Daily British Whig (1850), 30 Aug 1905, p. 3

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Every Article Any Lady Needs for Her Toilet nd of Is included in Best's large ag. at | Sortment cof Toilet Goods and od Toilet Preparations, All fregp Be and in the best possible condition, The daintisst of Taleum and face Powders. The purest of Toilet Soaps, Loilet ¢ Creams and Toilet Lotions, Ow The most delightful of Perfumes io Toilet Waters and Sachets. 2 ve The 'BEST' Preparations a]) *® | through. eir- Seman, : vas tog | The Best Drug Store : 124 Princess Street "Phone 59 Red dome neem of * noe y's eek Wo Isu on Or ate the por x s' Or 9 iw by's Own S « | | Baby's Own Soap is a guard against all skin troubles in i children, It cleanses, softens, soothes . and prevents chafing and sores, po > IT IS AS GOOD FOR THE fo . OLD AS THE YOUNG. - ® ALBERT TOILET SOAP CO., Mrns. MONTREAL. "2 te Feta) he re n h Id 4 in Vi k XY al il » SCHOOL | " Vi " ri he The bells will soon be ringing 1 to announce the re-opening of § School and with it the end of the joyous holiday season. The merry laughter of the girls' and * | boys' will soon be heard as they s j Wend their way to school, and all ) i : this goes to remind: fond parents Hose at 20c, that New Clothing of some kind is needed. Perhaps it is a New Dress that Isabel needs, or maybe Gladys wants New Stockings, or a New Apron. As for Tommy he will certainly need a new pair of our ""Tough" as Leather Ribbed Hose, which are said to be almost impossible to wear out. See our special line of Dress Suitings, for 25¢. and 35c¢. a yard, Our Tan, or Black Hose for girls' at 10c., 15¢., and 20c. a pair, or our "Boys Own" Heavy Ribbed and 25c. a pair-- Nothing better in the make. Nowman & Shaw : : A UNTIL $ SEPT. 9 * ® JAMES SWIFT & C0. FRIDAY, oo ALL SIZES COAL $6.35 TON 0000600000000000000066 OR "FRUIT LIVER TABLETS» Positively made from fruit with tonics added. Absolute cure for ipation, bili s, headaches, kidney and skin diseases. "1 have been troubled Jitely with my back and kidneys, and received great it from ruit-atives." r g Mrs. JOHN FOX, Cobourg, Ont. At druggists--5c. a box. e Menufactured by FRUIT-A-TIVES LIMITED, Ottawa. Bankrupt Sale of Shoes We have just purchase Bankrupt Stock of Men's, Women's, Boys' and Girls' Boots and Shoes from a firm in Toronto and want to clear it out at once. We will sell same goods at about one-half regular price and some less than one-half cost price. COME AND GET A BARGAIN ! ABERNETHY'S SHOE STORE. mam EDUCATIONAL. EE ---- KINGSTON Residential and Day School for Boys Boys preparcd for the Univer- sity and Royal Military College. Boys make rapid progress for the classes are small, and each receives in- dividual attention. The teachers are Un- iversity graduates and specialists. PURE FOOD INSURES (00D HEALTH ' BAKING Opens. Sept. Tth, 19085, ; REV. T. J. GLOVER, BA. POWDER 'rincipal. ECT Fall Term Opens Sepi. 6 onic | INSURES Cor. Barrie and Clergy Streets, PURE FOOD. Kingston, Ont. i " COMPANY Thorough courses in Accounting, Short- E.W. GILLETT LIMITED hand, Typewriting, Penmanship, etc. YORONTO.ONT. Write for particulars. and rates, W. H. SHAW, T. N. STOCKDALE, v-------------- President. Pricipal, | SPLIT, BRITTLE, DULL HAIR. Enter Any Time Split hair, hard hair, lusterless Sept. 5th 8 i owe their origin to dandruff, which is ag All Come From Dandruff, Which -------------------- hair, brittle hair, fcllin hair, all Q Kingsion Business Gollage ¢ caused by a measly little microbe that Students May Fall Term 5 is Caused by a Germ. burrows into the scalp, throwing LIMITED / : up Head of Queen St. the cuticle ito dandrufi scales and Kingston - ~ Ont. sapping the vitality of the hair at the root, causing the several diseased conditions of the hair till it finally falls out. Modprn science has discover- «d a remedy to destroy the dandruff microbe, which is combined in New- A MODERN, PERMANENT, RE- LIABLE SCHOOL. +. Established in 1883 ., Practical, enmplete, thorough, individual 000000000000 N0 instruction given in all commercial sub bro's Herpicide, the delightful hair jets. Open throughout the whole year. wh a: i Ina Write, call or telephone for terms and cata. dressing. Allays itching instantly and 1 FS AY HFMETCAL makes hair soft as silk. Take no sub- . B. MCKAY, « F.METCALFE, «ti ae thing * : so ". 3B Prusiteht. Freipal. titute; nc thing fust a good. Sold 3 cading gists, Send In by leading druggist Send = 10e. i $0000 stamps for sample to the Herpicide Co., Detroit, Mich. G. W. special agent. Mahood, LOVE WILL FIND THE WAY There is nothing so irresistible for | USE #6 " THE lovers of dainty confectionery, as our | "=== assorted Chocolates and Bonbons. They BEST Win the heart of the most obdurate sweethearts. Our Nut Candies, (Lowney's), and Chocolates of all sorts ure all, most delicious. CALL AT 7. PETTERS & COMPANY 184 Princess Street. 'Phone 649. _GANNED SALMON _sacxso Sheriff s Sale of Lands UNDER AND BY VIRTUE OF A writ of Ficre-Facins issued out of the High Court of Justice: and to me direct oi and delivered, at the suit of Eliza B Smythe, Executrix of the estate of Ed- werd Hadley 'Smythe, deceased, Plaintiff, and Archibald Urquhart, Administrator of the estate of Julia Urquhart, deceas- ed, and the said 'Archibald Urquhart, De- fendants, I have seized and taken in ex- ecution, and will offer for sale at my Office, in the Court House, in the City of Kingston, on SATURDAY, the 2nd day of September, 1805, at the hour of one o'clock p.m., all the estate, right, title snd interest and equity of redemption of the said Defendants, Archibald Urquhart, Administrator of the estate of Julia Urquhart, deceased, and the said Archi- bald. Urqubart, foto and out of all and Singular that certain parcel and part of 1a situate, lying and being in the City 'of Kingston. in the County of Frontenac, more particularly described as follows Residence, number 110 and 112, in what 8 known as Wellington Terrnce, on Moftreal Street, in the said City of inggton . THOMAS DAWSON, Sheriff of County of Frontenac. "Sherifl's Ofjce, 25th May, 1905, DON'T KEEP BACHELOR'S HALL While your wife is at the seaside She would rather have vou enjoy ALL THE COMFORTS OF HOME iy taking your meals at the IROQUOIS HOTEL Rome women are go fond of change that they never even wear the same complexion twice, | [Pickle bottle eorks, catsup bottle corks, wem rings, all Se. a dozen. Mahood's drug store, The Polish that won't wear off, Sold Only at Strachan's Hardware o-- That fs the kind we sell--The p kind you should burn Uf you want a satisfaction fire. E We are filling orders now for 'winter supplies. Have you ordered P yours yet ? 'Phose No, 138. i BOOTH & CO. Grand Union Hotel Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up Opposite Grand Fonuel Station BAGGAGE:= FREE | ---- "THE DAILY ECLIPSE OF THE SUN VIEWED TO ADVANTAGE BY MANY. Some Valuable Records Obtained --Hope to Have Re-discovered the Planet Vulcan -- Reports from the Different Stations. Special to the Whig, Selkirk, Man., Aug. 30.--The eciipse of the sun was observed here at sun- rise by nearly the entire population. The atmospheric conditions were fajr- ly satisfactory, but the fact that the sin was close t6" the horizon line when , SEP : ol 5 : wale, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 80. . satisfac tions of welipse. ens A WONDERFUL STORY BURIES FIANCEE BUT MAR- Madrid, Aug 30.--The total eclipse | RIES HER LATER. of the sun was Hy observed in | 4 the northern' and midile parts of | ------ » Runciond.| ko hed highly | rosults in their observa- Seen From A Balloon. Spain. scientists, in- | Italian Sexton Finds Bride-to-Be cluding Joseph Jaubert and Comte | in Coffin, and Lowers Her In- Henri _ de la observed the | : eclipse from a oo which ascended near Burgos, in Andalusia, -- WOMEN TO LEAVE VATICAN Pope Will Build & $200,000 Home for Employees. Rome, Aug, #9.~Pius X has decided that hereafter; women shall not be to Gsave, But Afterwards Succeeds in Restoring Her) Romo, Aug. 30,--At Canale, a village near Orvieto, in Rome, two lovers, one of whom was for ten days regarded as deed and buried, have just been reun- A week or two ago a young dexton named Jacopo Vitali set out for the the obscuration began and, was veil ed to some extent by the moisture suspended in the lower strata of the air made the observations here of little value for scientific purposes. No satisfactory photographs could be taken. x bere t Seen In Labrador. Cape St. Louis, Labrador, Aug. 30. ~Successful observations of the eclipsg of the sun were made, this morning, by scientists of various expeditions sent to Labrador for this occasion. | Although detailed reports are still | lacking, it is safe to say that highly valuable ® material, including ocular' observations of the various phases the total eclipse, photographs and gpectrographs of the corona, ete., has been collected by the scientists. The most expedition stationed in this region for the purpose of observing the cel was that sent out by the Lick Obser- | vatory of California. It was headed ! by Dr. Heber Curtis and important astronomical ' i ' Prof. Joel Stebbins, assisted by a large force of experienced scientists. The expedition had established its station at Cart: wright, a Hudson Bay company's post, in Sandwich - Bay, about 150 miles north of Belle Isle Straits. So | far as it is possible to judge the at- mospheric conditions were favorable at that station. k One of the most important tasks this expedition had undertaken was the re-discovery of the intramercurial planet Vulcan, the existence of which 1s still doubted by many astrono- mers, In the early part of the seven- ties Le Verrier, a French astronomer expressed the opinion that there must be a planct between Mercury and the stm, as that was the only satisfactory explanation of certain peculiarities in the movements of the planet Mercury. At first his theory found few adher- i ents. During the eclipse of 1878 two American observers, Prof. Watson, Ann Arbor, in Colorado, and: Dr, Swift, of Rochester, in Wyoming, ob- served what they believed to be seve- ral small intermercurial planets, but their claims were discredited by as- tronomers in general. Since then care- ful search for the planet, which was named Vulcan, was made by astrono- mers in all parts of the world, but 80 far, withoiit success. The proxi- mity of the planet to the sun made it | draw the plans for a works of art and | library contained in 'the vatican. The allowed to live in the vatican palace, In order to provide a suitable habi tation for the many employees who enjoy the privi of a vatican apart: ment with their families, the pope has commanded the vatican architects to modern apart: went house, to be erected immodiate- ly near the Belvedere arsenal, in the reac of the palace proper, and . to have an ident entrance in the Plaza del Risignormento. The new building, which will 'cost $200,000, is to be ontirely -sepparated from the | papal residence. i One of the reasons which has per i suaded the pope to take this step is | village church in his wedaing clothes. Instead of meeting his bride there as arranged, ho found no one but an old roadside to pray. Growing tired of whiting, Jacopo and his friends proceeded to the bride's house. He found the young woman's home in mourning. The poor girl had riven happily, but while her mother was assisting her with her wedding finery she had suddenly cried out, and, {fulling to the ground, had become rigid and apparently lifeless. i physician was hurriedly summoned and he pronounced the girl dead. ducopo arrived to® find his beloved Beata set ont on her bed, with can | dles burning at her head and feet. Instead .of a joyous wedding, the priest. now celebrated a heart rend. ing funeral. Beata was buried in the village churchyard; and Vitali himself dug her grave. A modest cross was erected over the spot, and flowers were planted on her tomb, The sexton, a changed man, located himself in the home that he had pre. pared for' his ill-fated bride, and would speak with nobody. Often the vidagers saw his lamp burning far in- to the night. On the tenth day after Beata's sup: tho danger of fire which would do in: caleulab to to damage the precions the valuable living apartments of the several em: ployecs adjoin, in most cases, the museums, the galleries, and the Ii- brary, and in one such an apartment there was a five recently. | Pius X had also noticed that the | provisioning of the many families caused an army of butctior boys, milk: men, coal sellers, and other merchants to invade the private stair cases and passages of the palaces at all hors, destroying ity privacy. I ¢ asked the Italian The late pope ! posed death his house door was flung postal authorities to establish a | open, the windows were thrown wide, telograph station just inside the | and Jacopo, dressed in the new suit hronze portals of the palace. Before | this the messengers charged with the delivery of telegrdn to persons living in the vatican insisted on presenting their messages in person to the ad- dresses and often caused much dig turbance at the apartments of the prelates and of 'the pope himself. Now all telegrams for the vatican are transmitted to the special sta- tion frony the centrnl office in Rome, and a special mesdenger them. OPHELIA IN REAL LIFE, that he had purchased for his wedding day, invited all to enter, Within they beheld Beata Genelli in her grave clothes. She was alive, and, soomingly, herself again. The fright ened villagers fled and brought the Jurish priest to exorcise this "ghost." To him Jacopo Vitali told his story. The night of Beata's funeral ho had risen to take af last farewell of his be yr | loved. He had not yet filled in the delivers | rave. and when he raised his spade | to throw in the earth a sudden horror | seized him, and ho lifted the coffin out | of its resting place and bore it to his | house, He could not bury her whom Weaves Flowers and Sings After | js joved so well, ' Taking Poison. | Returning afterward he threw in the New York, Aug. 20.-Policeman | moist" earth, smoothed it, and made it Dolan, of the Wakefield station, found [ 1ovel, but the grave was empty. Day a crowd surrounding a girl seated on | after day the corphe did not move, the curbstone at Two Hundred "and | but neither did it decay. He had be Thirty-third street and, Webster | gun to hope. : avenue. She wab singing and occa Every morning and the far into practically impossible to eee it,_even with" the 'most powerful instruments; so long as the luminous disk of the sun was not obscured. Whenever there was a total eclipse of the sun. it was hoped that some observer vould be fortunate enough to discover or re discover the elusive planet, but the hope was never realized, No reports have arrived from various expeditions the Labrador coast, which would vouchsafe the statement that Vulcan has been observed, but it is possible that some of the more distant ex- peditions far from any point with telegraphic communication, have been more fortunate in that respect than the Cartwright expedition. There are ahout ten or twelve expeditions from the United States and Canada, sta tioned along the coast. One of them is in charge of the scientists from the United States Naval Observatory in the scattered along Washington, another is composed of several professional astronomers and amateur observers from Hartford, Conn. Another party, headed by W. F. King, chief astronomer of the Canadian government. The approach of the obscuration presented a wonderful and imposing spectacle. From a high elevation the shadow of the moon could be seen rushing over the surface of the earth like an enormous thuntlerelond with a terrific velocity, approaching 2,500 miles an hour. The complete obscura tion lasted about three minutes and fifty seconds. Under Favorable Condition. Burgos, Spain, Aug. 30.--The total eclipse of the sun was observed about noon, to-day, with excellent success and under the most favorable condi- tions, by an expedition headed by Miss Mary Proctor, of Brooklyn, N.Y., daughter of the famous British astronomer, R. A. Proctor. Satisfactory Results. Madrid, Aug. "30.--Reports from Valencia, Burgos, Saragossa and other points at which observations of the total eclipse were taken hy parties of scientists from all parts of the world indicate that the results of the ob- servations highly satisfactory and would prove of the greatest value to science. The expedition sent out by the United States Naval Observa- tory and established in two points, near Valencia and a few miles from Saragossa, reports having obtained photographs and spectographs of the corona and the expedition, headed b Prof. John A. Miller, of the Indiana State University, reports equally sa- tisfactory results. Nothing has been heard so far of a rediscovery of the planet Vulcan. were Obtained Valuable Records. Bona, Algiers, Aug. 30.-The scien tists connected with the observation party sent out by the United States Naval Observatory and a small party of scientists, headed by Prof. William H. Pickering, of Harvard University, report having made suceessiul obser: vations of the total eclipse of the sun und having obtained many valuable records, photographs and speetro- graphs of the coroma, the streamers, ete, but it is not yet known that they succeeded in obwerving the planet Vulean. y oy Had A Good View. Assounn, , Ang. 20 * so far received indicate that hi obi ish expedition, under Prof, Turner, os | : | nounced this to be a miracle, and a langhed. and sang | tiny chapel will be built on the spot where ten days ago Beata was buried "What for ?"' For answer she again and swung the flowers back h and forth. Dolan 'tdok her by the | alive. arm, and she willingly accompanied him to the police station. She laugh REVOLUTIONARY IDEAS ed and sang all the way and all she | would say to the policeman was that she was waiting | The police thought . her demented | | 1 Held By Dr. Crummy Concerning Methodist Mode of Worship, "Our services of worship are defec tive in many respects," said Rev. Eber { Crummy, in his sermon at Bathurst | Street Methodist church on Sunday, ng {It seems to me the congregation 1 am sorry I did it," sho sobbed, | should take a greater part - Th Did what ?" asked the matron. | vices, 1 should like the congregation, 'Took the poison," cried the girl, | led by the choir, to join in 'Amen' al Without waiting for more informa : n { ter the singing of each hymn, The re ion the ficliee olled J, ambulance | peating of the Lord's Prayer should om' Fordham hospital. The doctor | be more audible, and the responsive found that the girl had swallowed | ni : A J readir of the morning psalm more carbolic acid, and thet; in truth, | a gk 1 tru generally taken part in." Dr. Crum Whee the policeman found her singing | 1v pleaded On rational me th ad heen, yoiting fat denth, and | {hods of worship. He said he regretted quick aid at the hospital #hoe | that many Methodists in the past did was got out of danger. She said she | cortain things just because their fa was Nellie Gilchrist, nineteen years | thers did them. ol, M9 Eat Fifty filth, Steost, | "Why do we turn round and kneel ho* were oa said the | o¢ our seats, with qur backs to the girl had grieved constantly. since the | : sor 1 dinth of For moths thee Earn one, person who is offering prayer 7" ask She was given over to the care of the matron. I'o the surprise of the latter the girl throw herself into her arms, Wesping, instond of singing. ™ : ed the doctor, "In the days of the Tie girl caniensed that, she had taken | jothers of Methodism this was neces Poison beeauso of her grief. | sary because they had no backs. to " | their seats. Would it not be more HOMING PIGEONS USED. | noiseless, more devotional, more com- fortable if we knelt with our faces Unique Method of Comumunicat- | towards the altar? Let us have ing With Floating Hospital. kneeling stools if necessary, but let us not maintain obsolete institutions | because our grandfathers, created | them," "The reason generally given for pro Victoria, B.C., Aug. 20,~The use fulness of the homing pigeon is about to obtain fresh demonstration in con nection with the floating hospital | i i i ol : " Sh. AL | viding gowns for choirs, is that it scheme inaugurated with: the commis- { provides uniformity and induces a sioning' of the hospital steamer Co. | . i x i lumbia, Rev. John Antle;i master, un j more. worshipful attitude in the. con: der auspices of the Anglican. church. greyation, I the Songrogation i» hth. yO inin desi " | ered by the hats n The Columbia is designed to render | oir in anhoyed 'with the many hats Sificiaut and wady a hv thoes injured {in the congregation. On this principle, a oast logging ning: Accidents | (orefore, to secure a maximum of do ge g mo ¥ occurrence, | tional interest, we must provide all and eath has resulted from inabil- | the ladies in the comgregation with ar get injured men to an hos | oo TCO Enferm, Surpliced choirs 2 : floati | #eem to me a sort of fashion, and | Having provided the ting hospit- | got care to follow the mere fush- al, her. skipper, being-also a clergy | gion." man had a Joutor, the difficulty pre- | one of religion. service, when the eiited olf a iinging camps into | 0h was crowded, Dr. Crummy's ---- hat oh ity steamer, in |, ooestion regarding the repeating of ary er A She mig Lawpond 10, cally "Amen" after the hyvmms was tried. oi ude. : 'a ati ' This has been solved the adoption { br. (rummy % MmoOvAUSYS sem. Very of a pigeon aa Several hundred | POF i Tov . beg gy orn to aT righ quar. There is something lacking in the voung birds will be distributed among | life when the funeral writes "Finis! the camps, and when 'medical aid js | Over it required a meskage will he went. hy the homers to the hospital ship, which will make Rock Bay her headquarters, Cheap Excursion To Cape Vincent. Thursday, 2.30 p.m., steamer Ameri- ea, giving one hour there; home early; | supper on board. Return 35¢ i Blobbs--1 hear Harduppe has heey burned out. Did he save anything ut all? Slothe- Nothiig But the mort- gage on the house. gh : . Cugmingham, bikho her from Chickering. Orders réee at 'MeAuléy"s book store, reet. Yon eannot blame the it be of a religion woman, who had come .in from the | sionally addressifig a word. and a | night he had prayed hoside the open smile to tl curious wsons who | coffin that held his Beata, and at 'crowded 'about "her: hat 'wan | Hist she Wad opened her bautifel eyo laden with fresh-plucked flowers, In | All that time she must have been ly her lap wir: more flowers, which she | ing in a trance; she had nnswered hig was arranging in a bouquet as she | prayers---she breathed again. He had sang. | lifted her into a chair and they were "What are you doing ?"' asked the | now ready onee more to be made man policeman. | and wife. ~ "I am waiting," said the girl, | The people of Canale have pro H contain costs a little more kitchen ? McKel K ¥ Pee TE Pe 4 tice a i every 3 skiltol and responsive pI a reali Ie. "Nx K &K "3; Many Cadet Blue Parcels lately? Wel packages from our store and a great num ELIT The very best Enamelled Ware made satisfactory in every way. Why not 69 and 71 Brock Street. UE but wears a lot longer, have it vey & Bir THE RESULT oxiernss po Br or Rapier ands pron DONT EXPER! '/ ; The Gurney, Tilden Company Nanvtacturees Gn Damn Winnipeg Toros vi Montreal personal » ofthe "ith Dave Souvenir Ranges 08 We have been , 1 : mel 11 do th hdosher &e. 9-11-18 Ki As we have a 2 quart size, 3 quart size. 4 quart size, 6 quart size. MAKE and are the Ice Cream Freezers reduced prices, viz :-- : Former price, $2.75. Now .... Former price, $3.00. Now .... Former price, $3 50. Now ... Former price, $4.50. Now crm These Freezers are the CELEBRATED WHITE M very heavy stock of out ut the follow very best Freezer than can be b ------ ee.

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