Jack Canuck, nd wish you luck. | Thermometer The thermometer on | the Pandora range oven means precisely in ac- curagy to the cook what the square and compass mean to the draftsman. , Without the square and compass the draftsman \ would have to work en- tirely by guess, just as you do without an ac- rmometer on' your oven. ometer reduces cooking to know precisely how much it will do in a given time. things which makes the t and better than common ; Pandora Varehouses and Factories: ndon, Toronto, Montreal, Vinnipegd, Vancouver, 't. John, N.B., Hamilton ns. Sole Agents. LE NE EC . Discased Men. * are annually swept toa premature S88. Seif abuse and Constitutional ood iN of many a promising young man. Hav. us and Despondent; Tired in Morning; ued; Excitable and Irritable; Eves Blur: at Night; Restless; Haggard Looki air Loose; Pains in the Bod ful and Lack of Energy u¢ will build you up meatal Guaranteed or no P N DETROIT. BANK SECURITY. hout Written Consent. WRECK.--A HAPPY FB. RSON has a Narrow Esca il school I learned an early habit, which X sexually and mentally, Family Doctors ecline" ( Consnmption). Finally, " The by Drs. Kennedy & Kergan fell ifito my nd Strength. 3 physically ar Question Blank for Home Trestment, ergan, 148 Shelby Street, Detroit, Mich. ® § WL LN COSTS Lp MORE ER STAMP » been at it, same address, since 1801° s, Steel Stamps, Co'pany Seals. Rub- t Sets for printing price cards. White ters, &c. rite us, we'll do the rest. . 9-11-13 King St. W., Toronto. vods selling season ocked with a large ing in lengths from ss Goods thin and Dress Goods plain id. » the public on Mon- ly [Marked Price. Y BROS. > NOTES ON PLAYS, PLAYERS AND PLAYHOUSES. Louis James To Revive Vir ginius"--Tendency Towards Revivai of Artistic Stock Companies in New York. k= Nance O'Neil is playing 'Magda' and "The Fires of St. John," in Mel bourne, Australia. Ada Rehan will be seen in "Capt Brasshound's Conversion," by George Bernard Shaws this season. Olga Nethersolegmakes her first ap péargyce . this séason in the United Rates in Washington on October 23rd. + Bastable. 0OLING and HEALTHFUL | Tiverybody should drink INERAL _ WATER Particularly. "ak this season, and pecially when . it can be procured at ch a reasonable price. Mack, that celebrated water from the | mous Mack Springs, St Catherines, is | ply 85¢. a Coren, and there is nothing Tien, We. have all the others--Appollinaris, fhite Rock, Rednor, Red Ravin, London- erry, Lithia, etei, in pints and splits. Use only water from a Pure Mineral pring. AS. MCPARLAND 339 and 341 King St. 'Phone 274. UBBER TIRES Ne SN Wholesale Agents Geo. Robertson & Sons KINGSTON. BABY GARRIAGES Put on promptly and reasonably. HARVEY MILNE, 272 BACOT STREET. HALLIDAY ELECTRIC COMPANY Specialists in Diseases of Motors 'and 'Dynamos and all Electric Troubles. 'Phone 94. CARRIAGES and BUGGIES FOR SALE 1 Kensington, "secortd-hafid, in good order; 1 Makedo, second- hand; 1 Phaeton; 1 road wag- gon; also new 'Top Buggies, Runabouts with rubber tires; also a few sets of Harness left. Call and wee for yourself. JAMES LATURNEY, 390 PRINCESS STREET. NOW Is the time for spring rengvation and every ome who intends to build or A remodel their pre- sent th room should write or call on us and ses ractial suggestions tvith expert advice and detailed prices. All our material is first class and our workman are skilled mechanics. David Hall, 'Phone 35, An Honest Guarantee We guarantee OCR milk to be AB- SOLUTELY pure; put up in sterilized It is the best. Try it. Kingston Milk Depot Cor. Brock and Bagot Sts. "Phone 567. 66 Brock Sircet. Ghottles, Men of all Ages from the effects of quickly restored to manhood and Suffering early folly robust health, vigor. Lost Manhood, Premature Decay, Wi Memory, Brrors of. Youth, Night' Losses, Varicocele, forever cured. $1.00 Box of Medicine Free OLD DR. GORDON'S REMEDY FOR MEN in a few days will an old man of 60 feel 20 years younger. Sent sealed on receipt of 12 cents to pay post ages, full regular one dollar box, with valuable medical book rules for health, what to eat and what to avoid. No duty, no inspection by © House, reliable Can- adian Company. Write at once: if we could not help you we would not make this homest offer. QUEEN MEDICINE Co. PO. Bex L., 947, Montreal. re ---------------------------------------------- Three applications of Peck's Corn Maypole Soap not only gives a fast, brilliant color but makes home dying safe, sure, Irs a cake of soup that washes and dyes al one operation. Made in England but sold everywhere. 20c. for Colove--rsc. for Black. Diamond Dye 'Blacks. Are the Blackest The three wondrous and famous Blacks of the Diamond Dye family, for wool, silk and cotton and mixed s, have a reputation for perfect dyeing work in every part of the civilized world. These three blacks which are sold by all druggists and dealers, are simple and easy to use in the home, and always give delight and satisfaction: %0 our women, and girls. No other package dyes in the world can equal the Fast Diamond Dye Blacks in purity, strength and beauty of color. Beware of crude; adulterated and worthléss black" dyes sold in stores for the sake of large wrclits Such deceptive dyes are positively dangerous to handle, and they are destroyers of good materials. Your safety and protection demands that you ask in every cause for the "Dia- mond Dyes." Send to Wells & Rich- ardson Co., limited, Montreal, P.Q., for new book, "Diamond Dyes and How to Use Them," amd sample card of 48 colors. All sent free upon appli- cation. A i aa. ALF. AUSTIN, POET LAUREATE go Product of National Verse. An ondon Telegraph. England ! supine ongecouch of Peace And pillowed on your splendid Past from Wars Mankind will couse His Latest reatuess, undefended, last ry and Fame w te shame Aud towering Empires pass away If front be gold, foundation clay Where are the Realms upreached hy Trade And moated but by wandering nain Where the rich argosies that made The majesty and might of Spain ? Brilliant hut brief As sicked shea When Autumn frosts and Winter Leaves not one pompous leaf bel Heed not the Rules who wou r d wealth Your days in comfort There is no sea, however deep Ambition could -not cross by stealth. Out upon those 'Mid world of foes ease Who bid you to one barrier trust To foil their greed. and curb their last Protect vour shores, without, within, As did your steadfast sires. There lies Nn manhood save with discipline, No safety without sacrifice, So. bandits may, Athirst for prey CGmring across the British waves See hurpished tmrrefs, gaping graves ! Dispels Aches And Pains. There is nothing else $0 be had that will drive away gches, pains and sore- ness so quickly and keep them away so surely as Smith's White Liniment. It is one remedy that never fails to cure sprains, swelling, inflammation, neuralgia, rheumatism, lumbago and salve will cure bard or soft corns, 15¢, ot Wade's drug store, all deep seated aches and pains. Big in her last year's success, "A Woman h at Cincinnati som Lor tre. The : 6 3 he play are five children who always tell the trath, in the Case" day. E. 8. Willard will 'appear at the Toronto Prinéess theatre, Monday, Qectober gagement. CEREBOS |\- 'gagement. This is a keen disappoint "George Ade's newest comedy, "The | bv Martha Morton. based in . up Bad Samaritan," will open the Gar- oa o novel hy Habu red Fates, dren and thri den theatre, Now York, September | wil be produced in ashingion, a Ohi 8 : 11th. : the Columbia theatre, on Scplember Delicate women get strength, Blanche Walsh 25th, and, after four weeks on tour, 2rd, for a two weeks en will open her season | = } . will be 'brought to a Broadway thea digal Son," J at the National theafre, Washington + Rarah Bernhardt, who has closed her Bondon season and has set «ail for South America, whente she comes to tho United States later has' no peer George Sidney bas a new play, this season as a successor to "Bucy levy' which made such a _loeal hit at the It is entitled "Busy lasy's Vacation." There is a decided tendency toward the revival of artistic. stock com panies in New York. The Maubattan compeny, with Mrs. Fiske: the Proc tor company, with Amelia Dingham, and Charles: Richman and the Princess company, with Margaret Anglin gnd Henry Miller aside loaders, are among the number announced for next season "The Truth Tellers," snedy a new central, characters wn the The new Hall Caine play, "The Pro which is to be produced I'S k3 HS ¥ 3 . Duge has cancelled her American en-! ment for the lovers of the highest dra matic art. Louis James will devote his forty first year as an actor to a mammoth revival of that Roman classic in which he has been so ideally identified, *"Vir- ginius." | : The opening of Daly's theatre, New York, is set for August 3lst Then Fdna May will appesr in. "The Catch of the Season." The company is English. 3 Paula Edwards, Edna May, Julia Sanderson, Mabelle Gilman ond Tuln Glaser are among the present comic began in opera stars whose careers the chorus : After plaving six weeks in Chicago "lhe Geezer of Geck" will play two weeks cach in St. Louis, Pittsburg and Philadelphia, and will then be seen in New Yark. The title af the comedy which Au gustuy Thomas has. written for John Drew is "De Lamcey." The title is suggested by "Jim" De Lancey, the name of the character which Drew will portray David Belasco has engag time at the Now York. Ac Music from January lst of the seg i until the on in May. All the Belasco productions will probably be close seen at this house during the year Clyde Fitch's play, "The Toast of the Town," which Viola Allen will is to be made in ma Fames' use write the to be com present next season, to an opera for Ex Mr. Fitch has engag libretto and the music is posed by Puccini The two leading male roles in Clyde Fitch's play, "The Toast of the Town," which Viola Allen will pre sent this season, will be played by James Carew and A. E. Anson, an English actor. This will be Mr. An son's first visit to America Richard Carle completed a Chicago rim of 104 performances in his new farcical opera, "The Mayor of Tokio," last night. He leave Chi cago for a tour of six weeks on the after which he will open in New for an indefinite engagement. the author of "La Chate will now Capus, laine' which E. 8S. Willard produced in this country under the title, "The Brighter Side,' is writing a new play especially for Mr. Willard which may be presented here in the winter, The subject or nature of the play has not yet been made known E. H. Sothern and Julia Marlowe are soon to return from England for rehearsals of "The Taming of the Shrew," "Twelith Night" and "The Merchant of Venice," in which they will appear at the Knickerbocker When You Feel Out of Sorts Look for the Symptoms of Torpid Liver and Biliousness. Biliousness is caused by the failure of the liver to filter the bile and oth- er poisonous impurities from the blood. The result is a clogging and poisoning of the w hole system. Indigestion, headache, languid, mel ancholy feelings, irritability of tem- per, constipation, alternating with looseness of the bowels, pains in the muscles and bones and a pale, sallow complexion are among the symptoms Fortunately there is prompt and cer tain cure for biliousness and torpid liver in Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills. They izhly the filtering and excretory systems and awakening the action of the liver to renewed energy and activity, When vou feel ont of sorts and no of the symptoms of torpid liver and bilioutness put Dr. Chase's Kidneyv-Liver Pills to the test, and vou will then understand why this considered indis cure by the cleansing tice any great medicine 1s x peasable in the great majority of homes. Pir. Chase's Kidney-Liver Pills, one "" pill a dose, 25c. a hox, at all dealers, botfles only 25c. at Wade's. or Edmanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. A PRETTY SCEN E IN "SAN TOY," At The Grand, on W ednesday, Aug. 30%h. ! been engaged for the title part, Ed August 28th. Aubrey Boucicault has ward Morgan will play Magnus and Marie Wainwright, W. H. Thompson and J, FE. Dodson will have nriportant roles. Three of the seenes are located in Iceland. Four centuries before Christi a Greek actor named! Polus played Electra, a femalé role, in the tragedy of - that name, Desirous of showing sincere feeling in a in which Electra was supposed to lift up the urn econ taining the ashes of her son, Polus had his daughter exhumed, and her hones placed in the receptacle his car ried on the stage. It is announced that Mrs. James Prowii- Potter will make a tour of twenty weeks in vaudeville next sen on, beginning early in September A. E. Onson, an English actor, lind James Carew, have been énghged for Clyde Fitch's new play, "The Comedy Mask," in which Viola Allen is 0 ap pear this season. Mr. Anson was re cently a member of Beerbohm Tree's company. Mr. Carett hag' been with Miss Maxine Elliott in "Her Owp Way." Forbes Robertson made sueh success in his last Amys he has renounced the over this . year. It is n chastening re flection that, while the temporary Hamlet poor rican tour that idea of eoming finest con nkes only a half success here, Lawren D'Orkay in wretched tuff like "The Earl of Pawntucket" literally cong fhoney Historically Mr, D'Orsav is mof to be mentioned in the same breath as Rob ertsom. Clearly the public must prefer "Pawtuckett'" to ""H The" Yiddish tragedinn, Jiéob Adler tells a story illustra how even seasoned actors will lose théir lines or forget that they are onthe stage at certain times, He playing Mac beth, and the time hud come for the first murderer to put in his appear ance at the entrance t the bantuet hall. This worthy v young actor of considerable « nee in minor parts, but of nervon temperament Macheth walks up t m, and, point fag sternly at hin narkd:? "Theres blood tipon thy face As Adler did pale ander his tting his hand My God! | 80, the young actor make-up, and the to his cheek, thare 7" replied _ Shah's Unhappy Suite. The Shah of Persia ail in Del gum, His hotel bill for a week at Os tend was $30,000. His performances rented endless merrinent; some might have been devised he leading ac tor in 'an Oriental burlesque, kvery time hé descended from his apartmon is for a drive his suite od up in the vestibule, the hotel marshals came for ward, gapped on the door with a stout gold topped cane, and called out in a solemn voice Bow 'down for the polg of the univer comes," Frequently before he went out the shah would call jor a glass of ice wa ter; a dozen attendania would rush off, but, when they returned each car rying a glass, the shah would decline to drink, but would order, his grand vizier th swallow the contents of half a dozen glasses, Always suspicions, the shah esmmands his grand vigier to taste all dishes and tell him, what they are like. While in Parig be was made the recipient of lurge quantities of pills and patent medicines, which he was assured would cure him of his ail ments. These he commanded members of his Bite to take, amd was strict about being informed as to their of fects in full detail. One Duty Of The Preacher. Atchison, Kan.. Globe A preacher, to be popular, has to admire plain and pretty babies 'alike, and an Atchison preacher, whoo is fussy about being truthful, has his way of handling the plain babies He wavs if you take the little red squirm ing baby frog, its proud mother, hold it out at. sowe distanies from you and, laoking at it smilingly, sav in a -- tte rupee : LL THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST ge. THINGS THEATRICAL |i ron dia dn vir ¢ in Lemdon. contributes more to your health than all the other foods combined, because it's made beftter--tastes better, it's delicious. Large 15-cent pacKage Now 10 cents PROVES A REALITY She is Being Strangled and Robbed Imagines Paris, Aug. 2A trial at the Seine asi wv revealed the story of the. singular dream -of Mme, Ella Boi vine, She, is cighty years of age and koepes a little lishing tackle shop not far from the canal at St, Denis, Sh resided alone in two small rooms, did | wed a com afraid believi le, and poss She--was not 8, as she did would suspeot hy a good tra fortable of bur anybody momey. One morning shy/v bustling about her Lith here lipon one of the neighbors entered her pl and roused her The old woman declared that she had paesed a bad night, that she had had a nightmare. "I dreamed that | was being strangled," she added. "I suw three men enter my shop with the intention of robbing me, and 1 felt their hands on my throat. The pillow ours, 1. itn suffoented." your dream fell on my face, and, of being 'But are von sure that i« not a roality 7" asked the neighbor, vho glanced around the room. "Fh? eried the old woman, The neighbor told her that the win dow had ben broken, and that all the drawers had been forced, In fact, three birglars had forced an entrance and had stolen gold, serip, and jewels. One had seized Mme the throat with the intention of strangling her, and as whe tained he belived her dead and left, dfie covering ber face agined that | wa Wavine by with a pillow The burglars were arrested twenty four hours afterward, and were tried at the assizes yesterday, One was sentenced to seven, another tg fif and the third man to twenty hard labor Seine teen Vers Thousands Die Of Constipation. No condition causes xo many incur able diseases a constipation. It not only prevents the kidneys droy, elimin: ating the wastes, but causes anaemia, stomach trouble and indigestion. Why won't you use Dr. Hamilton's Pills and get cured 7 This excellent medicine restores normal howel artion in one night. Thousands say #0. Your system will be pure and clean, youll be free from headaches, no more sour stomach--in short you'll have jovial spirits and perfect good health, Dr. Handilton's Pills are sold poisonons bearty "tone, "Wall, this is a baby," the 'mother will be perfectly satisfied. ing, ST - _-. Write foi A BOWL FULL OF HEALTH alta=i "The Portect Food" and there's none 'just as good." times & year, 96 pages bea strated, 30 cts per year. sending 15 cents. Corticelli Silk Co, | td. St.John's.P ~Your bed it has when factory. MONTREAL. Ives' Brass Beds Are Perfectly Polished and Lacquered. If yourhave an Ives Brass Bed you will have no lacquer troubles wll always show the highly finished, brilliant polish it leaves Ives' Ives' Brass Beds are st s durable, beautifully fished at handsomely esigned. Ask your dealer to show you an Ives Brass Bed, THE H. R. IVES CO., LIMITED, everywhere, 2c. a box. Get the genu- i radiati doul Wows Oxford It tells the whole THE GURNEY FOUNDRY €O,, Limited Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Calgary Yaneouver 8 its Boiler Steel push nipples obviate rubber or fabric washers and avoid leaks. Send for catalogue, explaining and illustrating, the Gumey Oxford Steam and Hot Water Heating Apparatus, x enlarging the Boiler we have 2 ged * the and almost are bell- and present an enlarged s to the direct heat rays. Oxford Hot Water story. #005 < 3