n 4 i : 4 als in ime one' City, has andi to | y Ottawa, spending % in Kingston and Ba 8 toda; from Hali his family at 178 AMred loft for the west. Racine, Quebec. neck by striking a stone when diving, The outbreak of anthrax in Colling- wood, is under control Prompt measures _-- Uncle = Sam oil ild a great pipe oil fields, to Kansas City. ith, colored, of Chatham, years, was burned to ighting a fire with coal meet to make another bi for the pastorate. It is ox- that the choice will 'be unani- and robust looking as iments of Canadian High- || be directly allied with the tment of trade and com- p. a branch office at the | Toranto exhibition. J. J. Clarke will 'Col. Lake reports favorably on the organization of the I) forces. The colone three years apnoin ominion militia 1 has accepted a tment, attention to the aparty , New York, where the woman, a miser, was found dead, miners' strike at Fernie has if the present confer- + fails it will be diffi~ 4 to persuade the belli- send plenipoten- 3 another confer- The Grand Duke Nicholas i hicholaievitch, is absolutely : : t M. Witte has 3 General Manager demands being gn Twelve handred Y, entertain a like n ridséy, the men's ankee sailors, will umber of British | from the second eruiser in New York, in October, Trasdale, a lady of eighty-one from 'her - home near to pick berries, and ie favors the co h to kill a man, ar- | machine disguis- X, wis received by tain' Miles O'Rejl- FoF of the Mik IEW.0, | Grad in an interna it the boys must first uniforms, Some are ra- of vellow fever, in New number sixty-one, An Italian in the dock was found suffer- and there was go authorities brought jj over Hearns on panic in the court r v members of the Ameri. ociation, who for the been encamped near Gananoque, have ergeant Dymond, C. first Prize 815, Mae Long Branch ranges 35. Sergt. Swaine, in the many thir. in Napanee on a charge me fifty dollars, or " Jengine for the street rest of it is expected to ollow 1 - operation 'before E. McConkey, wife and children, To. to-day in the city on ome frooy a tri past three weeks have retumed to thei Quartermaster-S S.G.M., won the donald match, at with a score of Ith Regiment, was , a former member of legislature, was sen. superior criminal court, Serve not more thah six ; 8ars in prison for his local Jey st the Red the Pennsylvania Japan's hilt for -------- WEDDED THIS MORNING. y EET Lo) Fr -- , . % Miss Gillespie the Bride of Ed- ward D. Baker. ghtiul home wedding took morning, when Archdeacon ited in marriage, Elizabeth, ter af Mr. and Mrs. John Princess street, and Ed- inson Baker, Duluth, Minn. was prettily decorated with 0 vegasion, and the po HE 2 seventy-two years ol and 'the Unique wero closed because lights 'over the flies Lee Avenue Theatre, Theatre, Brooklyn, there were no sky- of the stage as regulation of the 'or nothitie is olthinkhle here health department. PRINCE OF BATTENBURG ---- Will Be Guest of Lady Kirk- There is reason to believe t not be able to ¥ to continue the war has i here as a serious apanese position, enne. She carried a bouquet of whi : attended by her sister, Kerra, of 'the Brit; America, tour of § - gowned Jin pink and white of over taffeta, and carrying a u- Little Miss Vera of the bride, made a Were Not Real Positive. were at the police uet of pink roses, Lady Kirkpatrick liewtenant-governor, for a week the prince engagements on two programme will includ tion and a state dinner groom were looked after Gillespie, Elma City, ide, Only immediate friends of the bride present, and at the conclusion of ¥, & recherche wedding , the customary red. At noon Mr, t for the wost, and peace or i ien andthe re the costs of the Pointe of objection Towa, brother of war are the vital and leave no room reasonableness. The moderation toasts being hono will be admitted and Mrs, Baker Jef will make stops' a Buffalo, ete., before taki Division Court Cases, Judge Price handed lowing decisions in the cases hefore him this Stafford Grimshaw > ven. by France, Promote responsibility will rest Pith down the fol- division court morning ; vs. Henry Grim- adjourned to going-away gown was of terms it will be advis roadcloth, tailor-made, with Rates to withdraw a ho noxt meeting wil roposed able for our defe- va. Langbort--A t rh e A Ve. Jan ort--Acecouy nd tell: them that gilts from. relatives, gi ment for plaintiff. - iam Geoghe- A MINNEAPOLIS FIRM } ; & Dhuving graduated ow Sot rom an hospital t after a sucovss- Gets Contract ful course of th I larity was attested gift to the bride was a vs. Brockville & Account $39.20. to September Donald & Co. vs, J. R. W --Draft $12.77: judgment for Westport Railway o adfourned consent, Special jo the W 19th. by iy + Ang. 2. The tock- Jodersch io Davey, Rides Cetroet, n- | ir: of riends . ---- TRIED TO DESTROY BRIDGE. -- Attempt on Structure Over River Near Brockville. Harry Cairnes-- udgment for Plaintiff, to-morrow to visit his sons with one-half million Judgment for plaintiff. .and Martha Judgment for costs. RW. Vanluven-- ourned to Septem- P. P. Ellen- Note, £50.50; - Sugarman-- to September W..J. Reid vs. John Shannon, of al ig thy dirdetors met the contract as advis- that the hy. ar the rama a y-law If the by-law does no tor Company will pa; iff for $29.10 and Account £21.64; adj ber 19th. destroy fire 'Without Sleep t the eleva. a A. Ellenson & Son vs. adiourned to chambers Loni defore very muchy damage was done to lie over for a i in e it with pails of was most deliber- , the superstruc: vicinity and put « President Charles «JJ. Reid vs, E. primary debtor, Marin McKee vs, 0, et al--Account, John Corbett vg, Accom Kingswoll, ot al 18; judgment against feres with the free water in the 4 is said that the Pettitt and GQ. the erection and tawa goverment AR Ryn va. Tans count, 26.50; judgment fi costs, I Smith--Ae » 86 and " "and two of hi illed by Tndions in 1676 ------ W. 0. Moutray, Amherst he la, a "compli: Dr. Tewin, Oswego, js ~Aeacia hay "eleared for howed considerable ension of the Toron. Matters That Interest Everybody . --Notes From All' Over--Little Dodge, editor and au 's stories, is , broke his , owing to the line from Charry- of the regular cats attracted ents of Mrs. the return of the past ten Flag Captain sh squadron now at as notified Mayor Urquhart, ouis of Batteinberg, will ninb, August Mth. His will be the guest of widow of the late Although here will be open for days only. The a civio recep- week, in- a at govern: Cairnos-- paid in cot Our Annual August Sale of Gloves Will Commence To-morrow. It is our custom to sell at the end of the sea. "/sow-all our Summer Gloves, and in order to do this quickly have placed a pri ce on them that- will All Lisle Gloves, Taffeta Silk Gloves, One-Third Both Ladies' and Children's Gloves. bring prices down All 20¢. Gloves for 12%c. All 25¢, Gloves for 162. Gloves for 24c. Gloves for 27c. Gloves for 33c. All 65¢. Gloves for 42c. All 75¢, Gloves for 50¢. JAPANESE The most serviceabl think how they wash an be washed, for they seem to ha dodging dirt, you will a 0st satisfying, Sheer White or 'WAISTS e fur hot weather. om they have to ve the knack of gree with us that most thoroughly co Black Waists wor: White Silk Waists, Black Silk Wa Silk Waists and $2.95. T OPPORTUNITY for omical women who ap- New and very styli fashionable dressers and preciate a genuine bargain. The balance of Summer Wash Skirts -< our Shirt Waist Suits and at prices tht will surely in- SHOE BARGAINS € have a splendid lot of bargains ip shoes both for ladies and children. Amongst others we have : One lable of Ladies' fords, American 2 $109; ad: . your choice for Jaber M. Dtoness ourned to cham- $250,'$3 and $3.5) Kid Ox- dian make, One table of Ladies' s, heavy ext value at $2, now Ghocolate Dongola, Blacher cut, ension sole, splendid HSL t ssc tsettsinnnne + We also have six tables full of other genuine bar- gains, which we would like every person to see. EE t 72.1 E. P. denkias Clot $1 Shirts for One-half was s week--the remain go this week. Straw Ha a the Pr Fancy Ves: 13 Off. AT OUR Sumn Sale E. P. Jenkins Clot} IF YOU H. Any difficulty in b ted with Shoes, COME and we will make th a pleasant one, Wear "Alle Military Bootmaker 84 Brock St. Sign of Go GHEAP SIDEBOAI 2 Black Walnut Sideboard: each, for $135; 1 Oak Boar $12; 1 Ash, Board, $15, fe bevelled edge, large size Mir good shape. TURK'S SECOND-HANI 398 Princess Stree. if you want to buy or scl the | Real Estate Bul WANTED. Eee eee - fOUNG GIRL FOR LIGH? 3 yy ork. Apply 280 Wellingt( emer AT ONCE, A GOOD COOK wood Hospital. Apply Matron. A GENERAL SERVANT, ¢ ¢in cook. Apply to Miss Bagot and Earl Sts A COUPLE OF BOYS TO the Toronto Nows. Aj Mullin, Iroquois Hotel. AT ONCE THREE COAT and iyo pant and ves Johnston Tailoring Co. ---------------------------------------------------- A SMART BOY, 15 TO 1 old, to learn Woollen a Furnishing Business. Livir BOYS, TO LEARN THE making; good opportunity bright boys. McGowan C Co., Limited. FOR FIRST-CLASS HOTE chambermaidg and three Steady employment and ge Apply in person at Whig o A GOOD GENERAL SERV a family of three; no v rou Apply to Mrs. A arl 8S £ t., between GENTLEMEN TO GET THF Overcoats and = Suits ~Thomas Galloway's, 181 Also bring your old ones them repaired. Style, fit guaranteed to please MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN ing trade ; great demand ates $4-85 day; many course two months; gras mitted to Union and Mast ers' Association. Coyne Plumbing Schools, . New cinnati and St. Louis. Night class.) For free cat dress. 239 10th Ave., New TO-LET. i ar E ssa a ROOM, WITH VAULT. IN Building, over Crown Ba to M. Conroy. » HOP ON DIVISION YE 5 Garrett street, occupie Boon, milliner. Apply at ) WELLINGS FURNISHED » furnished, o tores, ann's eal te Brock Street. FOR SALE. I OUSE, 8092 ALFR BRI 12 rooms. Ap premises or to S. Rought Wellington St. T REMOVAL OF gwIse wn sell some very fittings. Will be pleased call from those interes Fair. STRAYED OR STOL UG DOG, WEARING 4 wien name Daisy, Saturday from the premises of Th Reward for any informativ Guess, Cataragui, Ont, LOST. A GOLD LOCKET ARD 5 y. Monosram * Toor Finder rewarded ) at 220 Alfred St. SHARES FOR SAL FRONTENAC LOAN a shares, for sale. gat. Apply to 'A. § The place to buy Herpici Gibson's Red Cross drug ste