EE -- Pen Convenience Satisfaction flows from the Point PARKER LUCKY CURVE PEN It writes as smoothly as a pencil carries ink suffidient for 5,000 words never leaking or flooding; it is always ready to portray your thought: y paper. panion on It is a good and trusty cop. always. A full assortnent ways in stock. 31.50 to $4. The Best Drug Store. LT. BEST, Chemist and Optician. 'Phone 59. 124 Princess Street. Pure, Fragrant and Cleansing, BABY'S OWN SOAP 1S UNRIVALLED FOR NURSERY AND TOILET USE. Don't risk imitations on Baby's delicate skin, Don't risk imitations on Baby's delicate skin, ALBERT TOILET SOAP CO., Mrrs.& MONTREAL, 2 DON'T KEEP BACHELOR'S HALL While your, wife is at the sea-side. She would rather have you enjoy ILL THE COMFORTS OF HOME By taking your meals at the ROQUOIS HOTEL. {ILLCROFT ACADEMY my STO esidential and "Pay School for Boys Boys prepared for the Univer- sity and Royal Military College. Boys make rapid progress for the lasses are small, and each receives in- ijidual attention. The teachers are Un- 'ersity graduates: and "Specialists. Opens Sept. 7th, 1908. REV. T. J. GLOVER, B.A., Principal. men ie esmma-------- TO-NIGHT] 10 dozen Tan Hose, rib, size 9, Ae quality, for Ic. fine ¥ 22. § 1 very and a pair Sample lot of and Collar choice 15¢. each Collars Your Fancy Te ps. See the snap in Waists, newest style, good § quality, colors white, black, navy, for only $2.75 Ladies Silk ¢ Something extra fine in Import- ed Cashwlore Hose, ladies' size, reghlar value 50c., a pair. To-night 3 pairs for $1 The hest Corsets in the trade at Sc. a pair. Our specie The. and $1 will surpris They are perfect model built to wear and hav supporters attached. 7 host "Tough-as-1 eather" Stockings for boys, just the thing for school wear. We sell them in all sizes. Newman & Shaw TAT VVVVVVV RTT TTT TT AGT e You Home at a Bargain Price have | a good comfortable Frame Looking for a 9 received instructions to elling, containing 8 rooms, h large plot of ground attach- improved fruits. This place l be sold cheap as the owner eaving 'the city, on Fa BOND, Insurance and Real Estate, Clarence Street » - - Kingston. THE DAILY WHIG, SATURDAY, AUGUST 26. Miss Logie Cunningham twill be down Vitoria, "B.Cly nlf ME 'L. C. News! 4 fro Tarnto. to a the houn oi the Victoria Terminal Rail-| M t : : Mrs. Ferguson, and Miss Nina Fergu- béon, will go up to Toronto, on Tues: ILITARY MATTERS ~ pt - bs x . ay. ; J for her mother and sister. way company, i8 LW take | : ol in I e } Mi z a ) ari. he Flaws is expected in town, to-i place on Wi 48 ld 6th, iss vie is visiting her aunt, | day, to visit Mrs, R. W. Garrett,] Mrs. P. Bloor Chown rontenac " . \ ' Mrs. F: E, Baker, Wolfe Island. Johnston street. ' NEWS OF INTEREST TO THE street, will hold her postnuptial re Mrs. Barrett: (nec MoRossie), is ex-| ception on We 5 Thursday dected soon, to stay. with. Mrs. Fife] afternoon, September 7th and 7th . * . Fowler, Brock street, for a few days. ' . . :* 2 The picnic to Ki mn Mills, m Thursday, ra re Mrs, Bates. and Mrs. Harry "Betts, was cntirely enjoyable. The party got off about « Miss Edna Booth returned on Thurs day, from a very delightful trip to Quebec, where she stayed at Chateau | Frontenac, and up the Saguenay. She {with her party, Mr. George Graham, Land Miss Evelyn Graham, of Toronto, were taken over, the Berwick, and met KINGSTON GARRISON. min, Need of Provisional Schools at Different Centres -- Petewawa Camp Not the Paradise Some uwilights Mrs. Edward Crumley's house and rounds had "very lovely adornment, _ Mr. and Mrs. Weatherbe Williams are In town, now, and intend moving out to "Bellevue" next week. NS recay.. alteinoon, fnbes s the vessel's engicer commander. They | The Revgrend Conway Cartwright, | half past four, and drove fo King Kirpactus is Fina R-sabolish n urscay. , hd little were also on the Quebec with the roy- | and Mrs, 'Bdward © Cartwright, who} ston Mills, where after tea, its mom A ds to aoling. S our tl Die Por th Ba ®1al party coming from Quebec to Mont- | leave with Mrs. Cartwright and Mrs. | bers stmiled whout, admiring this Tt is hoped that during the comin irls pv birthday The little peo. and met some of the members of | Telford on Tuesday, will go straight | lovely spot at the entrance to the | Winter season provisional schools wi jay 8 . 4 a it. On Tuesday, Miss Booth will leave for Toronto, where she will spend fhe exhibition time with Miss Graham. Lo. . - . Mrs. E. A. Booth, and her daughter, Miss Marion Booth, came home from a visit in Toronto, on Thursday. On Monday Mrs. Drury and her three daughters 'will come to town, on their way to Halifax. Mrs. Drury will go to Miss Maecdonell, and Mrs. Brownfield and Mise Swift will enter- on to the coast. Miss Macaulay, and Miss Frances Macaulay, are expeeted in town about the second of September. » be established at different . centres choruses | where subalterns and non-commission- in the |®d officers of both city and mural corps may qualify. Such a cme could be carried out at very little expense, ' and the benefits accruin would bo vast. In this generation of Loon competition in commercial and other life, many cers and non- My, | coms. find it impossible to spare the time necessary to journey to a cen- tral school and there spend a month Rideau's beauties. The drive home was enlivened by songs and by the many musical peop! party. Those present were Archdeacon and Miss Maomorine, "Mist Amoldi, Miss Ada Bates, Mrs. Gwvillim, Miss Venie Birch, Miss Hattie, Mics Fdith, Miss Mabel, and Miss Trixy Wren. shall, the Reverend W. FH. lip Mr. Harry Betts, Mr. Clive I E Ramsay Brooke, Mr, Albert Shannon, Mr. Arthur Martin and ih Delmage. , . od JJe had tea on the lawn, which was spread with rugs, and the birthday ake, with its eight candles, was, of course, the centre of attraction. Af- or tea a novelty, in the form of a souvenir hunt, occupied the undivided ttention of all present. A 'gift for ench little girl, wrapped first in tis- ue paper, and then m a grape leaf, iad been hidden in the shrubbery, and leon was the hunt till each small maid sund her own. Besides this, crackers, Prince Louis spent Friday very uietly at Lady Kirkpatrick's resi- dence. No definite programme has yet been arranged for anything until Mon- day, and whatever is done to enter tain his highness in the meantime will be of a purely informal nature. In the » : : K el orf two qualifying. The schools have A + {tain the Misses Drury. On Thursday. | morning the prince and Lady Kirk: fb tlilving. oh with their No of sage, eg Ne they will all go down to Halifax, sin- | patrick enjoyed a drive of several Mrs. Bateman, Sydenham street, Sificiont. > instructions. wYisiuble foi ot off and helped - 3 he _. he cerely regretted, and deeply missed by | hours around the city. leaves for Toronto 'this afternoon, to oe puon at. suplicr. military. ow: uest of hopes was Little ay 40 a) 12 1 all Kingston, Mrs. William Paterson, and Wiss | visit relatives. 4 &¥ pa ¥ Smeaton, fro o . Assisting pared and dates selected for the hold- ing of courses, full classes would be obtained. In this way the force would be greatly bencfited, and improvement in corps would show in ensuing drill. Paterson, will be next week, to visit the warden's residence. Miss Gena Branscombe will be down from Picton, to-day, to visit her On Thursday, next, also Mrs. Hen- derson, and Miss Lola Henderson, who have heen staying at "Queenscote," will leave for Buffalo. RE Florence Williamson street, returned yesterday from , visit in Newbuwsgh. up from Ottawa, Miss Mrs. Platt, at Gore Mrs. Crumley were Mrs. Henry Crum- y and Miss Ethel Gibson. : . - - - The Misses. Brown, University ave - . . . - ked few Mr. and Mrs. Frank Botterddl, of asked a e 4 4 3 : : . Apart from the fact that hue, people lo tea, 1 The Rev. Conway and Mrs. Cart- | aunt, Mrs, JJ. M. Platt. Montreal, have been at Little Metis a ar AO ie. could thas Jursiay Sitertion. Jeu : Was. served wright, © and Mrs. Telford, will leave ata . this week, guests of my SPIO secure qualification, lies the oppor- regeo. * ¥ie on Tuesday, for Sharbot Lake, where] Miss Etta Cannon, of Kingston;has] Mrs. W. R. Sills, of Kingston, is tunity which senior officers would Mrs, Cartwright and Mrs. Telford will remain for a week, Mrs, Cartwright will then go on with her daughter to Kentucky, where she will remain till the first of November, She will then spending a few days the guest of Mrs, T. 8, Hill, of St. Catharines completed, most successfully, her three vears of study at Bishop Strach- an School, Toronto, and her friends are congratulating her. Miss Florence Allen, visiting Mrs. S. Mrs. Machar entertained at luncheon on Tuesday, in honor of Mrs. Atkin- son. Among the guests were Mrs. Al laire Shortt, Mrs. Joseph Walkem, Mrs. Alexander Kirkpatrick, and Mrs, have of "brushing up" their military knowledge. No officer can "know it all; new ideas and methods are con- stantly creeping in, and by the means of these provisional schools this fresh « . The engagement is announced of Mise Katie MacDonald of Toromto, James Gunn return to Toronto, before going on to | F. V. Campbell, Albert streét. return-{ to Mr. Charles V. Farr of Brockville, information would" be disseminated vam He ce the coast. ed yesterday to Burlington, Ont. Ont. The marriage will take place in| through the force. Mrs. Allaire Shortt gave a children's | | Miss Elleda Perley has been granted Mr. and Mrs. Cary of Rochester, are September. aber of ee : ®°8 ie so a at "Otterburn." on Monday in four: months' leave of absence, which with their uncle Mr. F. M. Campbell, Miss Belle Bruce, daughter o > No doubt the big rifle associations / y, Jou arth ayn she will spend, in Boston, studying. | on Albert street. ; Bruce, Hamilton, an mister of W. | throughout the British empire will 301 a ig. SSE Shispe SRO S| Her many friends here, will be glad to Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Bibby are on a} Blair Bruce, the -artist, of Paris, | {4ke cognizance of the words of con- birthday. . . . . know _that she will be back about the | short visit to friends in Ottawa. France, to Mr. John Walkden, Lon: | damnation ' in behalf of "Aids to . . . . first of January. IN Master Walter Macnee is over at Mr. | don, England. Shooting," made use of by champion Miss Hattie 'Wrenshall, and Miss e eo so» Harty"s camp, and little Miss Nora Miss Helema Ross, eldest daughter of marksmen at the recent Bisley meet, Several noted Irene Wrenshall, will leave, on Tuesday shots have condemned Mr. and Mrs. Herbert G. next, for Owen Sound. They will stay a Miss Griffin is visiting Mrs, Shirley Macnee is staving with Mrs. Carruth- vss, Comox So a: Going, on her way from Brockville to | ers and her children, and thus are] street, Vancouver, to the Rev. H. J. | al] aids to shooting, and counsel their LVer Jn Toronto for a short visit. Toronto. : prolonging their holidays. Underhill, rector of St. Paul's church, | aholition, suggesting the substitution he Daiey Fortescue will return tod "3 "by. are James: Gunn went "all il gh Vancouver, B.C. avi teed of actual warfare conditions, as. far , eC mon Wit who has been | 4¥0. on Thursday, to Ottawa, for a] Word was received to-day, . that Miss Gertrude, daughter of Mis. Jane | ag practicable, on all ranges. This is brief vigit Chapman, Napanee, to Mr. George F Miss Minnie Gordon is home from Mrs. Richardson's camp down the Ri- deau, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Richardson have gone for a trip to 'the coast. te Fill S + host, Wola, Khem, of SVS | Sot Como; weling Mi see his aunt. Mrs. Butler. He will be wel Hw Ethel . Ashworth, youngest the guest of his cousin, Mrs, John a : W y by h ag daughter of Mrs. W. H. Ashworth, of arson, at her summer cottage, "Sun- | 1, 010, to Colonel Herchmer; of Cal: sensible advice," and no doubt the big associations will heed it. It is fareial folly to allow rifle shots to train with appliances which they could not use on the field of battle. Let them prac staying with Master Jack Mitchell, for the past month, will return to Brock- ville on Tuesday. . Mrs. John Tett his returned to New- boro. Mr Stamact: and her twa | Jittle ny Knoll." ~ tice under service conditions and their ar BY <n A hee fp Miss Fannv Godfrey, daughter of the | "Mise S. H. Wells, of New York, is|**™" il um home training will then be of some a Pen hig late Rev. Mr. Godirey, and who bas | the guest of Mrs. Newlands 160 Earl aS aie use to them should they be called up- their yisit to Mrs mnington Mac- i rd , an Invitations' ave out announcing the " " IIE Nas 0 SES, ng : been living down south for some time, | street. on to take "pot shots" at an enemy. phersop, at Ottawa, and Colonel Mac marriage of Miss May Kelly, of Napa ney, to Mr. James Ix Hough, of To ronto, formerly of Napanee, on Aug- has gone as a missionary to Alaska. $8 0.» This means that Miss Godfrey is much Miss Florence Fenwick, who has been stronger than she has been for some | camping for a week in Dead Man's The D.*R. A. phould be the first to set an example for the empire, = by forbidding the use of all aids on the phersom at Garrett's Rest. eine» Miss Mabel Brownfield is over at vears, and all her' friends, here, are | Bav, will return home to-dav. a poof Miss Agnes Ricker: Rockliffe range. the Hon. William Harty's camp, where | pleased. Miss Sadie Fenwick of Belleville, is} dike. daughter of My. Rober Bicker - oes. 8 8 Mrs. E. F. Osler, is now the chaper- * Siani fd o8 visiting Mrs. T, Cooke, Union street. | dike. M.P.. to Mr. Clinton Henderson, {' The sergeants of the 14th Regiment on Professor Carr'Harrie and his son| Mrs. Goodwin came home to-day. will 'take place about. September 12th, | have been granted permission to use Mr. Alfred Cooke. went up, to-day, are expected in town soon. Amongst thoé' ifivited to the hall in government house, Quebec, and lat- er, to that given by the Governor-Gen eral and the Countgss Grav, in honor of his serene highess,' Prince Louis of Battenberg, was Miss "Loretta Kings- lev. of Kingston Miss Mabel Maund, and Miss Ethel Maund, will take a trip west on the | bride's parents, Lachine. Kingston, to-morrow. . . . | The eyes are the windows of the Miss Maggie Houston was expected | soul, Preserve them, Consult our opti in town to-day. for another visit to cian. Satisfaction guaranteed to every Mrs. Murray, Alice street, peir of glasses furnished. Dr. Chown's the rifle range on the Royal Military College ground, until such time aw col lege opens. They made use of the range last Saturday for the first time, and had another practice to-day. Not. withstanding the lack of target exer cise, some good scores were made. The enthusiasm of the sergeants in to Picton, and will stay with Mrs. at *Eimerolt,': ; theysetidence: of - the William P. Despard, while there, Mr. and Mrs. Stratford 'Dawson, are en pension with Miss McFadden, Wel- lington street. Mrs. James Pott, of Stirling, wha spent a week with Mrs, R. S. Dobbs, (is rempoved--health need of the es t here of an adjunct to Melia training. argument can be advanced against the building of a , and why work on such a neely military utility is with. held is beyond ordinary comprehen: sion, ° . . . . Reports drifting in from the Pelewa- wa artillery camp are to the effect that the men are not pleased with the location, The chief cause of complaint is the fact that sand is too plentiful ; one writer likens the place to the sandy wastes of South Africa. At the same time, the location may be and no doubt is ideal for the purpose for which it has been selected. It is a dier's privilege to "grouse," and it'is impossible to satisy some. » - < Considerable practical work is being accomplished by the Royal Engineers, in eamp at Levis, Que. It is the first camp of the kind to be held in Cana- da, and the benefits which the several unites of the Canadian engineering force will derive from the instruction there received will be of incaleulable benefit, . . . * The fine fishing and hunting which the artillerists expected to enjoy while at Petewawa camp have, failed to ma- tervialize, and disappointment is keenly folt, Many of the soldiers took out shot gun and large supplies of fishin tackle, but so far they have not use for them, . . - x Professors of the Royal Military College, who have been out of town during the heated term. are beginning to drift back to the city, preparatory} to presuming duties at the opening of that institution next month. : » . . It is reported from Petewawa that water for drinking purposes is not as good as could He desired. But doubt: Jena ghis defect will bo rectified before pop another drill season comes around. Not Sleeping Well. a Without sleep: theme can be no bodily or mental vigor, consequently sleep- lessness is a dangerous condition. No- thing so surely restores sleep 'as Fer- rozome; it's harmless--just a mourish- ing, strengthening tonic, Ferrozone vitalizes every part of the body; makes 'the nerves hardy, completely rebuilds the system, The cause of sleoplessness is restored--you can work, eat, gleep,~feol like new af- ter using Ferrozone, Don't put it offi-- Ferrozone costs 80e. per box at all dealers; get it to-day. The Convict Viau. Viau, the convict, who is dead at St; Vincent de Paul penitentiary, was tranderred to the penitentiary here, after the outbreak he led ten years ago. He remained five years until he was released. He was looked upon as a dangerous man, and was not long at liberty before getting into trouble agin, and being sentenced to Stoney Mountain penitentiary. Thence he was transferred to St. Vincent de Paul where he died. ---- Sick room supplies. A large assort- Maskinonge Hooked That Weigh- "ed Forty-One Pounds. Be ----. in the lak - in , near Thompisoy Point, Friday. The fh tipped a scale at forty-one pounds. 1 take this summer, Last season little son, Lorne, spent a this week guests of Rev. and Mrs. W. S. Boyoe and: Mrs, Hill, Conway. "Mise Gertie Hawley will Jeave Mon: day for Melita, Man. She will' Monday in Toronto, with her C leavi for the dark, before t Urs, P. H. Hall will leave for Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Misa Myrtle K t returned last evening. a k's visit with friends in G que, 3 Invitations have hounsing the mw of M reg Tut i anxiety. ] World's Sunday Schools. Ma ng i Clifton, Mase., Aug. 96.--At today's conyni School : Union, it wes ported 154,150 With 1,900,790 teachers, snd 14,108: 305 members in the world, and tha there ame members in the home department, and 191,000 names on the exadle rolls. the last year 219,703 members of Sunday schools the church, in To Observe Sun's a Madrid, Aug. i celebrated. t Germian astronomer, of the Madrid observatory, will take ob- servations of the forthcoming Tr eclipse from a balloon will as of Burs a of Burgos, | 3 moun and bined elevations Yen colds, , Croup, pociog Sn a century in use-- and better kod ovary day. * with Mes i The marriage of Miss W. Winewooh drug stores ; : is now staying with Miss Bolger. Miss Mabel Gildérsleeve has been vis- | Fraser, second daughter of Mr. Dow | Pure creom' of tartar is sold at | going so far as to sequse use of this ment and interesting prices, Dr.§ When in doubt, it wanting glasses, The Reverend Professor Ferguson, jting in Deseronto. : ald Fraser, late of Kingston, now of | Gibson's 'Red Cross drug store, range, serves to further emphasize the | Chown's drug store. 80 to Chown's. . IRV, rock and C ington I'eets, Kings On. ' . . : ' } * NEW BLACK CRINKLE CLOTHS, perfect dye and finish, 1 Dent's Kid Gloves With the enormous advances which are stead- speially adapt English make, correct tan shades, strong and serviceable, for ladies and gentlemen, all sizes, special at &1 pair. ily taking place in all classes of RAW WOOL 3 ~--:| and COTTON it behoves the thrifty buyer to Fancy Cushion Tops | take advantage of such values as we now offer. seen wank exe, acl vai ee, ne ae | There is absolutely no advance on any of our standard, reliable lines. In many instances, on special lots, we have been able to obtain very special concessions and 'we sell them accord- ingly. i Skirts Ready and fit to wear, made in the latest style of the very newest ma- terials to your exact size. Lustres, Light Tweeds, = Broadcloths, We alter and fit any of these skirts without extra charge guaranteed. $2.75, £3.50, $4, $1.50, £5, $6, $6.50, 87. not to be found elsewhere. Panamas. Satisfaction Exclusive patterns Men's Balbriggan Underwear Genuine French make, being woven in two threads (not single) it will Which will bear the very closest inspection not ravel of tear; soft, pliable and cool. Shirts, long and short sleeves GOWNS DRAWERS CHEMISES Drawers tb match. All sizes, 32 to 48 inches. 50c., 60c., 75c. CORSET COVERS Particular attention is drawn to the quality of the workmanship, the thoroughness of the making, the fulness of each garment. Large variety in every size and style, Muslin Underwear SKIRTS Table Linen Remnants The excellence of the wear, the superior quality of these linens (all pure with . flax), and the reasonablepess.of the prices make these ends particularly in- . Shirt Waist Suits BLEACHED AND UNBLEACHED DAMASKS at from 20 to 33 1-3 per cent. Of all styles now being offered at one-half to one-third the regular prices in off regular quotations. order to clear to make room for fall goods. "If your size is in the lot, the price ODD LOTS TABLE NAPKINS, 3, 4,5, 6,.7,8 to a design, pure Irish flax, § and § sizes; slightly soiled but not damaged, at special reductions and quality will astonish you." REMNANTS of Glass Linens, Kitchen : Towellings and Roller Towellings, in large variety, lengths 1} to 5 yards, Marka extremely cheap. -. -sOpaling = Shirt Waists Kimonas _ a = | Dressing Sacques Children's Dresses Infants' Slips We have full and comprehensive stocks of these lines at very moderate . That SPECIAL STOCKING, double fect and ankles, fast dye, elastic, 2c. pair; 5 pairs for $1, Sizes 8), 9,011 10 inches - soft and prices. od for the full skirts, 60c., 78o., BLACK 75¢., BLACK 60¢,, Tbe. 90c., 81, $1.25) yard. BLACK HENRIETTAS, one of the 45¢., BOc., 60c., T5c., 81, $1.10, BLACK PANAMAS, strong and ser suite and skirts, at 75¢,, 00c., $1 BLACK CHEVIOTS, the true Engli BROADCLOTHS, both venetian and P0c., $1, $1.25, $1.35 and $1.50 yard, VOILES, new weaves and textures, 44 inches wide, We., $1, $1.25 yard, satin finish, extra values, at wool and wilk, most popular materials for fall wear £1.25, 81.50, for TR: wear, » viceable, spon and shrunk, id Yigal Fr nk, ideal for sh make, perfect dye, evarlasting for wear, 56 inches wide, 90c,, $1, $1.10, $1.25; $1.35, $1.50, $1.75 $1, 81.25, 81.50, large variety in every size, OPENWORK SWISS PILLOW SH didly, 40c., 50c., Gc. 7Be., § SIDEBOARD SCARFS, 14, 2 yards DOYLES, CENTRE PIECES, (X SHIRT WAIST LINEN, round even 40 inchew--40c:, 45c., Sx. 42 inches--50c., B5c., 60c., Thc. THE CORSET witha perfect fit, co » 20e,, 280. yard. HAND EMBROIDERED INITIALED worth 20¢., for 12§c. cach, # SKIRT AND WAIST ADJUSTERS, HORROOKSES WHITE 10¢, yard. ENGLISH BLEACHED SHEETING, from the mill : EXTRA HEAVY TWILL UN of 5 and 10 yards only, t yard. CREAM FLANNELETTE, yard. The. yard. BLACK SILK MERY, the ideal silk strong, at 70c., 90c., $1 yard, FANCY EMBROIDERED IRISH LINEN $1.75, 82, $2.50. HEMSTITCHED PLAIN AND DAMASK COTTONS, 36 inches wide, "limited quantity," JAPANESE WASH SILK, white and black, 27 inches i and finish, at 50c., 60c., 78¢c., $1 yard. ' Wide, putes TABLE OOVERS, "hand work," COVERS AND TRAY CLOTHS, ANS, beautifully finished, will wash splen: 80. Jong, 83¢., "50c,, The., $I, $1.25, $1.50. )ISY COVERS, . thread, superior Irish quality :-- 45 inches--60c., T0c., SOc, We, 81. B54 inches--60c., 78¢., Soc, 90c,, $1. mbined with perfoet comfort, high and low bust, 75c., 98c., 81, $1.25, $1.50, 81.75, NOVELTY INE e i 4 OYE! TY RIBBONS for ties and sashes, plaids, brocades, ofe., 12fc., 18e., PURE LINEN HANDKERCIGEeS FOSTER HOSE SUPPORTERS-25c., 38c., B50, 75, $1, $1.95 SCOTT HIP FORMS, three distinet styles. the very latest idea, 2%. vach, 'at the last of our old order just regeived Single bed width, worth 33¢., for 2c. yard, Double bed width, worth #jc., for 20e, yard, KACHED SHEETING, -72 inches regular price is 3be., a dn Wide , 'ends to clear 205¢. xtra heavy and soft, special lot at 10c. yard. Weave £ o wy WHITE TAFFETA SILKS; particularly stiractive values at 50e., 6dc., 25, : BLACK TAFFETAS, the soft strong wearing qualities, at 60e., A5c., Toe., for shirt = waists, soft, pliable and