riPA IPATION HEADACHE N'S PILLS R WORKING RICHT fou are to get any comfort fro eo x torpid liver can be a very fngtroc be neglected. Few m us as Beecham's Pi Ther! a se no ven or on They 5 STIPATION as good as Beecham's Pill; 1e after effects. There is mo Bind! oo aid Nature in a natural wa 3p A become regular and be rid'af ¢ the ons ly theirs by of BEECHAMS PILLS, da and U. S. America, In boxes, 25 cents, S THE BEST JAL OIL u can buy none better, no ly. It is the kind that holds learning where and how to ent far to get it, but with it increased. Last season we season we expect to sell ten, Us you will benefit yourself, ' & BIRCH, Street, Kingston. IG SALE High Grade Shoes K ONLY $1.98. THEM IN OUR WINDOWS, ' ENDABLE SHOES S--it 13 ot half ND, AGENT, 'Phone 274. ARGAINS we will let prices :-- , for $28.00 «dl WELLINGTON STREET, TER REPAIRERS. PO000000 0000 PER. ANTIMONY & TIN C0, TORONTO. ® & : POO 90000000 i H E YEAR 72. NO. 200. B. P. Jenkias Clothing Co. $1 Shirts for 50c. One-half was sold last | week--the remainder will | go this week. Straw Hats at' 14 the Price. Fancy Vests at 13 Off. AT OUR Summer Sale. B. P, Jenkins Clothing Co. Practical Optical Work i Teschiptions FILLE for glasses carefully All styles of ways in stock, with repairs. Eyes carefully examined AND GLASS- | ES FITT Prices for above work moderate; SMITH BROS,, Jewelers Opticians 3850 King Street. Phone 666 " Marriage Licenses Issued IF YOU HAVE Any difficulty in being fit-| ted with Shoes, COME T0 US, and we will make that duty] a pleasant one Wear "Allen's"'| Military Bootmakers, 8¢ Brock St. Sign of Golden son | mounts and frames al- DAILY MEMORANDA, Lake Yaudeville, Ontario Park, 8.30 ¢ Light Committee, 4 p.m., Tues Fi ta oS Jreen's Trustees meet, 4 p.m., Tues- Torture Society directors meet at he sun rises Tuesday at a sets at 6.42 p.m. | Remember St. John's Social, | evening, Collins Bay. | o'clock. | Go with the | evening ; Str. of the season. This day in history ---Slavery aholish- ed in British territory, | born, i. Robespierre e Dinner Sets We have a job line we are 5.19 aap. Dancing at 8.80 Newsboys' on S Thursday America. Last excursion clearing out. A few lots of different patterns, re- gular $10, $12, for $7 50 ROBERTSON BROS.. | FRANCIS VON BUHL, SONSERT. Teacher of Vocal Physiology and the Art of Singing. Formerly a Student of Delasco, and of Italy, the Vocal Physiology School of | Emil Behnke and Lennox Browne, Lon {don, Eng, late Vocal lustructor at the M.A. College, Michigan, U.S.A Vocal Studio now, Room "A." Williams Piano Co., Warerooms, 267 | { Princess St, | M. A. College, May 24th, 1905 During the last year Prof. Francis Von I Bul, has been teaching voice culture at A College. In the early part of jipem winter he gave a Recital in the College Chapel. At this, the naturalness and ease of his voice | mended itself to me, and the Sf espicitily the French and Italian songs was very pleasing. Mr. Von Buhl | bas supplemented marked, natural abtlity with serious and conscientious study, The result is his technique is accurate and masterful, while his interpretation is | postic, broad, and sympathetic. As a teacher, Mr. Von Bubl is very FE liked by his pupils, who give him | great praise and consider they have made | | sxcetteny progress under his instruction. Very respectfully signed, LOUISE FREYHOFER, smoothness CHEAP SIDEBOARDS. 2 Black Walnut Sideboards, cost $10 each, for $15; 1 Oak Board, $25, for $12; 1 Ash Board, $15, for $8. All bevelled edge, large size Mirrors, all in good shape. TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE 398 Princess Street. 1 Jou want to buy or sell property e Head of the Piano Dept., M.A.C. | TENDERS TENDERS WILL BE BEE RECEIVED BY . | the undersigned up to FRIDAY Real Estate Bulletin Jina toon o's von FREE TO ALL? { quality The lowest or wy tender not . a a A | necessarily accepted. SWIFT'S EAL RTRAREE Ramey J | LW. SHANNON. a | Kingston, August 28th, 1905." | = | ps BY JOHN H. MILLS Eat ee | Auction Sale of Furniture, Steln- | STOUT 'BOY, FOR PRESS ROOM. | way Piano, etc. Apply British Whig BOY. APPLY A. C. WAG Wellington street A GENERAL SERVANT SMART gouer, TO GO TO Montreal. Apply at 88 Barrie St EXPERIENCED NURSE MAID IM- mediately. Apply in the evening at 160 King street A SMART, BOY, 15 TO 17 YEARS old, to learn Woollen and Gents Furnishing Business. Livingston's. BOYS, TO LEARN THE CIGAl making; good opportunity for a few bright boys. McGowan Cigar Mig. | Co., Limited. ett 1 CARPENTERS AND HELP- for North x Bay and Temagam Station, New Ontario; wag $2.50 per day Apply W. G a North Bay, or Arthut Stevens, Tem agami. |. T have received instructions from Mrs 2§ Haikertey to sell at the residence, No. 76 Gore | ON WEDNESDAY, August 30th | Part of effects, viz Steinway Piano, China Cabinet, Fancy and other Chairs Books Blinds Carpets Linoleum Range and Kitchen Furnishings, Refrig erator, Lawn Mower and Garder Hose | Tables Dinner Set, China iC "locks Gas Globes Hat | We alnut Bed Room Set Jods, Springs Mattre v Wardrobe Writing Desk, ete Pin 12 noor Sale at 1 10.830 a.m. Ter h | H. MILLS Auztioneer FOR SALE. THAT FINE PROPERTY ON THF I" corner of Gore and Wellington Sts | with frame house, lo by about | 83 feet, Balance of the Estate of the Inte Rev. Father Davis. For particn | lars enquire of Joseph George, 114 Gore Street GENTLEMEN TO GET THEIR FALL | EE made Brock St. Suits 131 Overcoats and Thomas Galloway's, Also brin, our old ones and have 1 fit and price | them repaired. Style, at | WEDDED AT OTTAWA. | Miss Edythe Sparks the Bride of Tuesday at the | hoon disclosed, production com- | DAILY KINGSTON, ONTARIO, MON DAY, AUGUST 28, 1905. 15 FAINT HOPE | Not Be Abortive. FOR FURTHER ADJOURNMENT ACCEDED TO. Nove Vremya Accuses Roosevelt of Partiality for Japan Say- ing He Wants Japan's Ameri: can * Creditors Paid--Twenty- Four Hours Gained. Special to the Whig. Portsmouth, Aug At the very moment when the peace conference was | about to end in failure, President Roosevelt has stepped in to the breach and caused - a postponement of what was generally regarded as the meeting. The mere fact that through | the president's efiorts the ineeting fix- od for to-day will not be held until "Tuesday, may not appear to be a very important development, but it means another twenty-four hours gained, and every additional day that the confer- ence lasts, | a successful 8 outcome, It was at the | solicitation of the Japanese envoys | that the arrangement for the post ponement of the next meeting was made, They were impelled to this course hy a message from Baran Kaneko, Japanese financial this country, whd acted in alt « the president, with whom he has had frequent conferences recently. 'The purpose of the prekident in requesting | that there be no session of the pleni- | potentiaries, until Tuesday, has not | authoritatively. There | is reason to believe that the president | expécts the Japanese government will send new instructions to Baron Ko- {mura and Mr. Takahira, | the negotiations. | Saturday, it was with the understand | ing that the envoys should next | semble at three o'clock, this { noon. The Russians to state that unless something unfore scen and entirely unexpeeted, | to-day's meeting would mark JAPAN'S REQUEST firia | affords reason dor hope of which maf | have some effect upon the outcome of When the conference adjourned, on occurred, the ending of the Portsmouth negotiations, So convinced were they that there was | sd Bagley, a mon al That Peace Conference May | i {First to Tell Christi RIT] $a MRS, EDDY'S PRECEPTOR. n Science eal. Sara healer, Leader How to ston, Aug. 28. Miss LATEST NEWS wy | |g have given Mrs. ary Baker Pd | ¢ firs instruction in wental healing, | Despatches From Near And died at hog home in Amesbury, aged | | cighty-on Distant #1 Places. iss Bagley had been blind for | | three. years. Alth. it has been | | donied, it is rally known in Ames. | bry that hy ddy resided there | about thirty vears ago, became interested in | and before she was before she Christian Science married to nw EVENTS OF 1 OF THE DAY | Eddy. During her residence of vear and a Halt in Amesbury | GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST POS- Iwas a lodger in the home of Miss SIBLE FORM. | Bagley, who was an active healer at i the time, SE ---- | Mrs, Eddy became interested and | Mat Th terest Everybody { received, it is said, her first lessons in tery 7 "lh All Over--Lit | healing ard from Miss Bagley, p in tle Mrs. Eddy aftorwand claborating her Of Everything Easily Read | 8¥ tes, now known as And Remembered. Christian | Schone, Miss Bagley never adopted | A. Wo Curtis, a guard at the the principles promulgated by her | Mimico asylum, was murdered by a { former pupil. patient. ---------------- Chip defeated the Invalese, in Fri. day's power hoat race, at Chippewa by. half a. mile, There have been over thirteen hun: dred cases of yellow fever and two hundred and fifty deaths in New Or | leans. Miss Daisy Drake, naree-in training at Clifton Springs, N.Y., Sapitacium, fell down the elevator shaft, and wag killed. Sir Gilbert Parker, : interviowed in Toronto, said the government would | certainly be defeated at the fext British general election. The Paris Matin has af let to | John D. Rockefeller to oon- tribution that will demnity controversy and Japan. Japanese have gona into the con- tracting business in California. A settle the in between Russia we as- | after- did not hesitate Member of Norway's provineal govern. ent and the country Japanese contractor built a house for $4,500, where an American could not do it less than $5,000, One-third of the Manitoba wheat crop is estimated to be cut. In Sas- katoon threequarters is out, and to wards Battleford cutting is finished and threshing begin next week. The Foresters of America, at Buf- alo, unanimously passed a resolution favoring exclusion of Japanese from the United States along the same | lines as tho present Chinese exclusion: M. VINJO, prominent in the councils of | | The - United States government | IGNITES NAPHTHA STEAMER. | buikding at the Louisiana exposition, : . a is . | erected ut a cost of $500,000, has | Hisktning Strikes Vessel Laden |. sold to a wrecking company for With Inflammable Stuff. | 810,500. The steel trusses in the New York, Aug. 25 The most ter- | structure alone cost $100,000, rific electric storm that Greater New Mrs. Fddward Moran, North Seran- not the slightest prospects of peace | York has suffered in many years struck | ton, Pa., in the broke | {at they or ART their Trg the city and, among. other ravages, | through the sod and fell ferty on paying their bills, and making every | *et fire to" a naphtha laden steel | into a hole caused by & cave-in in preparation for an erly departure | stotmer in upper Now York bay. be old- workings of a ive w------ | The request of the Japanese that there | tween Tompkinsyille and Stapleton, { She 4 weighs 300 pond. | should be a postponement of the ses | causing an explosion that set fire to| The Baltimore Sun has reovived a | #ion, until Tuesday, therefore, | total surprise, The Rassians are couraged by the seemingly faint hope that thei now en adversaries will submit new proposals, was a | th all the offi men, nearly cl th of, imperilling the lives of | letter from Charles Parkhurst, editor ined the crew of twenty | of Zion's Herald, of Boston, denying | of whom jumped into | the recently reported abduction of he | Soh, iss Ammlal, the high caste convert Suddenly a great bolt of lightning | to Christianity and Wisslounty. ooting he hig ves { which may be acceptable to the czar, | Shot out of th blackness, struck the! In the Dummer townshi \ | The Japanesé, abandoning their usual | mainmast, lit it into ruins, ran | caso, She cotaher's jury hy . lenient | reticence, frankly admit that it was| down to the dec and ignited a tank | View returned a verdiet of at their request that the postpone. | of naphtlin. Instantly there was u | dust) Path exonerating Charles ment, until to-morrow,. wasi agreed | thunderous blast, and a sea of flame | Gow Yhe had Sdmitted, Shing af n upon and that they were actuated by | rose from the ship. The fire spread | Eun Ye Passing the dwelling, a sense of courtesy to President Roose- | to the cargo, and the crew, some of | lror Dame. Clara 8. 1 | velt They decline, however, to say | IY member ng, became panie: | A petition hy Mrs ars 1 ay, | ' : * { stricke | widow of the late secretary, John |' whether, at to-morrow's meeting, they 1 stricken > ! Hay. 4 the robate of Mr. Hay' will submit new proposals to the Rus By on squads all the men | mys or h i PE ue k of u ay's sian envoys except the captain and the mate threw | Will, was filed, Saturday, in thy pro | themselves into the sea, preferring the bate ourt : The petition sity that | i peril of drowning 10 a more horrible | ¥v. Hay left property, real and per- | I Sp Bysalifed Retusal, p death by fir | sonal, to the value of more than .ondon, yr. RN o § Hers ; 25 | Wy g IE eter One by one t foundering sailors | $250,000 : . 2 | burg correspondent of the Times says were picked np, but the: flames were | Japanese Consul-General T. Nosse, the czar s final reply to the sugges | Te CTS no tag could approach | Ottawa, thinks that if the conference | Jina io! Prosidon: Roruevel wut CON { 'he blazing vessel | at Portsmouth results in peace, Baron | sidered, through Ambassador Meyer, 5 a | Komura, the Japanese envoy, who on Saturday. It was an Ungualified | has been invited to Canada, will ae. | refusal to entertain the Japanose de | NEGROES FAVOR LYNCHING |... th, invitation. If there should { mand for the payment of an indemni - { be no peace, ho thinks the baron will ty. The Zorsapondunt sks hat he | Burning of Williams for Assault | return to Japan immediately. is assured, on the best ithority, that : s The eo J noer: TW fin oh ----. "oi| ing White Wompn Commended. | ho! oe A atle oo © recognitic © conquest of 8 C ~ 0 Vo ussian battle y niaz Saghal'en has heen sottled, thanks Pallas, Te Vig, 2%. ~The burn Potemkine has just been oD pleted to President Roosevelt's good" offices, | Wg at the of Tom Williams, A | Right prisoners wore sentenced to he | the czar consenting to allow so much | Pogro, for att ng + white woman, | 3.5 pg it was recommended that as a token of his personal regard for | Was commer the state conven: | hi, contonien ho commuted to life im | Mr. Roosevelt, and his high offies tion of iste here yoaterday prisonment. Nineteen, others were sen Those behind the scenes, however, hel Rev Mi of Dal aw hel fared tenced to various terms of imprison | says, suggest that the conecossion was | that if am was taken by the | went at hard labor | made under the firm convietion that | convention in rocard to lynching a Murray Dodd, county court judge { it would not suffice to cause peave, yet | Fesolution be passed com | 1 Cape Brotoh, Victoria and Rich would give Russia a conciliatory char. | Mending the wi | mond, _and@eonmodore of the Royal acter in the « of the world Clie past wired] the ne Riot | Cape Bretom Yacht Club, is dead. His The Novoe Veemya, while recogniz- | 81ded the whi nthe capture of {opps father, was president of council ing the humanitarian motives of Pres. | W irlent Rooseve lt, tiality for attributing thi Japan, payment of charges him with par partly to his desire to assure the re h Japan's American credi- | 7" ® te was said to | in canes of illianms Ki law-abiding negro favor of lynch law kind. They refused denouncing the for the Island of Cape Breton, and subsequently chief justice. His father, Hon, Edmund Dodd, was judge of the | supreme court of Nova Seotia for | twenty six yenrs » pass reso arning. ors, by means of de n --- a rr [Tim Styl Spots 1 by i ite | TUNEL BENEATH RIVER. | 1naGERY ov Tov. HE BO CLANS Ri | Ottawa, Aug. 28.--A fashionable wed- | nr ol Buse Sd the Ruusictul rr ced. Will Take | ates $4-§5 day; many complete | ding took place in Hintonburgh Sat- | re ks and accounts' by ewish Work, Now Commeh » WAL 18Ke | Austrian Baron's Suicide for a mitted Hiro, pone! ator. Pramp, | Urday afterneon, when Miss Edythe | pb lie Three Years to Complete. . | Circus Rider. ers' Association. Uoyne Bros. Co. | Sparks, cousin of Mrs. Clifford Sifton, ---- ' Detroit, Ang Work on the rail | yimpa, Aug. 28.A 'tragic story of Bie Sogn, ip Heb. S| ws miciol to be Toca Yawn OF | + nar 2 seston, | to aml in: sini ur | ve ol "oh 3 Young. Ger ght pee For frog catalogue ad} Rev. "Robert Eadie, officiated, the core Takio, Aug. 28.--The conference of | and Detroit, began, Friday, when a | omen froin Budapest. yp ---- . | mony being performed in Prthany the cabinet and elder statesmen called force of workmen wore set to work | Mil. Feodora, 'as she 'is known FOR SALE. . | Presbyterian church. Miss Winnifred | together in special session early this | sinking the initial shaft on the Ame | auch her real name is Fraulein Vaux, Toronto, was bridesmaid. and | morning, has been prolonged for sev- | piean side. A lar shaft will short. BRICK HOUSE, 3892 ALFRE®» ST. Norman Guthrie, barrister, Ottawa, as- { eral hours. It is understood the ques: ly he sunk | Weinsenbach, while performing in Dus- Canadian side. The on th : : : ddorf, so charmed young Ba von @ll modern, 12 rooms. Apply at the gisted the groom. The ushers were | tion under discussion is the abate. actual length of the wnderground por Lovin an officer in the Th n jomises OfLtoS. Roughion, 171| yb. Siftom, W. L. Mackenzie' King, | ment of Japan's demand for a money | tion of the tunnel will he two and | §oe when the sires left. Dusseidod | 81 . | br. Maybury and Percy Sparks | indemnity from Russia six-tenth miles and She distance from | the baron obtained leave of absence THRESHING MACHINE--A PEER-! The bride, who was a daughter of surface to surf almost exactly three {in order to necompany her to Buda Juss cleaner. Abel Alnkine and water] the late Capt. Sparks, who went down | Roosevelt Working Strenuously. | miles. It is cetimated that between | 00 there he promised to smrry an an . Can be bought cheap. Also feed mill, with elevator. Apply to 15 Deacon Street, near city park, or to Joha iller, Stella. TO-LET. Sars sEEISEEIS THE SHOP SN. DIVISION TRE reet, occupied i Apply at Whig office. near Garrett Boon, milliner. DWELLINGS FURNISHED WAND uN furnished, stores, offices, ., at Cann's suital Estate yy * Brock LOST. A SMALL BROWN LEATHER PURSE containing bills and gold pieces. o Saturday. between Wade's Drug Stor and Spal borg's., Reward for its re turn to this Office. Buy hot water her saws sold there. Eat Toye's bread if vou bottles at Gibson's Red Crosse drug store. Pure gum rub | waat the ior about twenty-two vears ago, « en away by her brother, R, Russel | Sparks. Dr. and Mre. Sparks went to the maritime provinces on a trip Hon. Clifford and Mrs. Sifton were among the guests. 1 { Beware The Tarantula. | There it a lively danger 1 near the bunches of toothsome ba nanss that decorate all the shops o the groo@F nature in town. This is no thing than the tarantula, { huge and deadly spider of the tropics. un | Several specimens have been discover. * | eel lately, in various places in town, "land treated with less However, there a good thing tox ought to Le ex- ! Canadian. thing as carrying | far, and greater care ercised, or 'of the Hamilton case, with tha steamer Asin on Lake Super. | swell | persistent report that President Roose the Shortly after mid Komura was called to . the telephone at Hotel Westworth, and | Loss. in Connectiont Will Reach | talked for fiftten minutes ing Japan: lurking the the indifference us | ually shown to danger by the average } is such a | ber rings, thers may be a repetition | gold point, There is Washington, Aug. 28. velt has made a new appeal to smiperor of Japan. {night Baron | to someone, The Canadian derstands that Dr. fof the Children's Homes, by the Woslevan Saturday, from It is said tha commission, vinced of the velae of Canada ae field for emigrating children. Corks, any size, Sc. per dozen; y | Meleod's drag store Fagle fountain pens, $1.25 M4 k ! store, Associated Press un- Gregory, principal maintained a London for Canada. | the executive of Chil- | dren's Homes are gore than ever con ald {placed at 350, rub- for jem jars: Sc. per dozen. | 4 swept peath growers, Gibson's Red Cross drug i market gardeners would have been enormous, i two and three in the construction ly one section of the tobacco raising | district of Connbeticit did the dectn eal | few miles north of Hartford, hail eut enrs will be oeccupiod hot: Hs returned to his home to make E | the necessary arrangements, but met HAIL DESTROYS TOBACCO. i with the strongest opposition. Barew {von Leyden then a fed to the em- peror direct, but only to be informed Figure of $50,000. | that if he married Mlle. Feodora he would bé cashiered and degraded. A day or two ago Mile, Feodora re ¢eived from him a letter to that he had resolved to shoot himself New Haven, Com. Aug. 28.--In on- storm do heavy damage, The { peach crop, which i% about * to be when out hunting, and the same day sailed, | harvested, mtircly esenped injury. { she read in the newspapers that the The storm was severe between Hart. | baron had accidentally shot. himself with his own gun. Mile Feodora threw hersell in front of an electric tram at | it; but { the presence of mind of driver The peach he. in this state will be frustrated her attempt to commit sui- rood | breaket and had this storm | ¢ide, and she was picked up only across the state the Jos ta | slightly injured. tolmora raisers 3 Puy Herpicide at Gibson's Rad Cross drug store, It's fresh there, . . i Cn wd snd New Maven, In Windsor, a | own tobacco Slaxts and the loss is TRY 70 SWIM CHANNEL Thirteenth Anniversary of Cap- tain Webb's Successful Bffort. Matthew Webb, in swimming across. pe candidutet i ro i anx| to the famous sw er, They are Miss Annotte Kellerman, woman cham- ion swinmner of {atealia; 1 n.\ urge, who has already made three at to swim The shu. nel, and lorie to AR i sy an varly start from 3 this ity un: der favorable weather After covering six tho Nisa Kel- lerman was overcome and guve up the atte On August 24th; 187 Mat thew Webh, dived from he Awad dwiralty pier, | swam to the Calais sands, a distance of Sent two and one-half miles, in weuty ity "Si Tr forty-five minutes. 1882, Capt. Webb ar drowned while attempting to swim the . Niagara rapids. ---------------- BOLD, BAD MAN, Winnipeg Defaulter Bacomes Des- perate Character. Winnipeg, Aug. 28.-COecil Branson, the voung man who defaulted from the Union bank, this city, with $5,000, will not be. brought A. B. Rows wad sent to Mexion:4 to bring the pri- soner to Winnipeg, but on arrivi Tapaschula, learned that Branson already beon sentenced to fifteen yours for robbery under arms, The Winn, clerk Scans» a desper- ate charactor In. Mexico The victim was a jeweller, yi Loukola, On the night of April 17th Branson snd Jorge White, with & woman accom plice, Victoria Coronado, forced an entrance to the shop of a jeweller, who was beaten into insensibility with the butts of their revolvers, and was tied and left for dead. He was discovered next day and liberated. Both men were convicted, but the woman was wet free; ------------ EIGHTY-YEAR-OLD WEDS. Friend of lincoln Not Distusbed by Breach of Promise Suit, Portsmouth, N.H., Aug. 98.--John Ww. Hutchinson, the oc sing: or of Lynn, friend of Lincoln and worker for peaco and freedom, was married in this city this afternoon by Mayor Marvin, to Ag Peverest, fifty years old, a On, D.C. nusic The marriage Sok En at the ro ro- pidante "s x at the io Hed fg "The Hak Nr. a vo, only Tast oy nounced his teache woed by her for breach 'of pr Ny is said that he aml his bride will tour the country singing songs of freedom. CAPITALISTS BUY COAL LANDS Development in Quéen Charlotte Island to Commence. Vietoria, B.C, Aug. B-¥-E Bow land, representing Mont ow York capital, has completed the pur chase of 500 acres of coal lands on Queen Charlotte Island from a local syndicate for $700,000, Development dependent on the ae tion of the British Columbia govern: ment regarding the comstruction of coal railways and the making of har bours, is expected to commence next spring. Bombarded By Japanese. Tokio, Ang. 28. --Rear Admiral Kataoka has reported fo the imperial navy department that the naval divi: sion went up the Anmr river bom: barded and destroyed two Russian uard station at Zharef and mzeervo on the south bank of the river. These staliont had recently been re-enforeed. ------------------ Seek To Avert Panie. Shanghai, Aug, 28.-The Chinese foreign hoard hes appointed a special comunissioner to aswist Chinese mer. chants here to dispose of the enor mous quantity of American goods con ray for hefore the boycott was announced, hoping thus to avert a financial panie, . Do Not Delay. The summer will soon be over so take the America's own tour of the islands, Wednesday; 2:30 pm., home early, supper on , fare 3Be, Justice Magee, at Osgoode Hall, is hearing the argument . tive of Sarnia towaship for an in junction to Featrain the Satna wi way company from opeeal a services through the nal" Sun day. The Yonahip a an, praviding for tho operation of a service to the Sunday morn- ing, and om 10 the cometery in the EVERYBODY SAYS "The same, please," after the firs} order is given for Our Special Blend Tea And no wonder. Tt is popular for two of the best of reasons-- The quality is good. The pries is reasonable. 35¢. Ib, Try It. Jas. Redden @ Co. Importers of Fine Groceries The Fa fountain only $18 at i "| in Roe drug rin bread is Roromnentied be, cause of ita It ought to' interest caves 1% sonceras your health your comfort. - We know you expect ue to That's when, we i ilk susptied you--when you come. onto, ville, oF WARDROBK, -- Aug. ardrobe,