storm prevailing to- ter past one o'clock. She - heavy Pastenger ha ly miniature park on Ki par Gore street, has been a3 interest to the child- is that it has not and robbed of its attrac Two Toronto Steamers by Capt. Thomas Donnelly. ns Donnelly was request- » Feceived today to give on the collision between on Toronto Bay, Sa- is reply in part was as give an opinion on a rvol- 15.~The Asso- | lisiof until I héar the tion both sides and perhaps I can ad-* to your other questions, when collisions like in daylight, one or wed there would not he . The law applicable to Verns the conduct boat is bound to les of navigation > of water craft, and their docks and in navigation are subject rules that govern other situated that col- vessels, to wait within until 3 7: Passed, stand 80d J their achedule time Tor leaving hae an -------------- GREAT STRIKE POSSIBLE, In the Printing Trades of the United States, x the warning of is, president of the Un- tae of America is fulfilled, grea © printing trades, At the convention of the International a this morning, Mr. El- tically that the adoption of the y the wnion would re- in a fight between t printers and the i sF8 rod condition and possesses position, and the win- on when naval opera- mpossible, k also is splendidlv for it Japan, as well as ; eS gz 3Z 7 sd i Special to the Whi i ] | Q the world 'at large, underestimated Russia's strength in the field and her financial Fesourves at more hopeful feeling which is can be traced to the " that M. Witte, who is thor cognizant of the views of the governmen tinue negotiations employees. There was said Mr. Ellis. The em- printers were fighting with at Portsmouth, un- reason to believe that Ja- Pan would reduce her demand them aceetable to Clergymen's Taxes. e convention refused the name of the union by the words "North America, sident was authorized committee of three to_in next convention upon a an of inauguration of a system of fension and reliefs for aged and sick ---- GIRL EARNS" $50,000. 'Plucky 'Young Woman Works as Contractor. . 15.~Miss Elizabeth riem girl, hag just com- years' work as a street contractdr, and she has made a profit £50,000. x $5258 ------------ CANADIAN YACHT WINS. 3 extent of $400, . that the tution ap- to superannuation allowances as tipends E Because of the death of her father who was a well-known Iman decided to he had undertaken ly the girl superintended the going into saloons ho were derelict. the successful completion of the now, the young woman has ab- street contracting busi- and gone to a Maine resort for a on 2 2 i She Beat the Iroquois by Over finish the contracts : of the late Willi he place this morning to Cata- ragui cemetery. It was of a private to find Jaborers wl : Ww scored another victory. again over the line at t Crossing at 11.08 a.m. but a number of the decoased's ere present at ich 3 by Rev, Mr. McCallum, an old friend, mssisted by Rev. , Spevial to the Whig. looper, the Tammany politi- superintendent of buildings, knew Miss Thiskman's father, t "girl, if she continued, ighly successful contrac. der. and before half an hour had | di a lead of over half a mile. From then i sion, with the Canafli in front, the finishing fer © Temernire 1.33 pm: throughout the race blew at a ra Seventeen to twenty miles an hour. -- RAILWAY EARNINGS Of the New Road Into New . The four sons were the an boat always he ture, although she has not told w its tobe ee -- |SOME ARE OLD OFFENDERS. ; -- Doukhobors Will Not Get of family in Quebec, Lightly. Seacial to the Wai apy 1 - Ottawa, Aug, 15.--According to ad- vineh , St he oh e Pole the provincial treasurer, the earnings of the pril, May, June and y av $9,000 -- taken over from the contractors in Janu i expenses for that ruary were 96% varnings. In March, when mmission rest of the cool doorway. seventy-five per cent. and for the pas be: 14 ave been under fifty- the earnings. in the last distw five per cent. of Cananmore, by teacher, of the 1 In comnection with a letter publi hed in the Record Burs -------------- Cheap Excursion To Cape Vincent erica, 2.30 pom., giv. here; hone 7.30 p.m, general and Countess residence boating in Mohawk Lake, manth this fall, residence js " -- Dr, Chown's special Fron rong and healthy, give while boring & hole in a ceil SPENCE'S BRIDGE, B. C. Pitiful Scenes as the Bodies Are Dug Dut--Whole = Families Perish Together--Work of Re- most. disastrous his iousness, r of British Columbia occurred || hr: 48 a quarter of a milé below this ace Monday afternoon, when a la k of gravel broke away from t mountain on the north side of Thomp- and on to the Indian reservation on every and killi at least vighteen le. The so far re- covered, who are all Indians, include three women, four children and three men, and there are known to be eight more bodies still missing. The new annex to Clems House has been con- verted into an hospital where the of Asherpit, Wade of Kamloops and Kerr of this place have been here since Monday evening, relieving the suffer- ing of the injured natives. . he conditions here is affecting. Old men and women with broken limbs and bruised heads fill every available room, and their ans are audible all through the building. At the scene of the disaster this morning 'the sight was indeed pitiful. Men, women and children stand on the bank looking down on - the debris that had been their "life-long home, while willing hands dig among the ruins for those still missing, hile your correspon- dent visited the scene of the slide this marning, three bodies were unearthed, a mother, son and daughter. They had come from a nei ghboring roserva- tion to attend dort, Four Indians who were fishing for salmon directly under the slide when it occurred are buried deep, and their bodies will nev- er be recovered, When the slide struck the river it dammed it completely, forein the water back in a wall ten feet high for a distance of five hundred yards. The ferry just back of the town was caught in the rush and hurled nigh and dry. The water has partly broken through the slide, but as yet the river is much higher than usual. At the time the slide happened, the east-hound ex- press was in sight of Spence's Bridge, and had the engineer not noticed the great cloud of dust and dirt aceom- panying the slide, and immediately re- versed his engine, the results might have been much more disastrous. The gravel was thrown three feet deep on the track. Government assistance will probably be at once forthcoming, as the unfortunate surviving natives are rendered penniless and without a roof to shelter them. ------ SEEKING DAMAGES Said a Lawyer Gave Him Bad Deal Chicago, Aug. 15.--Frank Raimbauit, 335 Dearborn avenue, has begun suit, for 850,000 The plaintiff charges he was dis- graced among hundreds of his friends in Quebec, Canada, by the use to which the defendant put an affidavit made by him. Raimibault and his wife In a divorce suit in the cireyit ¢ourt in which Raimbault made al- gation that brother officers of his regiment in army posts and garrisons in Quebec and other Canadian pro- vinces had won the affections of Mrs. Margaret Raimbault. The latter was said to be the daughter of a high government official in Halifax. When it came time for a hearing of the hus- band's divorce case it developed that Mrs. Raimbault had sued first, He made no defense and Judge Homore gave her a decree. After the hearing, it is asserted, Attorney Miller pleaded with Raimbault to deny athe charges meade in his divorce bill against his wife. The attorney told him Mys, Raimbault desired to remarry and that she feared the alle tions would stand in the way of her prospects, Thereupon, from generosity, Raim- bault declares, he agreed to sign an affidavit clearing the name of his wife, In this he retracted all the things he had said of Mrs, Raimbault and Ser- geant Fowler, and Sergeant Mooney, of his regiment. Immediately after the decree was signed, it is asserted, Mrs. Raimbault's lawyer sent the aflidavit clearing. her to Quebec and there caus- ed it to be published. -- BIG JOE MENIER Lies From Wounds--Intended WERE LOST DETAILS OF CONVULSION AT nee's Bridge, B.C., Aug. 15.--The Ta hin or == White Silk W at, $2.95 It isn't often you get a Silk Waist as pret- ty as this for the money. i r tionally good quality white China sil and back trimmed with wide hemstitched 0 mutton sleeve with hemstitched tucks, finished with neat cuffs. 32 up to 42. Waists injured are now. lying. Drs. Hanson | All sizes from We have also just received a few of same make in Black, Navy and Brown. s' Raincoats h designs at $4.75, 5.75, 6.95, 7.50, 87s, 13.99. By The Yard WE HAVE "PRIESTLY'S" Famous Crayenette Rainproof Cloths in Black, Dark Grey, Light Grey, Yawns, 3 different weights, at $1, per yard. Widths is 60 inches. Xo LADIES' UMBRELLAS Special values at $1, against Walter |' Miller, an at h MEN'S UMBRELLAS Special values at $1, 1.25, 1.50, 2 and up. Umbrellas Re-Covered good handles and frames. So you can save Get an estimate of t Children's Hosiery GIRLS' Fast Black C different qualities to choos sizes from No. o up to size BOYS' Fam bed Cotton Stoc exceptionally well made Prices range from 1 5¢., according to size. pa otton Stockings, 5 e from, and in all ous Leather Knit Black Rib- These stockings are and give great wear. 18c., 20c, 23c., 25¢. Victim Recovering. Aylmer, Ont., Aug. 15.--Big Joe Menier, who on Wednesday last ai. tempted to murder Mrs, Guay, and then put a bullet in his own head, ied, about two o'clock, this morning, He bad been unable to eat since, he was made a prisoner, and appeared unconscious of what was going on, His preliminary hearing was set for yesterday, but it was decided that he Was not in a condition to plead, and ithe hearing was consequently post. poned. A coroner's inquest was held man's real name is James Grenier, and he is said to have a wife and -------- "Working Like A Dog." What's in a phrase? If we really should spend the twenty-four hours thus * One hour digging a woodchuck | WEA :-- from a wall, two hours worrying a bone, half an hour begging "the folks" to take us down town, and the the time sleeping Ym a mat in ------------ A writ has been issued against Mr. Shaw, of the Chesterville Record, and nk Sauve and Robert Stevens, of BS Montgomery, atter place, for libel Thomas Smith, married, and aged thirty-five, an employee of the Brant. ford Plough works; was drowned while John Lyon, Montreal machinist, JOHNLAIDLAWGSON eo ; , ! EEE. Bargains In Footwear ! We have just filled our tables with some genuine drked like o dog." all day, we |Dargains in shoes, odds and en ds in summer foot- 1 Table Ladies' Fine Honse 8li ppers, regalar $1.26, for $1. 1 Table Ladies' Fine and Heavy Lace Bhoes, Chocolate Oxfords, s 1 Table Girls' Tan Slippers, 1 Basket Girls' Oxfords, 1 Basket Children's Pat 1 Basket Children's Ki reg. $1 aad $1.25, for 89¢. izes 11 to 3, reg. $1.25, for 806. sizes 8, 9, 10 and 11 to 2, for 75¢. spring heel, size 11 to 2, for 60e. ent Slippers, sizes 5, 6 and 7, for 50. d and Pebble Oxfords, sizes 8, 9 and 10, for 50c. All these bargains and lots more at bored into a keg of sulphuric was sig acl, THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE | 'SHIRT ~ All This W All New Goods See Our STRAW HATS HAI EB. P. Jenkins Clot IF YOU H Any difficulty in | ted with Shoes, COM and we will make t a pleasant one. Wear "All Military Bootmaki 84 Brock St. Sign of ¢ Practical Optica Prescriptions for glass * FILLED All styles of mounts ar ways in stock, with repairs. Eyes carefully examined A ES FITTED. Prices for above work mo SMITH BF Jewelers 0 350 King Street. Phe " Marriage Licenses DO IT NC Liet your property in the Septem AALS and the price yuu are lookirg for. SWIFT'S me=: Extae, WANTED. DINING-ROOM GIRL, AT Grand Union Hotel, Ont A GOOD PLAIN SEWER work. Apply to 169 Wel AT ONCE, TWO EXPERIF Goods clerks. Apply Shaw MEAT CUTTER. APPLY son Bros ., Cor. Princess streets AT ONCE, A GOOD COOK wood Hospital. Appl, Matron. ---- i A GENERAL SERVANT cook ; no was £ or ir to Mrs. Hugh C. Nickle street BOYS, TO LEARN M1 muking: good opportuni bright boys. McGowan Co., Limited AN EBEXPERIE Must understs flowers. Apply to Lt. Smith. King St. West HO' nd three ent and at Whig FOR FIR chamberm, Steady en Apply in pers INTLEMEN TO GET Vr SE Overcoa and Suits Thomas Galloway 3 131 Also bring your old on them repaired. Style, guaranteed to please 5 ND BOYS WAN ME trade, great graduates $4. &5 day plete course two month admitted to Union Plumber's Ass'n. Coyne Plumbing Schools, New cinnati, St. Louis. Fo Jogue, address 239 10th York. Da a aa FOR SALE MAGIC LANTERN, 3 MA. I Sentt. Milfora, in et se ICK HOUSE, 392 AL Ba modern, 12 rooms. premises orto S. Rou Wellington St. NG TO' REMOVAL © OWING will sell some ve fittings. Will be please call from those inter Fair. - TO-LET. a RE Ts 5 OP ON DIVISIO TE ove street, occ Boon, milliner. Apply = re ----eereeee INGS FURNISHEI PR stores, offices, Cann's Real Estate Brock Street. oo . a VIEW," MACK ST ¥ AIR) Hy Tucker. sire fessional gentleman DE nvententes: Beautiful Yearly tenant oreferred * Sent. 1st. Anply on pn . George Pullman, a Toro who is in custody, charg manslanychter of Thomas March Jast, was remanc » 3 ©