es | Every Article Any Lady Needs for Her Toilet Is included in Best's large as. sortment of Toilet Goods and Toilet Preparations. Al fresh and in the best possible condition, The daintiest of Talcum and face Powders. The purest of Toilet Soaps, Toilet Creams and Toilet Lotions. The most delightful of Perfumes Toilet Waters and Sachets. : The "BEST" Preparations a]] through. ---- The Best Drug Store "Fhone 59, 124 Princess Street HAVE YOU ANYTHING TO SELL OUTSIDE OF YOUR SINS AND YOUR TROUBLES ? COME TO WM. MURRAY, The Auctioneer GAR DINER"S Insurance and Real Estate Fieht Companies at Lowest Rares. Money to Loan on Real Estate: 151 Wellington Street. Brilliant Display of New Fall Coals In Our Ready-to-Wear Section our New Coats are now in All stock and they are certainly beautiful to behold, not to say anything about the extreme pleasure it would give to own one. Smart looking, up-to-date gar- ments, latest New York Models that are "made to fit and fit to wear," and also very moderately priced. You miss a great treat ii you neglect seeing them at once Raincoats Our stock of Raincoats is prov- ing a great temptation to Ladies desiring something entirely differ- ent from the usual run of ordin- ary lines showm in other stores Here you see only strictly new and well selected garments in patterns and colors that are 'ours only," and then you'll wonder at the prices, $4.50 to $12.50 each. Peau de Soie Silk Ask to see our 69c. "Peau de Joie"" Silk, on sale Friday, 50c. a ard. Wonderful value. Newman & Shaw 990900000003 UNTIL FRIDAY, SEPT. 1° > ALL SIZES COAL $6.35 TON JAMES SWIFT & CO. * p h » ebb bobo ben braces, 50, New York Shoulder PRS Canadian 1 then information apply to aE STS EN LRG LSS National Exhibition TORONTO, ONT, Monday, Aug. 28 to Saturday, Sept. 9 Return tickets will be sold at $3.85. Good going on Monday Sept. 4th and at $5.40, on Aug. th, 31st, Sept. ist, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, Sth and Oth: Tickets will not be accepted on trains, 1, 2, 8, and 4. All tickets valid returning from Toronto on or before Tuesday Sept. 12th, Special train will leave Kingston City, 1.05 a.m., Labor y. for Toronto. FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS Manitoba and Assiniboia, $13. ood gaol "from Kingston Septem! th, 1905. LABOK OAY. Monday, Sept. 4th, 1905 trip tickets will be sol at ONE WAY FIRST CLASS FARE. Going Dates, Saturday, Sunday and Monday, Sept. 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. ickets valid returning from destination or before Sept. 5th, 1905. Central Canada Bxhibition, Ottawa, Ont. Going Dates, Sept. 8th, "9th, 10th, 31th, 13th, and 16th, $4.15. Special Pays, Sept. 12th, 14th, and 15th, $8.05 All tickets good returning on or before Sept. 18th, 1905. : For further particulars, tickets and all To P. HANLEY, City Passenger Agent. HCL IN Co ON WITH CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. XHIBITION ! Toronto and Return Aug. 28 and Sept. 4 ................ Aug. 28, 30, 31, Sept. 1, 2,5,6,7,8 and 9 . LEHNER aT aH AY:\g Sept. 12th, 1905. LABOR DAY Lowest One Way First Class Fare Good going September 2nd, and 4th. Return limit September 5th, 1905. FARM LABORERS' EXCURSIONS SECOND CLASS To Manitoba and Assiniboia, $12 Good going from Kingston on Septem- ber 4th, 1905. Full particulars at K. & P. and C.P R. Ticket office, Ontario Street. F, CONWAY, F. A. FOLGER, JR. Gen. Pass Agent. Gen. Supt % . . Bay of Quinte Railway New short line fer Tweed, Napanes Deserento, and all local points. Trains leave City Hall Depot at 8:35 p.m. F OCNWAY, Agent B. Q. Ry.. Kiagsten. CANADIAN NATIONAL Exposition TORONTO, ONT. Return tickets will 'be sold at $5.50 Good going Aug. 26th, to Sept. 10th and valid for return up to and including Sept. 15th. Meals and Return limit included westbound only on S ingston and Toronto, and meals and berth included both ways on Hamilton Line Strs. Belleville Hamil- ton, and Picton. For further particulars apply to J. P. HANLEY, JAS. SWIFT & CO. Ticket Agt. Freight Agts. Lake Ontario and Bay of Quinte Steamboat Co., Limited. 1000 Islands, Rochester and Bay of Quinte Taking Effect August 27th berth Str. North King Leaves Kingston at 10.15 Thousand Islands, calling at Bay and Gananoque. Returning steamer leaves at 5 p.m. for Rochester, N.Y. calling at Bay of Quinte ports. Str. Aletha Kingston daily except Sunday a 8 p.m. for Picton and intermediate Bay of Quinte Ports. Full information from J. P. Hanley, J P ildersleeve, Jas, Swift & Co. Agents. E. E. HORSRY, Trafic Manager LIVERPOOL and ALLAN LIN LONBONDEIRY ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. From Montreal. From Quebec a.m., for Alexandria Leaves Victorian, Fri., Sept. 1, 4 a.m. 3 p.m. Bavarian; Fri., Sept. 8, 9 a.m. 9 p.m. Virginian, Fri., Sept. 15. 4 a.m. 3 p.m. Tunisian, Fri., Sept. 22, 8 a.m. 22,7 p.m. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW, DIRECT. Corinthian Thurs. Aug. 31, (daylight.) NEW YORK TO GLASGuUW. Parisian ... Thurs., Aug. 31, 11 a.m. MONTREAL TO LONDON & HAVRE. Sardinian, Sept. 2. Sarmatian Sept. 16. $40 single. $76 return. Only on: class Passengers carried, called second cabin. J. P. HANLEY, Agent, G.T.R. City Passenger Depot. J. P. GILDER- SLEEVE, Clarence Street. soni GOAL That is the kind we sell-The kind you should burn If you want a satisfaction fire. We are filling orders now for winter supplies. Have ycu ordered yours yet ? 'Phone No. 133, BOOTH &CO. § "THERE IS A TIME i FOR ALL THINGS." Now, while prices are 'low, is the time to fill your coal bin with best quality SCRANTON COAL from P. Walsh's Yard BARRACK STREET. i EE A church costing $135,000 has been condscrated am Auckladd, Australia, -- the product of $1,000 invested in Mooney's Perfection Cream Sodas per cent. If you haven't tried MOONEY'S, you've missed Troubled for over Four Years. Weak Bowels and Diarrhoea. Dr. FowLer's Wild Strawberry This wonderful bowel complaint cure will do the same for you as it did for Mr. Chas. Durham, Toronto, Ont. He writes as follows : "I. was troubled for over four years with Weak Bowels and Diarrhea and could not get any medicine to cure me until I tried Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. Since taking this medicine I have had none of my former trouble, and can recommend it to any parsen with the same complaint that I had." All dealers sell it. Be sure and ask for Dr. Fowrzk's and accept no substitute. {isthe STANDARD article READY FOR USE IN ANY QUANTITY. For making soap, softening water, removing old paint, disinfecting sinks, closets, drains and for many other purposes. A can equale 20 pounds SAL SODA. SOLD EVERYWHERE. E.W. GILLETT ives TORONTO.ONT. Bigger than the Rest. (LT Cook's Cotton Root safe effectual monthly aciciBo on h women can Compound ; take no substitute. The Cook Madicne Cou. Grand Union Hotel Rooms From $1,00 Per Day Up BAGGAGE }:= FREE DON'T KEEP BACHELOR'S HALL While your wile is at the sea-side She would rather have you enjoy ALL THE COMI OF HOME By taking your meals at the IKOQUOIS HOTEL. COOLING and HEALTHFUL Everybody should drink MINERAL WATER Particularly, at this season, and ally wi it ean be procured at le price. Windsor. Ontario. Mack, that celebrated water from the pemous Mack Springs, St Catherines, is puly 85c. a dozen, and there is nothing wiler We have all the others--Appollinaris, White Rock, Rednor, Red Ravin, London- ferry, Lithia, ete. in pints and splits. Use only water from a Pure Mineral Hpring. JAS. McPARLAND § | 339 and 341 King St. *Phone 274. A century ago 20,000,000 people spoke English: now 120,000,050 attest to its growing universality, FELL ELEVEN STORIES] HOTEL ELEVATOR TOOK A SUDDEN DROP, -------- Retarded by Safety Clutches So ployees on Board Was Serious- ly Injured. New York, Aug. 31.--Dropping through the elevator shaft in the Hotel Arlington, in West Twenty-fifth street, with terrible swiftness, a pas- senger car, in which were three wo- men and the elevator hoy, fell with a crash from the eléventh fHoor to the basement, injuring the three passen- gers and almost causing a panic among the guests of the hotel. As the cries of the women, who were cooped up in the falling car, rang through the big hotel, men and women rushed from their rooms and fled downstairs, believing that some accident had happened . which might endanger the ry When they realized that the accident was to the elevator, the guests helped the em ployees to oxtricate the injured wo- men from the wrecked ear. The "car was in charge of Frederick Fargo, seventeen vears old, who lives in the hotel. He had taken the car to the eleventh floor and had opened the door for the women to step out, when suddenly the cable snapped and before any of the passengers could | step out, the elevator began to drop. From floor to floor it fell with sud- den drops, but the safety clutches so retarded the fall that when it reached the bastinent it had none of the ac- cumulated force of the drop of eleven floors. As the car went down the women screamed hysterically, expecting any moment to be killed. The elevator boy, who realized that he could not stop the car's descent, clung to ° the sides of the elevator. and escaped without injury, The car struck the basement with a bang that resownded through the ho- tel. The crash, following the hysteri- cal screams of the women, brought all the guests in the building out of their rooms. They rushed down the stairs in haste and added to the excitement which prevailed on the ground floor of the hotel. As the alarmed guests reached the bottony of the stairs they were as- sured by the clerks that they had no- thing to fear, and most of them volunteered to assist the injured. Em- ployees went down to. the basement and found the car a mass of scrap iron, under which lay the passongcers and elevator boy. The women who were in the car when it fell were Nol- lie Holland, Frances Donstater and Maggie Flaherty, employed in the hotel. An ambulance from the New York hospital was summoned 'and the sur- geon found that Miss Holland was sufficiently injured to be taken to the hospital. She was suffering from a broken ankle and broken, ribs, and, was token to Bellevue. Miss Donsti- ter, it was found, had sustained =a sprained ankle, and Miss Flaherty was suffering from a broken ankle. ihey were token to their roowus, HUSBANDS IGNORED Society Women Give New Mean- ing to the Pronoun ®1", London, Aug. 31.--A new meaning has recently been given to the simple little personal pronoun "1." "Smart" women nowadays never use the first person plural when speaking of themselves and their husbands, their plans, possessions and inton- tions, "lI am going to Hamburg." means "I and my husband are going." "I have taken a shooting-box in Scot land, and shall entertain there," does not mean a lady hostess alone; it in- cludes the husband. But he is never mentioned nowadays. To acknowledge him, merc man, as the provider of yachting and trips abroad, of motor cars, shooting-box cs, and country houses, is to com. ple destroy yourself, socially. No "smart" society woman ought to be seen often with her husband, and to speak to him makes her "ime possible." BARGAIN COUNTER BATTLE.: Fifteen Hurt in Rush Kitchen Things. Indianapolis, Ind., Aug. 31. Fifteen persons, twelve women and three men, were injured in a rush for bargains at a store where kitchen utensils had been advertised for sale at low price. Before opentng rime 2,000 persons besieged the doors, knocking down and trampling on each other in their anxiety to secure the coveted bar- gains. Juet as the crowd was ad mitted a woman fainted and fell. Oth- ers, pushing and struggling behind, knocked two other women down. Then many fell over the prostrate bodies of the bargain seekers. When the police arrived they were compelled to use their clubs to dear the store. to =Buy § Centenarian Breaks A Horse. Burlington, Ky., Aug. 81,--~The say- ing that a Kentuckian is never too old to be in the saddle is proved by James Kent, a well-to-do farmer liv- ing in Boone county. Farmer Kent can produce ample proof that he i 100 years and twenty-one days old, yet he has recently broken a spirited three-year-old horse, which he rides every day. A week ago the animal shied and threw him, breaking his arm. Mr. Kent caught the nmaway without asdistance, remounting and rode home. $ v You can trust the - nessof an H. &» A. S. gold - filled Watch Chain; which is positively guaran- teed for 10, 15 or 25 years, according to the thickness of the gold casing. Your jeweler sells 11. & A. S. Chaina. Send for the I. & A. S. Chain Book. H. & A. SAUNDERS, King & Joka St», Toronto. { preparing to leave ------ - Two Women Reach Age of One '" Hundred Years. Comn.,' Aug. 31. Mrs. og lives with her grand-daughter, i Ho Wickes, in Erooklyn, NX. arrived © here, last night, and if spending the day with her relatives in this city, celebrating Meridan; : Elizabeth Hunt, That None of the Four Em. fher 105th birthday. The old lady is still fairl and healthy and her mental ca) #8 are scarcely imd paired to any extent. She has a wonderful for the events of her earlier life, but eatmot remember occurrences of a' later date with equul accuracy, She spent the day quietly with AE of her family and re- ceived many callers and scorcs of let ters and telegrams of congratulation. Mrs. Hunt was mm Lancaster, Pa., coming from. Dutch parentage. She was the oldest ¢f wx children, all of whom reached an age of sixty or more years, Ome of her sisters did two years ago at the 'age of ninety one. At twenty-three Elisabeth be came the wife of a man named Hunt and left the old homestead in Lancas ter to go with her husband to New York. She lived most of her life in Brooklyn. Her husband died more than forty years ago and she nover marricd again, She had six children, of whom only two are living now, She has twenty andchildren, thir- teen great. ildren and four great-great-grandchildren. Another Old Woman. Frechold, NiJ., Aug. 31---""Aunt Betsey Coward, of Allevitown, the oldest woman in this part of the. country, is 'celebrating her 104th birthday to-day,' The ~Cowards were among the ear settlers of Upper Frechold township. They are of Quaker origin. "Aunt Betsey" was born in Allentown, but spent post of her life in Upper: Frechold. She is still in good health and comparative ly strong and vigorous and reads her paper every day. FAMINE IN INDIA. Million People Are Starving in Madras Presidency Lucknow, Aug. 31.--The failure of the monsoon in the Chingleput dis- trict, a wide area in the Madras pre- sidency, with a population of over a million souls, is causing widespread distress, Although the government has . not actually decla) a famine in the dis- trict, relief works have been opened and every efiort is being made to suc cor the starving lation. Already the lagers are terribly emaciated. Their ribs protrude, and they resemble skeletons. Work is almost at a standstill, for the people are too li¥tless and indiffer- ent to do anything. They accept the wretched state of affairs with Oriental resignation. Cattle, too, are dying by hundreds in the district. The water Supply, al- ways brackish and bad, has dried up in many places, and what wells do remain are often polluted." UMBRELLA IN HIS THROAT Mackerly Collided With Man Car- rying It Transfixed by Rod. Paterson, Aug. 31.--Leo Mackerly, of Waldwick, N.J., a commuter on the Erie railroad, was running for a train last night in the dark when he collided with James Sunday, who was carrying a steel tipped umbrella, The sharp point struck Mr. Mackerly in the mouth, went through his lip, tore part of his tongue away, and passed through. his neck under the leit ear. Mr, Mackerly dropped to the ground, and while a physician was being call ed bystanders removed the umbrellal which was wedged firmly between the teeth and from its position m the back of the throat threatemed to suf focate the injured man, He was taken to his home. Dr. Vroom, of attending ' Mr. juries will not blood poisoning sets ip. Ridgewood, whe is Mackerly, says the in fatal prove unless ADVENTURE OF A KITTEN, Locked Up in a Trunk for Two Weeks and Lives. Los Angeles, Cal, Aug. 31.--When Miss Sarah Nicholson, Edgefield, S C., arrived at Long Beach "and began unpacking her trunk, she was start led almost into hysterics by the ap pearance of her pet kitten at the bot tom of the trunk in the folds of her dresses, which she had packed away two weeks previously, when she was her 'home in the east for the Pacific Coast. Kitty stretched its logs 'and weakly | snlotation "to ite mis mewed as a ! tress. After lapping a saucer of cream it strollod out into the sun shine, and within a few hours became iteelf again. Tabby is now wearing nine different hues of filbon about ite neck in token of it¢/ possession of nine lives. The Asbury Park Baby Parade. Knee fo the Whig. rs Park, N.J., Aug. 31.-The annual baby parade, which forms the principal feature of the carnival week is a thing of the past. Never beforé has there been such a large number of babies in the parade and never was wint of view, Thousands of visitors ad come from all parte of the east to swell the large crowds already here and as there is no possibility of find ing room for the enormous crowd in the hotels here, most of, the visitors will be compelled to leave, to-night. The number of entries had edd nearly five hundred, but the actual number was somewhat less than that, The number of beautiful children was unusually large and the judges whose task it was to award the prizes, had a very difficult task before them: It will be evening before the j have completed their work. In addition to the handsome souvenir pens to be distributed will be fifty "silver loving cups to be awarded the prize babies of the parade. Some of the loving cups donated represent a valve of $50 to ¥100, The Last Of The Season. To Brockville and Ogdensburg, call: ing at Gananoque and Rockport both ways, America, Friday, ', ro turning leave Ogdensl 3 pan, meals on , howe A A 1 the display more attractive from every |' URSDAY, AUGUST 31. 'six to twelve months, acco: +] Picvon \ WEAR DEVIL GOGGL AS CURE FOR THE DRINK- ING HABIT. ------ Patient Who Claims a Cure Says Bartenders Looked Like Evil One, and He Said Horrible Things While Wearing the Cure. Budapesth, * Aug. 31.-Dr. Hugh Schuster, Budapesth, has patented what he describes as 'the only infalli- ble drink cure in the world." The doc tor's patients wear a hideous contriv- ancy, somewhat resembling a pair of motor goggles, which are worn night and day, and are secured to the snffor- er's head by a patent padlock, of which Dr, Schuster alone holds the LU Any attempt to force tho lock on the part of the patient causes him at once untold agony. Dipsomsinince ave compelled to wear the goggles from : ing to the seriousness of their case. A Jewish bill-discounter named Bies, who has been completely cured of the drink habit, described his sensations to the correspondent of a Vienna newspaper as follows ; "The demon 'goggles caused mo no discomfort until | became thirsty, and thought I'd have a drink. 1 wont into an American bar, and, although 1 swear to you 1 was quite sober, ev. erything around me at once a peared distorted. Every bottle in the bar seemed to leer at we with devilish grimace, and I distinctly saw the hide ous, face in a bottle of American rye whiskey wink. This made me feel uncomfortable, but 1 was completely unnerved when 1 observed a pair of great brown horns protruding from the bartender's forehead. As he camo towards me asking for my order, | distinctly felt him swish me' across the face with his hig, brown, devil's tail. My thirst was quenched. When, sev- eral hour later, 1 entered a beer hall in another quarter of the city, 1 had an edutlly horrible experience, Strangely enough, 1 was able to drink non-intoxicating beverages without dis- comfort, but the mere sight of strong drink, however disguised, invariably produced in my horrible goggles a swarm of drink devils. 1 assure you that, extraordinary though my story may appear, these were, without doubt, my experiences," Dr. Schuster claims that the effect of his demon drink goggles varies ac- cording to the state of the patient wearing them, but that no fewer ghan sixty-five out of the sixty-seven Cases which he hts treated since the be ginning of the present year have been completely cured 2 . rel Fairs. Hinchenbrooke |, Vankleek Hill , Cobougg . Maxvifle Peterboro Richmond Russell ........ Lansdowne Delta Avonmore Renfrew McDonald's Corners Marmora Campbelitord Bowimnanville Maberly Lakefield Colborne L'Amable Carp Bancroft Beachhurg Odessa Norwood Fenelon Falls Oct, 14 The Cause Of Earache, Is usually a cold, The one sure cure is Nerviline, which relieves in ten se conds. It kills earache, swiftly be eauso it penctriates like lightning to the seat of the pain. Away goes the ache, cure is complete, just because Nerviline has been used. Xo houge hold liniment so economical, wo strong, so _good--all-round ax Pol son's Nerviline, which has beon Can ada's popular liniment for nearly fifty years. Large bottles sold for * 25e everywhere, stl 7 7 v hv | : C ZW Nr ¥ " of w » Zi A JUST ARRIVED FOR OUR MID-SUMMER SALE A lsrge assortment of Extension Tables, golden oak finish, same as our $8.50. Bale price, $6.00. Also Velour QCushions Norris Chairs, only $5.50. _ Leather Beated Dinifig Chaire, in golden oak finish, only $1.50. Prass and Iron Beds, in white enamel, only $4.60. Springs and Matties es to fit, JAMES REID The Leading Undertaker, 5 pa Toronto ..., Aug. 26 t. 11, Winchester ayia ig .- oy 6:7. Coe Hill . . 8. Curnwall Sept. 79, Ottawa... Hu, i. eds, London .. Sept. 8-16. Brockville Sep Tia, Willinmstow Sept. 18-14. Tuverary Sept. 14. Perth Sept. 18-15, South Mountain Sept. 14-156. Woodville Sept, 14-16 Madoc Sept. 14-10, Uerwick Sept, 18. Almonte «Sept. 19-30, Alexandria | . Mept 19-20 Newington Sept. 19-20 Stirling Sept, 19-20 Lyndhurst Sept. 19-20. Napanee Sep Prescott Cobden Frankford Metcalfe | mitiee rs good strong pair of Boots to start school with and we sell the WEAR-LIKE-IRON-KIND. Boys' Cordovan Boots, good heavy soles, $1.25. Boys' Grain Leather Boots, extra heavy soles, all leather, $1.35. Lips raanl Soy Box Calf and Grain Boots, every pair * $1.50. : ae Boys' Box Calf Boots, Blucher cut, nice stylish 2 VE Girls' Pebble Leather Boots, with solid leather and counters, $1, Wy Girls' Box Calf Boots, an extra good school shoe, Girls' Dongola Kid Boots, heavy soles, patent toe nice and dressy, $1.50. : roid a Try us for the Children's School Shoes and satisfaction. : 2009 209902000990 9092® a We Sell the Iron Clad Kind. They Wear Best. Try a pair and note the long' waits between buying. 3 ce@sosowee @ £ MCDERMOTT'S SHOE STORE! 108F PIRI PED WIC OIEE FDI Labatt's London Ale&Porter p Are the most delightful of all beverages. Perfoot tonics. Highly nourishing. Rofroshing, dolightiul and Pleasing to the taste. Gold medals and highest award it all Expositions. See that you get Labatt's--it is the same price as other brands not half 2 so good, : TRIE. Fi a JAS. McPARLAND, AGENT, 339 and 341 King St. "Phone 278. = go at the following real bargain prices :-- $35.00 Eagle wheel, Dunlop tires, for $28.00 45.00 Hydop wheel, Dunlop tires, for 35.00 | Good second-hand wheel ........... 9.00 J. B.C. DOBBS & 00., 171 WELLINGTON : DoBpS AND TYPEWRITER REPAIRERS. Mammoth Edition. The Montreal Herald, ninety-seven years old, has moved into a spagous, new home, beautifully situated. on Victoria square, and to sigoalize | the event hms issued a fine edition of ninety pages, illastrative of the pro: gress of the dominion snd of Mon. treal, To re hat, his tremen- dous paper hn 20a Re oh TSF ta call attention to the fat. that Sana dian pewspapers, in general, give far dng maticr Lo their sabscrib-. Justibied ers