Consumption ~---- There is only one cure for it. "PsycHINE" is the greatest remedy in the world for all forms of pulmonary trouble." Scores of peo- He in Canada aftest this fact, * PsycHINE™ stands without a rival as a permanent and absolute cure for Consumption and lung diseases. It reaches the sore spots, heals the decayed tissue, destroys the tuber. cle germs, creats rich blood, tones up the whole system, and cleanses from all impurities. GREATEST OF BT OF ALL TONIOS PSYCHINE (PRONOUNCED SI=KEEN) ALL DRUCCISTS--ONE DOLLAR--FREE TRIAL DR. T. A. SLOCUM, Limited I79 King 8t. W. . Toronto, Canada [AKEA (0DAK With you on your vaca- on. - Something is sure happen which will be ther amusing, interest- g or both. We have em at prices just to suit ur purse. Come in and let us show ou them, WE DEVELOP FILMS. T. BEST, Chemist and Optician. 4 Princess Street. 'Phone 59. "MAPLE LEAF" ™ CANNED SALMON »acke> AR. DIN An ER'S Insurance and Real Estate. light Companies at Lowest Rates. Money to Loan on Real Estate. 31 Wellington, Street rete ein A 0b 8 '0-NIGHT ! dozen of Tan Cotton Hose, 2 rib, extra durable, made to ar, sizes 8}, 9, 9}, cheap at - a pair. To-night special 15¢c. DAaIr. adies' Fast Black Cotton Hose airs for 25c. jpecial line of White Embroid- d Handkerchiefs, fine quality, utiful design, half price, 12}c. h. xcelda Silk Handkerchiefs, h Navy spot border, large y 2 for 25c. adies' Silk Belts, new designs, ck and White, regular 35c. » Special to-night, 25c. 0 Papers good quality fins, ight, 3 papers for 5c., any wpe Girdle Corsets, 35c. a pair. immer Corsets, extra value, a pair. les of 17c., 18c., and 20c. bons, 19 shades to choose 1, clearing at ome price, 12jc. ard. wman & Shaw. EVERYBODY 0 is wise comes to us when want to buy or sell any REAL ESTATE have a well established re- tion for successful dealing. attractive offerings at nt. Rents collected, Estates ged, etr. F. BOND, Insurance and Real Estate, rence Street - Kingston, MOONEYS | PERFECTION sors ee ped B00 ae | plane with 'the big cities. Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas are packed in | &'3 Bb. air-tight packages, fresh, crisp, delicious-- and reach you in the same con- AT ALL GROCERS : | =puca: ONAL. the boyt eau Ladie ne of ient of utry. for LI ALL DEPARTMENTS vk uipped College in Domestic Science, Physical Culture, ete. NISHING COURSES arranged for |) intelligent and Of yefinite aim to develo ned Christain Woman WRITE FOR CALENDAR Containing Particulars. MRR, GRAYT JEEDHAN, lady Privcipal T. ACNES' SCHOO CHURCH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Elmpeol, Belleville, Ontario. horough courses, in_ English, rs; Music, Art and Physical onservatory of d at the school. 'upils taken from the Kindergarten p preparation for universities. Cultu six Class rooms, sium, rtments. piano rooms, gy The building is heated i'he grounds extend aver five acres. 'or prospectus and further bn, apply to MISS F. BE. CARROLL, Lady Princip all Ton Opens Sept. tawa Ladies' Col College |; and Most Tispares for the UNIVE hsiPY sic, Ary Elocution, Stencgraphy, £V. W, D. ARNSTRONG, M.A, B.D., President. L tron--The Lord Bishop of Ontario Langu- re, Music Examinations to I'he success of the school has Justified large addition to the building, contain- m= swimming bath and sleeping ap- by am and lighted by gas and electricity. informe- al 5 leno: ~~ 4 Kingston, Ont. Thorough courses in Accounting, Sho hud, Typewriting, Penmanship, ete. Write for particulars and rates. H. SHAW, T.N. STOCKDALE, President. Princip: eisQiley or. Barrie and Clergy Streets, rt- al. 0-0-0-0-0:0-00-0-0-0000000000 Enter any Time | (a0 Ter Kingston Business Golloge LIMITED Head of Queen St,. Kingston - =~ Ont. p A MODERN, PERMANENT, RE- LIABLE SCHOOL. «« Established in 1883 .. Practical, complete, thorough, individual instraction' given in all commercial sub- Jrers, yea throughout the whole year. w tte, oo ur felephore for terms and cata- lo 4 B. MCKAY, H. F.METCALFE, Princ pal. President, COO OUD Cot tos O-0-0-0-0-0000C 0-0-0-0-00-0-0000000000000 ¢ TORONTO . ¢ CONSERVATORY { OF MUSIC EDWARD FISHER. Mus. Doc., Musical Director. FALL TERM OPENS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5TH. 5 Students Shoald register If possible dur- ing previous week. SEND FOR New Calendar. SCHOOL OF F EXPRESSION, F. H. KIRKEPATRICEK, La SPECIAL CALENDAR "THERE IS A TIME i FORALL THINGS." Now, while prices are low, is the time to fill 7 quality SCRANTON COAL from P: Walsh's Yard BARRACK STREET. ee Semainroriadion) Fists secured sole ? your coal bin with best Dr. Brook's ry Hee A picnic arty owning nol i particular its foster- 5 body but arranged by the Poftsmouth people, in honor of Miss Meta Dobbs, who is always welcomed out there, anthusias- % , drove down to Kingston Mills, thursday. In 'the party were: Ws Joseph Walkem, Mrs. Harry Betts, Mrs. Hague, Mrs. J & or, the. Misses (' risp, oseph Fish Mise Constance Cooke, the Misses Straubenzee, Miss J Ada Bates, Niss Hague and Miss Milly Ferris. Tea wag partaken of at the Mills, and a pleasant drive home in the lovely evening ended the day. Miss Note Knight gave a pleasant little verandah tea, on ursday,. in honor of Miss Houston, of Omaha, About a' dozen girls brought their work, and"spent an. hour or go. . in sowing, and 'tea was served informal- . * * . Mrs. Sydenhari McGill' returned, Thursday, from a visit of weeks in Toronto. Mrs. Cornelius Berfningham was ex- pected back from New York to-day, Mr. James Ireland," who has been staying with Miss: 'Irtland, Alice street, and with, his brothers on, the island, left on Thursday for his home on several in Toronta. Dr. Goodwin Teft on Monday for Baie Verte, N.B, Miss Houston, of Omaha, who has been Miss Ketie MurraV's guest, will leave on Monday for a trip down the Rideau. She will pay a visit to Mrs. aird, at her cottage in Big Ride sau, near Garrett's Rest, Miss Cummings, of Lyn, and Miss Lucy Cummings, aro the guests of Mrs. W. CO. Baker. Miss Caldwell, who has been spend- ing the week with' Mrs. Archibald Strachan, returned yesterday to Lanark, * Miss Going has returned from Fos- ter's Locks, Mrs. Hawley, of Napanee, is stay- ing with her sister," Mrs. Saunders, George street, Miss Nora and Miss Mab. Stevens will return to Montreal on Monday. Mrs. O'Shea and Miss O'Shea, who have spent some time in New York, after a long residence in China, are now the guests of Mrs. O'Shea's avnt, Mrs. Perceval, . Queen stréet. - . -. The Dean of Ontario, after visiting his sister, Miss Smith, in Montreal, has gone on to Quebec, where Mrs, Buxton Smith, and Miss Jessie ex- pect to Join him about the middle of the coming week, Miss Mildred Jones returned to-day from her long and, pleasant holiday at the beautiful old family home, "Rockford," in' Brockville. Miss Lil- lian Kent, who. went down, on Mon- day, to spend the week there, came back with bevei, wii Miss 'Mabel Brownfield is visiting Mrs. Gillespie down the river. Mrs. Buxton Smith, who is staying with Mrs. Patton, in Gananoque, will be home on Monday. Mrs. James Minnes, and two chil- dren, left, yesterday, for a month's visit in St. Paul, Minn. Mrs. W. D. Hendry, is the guest of Mrs.. Archibald Strachan, Bagot street Mrs. Stratford Dawson, of Mon- treal, and her baby, atrived to-day, LE How to Save Baby From Being Sick BY A MOTHER WHO KNOWS The proper care of babies, most es pecially during the summer months, when the intense heat so frequensly brings serious illness upon little folks who are not nourished as they should be, involves great attention to the subject. of what baby is to eat Every mother should: avoid the pos- sibility of sickness befalling her child ren in this season. And, of course, most mothers do honestly try to avoid such possibilities, but many do not appreciate the one. great essential. Feed the little folks good, healthful, pure, strengthening food, and there need not he any fear. We all know that for many years physicians of highest standing in their profession have preseribed malt ex- tracts, which contain a large percent. age of maltose, or malt sugar, but which cost from fifty cents to seventy- five cents per pound, Malta-Vita, the crisp, delicious whole wheat food, con- tains from. eight to ten per cent of maltose, "Malta-Vita" is no meaningless coin- ed word, it stands for its literal trans- lation from the Latin and means ex- actly what it says--"Malt Life." The original phrase "For the blood life" is the starting point and final winning post of Malta-Vita, on ac count of its large percentage of malt- ose, a natural sweetening agent, easi- ly digestible and readily assimilated by the human economy, forming rich healthy blood. Malta-Vita is especial- ly beneficial for children and jt is so good to eat--not at all like the taste less variety of breakfast foods-- that the little ones always welcome its ap- pearance on the table. "We have used several boxes of Ma- ta-Vita and think it is the finest food we have t "writes Mrs, Miles Mo Cormick of South Bend, Ind. "We had almost despaired of finding something our baby could eat without being dis- tressedd. He had, since birth been a constant sufferer from constipation and a general derangement of the stomach and bowels. Since we began feeding him Malta-Vita he has improved won- derfully and' is entirely cured of com stipation. Tn fact ny husband and 1. too, realize a great benefit since ue ing the food. We find it gives life and tone to the entire svatem. Malta-Vita is sold by all grocers. Brssassansssssssenesl ip package t.u vents. Nr THE DAILY pd a sit in Kingston. Nay is beter here: as Miss M 5 James Falconer, of ashe: is staying . with er sister, Mrs, Strachan. | - : * . . | Mrs. Walker, of Perth, is visiting | Mrs. John Macgillivray, Albert street, Captain 'Adams has gone down to ! Quebec, for a few dayé, to take in the festivities there. line Meta Dobbs is staying with | Mr. Allaire Shortt came over Yom] New York, on Thursday, for another ried. be holiday with Mrs. Shortt at Miss Clara de St. Remy, of Brook: lyn, N.Y, is visiting Miss de St. Remy in Portsmouth: Mer. Mrs. Frank Dobbs have come in from month's holiday at Fer- ri¥' Point. Miss Maud Betts has gone to Shelter Talon, near New. York, for a visit. sand Mrs. Mundell returned, yes- teh morning, from a trip up the lakes. Miss Stewart, of Harrowsmith, was in the city this Sveek. Miss Nolan O'Rielly, Mrs. D. O'Leary, at Master James Montreal, are visiting with [and RAR WT LL I NEWS OF TEREST To THE KINGSTON ARRISON. { The' Need . of 4 Garrison Club in Kingston--Repairs uired to Whari Fronts Tete de Font a Pass- ed Examinations: According to press despiiches sent out. from Ot van places throughout the in_are to be provi with rifle word is said about Bingwton,: zy gird city is a far more bry centre than any of i, pp. Can not efforts he put secure for the local = garrison Satrach needed adjunct to . military: Sealing ? For six or eight years local soldier boys have suffered for the wamt of a rifle range; how mi sis the de ficiency to be al "6 remain ? There are many excellent sites around the city; why cannot ohe be selected fitted up, so as to have it in Mrs. Potts, wife of Dr. James Potts, Stirling, is the guest of Nrs. R. 8S. Dobbs. Miss Zellio Burns, Ki the guest of Miss Ena re ae Ont., for the past few weeks, has left | for a visit vith friends Jn Hamilton, | Mrs. Adam Shanir came home, ves- terday, from a fortnight's visit in To- ronto, Hamilan, and other places in the west. Her sister, Miss Gertrude Smith, of Hamilton, came down with her. Miss Violet Smith has been in town for some little time, Mr. James Grout will spend Sunday with Canon and Mrs. Grout. Mrs. Hyam and Master Fenton Carp- Sher, of Gananoque, arc the guests of David Carpenter, Kingston June Fin -. - - - Mt. and Mrs. Fred Sutherland, of Rochester, who have been . visiting Mrs; and Miss Sutherland down the rive¥, went up, to-day, to stay with Nrs. James Sutherland at Stella: Little Miss Inez Abbott accompanied them; and will remain a week with her aunt. Miss Ardelle Eldér has returned to the country. Mrs. Bernard Browne, and her two little girls will take the Rideau trip, to Ottawa, on Monday. Mrs. Frod Birkett, with her baby, here fropy Ottawa and is staying with Nrs. Fraser, King street The - Misses Bruce, of Toronto, are the guests of Mrs. Machar, and will | be here for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. James Gunn will leave next week for Quebec, and fropyy there will go on to Bathurst, N.B. They sail for Egypt on the fifteenth of next month. Mrs. D. A. Shaw and children are visiting friends at Picton and vicin- ity, . . . * Mr. Richard Waldron, Jr, will down to New York to-morrow, 'will return by. way of Toronto, he will "Pick ap Mrs way down -from Muskoka: Miss Evelyn Kellock, Perth, for a week oo ten days. for Bufialo, her husband. ¥rs. David Marshall, "Elmhurst." has returned from a very enjoyable trip to her old home in Scotland, N.Y., where she will join more," and will retarn to Toronto early next week. ding will take place on August 23rd. Miss Lena Maude, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. Gilson Fawley, Gosport, September. Miss Ethel Marion, daughter of Mrs. J. A. Scxsmith, and Mr. Stewart Leitch Clute, .the marriage to take place on August 0th, at the home of the bride's mother, "Silver Maples," Bardolph. . * » . The marriage of Miss Ella Beatrice Mellen, Morrisburg, to Mr. Alfred Roy, of Montreal, will take place in St. James' church, Morrisburg, on Tuesday, August 20th, at halfpast twelve, -------------- Material, Style And Workmanship Prevost, ~ Brock street, has the largest range of imported goods for suitings, English and Scotch tweeds, | blue and black serges, worsteds chevoits, up-to-date pattern, for or- der work. Fit and workmanship guar- anteed at lowest prices. Give him 4 call. The government had decided to appoint a provincial constable for | Cobalt and vicinity. The appointment | has not yet been made, but Mr, Whit- | ney has a man in view, No where does quality eount so much as in the drug store. You can depend on getting tho best quality and exactly what is asked for at Me Leo's An uthreak of anthrax which has ocurred near Collingwood has caused | the death of six cattle and one men. Président Roosevelt is sending Bin- | ister Conger to Pekin to try and stop the Chinese boycott. town after her ten days' holidays in | is | go | lint surely the water is creeping and where | inundated, Waldron, on her | is almost « hed of 3 past, is the | guest of Miss Laing, Jonnston street, and Mr. James E. Robertson, The ceremony will be _ performed in the. | Methodist church, Way Bay, on 12th | season ? It can be if | nergy is shown hy officers command: ing corps, who should forthwith make a jemand for a range. readiness by the of of next drill y atic The clnerving. Bid 0g reading the newspaper. reports sent out from Ot. tawa, concerning new defence works | for Kingston, and denials of the same, wonders what it all means. According to treaty terms neither the United States nor Canada may build fortif- | ations along their respective borde rs, | By fortifications is meant forts for de | fensive purposes, though the building | of strong barracks for the training of troops is not forbidden, Perhaps it is the intention of ities 10 give Kingston new barracks, as already promised,' Ho: doubt that is what is m ambigu- ous despatches, h Speaking i hy PCy brings to mind the: it the lin ited Staten posem * ad in stretching a line of ka "alo the western . divid. ing line is imagineey, ked by a series of posts, This ¢ |, hig hoen going on for years, -# A, and ap. parently without, 4 ing. taken | of the fact by the & ties, In the evehts i dn which the armed ¢ two na- tions would heootie b "these "barracks" would ) "Rwewtion- ble advantage = of the neighboring. repu 2 Th { The authorities of the tof militia and defence, shoul) | take immediate steps to! "having | repaired the wharf and along the | Waterfront of Tete de Pont barracks. Wind and waves have ereated sad hav- | oc with the wood-work afid flling-in | material. The timbers have become | rotted; allowing the waves 40 wash | uw the earth und | shames. Slowly in fagon the stables will be whari the top having beer entirely swept away, and what remains is completely submerged Jand, and Some years ago the subject of = es a 8.» | tablishing a Garrison Club was in Miss Nangaiet Darragh, nurse-in- | formally - discussed by "local officers, training, King's County hospital, | but the scheme was allowed to rest Brooklyn, N.Y., is home to spend her | in abeyance, With a constantly in {nation with her parents, Mr. and | creasing garrison, there is now more Mrs. George Darragh, of this city. | need than ever of such a eentral Mrs. J. J. O'Brien left, yesterday, | Place of hospitality for officers. King- , Sed ston could support a garridgn club { handsomely, and the creation of such an organization would prove of much benefit to the service. It requires 'only | a leader to take the initiative to bring Miss Dupuy has been visiting Miss | the much needed garrison club into Ramsay in Belleville. existence, i. y " Mrs. Grier, who has been spending | APA . . In This Heated Season When |gno time at "Bellevue," with her | The artiflerymen ought to enjoy Serious Illness Strikes Down | sister. Mrs. Birkett, left for New York | thele outing iu the wilds ot Ritewnua, to-day. | providi they are favored with fine a Cazretul what VF : oe ee [ray Game and fish abound, and You: Feed Your Children. Amy McGill will spend a few | when not engaged in practising the days with Mrs. McGill at "Avon- | art of warfare, the citizen soldiers should find profitable amusement hunting and fishing. - - -. in Mrs. D. A. Macdonald, of Mount Forest, and Miss Trixie Franklin, of | Only gunoers of the militia field bat- Toronto, are visiting the formers pa- | teries will go to Petewawa camp for rents, Mr. and Mrs. Dingman, On- | firing exercise; the drivers will he left tario street. at home, The first batteries will visit . .- the camp next week, remaining three The engagement is announced of : days. Miss Edna Theresa DeWolfe, young- 4 $e est daughter of Mr. B. DeWolfe, Sy- Capt. W.) J. Morgan, of the 5th denham street, Gananoque, and r. | Kingston Aleld battery, will be acting Charles H. Bailey, Alexandria Bay, {P. V.0., E.O0.C., during the absence in N.Y. The marriage will take place on | | England of. Col. Massie, Capt. Mor September 6th. gan accompanied 'A' and "B" field Miss Mary Johnston and Alderman | batteries to Petewawa Thursday. Harry Irwin, of Pembroke, The wed- 5 >." Drill pay for the 14th Regiment has arrived, and the men will receive their money at once, This year the ment bets of this corps, for the first time, will receive efficiency pay. . Major Dodge, i the & ASC. in | Ottawa for the past two months, act | ing administrator in the absente of | Lieut.-Col. J. Lyons Biggar, has re | turned to the @ity. . . . - | Lieut.-Col. Fages, holding the King- ston fortress command, and at pres {ent taking a short qualifying course iat Ald ot, Eng., is expected home early next month. Ld - . - { Lieuts. J, E, Mills, E. Clairmonte, and A. Z. Palmer, of the ROF.A., i hate successfully passed qualifying ex- aminations Jecently held here. . There will be a training camp for the Army Service Corps at Aldershot, N.B,, this autumn. The Kingston { permanent men will attend. i ee. | Lient.-Col. Massie, PV.0.. EOC. | will leave next week for Aldershot, { Eng., to take a short struction. { * ie ew Lieut.-Col, from the city enjoying a brief leave of | absence from his military duties. course of in- 1,000 Islands And Rochester. North King anid Caspian leave daily | except Monday, at 10.15 am. for | Thousand Islands, calling at Alexan- | dria Bay, Hockport and Gananoque. turiting leave at 5 p.m. for Bay of | Qu'nte porté and Rochester. William Swain, piano ner. Otders ! received at McAuley's book store, Frank Strange is absent |. HAMILTON WINNIPEG Manufacturers TORONTO struction a know gs bn 2 Y cl. saver and The best of malerials and workmanship are em ployed 1 mn ifs nly YOU CANNOT D0 BETTER THAN BUY A 'souvenin : The GURNEY. TILDEN COMPANY 3 Limitee VANCOUVER Our personal guarantee as well a6 that of the Makers goes with every stove Oat and ved the Spuviair Raspes ¢ S. J. HORSEY, KINGSTON, ONTARIO TOO MANY FIXCURSIONISTS. Large Number Could Not Be Accommodated, Athens, Aug. 18.-~Editor Donnelly is not yet able to sit up. C, Harry Ash, a former employee of the Reporter of fice, who came from Toronto to take the helm pro tem, -is filling the bill well, Alired Snyder, an apprentice of three years, was taken down eontem- poraneously with the editor. He had & suoeessful operation for appendicitis in Brookville, Mrs. Ketthum, Ottawa, visited at her uncle's, Richard Ar nold, over Sanday last. Tuesday. last H. H. Arnold received a tel from: Plessis, N.Y., that Mrs. (br.) Has Kins, of that. place, was dead, "The fun- eral is being held to-day, at Frank. ville, Ont., her native pliice. She was the andy child of R. Richards, and was graduated from the high school here in 1897, 'and subsequently from the Ottawa Normal school. She was an adoomplished soloist, and taught at the home school and was also princi pal of Toledo public school. In June, 1904, she married De, Byron Haskins, a recent graduate froma. Queen's, and they lommted in Plessis, N.Y son three weeks old survives. Rev. S. Kiyne, wife and daughter, Boston; Rev. Dr. Hazelwood, Toronto, preached Sunday evening in the Meth: odist church, and Rev, Mr. Robinson, and wife, Bay of Quinte conference, who is to preach next Sunday, are Visiting friends here, . Borden and brother, who with heir 'father, Seth Borden, moved to Rochford, 111. over forty years vicinity, the place of their early child. hood. E. 8S. Clow, manager of the Merchants Bank, and leader of the Methodist choir, and Mr. Loven, have been treating the menmibers of the choir to'an outing on Charleston Lake. They were taken from place to place on Mr. Lover's house-hont, Kaeh-neo- tak, in tow of the yacht Sport. They report a delightful gime. J. Y, Bullis a month ago sent out nine horses to the North-West. Seven of the number he knew had the heaves. His son writes : "Three of the horses seom per: feetly well dnd the other four are better." Mr. Bullis expeots to make his sixth trip to the west in a fow days. Mise E. Johnston, Charleston Lake, left Wednesday, for Winnipeg, where she will be met hy her affiane od husband, G. P. Chamberlain, Chil liwack, B.C., and where the nuptial is to be observed, whence she will pro. coved with him to their western home. An enjoyable picnic was held at Green's Point Saturday in honor of Miss Johnston before her departure on her journey to Winnipeg and Chilliwack, B.C. Rey. 8. J. Hughes, M.A., on the 14th inst, united m mar. riage Robert Moodie, Glen Duell, and Wiss J. Matthews, Younge, Ont. On Wednesday, 16th inst., at the home of J. Y. Bullis, Mr. Hughes united 0, Berry, Seeley"s Bay, and Miss Lillie Stevens, Mrs: H. T. Sniith and chil dren, Ottawa, are visiting friends at Charleston, Addison Sunday = school excursion to Newboro by train, thence to Jones' Falls by boat, Monday, was overwhelmingly patronized, as far as the boat was concerned. When the 300 delighted excursionists arrived at the place of transfer, it was found that the Rideau King was already in pos- session of 150 from Smith's Falls, and she had capacity for only 150° more, A small boat took a few others, but still over 100 remained. In the rush to get on board families and [friends se parated and there was great disap- ointment. Mrs, DD. Hawilton, Smith's Fats, is visiting friends here: Green, a member of the honor roll of graduates "at Ottawa Normal school; last spring, removed yesterday to North Augusta, where she is engaged as head teacher. -------- Granular effervescing salts, a fresit assortment in quarter-pound and one- pound bottles. Vichy, Kissinger, Ci: trate Lithia, Phosphate Soda, 25c., 50. and 75e. Meleod's Drug Store. At Davies', spring lamb chops, 124e. a lb. Edwin Bennett, young son of P. Ben- nett, Perth, swallowed a Canadian cent. Jt was located hy the "X'" rays and successfully removed. Save tr ty and save save a fit of sickness She when You Sim Sou wrong. You will feel well, look well-and keep well if you will leatn to use Beecham's Pills "4 Sold Everywhere. ~Ii'boxes 28 cents. who } © ago, have been lately visiting in this | Mra. |: BOIVIN, WILSON beverages. Perfect tonics. Highly nourishing. Réfreshing, delightiul and pleasing to the taste. at all Expositions. so good, Jowaly. Bf te re BIRD 'BREAD |i: A ao nn 1 Belin Ar the + Andard sks svaryhere. RAR BRD A ey 4.50 TOM. IT'S A BARGAIN | Look at the size next time you are down town. If it suits your stove it's certainly a saving. Quality is right. JAMES SWIFT & CO. : CANADIAN NATIONAL EXPOSITION TORONTO, ONT. Saturday, dug. 26th to Monday, Sept. 11th Return fiekets will be sold at $5.50 . Good going Aug. 26th, to Sept. 10th, Rd, yulld, sor return up to and including Meals and her included westhound pre on 'Strs. Judtin and Toronto, meals and berth included both ways Hanifitun Line Strs. pr Hamil Ps and Pietod. Labatt's London Ale &Porter . Are the most delightfal of all Gold medals - and highest award See that you get Labatt's--it is the same price as other brands not half CANADIAN GIN The only Gin MATURED FOR YEARS in Bonded Warehouses, ory Gin MATURED, FOR YEARS in Bonded Wa y 4 @ CO., Montreal | DISTRIBUTORS. * MEd JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, 339 and 341 King St. $2.50 0A ARY FREE) 'Phone 274. A Cooler That Cools And that guenches the thirst, invigor- that tired ates the system and kills feoling, is. what Petters' Soda Water does. The best drink, for hot Weather ever devised. All the saa Champagne, without its Nona nd ine toxiguting faults. CAL, AT T. PETTERS Co. 184 Princess Street. "Phone 640. ago ad BO MOTHER HENDY'S pr OINTMENT PRICE, 28 CENTS. Eris {Goer Sore Beating Liew 'Boils. Blood Fors. Soo: BY bRUGGISTS. Ph ANAT, TAS % co Freight Ags,