Daily British Whig (1850), 16 Aug 1905, p. 7

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exchanged for Toilet \ get their TOILET ist, no use for. nething you need and 2000 YNTO, CANADA. re ponsiveness > your every demand, the er sulks or keeps you waiting. expect it. Thermometer tells you just or- roasting - heat. has pt up. The reason the . OXFORD NGE nanaged is because the fire- lues are constructed, shaped ould be. It's a pleasure to se and our patent Draw-out cial features of the Imperial andsomest, most economical nteed to be the best. how it, write us direct, and iculars and the name of the e Range will find our Oxford Chane h a range can be made. 904 ndry Co., Limited vipeg Calgary Vancouver ale at SIMMONS BROS. LL PRISONER? us diseaso, or the excesses of manhood, ot the men they ought to be or used to be. | vitality of manhood are lacking. A. pondent? tired in the moruing ? have you ough the day's work ? have you little am- are you irritable and excitable? eyes nd haggard looking? memory poor and you weak back with dreams and losses at 19e? weak sexually 7--you have lity and Seminal Weakness. 10D TREATMENT is teed to 7. 25 yearn fn Detroit, Bank re of quacks--Consult old established, - Conagltation Free. Books uestion Blank for Home Treatment. 3 HELP FOR MEN 3 ositively cure lost manhood is. © us German Remedy discovered by Fe Ta lled in this coupuy by the VV 7 shy Medicipe concern which has the td, his treaiment has c at =~ s remedy can and will care ny cured; che, pimples, varicocele, pain in the ory, disappear completely in the worst cases in 5 two week's treatment, n © make the honest offet 'Slrn your money housands of testimonials, nce treated girictly confidential. FIVE ent sent free with a book of rules for health, diet Hoa reaten Juecstses have been those who have reatments, 'I his re; is regularly used hand German armies, and 14 soldiers in thess ® models of strength and vitality, Write fod secyrely cealed in plain wrapper. P.O. Drawer L, 2841, Montreal. JER THINK Insurance does not cover luable papers or family TALL SAFE is a cheap Them, and 1 WELLINGTON. STREET, nd Bicycles. ¥ local land © - the land to be taken is situated, or if the § homes! ------ la WRTHUR ELLIS ARCHITECT. OF fic New Drill Hall, near cors ner XE and Montreal Strests. ---------------------------- eee oe POWER & SON ARCHITECT, MER. chant's Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone 213. JENRY P. SMITH, ARCHITECT. ding, Market Square. 'Phone, 845, MONEY AND BUSINESS EE re: ty the unlimited lability , of all the stockholders. PT a ured at lowest possible rates. lore renewing old 0 Kiving new business get rates from & Strange, Agents, Sanu. -------------------- UR POLICIES COVER MORE ON p buildings and contents than any oth- of Com offers. Kxamine them at Godwin's urance Emperium, Mark- et Square. EDUCATIONAL. aa eee Fall Term Opens Sept. 5th KINGSTON BUSINESS COLLEGE LIMITED Head of Queen St., Kingston, Ont. A modern, school. Practical, complete, ual instruction subjects. Students may enter at any time. Expert professional "teachers in charge. Open throughout the whole year. Write, call or telephone for terms and catalogue. J. B. McKAY;, H. F. METCALFE, Principal. Fall Term Opens Sept. 5 Alles Cor. Barrie and Clergy Streets, Kingston, Ont. Thorough courses in Accounting, Short- hand, Typewriting, Penmanship, Write for partic and rates W. H. SHAW, T.N. STOCKDALE, p Principal. permanent and reliable thorough, individ given in all commercial ele. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS even numbered section of Domin- jon Lands in Manitoba or the North- west' Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, not eserved, may be homesteaded upon by any person who is the sole head of a family. or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section, of 160 acres, mQre or less. . Lalry way be made personally at the ce for the district in which Any res, he may. on applica tion to the id * Interior, Ottawa, the Commissioner of Immiigra- jon, Winnipeg, or the local agent for the district in which the land is situate, receive authority for some one to make entry for him. HOMES AD DUTIES : A settler who ited an entry for a home required to perform the con- ditions connected therewith under one the following plans : ' 5 (1) At least six months residence upon and cultivation of the land in each year during the term of three years. (2) If the father (or mother, if the father is deceased) of any person who is eligible to make a homestead entry _un- der the provisions of this Act, resides upon a farm in the vianity of the land entered for by such person as a hone stead, the requirements of this Act as tc residence prior to obtaining patent mav be satisfied by such person residing with b»~ father or mother. 18) If the residence upon settier farming land him in the vicinity of nis honiestead, the requirements of this Act as to residence may he satisfied by residence upon the said land. APPLICATION FOR PATENT should be made at the end of three years, be- fore the Local Agent, Sub~Agent or tue Homestead Inspector. Before making application for patent the settler must give six montus' notice in writing to the Commissioner of Do minion Lands at Ottawa, of his intention to do so. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH- WEST MINING REGULATIUC Coal.--~Coal lands may be ;urchasec a! $10 per acre for soft coal an) $20 for anthracite. Not more than 320 acres can he acquired by one indiVidual or com- pany. Royalty at the rate of ten cents Jer ton of 2,000 pounds shall be collected on_the gross output. ; Quartz.--A free miner's certificate is granted upon payment in advance of $7.50 per annum for an, individual, and from $50 to $100 pes sanum for a com- bany according to capital free minor, having discovered mineral in place, winy locate a claim 1,500% 1,500 feet. The fee for recording & claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended on the claim each year or paid to the mining re- corder in lieu thereof. When $500 has been ed or paid, the locator may vhon having a survey made, and upon complying with other requirements, pur- chase the land at $1 an acre. The patent provides for the payment of § royalty of 24 per cent on the sacs PLACER mining claims generally are 100 feet square ; entry fee $5, renewable yearly. A free miner may obtain two leases to dredge for mold of five miles each for a term of twenty years, renewable at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior The lessee shall have a dredge in oper- ation within one season from the date of the lease for each five miles. Rental. $10 Per annum for each mile of river leused Royalty at the rate of 24 per cent collect- ed on the output after it exceeds $10,000 W. |W. CORY has his pacrmanent owned by Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N.B.--1/nauthorized publication of this kdvertisement will not be paid for. FACE COVERED WITH HUMOUR Scalp One Mass of Sores, Hair and Eye-Brows Fell Out -- Agony for Eight Long Years--Doctors Were Unable to Help Her. SPEEDILY CURED BY CUTICURA Bh... "I had suffered terrible agony and pain for eight long years from a ter- rible eczema on the scalp and face. The best doctors were unable to help me, and I had spent a lot of money for many remedies without receivin; any benefit. My scalp was Arvitden, with scabs, my face was like a piece of raw beef, my eyebrows and lashes were falling out, and sometimes I felt as if I was burning up from the ter- rible itching and pain. I then began treating myself at home, and now my head and face are clear and I am en- tirely well. I first bathed my face with Cuticura Soap, then applied Cuticura Oititment tothe afflicted parts,and took Cuticura Resolvent for the blood, I was greatly relieved after the first ap- plication, and continued use of Cuti- cura soon made a complete cure, -- Miss Mary F. Fay, Westboro, Mass.' AGONIZING ECZEMA And Itching, Burning Eruptions with Loss of Hair, Cured by Cuticura. - Bathe the affected parts with hot water and Cuticura Soap, to cleanse the surface of crusts and scales, and soften the thickened cuticle; dry, without hard rubbing, and apply Cuti- cura Ointment freely, to allay itch- ing, irritation, and inflammation, and soothe and heal ; and, lastly, take Cuti- cura Resolvent Pills to cool and cleanse the blood. A single set is often sufficient to cure the most tor. turing, disfiguring skin, scalp, and blood humours, with loss of hair, of infancy or age, when doctors, medi- cine, and all else fails. se Sq. Paris, depots: rierhouse Sq. ; 8 Roe de Ia Paix; Australia, R. Towns & Co., Syduey. Potter Drug & Chem. Corp. Boston, Sole Propre. = bout the Skin. Scalp, and Hair." Free, " All About the Dizziness, Nausea, Srowsinem, Distress after ating, Pain in the Side, ec. ilo their most remarkable success king been shown iu curing Meadache, yet Carter's Little Liver Pills ave equally valoable in Constipation, curing and pre- venting thisannoying complaint, while they also correctall disorders cf thestomach stimulate the Hyer and regulate the bowels, -- HEAD Ache they would bealmost priceless tn those who suffer from this distressing complaint; but fortu. nately theirgoodness docs notend here and those who once try them will find these little pills valu. wble in so many ways that they will not be wil Jing to do without them. But after alla. k head ACHE 1s the bane of so many lives that here is where 'wemake our great boast. Our pillscure it while others do not. \ Carter's Little Liver Pills aro very small and ry casy to take. One or two pills inaken dose. 'They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or purge, but by their gantlo action please all who use them. In vialset25cents; fivefor §1. Sold by druggists everywhere, or sent by CARTER BEDICINE CO., New York, Small Bl Small Doss fell Prien, PURE FOOD INSURES Good Herm NAGIC Poms INSURES PURE FOOD. COMPANY E.W. GILLETT LIMITED TORONTO.ONT. . x sent in pisin -- J express, prepa $1.00. or 3 bottles 82.75, Circular ent on Green Apples Killed A Child. Syracuse, N.Y., Aug. l6.--Josephine Ray, aged three and one-half years, died of convulsions, supposed to have béen caused by her eating green ap- ples. She was taken ill' shortly after supper and Dr. John (. Shoudy was called. The child lived hut twenty minutes. Her parents, Albert and Mrs. Anna Rav, of 720 Schuyler street, be- lieve that she secured green apples during the afternoon and ate them. The Polish that won't wemr oft, Sold Only at Strachan's Hardware C. H POWELL CARPENTER AND JOBBER, 103 Raglan Street. Robert H. Serviss, 4 young G.T.R brakeman, and Miss Rose E., second daughter of William Capper, two pop ular voung Brockvillians, were united in marriage on Monday. ARE SOLD OPENLY VERITABLE SLAVE MARKET AT CAPE MUDGE. Searching Investigation to be Made by Authorities as Re- sult of the Revelations. Vancouver, B.C., Aug. 15.--Provin- cial Constable Jones, who is in charge of a large territory on the northern coast, has just paid a visit to the In- dian village at Capo Mudge. It is stated on good authority that a re markable condition of affairs exists there amongst the native population. It is openly asserted that half-breed and quarterbreed girls are sold there to the highest bidders, hundreds of dollars having changed hands, accord- ing to the statements made in well authenticated cases. While the visit of Constable Jones last week was not made specially for the purpose of going into the question of the alleged immoral traf: fic, the result of his visit will pro bably be that a complete tion will be made by the provincial police authorities, and the guilty par- ties brought to justice. According to the information oh tainable to-day, a number of well aun. thenticated cases have come to the notice of recent investigators. Girls 'have during the last few years been sold when they were very young, and some have heen resold on as many as three occasions. It was when the girl was a deserter the third time that she came back to the village and was again disposed of to a halfbreed rancher farther up the coast for 81,- 209. Recently she deserted the ranch- ing man, and he complained so bitter- lv to all his neighbors up and down the coast, that the story is now very well known in all its disgusting de tails. In another - case; a young mam of ed to be married to a girl of the Royal City, went north and was en- snared by the charms of one of the white-skinned girls of the Cape Mudge settlement. He is alleged to have paid no less than $500 for the girl, and the couple are now living in the north. SAVED FROM WATERY GRAVE Has Scores of Medals Certificates. London, Aug. 16.--By the rescue of two. young . visitors from drowning this week William Adams, of Gorles- "ton, has brought his list of lives sav- ed frogs the water to seventy-four Adams is a smith in the winter and a Proprietor of bathing huts and an instructor of swimming in the summer. He acquired the habit of life-saving when he was only eleven years old, and persisted in it without public re- cognition until he was twenty-one vears old, when he received his first testimonial from the Royal Humane Society. Since then he has received seventeen of the society's cortificates, several wold, silver, and bronze medals, with { clasps. and innumerable private testi monials. In 1890 he and rescued a lad named swimming lesson to some elementary school boys, a man stepped up to hip and gave him a silver medal, the lad he rescued fore, Adams' only failure was in 1808. Two Gorleston lads got into difficul- ties while bathing, and Adame summoned to their assistance. He dashed into the sea and brought one of the lads ont, but in the meantime the other sank. Adams dived reo- peatedly, and at length secured the lad, but it too late to restore animation eight years be- was eastern points. Mrs. J. S. Gallagher, | and little daughter, Lucille, have returned from Portland. | Miss Myrtle Gallagher has also re- { turned home, accompanied by her | friend, Miss Gladney.' Miss Margery | Gallagher; Ottawa, is visiting at él 'Stewart's. Our bank has moved from the post office to its new guarters on | the opposite corner. Mr. Horning, Walkerville, is putting . in the now 1 fixtures. School Will open on Monday with a hew staff of teachers, Miss | Bradiord is visiting friends near | Odessa. The Misses McLean, Napanee, spent a féw days at 8. Patterson's. A. Forsvthe has been taking his holi' | days. William Grant has been reliev- ing agent. The K. & P. station is be- ing repainted. Miss Lillian Trousdale | has returned from the States, accom- panied by her aunt. A number of our vaonng men have been camping over a week and several enjoyable picnics | were held during their stay there. | Mrs. Hinch and children, Westhrook, | are visiting at Anson Hughes, Mise Philips is visiting friends in the States, Painted The School. | Wilmur, Aug. 15~0Our schoolhouse is looking fine after its new coat of paint inside and out, and will be en- | couraging to our teacher, Miss Eng- lish, on her reture, Most of the farmy,- ers have finisher! having and are well | advanced in harvest. Mr. and Mrs: J. K. Freeman and daughter have returned after spending a few days at Collinge Bay. R. 6G. Stomness is visiting his sister in Watertown. Mr. and Nrs. W. Garbutt spent Sunday | at Mre. M. Avkrovd's -- PERSONAL. MEN SHOULD KNOW THAT THE only perfect and safe Vacuum Appli- | ance is manufactured and controlled by the Erie Medical Co., 94 Mohawk | St., Buffalo, N.Y., who administer in connection with it interior and ex- terior remedies having a world-wide reputation for weak men. Write to day for circulars and | | { investiga- | Westminster, who was actually engag- | man of forty, a tin- | Crane, who fell from the Gorleston pier into a strongly running tide. Fight vears afterwards, as Adams | came out of the water after giving a | It was | was | | Ontario, { quirements, serve the country's needs | people were trained to arms in | sev ehitieth proofs, | place Sunday to Gleawood cewmiatery, A CHARMING WEDDING. -- Happy Event Celebrated at | : illage of Denbigh, | Denbigh, Aug. M.~One of the pret- | tiest. marriages uf the season was sol- | emnizod in the Methodist church here, i Wi , Sth inst, it being that of | Miss Florence Lilian, second youngest | daughter of Me. and Mre, John Lane, to v. Hobert Stewart, of Gilbert. As the bridal party = entered the church they were greeted by the strains of Mendelssohn's wedding march, rendered by Miss Jean Lane, sister of the bride. The ceremony was performed by Rev. J. R. Butler Courtice, brother inlaw of The bride. The church was tastefully decorated with a draping of evergreens the entire auditori- um, while the pulpit was banked with out flowers, and potted plants, The bride's youngest sister, Miss Vina, Na- panee, looking charming in a costume of champague voile and large picture hat white, was maid of honor. She carr an immense sheal of ink sweet peas. Eathel Bebee, Vennachar, performed good service for the groom, and little Miss Clara (Toddie) Reson, | Petrolea, niece of the bride, made a sweet flower girl. She was daintily | dressed in white silk organdie trimmed with Ince and carried a basket of sweet | which she' seattered in front of the bride as the party left the church. At the conclusion of the coremony, the | guests, numbering about. one hundred were entertained at Vistainere cottage, the home of the bride's brother, J. | Snmun Lane, with whom she has re sided for many years. Here all par { took of a sumptuous repast from a | marquee on the lawn. | The fair bride looked like a stately Bly in her bridal robe of white taffe- ta en train, with an overdress of white { chiffon trimmed with a voke of silver embroidery: and inlet with real lace. Her bridal weil, of white embroidered | tulle, was suspended from a wreath of | orange blossoms and was caught up | in myriad places with tigy sprays of | the same. The only ormament wom was a heavily chased gold bracelet, with amethyst fastenings. She carried a large bouquet of white bride's roses | nd: maiden: hair fern tied with steam- | ers of satin ribbon. Her going-away {dress was © a suit of brown taffeta. | with hat of fanoy straw, and gold | sequing with deep hack, banked with | clusters of orange blossoms and satin ribbon. { The bride is a popular young lady, { both in the village and surrounding | conntry. She was a member of the | Methodist choir. a teacher in the Sun: | day school, and much loved and res | pected. Mr. Stewart 'will be kindly { remembered as'a former teacher in this vicinity. Their popularity and esteem was shown mn a marked degree by the presents the bride received, consisting of cheques, silverware, china and glass, ete. Amid a tamult of good wishes, Mr. and Mrs. Stewart left for Actinolite, the home of the groom's parents, whence they will go direct to their { home in Gilbert. Manv guests were | present from distant places, including { Petrolea, Roblin, Actinolite, Lyndock, Cloyne, Renfrew, Griffith and Mata- watchan, : The groom's ¢ift to the maid of hon- | or was handsome pin of red and | green enamel sect in silver: to the hest | man a. stick pin, and to the flower girl a gold locket, AGREES WITH ROBERTS. | British War Department Has { Shown Much Blundering. London, Aug. 16,--Lord Roberts! | view that the army is now in a worse | condition than it was before the war | has been powerfully indorsed by Gen. Buller. {| Writing to a | Buller says : "Our foolish statesmen of late years | have been so anxious to devise some {new plan for an entirely new organi | zation that they have overlooked the {fact that in army, militia, and | volunteers we have an organization has done good and effective work in the past, which has stood by the country for over one hundred years, and would, if properly looked after and brought up to modern re- correspondent Gen. our | which Harrowsmith Happenings. Harrowsmith, Aug. 16.--Rev. Mr. | Service and Mrs. Service have gone to | spend several weeks with their daugh- | ter in New Liskeard, New Rev. Mr. Shorey, Sydenham, preached | in the Methodist church last Sunday, | Communion service was held in the Preshyterian church on Sunday. Mrs. Day and Miss Stewart have returned | from a trip to Murray Bay and other | for many years to come, "Instead of looking after and en- couraging and improving what they had, our statesmen have disorganized the army, discouraged the militia, and disheartened the volunteers, "As Lord Roberts truly told them, the other day, they have produced a state of affairs which is worse from a defense point' of view than before the war." Major-Gen. Turner, late inspector general of volunteers, denounced eon seription and compulsion of any kind as béing contrary to the constitution and repugnant to the nature and tem per of the British people. "Lord Roberts has done all he can to awaken the nation out of the fool's paradise in which it has been lulled," said Major-Gen. Sir Alfred Turner. "Both the prime minister and the secretary for war appear to think that the country is perfectly safe behind the, navy. The late Lord Salisbury held a different opmion. He said if the their own localities we should have such a defensive force that no assailant 'would have a chance against us, and therefore, no assailant would ever come," "This must be the sound view for the government to take. "Mr. Balfour has said that in the great stress of war we must rely on the efforts of our own population, but what is the good of the efforts of our population unless the people are trained in the way suggested by Lord Roberts ? \ "The nation will not have eonserip- tion. Therefore it is madness to do anything but encourage the voluntary forces." J ---- et -- Woman Died In Pew. Shebovgan, Wis, Aug. 18.<As the minister of the Sheboygan Falls M. E, church was starting 8 prayer, on Sunday, Mrs. William Long fell dead in her pew. The minister failed to notice the woman, and her hushand sat with his dead wife's head on his shoulder till the prayer was ended. Osear family Wesley residence, year, Bristol died at the Big Isfand, in his The funeral took garden 80 far completed that it will be ready for canning tomatoes in a few days. which Ozone is put up. Each bottle of a package of "Cel known tonic laxative, which should al- coupon kind)" you most efficient form, and yon ont money ax of othie a. eon also get the package - ing" ab solutely without charge for it. advantage beeause no other give you the "Celery the only way to procure the full value of your kind}, is {ity cents and one of your druggists, and if he hasn't it the Public Drug Company, Bridgeburg, FOR FARMERS' BARNS. A Peculiarity Held to be Worthy of Investigation -- Insurance Company Suffer More Than Any Other Interests. erticls pointing out the frequency with which lightning strikes farm barns and spares fart houses. says : "Hardly a day passes during the hot summer months a farmer's barn does not go up in smoke as a re sult of being struck by Keintning. Lightning's freaks cause the farmers and insurance companies a large an- nual loss, and its ravages seem to be growing altogether out of proportion to the growth of lation and buildings. On this floint accurate sta- tistics would be instructive. At all events the question is of sufficient im- portance to become the subject of in- telligent investigation. "The insurance companies perhaps suffer more than any other interest, and id they would make a move in the direction of scientific uiry, pub- lic opinion would ET EIEr Th federal or provindial government, or both, in giving them substantial aid. Money could not be spent to better purpose than discovering means of removing or lessening the dan, to farm build ings from lightning. So far science has made very little progress in this direction, but the chief reason prob- ably is that scant encouragement has been offered. "There are a few facts known to the pommon everyday citizen which might bo used as a basis for practical inves- tigation. It is remarkable, for in- stance, that though lightning makes a targel of barns, it very rarely striker a farm house, At least twen- ty barns are struck for every house, This may be merely due to the larger size of the barns, or then again it may be related to the materi that is stored in them or to some other circumstance which could bu offset by practical safeguards. The question is one of real seriousness and the World would like to see the government and tha. insurance companies co-operate in a scientific enquiry into ways and mgans of protecting the farmers' pro- perty from an ever growing menace.' To Honor Ethan Allen. Special to the Whig. Burlington, ' Vi., August 16.--To-day is Bennington Battle day, and the city is in full holiday attire. Thou- sands of visitors began to arrive here early in the day to attend the colebra- tion and witness the dedication: of the memorial tower erected in honor of Ethan Allen, the hero of Ticonderoga, on Indian Rock in Ethan Allen Park. The celebration is held under the aus: frices and direction of the Sons of the Revolution, acting conjointly with the city authorities and several patriotic organizations, he ground upon which the Indian Rock, ring the memorial tower, ix located, at one time was part of < the farm' owned by Ethan Allen. He died on his farm and a few years ago the Daughters of the Revolution had a bronze tablet placed on the rock near which Ethan Allen's house stood at the time of his death. Tragic Death Of American Artist. London, Aug. 16.---A dispatch to the Central News from Paris says that Helen Dunlap Hunt, of Philadelphia, an artist, was drowned near Morlaix to-day while engaged in painting. The young woman had climbed up on some rocks and was so busily en- gaged in painting that she did not notice the tide rising until she was cut off from the land. She jumped in to the water, intending to swim to shore. In making the leap, however, she sprained her foot and was so greatly handicapped that she was unable to swim and was drowned. When You Grow Old. The body needs patching wasted tis- sues must be rebuilt, playedout or gans restored----blood needs extra nour- ishment. Elderly people need Ferro- zone--need it because it vitalizes and rejuvenates as no other remedy can, Ferrozone builds , up the kind of strength that makes one feel good- keeps back the decay of old age and makes you look young and handsome again. Forget nervous exhaustion, re new your vital energy, 'again re-enter the life of youth. Your remedy is Ferrozone, only fifty cents per hox, at all dealers. ; $100,000 For Cathedral. Cincinnati, Aug. 16.--A donation of 8100,000 for the completion of the Roman Catholic cathedral at Coving- ton, Ky., was announced by Arch- bishop Mpes, of that city. The cathe dral has been in course of construe tion since 1894, a total of £306,000 having been expended on it. Nicholas Walsh, of Cincinnati, is said wo have made the gift, but the name of donor was not announced officially. Mrs. Jame: E. Empey, Belleville, was struck in the back of the head by a stray bullet while walking in her For tan and sunburn use Mcleod's Witch Hazel Cream. | The South Bay canning factory is The Best Is Cheapest. "Solution of Ozone (the coupon kind), is the purest and best form in it contains a coupon entitling you to vy King," the well ways be used with Ozone, By buying "Solution of Ozone (the get Ozone in its get ab twice as much of it for your No other brand of « this King." That is purchase, "Solution of Ozone (the co Ont., will see that you. are supplied. FREAKS OF FLUID PARTIALITY OF LIGHTNING The Toronto: World has a timely The little Doc your Vest P ET the thin, round-cornered The next best thing Is to little Ensmel Box below! al Exercise for the Bowel When carried in your : : vest pocket it means Health-Insurance. It contains Six Candy Tablets that taste like Licorice, and are almost as 1t will not purge, sicken, nor upset the stomach. a Because, it Is not a ** Bile- driver," like Salts, Sodium, These emergency drugs' relieve the immediate trouble, but do recur again till thatCause is removed permanently, The poy ¥ cause of Constipation: and Indigestion iam weakness of the Muscles ihat contract the Intestines and Dowels. This contraction Is what 'propels Food onward, and squeezes into it the Digestive Juices formed by the body to digest food naturaliy, When these Confractile Muscles becom rezsons, Constipation eets in, and will grow more raplaly the more Cathartics are given to relieve cach emergency. 'The best cure for Constipation, or Indigestion, is simply lots of Outdoor Exercise, to stimulate the Muscles of the Bowels as well as the Muscles of the Logs and Arms. : But, few people have the time, or inclination, to take sufficlent of this - Athletic Exercise, . 81 CW. Mack, i King 800 Poracun Men's $3.50 Sho or $2.49 We are offe Men's $3.50 Shoes for $2.49. This is splendid chance for you to secure good shoes at a very low price :-- : Men's Patent Colt Oxfords, Goodyear Welt, this year's styles, for $2.49. Men's Box Calf Boots, Goodyesr Welt, new sha regular $3 50 for $2.49. This is a splendid sho: for fall wear. : ; Men's Tan Russian Calf, Blucher Ox- fords, just a few pairs left, special value $2 49. : Labatt'sLondon Ale &Porter 7° Are the most delightful of all beverages. ! Gold medals and highest award at all Expositions. that you get Labatt's--it is the same price as other brands not half $0 good. JAS. McPARLAND, AG 339 and 34 King St. "Phone 2;

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