Daily British Whig (1850), 29 Aug 1905, p. 4

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STOP, WOMAN! cal storm of Saturday evening light- struck the 'telegraph Se front of C. Spencer's home, running down" the wires and into the house, Nao of te wal 3 no was done, F. . mn, barrister, Belleville, was in Jom, tudlay, with his ya¢ht Allie ale, with 'a Glen Island pleasure ty. The Sohy block; ite' the val hotel, lately i "The N Fair," has been re-named Newman : ached . A , and ie being Tticdeliet ito or { = a idea in t wheat JR up-to-date store. When finished | The World, which is the expression should 'he Ak tha . the two stores recently 'occupied by '| of many sensations that do not | India aE ------ -- a hy, soul Deine, : % at . " So sl ug | Smount to much, states the secret for I natural form, dt should not have all fall one. Settveolitan Bank, wil, bs Lo , all the troubles of the conservative bg . ' nourishing & George. Kingsley h, red hi riy on the office question. Early in only" bart of it | extracted, connection with Pronton Bros, and a life 'of the new government the the starch for consump? a first-class barber shop i Bh) : p in : Ee J - His Jehis starch. in freshly & "Royal hotel. Russell Widdifield # £ i * | baked that is maki the | has resi as junior clerk in th World, that he would consent to the people , s Maing 1 Metropolitan Bank nd Raymond removal of officials only when ihe or and heiot to-day - Sack of Jytheplics, Kitlop has been aBiointel. Rev. W. der-in-Gouncil was i breaks mad rush after new |W. Maclaren has resigned from the stand--simply be- causehe is a man JJ suffer in silence and d along fron bad to worse, knowing full well tha they onght to have immediate assist ance, but a natural modesty impel them to shrink from exposing them selves to the guestioms and probabl, ! TI 0 accompanied | by 4 foods + th : - i affidavils, "showing that the dis Jor. ebtractin rs Making | pastorate of S{, Andrew's Presbyter- - wed, while in office, was an detive | © Fora) deMruction Sbtruction of health. 7 a lvl $0. to take : ; ' partizan."" 3 t Editorsat AN ¢ | There Vas no service in the Parish . : . et ng ata 3 he | The ers are ct oo tie | ie Ss ont Swing oe | § Did you ever see a boy who did not waat 3 dismissed ia wi than usual this vear. The ins | been bu i S 1 x : : nt documentary evidence of his par. | Loan al n ont sang I at als.. ducing Slay 4 suit with a vest >. Guess not, we never did. Our n=bip. The. papers were held fintil sion earlier tha. I burn returned on Saturday to his new | § Ca : a it ; . This will ki va T : : inations of their famil) AA : Bho. evidenes the lieutenant-governor | the season appear the shorter hoe near Nortolk, Virginia, accom. Three Piece Suits 'for fall and winter wear are EE I Win ------ ---- a . . ; 'had m produced. There de ahd Mrs. A.:C. Grant He a Ae bea ti indney UF price you eal Ap REE > es - -- | were, ng to the World, some | The of New York have {with him three fon carpenters, Miss uties. : jay Whos Knowledge fom act] ea lh " : oF : : | members of the gofernment . whe {declared for sinunicipal . ownership. | Lenora Porte is Visiting 'in Belleville, yerienfe grey In n : 2 omach Cram { wanted to ight lieutenant-govern- Tammany Hall: bas: declared for it Miss Kirby, New York, is spending : Mrs. Pinkham's Standing Invitatio 5 FE ' j= and 'have it out with him, buf | likewise, but Taminany has Gwied the ie, horidavy at id home in Green- us i or ; 5 Wael suffering frm ay Jom S i > TS . § +e 3s . . 188 u Heph: femal weakness \ Ne -- Mr. Whitney was anxious to have | Municipality generally in recent years. | Kathleen Des od pave at end { E communicate with Mrs. Pinkham, a ay rh p turned to , 3 e aE § as little' friction as possible. PRI : town after a ten days' stay at the From 9 t 16 Y ' Lynn, Mass. All letters are receiv ° +) TH ESE are very painful, and theie | 2" ® ult it is alleged that the | | uries rains 3 be a trinmph- | Sand | Janke. Mrs. (Rev.) Davison 0 ears Spthed, Tod und duiwiien by woRe 4 i y » io is' k i al tour.m has not vigit- ; retur to Chicago | reek 5 4 LY. e attacks party all over Ontario is in a state of tat Sa, Le not visit. ! ;ucago last week, accom 5 i te illness to a woman; thus ha 5: itachs ars hd |; ent rebellion. Mr. Whitney does | 0 it Since before the election in 1896, | Panicd by Miss Daisy Macdonald, who The fabrics are handsome and the tailori cen established the eternal confident Sometimes not want to collide with the eaten. | Presence will acl to the cclat of | eke a. Jengthy - there. Wis. ng between Mrs. Pinkham and the wome 4 5 . 3 n 3 ol gz e ebec {ri thi bee antogovernor, "but { say," writes My, | "* 10 Alberla and Saskatchewan. | week with Mr. and Mee. Meiowan,| § aNd Style of the garments are excellent A en uh of he ert Sore Maclean, 'he might as well be killed ae adison, Wis. Mrs. Robert Decne, experience which she has todraw fron 2 The Citizens' Union, which Peterbotd, who has been visiti s Pi +b ies mak 3 t she ha i ron, he comity) 85 to coin § eenig the best people of New York, the ed Widdifel, on reared ex Turey Piece, Suit will always $2 Young man fined pe wo mites a! - m 3 ol co ins ~ a 2 ome. Mr. 1 . Robert Davis . . . 1 She asks noth i at fh cmap of men may be | ome en {ln 5) J, Sob boven | § more manly and please him exceedingly. These § | Fob cues, he ae song generally admitted but pot proven voip for mayor. If the IH. Widdifield went to 'Owen Sound, 2 : : . advice has relieved th Sure! ray nts for the failure] Strict attorney socepts there will be last week, but will return to toms Three-Piece Suits cost a trifle more, to be sure, but they are worth it. $3, $4, $4.50, $5, $6, $7. THE H. D. BIBBY CO, {ami generous offer of assistance. There is another difficulty. It is that | Prof. Harcourt, of the Outario Agri: | Ying Mra. H. S. Wilcocks, loft nat The Clothiers, 78 to 82 Princess Street. there If you are ill, don't hesitate to get 3 ¢ are too many candidates for J cultural College, in an address on Jebel tor yw Fork. Ww. Pp Niles, Wel- | & botioot Lydia's Pisirheurs Vegesss | office , 00 many who are clamouring {flour in St. Catharines, inveighed | of w 6 MeClellas a ary day . ham, Lynn. Mass., for special advice. 'for compensation from the government fagainst the breakfast foods, He alleged | Metropolitan Bank. per ol te _ Whena medicine has been smocesst and for doing very little. To make a] that the claim that some of these! rof. Iva Martin, Kingston, is in in restoring to 80 many few appointments when many are de foods were predigested was not true. = A. C. Tobey, a prominent SP amon you eannot well say, ition trying | toation the i-- jew "I do not believe it will help me." manded makes the si i town jeweller, who had lvti 4 only A a Mr. Whi : s stroke on his way home relly more irksome and trying. The talk, r. ithey promounces the World's = ope evening last week, having passed |. is fri " HIS GOLD CHAIN GONE. about the lieutenant-governor is more § 510ry, that there is friction between | the criticial point, "is reported to be| @ y than probable pure fiction. Some ope § the lieutenant-governor, (Clarke), and Proving. ' Mayor of Montreal Laments Lo: : ; ie is Insignia. must be blamed, "however, for the | the government with regard to public -- Mom heart-aches of the office: seekers, and'j offices, as "a glaring untruth." Mr. Ee GEPIYSBURG TURTLE. Montreal, Aug. 29. The costly E : cannot esca) lence : chain of « » worn by the mayo iv not e a so at of the 3 ean ought to'he ashamed of him- ; Veteran Identifies Inscription on Shain of of bee Worn and detectives - pr Ee, ns - Ensen Reptiles Shall. on the hunt for it The chain, whi - . ==] is always worn by the mayor at cn épudiate a lie Rockefeller does mot say what his anover, Pa., Augl 29.--The land is always worn by Shr moe St Experiment In England. ertz several . i turtle found on the Gett : emotions - were when La Matin, of field by Capt. H. H Yegutg battle s, } apartments at the city hall. When, S00 whom the unique relic has been sent. Lieut. Lee says the imseription © 'was cut on the under shell of the turtle in The Liniment That Will. You can absolutely depend Paris, called him' to use his good of. | months ago, which was inscribed with ® rangements were being made for 1 : % Try 8 : rince Louis of Batt bs Juhous o a n Stade oi fices in the interest of peace. What did t ie gui of the engineer corps, the wewalph peeeption 3 rine oe ol pat bem 0 Tp ae Sxperimen ow it expect him to do ? Put up the bil- } Lee, co ngs aud the maine of J, : te insignia, but it had disappears is now being tried in England, of es- lion the Russis: ay x5 fd A nd » United States en- Shp > It is supposed to have been carried tablishing farm colonies, and of put. hae An, oF tran pnt xt. been alniment bn. y ikeves. bis ) h "¥ borrow ? 0h no. feutenant Les, of Detroit, Mich., fy n by: "hleves. EE nu | "GOOD MEASURE" CORSETS want and in large numbers in thecon-§ mp, Equitable people plead guilty gested. districts. to some of" the indictments against s : : 18563, while his command tarried t i i Smith' White Liniment to do eis . wg > capture the lal them and ask for an enquiry into Tarreytown, Md. ther Goo a ot BACK Jr the old days Bt the little country store al aati an 4 voters, thoug they are not so epam-§ their affairs by .the courts. The so- headquarters for. the Army of the Po. you often got a little thrown in for good meas- Its action is prompt, certain a oured of it in ite amended form. As ciety will stand the test, but it will 'omac, and thirteen miles from the ure."" These are good measure corsets ; medium- thorough. It stops pain, heals injuri ennat} it was originally projected it provided § not, as a result, be' the greatest thing Tope or Je was found after a the land at the public expense, ap- of the kind on earth. Its glory and yo Yeats: pointed managers, who b public § prestige will be P ge wi gone. Do You Get Bilious ? officials, and made the wages of the -- N Ld 3 . No remedy could be more prompt way-faring workmen a charge upon Sir Gilbert Parker urges Canada to and agreeable than Dr. Hamilton's the public rates. As alterdd, at, the | build cruisers and contribute them to Pills. No matter where you go you'll laxt stage of the session, the remun-] the British navy. Sir Gilbert should hows of the grand cures they make, Sation of 'the. workers in lot to thel#0 8 little slower, He should realise | Niili0E rom Ottawa Nes. M. Ele. benevolence of the people. There are] what Canada has done during the biliousness and sick ithe | cons those who give cheerfully and gener] last five years, Her people have not ; think there is a remedy to compare ously for the help of the poor, .and |S0 far militarism on the brain. Sith be Hamilton's Pills. I formerly the plan is to use this money in re oe th Hong attacks about 'once » wl Dr. Y warding. the Tobouror" for: Yas servis mon used Dr. Hamilton's Pills and : obtained grand results, My stomach rather. than to bestow upon him a has been put in good order and my and tures inflammation of every kin It should be in your home for em gencies now. 25¢. only at Wade's. priced corsets with 100 per cent. of material, making, comfort and style----and something more of quality for good measure. We examined the medium-priced corset of seve- 3 manufacturers before choosing the following--the t 2 Clayton, N.Y., And Kingston A: Ottawa, Ont. Rideau Lakes' Navigation compa steamers leave for Clayton eve Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and turday, at 6:30 p.m. Leave for ( tawa every Monday, Wednesd: Thursday and Saturday at 6 a.m. Swift & Co., agents. At 75¢.--The Pear] Garter Oorset. ; At $1.00-~The B. & C. High Bust ; E. T. Garter Corset. At $1.25 ~Lady Curzon Garter Corset ; C. & C. a Ia Grace. At $1.50--0C. & 0. ala Grace Model. At $2.00-C. & ©. a la. Grace Model. SPIRIT OF THE PRESS. pe------------ George Gott, ex-collector of custo at Amherstburg, Ont., died, aged. s and Kitohen. TE : Perhaps So. heal : "ON ] enty-seven years. Mr. Gott was sale or gift in charity. . ealth greatly improved." No modi. . : - in' 16 He was one = : Montreal Herald. i : i j erannuated in 1900. e was on The 'sucores ofthe: venture is Veey| "Perhaps thar" Hull matchmaker. in. cine batter pox len, Women ue chil Just another instance of the exceptional values jEreunusted in 1000 Conade problomatical. The farm that is go-| sists on counting himself young in his per box or five boxes for 81 at all ists on ¢ ; that have made this the Corset Store of Kingston. ing to yickl a large increase in crops Sightien just because people call him druggists, - Huyler's and McConkey's are only high class candies sold in Kin ! GUEST TT RRL ART LT ARR SY STADE v Y . ton. Gibson's Red Cross Drug Ste must be worked systematically and > ------ ' The Leading Millinery has them. ; y well, and there will be no system and Won't Be Touched. . American Anthropologists. x # and Mantle Store. Prince Louis of Battenberg will v rhe \ continuity of wervice where the toilorsd Brantford Bxpastesrss » Sigcial ta the Vide, I ® Berlie Wednesday. Savor Rane, , greater beat: givi coal. some r 1he' Mussian env are in t h San Francisco, Cal., Aug. 29.--F, ¢ ai A 4 ceived a telegram to 8 C 1 do not expect, you to take my hit 5 and gn they like 'and with the czar, But. the Japs do A the first time in the annals or the Ay 90-~ -- "ae Mr. Nordheimer, German consulal i for dt. But '1 know just Contains the Wheat Phosphates perform their part in «a perfunctory 1 1 able. to touch him for' °Fican Anthropological Association its EE -- m Toronto. manner. Who are the needy principal $600,000,000° Kop iks. annual meeting is held west of the ly n a congested city but the degener- -- Missouri river. Tt opened here to-day C LEARING SA LE ales who have little ambition in life Him, * ith a large attendance of prominent scientists, among them Prof. F. W Dodge to the body. and whose brief history is made up of | Belleville Intelligencer: + > Putnam, the president st ~~ OF -- : | a day-to-day. struggle for existence. 3 Country tuchenant. ativertives : *Ouy ; ® Et iy Syaocin. WHOLESALE AGENTS utlirg busi h: 5 ton will prove this. Will you try me? R. CRAWFORD, } A ty: George Grant MacCurdy, of Yale Uni- hensive as in England, but it has not Waiting for Power, versity: Dr. G. B. Gordor. of ol been pp along very socialistic Toronts: World Philadelphia Museum; Stewart Culin, lines. The far-colony. scheme smacks] Old Man Ontario" is sitting in the of the Brooklyn Tnstitute Museum; of the German expedients to" make | electric chair and: he will know it yr Madiie, of Englewood, Nady Dr. ] "pe ; Mwhen: 3 Paha, Ia issler, "ol the Americ: Haan, Worthy his eocation and - - achenzing Sigholls, "monopoly | Myseum of Natural History in New 0 hs ever-returning wants. § i. bs ork; C. HillTout, of the Ethnolo- Society and socialism have some high nos we >> gical Survey of Canada, and a ideals for the good of. the fallen and Alice In Wonderland. Others. , The meeting will last until the needy, but there are everywhere | Toronto Star. ! Fd Slat, and after adjournment the clusses. that: will be kif As the sultan of Sulit has six wives 7 the members will visit the. Portland asses that will not ifted ob already, Miss Alice : R wvelt could | S¥Position. held up by any process or means. have felt sure that she wasn't tying ui to a man who considered marriage | 'Lifehuoy Soap -- disinfectant -- is Trouble In Over. Eating. a failure. ' strongly recommended by the medical Lord-Strathoona is singled out for Looking Tor Glory. oh, Maitguai gues 0. 4 carpets are hard to beat." Married -1o% Dr. RB. Dixon, of Havard LEE i be : . d There is not a land in the-world -- he instruct their wives to University; Dri 4, ordlieke, oe ies' an beiit : H f de Shoes where charity is so vast and compre- | shun that man, hational museum in Washington; . FOR THIS WEEK ONLY $1.98. SEE THEM IN OUR WINDOWS. MOST ALL SIZES. And you will be wunting. 1p HE We have them in «ll sizes, Se. RUBBER RINGS - nN 'When the stork brings o ) To fit pibt and quart jars, Be. an object lesson in dietetics. This Tokonto 'News. WwW. Ww Sherlock, Camden East, passed the baby--and you can't dozen. a hale old gentleman, with a brain as | That famous German = astronomer 8Way on 17th irst., aged seventy-eight nurse the little one-- PARAFINE active now as ever, and with a ca- | ¥hO Wl Viger Tho elie af the sun | Yonrs. EE -------- TT TT feed only 3 . 3 H ET -------- 20¢. u pound. pacity for mental and physical ser- on x in the air o & J , La ay i y sure of ter- 90000 ie hat ny ml se | mona ars of agree wir | DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CURED | $09 0000000000000 000 Nestle's Be. a pound, { \ 1 by local applications, as they cannot V / * {been a most careful eater. Ho has { eclipse or have a balloon accident. reach the dlscased rtd f th - ANTIMONY w | been convinced that it is mot the | ara only ORE Way th. cure Gentnoar: We Garry i Stock. INGOT COPPER. 3 : } g Sento quantity of food that contributes. to | The Hanlon Fitsgerald Match. |Deammess is: caus po tionel remedies: & THE CANADA METAL CO, TORONYO. ' b 4 dition { the lini f Ee Delp ett but the quality STE! (8 M9 VHS Aug, 20 Every Romachinn | Tub: han Maruti So 6666 *os cy ness of 3b, 2 ; thing is in readiness for the fight be- perfect heari Wh SpE ntiroy Ho cats. sparingly, never taking tween Eddie Hanlon and Willis Fitz. Closed, Deainess ia" the' result, and wmiess 3%94%¢ eee 000 2900099 more than two meals in a day, Id, which will come off before the hy inpammation 8 16 taku out and = and very often only one. What he ih YeLarty Club uf Abie city to- tion, cDearing will be destroyed forever - To Decide Iiquor Question. eats he certainly. di : | night. th men are fo meet at 133 ue chees wut ten are caused by S-ecial to the Whig. | avstem ia not clogged ane obstenoted | Lon ita! the tings ide, and an thex | cg Sondieon, of the Siucous sortwc. Winchester, 'Tenn, Ag. 20. Onco y sted J weight, the i We will give One Hundred Dol to py sti 3 i Lae ave hee peg wish a day Bat he L ive fandred byl more' the question whether Winchester F Ple a ia b { who are dining out and forover com. Spirited fight. Hanlon has stated that cannot be cured by Hall's hd " Food It's the perfect substi- tute for mother's milk. In sammer and winter, always the same. Sample (enough for 8 meals) sent free to © AN Kintera, Fecth, Wile. EF eC is to be a1'dry" or "wet" town is San s . . or circulars, free. being voted, to-day. The temperance & tile light- in the pulpit | plaining of ill-health. that he. ld allege hg ar Nel. sade CHENEY & CO., Toledo, ©. element has heen Yory active lately, Ct mothers. i i LI oy, at i ered Fn A Seba and it is quite possible that they wi That, invigorating drink, Cola. . : thatie ley Bp gas Sxture, | Prol Bt W. Hart, of New York, an Fitagerald, . is iis hauily Filla tar oonath carry this election. The original at Wade's soda fountain. HELENE. LES G0. Me. : l 5 po : ify " \ - . ' a » Simei i » . 4 a Lo 4 do Sh sa id Gh die, si adh cil Rugs

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