HIS REGAL SP $60 A MONTH MAN EMBEZ- _ World--The Markets. A Fred in all lines of sugar Phe fiturcs We have Rods Tromr 25c. 10 $7.50, " sess thom The. to $9.30 Booty i ehh Spoons... is eet] = a pi ay It st 1,061,000 ; Everything for the poor fish to ain your, i on the short side of Reading. fh. i in all to over $HRO0, 000 bwiege and t 006,764, eompared with 1 , an 78.679, in 1908, . 167.672 tons in August, 1 741,985 tons in July this year. We "Select "them and coke pig iron produced trom us. you will pay and. steel trade sinc. Ru 1904 no more than the 11%c. i -------- A Phenomenal Increase. The increase in the onsumption of United States during the first six months of this year over the corres peril of 1904 has been pounds. This is as much tea as was congurtind in tho same period in all the cities, towns, and villages on the rand Trunk line between Toronto and Montreal, including Pickering, Whithy, Oshawa, Bowmanville, New. castle, Newtonville, Poit Hope, Co- bourg, Crafton, Calborne, Brighton, Trenton, Belleville, N >, ing ston, Gandnoque, Brockville, Prescott, Cardinal, Iroquois, Morrisburg, Corp- y etirning steamer | Wall, Lancaster, Coteau Junction and loaves at 5 pam. for Rochester, N.Y. Vaudreuil. This enormous increase in calling at Bay of Quinte ports. demand in six months proves pretty . Str. Aletha sundlusively that "Salada" serves the Loaves y old 0 public well, tan To ans n : "Haley Will Have A Good Show. - ! wins pW Much interest is beng evinced in the Hortioultural show to be held in the armouries on the 13th and 14th, 4 Of next month. Committees have been struck and a ts 'are heing completed towards making the oxhibi- tion the most successful yet held, Fhe subscription list is being well received by the merchants and those already canvassed have done handsomely. EP Some $450 in cash prizes will be plot- od for competition. A meeting of the House of Industry, directors i been called to further ; arrangements for the show, andrin halen n BRS WiLL iB RE. at the o of the City Engineer . il 8 pan, THURSDAY, Aorunt Bist, Lake Ontario Park. Pair Feud Lo 0% hones of Todt | The new company engaged. for next Specifications be seen at the office | week at Lake Ontario Park consists ot he Ofvy Englnedr where all other in-| of Christy and Willig, the tramp jug- fag yo tained. | not noces-J Rler and dancing girl, doing one of sarily accepted. the funniest acts in their line, then HB. R CRAIG, comes Wilson and Bell a colored sketoh City Engineer, team, presenting "A Bit of Blackville." - Miss Bell is one of the best colored lady singers in vaudeville. Next on A LARGE DECREASE fad cin the bill is George Shady, a German August 34th, 1905, monologist, and comedian, this com- In New York Death Rate From pletes one of the strongest bills offer Nervous Diseases. ed to the patrons of Lake Ontario Special to the Whig. AR Park this season. New 25. Unless there is A -------------- York, Au. something decidedly wrong with the | See Saturday's Window Display. statistics gathered by the local At Davies' boneless health department, there is a re mutkable deorease in the number of deaths from nervous diseases. While oth ilments, such as heart disease, Bright Re ie a pian. John McGuire, Jones Falls, has been 1870 on affections of the nervous | 2PPointed, a fishery dverseor by the Sytom have 'diminished since last | (mtatio government. His district is to year. ' Chica # interpret that fact] be that portion of the Rideau canal Arn dlear Re . that New York is | fronting on the townships of Bouth ortering into the stage of restfulness, | Urosby and Leeds, with a salary of Wi has mete Philadelphia so] $180 per annum, He received his papers chiarming a resort for persons weeding On the 19th inet. shoulder hams, boiled, out thin, served cold, make an excellent meat service for Sunday, re gular price whole 12§c. half, 13c. Ih. ------------------ ret and quiet Fresh McConkey's and Huyler's can- ------------------ dies at Gibson's Red Cross drug i Q ria i 1d t J store, ; Gives enum Orme he. ston n Muggins--Why do you watch young Blobbs--Why is Henpueckke so down Biones so elosely * Are you afraid he on church fairs 7 Slobbs--Me first met d is going to run off with your daught- his wife at one. or ! Buggine--No, I'm afraid he isn't. a ---- -- - Baking Powder Makes Clean Bread With Royal Baking Powder there is no mixing with the hands, no sweat of the brow. Perfect cleanliness, greatest facility, sweet, clean, healthful food. . Full instructions in the " Royal Baker and Pastry Cook" book for Making all kinds of bread, biscuit and cake Royal 'Baking Powder. Gratis to any address. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO.. NEW YORK. THE DAILY WHIG, SATUR REF! *"" HE CELEBRATED. And Tours the World in Steam Yacht--Parisian Takes Actress With Him But Adventurer decline of 10 cents per barrel is re- in Cmnada' for the past oat Co a at New York, Aug. 26.---A special de- roll contracts for. 200, spatch says Paris is sensation such as has not been equal- led since the ifumbert caso, Until the of July, Jean Gallay was an _em- oyee of the Great Paris Bank, he New York Post is authority for nt that one man has lost $1,- the the 260), oi Afic carpings for the week or the last year, $1,002,000; in- v monthly salary of and two chiklren. in the hands of Brazilian police, hav. France on a yacht, .as Palma on August 9th for Buenos Ayres. Comptoir d'Escompte, Jean s employed in the transfer that by a he ppropriating large sums, first million francs B Ofinance Depart, I I an and Anufacturing cHMpanyY, Which 'Is controlled by "the [n- ternational Power Company, the largest Jreontract ever given by United States government, for three-inch guns, amount- of interest 'to the Dominion L n Coal shareholders is thit our ts ol : bituminous coal to the Unit States k have been declining, as shown by United States statistics. The imports from Cahada to the United Status during the fiseal year were 1,229,848 tons, = stated to be about a Aboard' the Catarina, 'it I, Gallay has had ionship of Mme. who loft her husband a few For some time before two had been on is further he eomban- day, which was celebrated yesterday, BOT.626 tons. valued at $4.- Vers ago, granted an audience to the diplomatic Our & Rafe Szperie ¢ is at your azar tons. valoed at $3,342,972 in « eT . ao siding in Seoul. A popular demonstrg: the best of terms. | HOP took place in front of the pal- On August 1st, Galley started on his | 2° annual fortnight's t - The total production of anthracite and : H101 ds enter s iron in the present month. is es- «Can OF 11,700,000 tons as against 1: timate would make the total anthracite eight months of this year 14,484 851 tions, which Jed compte to edll in the police. Detee tives found that was also known he o lid not return on the appointed day, A NEW "BREAK." 4 8 hig . with a care and on at eat, 10i380,26) The irene the alleged defalca- | F. Baer Says That Strikes Began when : "you purchase of 7.208.990 tons is indicative of the the Comptoir o'F:- With Genesis. 3 x p striking change in tions in the iron who | first striker, and he killed Abel be- ace boXes: 1.175 white'and YRS ecblored. . The Cheese Markets. of many inferior Napanee, Aug. 26.--Offerings, 2.160 4 ' : Sales, 100 white and $15 colored. ot Jean de Gran- ad chartered the steamyacht was | future, made detectives all over the world were instructed to keep a lookout for turned Mr. Baer: 1 every port where be expected to touch wore ready to arrest Jean Gallay and his companion. ample provisions for a "Salada" tea in Canada and the the phenomenal, It amounted "to 256,686 lay sent aboard 4,000 hundred bottles of mine- and every requisite for an Eighty packages . of od 20,000 Idlagra ---------- PARKER'S SUPERIOR AIR. personal luggage avre and weigh- . 26.--In an interview er, who is now in this City, expressed himself in favor of Ca nada contributing i but at the same time ght-author does not of St. Hyacinthe, at the Canadian kni Inder the new scheme of teetion there is not the same development of inland Canada has offered all garrisons and forts, five or ten cruisers as years pass on, and place them under British admiralty for service. power of Great Britain, is directed, Canadians would fear any wrongful were made in this have no reason to distribution if it Referring to Canadian representation in the British house, he said : "Representation in the is im- Monsieur Picard, from St. Hyacinthe, voting on whether my con Stitdents shall have an electric light- ing system ? Of course not. That will hot come unless it bresentatives vote only on fecting imperial interests.' Ns A -------- KILLED BY CARS. be that such re A Man Found Dead Beside the Special to the Whig. Ottawa, Aug. 26.--The dead body of Millen Beauchamp, Hull, was found ly ing beside the track of the Hull Elee- tric railway, about 200 yards west of Bisson's Crossing, last night, i supposed that he "had was struck and kille mer hound electric Was an unmarried three years of age. he had been liberated from jail, w he had served a six-months' for stealing bell metal from St. Pp since then he had heen gone 'to sleep man about forty Villa des Pins, near Avimer heen in the Hull and Avlmer hotel the Aylmer road, a couple of hundred Just after it had become dark. An inquest will be held to-day. ---- - ROYAL {== Feud Leads 0 a Tragedy Near Peterbora, Ont, Aug. sult of a foud which has vears in Dummer town a brutal murder A mob of men visited residing about twenty miles city, and in the course of the affair Thomas Edward, the twelve-year-old son, and also a. sister, wounded in the arm. are not vet to hand, and Crown Attorney ner Grey are investigating, -------- At a meeting of the yacht ing committee last evening, cided to hold q oruising la on Saturday, to spend Labor Day there, A lady fell from street car No. 98 last ovening, near the Septomber 2nd, and ting. off beforv the car Three persons peris fire at Lake Maranacook, Me, the bodies being found in the ry DAY, AUGUST 26. { The - Exiperos of Korea Has Had * . a Birthday, a 0 ¥ 3 MPEROR OF KOREA. Seoul, Aug. 26The emperor of Korea, uigon the occasion of his birth. corps and distinguished foreigners pe- Denver, Aug. 26. "Cain was the cause Abel was the more prosperous fellow," said George, F, Baer, the great coal and railway man here. Mr, Baer was asked if he had any"idea how strikes would be settled in the "No, nor has anybody else," re *'Strikes began with Genesis. They originated at the be- inning of the world." Then he made 3 remark about (ain. "Writers on the subject of strikes, in the magazines, books and newspa- pers, had no actual experience, or they would not be so ready to pro- pose the settlement of strikes. They aro dreamers. Strikes are susceptible of settlement only upon such. basis as the circumstances' and comtditions in- volved in them dictate. "Men who have no practical know- ledge of the subject are idealists. Their theories are worthless. ( Mr. Baer declared that the open system was the only guarantie for in- dustrial peace and pros erty, Mr. Baer denied that he said during the last anthracite strike that he was "the man into whose hands God in His infinite wisdom has placed the anthracite coal fields." Ho said he never dreamed of saving such a thing. -------------- HOPE OF PEACE Question Now Hinges on Amount of Indemnity, Special to the Whig, St. Petersburg, Aug. 26.-- According to information coming from a member of the imperial family, the press leams that a dispatch was sent to M. Witte, vesterday, which is considered, at Peterhoff, as offering a decided hope of peace. The Slavo's Portsmouth correspon- dent, reporting the arrival of an "eagerly expected despatch," quotes M. Witte as saying that his endeavor to influence St. Petersburg was more successful than he expected. The cor respondent' adds that there is ground for hope, as an' agreement in prin- ciple has been reached, and the question now hinges on the amount of the sum. CANNOT REDUCE LOWER ? Than the Speed Allowed by Pro- vincial Act. Srecial to the Whig. Walkerville, Ont., Aug. 26.--~Because of the reckless waving of many auto- mobiles. throligh the township of Sandwich East, the township authori- ties posted notices along the roads forbidding speed to exceed eight miles TL, nship. Ap per hour through the tow appeal was made to the provincial officials and the assistant provincial Secretary has given it as his opinion that the township has no power to reduce the limit of speed below the fifteen miles per hour in rural dis triete allowed hy the provincial act. DIVE IN SUBMARINE ---------- Declares Himself Impressed With Work of Plunger. Oyster Bay, Aug. 26.--President Roosevelt late Friday afternoon, went out on the sibmarine torpedo boat Plunger, remaining on hoard the eraft while she made several submersions, 'one of which lasted fifty minutes, The Plunger's manoeuvres were at the entrance to Oyster Bay, on Long Island, in about forty feet of water. When he returned to land President Roosevelt expressed himself as much imptessed with the Plunger's qualities, ------ Clayton, N.Y., Ana Kingston And Ottawa, Ont. Rideau Lakes' Navigation company steamers leave for Clayton every Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sa- turday, at 6:30 p.m. Leave for Ot- tawa every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday at 6 am. J. Swift & Co., agents. Schooner Is Confiscated. Victoria, B.C, Aug. 26. The schoon- et North of Seattle has been confiscat- ed by the Canadian admiralty coort with her dories and stores. It is alleg- ed the North poached on the Van- couver Island coast. en One Good Thing. Davies New England ham, cooked and seasoned, specially nice for sand- wiches or table service, 15¢. You might ask to see it when visiting our store, ---- "For smokers only," four 100. cigars for '25¢.. at Gibson's Red Cross drag CIGARS WERE . SMUGGLED OVER ON A SHIP. -The Belgians Who Were Guilty of the Offence Will Be Punished-- The C.P.R. Its Own Detective, Special to the Whig. Montreal, Aug. 26--A novelty in the way of seizing fed goods has been inaugura . the Canadian Pacific' steamship Tine, - which, on board of its own steamer Montezuma, seized thirty-eight hundred smuggle: customs seizures made on board of the boats mmhing to London and Ant- werp, the Belgian members of its crew smuggling in large lots of cigars and cigarettes, and have taken this means of stopping the practice. The 'men will be punished, --. a---- SATURDAY'S MARKET. 1 -- Prices Which Ruled To-Day--A Splendid Showing. .Satiirday's market attendance was remarkably g6od for this season. There was a splendid turnout of farm- ers, while buyers were more numerous than usual. "Prices ruled about the same as those paid a week ago. Meat quotations, however, were a trifle cas- ier. Dealers issued these rates : Beef, live weight, 24c. to MHe.; carcase, Sic. to Be; cuts, 10c; to 5c. Veal, car- case, Bjc.; Quarters, Be. to Te; cuts, 124c. to 15¢. Lamb, live weight, 8.50 to 84.50; quarters, Tse. to 81; cuts, 15c¢. Mutton, carcase, Re.; cuts, 15¢. ' Hogs, live weight, 6c. to 6c; carcase, fc.; culs, 12jc. There was a surfeit of tomatoes, which sold as low as 25c. a bushel, though choice stock brought as high fs 50c. Cofn went as Jow as Ge. a dozen, the top priee demanded being 10c. Cabbages brought from 30c. to 0c. a dozen. Apples wert also plen- tiful, from lOc. to 25c. a peck being demanded. Butter was offered in Quantities suf- ficient to meet the demand. Choice creamery bought as high as a pound, while farmers® prints realized from 20c, to 23c.; in rolls the com modity sold at from 1%ec. to 20¢. Eggs were plentiful at from 17c. to 18c. a dozen. There was a large showing of poul- try, chickens especially being plentiful, selling as low as . a pair, while fowl and large chickens brought as high- as 60¢. New oats were offered for sale as low as 70c. a bag, and from that fig ure up to Me. a bag was demanded, New hay is selling at from $¢ to SS a ton. There was a large assortment of all kinds of garden truck, which were at low priees. ly a5 -- TAILORS TOOK IT. They Played Ball With Dry Goods Men, A\baseball match between the tailors and dry goods men was the attrac- tion at the ericket field, yesterday af. ternoon. The ball played was quite sensational at times. The teams were : Tailors--Tucker, c.f.; Saunders, c,; McKee, s.5.; Leader, PS Jackson, 1b.; Holder, ¢.f.: 3b.; Woodrow, 1. Dry goods-- Parkin, c.: Sullivan, p.; Coyle, 1h.: Corrigan, 2b.; Ludlow, 8.8; Sullivan, 3b.: McDonald, 1§.; Roche, c.f.; Barrie, rf. Umpire--Nicholson. The tailors rapidly took the lead in the early stages of the play, the score being 7 to 0 in their favor up till the third innings when the dry goods men tallied * five. In their fourth turn to bat the men of the needle and thread again took a jump, but after that on- ly one rug was scored, The match re sulted 15 to 6 in favor. of the tailors. ---------- Kingston Business College Results. Alexander Matson has been given a position as stenographer and as- sistant book-keeper with the Canadian Pacific railway company, Toronto, where Miss Margaret Kennedy has been Reid, graduate, has an excellent posi tion as head stenographer in the real estate office of R. F. Angles & Co. Toronto, Miss J. Dunlop, graduate of the shorthand department. has become stenographer with the Kingston Whole sale Fruit company. Miss Victoria Gilbert has been engaged ad steno grapher for the Canadian Cabinet company, Gananoque. Miss Jennie MacCrow, a recent graduate, is steno. | grapher and assistant hook-keeper for the Rochester Loan and Investment company. Miss Gertrude Perrin has gone to Detroit, to take a position as SEIZED THE GOODS | cigars. The company 'has suffered from | engaged as stenographer. Miss Carrie } stenographer. Miss Minnie MeArthur has become stenographer for the Que bee Southern railway, Montreal Miss Had Game Of Bowls. Two rinks from Queen's played at Rockwood yesterday afternoon. Messrs, Mackie, Patterson, UC, Smith and Den nison, of the Asylum bowlers, m¢t a rink composed of W. I. Dalton, Dr, Dalton and Dr. Ross, defeating them by a score of 15 to 27. Rink No. 2, skipped by Pr. Walkem, defeated the Rockwoods by eight points. He was aided by Dr. Spooner, Lyons and Strachan, while his opponents were Dick, Templiton, Dowsley and Potter. The contest thus went to Rockwood by four points, but the local bowlers hope to turn 'the tables on their rivals at the college green next week = Jennie Fraser is stenographer for the . Canadian Pacific railway company, Montreal. Miss Gertrude Crozier is assistant book-keeper for J. Y. Park. . hill, merchant, city. A a teemiabetiinaugy 50 ---------- ---- -- Nearly Kmocked Down. Last evening, three well-known oifi- zens had a narrow escape from being knocked down and run over by an an- tomobile which was speeding along in the City Park. The chairman of parks ought to soe that the offenders are prosecuted as a warning to others. One of the gentlemen who was nearly knocked down called at the Whig office thigs morning and left the number of th@hatomobile. which the parks' chair: man' can have on application. The parks' bylaw should be carried out. ------------ Mechanics, Farmers, Sportsmen !1-- To heal and soften the skin and re- move grease, oil and rust stains, paint and earth, etc, use The "Master Me- Special Sale --CO fF i FRONT SHIRTS Made ot good quality English Shir¢- ings, white grounds, with neat designs, colors absolutely fast. These shirts are made by one of the bes Montreal, and represent summer stock. Sizes 143, 15; 16, 16%. They are wo what we will sell them f; | 21] 0 MEN'S SOFT * YOUR CHOICE 35¢c. 7:30 TO 10. Children's Hosiery Boys' Leather-Knit Black est of all stockings for boys, all sizes, price 15¢., 18c., 20c., 23c., 25¢. Boys' Black- Ribbed Cotton, and 15c., special. = Girls' Fine Make Black Cotton. Girls' Fine Plain Black Cashmere. Girls' Fine Ribbed Black Cashmere. Girls' Black Lisle Thread Stockings, Women's Black Cotton, fine make, 20c. Women's Black Cotton, fine make Women's Black, e Women's Black Cashmere, 35¢., 39¢., 45¢. . SLI 0-night, Al ie te Gloves At One-Third Off All 20c. Gloves for 12%c. All 25¢c. Gloves for 16c. All 35c. Gloves for 24c¢. All goc. Gloves for 25¢. All soc. Gloves for 33¢. All 75¢c. Gloves for 50c. ------------e t shirt makers ip the balance ofa rth nearly double or to-night. Ribbed Cotton, s heavy make, 1234c. SECOND) YEAR 72. PERF 7 =: LA INT STOTT RAY No i STRATFORD CANAD! Food? Value Mooney's Perfection C; Sodas are crisp sq of wholesome nourishr They are the food builds strength and mt They are as easily dig by 'the chid and in as by the sturdy work They contain ALL the properties of finest C dian wheat flour, in a | that delights the app Always fresh and cri the moisture-proof pack At all grocers in | and 3 pound packages. TO MISTMAJESTY.THE Ki! SirJohn Power & Sor ESTABLISHED AD. 179 THREE SWALLOD IRISH WHISK Famous for over a century for its delics of flavor. Of highest standard Purity. It is especially recommended by tt Medical Profession acaoount of its pecul ® "DRYNESS" , 15C.,12 xtra good value, 25c. pair. summer weight, 25c,, chanic's" Tar Soap. Albert Toilet store on Saturdays, i Co Vanufacturers, EE ---- HH ---- Imported English | ravelling Goods England is noted for the splendid wearing qualities of her Travelling Goods. We have imported a few to test them. They are cer- tainly fine and we are selling them 'at what we would pay for similar goods in Canada. We have Steamer Trunks, Basket Trunks, large Kit Bags with or without Straps, and smaller Bags. Anyone wanting a real good Valise should call and see these goods THE LOCKETT SHOE S| Superfluous Removed by the New Prim De Mirack is better than electricity, bee Py sear or produce a new growth. X-ray, because it does nos burn, alyzo the tissues under the Sia. depllatories, because it is not noiso fore it will not cause blood poisor duce eczema, which is Suecipibon tories, nor does it break off the inc! ng its growth. er ~~ sis ray or depilatorie you on the bare word of the of manufacturers. De MIRACLE a; only method which i8 indorsed hy surgeons, dermatologists, medical Fines. Pr MIRACLE mailed sealed in per on receipt of $1.00. of without guestion (no red tape) i £) all that fs claimed Soe 3+. How envelope, in plain, sealed ope OrR ] CH orf todsy Ro rae For) [ noEerr SIMPSON | * __JARONTO, ONT. No Breakfast Te complete withot admirable food, ° he natural qualities fitted to build up and 1 robust health, and t winter's extreme col a valuable diet for « COC( The Most Nutri and Beonomic We have just re other shipment of Tr Suit Cases. If you : ing of getting som that line you had ours. Suit Cases fo lock and belts. H, JENNINGS, |