Daily British Whig (1850), 22 Aug 1905, p. 7

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wonderfully good thing and saves ness. Every. pérson, young or' ol, often to put their : systems right, 88s . Constipation or Indigestion a TLS will generally set things hes are cured as' if by charm, ang E EXPENSE enjoy many a pleasure heretofore ILLS make life worth- living by in condition to enjoy it. ng from derangement of the organs cretion is quickly set right if yoy OMAS BEECHAM, St. Helens, England. en In boxes, 25 ceats. . Americas @ |CO.. Mortraaloi® UTORS, ly Ja more he money. Flakes comes in the big t--ncarly i larger than but the best cereal, ire a handsome premium, erviceable premiums IKER'S. oy - TLTERROROUGH, Out. -- ING S \ QUALITIES 9 d USERS DERS TO nited, Hull, Canada rent, Kingston, Ont, EDDY'S MATCHES IN ALL GRADES nent of Coal Qil Stoves ce of this month at a f 15% 65c: to $10. We have REEN DOORS which ROS .. Street. urance does not cover le papers or family -L. SAFE is a cheap srmand., BLLINGION SHARE, bycles. gh Remarkable For Its Absolute Most Purity and Delicious Flavor. Ceylon Tea, the World Preference. Sold only in sealed lead packets, 25c., 30c., 40c, 50c., 60¢c. By all Grocers Black, M:xed or Green. Highest Award. St. Louis, 1904. ARCHITECTS: NEWLANDS, ARCHITECT, OF- ew 7 second floor over Mahood's drug store, ores Since and Daset Telephone 608. ARTHUR ELLIS ARCHITECT, OF- fic site of New Drill Hall, near cor- mer of Queen and Montreal Streets. ------------------------------------------------------ POWER & SON ARCHITECT, MER. chant"s Bank Building, corner Brock and Wellington streets. 'Phone 213. IENRY P. SMITH, Anchor Bul 'Phone, 845. ARCHITECT. ding, ket «IVERPOOL, LONDON AND GLOBE Fire Iamurance Company. Available mesets $61,187,215. In addition to which the policy holders have for security the unlimited Hability . of all' the stockholders. Farm and city insured at lowest possible rates. Before renewing old or giving cow business get rates from Strange & Strange, Agents. For Table and Kitchen. GEREBOS SALT Contains the Wheat Phosphates (Absent from White Bread) which are necessary to give strength to the food and vigour to the body. WHOLESALE AGENTS Geo. Robertson & Sons KINGSTON, OUR POLICIES COVER MORE ON buildings and contents than any otn- er company offers. kixamine them at Godwin' ce Ewmperium, Mark- ** Sauare. . SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST. / HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS Any even 'numbered section of Domin- fon Lands in Manitoba or the North- west Proyinces, excepting 8 and 26, not eserved, may be homesteaded upon hy any person who is the sole head of & family or any male over 18 years of age, to the extent of one-quarter section, of 160 acres, more or less. kintry may be made personally at the local land office for the district in which the land to be taken is situated, or if the homesteader 'desires, he may. on applica- tion to the Minister of the Interior, Ottawa, the Commrssioner of Immigra- tion, Winnipeg, or the local agent for the district in which the land is situate, receive authority for some one to make entry for him. HOMESTEAD DUTIES : A settler who has been granted an entry for a home- stead is required to perform the con- ditions connected therewith under one the following plans : (1) At leuSt six months residence upan and cultivation of the land ia 'each year during the of three years. (2) If the her (or mother, 1t the father is detBaged) of "any person who is eligible to make a homestead entry un- der the pi ins of this Act, resides upon a farsi in the vicinity of the land entered fap! such person as a homne- stead, the rements of this Act as to residence prior to obtaining vatent mav =» sau . - ih person' résiding with * fathe er. «8) If the settier has his parmanent residence upon farming land owned by him in the vicheity of nis honeytead, the requirements. of this Act 'as to residence may be sal by residence upon the said land. APPLICATION FOR PATENT should be made at end roe Years, he fore the Local Agent, Sub-Ageat or the Homestead o N * Before making "appi€ation for patent the settler must give six months' notive in writing to the Commissioner of Do- minion Lands at Ottawa, of his intention to do sox SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN WEST MINING REGULA Coul.=~Coal lands may be ;urchusec at $10 per acre for soft coal an) $20 lor anthracite. Not more than 320 acres can be Acquired by one individual or cow- pany. Royalty at the rate of ten cents ver ton of 2,000 pounds shall he collected on the. gross output. Quartz.--A free miner's certificate is granted upon payment in advance of 7.50 per annum for an individual, and from $50 to $100 pes sanum for a com- buny according to capital. free minor, having discovered mineral in place, nay locate a claim 1,500x 1.500 feet. The fee for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must he expended on the claim e#ch year or paid to the wining re- corder in lieu thereof. When $500 has been expended or paid, the locator may, uron huving asurvey made, and upon complying with other requirements, pur- chuse tl land at $1 an acre. I'he patent provides for the payment of 8 royalty of 24 per cent on the sales. PLACER mining claims generally are 100 feet square ; entry fee $5, yearly. A free miner may obtain two leases to dredge for zold of five miles each for a term of twenty yvesrs, renewable at the discretion of the Minister of the Interior The lessee shall have a dredge in oper- ation within one season from the date of the lease for each five miles. Rental, $106 per ann im for each mile of river tensed. oyalty at the rate of 24 per cent ecollect- ed on the output after it exceeds $10,000. W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior. N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this advertisement will not be paid for. NORTH Ss. renewable Trunks & Suit Cases We have just received an- other shipment of Trunks and Suit Cases If you are think- ing of getting something in that line you had better see ours. Suit Cases for $2 with lock and belts. H. JENNINGS, King St. Try Myers' for Fine COOKED MEATS. HAIR SOFT AS SILK. Treatment Kills Dandruff Germs, and Makes Hair Soft. It is an aceepted fact, a proven fact, that dandruff is a germ disease; and it is also a demonstrated fact that New- bro's Herpivide kills the dandrufi germ. Without dandruff falling hair would stop, and thin hair will thicken. Her- picide not only kills the dandruff germ but it also makes hair as soft as silk. It is the most. delightful hair dressing made. It cleanses the scalp from dan- druff and keeps it clean and healthy. Itching and irritation are instantly relieved, and permanently cured. There's nothing "just as good." Take no substitute. . Ask for "Herpicide." Sold by leading druggists. Send 10c. in stamps for sample to The Herpicide Co.. Detroit, Mich,. G. W. Mahood, special agent. New Scientific FOIE V0 POOH VVPYEE POOOOS CALLING CARDS ENGRAVED FROM COPPER PLATE} Ie pr NO NEED TO SEND OUT OF TOWN FOR ENGRAVED CARDS WHIG WORK 18 GOOD WORK os I weawsovo 3 STEEL DIE EMBOSSING § TO SELL OUTSIDE OF YOUR SINS AND YOUR TROUBLES? COME TO WM NKURRAY, The Auctioneer Er ------------ FEEDING ON THE FARM. How to Regulate Food According to Requirements. The food supplied to the dairy cow is designed to serve two purposes. The first, andthe one that always does and Always must take precedence, is the" keeping up of the machinery of life. The animal, heat must be main tained, and thd constant wear and waste of the bones and tissues of the body must he replaced. AR this must be done whether any milk is produced or not, If suitable material then re mains it will be utilized for the sec ond purpose of the food, which is the production of milk, The man who gives his cows but little food can obtain but little milk from them, simply be- cause they have very little material from which to make it. This rule ap plies just. as fully to the best cow in the country as it does to the poorest one, Feeding plays a more prominent part in tp healing of wounds in farm ani- mals 'tin is commonly supposed. This applies in particular in the cases of horses. © It is 'a well-established fact that liberal feeding with grain is very injudicious when animals are suffer ing from severe wounds. Such feeding is found to "inflame" the system, and to retard rather than hasten the heal ing of any injuries from which the animals may be suffering. For this reason veterinarians always recom- mend the use of cooling, laxative foods such as bran mashes and green staff, ir all cases where animals are laid up with deep-seated injuries, such as broken knees or cut wounds. Lifebnoy Soap -- disinfectant -- is strongly recommended by the medical ofession safeguard against in- foetions diseases. THE D a die NEWS OF NEIGHBORS -- WHAT WHIG CORRESPOND- ENTS TELL US. The Tidings From Various Points : In Eastern Ontario -- What People Are Doing And What They Are Saying. -- Picnics All The Rage. Sydenham, Aug. 19. ~The congrega- tion of the Methodist church, will he addressed by Rev. John MeVety om Sunday morning. Mr. McVety is at present holidaying at his summer cot- tage up the lake. The Anglican lawn social was well patronized on Wednes- day evening and a large sum realized. Picnics are all the rage. Mrs. dames Clark, suffering with rheumatism, is much better. The young people of the village, have some excitement, now for the merry-go-round has come to town for the next two weeks, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Conner, Ottawa, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Letch, also Miss Effie M. Clow spent a few days last week the guest of Miss Jennie Stewart, Harrowsmith. The many friends of T. M. Henry, principal of the high school congratulate him on his great success in having so many pass their final examinations. Mr. ry is now very anxious, that a class may be formed, to attend form" four, to write for first class certi ficate. A Big Yield. Hartington, Aug. 21.--Rev. Mr Ferguson, Verona, occupied the pul- pit here, Sunday evening. School opened here to-day. J. Lake has sold his farm of fifty acres to A. O. Abrahams. The threshing machine is ut work, and a good yield is report al. Miss Oliver intends returning to Chicago this week after spending the summer here with her sister, Mrs. T. Leonard. Alexander Simpkins, Syra cuse, was calling on friends here lust week. Nrs. Hedley Campsall is re covering. John Gorselin is able to be up about the house. Mr. and Mrs. A. Lake, Sudbury, are guests of J. Lake, Miss WM. Hill, Godfrey, Mr. Griffith and Mr. Goodfellow are at gsworth's; Nr; and Mrs. N. Car scallen, Descronto, are at J. Car scallen' r. and Mrs, Paul and family, Philadelphia, are visitors at J. 8S. Wood Mr. and Mrs. T. Quinn, Verona, are at T. Creig's» W. Hart, Toronto, is at Charles Leonar d's. Caintown Visitors. Caintown, Aug. 21 Nearly all the farmers in this section have sold their apples to Mr. Graham, Belleville. School re-opened, Monday, with a large attendance; Miss Alice Tennant is teacher. Some of our people at tended the Tuesday excursion, and report having had a fine time. Mr. and Mrs. 8. DB. Hogeboon and son, Ontario, N.Y, are here on a visit to his parents, Mr. and Mrs. vii Ra Hogeboon. Miss Iva Nunn has ve Hfurned after spending holidays with [friends at Lyn. Mr. Harty and Miss | Elsie Ferguson have gone on an' ex- tended visit to friends in Harriston and Toronto. The kitchen and wood sheds that KE. J. Kahnt has erected adds much to the appearance of his residence. E.Phillips and family are Spending their summer holidays at his old home here. Miss Minnie Gib son, Yonge Mills, was a guest at her brother's, 0. L. Gibson, one day last weck. Miss Ethel Quinsy, Broek. ville, is spending a few days visiting friends here. Misses Alice and Emma Tennant, have returned from Union Park. Miss Essie Earl, Athens, was. this week, the guest of Miss Nora Kincaid, | A Pleasant Picnic. | Bongard, Aug. 21.-The Methodist Sunday school picnic, held at the grove of W. J. Friday, was a decided and much en joyed. Miss L. Chalmers has returned to her home in Adolphustown, after a week's sojourn with Miss S. Bradley. James Bradley -and wife, and Mrs. Kemp, were over Sunday at the Thou- sand Islands. The Misses Davey, Bath, McCornock, SUCess, have been holidaying at Captain Stanton"s. Mrs. N. and Mrs. W. IL. Minaker, Cherry Valley, were guests Saturday of Mrs. Thomas Bongard, and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. Harrie on and son, Allan, were entertained at a garden party at B. E. Harrison's | ya 223 ple. (enough for 8 meals) AILY W Waupoos, Saturday Jo<t. re. (Dr) Gorsline, Virginia, i8 the guest of the Misses David. Sehool reopened on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harper- Shaw, Bloom! , "@pent Sunday at D. T, MeCornook's, Master Edgar and Harold Kyle, Piston, spent a few days at W. J. Melornock's, Mr, and Mrs. E. B, Kemp, spending the sum- mer hers, are unable to return to their home in New Orleans, owing to tha prevalence of yellow fever, S-------- A Lively Village. Ventnor, Aug. 21.--The village has presented a very lively appearance every ovening lately, as quite a num- ber drive in from surrounding country to attend the meotings at the tent. Mr. and Mrs. McGee, Cardinal, were guests of Mr and Mrs. W. A. Dinwoodie, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Wil- liam Imrie are entertaining a number of friends from Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. William Sloan of Egypt street, spent Suaday with the former's mother, Mrs. P. Sloan. Master Frank Bennett continves very il. Mr. and Mrs. D. Dove, Garry Owen, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eo-MeAuley, Sunday. Miss Jennie Dunlop, former organist in the Methodist church here, was married in Toronto. on the 10th just. to John Graham, Hulbert, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Graham will reside at Smith's Falls. Mrs. Edward Vandei burg retarned home Thursday from Athens, where she attended the death bed of her mother, Mre. Richard Bead! ley, who passed = peacefully away' on July 24th, at the age of eighty-three vears and eight months. Mrs, James Dunlop arrived here Thussday, from Wilkams - Bay, Wis, where she had been visiting her' son. Her many friends were glad 'to_welcome her back acain after a. year's "absence, part of which was spat with her daughter in Brandony; ps od doa "A Fine Outing. Myers 4 A Aug, 2]1.-Haying is over and harvesting will be over ina few days; a b wigkd is anticipated, Quite a Wer here attended the celebration at Arden on August 12th, and report a mice time. A terrifio thun derstorm, gocompanied by hail, passed over this place, Saturday; as far as can be leartiod -no rious damage was done, The funeral of the late A. P. Wickware, Cloyne.' took place on the 13th inst, from the residence of his son, P.M. Wickware, to McMillan's cemetery, Mise May Hall, Kingston, is the guest of Mrs. 8. Cuddy. The an nual picnic in connection with Har- lowe Methodist church, was held in a grove near Gull lake, on the 1th inst., a very enjoyable day was spent; George Hamilton placed his steam launch at the disposal of the pienick- ers, and several trips were made to the foot of the lake, adding much to the day's enioyment. Miss Pearl Storv, Cloyne, spent the Hast week at the cave, the! guest of Wiss laura Car michael. Misses Cord and Lillie Sedg wick were guests of Miss Laura Car michael, Saturday. Mr. and Mra Washington Mills, Mississippi Station, visited the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. Dellgea. last week, E, Perry, Centreville, is visitidg friends at 'the Cave, si Purchased Union Hotel. Sharbot - Lake, Aug, 21.--Rev, Mr. Smith has returned after spending his holidays with his pargnts. M. Dovle, Kingston, has purchased the Union Hotel, and took possession on the 15th, Mr. and Mrs. Grattan Robinson bave gone to Montreal 'and other points. east, on theit "holidays. Mr. and; Mrs. J. Watdsn has moved to Kingston: the nicht before their de parture the Willing Workers met at their home and presented Mrs. Watson with a beautiful hanging lamn. Blake Buell has returned from Newport. RosgBurleivh has returned from Ver ona® Harold Thomson has returned from Old Orchard Peach, Mrs. W. L. Campbell has returned after spending two weeks at Colline Bay. R. Patter son has returned to Kingston. T. B. Camphell and B. Mills have gone to Ardoch for two weeks A number have gone to the United States' to work. Mrs. W. Dodds ix visiting in King ston. Frnie Babeook ha# gone to Chi cago. Miss Ferris spent Sunday at W, Y. Cannon's. Nr. A. Middleton hos returned from Kingston, Mr, Hayek has returned from Arden. W, Bur leigh has cone to Peterboro to work, Mr. and Mrs. Linton, Toronto. are soending two weeks on the island with Mrs, H. Roberts. Mrs. H, Walroth and family have pone to Mississippi for a week, Mra, J, Meichon and T. B, Campbell are delegates fo the high court which meets at Belleville next week, Miss Annie Norris is enenged to teach here another vemr. Visitors Mrs. Towne, Oswego, at J. Thom con's; Misses Nellie and Marv Ryan with their narents: Miss Mand Steele, Daxter, at W. Pappa's: Allan Elliot{, Montreal, at Dir Kilhorn's: Mr, Lyon, Smith's Falls, ales Mra, Huteh insom, Kingston, at J, Me ommell's Misses Ethel and Hannah Sullivan, ¥invston. with their parents: Miss Pel In Wilson, Toronto, at R, Gilbert's Me. and Miss Parent, Kineston, at Mrs. Dodds': Mrs. Genge and davoht er, Verona. at W. Bupleirh's: Wps, Williams, Arden, at 0, Hall's: Mies Maggie Wilson at ID, Buchanan's ; Rose Butterill spent Sunday at home, Advanced Japan, While we are all just now blind hero worshippers in respect to the remark- ably successful Japanese, there is deep interest concerning th: extent to which they have mastered the art of living and the attainment of genuine eiviliza- tion. For instance, societies for the prevention of cruelty to children or animals are non-existent in Japan, for there is no need of them. Work not being regarded as a degra- dation, is undertaken with cheerful- ness and artistic appreciation by both men and women. Their cities spread forth in one-steried houses, with min- iature gardens, instead of squalid courts and festering slums. : Their civilization makes the people happy and efficiont. A Japanese re- cently remarked, "We should be ashamed to profess to follow the Sermon on the Mount and act as you 0. The ideal of life for women in Ja- pan in to make those around them , They grow up {60 experience the Bins of self-abwegation a self- devotion, and exhibit '& 'type that sommands universal apptéciation. oT (= ITE TE 0 li FIONN ETe i IG hat every lady s per year. sending, 15 cents. FISHERMEN DISSATISFIED American Anglers - Have Much Liberty in Canada. Gananoque, Aug. 22-The big "4h are getting cute and only bite at Can: adian hooks, since the price of per mits has been taken off American hish- ermen, Several large fellows have been hooked the past few days hy local anglers, Local fishery inspectors are having a snap these days; no work and fair pay. The regulations were bad enough under the Ross govern: ment, but much more so under the present administration. Much dissatis- faction is felt among local fishermen, A large crowd attended divine ser vice at Half Moon Bay, Sunday even ing, These services arg increasing in interest, and attendance. Large excur sions from Brier Hill and Marble Rook came in Saturday for the cireus. Too -------------- A Japanese Funeral. Military funerals in Japan differ from those in Christian countries, be- cause the Japs rejoice over the doaths of their defenders instead of mourn ing. It is regarded as the highest among earthly honors {0 die honor: ably in defense of the fatherland, and those who survive are glad that their fellows have attained the distinction. A funeral therefore takes the aspect of a triumphal procession, and in some of those that have recently. oconrred the marching soldiers dressed them- selves in the costumes of the samural, that military order to which the war- like spirit of the little Japanese sol diers is largely due. It must not be supposed that the Japanese army car ries with it such lumber as these obsouete accoutrements, but the Japanese are clever Av th their hands and from such material as was easily available they made up the costumes, arms and armor of the society. uselesw Pacific Oysters. Vancouver Province British Colambia will soon be sup: plied with the finest of oysters grown in beds on this const, according to the report of Captain Ernest Kemp, Do minion government expert on oyster culture, who has just completed an in spection tour of the government nur sery bods among the islands of the Gulf of Georgia, These beds were planted some time ago with shipments of oysters hrought out from Prine Edward Idand by the department of fisheries and marine and now in a most flourishing condi tion, They have grown considerably since being put out, In fact, some wére lifted which had grown even more than they wonld in their native heds, Others were opennd and found to he spawning, although it was not ex- pected that they would spawn at all this year on account of being moved, Trusses, all makes, shapes and sizes, a perfect fit guaranteed. Dr. Chown's drug store. : Fresh heed, iron and wine, only 50c. bottle. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store, Lord Halsbury, Jord high chancéllor of England and one of the most noted public men in the kingdom, has come out strongly in opposition to muniei- pal ownership, When You Buy--Buy Right. When you buy Owone, buy "Solution of Ozone (the coupon kind)" It is the strongest and purest Ozone on the market. It js cold ad a commercial product at weasonable rates, so that you get about twice as much as of other brands. Also each bottle econ- tains a coupcn which entitles you to a package of "Celery King," the well- known remedy which must always be taken with Ozone. No other brand of Ozone gives vou an opportunity to the "Cel King" free. We an Pe King > and that is' why we can give it with our Ozone. "Solution of Ozone, (the coupon kind)" contains about twice as much for your money as any other kind, It also furnishes you with "Celery King" for nothing. Insist on getting it from. your druggist or write the Public Drag company, Bridgeburg, Ont.. who will see that you are sup- 7 &r (cir) ~ n so that.you can bake in the oven an top at the Same time without 'spo oth fe w ut you can do both equally" well at the same time on the Pandora, because its heat is not wasted and is at all times under the simplest; most positive control w. FE If you do the cooking of your household you can appreciate exactly what this means. M°Clarys Pandora Rang STB Seouvet Lemmon & Sons, Sole Warehouses snd Factories: London, Toronto, Montreal, Is accident proof and dust proof. bor and without injuring any garment. It is something that every house requires and if you I. Washes with less a= not got one call at our store and get LEMMON & SON 351 and 353 King Street: (SUCCESSORS. T0 LENNON AND LAWRENSON) TT ns BROOD OG CHOCOLATES | Ganong's Canadian Chocolates --AT-- A.J. REES',

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