money and {© x does | PASSED AWAY AFTER had struck ILLNESS. : 54 & § EE 3 z if 2 5 i o 3 35 ™ = 2 iy SE § enough to his fam- trate bound LeHeup over for six months to of $50. A -------------- Iroquois turned "he pme buoy first at 1:10:14; Temeraire, 1:19:43. turned the outer Tomeraire at 2:05:45 p.m. Iroquois won by three minutes five nd: stake at 2:03 p.m.; LUMBERMEN'S CONVENTION Deals With Forest Fire Causes and Prevention. Special to the Whig. Ottawa, Aug. 17.--The convention dealt, were others pres. ent. Witness did not stop but con. y. £ box, James Michael stated with Purdy and Ex 5 i i : : F F to-day, with come lumbermen against Ameti- £ 2% 8 $ i £ £ i £ iE freight regulations, and representa- made to the inter-state Mr. Stewart, dominion forestry. inspector, addressad the con- vention, dealing with forest fire causes "and prevention, and dealing Canadian experiences. . FIGHTING IN CRETE Between British and Russian and Insurgents. Snecial to the Whie, oh rete, Aug. 17.--Fighting is reporved to have occurred Russian troops and the revolutionar- ies, and still continues, the centre the disturbances being the village of Details are lacking, but reports state that several revolution: i £ g = i fg ¢ EEiY i £55 £ EF E § { £ stones at the horse, ohn Melntyre, witness 4 5 : 3 + i f Did not think an. ly done. Had often under Wink it the usual w, was trying back iy shafts, saw Corcoran and stones at the horse, ing it. Saw the beast fall as . Also saw it kicking, panied by Miss "stop, you brutes, ree when it was in a humane wan- 2 £ 5] i 2s J £ 3 F i ] ih F Timms, who said, skirmish also occurred between British troops and insurgents. The casualties He had not acted ner, the witness y. nde counsel for the defendant rather warm, and he started in on a liv Many Grange Pockets Picked. Thousand Island Park, N.Y. Aug. 16.~In the wake of the host of gran- yesterday, visited park, to attend a gang of pickpdckets that reaped a harvest of money. score "of woeful tales were heard victims as they notified B some distance off, but k were, Could not be sure t fendant had kick, the bride. After congratulations, the a few intimate of a dainty dejeuner. are highly respeot-_ under favorable aus- ed the horse more J. 8. Henderson, who formerly own. ed the horse, gave it a very bad re putation. It was a biter, Kicker ran away. It was nothing ick a horse that acted in ed, and start life pices. trip here. George Dar- row, Solvay, dropped $35, and J. B. Wooten, Albion, lost 87 and a rail- t--Landeryo In Kingston, on "ednesday evenin, the marriage took place the box in hit own behalf. The horse t what Mr. Henderson describ- d often been kicked black and blue by the animal. On the afternoon in question left shop about six o'clock. sulky very slowly. Witness touched it the whip when o various size were stolen from parties whose names could not be learned. Rev. D. M. Solan Says Lawrence Is Innocent. tional church, Watertown, N.Y., Aug. 17.--J. Traynor, a reputable farmer of this he is prepared to prove by more than a score of farm- Lawrence, under ar- rest at Brockton, Mass., for the mur- der of Wiliam Bates, a Chicago chauf- feur, last November, is innocent. claims that Lawrence had worked for him some time then and remained up He has telegraphed the police at Chicago and Brockton Mrs. Tennant leave tonight for Bay City. city, states that site Fralick's ho- ed, and broke the harness. Farther on the same . Hugo, late of Kingston, lected: president of the L. been connected with the Remington-Martin Paper company. and worm candy; fresh at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. A gospel car arvited in the city last Used stones to attract the horse's did pot throw them hard. The horse backed and fell into the ditch. Did not abuse the horse, and so that could not cause of death, It was £0 near the animal. Rigney--the whole Train Collides With Trolley. Special to the Whig. "Cincinnati, Ohio. Ang. 17.-¥hirough Nr. affair on the road minutes. Did not know whothor Cor- coran stones not. Witness threw al no club or stick used, addressed the his eliont, claiming racter of the hows into_consideration. in the 3 . "buy A t at Gibson' Sh, flrs > fast- i > A a Hi rann wd Ohio South. = court on behalf of railway, crashed into a Winton Place that the bad cha street car, on the rade ein = What is wanton 418 not in another. M, ers adopted the "horses that had been instance. "The same i certain parents believe children," suggested the di Robert J. Smith, retired, grocer; Wil- liam Tuting, Jr., and Alonze Stran- Fired And Killed Strikers. Special to the Whig. of tailoring is the kind thht gives ie lowest cost. Isn't that it ? quainted with the charac. did not attempt to tears but left his . In his review of the wi istrate remarked upon and unwillingness of the lice here, yesterday, and wounding several others Senator J. P. B. C deavoring to ar ment it received. but probabl train to the North: was carried awa etl wish to attend the ina nies at Edmonton and so of E. E. "Macdonald, M.P., tion with the office of 1 adviser to the Transcontinental railwa of the Humane Society. 'An Assault Case. "John A. LeHeup was char At Portage la Prairie, one hundred and twenty men works construction' struck for an in- Clo appeared for \ j crease of pay from the defence, and for Mrs. Lefeup. The and said her husband o'clock, Monday night, nthe door himseli. Wir 19. gu to bed, He accused her of 81.75 to $2 per the new cell wing of Stony Mountain penitentiary are up, and good progress is being made in completion of the work. Pint bottle of Ammonia, 10c. Gib- son's Red Cross Drug Store, SEY t resi- | 1, Toledo, OhioiBorn on Wolfe hh Island--He Was Captain of took the Kingston Canton for uestion, | Many Years--A Flag Incident. Mrs. | word was réceived here at noon of the | the death at Toledo, Uhio, of John her | Bullis, hay dealer, of this city. = Mr. Bab: | Bullis had gone there on business last 0 | week and a few days ago was stricken The | with inflammation of the bowels, His eye was telegraphed for and left for his bedside. Hix death came as a Jreat to his friends, as he had lef hére in good health, few years ago, was a leading farmer. the city 'from Wolfe Island. He lived in Toledo for a few years, but return- ed to Kingston three or four years . He married Miss Jones, formerly by ye Island He had no children His mother, one brother and three sisters survive. The brother is William of Wolle Island, and the sisters, Mrs, Leslie and Mrs, Kyle, of Kingston, and Miss Bullis, who lives with her mother on the island. In religion, Mr. Bullis was an Anglican, a member of St. George's cathedral. Mr. Bullis was closely identified with the Oddfellows. Before ing to Toledo be was connected with lingston Lodge No. 59. While in Toledo, a lodge was constitiited thére, and he became one of the charter members. Fourteen years ago, he took charge of the Kingston Canton, and was captain of it ever since, during his residence in the city. A few weeks ago, when the schooner Acacis flag incident was at the height of discussion, Mr. Bullis told a Whig representative of a similar incident which occurred when tho Kingston Canton visited Syracuse, NY. as guests of the Oddfellows there about ten vears ago. The matter was hush- ed up, as the Odifellows of both countries had no desire to invite in- ternational bitterness. The Kingston Canton carried their silk Union Jack on invitation of the Syracuse Oddfel- lows. In the march there were mur- murings against the flag. The crisis came when a gang of hoodlums nade an attack on the British emblem, and tried to wrench it from the bearer and tramp it under feet. Capt. Bullis formed his men into a crown with 'the flag in the centre and called upon them to protect it with their lives. With swords drawn, the little band of Kingston Oddfellows faced the attack, ing party. One hig fellow received a prick in the arm from the point of Capt. Bullis' sword. ®That seemed to take away the ardor of the hood- lnms. The parade had been broken by the incident, and those in charge came to sec what the matter was, Capt. procession and, proceeded back to headquarters. The mayor and lead- ing citizens called upon them and offered profuse apologies for the in- sult offered the flag of Britain. It was agreed that the matter should not be made public, and so it has remained known to a limited number of people to this aay. ; The remains will ~ arrive here on Thursday. Interment will take place at Wolie Island. RECEIVED 3,000 VOLTS. Expert Electrician Instantly Killed. Special to the Whig. 'hitby, Ont. Aug. 17.--George H. Jordan, engineer, was showing his as- sistant, William Clatworthy, how to place in a switch when proper time came to shut off cut-outs at the elec tric light and water works plant here, last - night, when in some way he touched "Tie brass portions of the plugs, and received the full strength of the arc current, nearly 3,000 volts, on short circuit, and died instantly. Jordan was an experienced cleetrician, having for several years operated water works and electrical plants. He was unmarried and lived with his sis. ter, Miss Mary Jordan. A coroner's inquest is mow being held. Blest The Tie, New York Globe. : Bishop Potter tells a story of a young minister who came to grief while delivering his first sermon. He had dressed under a great deal of excitement previous to entering the church, and neglected to fasten his necktie down behind, During the course of his sermon the tie gradually slipped up over his col- lar, until nearly every one in the con g tion noticed his predicament and smiled radiantly at the situation. Concluding his * remarks, the young minister, sparring for an opportunity to adjust the tie, said "Lot us join in singing hymn No. 58. He had announced the hymn at random, not knowing the nature of the words, The congregation turned to the hymn, then gave a gasp and near- ly strangled, The hyymn read, "Blest be the tie that binds," The Body Was Found. The body of John Shea, wheelsman on the steamer America, was found where the unfortunate young man was drowned on Tuesday night. It arrived burgh by the deceased's brother. A "fehing frog" weighing sixty ds has been landed at Yarmouth, England. It was several feet long with In Norway there is a law which pro- hibits anv person from cutting down a tree unless he plants three saplings in its place, A widow waned Delaney, having four children, committed suicide at Port Ar thut, by taking carbolic acid. Hon. W. 8. Fielding and family will for Quebec ynd Ottawas He hinkdn how! in Tamworth has wen sold to Mr. Fi Id of Emer ald, for $7500, Sager Sponge hags for travelling. Good condition grew worse, and his wife tA ; The deceased was a native of Wolfe was doing. When } 1,04 "here his father, who. died 5 the compli- Saab For many years past he was engaged Babeock said io he in the hay export trade, moving to a the evidence of the seen plaintiff RR ib \ Ia White Silk Waists at; $2.95 It isn't often you get a Silk Waist as pret- ty as this for the money. Made from excep- tionally good quality white China silk, front d back trimmed with wide hemstitched tuck, slg o' mutton sleeve with hemstitched nished with neat cuffs. § We have also just received a few of same make in Black, Navy and Brown. Ladies' Raincoats New and stylish designs at $4.75, 5.75, 6.95, 7.50, 875, 9.50, By The Yard "PRIESTLY'S" English Cravenette Rainproof Cloths in Black, Mid Grey, Navy, Dark Grey, Light Grey, Yawns, 3 different weights, at $1, 1.25, 1.49 per yard. Widths is 65 inches. 4 - LADIES"UMBRELLAS Special values at $1, All sizes from 32 up to 42. WE HAVE Bullis marched his Canton out of the | MEN'S UMBRELLAS Special values 'at $1, 1.25, 1.50, 2 and up. Umbrellas Re-Covered So you can save good handles and frames. Get an estimate of the cost. Children's Hosiery GIRLS' Fast Black Cott different qualities to choos sizes from No. o up to size on Stockings, 5 e from, and in all BOYS' Famous Leather Knit Black Rib- These stockings are and give great wear. 18c., 20c., 23¢., 25¢C., bed Cotton Stockings. exceptionally well made Prices range from 15c., accarding to size. JOHNLADLAWESH OE BARGAINS We have a splendid lot of bargains jin shoes both yesterday, in' the lip ot" Opdenacr | fOF ladies and children. Amongst others we have : here to-day. and was taken to Marys- One table of Ladies' fords, American a your choice for $250, $3 and $350 Kid Ox- nd Canadian make, TE stv rari nnn bata ten a mouth of large size. One table of Ladies' Oxfords, heavy ex value at $2, now Chocolate Dengola, Blucher cut, tension sole, splendid Sees ere e tastes We also have six tables full of other genuine bar- leave Prince Edward Island on Friday | §2i0S, which we would like every person to see. sik et it 52 THE LOCKETT SHOE STORE YEAR 72. NC SHIRT S| All This Wee All New Goods See Our Wi STRAW HATS HALF E. P, Jenkins Clothi IF YOU HA Any difficulty in bei ted with Shoes, COME and we will make tha a pleasant one. Wear "Aller Military Bootmakers, 8¢ Brock St. Sign of Gold Practical Optical Prescriptions for glasses FILLED. All styles of mounts and f ways in stock, with repairs. yes carefully examined AND ES FITTED, Prices for above work modera SMITH BR( Jewelers Opti 850 King Street. Phone " Marriage Licenses | ~GHEAP SIDEBOARI 2 Black Walnut Sideboards, each, for $15; 1 Oak Board, $12; 1 Ash Board, $15, for bevelled edge, large size Mirro good shape. TURK'S SECOND-HAND 398 Princess Street. DO IT NOV List your property in the September REAL ESTATE BUL It will cost you not a cent. I'll § and the price you are lookirg for. SWIFT'S Re! anctase: A GOOD pI work. Apply to 169 Welling ONE CHAMBERMAID AN waitresses. Apply at Hot dolph MEAT CUTTER. APPLY TO son Bros ., Cor. Princess an streets AT ONCE, A GOOD COOK A wood Hospital. Apply Mutron. BLACKSMITH, A GOOD SHC all round 1 Apply 1 Dier, Westport, Ont BOYS, TO LEARN THE making; good opportunity bright boys. McGowan Ci Co., Limited, Ee -------------------------------------- A COMPETENT NURSE, FO of * thrée. to go to Winni paid References require Sumnyside,"" Union street FOR FIRST-CLASS HOTE chambermaids and three v Steady employment and go Apply in person at Whig of A GENERAL SERVANT wages to a competent p washing. 'Apply in the eve Felix Shaw, 115 Bagot Sr park. GENTLEMEN TO GE' Overcoalts and u Thomas Salloway $. 131 Also bring your old ones them repaired. Style, fit guaranteed to please. N AND BOYS! TO LEARN ing trade ; great demand ates $4-85 day: many course two months ; gra Union and Mast iation. Coyne 1} chools, New cinnati and St Louis. Night class.) For free cat, dress. 239 10th Ave. New TO-LET. A 1S10N HE SHOP ON DIVISION r near Garrett street, occupit Boon, milliner. Apply at } FLLINGS FURNISHED DPHPLLINGS stoves, offices, et Cann's Real Estate A Brock Street. FOR SALE. ICK HOUSE, 392 ALFI BR all modern, 12 rooms. Ap premises or to S. Rough! Wellington St. The Islands At Their No other tonr shows the well as the America's own t turday, 2.30 p.m. Home ear A Good Dinner. Davies' "sweet pickle' e and vegetables, chdive cuts, per Ib.