convinc in ed e Tea pa?" ffort to convince you talks that Red Rose ties of rich, strong delicate fragrance of f two good teas, teas, Red --with a "rich. fruity s always uniform in tion at the gardens, Rie tried to tell you it is good tea, ose Tea because I rer. I know if you 1 Rose Tea. of Red Rose Tea is 1ay- show you how id flavor you have ose Tea, by post, free, if you will ing, and whether black or green. e oO good Tea H. Estabrooks ohn, N.B,, Toronto, Winrip:g | archased a Bankrupt Stock of Boys' and Girls' Boots and Toronto and want to clear it out same goods at about one-half some less than one-half cost ) GET A BARGAIN ! NETHY'S E STORE. le& Porter ! ghtful of all | and highest award Labatt's--it is rands not half RLAND, AGENT. 'Phone 274. ng St. nadian Chocolates 3'. Princess St. GFA -- -------- 0000000000 soe GOT COPPER, ANTIMONY & TIN METAL C0, TORONTO. 00000000 000000 00000 | "THE DAILY | YEAR 72. NO. Great Furniture Sale Being compelled to remove the furniture' contained into large store house, we are offering 209 Discount Off some goods, Parlor Sett, 5-piece, mahogany frames, regular price $25, for Rts regular price 25 goods in the sathe ua Ww #8 the time for a b: apt J. Reid. Two Doors Above Opera House, Telephone 577. on E. P. Jenkins Clothing Co. 50c. and 75c. SHIRT SALE Till Saturday Many of these are ONE-HALF PRICE Don't Miss It. E. P, Jenkins Clothing Co, a Rama WANTED. A COOK. APPLY Kent, 85 King St. TO MRS. R. E. SMART BOY. APPLY A. €C. WAG- goner, Wellington strect. TWO WAITRESSES. APPLY MAN- ager British American Hotel. SMART, STRONG BOY FOR MAIL | roont, . Apply Business Office, Whig. NURSEMAILD, one month. IMMEDIATELY, FOR Apply 160 King street A FEW GIRLS; STEADY WORK: good wages. Apply Kingston Hosiery | o IMMEDIATELY A servant. Apply 114 Barrie St. GOOD GENERAL Mrs. A, PT Chown, A FEW GOOD MILLWRIGHTS. AP- ply to 'Wm. Lake at Frontenac Cereal Co, Works. NERAL SERVANT; GOOD WAGES; light work; only two in family. Ap- ply 163 Division St GE A COMPETENT HOUSEMAID, AT once. Apply in the evening tL. Mrs Fred W. Albree, Eunily street. GOOD SMART BOY. APPLY TO THE Bailey Broom Company, corner Ca- | taraqui and Rideau streets ee ---------------------------------- GENGRAL SERVANT, FOR FAM ily of two. Apply to Mrs. BH. Mac pherson, 193 Johnston street, city STRONG, SMART ing department ; right boy. Apply, Whig. BOY FOR MAIL- good opening for the business office, fete ett 206. Portsmouth Council, 8 p.m. Vaudeville, Lake Ontario Par pan. A wolf in sheep's clothing i wdol General Hospital Governors, Wednesday. and sets at 6.28 p.m. You have toiget some fellows t fore they will loosen up. Success is often merely gett better of the other fellow. It is better vou than a past behind you. This day in history :--Malta ¢ by British, 1800 ; First Americ gress i) BTL; British took I land, Sets clearing out. fans ions for FILL pH All styles of mounts and fra « ways in stock, with repairs. ES FITTED. Jewelers " Marriage Licenses and we will make that a pleasant one. Military Bootmakers, 84 Brock St. Sign of Golde: NOTICE. THE not to ac by the ept the kind proposition principai of the ness College, but will continue h tical, private school of individ $s tuition in Railway or Com Residence, 2 Concession stre SEE SEPTEMBER BULLE For Real Estate Bargains Issued Next Week. SWIFT REAL ESTATE AND 30 square Hall 'Heaters, Cook Ranges 3 Box | Stoves, 'also large Furniture. Always {or sell. ready to tra | UNDERSIGNED HAS DF DAILY MEMORANDA, A man's face value is often bis cheek k, 8.30 s't all 4 pw, The sun rises Wednesday at 5.28 a.m. ight be- ing the to have a future hefore aptured an con- Teliogo- > Dinner We have a job line we are A few lots of different patterns, re- gular $10, $12, for $7 50 | ..ROBERTSON BROS..| Practical Optical Work glasses carefully mes al- Eyes carefully examined AND GLASS- Prices for above work moderate, SMITH BROS., th ro contrary i Opticians 850 King Street. Phone 666 Issued | IF YOU HAVE Any difficulty in being fit- ted with Shoes, COME T0 US, duty Wear "Allen's" ™ n Boot. | nv offered Kingston Busi is prac- ual or umercial | Telegraphy. Many of his former pupils have secured good positions. For terms ete., enquire of H. G. M. BRYANT, et, city TIN FREE TO ALL INSURANCE AGENCY RRR aS. STOVES GALORE large Mogk ol and Wend of Carpets and de, buy J} | TURK'S SECOND-HAND STORE | 808 PRINCESS STREET. VOICE CULTURE MISS MABEL BAILEY | FOR TERMS APPLY 216 QUEEN STREET | PRIVATE TUITION TO RENT FOR THE WINTER, A | MISS EMILY ALLEN, B.A. DE- small furnished house in central | sires pupils for Private Tuition in locality. Apply Box ** § Whig | elementary and advanced subjects. For office, | further information, apply at 242 -------------------------- A fred St BOYS, TO LEARN THE, CIGAR making; good opportunity for a few bright boys. McGowan Cigar Mig. FOR SALE, . 2 2 Co., Limited. THAT FINE PROPERTY ON THE ---------------------------------------------- corner of Gore and Wellington Sts. with frame house, lot 66 hy about ACILLVE AGENTS FOR RU SSIAN- | 83 foet, balance of the Estate of the Japanese, War Book: good salar Jate Rev. Father Davis, For particu- sample flee. Address Globe Co., lars enquire of Joseph (George, 114 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. Gors Street. i te terre tne rt TWENTY CARPENTERS AND HELP- ers, for North Bay and Temagami tation, Ne ON AR ane | SPECIAL TRAIN RETURNING tor 2 e CORE. * | leaves Harrowsmith, for Kingston, at 5 orth Bay, or Arthur Stevens, Tem-~ . on FRIDAY: Sept. Sth. -- A ee Excursion rates will be issuetl GENTLEMEN To, eer HEIR P Jal] | x LOST vercoats Thomas a a 5 Brock at | S . ha . Also bring your old ones aud 'have | A LADY'S "outer GREY COAT. | ropa; A Ontario stree inder thei ire. Stile, fit. aad price at DD. Millan's Shop, * guaranteed to please. MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN PLUMB- | ing trade ; great demand for gradu- | Lumuplate ; ates $4-§5 course two months ; graduates mitted to Union and Master day ; ' HARROWSMITH FAIR. Corner Ohtarig and Princess Sts TARTARS AND ARMENIANS Flam | Fight in Baku--Killed Number p ESOC; 0 Frnt i ork, Cin: | One Hundred. {innaty t. Louis. (Day and | Special to the Whig Night class.) For free catalogue ad-| St Petersburg, Sept. 5 Advices dress 239 10th Ave., New York. { from Baku indicate that the regular EE -- | battle ix procecding between Tartars FOR SALE. | and Armenians, and the killed and reeaessme-------------- | Gunded, up to Sunday, numbered A SECONDHAND BABY CARRIAGE, sleigh and a (child's folding cot. __ Avpiy 436 Princess St. rR BRICK HOUSE, 3903 'ALFREP ST. 2 rooms. Apply at the | w 8. ought 171 | ing the troops. a on, ellington Se ingham, piano tuner | Orders received at | Special to the Whig. | Gori, Caneaxia, Sept. 5.~Police Com- { i Avalofi was shot and killdd | the assassin escaped. i Pci Chickering MoAulev's hook store, Princess strebt. Millie's Worn Powders are sold a Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. { over a hundred, is Prine Nisheradze. | conumenced, yesterday, and t { flict became more desperate was before. The Tartars are t | missioner yesterday; Among the wounded The firing re he gon than it attack: Police Commissioner Killed, JCIDED | A KINGSTON, ONT To Czar Alon Belongs Diplomatic Victory. WANTED MORE WAR DID NOT WOULD BELIEVE JAPAN ACCEPT TERMS, Reproached M. Witte for Allowing the Partition of Saghalien-- Rankles Deep in the Breast of the Imperial Head. Special to the Whig. Londen, Sept. 5.- The burg correspondent of the Times cables : Some of the inner secrets connected with the peace conference are coming to light, and a statement is made on excellent authority to-day that goes far to settle some of the main questions. Information given me bursts the bubble reputation ae corded to M. Witte. The whole credit fpr the issue of the diplomatic victory belongs solely and exclusively to the czar. Andeed, M. Witte did his best to prevent it by repeatedly urging his sovereign to give' way on the ques- tion of money, in which he was | strongly supported by Count Lams- dorfi. Far from being a victory dor M. Witte, the peace of Portsmouth in reality warks. the utter and unguali fied failure of his views and predic- tions M. Witte and Count Lamsdorfi would have preferred to pay the indemmity to ceding Saghalien. The czar, who likes nothing better than acting as his own fore ign minister, took exactly the opposite view. It is intimated that he bad strong motives for sq doing, | inasmuch as he was a] that St. Petors- the Japanese would not accept such terms, and that thereby the war The czar, on hear- to his expectations, had accepted the terms, bitterly reproached M. Witte {for the partition of Saghalien, con- | tending that if he -had displayed di- | plomatie skill he might have induced | the Japaness to renounce the whole | island, since, contrary to all { Witte's reports, they were evidently bent on peace at any cost. The loss of the sguthern half of Saghalien rankles deep in the imperial breast, | ae shown by the almost pathetic re ference to its Davie formerly belong- wo. od Ja which is reiterated in ww Gen. Lineviteh Japan Able To Pay. -------- #1; London, Sept. 5.---M. Koretiyo Ta kahashi, the financial commissioner of { Japan, in an interview yesterday, said : "The Japanese government in pro secuting the war never had in mind the question of having to depend up on an indemmity. The government had prepared itse Af for any emergency {and at the present moment there is no less than $175,000,000 untouched in London, Germany and the United States "This being the case, | see no ne cossity for the issue of a new loan. { Had peace not been concluded, my government would have raised an in | ternal loan of £100,000,000 for the | further prosecution of the war. This | was the plan of the government at | the time the conference met, | con- { sider that the present resources of | Japan age ample for clearing up the war and Meeting the incidental . ex penses thereby involved. So if has in view a new plan for the issue of a fresh 'loan, it will be for the pur converting a previous loan interest. 1 have not government has any pose of { bearing higher heard that my such intention." When questioned regarding the con ditions of peace, Tuknhashi tinued "All far-seeing with satisfaction con Japanese will hail the conclusion of | peace, although there must be a feel ing of general regret that Russia did not display a more reasonable attitude terms were not only reasonable but very moderate. In the circumstances all Japanese who take a broad-mind- ed view of the situation must recog: nize that the decision of their em | peror was the wisest possible course. "Had the goverdment ingisted on an indemmily it ik clear that the war would have continued. The objects for which this war was waged have already been pore to continue the war for a pecumiary | consideration would not have beon worthy of the Japanese aation. 1 do not share the view that this is a patchod-up peace or that fresh con flicts are likely to occur. Such a contingency has been amply provided for by the new Anglo-Japanese al { lance." M. Takahashi looks for onc of the | earliest developments in the far east in the education of China by western | methods, which has already com: | menced. A Factory Burned. SQoecial to the Whig. - a Kinmount, Ont., Sept. 5.-The Kin company's factory, & Co, was fire, this mount Creamery owned by Graham Bros. completely destroyed by morning. It was valued at $7,000, and was not insured. The destruc tion of the factory will be 4 great loss to the community as well as others. The factory gathered cream from a large district and had a good market for their butter, both in On- tario and England. The o of the fire is unknown. -r .. BUBBLE BURST: than achieved, and | | | mained there | 'rose to Japan And Then Fled as the Crowd Gathered. Specinl to the Whi Toronto, Sept. Be=lohn Holman, a | young me wrried man, is lying in the | Emergency Hospital with a gash in | his abdomen seven inches long | which he may! die. He got into a drunken altercation in front of the Glionna hotel, Edward and Chestnut streets, and slipped to the sidewalk. | in recognizing that Japan's | ah SARAFOFF. London S.~Information has reached from Sofia that 500 Bulgarian-Macedonian insurgents, fol- lowers of Sarafofi, have left Sofia, and are expected to raid Tur- kish territory. It is supposed in Sofia that some big movement is on foot, and the Turkish authorities fear serious disturbances. The Bulgarian bands in Macedonia are extremely mo- bile. 5 CHOICE OF DEATH LIVE WIRE ABO! ABOVE BOILING METAL BENEATH. Nels Audesion Chose to be Elec- trocuted Rather Than Fall In- to the Vat of White Hot Metal and Was Instantly Killed. Chicago, t. 5.~Nels Anderson, a motor go. Sept. for the Illinois Steel company, © death by electrocu- tion in to a more horrible fate in one of the company's metal pits at the South Chicago works. Anderson was doing repair work on the arm of a erane icy above one of the hot metal pits, 'A slight Wove ment of the arm cpused him to lose his balance. The on! rt within reach was an uninsulated live wire, which the crane with power. The a ve one glance at ihé¢ white. wand caught thy ae was almost ate ty "Killed: "and the body hung over the wire until the current could be shut off. A TERRIBLE DEATH. Whole Family of Indians Over- taken By Tide. Vancouver, B.C., Sept, 5.--8ix In- dians, comprising a whole family, met a terrible death on the sand heads at the mouth of the Fraser river. As the tide rose their lives went slowly out. Charles Gibson, his wife, and four children, started to éross the Gulf of Georgia. They were driven on the said heads in their boat during a storm or managed to make the shore after the boats had swamped, "The whole facts will never be known. but, according to the story told by John Reed, a fisherman, the entire family ; DRI The Kiss A A Minister Gave SHE DIDNT OBJECT REV. CHARGE AGAINST GEORGE HUMES, Minister Osculated Three| Times--Defendant Ad- mitted He Kissed Her Once on Forehead. Greensburg, Pa., Sept. 5,--The story of a mi i t walk taken by seven- teen: es Daisy Porch and Rev, George Humps, the girl's pastor, down a blind lane at Kecksburg, near Latrobe, on May 27th, when, it is alleged, the clergyman kissed and She acquitted the cler divided Keckshurg con, tion as a conse: quence of the kissing affair, is dis rupted and it was said that the pur- pose of the prosecution was to se cure a conviction in order that Pas- tor Humes might be unfrocked and dismissed from the charge. Rev. Mr, Humes was Wworn, and for two hours was subjected to eross-ox- amination by Attorney Eicher. He de nied that he had placed his arms about Daisy Porch, but admitted that he kivied her once on the forehead. He "She was willing to let we kiss her. for sho leaned over so 1 could do 80, He admitted that he had kissed other girls, whereupon Atkorney Eicher stigmatised tho defendant as "a kissing bug." The clergyman said his conduct was not unusual, and that he kissed the prosecntrix in a spiritual manner. ---------------- A NEW COURSE nn Has Been 8 Frovided at. the. Wood. Special to the Wi nan; Sept. hy The Ontario Joo key Club, will have an entirely new race course for their autumn races, which commence September 10th. im- mediately after the spring a i over operations commenced Devitt, Jr., engineer, who reconstructed Saratoga five rs ago, and who more recently built Belmont Park, for the Westchester Racing Association, of New York, has had re of the re- construction of Woodbine Park, To the end that greater accommodation be af- forded the public a new back stretch has been built into Ashbridge Bay, which joins Lake Ontario at this point, At the castern end of the new back stretch the race course has bean extended in the direction of Lake On- tario some two hundred feet, The new course is one mile around and the assembled on the sand heads at' low tide, while the tide slowly their knees, then to their waists, and finally engulfed them. STABBED A MAN. from While down he wax stabbed in | abdomen by an Italian, who, in the darkness, and before the erowd which American leag ue--DPhiladelpbia, 55; Wachington, 01, Cleveland, 20; St. Louis, 1-7. Boston. 9-5: Rov York. 4-8. Detroit. 53; Chicago, 1-2. Enatern le ayue--Newark, 3; Provi- dence, 1, Jersey City, 7-1; Baltimore, 4-2. Buffalo 52; Rochester, 2-1. Mon- | treal, 7-3; Toronto, 15. | League Standing. | National League, ~New York, 717 | I e Pittsburg, 656; Chicago, | | B79; Philadelphia, 621; Cincinnati, A496; St. Louis, 386; "Boston, 325; | Brooklyn, 311. | gathered knew what made his escape. had Baseball On Monday. Natiodal league--Pittsburg, 3-1; Chi- cago, 2-3, St. Louis, 9-3; Cincinnati, 2:2. New York, T-1k Philadelphia, 1-6. American League, per cent; Chitago, 583; Cleveland, | 529: New York, B18; Boston, 50M; Detroi A443, Washington, 412; St. League.-~Jersey City, 633! per cent; Baltimore, B18; Providence, 587: Newark, 5183; Buffalo, 461; Mon- i tteal, A; Rochester, 397; Toronto, | A374. 5 Notice. The optician at | Btore ix away on vacation until § | tember 15th. Engagements can made at dates, after 18th, Gibson's farm of ? to Henry Bauder, e was in the neigh- | cut off from human help. and re- | the | happened, | Philadelphia, 619 | Dr. Chown's Drug | wii mean a big loss prices ha "| "out of sight." the store (phone 343) for | of the it. the fot thet potat § "hart, real estate t, | cov: > 00 turns, which have been well banked, have a much bigger radius than the old ones, the widening of the turns | having been effected without matecial- | ly shortening the stretch, The new track is about seventy-five | feet wide in the stretches. The build: | ing of the course, in a southerly direc | tion, has made possible a beautiful expanse of lawn room of some one hundred feet or more, which has been | given sufficient slope so that a splen did view during the progress of the | race can be obtained from any point. The system of construction, though varied somewhat is similar to the track formation at Empire City, Ben- nings, Saratoga and Belmont Park. When the new buildings are erected the track and ite surroundings will be still more inviting. -- LONDON TAKES CAR LINES. | Pays $2,000,000 for North Metro- politan Tramways. London, Sept. 5.~The London coun- ty council has concluded a deal by which it takes over the North Metro: politan Tramways company for a tot al payment of $2,000,000, including right of way and rolling stock. The surrender of the lines will take place next March. The lines to be transferred from the North Metropolitan company are for ty-eight and one-quarter miles in | length, and together with the southern { system of "forty-six miles at present | worked by the council, will give that hody a combined tramway mileage of ninety-four and one-quarter miles, The present » transaction will make the council master of virtually all the tramways in the county area. POTATOES BAD. Only Half a Crop, Some Not | Worth Digging Up. Belleville, Out., Sept. 5~Farmers in { this locality soy there will not be ball a crop of potatoes this season {owing to the wet weather. In meny cases the crop will not be . This to the farmers next winter will be One peculiar feature look all right hey du but when be. ing preparal Po Fh it is dis- Rar Jor on 4 Be ------ Fresh HorBek's malted milk at Gib- She So a Clergyman Says a Hanged Spatial braced the girl was told in court he- Wow. Sapi. 5.~Rev. E. AJ fore Judge LW. Doty and a jury: Pad pastor of the Second The jury, after rg an hour, | church, in consi ENGULFED A SCORE FIVE SURVIVORS OF SEVONA GAVE SIGNALS REV. E. 4. MEURY, Jersey City, has caused ble sensation Te ageerting REACH A HAVEN, Seven Left to Their Fate Barge Missing. Ashland, Wis, Sept. 5.---More than a sore of lives were lost and property valued at half a million dollars do stroyed jn a Jurjus s storm that » aver from den the " . to Sunday nl of the elle, h a of woven men, thought to be lost. The Olive Jean: ette, it is believed, went to the bottom about ten miles from Por Entry. This schooner was in tow of the steam: er L. R, Doty when the latter vessel was lost with her entire crow on Lake Michigan a few years ago. The storm of the last three days at times the proportions of a hurricane, and the staunchest new steel vessels were forced to run for shelter. CLOUDS OBSCURED VISION, Steamer With Party Has Arrived at Blanc Sablon. Ottawa, Sept. 5.--~A private tele gram from Blane Sablon, sixty miles cast of Chatean Bay, announces the arrival there of the steamer King ¥d- ward, with the Canadian observation party to Labrador on hoard, all well. As was feared from the resulte of the American expedition, the Canadian party was equally unsuccessful, no ob- sorvations of the eclipse being possi ble, owing to the cloudy weather. Not a single photograph was secured. TO DIVERT OCEAN ROUTE. French Government Fears for Fishing Boats. London, Sept. 5.~A Paris atch says the minister of foreign affairs is engaged in negotiations with the Brit. ih American, German and Dutch governments with a view to diverting the still existing mail steamer routes across the banks of Newfoundland, owing to numerous accidents to fish- ing vessels through the presence of the great liners. Population Of Massachusetts, Boston, Sept. 5.~The population ot Massachuisat! i is ico he ng imipary report m y state heey of statistics, This is an increase of 498,775 over 1505, when the last official census was taken. Bos- ton's population is 593,588, an in| crease of 96,678 in the past len years, or 19.95 per cent. 7,000 Houses Burned. Adriagople, Turkey, Sept. 5.--Near- ly 7,000 houses, of which only fifteen were insured, have been completely de- stroyed by fire in this city. Mony vie tims perished in the flames. + Driginal Allegpetti chocolates are the ftalian chocolates. Mahood's pe Store. Teuton that satisfy. Dr. Chown's. EVERYBODY SAYS " "The same, please, " afte the irs order is given for Our Special Blend Tea And no 'wonder, It is popular for two of the best of reasons-- The quality is good. . '-- The price is reasonable. 36c. 1b, Try It. Jas. Redden @ Co. son's Red Coss Drugh Store. It pays to buy ther ; x A 1n Monologue and Songs: the costs between "and ms actus: | that in accordance with a previous ar- PR re "he defendant, Rev. Mr. Humes, is Sunganait. the Seleret Sona, who £ Stcamets coming from Hurope i i Si Pore, who ber ols hla with bin ha nla" fle ip mock Neto Bown Now York and bow one sald fo or a Snscious aor the drop. He intele Ard aro wringing oll : ta 7 of 1 | waar Laiuieys the acto mut at in veloped during the * that the he -- to witch for | greater variety than this store Rr hy, 1008, STBACY On eget * Sunday, . 8rd, 197 ol jtton St., to Mr. and Edw daughter. < NEWMAN ide re Batarda Li 1 oa or, and Mrs. Y win. ile, BEDFORD. TONTIS on Aug. S184 81st, edere, Brockville, oes ite Abas C. daughter, ROBLES STINSON, iby the Rev. J. Bo, at East View J Alf Rota , of Kingston, to eldost daughter of Mrs. Stinson, of Tamworth, ont. bm. BEATTY In 1905, Charles Kingston, Hep Be oiith! Funeral oe 'clock, Wednesday mor from his late residence, 161 No flowers. IRVING At ih Alice Gordon, Sec C. Teving, aged John PRICES--25¢., Seats 116 on Sale Sept. 11th Soe. 3 oa Be Wor The Original Old Black Jos, Importers of Fine Grooeries