Daily British Whig (1850), 15 Aug 1905, p. 3

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Hot Wenther Necessities cum Powders m Powders, "The Best!" Violet, 's Violet Tale, Mennen's Bor- d Violet, Pineo Dowson's Toi- ith's Berma, Stearn's Suprema, 's Baby, and many others. v's Crystal Velvet for softening er and perfuming the bath, 25c. zy and Foot Elm for tired, ng feet. Soline (Best) an excellent fruit taken in the morning. Very bin constipation, biliousness dache. ve everything in the drug line, » always sure of getting what nt at Best" Drug Store, Best, Chemist and Optician. neess Street "Phone 59. 4 78 7 NS : = IN AX Wr W- ANS x 4] ' ) T ARRIVED FOR OUR -SUMMER SALE ge assortment of Extension golden oak finish, same as our Bale price, $6.60. Velour Cushions only $5.50. er te:ted Dining Chairs, in ak fivish, only $1.50. and Iron Bels, in white only $4.60. Springs and res to fit, Store Open Nights. MES REID Leading Undertaker, e 147. Morris w About a aincoat ? ully handy at any time irticularly so just now. ose you call on Wed. and look over the ul array of three-quar- | full length garments e are showing in strict- usive styles, not to be 1 any other store in on, : ther thing that will sur- ou greatly will be the 10dest prices attached h swell garments--- 0 $12.50 each. Waists you wear 32 Or 34 ' © If so, consider your- y fortunate as here is ise for you ly Shirt Waists in the styles, sizes 32 and 34 Original price $1.25, nd $1.75. Wednesday ce to clear, 49c. nan & Shaw. E have a few tons of small- ¢ d coal to sell at 1.60 TON. size for you. 00% AT IT 72 IES SWIFT. & 0. : 'your stove isa X . all one it's jist @ ---------------- LIS FN SYSTEM Ganadian National Exhibition, TORONTO, day. 4 98 wy Satay, "Sept, on Return tickets 'will be sold at $3.85 Good going on Tuesday August 20th, und Monday Septembec 4th, and at . $5.40 On _Augs 28th, 80th, 31st, Sept. 1st, 2nd, 8rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th. Tickets, will: not be accepted on trains, 1, 2, 8, and 4. All tickets valid returning from T - to on or hefore Tuesday Sept. oth For Yurther rticulars, tickets and al other information apply to P. HANLEY, ; City Passenger Agent. Kincstong PemeRroke RAILWAY FARM. LABORERS" EXCURSIONS SECOND CLASS To Manitoba & Assiniboia $12.00 Good going from Kingston on Sepi~ fember 4th, 1908. Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P, R. Ticket office, Ontario Street. F. CONWAY, F. A. FOLUER, JR. Gen. Pass. Agent Gen. Supt. Bay of Quinte Railway New short line fer Tweed, Napanee Deserento, and all local points. Trains isave Oity Hall Depot at 8:25 p.m. ¥ OCONWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry.. Kiageten. QUEBEC STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIMITED, River and Gulf of St. Lawrence Summer Cruises In Cool Latitudes Screw Iron SS. "Campana," 170v tons with electric lights, electric bells and all modern comfort, Sails froin: Montreal Mondays, 2 p.m., 14th and 28th August, and 1 pom,, 11th and 25th September, for Pictou, N.S. 1 3 C Mal . Phe a og dina i Speraide. ». » nd ittétown, | ° > Bermuda Summer Excursions, $85 and upwards, bv the new Twin Screw SS, *"Bermud- fan," 5,500 . tons. Sailing from New York, 16th and 80th August and fortnightly thereafter. Temperature cool- by sea breezes seldom rises ubove £0 pg Princess 'Hotel 'open the vear round. The finest trips of hoalth and comfort. the season for ARTHUR AHERN, Secretary, Quebec. For tickets and staterooms apply to J. . ANLI OF "sls P, GILDER- SLEEVE, Ticket K Agents, Kingston, Daily Line - Toronto, Charlotte, Thousand Islands, Brockville, Préscott and Montreal. Stotmers: KINGSTON & TORONTO LEAVE KINGSTON : GOING EANTN-Daily, at 6 a.m. GOING WEST--Daily, at 5 p.m. Kingsten to Clayton, 1,000 Island Ports, Brockville or Prescott, going and returning Sunday only. Single fare. Kingston to Montreil and réturn. Go- ing Saturday or Sunday. Returning, G. T.R., Monday. Fare, $6. Also excursion rates to Toronto and Charlotte going Saturday or Sunday, re- turning Monday. Hamilton, Toroato, Bay of Quinte and Montreal Line. LEAVE KINGSTON: _ GOING EAST, Wednesdays and Fri days and Sundays, at 4.30 p.m. GOING EST, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturddys, 11.30 p.m. J. P, HANLEY, J. SWIFT & CO. Ticket Agent . Freight Agents. T0 QUEBEC DIRECT WITHOUT CHANGE STR. "ALEXANDRIA" ves Crale & Co's. whart every Monday, at 6:30 p.m., for Montreal and Quebec, running the rapid: Returning, 8. leaves Kin, Fridays at 12 midnight via Bay of te, lor Charlotte and Buffalo. p The Steel Lake Excursion Steame# "'NIAGARA" Open for Charter. apply to W. chate ir Iialars, gts., Kiagston, or $: 4 # , or B, R, HEPBU: Manager, Pieton, ALLAN LINE Ady: CoB DERRY Roydl Mail Steamers. From Montreal. From Quebec. Virginian, Ag 18, 4 pm. A y 4 ug. 18, $v. unisian, Aug. a.m. . 25, 9 p.m. TES OF PASSAGE) frat" Cabin; al upwards, according to steamer. ond bin, Liverpool and 'London- 0, $45 and $47.50 ; London. | $2.50 extra. Third class. $27.50, superior accommodation. Liverpool, Derry, Bel gow, London, Victorian and 'GLASGOW, DIRECT. 17. Tonian, Aug. 24. TO LONDON & HAVRE. ' Pomeranian, Aug. 19, $40 single; $76 return--oply second cabin NEW YORK TO GLASCUW, Parisian 3) Thurs., Aug. 24 o. t. G.T.R. City P. 'GILDER- Save Expense and save a fit of sickn, : Beechams Pill in the house ang one when you first notice an goin . You will feel 'well, Fook well and keep well if ypu will learn to use Beecham's Pills Sold Everywhere. In boxes 25 cents, BUT THERE IS ONLY ONE MAGIC BAKING POWDER EW.GILLETT oouramy TORONTO,ONT. 1 ---------- Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. 1000 Islands Rochester Taking Effect June 24th Strs. North King and Caspian Leave Kingston daily, except Monday, at 10.15 a.m., for Thousand Islands. calling at Alexandrian Bay and Ganano- que. Returning steamert leave at 5 p.m., for Rochester, N.Y., calling" at Picton, Deseronto, Belleville and inter- mediate Bay of Quinte ports. STR. ALETHA--Leaves Kingston Mon- days at 5 p.m., for Picton and intermed- late Bay of Quinte ports. Full information from J. P. Hanley, J. P. Oildersieeve, Jas, Swift & Co.. Agents. BE. FE. HORSFY. Trafic Manager, The Polish that won't wemr Sold Only at Sirachan's Hardware §000000000000000000000 Clean. "Honest That is the kind we sell--The kind you should burn if you want a satisfaction fire. We are filling orders now for winter: supplies. Have you. ordered yours yet? 'Phone No. 143, BOOTH & CO. 90000000000 Cook's Cotton Root Theonly safe effectual monthly medicine on wi women can depend. Sold in two degrees of strength--)do. 1, for ordinary cases, £1 per box ; No. 2, 10 de grees stronger for n Cases, $8 per box. Sold by all druggists. Ask for Cook's Cot ton Root Compo ; take mo gubstriute. The Cook Madicine Co. « Windsor, Ontario, Grand Union Hotel Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up Opposite Galind Qentral Station BAGGAGE: HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO SELL OUTSIDE OF YOUR SINS AND YOUR TROUBLES? COME TO WM. XURRAY, The Auctionger a{and Mrs. JAMES BROWN IN A BAD AC * \ a -- J Building a New Wharf at Picton ~Many Visitors Coming and Going--Services Conducted by a Trinity College Student. Picton, Aug. 15.--Saturday James Brown, a shoemaker in P. A. Williams thoeshop, while driving home to sup- per, wag thrown from his bu on the cement walk in front of the office of J. F. Beringef, ' American consul, and suffered serious injury. Brown, while driving, lost a rein; the horse backed, hit a post and fell on the walk, throwing Brown, with much force, out of the rig. His shoulder was badly crushed and some inward injury sustained by his head. The doctor thinks it remarkable that no bones were broken, and has hopes of his recovery. Mr. Cooke, Kingston, a Trinity stu- dent, conducted services in St. Mary THE DAILY WHIG: TUE 4 N A iduy last Wil- fiam Allen, ad a stroke of paraly- | sis, In the afternoon Ho decided to take a walk to the cemetery, and while there he was riche down. He lay all night in dveyard, nn- able to move: 6 speak, to make ary- ono hear him. He was missed from his home, but nothing was thonght of it, as' it wi ) 1 he stayed with some friends. He is about eigh- ty-five years of , and " 'alth smart and active for his years, stroke has left him in a®very weak condition. The doctors say no ill affects were caused by his long ex- posure, as the night Avas wild. "No decided improvement can Iw seen in his case since tunday and grave fears are' enter "dr his recovery. Mr. and Mrs. et Engl'sh left yesterday for Indian Head, Assa., where Mr. English | has purchased a busingss. Mrs. BE. L. Brown, Buffalo, is spending a few weeks with her pa- rents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Gordanier, Mr. and Mrs. J. C.' Hardy and son, Heber, left to-day to spend a couple WILLIAM H. HILLIARD, Who made the "climb to the clouds' up Mount Washington in 20 minutes 58 2-5 seconds, break ing previous records. Magdalene's church on Sunday. A gang of men are at work off the sloop Madcap, driving spiles in the harbor, opposite Hepburn's caal shed, ' where a new wharf is to be built. The steam barge W. J. Carter, of Cleveland, is unloading coal for the Cleveland Seed house; '""Jim"" Shammon, Picton, has been engaged as fireman. The yacht Allie Dale, owned by Mr. O'Flynn, barrister, Belleville, came in to-day from Glen Island, with a party of re- sorters. The schooners W. J. Sufiel and A. Minnes are in port. Canon 'E. Loucks, Kingston, was in town Friday and Saturday, the guest of J, F. Beringer, on his way to Belleville, where he conducted Sunday services in Christ church. Mrs. W. L, Ward, Rochester, is entertaining a house party of ten young people at her summer cottage, "Ihe Cedars," Lake Ontario shore. J. Freleigh, traveller for Tooke Bros., Montreal, leaves his home in Bloomfield this week for a trip to Rochester, Pitts: burgh, and Philadelphia. After a two weeks' visit in town, iss Grace Loucks returned to-day to Kingston. E, A. Bog, assistant inspector of the Standard bank, who, with Mrs. and Miss Bog, has been spending his holiday in town, returned to-day to Toronto. A. W. Hepburn' and three children aré at the Sand Banks. Frank. Carter, of the Michigan Inves- ter, Detroit, is in town on an auto tour. Blake Storttz, Rochester, is i town. Dr. Hermiston, spending a few days here on | Mr. and Mrs. Kelly, Oil City, visiting their daughter, Mis, J. Hepburn, Miss Ruby Jellett, Montreal, and Mr. Wilson, Brandon, both of whom. are visiting 'in Kingston, were in town over Sunday, guests of Mr. and Mrs, D. J. Barker. Miss Julia Horsey, Kingston, visited Miss K. Despard last week. Charles McConnell, Roch- ester, is spending a week with Judge C. H. Widdified. Miss Ver- non, after a three weeks' visit with Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Despard, has re- turned to Toronto. C. M. Shadbolt, accountant, Bank of Montreal, left, Saturday, on a vacation to his home in St. John, N.B. N. B, treal Bank, has returned erich, from God- Attended Gananoque Races. Plum HoHow, Aug. 12.--The heavy { rains have put the farmers behind in their work. Nr. and Mrs. Sliter have returned to their home in Delta after staying several weeks with their daughters, Mrs. Kilborn and Mrs. L. Chapman. George Tackaberry's new house is advancing rapidly. Miss Hat- tie Bullis spent last week the guest of Jennie Percival. Several from here at- tended the races held at Gananoque on the 8th. Mrs, N, Benedict is ill. Rev. L. M. Weeks again occupied the pulpit on Sunday last, after spending a pleasant holiday at Comwall. TT. ss "MAPLE LEAF" [% CANNED SALMON »acken Cruise Of Motor Boats. - soklyh Eagle. ; DripRive boat, talk at the yacht clubs along the Sound and river is center- ed on the cruise of the American Pow- er) Boat Association, which starts Au- gust ~1%th for the Thousand Islands. As this'is the first cruise of the kind attempted in this country, it calls forth more than usual interest. The distance from New York to the Thou- sand Islands 4s four hundred miles by way of the Hudson river to Albany, Erie canal to Oswego, and across the lake to Cape Vincent, the route se- H. Percival is adding greatly to the appearance of his house by building a verandah. A womber from here "took in" the searchlight excursion, Satur- day night and report hasing a' good time. Fine Fishing Grounds. Chafiey"s Lock, Aug. 12--The pro prietor of Tdylwikl hms procured sever- al sleeping tents to furnish acoommo- dation to many tourists. The largest and best show of bass fishing here, were on exhibition Wednesday even: ing last. Some of them tipped the scales at six and one-quarter potinds. Miss Margaret Fleming entertained a few friends in honor of her guests, Misses O'Brien, Martin and Donnelly, Tuesday evening. Everett Howard, of lected for | thi" trip. The Oswego Yacht Clah has arranged a roval wel- | nounees, come and when the St. Lawrence is reached a round of "entertainments will be given. The Frontenac Yacht Club, in the Thousand Islands, _an- in honor of: the members of a water earnival on the August 25th. the eroide evening © ing matter. Concentrated medicine . only. Uarter's Little Liver Pills. Very small; very easy to take; no pain, 'no porging. Try them, Kingston, is spending a few davs with his parents. R. Hannah and family, Delta, are guests of N. H. Howard. A bad electrical storm passed over this wifinity: Sunday, but no particular damage was 'resorted. Misses Cagnie and Nellie O'Brien, Montresl, left for home yesterday morning. A picnic party from Westport, by steamer Jo- pl, passed through here vesterday for RE reve one class carried called | A. free from all crude and irritat- | Jones' Falle. Fra, aged over eight years, daugh- ter of F. Dransfield, Almonte, is dead, of brain > fever. junior, 5 i: Allan, Mon- | of weeks in the rear of the county, fishing and resting. Sunday. wad _do- coration day with the Oddicllows, A large turn-out of members and visit- ing brethren from Descronto, Picton and Kingston were in attendance. The services at cemetery were witnéssed by a large crowd, Miss Hattie M. Fox hos accepted a school at Copper Cliff, Ont., for the balance of the year. W. C. Scott pet with a painful injury, Sunday, at the G.T.R. statioh. He went to meet his son, Harry, and walking along the platiorm he #tepped on a broken plank, which threw him to the walk, Although no hones .were broken. he wrenched his side and bruised 'himsell considerably. He will be confined to the house' for a fom days. Mr. and Mis. J. J. Perry and family left Sa- tirday for Toyontd, where they will reside. ¥'ivs Annie Mastin accompan- ied thet to Foronto to spend some months, The funeral of the late M#s. H. M, Pevoche took place, Saturday, and was largely attended, The ensket was covered with floral tributes from friends and relatives, The Dead Priest. Father Ryan. A shadow slept folded in vestments, The dream of a sinile on its face, Dini, soft ag the gleam after subset That hangs like a halo of Where gne daylight hath died én the valley And tne twilight hath taken its place-- A shadow ! But still on the mortal There rested the tremulous trace Of the joy of a spirit immortal P up to its God in His grace. A shadow ! Hast seen in the summer A cloud wear the swile of the sun ? On the shadow of denth there is flashing The glory of noble deeds dono. On the face of the gdead there is glowing The light of a holy race run, And the smile of the face is réflecting 1 gleam of the crown he has won. Still, shadow, sleep on in the vestments Urrtained by the priest Who lige «ots Yen, sorrow weeps over the sido But faith looks aloft to the skies, And Hope, like a rainbow. is flashing O'er the toars that raindOWH from their eyes. Thev murmur on earth, 'De profundis id The low chant is minglod, with sirhs : "Laudute" rings out through tho heavens The dead priest hath wen his faith's nrize. Get More Vim ! If you are tired, nervous, sleopless, bave headaches and langour, you need Dr, Hamilton's Pills; they tone the stomach, assist digestion, brace you ap at _once. Token: gt might, vou're well bv morning. Sickness and tired feeling disappear inbtantly. Vim, spirits, happy health, all the joys of life comes to evervone that uses Dr. Hamilton's Pills. No medicine so satisfactory. Get Dr. Handilton's Pills to-day. 25c. per box at all dealérs. 3 The Demand Increasing. Like the proof of the pudding, the proof of Toye's bread is in the eating. Every day more and more of it is eat- en by the people of Kingston. Its sale shows a steady increase each year, a proof. of 'its genuine excellente and un- varying goodness. Thowe who once use Toye's bread always want it. All of which goes to show thet the people always know a good thing when they see it. 4 A Valued Possession: Mre. William Derry, Barrie street, hax in her possession a copy of the New Year's address of the Whig to its patrons o Jannat Lat) 1848, The address was printed op thin white silk. It way found : among the effects of Mre. Derrv's mother, . the late Mrs. George McMahon, and is in almost as good condition 'as when issued nearly sixty years ago, Clayton, N.Y., Ana Kingston And Ottawa, Ont. Ridean Lakes' Navigatioh company stegmers leave for Clayton" every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sa: turday, at 6:30 p.m. Leave for Ot tawa every Monday, Wednésday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 a.m. J. Swift & Co., agents. 3 fi ivan rm------ Capt. George Blair, of Norham, near Camphellicrd, is in hig ninety-first veur, but his intellect and mind is as bright 'as' 'a man Torty yesrs his + offer. He has READY TO HELP LOVERS, Too Few People Wed, is Doctrine of Hev. George W. Brown- back--He Removes Barrier of a Dot perform alm after wi marti free of charge. i -- for this step he says: "Too few are ried, One of the hindrances is the ex- of having the knot tied. I am =i ing to make people happy for no- ing. "1 know of many who can't afford to give more a dollar or two, but feel ashamed to give less than $5. Thev. delay the wedding un- til they can afford {0 pay the latte price. "Young people needn't pay a min: ister anything in this state if they don't wish to. Thanks is all a min inter has a right to expect. But many of the young folks are not aware of this fact. Lots of people condemn old folks for getting married. People' are never too old to get) married in my opinion." i Mr. Brownback achieved notoriety several years ago by travelling over the country in search of a wife, SPORT REVIEW. Notes On Baseball, Latrosss And Other Sports. The Temeraire, on Monday, defeated the Iroquois by five mimites. Stallings intends' to make a first baseman of Left Fielder Miller. Right Fielder George Browne, of the New York Giants has made his one hundredth hit. Kid Elberfelt of the New Yorls Ah ericans has been batting at a 444 clip since August. : The Orien and Lakeviews will in all probability play again a week from to-morrow at the street railway employees' picnic, i. C. Baber, H. C. Hill and T. 8, Saunders of the MeGill Club, Mont: real, are given places on the in y tional eleven to meet Phil . H. Chandler Egan ully de pion in the eleventh annual tourney at the Chicago Gold Club links at Wheaton, defeating D, E, Sawyer, 'of Wheaton, up 5 toplay, in the fin als, F. J. Marshall, the American chess player, has won the first prize in the international chess tournament, which bas ken in progress in Holland during the last fortnight. Marshall was one of the three mastors invited to partic cipate, the rest being amateurs, In the National Regatta at Balti: more, last week, the Argonauts of Toronto, the only C ian entries, competed in three events and won only one, the intermedidte eight. This race was protested by the Ariel Chib, the Argos' only competitors, the lo- cals claiming that the men from the north failed to row ih the, course buoyed out for them, Although the Boston Americans have offered him a good salary, Clar- ence Barnes, the contre fielder of the Yale 'varsity nine, has declined the decided not to play professional ball at all, but to devote his entire time to his law practice. Barnes has been for the past two years rated as one of the est out fielders among the big college teams, and Hilly Lush of Cleveland recom- mended him to the attention of the major leagues, Lyon's powerful swiping and aceur- ate work in the long iron strokes were counted upon to carry him well along in the tourney, and had his putting beent proportionatily good he doubt less would have lasted. The champion was 3 up at the tam, and 4 up at the tenth, having won the first, second, fourth, and fifth holes and allowing Martin the sixth, the rest being halv- ed. Three puts on the eloventh, twelfth, and fourteenth and g bunker at the fifteenth, with his only hole won on the incoming journey, the thirteenth, brought the men all square when the home tee was reached. on sent out a terrific hall, but poor short work gave Martin hole and match. Bedtime. Last year my bedtime was at eight, And every single night I used to wish the clock would wait, Or else stay out of sight. It always seemed to me The next hsitfivur i'd be The nicest time of all the day If mother would agree, But she always shook her head, And she sort of jumped, and said, Why, it's late--aiter eight And its time you were in bed ! That clock would always do its best To sit all quiet there, Until | was my comiycst In some big easy. chair. Then its striking would begin, And I'd tell my motberkin How I'd just begun a chapter, and It was so int'restin',-- And the end was just ahead, -- But she usually said, No, it's late--after eight And it's time to go to hed. And now my bedtime is ha'-past, But yet that old clock does The same mean trieke--it's just as last, Or faster than it was. Last night it seemed to me The next half-hour 'd be The nicest time of all the day UY mother would " But she smiled and shook her head, And she kissed me while she said, Why, it's late--ha'-past eight-- And it's time you went to bed | Respected Farmer's Death. Lansdowne, Aug. 12.--Surprise and sorrow was . expressed here, when it was learned that (Anos MeNeil Had passed away early this morning. le: ad been ill for some weeks with a pevuliar disease in his foot, but was not considered in . Deceased was one of the most prosperous farm- ers around here, and very highly es- teened for his honesty, and sincerity; a good friend and neighbor; he will be greatly missed. His wife and one son survive. Gordon Peck lost a valuable oud poisoning. FREE OF CHARGE] fended his title of National golf sham: | Taora,- Teneriffe, F new goods, just arri Handy 2 scale for preserving time, reliable one for all seasons. British Seamen Who Refuse | to " "Run the Risks of War. Dozens of British seamen sre cou: tinually arriving at Liverpool from the far cast, where they have been im- prisoned for long terms in solitary confinement at Hong Kong, and Sing- apore for refusing to run the blook- ade to Viadivostok or carry contra band of war to the Japanese ports, alter having signed for ordinary voy- ages only. Over 500 men have already been sent to London by the Sailors' Nati- onal Union, and claims for arrears of wages and damages for false imprison: ment will be made against the owners on their account. A Aypical cose was related at Liver: pool by an Trishman, who has come from Hong Kong on the steam: or Laertes. Ho says that he signed as A.B, at Cardiff last December for the voyage (o Hong Kong on a collier, The crew of twenty leamed at Hong Kong for the first time that the ves- sel's veal destination was a Japanese port, Whan they saw the harbourmas- ter he admitted that coal was con- traband of war, but in addition to their ordinary pay of £3 158 a month nothing was offered them as compen: mation for the risk of capture by the Russian cruisers. Nineteen of the men rofused to pro- ceed, and were sentenoed hy the har: hourmaster to ten weoks" imprison- ment as mutineers. They lived on prison fare, and had to pick two pounds of oakum daily, snd when taken out for exercise wore handeuffed and treated exactly ds criminale, . ah Temagami. Nimrod was a mighty hunter, hut had he hunted in the "Temagami" re- gion he would have heen a mightier one. Nimrod hunted for glory our greatest benefactors. The children of these Indians know the cance, and they know how to Ye. it, and if Jou go to Temagami this summer they will paddle your canoe in their own «wperh way. will be the best golden you ever a ha take you through vers, on, forests and hanting gronde their fore. fathers once called home, they will tell you of the tricks and habits of the bears, beavers, moose, caribou and deer, Ah! the Indians know, for once théy were mightier humters than an- cient Nimrod. Si who camp in summer along the Tem: i lakes are able to do two years' work in one. Business men who camp under Tema- gami skies never stop at the hospital by The. Grand Truk, Rathaad atom rf way tem. Jor informa Fishtiod, address J. P. Sud an, District passenger agent, Trunk Railway, Montréal. we've ever had the pleasure o at this store. All kinds of 'Weighs % oz to 10 Ibs. A most McKELVEY & E 69 and 71 Brock Street: ad, and they will | 'and a useful, COPPER PLATE NO NEED TO SEND OUT OF TOWN FOR ENGRAVED CARDS Spin ers St WHIG WORK IS Goop oF ! Proves That Parasites Cause Hair a Nine-tenths of the diseases of scalp and hair are caused by pi . The importance of but mians hunt for game. Those Indians who made the first canoe of birch bark long ago, were | The comping i# Misted Lo th over a tl a do the grder in question, *

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