Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Aug 1905, p. 3

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TT Ty vYY?YYYYy. TE e------ | Any Lady Needs for Her Toilet sortment of Toilet Goods and . Toilet Preparations. AN fresh and in the best possible condition | The daintiest of Taleu ; owders. Ww st of Toilet 'Soaps, Toilet Crehms and Toilet Lotions. 4: The mdst delightful of Pe 3 rfumes, Waters and Sachets. and face Preparations a) reg The Best Druz Store, 124 Princess Street 'Phone 59 Srssirrsrssnscsarnenng An Appetizing Lunch } Daytime or 'Evening you can enjoy 'Eggs a la Car- accas"--dainty and substan. tial--served on buttered toast. 30c. a portion. The Keswick | Srv sassesrannncag "MAPLE LEAF" ™ CANNED SALMON _ po PACKED SCHOOL | SCHOOL The bells will soon be ringing to 4anounee the re-opening of School and with it the ¢nd of the joyous holiday season. The merry laughter of the girls' and 'boys' will soon be heard as they 'wend their way to school, and all this goes to remind fond Parents that New Clothing of some kind is needed. Perhaps it is a New Dress that Isabel needs, or maybe Gladys wants New Stockings, or a New Apron. As for Tommy he will certainly need a new pair of our 'Tough' as Leather Ribbed Hose, which are said to be almost impossible to wear out. See our special line of Dress Suitings, for 25¢. and 385¢. a yard, Our Tan, or Black Hose for girls' At 10c., 15¢., and 20c. a pair, or ur "Boys Own" Heavy Ribbed Tose at 20c. and 25c. a pair-- Vothing better in the make. Newman & Shaw UNTIL FRIDAY, SEPT, 1+" « ALL SIZES COAL. 86.35 Ton JAMES SWIFT & 00. ~or that Et ---- hree tions of Peck's Corn ve cure hard or soft corns. .. at Wade's drug store. houlder braces, newest designs and t quality of material. McLeod's g store. Is included in Best's large o,' The most i eat. food, Every The 20c. package for 15c. Canada Flakes is delicious toasted wheat---ready to iting--and most nutritions--cereal 1{ larger package than any other. "Just A Little Bigger Than The Rest." "Just A Liftle Better Than The Best.' some premium. THE PETERBOROUGH CEREAL COMPANY, Limited package contains a hand- AT YOUR GROCERS, PETERSOROUGH, ONT. SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST. HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS even numbered section of Domin- 102 onda in Manitoba or the North- west Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, not eserved, may be homesteaded upon by any person whois the sole head of a family. or any male over 18 yeabs of age, to the extent of one-quarter section, of 160 , more or less. Airs may be made personally at the local land office for the district in which the Jand to be taken is situated, or if the homesteader desires; he may. on applica- tion to the Minister of e Interior, Ottawa, the Conimissioner of lmmigra- tion, Winnipeg, or the local agent lor the district in Which the land is situate, receive authority for some one to m him. MST BAD DUTIES ; A settler who HO! has been granted an entry for a home- stead is required to perform the con- ditions connected therewich under one ollowini 8 3 he J At ove Berry months residence upon and__sulfj vation theland in each year during the term. of three. years. Hu the father fi ther is iible to maké a homestead entry un® der the provisions of this Act, resides upon a farm in the vicinity of the land entaréd for by such person as a hone stead, the requirements of this Act as to residence prior to obtaining patent may be satisfied by such person residing with bh» father or mother. 8) If residence upon farming land owned hy him in the vicinity of his homestead, the requirements of this Act as to residence may be satisfied bY residence wpon 'the bE ACA TION FOR PATENT should be made at the end of three years, be- fore the Local Agent, Sub-Agent or tue omestead- Inspector. Be Be application for, patent the settler must give six moaths notice in writing to the Commissioner of Do- minfon Lands at Ottawa, of his intention SYROPS ANADIAN NORTH SYNOPSIS OF CA} x - Y ME MINING REGULATIUNS. Coal.--Coal lands may be purchased at $10. ver acre for soft coal anl $20 for anthracite. Not more than 320 acres can be acquired by one individual or com- pany. Royalty at the rate of ten cents ver ton of 2,000 pounds shall be collected ross output. i a free miner's. certificate is granted upon payment in advance of $7.50 per annum for an individual, and from $50 to $100 pes annum for a comn- pany according to capital. ! A iree ao having discovered mineral , inay locate a claim 1,500x 1.500 feet. = The feg.for recording & claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended on the claim each year or paid to the wining re- corder in Meu thereof. When $500 has been expended or paid, the locator may, unon having a survey made, and upon complying with other requirements, pur chase the land at $1 an acre. of The patent provides far the payment 0 a royalty of 24 per cent on the sales. PLACER mining claims enerally are 100 feet square; entry fee , renewable yearly. YA free miner may obtain two leases to dredge for mold of five miles each for B of twenty years, renewable at the discretion of Minister of the Interior. The lessee shall have a dredge in sper. ution within one pn from the date Of the lease for each five miles, Rental, $10 per annum {oF Jot river Monder): foyaity at the rate of 2§ per cent collec ed on the output after it exceeds $10,000. » 5 XY, Deputy of the Minister of the. Interior. NB Unauthorized publication of this pdvertisement will not be paid for. LOVE WILL FIND THE WAY There is nothing so irresistible for lovers of idainty confectionery, as our assorted ocolates and Bonbons. They win the tt of the most ohdurate sweet hoard Our Nut Candies, (Lowney'®y, and Chocolates of all sorts are all, most i hd CALL ATT. PETTERS & COMPANY 184 Princess Street. "Phone 640. the settler has his permanent | hl q 1i..4 i hore west Eafe suvmices DIRECTLY OVERHANGING Fir2 HE Oxford Hot Water Boiler is built. to use absolutely all the heat generated in the fire-pot. The inclining walls of the fire-pog "gtetit' surfece to the direct 0x hedt of the fire. The first' section ** is greater in depth than the othe sections, and the flues of this seer tion are bell-shaped, against whict the heat rays sharply impinge, se that a greater body of water gete the direct effect of the fire. Oxford Hot Water SEEKING CONCESSION THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT '|Sum Offered is $7,000,000--Com- Special to the Whig Jersey City, siderable interest is manifested in the meeting of the board of directors of the Anigrican-China Development come pany, which is held here, to-day. The principal questiog of board whether the offer of the Chinese gov- ernment to. purchase the concession previously granted to the American China Development 000,000 shall be accep! tion would have been comparatively simple and the problem would have resolved itself into a simple mathema- tical calculation of the money value of the concessions as com with an'excellent $1 Shoe. tho ics of the Chinese goverament. | If, JENNINGS. KING STREET. Under the existing itions, how- J ever, the problem is plicated, as a great deal more than a mere financial upon the decision of the board Some years ago the _ American-Chi- nese Development ny Shtained Honest valuable concessions ildi | X 2 of a railroad from ° ¢ md That is the kind we sell-The the central and eastern part of China. The company built a railroad between Hankow and Canton, about thirty miles, Since then prac- tically nothing has Chinese urged the company to extend its line and avail itself of the rights and pri- viloges vouchsafed by the concessions, but nothing came of it. The Chinese government is evidently anxious that the railroad should be built or, that the Ameriean-China Development com- pany should live up with the Chinese government. It made an offer donment of the conepssions. offer of the Chinese government was made not so much to pany into activity, as to cause concessions granted carporation to revert to the govern ment, which since the beginning of the anti-exclusion agitation which led to a boycott, dictive spirit against Americans in }}¢ quickly reduces scalp fever, general. stroys the germ; and the falling hair J. Pierpont Morgan and the other stops, and hair grows luxuriantly, American capitalists, standing behind § Agk your ist for Herpicide. It the American-China Development com- pany fully recognized donment of the concessions at the pre- sent time would cause to the American of the company, jority of the stock, were inclined to favor the acceptance of China's offer, Mr: Morgan and sided with the foreign stockholders Other, Sports. who strongly op i the sale. It Joe Wale:tt has not retired from seems that t Roosevelt, with | the ring. whom Mr. Mi had a long inter- | The Toronio team is heodoeed . by tion from every point of view. It has | at Rosedale yesterday. been asserted that the Chineso gov- Fred. Hasking, said to be one of the ernment is determined + to take the | best known bookmakers in the coun (which the concessions were granted. Boiler stegl push nipples, which are abso- hutely indestructible -- no rubber washers. We would like to send you a copy of our book about the Gurney Oxford Steam and Hot Water Heating Apparatus. Write for it. 1006 THE GURNEY FOUNDRY CO, Limited, Montreal Wionipeg Taronto : Vancouver Calgary st {MAPLE LEAF" ot CANNED SALMON eacxen , . EDUCATIONAL. Private School for. Girls will re-open on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7 !| At 76 Gore Street. { Pupils Prepared for entrance to Colleg- ifite, Civil Service and Matriculation Ex- aminktions. Juhior classes for girls and boys. For particulars apply to MISS ALICE KING, Alice Stroet. HILLGROFT AGADEMY Residential and Day School for Boys Boys prepared for the Univer- sity snd Royal Military College. Boys make rapid progress for the classés are small, and eaCh receives in- dividual attention. The teachers are Un- ivérsity, graduates and specialists. Opens Sept. 7th, 1908. REV. T. J. GLOVER, B.A. Principal. IST. AGNES' SCHOOL CHURCH SCHOOL FOR GIRLS pool,. Belleville, Ontario. Patron--The Lord Blak oe of Ontario rough courses in lish, Langue ages, Music, Art and Physical Oulture. Conservatory of . Music Examinations held at the school. Pupils taken from the Kindergarten to the preparation for universities. The success of school has justified a large addition the building, contain- ing six class rooms, piano rooms, gyu- nasium, swimmisg bath and sleeping ap- partments. © The buildieg is heated y steam--and lighted by gas and electricity. The grounds extend over five acres. For prospectus and further informa- For breaking his agrpement George Morden, 'an Englishman, was fined $ aud costs af Deseronto. tion, apply to ; MISS F. BE. CARROLL, | It is Popular With People the \ World Over. ronto, The entire boiler is steel and 2 We n i i che i The. joints are made with | London, Aug. 28.--Figures only to Housser, who has been with Roches rol. ie jomnts 2 @ be ribed as staggering are dealt | 1% and who reverts to Louisville at THE DAILY WHIG, TO i 0 WANTS THE RAILROAD. pany Not Living Up to Its Contract -- Serious Consider ations in the Way of a Peace- ful Settlement. N.J., Aug. 29.--Con- Between the excellent and mere- ly good im © ! CHILDREN'S SHOES And yo 8 for Footwear will te Foacsued at least one-half. Here are some Boys' Shoes at $1.25 and $1,850, which will defy their efforts to fill them full of holes. Girly' Shoes are shown in great variety at $1.85¢ We have also der consideration un the of directors is that ny for $7, or not, Under ordinary conditions the ques- far more com §000000000000000000000 = OAL consideration depends kind you should bura if you want « satisfaction fire. a distance of winter supplies. Have you ordered yours yet ? 'Phone Ro, 133, BOOTH &CO. been done, The government has repeatedly MISCALLED, "HAIR TONICS." Most Hair Preparations Are Mere- ly Scalp Irritants, of No Value. Most hair preparations are merely scalp irritants, miscalled hair tonics. When hair is brittle, lusterless and be gins to fall out, the dandruff gery is getting in its deadly work at the root, sapping 'thé vitality. Since sci ence discovered that dandruff is a germ disease there has been only ome preparation. put on the market that rn actually * destroy the dandruff germ, and 'that is Newbro's Herpicide. to its contract of $7,000,000 for the aban- It was strongly suspected that the the com- the to an American stir has shown a rather vin- allays itching instantly, and permits the hair to grow. Sold by leading druggists. Send 10¢. in stamps for sample to the Herpieide Co., Detroit, Mich. G. W. Mahood, agent. that an aban- serious injury interests in - China, Although the American stockholders who hold the ma- SPORT REVIEW. Notes On Baseball, Lacrosse And some of his friends view on the subject, also oppo ed the {as sale and the board of directors - was called together to consider the ques- 9) A The . international cricket: matoh, Canada ws. the United States, began concessions from the Americans and that it will probably revoke them upon the ground that the company made no effort within . a reasonable time to carry. out the object for try is dead at Toronto. In the lacrosse world Montreal must have gone woefully back or else Caps. have developed a tower af strength. By the way, Montrealeps will try & have Dade and Finlayson reinstated by the C.A.A.U. on September 16th An invitation has been extended to Prince Louis of Batterberg to attend the international cricket match at To SR PICTURE POST CARD. the close of the season, will ill Har ley's place in the Toronto. outfield. The fifth annual tournament of the Dominion Trap Shooters' Association is voted the most successful meet that our Canadian gun men have ever held. "Tommy" Beasloy is dead, He was the most famous amateur wteeplechase rider that Ircland, the home of so many great riders, has seen in his time. A Saratoga gambler has cleaned up with in a return just issued by the Postal Union for the year 1903, and the mind fails to realize what is con- tained in the statement that in that period of twelve months 2,597,000 letters were posted in Great Britain. The correspondence of all other coun- trits is, of course, tabulated. In re. gard to post cards, Germany heads the list with 1,161,000,000 to be fol- lowed by the United States with 770;- 500,000 of such wissives, Great Brit ain taking the third place with 613. | enough this season to purchase the 000,000. That, however, is a striking | ite for a $4,000 casino, which per total and is a good evidence of chance doesn't make the loeal hand the popularity of the picture card which, of course, has been a largely contri- buting factor to: the vast mass. books turn green with, envy. Jimmy Gardner, of Lowell, won, his fight with Buddy Ryan at Colma in the fifteenth round of a twenty-five round bout. The men weighed in at 142 pounds. William Roche was refe ree. He declared all bets off Hatless Women Barred. London, Aug. 29.--The presence of women at the Canterbury cathedral ' i i without head covering having wb The world's. re "ion for fhe ity nix, brought to the notice of the Ruthori- pjtound , weight 'as. hFok er: ties, 1t is intimated that this departure without. follow, was hfo iy Sutarday, from the usual reverent practice is by dobn Flanagan, of Sha. Jrish-Ain. unadmissible, Several women with- | frican Athletic Club at New York, who out headcoverings have been excluded hurled the missile ihirtypng fet and 3 x five inches, within the last few days. Jockey Swain is o rough riding Jit- tle bear. He cat across his field with Oddeletta in his last race and Jockeys Stille, on Mamie Algol, and Finch, on Blue Grouse claimed a foul. As the judges did not think Swaine's action altered the natural result of the race, they refused to recognize the claim made by Stille and Finch, Manager and Centre-fielder Dick Har- ley, oi the Toronto club, threw up his position as leader of , Toronto team on Saturday afternoon, and will be succeeded, on September Ist, by Edward Barrow, who 'won the pep- nant for Toronto in 1908. The latter purchased his release from the Indian apolis club at the solicitation of Pres ident Seitz and his nssocintes. The Prince of Wales' cup, which hat been in the possession of Royal Halifax Yacht Squadron ite pre- sentation to the club in 1860 by the present king of Engl was won by the schooner Flmita IL, of the New York Yacht Club, owned by F. F. Brewster, of New Haven, Conn, and for the first time in' its history the trophy passes into the:keeping of a foreign club. do The question hax been 'asked by what right Durnan and Sullivan row- In the list of successfa! candidates of Newburgh high school, the-name of Frank Ryan was omitted in the list of matriculants. Thin Blood Makes a Weak Body But You Can Enrich the Blood and Send New Vigor Through the System by Using Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. Every nerve and every muscle of the body depends on the blood for nour- jshment. Thin, tery blood makes weak nerves and flabby muscles. The heart fails in its work of forcing blood through the body; the lungs, the stomach, the liver, kidneys and bowels all do their work in an imper- fect way, and you drag about weak, tired and miserable. The use of Dr. Chase's Nerve Food makes a radical change in every hu- man system that is starved and im- poverished for want of rich, pure and life-snstaining blood. Gradually, certainly and naturally | ed for the American co vionship on it instils new vigor into e®ery nook | Wednesday last. In 1901 Ned Hanlan and corer of the body, restores | lost the title to Jake Gandaur at Ori). health and vitality, snd puts a new | lia. No one éver beat the Okillian lor joy into life. this title, thourh he was defeated hy Note your Towns at Rat Portage for thes world's increase in weight while k using Dr. Chase's championship. On Gaudaur's retire- Nerve Food; 50 {I dealers, or Ed Lady Prinelpal. . cents a box, at ment the title was shelved with no home he was exhausted from the loss of blood, his swollen. Dr. Murrell says the old man Bas but one chance out of tin to re: cover. With the Train Whissing on and B. Breon, a rich lumberman, and his wife had a terrifying experience on a fast Pennsylvani They rode five miles while clinging to only the step of the car on which to stand. They boarded | Watsontown, but the parter of \ hilg Mr. Breon held fast to. the guard CUT TO STOP VENOM, - ---- 1d Man's Surgery of No Avail to Save Life, . e blood gushed. When too, had turned It was tly The snake venom, arm black, and ON PARLOR CAR STEP. Vestibule Door Locked. Williamsport, Pa., Aug. 3.-George train last night. the railing of a parlor. car, having the train at the ed to open the vestibule door and the train got under headway. Mrs, Erin tr the table. Corned Beef, Ox Tonge. rk any of the other 37 are mighty to] cases of emergency. . 5 . Your proce r will supply you; "Laing's." HE LAING PACKING & PROVISION |B CO; Limited, MONTREAL. The telegraph operator at Watson town saw their perilous position ° as e train ran past the station sent a message to Dewart tower, five wiles up the line, to flag the express, When the train reached the tower Mrs. Hreon was found to be in a comdition of nervous collapse. adh DUCKS EAT HATLSTONE 4 And Are Froren to Death---Made a Mistake. Colorado Springs, "Col, Aug, Hvidently mistalong hailstones. for : oH ] 4 corn, six ducks belonging to Samuel Hodgson, of Florence, Col, ate heart ily of them and died soon afterward, hen cut open they were found frowen inside. The life of another of Mr, Hodgson's ducks was saved by pour ing hot water into its craw. Fre ducks, which had remained in the shelter of a barn during a heavy hailstorm, rushed out when the storm sRhaided and were seen by members of the Hodgson family gobbling up the idy lumps. Soon they an to stand on one foot and then on the other as oh winter days. One after another they fell to the ground and died within a few minutes, The slightest pressure of the hand is all you = § "need to shake the Pan- dora range. we Cu . With " : VALLEY SEALED BY ROCK. Big Stone Falls, Blocking Pass Leading to Place. Vamma, Aug. 26--One of the fa: vrs, 3 summer resorts of the Viennese, the Eollenthal, has just been the scene of a fall of rock which blocked ' the valley and cut off everybody within from the outer world. The Hollenthal, or Hell Valley, lies | noise when you shake them down, ~~ But the Pandora, with its triple-geared sha works so easily, silently and effectively that sl % is the merest effort, which a small child can easily exert. i 3 4 Q : the Pandora off the celebrated railway line which climbs the Semmering pass. It is en tered through a narrow gap in the hills, and is a charming place for a short stay. Apparently the fall of rack 'occurred at the narrow entrance and a considerable number of visitors from Vienna are interned at Kaiser: betunnct and Weichthal = until com- | ( munica; on can be restored, A vicient thunderstorm was raging at the time of the fall of rock, And this is only one reason why is the very best range you can.get.: oa M<Clarys Rang Lemmon & Sons, Sole Agen Warehouses and Faciories: ; London, Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Vancouver, St. John, N.B., Hamilton A Tremendous Loss. Not only of time, but comiort too, if you have a corn. Better try Put nam"s Corn Extractor and cure the corn. Painless and sure, acts in twen ty-foar hours. Use only Putnam's-- it's the best, wear it out ¥ butyou can not {a wear it out. ~ aed J hy manson, Bates & Co, Toronto. claimant. . ot

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