Daily British Whig (1850), 2 Sep 1905, p. 10

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qc uC % , Ad : ¥ er catch is perfectly ', Try Myers' for 'Fine COOKED MEATS. LAWSON'S, $10,000,000 IDEA. NEED TO SEND OUT OF { FOR EYGPAVED CARDS Pn Ml ence sbi Soa. 'WORK 1S GOOD WORK AFRE FEE Rb 1 _ wealso no' '8 + STEEL DIE EMBOSSING Big Concern to Smash the Day- lights Out of Copper. The Montreal Star's Wall street cor respondent. wives © Thomas W, Lawson sent to the news papers, last night, an advertisement in which he states that the valie of Cope is going to Gall, and that then will be in consequence & heayy slump in prices of copper stocks. exept Cop pet Range, and two or thpee other stocks, which will, he says. for special prenline reasons, be exempt from the general movement, He declares he is going to take ad vantage of this deop of prices to sell short, and that he and his friends have formed a syndicate for that pur- pose, capitalized at 810,000,000. Six of these millions he "and his friends have alivady subscribed, and he kindly permits the public to come in and subscribe the other four millions. conditions of subscriptions are set forth in the advertisement. Lawson "J admonishes expectant speculators that of course they may lose their money, but adds that he confidently expeets to make a profit of from twelve to fifteen per cent. "Would-be participants nhast dis tinetly understand," says Rawson, tibat thiz pool is purely and simply | weulation, and in no way an invest ment, and, as stork gamblers at pres. ent lined up on the other side of Cop: Herd may give me more strenuous bat. tle than 1 expect, © and as the entire amount of the subscriptions may be lost, regardless of any break in Cop- per (the metal), | emphatically advise against any one party participating who ir 0b pared cheerfulle to Jose every d Ter amen in return for the opp unity of gaining profs." 7 think T must have fainted. ro. Citizens Placed in Insane Asylum as Result of Abduction -- Victim's Re "markable an amazing story N girl was any the worse for her Chime o8. a w, and all had such extraor- dinary tales to tell that it was evi dent that the town contained more than one eccentric, if not insane, in habitant of wealth, The last victim was Marya Savin, who, about a year ago, was Svgibused to have been captured by brigands for the sake of a ransom. Marya was an heiress and the belle of Viadikavkaz, and police and public united in a sys- tematic search for the missing heiress. Bloodhounds were employed, but in the midst of the excitement Marya re- turned to her home as suddenly as she had disappeared. Her story was even more exciting than that of previously kidnapped women, and it was owing to the following tale which she tok that Vitkovski and Grun were eventu ally brought to justice : { "I woke up in the night," she said. "and was terrified by seeing two gray bearded men, both masked, bending over me. | was too frightened to scream, and the mea, without uttering a word, placed a gag in my mouth and blindfolded me. Then they lifted me up from my bed and carried me as I was into the street, where I was thrust 'into a waiting carriage. We drove at a furious pace, for what scomed but a short distance, but | "When I was revived and the band- age was taken from my eyes I discov- ered that [ was in a luxuriously ap Painted room, furnished as a library. n the corner of the apartment stood a large gilded cage, constructed, it eared, for some gigantic, prehis- toric bird. My captors, still without uttering a word, handed me a close fitting feather dress, made apparently of many thousands of yellow birds' skins. They motioned to me to put this on, and then gently pushed me into the cage, fastening the door be- hind me, "One of the old men (who now proves to have been itkovski) brought me costly food; the other man tGrun) 1 never saw again, Vitkovski naad to come and gaze at me through the bars of the cage; sometimes he threw lum of sugar through the hari. Early every morning he would enter the library with a jug of boiling water. This he would pour into a big bird's bath attached to the side of the 'age. *" "Wash, birdis," he would exclaim. These were the only words | ever heard bm utter. I felt sure that the man must be a lunatic, and was extremely nervous of what he would do to me. But when 1 almost despaired of re- gaining my freedom the old man came to my cage late one night and signed to me to come down from my perch and remove my feather costume. Again, without speaking a word, he lindfolded me, and, g ding me to a *rriage, drove me within a few. yards f my home." Almost all the fancy shops in Viadi- "avkaz now display in their windows picture post cards adorned with photo- waphs of the "Lady Bird in a Gilded Cage." Wearing Away Your Lungs? Yeu, and your strength too. Stop coughing and get cid of that eatarrh. The one remedy is "'Catarrhozone" which goes to the diseased tissues along with air you breathe; it can't fail to reach the source of the trouble; it's bound to kill the germs, and as for healing up the sore places, nothing can surpas® Catarthozone. If you don't get instant relief and ultimate cure you will at least get back your money, for Catarrhozone is guaranteed to cure catarrh in any part of the sys tem. You run no risk-- therefore use Catarrhozone--at our expense if not satisfied. ---- Portland Township Council. Aug. 21. Members all present. By law was passed, fixing the rate for 1905 for all county purposes at cight wills on the dollar, for special school purposes, four mills, for township purposes, five mills. Applications for the position of collector will be re oeived at next meeting. Sums voted : $6.10, to J. W. Redmond, hammers and gravel; 810.62, to John Deline plank and cedar: 81.30, to J. Bab sock, gravel; 84.30, to J. Tallent. cul- vert; 81, to H. Stover, culvert: £12.95 to L. Baker, gravel; $6.10. to H. Sni- lor, work: 85, to D. Baboock, we rk, $A, to T. Griffith, work; £7.30, to E. Lakins, gravel; £6.95, to 8. Revell, work: 811.40, to 8. Revell, work: $10, to John Sigsworth, culverts; $88.05, to J. 8. Gallagher, expenses building culvert walk in Harrowsmith: $2, to Maggie Revell, charity: $15, to G. M. Smith, work; $2750, to W. Bear- anor, job stone crushing and spread- ing. Adjowrned to meet at Verona, September 18th, at | pm. » The two young sons of Mr Dilweth, A farmer of Richmond, caused their father the loss - of a large stack of hay. The lithe follows, wishing have a quiet smoke, secured their father's pipe and climbed up on top of the stack. A spark from the pipe lodged in. the dry hay. A fow min- utes afterwards the stack was no tied ablaze, Corks, any size, Be per dosen; rub- GILDED CAGE STRANGE PASSIONS OF EC. WEST TO RULE And Dominate the Politics of the Dominio n. itics will have decisively to the new commumities west of the great lakes and the party that can win the west will Canada. Tt seems that the Ii 'have thrown away great initial advantages in alienating western og for the sake of consol. idating racial religious support in Eastern Bat The Times, oo ating on the birth- day of the twa dew provinces in an editorial, ing to the religious dif. ficulty, says it 'is be hoped evecy- body will be saté with what seems a fairly sensible agreement. The lib- eral party no longer adheres to the old watchwords which carried it to victory nine years ago. It takes its stand, instead, on claims of adminis. trative capacity, identifying itself with a nine years" unprecedented material weity for Canada. Sup- posing the of prosperity were checked for the moment it would be tunes of the liberal party. It will alo be'n matter of no little interest to seé what political line is taken by the new population of the North-West. Thus far they have na- turally supported the government, which placed them on the land, but the educational controversy has brought the government into sharp collision with = ita proteges and it seems by no means unlikely that the power of the North-West, which must one day be the dominant power in Canada, may be thrown into the scale against the liberal party. ------------------ SELF-MADE MAN. ---- The Best Type Found in the Dominion. London, Sept. 2.--~John MacAulev, general manager of the Alexandria Docks, Newport, Monmouthshire, who recently visited Canada, in the course of an article on "Canada a& an Im perial Asset," in the Magazine of Com me.ce, referring to the question of technical education, says : "The man who frequently, if not most frequent ly, comes to the front in Canada and the States is he who, as a boy, did not receive anything beyond an ele- mentary education." The Swedish government is making inquiries through Lord Strathcona's offices as to whether Canadian dealers in dried apples' could supply a very large quantity. Lord Strathcona ix communicating with representatives of Canadian firms here upon the matter. The Glasgow Herald thinks that in the event of Canadian manufacturers of steel rails either diminishing or sus veading their output bf steel rails on account of the 'Shpee dollars per (on bounty being a great quan- tity of pig iron will find its way to these shores dnd, furthermore, steel companies may turn their attention to ship-building and _ a bounty to ship- builders may be given for the purpose of returning an 'industry once renown ed in Canada. The death has taken place, at the age of seventy-four, of Alexander Me Phail, a native of Greenock, who was one of the pioneer captains on th great lakes, An all England eleven is playing ar extra match against the Australians at Bournemouth. First innings, Eng land, 229; Australia, 214 for nine wickets down. ---------- CHOLERA SCARE IN GERMANY Spread in Last Five Days is Creating Alarm. Berlin, Sept. 2.-The spread of cho lera from two localities on the River Welchsel five days ago to thirty-four cases in twelve localities extending from the Balicto, the River Warthe. 150 miles south, and its appearance in Hamburg, has given an unpleasant thrill to the people of Germany, for it may mean a long and steady fight as in 18923, to prevent the disease from getting beyong' control. In those years it is estimated that 800.000 per sons died in Russia from cholera. The Prussian government is keenly aware of the possibilities of the danger which so far is not regarded as giving occa sion for apprehension. The John Gillies Estale company, Smith's Falls, placed another hand- some boat on the river, a boat about the size of the Commodore. It is equipped with an eight horse power, double cylinder steam engine. Pickle bottle corks, catsup bottle corks, gem rings, all Be. a dozen. Mahood's drug store. As a rule Cape Vincent farmers are having a hard tine in securing their grain crop. Oats, the principal erop. are badly lodged, making the cutting of the same slow and vexatious. ber rings, for jem jars, Se. per dozen. cLeod's drug store, London, 2~The Times' corres: interesting to ses the effect on the for- | years old. len, this city, married Allen two years ago, when she was under sixteen, and he was only fourteen. ing for him when his arrest at Lester. shire brought to the bigamy proceedings followed. Cheyenne Sun 1 his intention Alexander mission, nacle in the Strand, London, there was a to general impression, y says there have been 15,000 public con- versions, and that financially the mis- sion has been successful. one ol dents Alexander M. eighth year. wevere cold. poudent, gi a short account of the religious over the North- West autonomy, the time may show that the fy of both poli parties is in "hands of the west, The rapid dev-dopment of the between Winnipeg and the The Coupons a Pacific promiss® in a few years 4 the. balance' of pewer in Canadian pol- Soaps for which you SOAPS for nothing. use every day. ---- Users of SUNLIGH Use SUNLIGHT SOAP and SAVE THE COUPONS. ie same as cash because they can be exchanged for Toilet ve to pay out money every week. and CHEERFUL SOAPS can get their TOILET Ask your grocer for particulars or write us for Premium List, ; A gift is of little value if it consists of something you have no use for, In exchange for Sunlight Soap Coupons you can get something you need and ------ tt -OUPONS de oC, = LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO, CANADA. AE ¥ x5 2000 Z DO THE Li THINGS THEATRICAL. : Notes About Plays, Players and Playhouses. Lillian Russell has finally: succumbed to the tempting offers of the vaude- vi le managers. Jew, in a new dramatization of "Ol- iver Twist," by Comyns Carr. J. 'E. Dodson, the eminent character actor, has been engaged to play ' The Wandering Jew" in the dramatization of "The Prince of India." Klaw & Erlanger's big production of the English Drury Lane spectacle, "Humpty Dumpty," will be seen at the Toronto Princess the week of Sep- tember 4th, It is regrettable that America and Canada will not have the pleasure of seing Forbes Robertson and Charles | Hawtrey this season, as both stars are to remain in London. It is also un- likely that Sir Henry Irving will pay his farewell visit before the fall of 1906. : Chauncey Olcott begins his next sea son under the management of Augus- tus Piton September Ith, in New Haven, appearing in a new romantic WINNIPED S. JJHORSEY, Mansfield may be seen as Fagin, the | YoU LIGHT THE FIRE REST The GURNEY, TILDEN COMPANY Manufacturers TORONTO Our personal guarantees as well as that of the makers goes with every stove. Cail and see the Souvenir Ranges. Kingston, Ontario L NS [ \ xX Souvenir | Rances | Once The fire is started in e Tire box, it will keep qoing with very little attention The Souvenir Rance is 50 simple in construction Thal There is no uncerfainty 'as To how will act during cooking Time USED IN THOUSANDS OF 'CANADIAN HOMES Limited VANCOUVER metal Irish drama by Theodore Burt Sayre entitled "Edmund Burke." The popu- | lar comedian has composed several | new songs for the play. His support- | ing company will include several well known actors and actresses Harrison Grey Fiske, who has just returned from Europe, has been c¢om- menting on the condition of the French drama. Says he: "It is unlikely that there will be any large demand in this country for French plays of the aver- | age sort wntil the French. authors abandon their pot theme. There are now signs even in Paris that the eter nal triangle and the fracture of the seventh commandment are losing their wonted appeal." Penetrates And Heals. When you buy Smith's White Lini- ment you secure the most penetrating and healing remedy on the market-- for sprains, swelling, neuralgia, in- flammation, lumbago and all aches and pains. Every drop filled with utmost curative power and the re- medy never fails to cure promptly and thoroughly. In big bottles, only at Wade's. Mere Lad A PRigar ist. Scranton, Pa., Sept. 2.-Bert Allen, this city, aged sixteen, has heen or rested at Lestershive, N.Y, for {nas - ing two girls. 'The second, Miss Eth. el Willams, Lestershire, had him ar. rested non-support, and thea the story of his first marriage came out. The Williams girl is only fourteen The first wife, Bessie Al- She was look- ber. attention, and Activity In Canada. . B. Corn, of of Rice, has announced moving to Wheat- and. S------------ At the last meeting of the Torrey. in the Tin Taber- vast congregation. Contrary Mr. Torrey The death took place in Madoc of the most highly respected resi of that village in the person of Morice, in his seventy- Peath was hastened Ly a York Dress 50c, tape idle corsets, for 35¢. Now orm. and maple syrup. Just add cream or milk and serve. GANADA FLAKES comes in the big 1s5c package--nearly 1-3 than any other and better. A fine white in every package Canada Flakes requires no cooking. It has a rich delicate flavor, imparted by special processes involving the use of malt larger teaspoon long time, and tend me, but seem to do me I would not be Last summer 1 me, berry with Diarrhea the Stomach. your medicine In the future 1 CRAMPS CURED. I was troubled with Cramps for a bottles of Dr. Wild Strawberry, and it cured me. is the only medicine I can recommend. | without it in my house, A. DEMERCHANT, Bath, Ont. SUMMER DYSENTERY COMPLAINT : CURED. I was very bad with tery and I take pleasure in used . Fowler's recommending Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry. a severe attack of Summer Complaint, and one bottle cured Miss G. Lr Bross, North Bay, Ont, Refuse Substitutes, ~-- Price 35¢,--They're Dangerous. DIARRHOEA AND CRAMPS, I take pleasure in tolling you 'what Dr. Fowler's Ixtract of Wild Straw- has done for me. few doses when my trouble disappe: house ready for use. WEAK BOWELS CURED. After a severe attack of Typhoid had several doctors at-| Fever my bowels were 'left in a very their medicine did not weak condition, and I could get nothing any good. 1 got three to do me any good until I commenced Fowler's Extract of taking" Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild ItiStrawberry. 1 take a great deal of pleasure in recommending it to all sufferers from bowel complaint. Mgs. Jno. M. STEWART, Little Current, Ont. Extract of Wild Strawberry, and it completely cured me. We keep it constantly on hand, and could not get along without it. It has saved us lots of doctor bills. E. M. Apaws, Stanbridge East, Ont; had I ---- BABIES TEETHING. Ever since my mother first knew of Y > cn {the wonderful curative qualitics of Dr. and severe Cramps inp ' I secured a bottle of ler's Extract of wud Strawberry, and had only taken a s always been kept in the house. ared. | She says that it always acts like magic, will always keep it in und especially when given to teething babies, I was taken Mgrs. M. Jacksow, Normandale, Ont. EsTeLiA InwiN, Delta, Ont. ; Wa have been at it, same address, since 1691" § t : Steel Seals. Rub- St Be sais Cope a for Enamel Letters. &c. rite Il do the rest, W. Mack, 9-11-13 King St W » Torentor ® A ---- 1 li AR PSYC (PRONOUNC COUGH f i pound L u N G it woul withou TROUBLE wiht There never has been in a truly remarkable remedy, fi nothing else just like it, so good. Thousands of m "Psyc AND metho of healing, that no other pr cure of obstinate coughs a enthusiastically give testimon PSYCHINE B "1 ¢annot speak too highly for your ¢ for weakness of throat, lungs or declini sister died of consumption, and I suppose but, thank God, through the use of PSY suffered for some two years from a distre: I used PSYCHINE and OXOMULSIO! are now strong aud I enjoy splendid heal GREATEST Of AT ALL DRUGGISTS--ON The Dr. T. A. Slocum, Limited, SYNOPSIS OF CANADIAN NORTH-WEST. HOMESTEAD REGULATIONS Any even numbered section of Domin- fon nds in Manitoba or the North- west Provinces, excepting 8 and 26, not eserved, may be homesteaded upon by any person who is the sole head of a family or any male over 18 years of age, to.the extent of one-quarter section, of 1GuU acres, more or less. Entry may be made personally at the local land office for the district in which the land to be taken is situated, or if the homesteader desires, he may. on applica- tion to the Minister of the Ilnterior, Ottawa. the Conuntssioner of linmigra- tion, Winnipeg, or the local agent for the district in whick' the land is situate, receive authority for some one to make entry for him. HOMESTEAD DUTIES : A settler who has been granted an entry for a home- stead is required to perform the con- ditions connected therewith under one the following plans : (1) At least six months residence upon and _culti on of the land in. each wear during tl rin of thrée years. . (2) If the father (or mother, if the father 'is deceased) of any person who is eligible to make' a hdmestead entry uns der the provisions of this Act, resides wpon a farm in the vicinity of the land entered for by such person as a hone stead, the requirements of this Act as to residence prior to obtaining patent may be satisfied by such person residing with b- father or mother. +8) If the settier has his parmanent residence upon farming land owned hv him in the vicinity of nis honestead, the requirements of this Act as to residence may be satisfied Ly residene upon the said land. APPLICATION FOR PATENT shoald be made at the end 'of three vears, he fore the Local Agent, Sub-Agent or tie Homestead Inspector. Before making application for patent the settler must give six montus' notice in writing to the Commissioner of Do winion Lands at Ottawa, of kis intention to do so SYNOPSIS OF. CANADIAN NC WEST MINING REGULA UG) Coal.--Coal lands may be rchased at $10 per acre for soft coal $20 for anthracite. Not more than 320 acres can be acquired by one individual or com- pany. Royalty at the rate of ten cents 'er ton of 2,000 pounds shall be collected be 9 &t)8s output. uarts.--A free winer's certificate is ed upon payment mm advance of per annum for an individual, and ww $50 to $100 pws annum for a com- bany according to capital A [ree wipor, having discovered mineral In place, .nay locate a claim 1,500x L500 feet. The fee for recording a claim is $5. At least $100 must be expended on tain each year or paid to the mining order in lieu thereof. When $5600 ben expended or paid, 'the locator ma) on having a survey made, and upon fompiying with other requirements, pur ase the land at $1 an acre. The patent provides for thq payment of Sroynity of 24 per cent on thé sales PLACER mining claims generally are 100 feet mquare ; entry fee $5, renewabie Yearly. A free miner may obtain two leases to fredge for zold of five miles each for a rm of twenty years, renewable at the Giscretion of the Minister of the Interior. The lessee shall have a dredge in oper- tion within one season from the date of the lease for each five miles. Rental. $10 fof annum for each mile of river leased Royalty at the rate of 24 per cent collect ® on the output after it exceeds $10,000 W. W. CORY, Deputy of the Minister of the Interior N.B.--Unauthorized publication of this Mvertisement will not be paid for. TH tho re- as y The Polish that won't wear off Sid Only at Strachan's Fardware -- CEMENT WALKS. We will be pleased to furnish estimates and comstruct your cement walk. guaranteed, Douglas & Mellquham, 16 Nelson Street.

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