saturday night, say that unless some unlooked-for complioatipns arise Mra. Horton, undoubtedly will recover The condition of Mr, Ny in | TOC. to $3. also favorable, With the prospects of ian the recovery of both neaely ass the bitter feeling against. Horton, ne subsided, though , the man's.aet in most strongly condemned, He pueoha: bly will be arvaigned before Magistrate Bartlett at. Windsor, to-day, Assessment Must Stand, Special to the Whig Anrhersthurg, Ont., Aug. Judge McHugh has dee: vided, tha i nRsess- ment by Malden township against Bois Blanc Island, at $32,000, must stand this year. Bois Blane is the is- land in the Detroit river, oppositd this place, the greater part of the is land, being owned by the Detroit Belle Isle and Windsor Ferry company and used ax a park. The latter company had appealed the assessment, Sizes from 3 to 9 ye Regular prices 'run fron Gone Into Camp. "oacial to the Whig. Quebee, Aug, 14.--A detachment = of engineers, consisting of the thirty-six non-commissioned officers and men from Toronto, under Status) of Lieut. Hughes, CE. and two from JAMES. In Rin Kingston, commanded by Ilsut, Lind way, arrived at Levis, at midnight,| - and Me and went into camp at Engineers' Camp, Lovis, this morning. Bath de tachments are in -- of Lieut, HAGAN] Jn Xi i. on Aust J 4 Hughes, es Lh J Woxtard, roi ng. , Ham "St oe St. ry ed Fell ot A Train. iti a solemn requiem mass wil Snacial to the Sung, at 9. oelock, uesdoy Montreal, eo "1 ~The hody of C, ais Funeral priva A. Johnson, Hancock, Mich., found tial alongside the C.P.R. tracks, at Pointe w Jone A Claire, yesterday, has been brought the city, It . is believed Jobnson fell off a train as the result of which his skull was fractured, There is every Funeral © PHVA indiention that Mr, Jobnson was a Nuust Toth: substantial citizen of Waneock, his lL papers indicating that he was a man _ ROBT. J. REID, of means. The Leading Undertaker 'Phone 877. 222 Princess IRN. 6 ey on August 14 wn AAR ogy to .. 1 "H, 1X Votes To Cut Loose. Christiania, Aug. 13.-The Norwe- gian people in referendum taken to lution of the union with Sweden with remarkable, though not unexpected, unanimity, Of 450,000 voters 320,000 , rétums up to midnight show that about one person TUESDAY, Aug. 1 in 3,000 voted against the dissolu- | phe Greatest Musical Comedy £ tion. Ever Known { THE GIRL FROM 80 in the Cast and a atu $ 15 Hits | 5,000 * orgeous Prod Death Of A Kingston Born. © fh Ww Whig, i W Bi detroit, Mich., Aug. 14 Mra, Eliza- A Groat B beth Jackson, born in Kingston reson tod A Alf its Ori Ont., in April, 1812, is dead at the Splendor Site. ba n Prightut home of her daughter here. Mrs. ces, . Jackson resided in Detroit for the Heats now. on Sie at" past fifteen vears. She is survived h Aug. three grown-up daughteny, nine gra children and three grest-grand-chil- dren, Funeral will be at Chatham, Woman Ends Her Life, : Ithaca, N.Y., Aug. 11.-Mrs, Frank Starking committed suicide, at home at Caroline Depot, near here, by drinking lauwdanum and carbolie acid and shooting herself twice in the TO-NICHT "ai Matinee Thursday at 40 0 The ames Sul Be : insane from excitement and worry, in «In Sloging, Wooden Shoe ar union, Excursion Bulletin, Wednesday, 2:30 p.m., America tour of islands, 35¢. Thursday, 2:30 Ppe-} cheap excursion Saturday, 5 a.m, and 2 pam., ex: éursion to Watertown, £1.25 retum;