& eve f 0 question seriously. said he, "no man to parlia- ment, upon whom you cannot pend to make a study of the services armed foroes may have to per © Lord Roberts has been severely ori- he has militarism on the brain, and | that he is dilivious of all the other goat issues which concern the people, 'This is not so, My lord is quite alive | to the domestic and peacelul questions that touch the masses; He realizes, however, that there are 'others who can discuss these with better offeot. The subject on which he authority is the defence of the ampire, and he had in South Africa an experi: ence which should enable hint to speak with the greator emphasis. Aided by Kitchener be had saved the howous and prestige of his, country. At p consider able sacrifice of men and of treasure he bad turned hb campaign of many [| losses and disappointments to a cam- puign of many successes. Returning to y , he seems to have eet his upon a reorganization of the What took place between him and the government, and leading to his re: | tirement. from the war office, may nev- or be known. That he was handicap: ped and that his recommendations '| He was associated with | | fence committee, and he is still a mem: | ber of it. But he clearly. intimates that he has no faith in it or in its "He invited conscription," been the immigration, veloping the instinet, The I tho wlatistical 'department 5 A 2X the! surpluses of insurance A and wisely in- ing eccentrie. The government may find" it cheaper to ship them out of | the country than have these periodi- cal tramps of people without money ond clothes. Their antics must be stopped, ---- Mr. George, the - president of the | 'Manufacturers' Association, is per- suaded that eventually some protec tion system must be introduced in | England, The "eventually" here {| spoken of appears to be a long way off. The Hamilton Spectator says the [movement Tor a" hon political council | in Kingston is confined to the Whig office and the machine grits. who are "sick of a system that keeps them out in the cold." This is real news for both the conservatives and libe- rals of Kingston. A contemporary calls attention to the fact that Jupan can only domin- ate or destroy Russia to a certain extent. That extent will be as uyp- parent to Japan as to any centre The Mikado, with all respect for the critics, will demand all that is com- ing to him. Of the inspectops, sergeants, patrol sergeants and detectives in Toronto thirty-two are conservatives and thirteen are liberals. And the. papers say there's too much politics in the force. Perhaps #0,--too much of a kind. -- i The conservative papers throughout the province are conmmenting on the the. peace; commissioners to. the | The. ity during the progress of the _ are gradually de | The no $B conservative. The | |, had fompany, month to $10; a some of. the, go. societios. | Slavic hud "ho manent The Doikhobors are again beeain: | interview he would sucure the applicant would walk in. Sei -- How He Wor All the position. The ly paid him five dollars. - an unoccupied office, The girl curly hair, is shave in manner, well dressed, alleged wealth, and was feted notified of his arrest. -- manner in which the Whitney govern- Tenders for coal for the Institute for in. the Morrisburg - paper (Mr. Whit- ment, but is said to be running over- time on other work. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. -- Well Spoken. Brantford Expositor. A "round robin' is not the best machine with which to do a "square" business. . A Terrible Possibility. Brantford Courier, any more 'houquets at himself, poo- ist's shop. : Concise Criticism. Hamilton Herald. ment." New: York American, | dosh Billings must have foreseen the noble roster of subscribers to "Fads and Fancies" when he wrote : "An Amerikan aristokrat iz the ridikilus thing in the "tharket, sesstors, and if they have ennv and cauze tew he ashamed ov thair pos- y, 2:30 pm., Awerica tor 3c. { Thursduy Bae yinceut, Be. oh turday, 5 a.m. an p.m, = ex- to Watertown, $1.95 return; | ment is distributing its advertising. ' od in Toro rake-off of $5,000 Bull hotel. Excursion Bulletin, could not Robert Johnson, caretaker of Sir Wilrid Laurier's comment on building in which Davis had his office, Billy Maclean's Wexford speech was | stated to The Mail and Empire brief but sufficient. "The proper | night that the man had left Toronto place for that speech," said the pre- just three months and three mior, "was on the floor of parlia- ago. Mis effects were still in rdpin, however. In the directory it is 2 that Davis lived in his office, Josh Billings, Prophet. bt the caretaker said this was tht case. It was also stated Davis lived for a time at the It was there stated that the man left before . the present pro- most | prictors took possession, but that They ! three trunks su are generally ashamed of their an- | lying there unclaimed: Davis was of Hebraic appearance, live long enuff they generally hav | accent. He told some people that he was a Finn. J. Pp, terity." lord, at Queen and Yonge stroets, was out of the city yesterday, and be ascertained whether he was still paying office rent or not. 2:30 p.m., cheap excursion | Horlicks malted milk for invalids i and infants, fresh at Gibsen's Red Cross Doug Store, 7 7 need Three applications . of Peck's Corn a pom, America's tour of islands, salve will cure hard or soft 4 i: NR ok, 15¢, ot Wade's drug store, ng Employment-- | Mains being tion in Toronto. Aug. 13-8, who has been pos- some time past as $20,000,600 syndi- arrested yesterday H. uesday. Davis is | Shorey and Miss Kva Shorey spent a We Been carrying on a he off a wholesale plan, 6 who elaim to have hi are preparin, tion against his residence as 2} Foronto, (nt., has i as a man of arrested only £3 money was found in Josumaion. Of this amount $2.50 was "over to Mrs; Bankaerd, of No. ot, room rent, which bd to have neglected to were also to be "'president of the Imperial limited, of 8 Pittsburg ™ "of this company is L000. Davis admitted 0 eh eoncern., 3 vis was the out- gation by Detoctive affairs of this company. ! o advertised in the 2 papers for stenographoers, book-keep- "IS, managers, superintendents, engi- for his cohcern. He said to dispose him from 8110 4 a" year. Applicants, the. police say, were required to bill with "their application, ] oney was to be used to in- vestigate the chardcter of the appli- cant. Davis is alleged to have quired considerable money in st. will apply to | way. ired a personal rview | giving up his-money, Davis would arrange to' meet him in one of the downtown office buildings, He would 'select. a vacant room, write the applicant to mect hiwy there, and, on the preténes of renting the office, he "the key from Janitor of the building for the pur- pose of inspecting it, While doing so The Frauds. Davis would explain that the con- cern was so busy that they had rent additional offices and that was his imtention to place the appli- cant in that office, provided he could applicant usual- Davis would leave the applicant in he. office and walk nn hice the money. In one instance, a girl plied for a position as u stenograph- er, meeting Davis hy appointment, in him the money and Davis left. girl told Detective. Rice She waited re all day for her new employer to return. Many others, it is claimed, were deccived in the same manner Davix, who is also said to rejoice in the possession of another name, H. Davison," said he was. an archi. tect, thirty-seven years old, and came to Pittsburg four: months ago. Davis has a smooth face, a heavy head of | finished haying and are busy harvest- mg grain, Lorne Overpuugh, spending a week visiting his sister, Mrs. F. During his stay here he moved the best of society. on account of his dined by Pittshurg's best people. He Spent moncy with a lavish hand, all of which was obtained from his dupes, Superintendent of Detectives Thomas A. McQuaide declares that he is one | of the slickost men he has met in long time: The police of Toronto and other cities interested have been Bad Reputation In Toronto. Toronto, Aug, 14.8. H. Davis liv- nto for several years, and had J office in the building at the : A ised hortheast corner of een the Blind, Brantford, were advertise Yonge streots, He Ph himself as . an architect, but it was stated ney's home organ) but not in Brant qy, Mail and Empire last night by a county, and the same Morrisburg sheet gentleman prominent has not only reccived every advertise- | %ion, that he had neve such, but was originally a carpenter by trade. It was his custom when by chance he would obtain a commission to hire a cheap draughtsman to make the plans and bluff in some way or othor. Among archi- tects and contractors he bore a very bad reputation. Tt is alleged he made propositions to contractors "to overcharges on buildings on condition that the spoils be divided. Tho lar- gest scheme he is alleged to have at- tempted was in connection with 5 erection of a summer hotel in If Billy Maclean continues to throw Georgian Bay region. He suggestod a to. the contractor will commence to take him for a | to be equally divided. The contractor revealed the scheme, and tors of the hotel ceased to do busi- ness with Mr. Davis, in that 'profes- r qualified Red Cross Drug Store. MoConkey's is sold there, through the job Canada and Australia. LOW VITALITY the projec | ¢ is the Run-Down, Thin-Blooded ambition and are easily fatigued and discouraged, depend upon it your blood is thin and watery, four nerves are exhausted and your vigor is at low : storiative and reconstruction powers which are not to be found in any posed to be his were [ ho. preparation. with a peculiar medicine you ever used. Instead of tearing down tho tissues it builds them up and gives to the body the vigor which is required to throw off disease. Magann, his land- Nerve Food by keeping a record of your increase in weight while using it, new, firm flesh and muscle is added. Fifty cents a box, six boxes for $2.50, ¥¥ dent of Newburgh. ness of only. two days. The Paul, Grange and y spent. Tues- been appointed delegate from Court high court of Eastern Ontario, 1. 0). F., which meets in Belleville, August 0th. Dr. Nesbitt, Shelbourne, spent last week at his home here. Mrs. .J. J. fow days last weels in Rochester, N.Y. Mrs. Robert Bowman is visiting her parents in Brookville. Our hasehnll team was defeated here on Thursday, by the Yarker team, the score gtand- ing 18 to 11. Mrs. Robert Paul spent last weck with her mother, Mrs. Bell, Desmond, J. E. Shorey, wife and children, (an ifton, and Mrs. W. J. Perry, King- ston, spent Sunday with Mrs. 8. Shorey. A number from the village st- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. H, MISS JENNIE BELL. Daughter of Governor Bell of Vermont, who has been selected to christen the battleship Vermont at the launching on August 31st, Deroche, in Napanee, Saturday. G. F. Hill, wife and family, "took in" the exeursion from Napanee to Belleville, Friday. Percy Madden, Toronto, is vis iting his mother, Mrs. A. Madden. The results of the departmental examina- tions are expected to-morrow. On Fyi- day, to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Moore, a son. Miss Williamson, Kingston, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Dun- woody. Mrs, Sharpe left Wednesday for a visit to her brother, Hammel Moore, Windsor Mills. W. E, Bradshaw, wife ant. daughter, spent Tuesday 'at his father's in Yarker. Mrs, J. A. Aviles holiday. Garnet Taylor, Montreal, is visiting at H. E. W. Stickney's. Archie Wilton and Reggie Paul spent Sunday at Desmond. Joseph Gandier is spend- ing his holidavs at his father's, Rev. I. Gandier. Wilmot Patterson has re turned home after spending the past two months at Alexandria Bay, N.Y. "Many Visitors At Florida, Florida, Aug. 12.--Farmers have Martyn, has returned to his home in Kingston. Mrs. I. Martyn has moved Perfoetly pure soda water, pure ice INVITES DISEASE to Every Ailment Going. This great food cure possesses re In this regard it js different to any You are invited to test Dr. Chase's at all dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronta, 4 y Suflden Death of Respected Resi- Newburgh, Aug. 13. Matthew Mo Gregor = died Wednesday after an ill- | deceased was sixty-seven years of age, and gen- rally ord good health, The funer-y | service was conducted at the house, 3, Thursday, by Rev. J. Gandier, the re-| - interred at Reidville. Mrs. Ansel Richards, Prince Edward county, spent last week with her bro- ther, Charles Welbanks, Miss Chant, oung day at Beaver Lake. Gi. ¥. Hill has Newburgh, No. 417, 1. 0. PB. to the ETL worth is in the village for a short & G00 "n principal of the Cobden prblic school. Stomac| ramps, John Sturgeon, Almonte, aged six- ty-seven years, is dead.' He had been ill for. some time, The accounts in connection with the to Sydenham to reside with her recent é davghter, Mrs. J. Asselstine. Baxter Redden wears a smile that won't come off; it's a boy. Lorne Stoness has purchased a new. rubber tired buggy. E. Redden intends leaving for North Dakota next week. Mrs. E. Olark, Kingston, is spending a few weeks with her brother, Damon Martyn. Visitors : Mrs. Lesslie and Miss Ma- hood, Kingston; Mr. Hill, Toronto, amounted to $214.87. Rev. J. G. Greig, Wemyss, has becn called to the Presbyterian congrega- tions of Scotland and Micksbhurg. The ten-year-old daughter of Adam Mele, Jurgess, fel her 1 Bek pri pd iy ® Shem It has been a household remedy rr 60 years. Robert Ross, Renfrew, has been en- It is Rapid, Reliable, and Effectualin its action. gaged by M. J. McCann, Eganville, J i Hist wat Harmless to take. as manager of his harness establish- not bowels constipated with" H. Walker: W. Martyn, Pitts. [mente = Of his hamess establish po i burg, with M. Martyn; Mrs. J, Cram- er and son, Glenvale, with Mrs. G. will be Walker: Miss Overpaugh, Kingston, with Mrs. F. Martyn; Mr. and Mrs. F. Martyn, and son, with S. Martyn; S. Martyn .and wife spent Sunday at Sydenham: Rev. and Mrs. Wattam, Wilton, with J. E river hy the Upper Ottawa Improve ment company. Rev. E. S. Logie, Winchester, has : ily an vi Been using De. Fowler's Extract of Wild L h : . Strawberry Diarr The prize fish caught at Calabogie Cramps, and I otra orn to ina pm Pufied rice crisp only at Gibson's | this year was trolled by Nrs. Dean | I know of nothing else so good for both children and adults. 'It gives almost instant a with a lafge Indian industrial school Stoness, in the North-West, one day last week. "It "tipped the scale at fifteen pounds. The foundation stone of the Angli cream, pure fruit syrune and laree, | can church at Killaloe, is to be laid thin glasses at Wade's soda fountain, The government has renewed its con- | Matheson, provincial treasurer. tract with the Union Steamship of i New Zealand for the service between | by-law providing for debentures to [Sasiosity in one' of .'the'-chimnevs in the amount of $20,000 to complete the the Wi ee swarm 'of bees, William Dickson "transferred the pees to hi: premiges but they retufmed to the chimney. Mr. . Frith . tried to _ccax on Perth town council have passed a Ww ewes | sewerage svstem in that place. The molybdenite mine in Mr. Hunt's irrwm at Mount S. Patrick, is again in operation. It was stopped for some ime vhile litigation was pending. A telegram - announces the arrival of a daughter to Dr. and Mrs. Wilson F. Philips, Dorchester, Mass. Mrs Chantry. = At Egantille, Mary, twelve-yvear-oid daughter of John McNamara: died hid Phen ol k ol ; cerebrospinal meningitis. So di Wheh you fool lack of per ym Mary, the fourgear-old daughter of J. Wolsey, Eganville, . George R. -Acheson,: Philipkville, and i Miss 8. X. Soper, ~nlv.danghter' of Planning: To Collect A Million. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Soper, of the Spsdal to It is under such circumstances that ame Jace, by wii A Cmazciage Dr. Chase's Nerve Food can be of | 2 Pelta on Avgnst € greatest usefulness' to yon. Ww. Thomas Dillon, da, 29th. The outbuildings of Herman Sprin- miles from Eganville, on the Douglas nao Niss place at Wellington. M. Carmady and John Hartnev! too CPR. engineers, wht some vears ago were moved to Montreul, will be ve hai] / Some Short Clothing Talks A man without one of our $7.50 Two-picce Outing Suits is a stranger to comfort.--The H. D. Bibby. Co. We 'won't sell all the Suits sold in town this year, but we'll sell the handsomest.--The H. D. Bibby, Co. Don't know where the man, who can't be suited here, will get his suit. --The H)\D. Bibby Co. The short man, the tall man and the fat- man come here and find suits to fit the n.--The H. D. Bibby Co. If you have not seen our $10 and $12.50 Suits, you have missed seeing the best Suits In town for the money.--The H. D. Bibby Co. We never saw the equal of our Suits at $8.50, $10 or $12.50 Give us your opinion.-- The H. D. Bibby Co. See our $1 Soft Bosom Shirts. See our 25¢. Hosiery, Fast Black Cashmere. THE H. D. BIBBY CO., Clothiers and Haberdashers, Oak Hall, IN OUR OWN CIRCUIT. News of The District on Both Summer Complaints. seovtTenceen ES AU Staats eT E Ite t Eee s st SSO TE. hess sssssscsssaene $e Sides of The Line. J. Robertson has resigned as Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum, Seasickness, and all Looseness of the Bowels smallpox casé at Stirling OF WILD STRAWBERRY. It is stated that 3,000,000 sawlogs It is for sale by all dealers. It bas many substitutes. Do not accept them. i brought down the Ottawa They may be dangerous. velief in all cases of bowel complaint, . moved back to Smith's Falls. Mr. August 28rd, by Hon. A, J. Hartney, « with . his _deughtor . and mother, sailed for Ireland, Thursday. J. Fraser, of Winchester, has a them "away with a queen," hut the chimney. works and lighting systems, Norton, chancellor = of Any Symptom Like "This. August 9th, the marriage of lucia Evans, daughter of the . A y Inte Dr. Evans, Picton, to Harold Weadaches, nervous despondency, Gradually and cortainly, the wasting | pierce Fi 1d, Pavina, NWT. dnd Son | tase of energy, failing mémory. Don't process is overcome, and week by week of Joha P. Field, Cobourg, Ont. took fdespair. Wade's: Iron Tonic act- Mondy back if pot satisfactory; whether in children or adults, can be cured by the use of Dr. FowLeRr's EXTRACT took no effect and they are still in The water power of the Waltham Philips Miss Edith Knowlton ] company on the Black River," has heen Person Who Falls Easy Vietim NHIps was 188 dit nowiton, purchased by the Pembroke § Water Works and Lighting, eompany:~ Tho price paid is said to be about $7;- 000. The power will be utilised. for the operation of the Pembroke water the Whig. 0, N.Y., Aug. 15»Charles P. the University Admaston, recsived | of Bulfialo, bas. started an energetic the sad intelligence that his daugh- | "*Mpaign to-day, oho Sha hom dol: ter, Katie, in religion Sister Everil- | Obtaining at least oli a million Sol. had died at St. Joseph's Aca- | lars, for' the purpose of ettuln Z id demy, St. Paul, Minnesota, on July | improving the, university, nT \ © J hopes to collect a fall amillion, but will be satisfied if half 'that amount is Gratizm-- township, about two | contributed. The objéit of the he 'move ment is to raise the university upon Road, were struck bv lightning and | 2 higher level of cliiciency and: im- burned "on ednesday, Heavy loss; | Prove its character as an educational insrrance. institution, . tr AN ing through the blood and on the nerves restore to vou - the vivaeity and health of yeuth. Tn boxes 23¢. . bread: the 1 . "Whether" she well, whether it rains or s must get to her pl of em perform the dutie? exacted smile and be agreeable. Among this class the sy female diseases are early m weak and aching backs, ps lower limbs and lower pa stomach. In consequence o wetting of the feet, month 'become paintul and irregula: quently there are faint and di with loss of appetite, until burden. All of these sympt. to a derangement of the fem: ism which can be easily and cured by Lydia E. Pinkham' 'ble Compound. Mlle. Alma Robitaille, 7¢ Francois. Quebec, Quebec, 1 this great medicine did for writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham :-- "Overwork and long hours at together with a neglected cold, br very serious female trouble unt 'was unable to go to work. I then a friend who had taken Lydia E. Vegetable Compound when her he the same dition that min siraightway sont et for a bottle. that and took two more before I n to improve but after that my re very rapid and I was soon well a IAD work again. I certs Your medicine for sick women praise gnd am indeed glad to endc It is to such girls that M ham holds out a helping han tends a cordial invitation to c with her. Her long record ¢ in treating woman's ills make ters of advice of untold valu ailing working girl, and from experience and skill she quic) the way to health. Her advi and all letters are held b; the strictest confidence. Add Pinkham, Lynn, Mass, ---------- LANDED A MASKINO Twenty Pounder Hooked anoque Harbor. Gananoque, Aug. 15.--Loom! gpectors have received in from the department of fish to issue any more anglers thus placing our Canadian en to American [fishermen money and without price. Th much consolation for local a this order and dissatisfaction ly expressed. - The goapel car still occupic tipn on the streets of our evangelists were somewhat with in their services last ev The landing of a twenty-p kinonge by a guest at the out from the hotel wharf, ca a littls excitement. There just as big waiting for som come along and catch them. A large crowd took adva the moonlight exenrsion la under the management of R Gorman, to attend Mav In in Clayton. The America full complement of passengen to leave some on the wharf, . Grange Day At Thousand Special to the Whig. Thousand Islands, N.Y., Annual Grange Day is obse to-day, in the customary ma principal speaker of the da the Hon. W. F. Dill, mast Pennsylvania State Grange, just returned from the Inte Agricultural Congress in Ita speakers will be the Hon. ( Cobb, state senator; Mrs, F, ton, and George A. Fuller. No where Joes quality ¢ much as in the drug store depend on getting the bes and exactly what is asked fc Leod's. I feed Baby?" Nestlé's Food co tely takes the pl > mother's milk, 'Nestlé's Food agrees baby's delicate stomach, Nestle's Fe " contains nourishment baby's fragile system change intostrength and n Nestlé' Food is instant pared with water--no my q 8 Sample--enough for 'gent FREE to mothers, THE LEEMING, MILES CO., L MONTREAL,