1 $7 Fe he i 2 2g gifs 2 £ A fit 8 iz ; ies i sf iy as been a serious quarrel be- -- Count Boni de Castellane and wile, who was Miss Anna Gould, of New York, because the countess refus- ed to Jield to 3h request of her hus to buy the. newspaper the Paris , and allow 'the count to blos- Som out as an editor. In refusing to allow this big raid on her fortune the countess declared that Count Boni has had too many expen- sive play things and she declined to risk more of her money to his man- agement of a newspaper. Seven Rescued At Sea. New York, . M4. ~One woman and six men, rescued from the American as she drifted wa: terlogged at sea, arrived here on the '§ trouble in a Princess street store bailiff, ied by a ble, entered the to seize the judgment. The proprietor put { them both out, after a wrestling con- | f test. The police were called in, and the baililf is now in possossion, Excursion Bulletin. Friday, 8 a.m,, America to Brock- ville and B0e. . Tho police, this morning, arrested a x Bond, who hails i Picton. He is under suspicion for stealing dinner pails. from work- | ingmen on Well street. Com: plaints 'of more thefts led to strin- gent attempts to corall the iaw-break- er, | struction and broke his right arm at E* | the Northwestern Journal. from Trinidad. The rescued were Capt. Rosa of the Free man, his wife and five seamen. Sailing rom the River Gambia with a cargo of hides and beans for Boston, the schooner ran into a storm, which sarin her to leaking. By August 4th g i 2 i Scandal Leads To One Arrest. Saratoga, Aug. M.--Frederick A. Peckham, indicted for complicity in the department of agriculture cotion report scandal was arrested yesterday dnd arraigned before United States Commissioner M. Davidson, who ordered an adjournment. In de- fault of . hait Peckham was in . The adjougnment was taken to permit the attendance of Un. ited States District Attorney G. B, Curtis of Binghamton. The defendant has reta ounty Judge Rockwood as counsel, Fisherman's Luck. wasps : stung him in the face and neck, and in running a he fell over an ob- A ------------ Detroit Tribune Drops Out. that it will stop publication, and that the ing News will print an carly morning edition. Ralph H. , editor and i of the h will retire, Tribune was issued in 1829 under the title of ' Yellow Fever Report. New. Orleans, Aug. 2.-The vellow fever report at G pum. today, shows : tases today. 53; total cases to 1,566 © deaths to-day, 5; total to date, 219; new foci today, 10; total foci to date, 338; patients treatment, 312. igteen Drowned, on ng. 94 A repo 3 : # a g + Bias heen received hese of thee founder ing of the British' Detroit, Aug. MM. --The Evening News lied ue Jotruit, Tribune. 1 od t is made bv the Hiddton Hil. | , Smith's Falls, is in the & short vacation. _ W. R. Mulloy, Queen's, are in the city for a t. has returned ia spent at Saratogh 1 8. 4 \ re Niss Lily Ashley, oe pon. George B Howell, Trenton, takes place early in Septem: | Misses ©. Ward and M. Lowis, Vic- toria street, are di their holi- vs at Glen Teno Watertown, J. An m Beker, M.P., sails from 1 to-morrow, August 24th, on ' steamer Bavarian on a visit _ to Sergt. Swaine, 14th P,W.0. Rifles, ent in the AH-Comers ate match at Ontario Rifle As- s £ id ~~ meet, Carl Kramer, spending two weeks with ex-Alderman and Mrs. D. F. Arwstron has seturned so his: home in E. J. mee, Toronto, : man- ager for On of the Equitable Life Assurance company, is in the city on a . M.~ Graves "ahd little daughter, Freda, left last nigh it hi ber-ih-law, Olive Carnovsky, : y. She will be in the west for several weeks. v Charles H. Martin, accountart at Dorchester, N.B., penitentiary, and his son, lore, are in the city on a visit, Mrs. Martin having pre- ceded them some weeks ago. ---- GIFTS FOR ENGLISH BRIDES. Smoking Among Women Grows Alarmingly. London, Aug. 2S othing shocked Congressmen 'i. D. Sullivan more in London than seeing women smoking in restaurants. The prevalence of smoking among women of the fash- ionable world, even girls, is attested by the fact that cigarctte cases are now frequently given as wedding pre- sents to brides. Ome recently had seven, "A few years ago," said a promin- ent West End tobaceonist, 'gentlemen used to buy especially mild cigarettes manufactured for women, for women were too bashful te come, themselves, "Nowadays women have mo scruples in the matter. They just come in themselves and buy, Moreover, we no longer manufacture a special brand for them, as they prefer the kind the men smoke, Several women have standing orders with me for 200 a week," APPLIES NEW TEST. Criminologist Introduces "Speak- ing Portrait." Paris, Aug. 23M. Bertillon, who created the anthropometric method of identifying oriminals, superintended some fres methods at the Palais de Justice yesterday. The innovation is known as thé "speaking portrait." One hundred and two members of the detective and other services were present, To egch one was given a ver bal "portrait" -- that is to say, a description of one of his col es present--and he was asked to find in the assembly the ome to whom the portrait applied. The experiments were highly satis- factory. Nearly all the detectives found their man. M. Bertillon was warmly "congratulated by Signor Nice- fero, professor of criminology at the University -of Naples, who witnessed The tests, which 'took place i io. BOY MURDERER. Believed Neighbor Guilty of Slaying His Father. Paris, Aug. 4.--A boy named Lahe- boy's father was found , the being found covered with wounds in- flicted by a knife. i The youth accused a neighbor od Tartari, with whom his own often at vasianse, of he wime. t the man's t could not be ve hy and he ve guilt at liberty. Thon was came furious and resolved to be av- ; to . | The report states tha Vy OMA eighteen of the | To is | thrown from the train, =| the north-east. *| would practically be assured, as the cene, thirteen of , has sur rendered himself for ing a man been named Lafayette. In i fast this C.P.R. tracks at North Toronto. The succession duties office is in- vestigating. losses in commection with the improper probate of wills in the country. Vasil Mikter. a Scandinavian, who was injured at the Canada foundry plant, died at the Emergeney hospital, oronto. An official of the company at St, Louis, phe rE on oath that ninety per cent. of the meters were in- The vo Valley aud com- pany has dispo of its holdings in the North-West Territories to an Eng- lish icate. At Niagara Falls, a trolley car of Niagara Gorge line struck another car standing at the erossing of the New York Central: railroad, and eight peor ple were injured. Three persons were killed in a head- on collision between two Union Paci- fio freight trains near Roswille, a town on the Union Paeific, eighteen miles west of Topeka. R. M. Turnbull, from Nova Scotia, was shot by a sectionman west of Fort William, the shooting being pro- voked by bottles and other refuse woat conditions at Long Branch rifle ranges are favorable for the closing day of the Ontario Rifle Association's meet. The light is good and the wind slow but steady from The Associated Press has authority for the declaration that if Japan withdrew her indemnity demand peace Russian attitude on the other three points, including the cession of Sag- halien; does not preclude the possibil- ity of reaching a satisfactory settle- ment on these points. -------- FRONTENAC CHEESE BOARD. Price Not Up to Expectation of Salesmen. Kingston, Aug. 21.--At to-day's ses sion of the ator cheese board there were registered 1,080 boxes, of which 635 were white and 445 colored. Joseph Cramer, president, was in the chair, and conducted business in his customary able manner. Bidding open- ed at lle and closed at je, but highest offered was not satisfactory to the majority of salesmen, who re- fused to part with their holdings, de- manding one-eighth cent advance. On the curb this demand was met, and the remainder of the offerings were cleared out. On the board D, JJ. Mac kinnon received the make of Morning Star, Hinchinbrook, Ontario and Glen- dower, 210 Hoxes in all, at the top board prices. These factories had chesse on sale : White--Cataraqui, 90; Keenan & Sons, 75; Moming Star, 50: Ontario, 30; Pine Hill, 90; Silver Springs, 75; Wolie Island, 65; Glendower, 70; Col- line Bay, 65; Glenvale, 15. Colored --Glenburnie, 75; Glenvale, 45; Gilt Bdge, 75; Howe Island, 30; Hinchinbrook, 50; . Rose Hill, 60; St. wrence, 55; Thousand Island, 55. President Cramer's suggestion that efforts be put forth to secure the next convention of the Eastern Ontario Dairymen's Association for Kingston, was allowed to stand for the time be- ing. Secretary Pillar announced that some factories were behind with pay- ments of board and instructor's fees, and asked delinquents to pay up. ---------- Married In Toronto. On Wednesday, August 23rd, at Bathurst Street Methodist church, Toronto, Rev. Dr. Eber Crummy uni- ted in marriage Olive C. Carnovsky, daughter of the late R. Carnovaky, of Kingston, to F. Charles Paterson formerly of Quebec City, now of To |' ronto. The bride is a sister of W. H. and Pv Ro-Caemovsky, of this city, and hus resided in Toronto for the past five years, being stemographer in the head office of the Order of Fores- ters. Mrs, T. R. Carnoveky, of this city, attended the wedding. County Finance Committee. The finance committee of the county ordered without authority, was rejected. Members of the committee were. authorized to attend the con- vention of the Ontario Municipal As- Smith's Falls has organized a branch of thé Retail Merchants' Association ad e 4 VI08 y . Ly na . Williams; large | One table of Ladies' Chocolate Do gains, which we would like every person to see. Summer Weights The Corsets that are worn with light-weight dresses ought 'to be something besides comfortable. It 3 is even more important that they should be gracful, flexible and shape- ly. Light dresses need more help toward shapeliness. That's what few women and fewer corset-makers understand. But WE understand it and you do to. So these New Corsets we are showing are cool and comfortable, without ~ any sacrifice of style or grace. French Model Corsets At $2.50 Of Fine Batiste, beautifully made. At $2 The Emile Corset, now so popular with those who appreciate a really good corset. At $3 The best Corset for the money ever shown in Kingston, and frdm soc. to $1 cheaper than you can buy same corset in Montreal's leading stores. $1 is the price of Crompton's Wearwell Corsets and at-the price by long odds the best for the _ money in Canada. We have also a complete range of Corsets at 50¢ , Z5¢c, $1.25. Chileans Corset Waists, 25c., 39c., 49, Maids' and Girls' Health Waists, 75c, Nursing Corsets, all sizes, at $1, special. Undervests and Drawers Women's -weight Undervests, 10c, 12%¢.. 15¢., 20¢c, 25¢c., 35c. Drawers to match the better makes. Women's White tumn. Vests for early au- Drawers to match. JOHNLADLANESON / oh SHOE BARGAINS . We have a splendid lot of bargains in shoes both for ladies and children. Amongst others we have : One table of Ladies $a fords, American and your choice for. 50, $3 and .50 Kid Ox- Canadian make, $2.00. ; la, Blucher cut, Oxfords, heavy extension sole, splendid S| 50. 1 value at $a, now, ............:........ We also have six tables full of other genuine bar- YEAR 72. NO. E. P. Jenkins Clothing $1 Shirts for 50 One-half was sold week--the remainder go this week. Straw Hats 15 the Price Fancy Vests 13 Off. AT OUR Summ Sale. E. P, Jenkins Clothin, Practical Optical V Prescriptions for FILLED. All styles glasses ¢ of mounts and fra + ways in stock, with repairs. Eyes carefully examined AND ( ES FITTED. Prices for above work moderate SMITH BRO Jewelers Optic) 850 King Street. Phone ¢ " Marriage Licenses Is IF YOU HA Any difficulty in bein ted with Shoes, COME T! and we will make that a pleasant one. Wear "Allen y Minsary Dootmakers, 84 Brock St. Sign of Golde If you want to buy or sell pro use the - Real Estate Bulle FREE TO ALL! 3 'E AN SWIFT § *ALETRANEE Re A GENERAL SERVANT TO Montreal Apply at BS Barr AT ONCE, A GOOD COOK AT wood Hospital. Apply 1 Matron. BOY TO DRIVE AND MAK self generally usefal. McF Meat: Market. ---------------------------------------------- EXPERIENCED NURSE MA mediately. Apply in the ev 160 King street A GENERAIL SERVANT, ON car kK wly to Miss Wi A GOOD GENERAL SERVA Apply to Mrs Oliver, Cor. King and Gore BOY 1 old, to learn Woollen and Furnishing Busine: Living: ----------------------------" BOYS, TO LEARN THE making; good opportunity f bright boys. MeGowan Cig Co., Limited. - i -------------------- TWO BOYS--ONE AS PLU helper; the other to learn 1 ware husine Apply to Le Sons, King street TO 17 FOR FIRST-CLASS HOTEL * ' chambermaids and three w Steady employment and goo Apply in person at Whig off GENTLEMEN TO GET THE] Overcouts and Suits. 1 Thomas Galloway's, 131 F¥ Mso. bring your old ones then repaired. Style, fit fuarantoed to please. MEN AND BOYS TO LFARN ing trade ; great demand f ates $485 day: many course two mouths ; grad mitted to Union and Maste ers' Association. Coyne B Plumbing Schools, New ¥ cimmati and St. Louis. ( Night class.) For free cata dress' 239 10th Ave., New ) LOST. A CAMERA BETWEEN KI and Sydenham. Reward wim to 88 Queen St LADIES® DARK GREEN SHOR Wadnesday afternoon, het Wharf and Collingwood st er will please Jeave at Wh rr e---------- FOR SALE. Se BRICK HOUSE, 892 ALFR all modern, 12 rooms. Apt premises orto 8. Rought Wellington St. THAT FINE PROPERTY camper of Gore and with frame NWailse 38 feet, balance of the Fst late Rev. Father Davis. Fr lates enquire of Joseph Gi Gare Street. UTE TI -- SHARES FOR SAL FRONTENAC LOAN. « eleven shares, for sale. ? yestwent. t. Apply to A, ¥ 7