it none of them give Ss "salada." "Black, Mixeg meal -- or have not the time to cook it. That is the --£ convenience Meats Something tasty for every appetite. Fine for quick complete the mean not come, Yam NAESpEtte] corned Beef, That will give you a hint re, At your grocer's, $ ovision Co., umited Montreal j ee ---------------------- ees - BIBBY'S EN'S SUITS ho insists upon fashion's comes to fashion's head- | 3 you know, that means ds he puts oa a Suit, and s him at once. d newest double-breasted well as the New Wenth- Sack Suit. Cheviots and Scotch Suit- rics. nan, if you want a Suit of t. 8. (wear. 2 aters., BIBBY CO. ordashers, Oak Hall. TTB TLBVVBGBN St -- MSs ssessset sence dl S and Skirts for Fall ginning to take on that s always the accompani- things-- especially is this nd skirt section upstairs. *partment are earlier than it the present time is as nd it a fortnight hence. eing shown, of which for d it . to ayers, of course, have the these exclusive i ain new Fall ed Skirts, including an the season at Magnolia, Mass. the child's blamed, as isplacemen making Lydia E. Pinkham's ) pound is the unfailing cure for this condition. It strengthens the Joigle tly cures all MEN TO HURRY HOME. -- They Are Not Likely to Visiting. 1 to the Whig. ot iD, N.H., Sept. 5--Baron Komura and most of the members of the Japanese mission, will sail from Seattle, on September 20th. Mr, Takahira will return to his duties in Washington. M. Dr Witte, who is said to have abandoned his intention to vigit Chicago, will sail York, on September 12th. » Baron Rosen will spend the rest oi then assume his duties as ambassador at Washington. Purchased A Summer Home. Mrs. C. 8S. Burke, Cleveland, O., pur- chased the - beautiful summer home, "Stony Crest," of the estate of 8. R. Van Duzer, Newburgh, N.Y. The pur- chase price was announced to 'se $32.- 500. "Steny Crest" is one of the most attractive summer homes! on the St. Lawrence. It is built of granite and sitnated on a picturesque island at the eastern entrance of Alexandria Bay. i--t------------ Jones Falls And Return. "Rideau King" every Wednesday and Saturday at 6 am. Fare 50c Apply for tickets to the purser on board. James Swift & Co., agents. Cyrus Barry, a stage driver, was |. ---------- charged with wantonly ill-using a No bristles in your teeth if you get horse. He pleadad pniltv. Mr. Rioney your tooth brush at Chown's Drug appeared for the Humane Society, Store. Rarrv drove a horse with an injured EE TTT shoulder, but had ceased when told THE BANNER OF HONOR AND to. "Five dollars and costs," came from VICTORY AWARDED TO DIAMOND DYES! By Five Continents and the Isles of the Sea. ot Diamend Dyas the only honest yd ffeét package dyos now ore 1 und of the world for supcessful home coloring, have been awarded the bapner of honor and victory by . five ts and the isles of the sea, for , strength, brilliancy, - beauty of and never-fading qualities. nd ues. with a 3 ol tweaty ara of warvellous wo pa in. the homes of the world, Bave been imitated. The re. | sult 5, that many of our women and | irls have'frequently been deceived by faving worthless package dyes forced on them, which have proved disastr- ous to good materials and valuable garments. Wheni buying package dyes, the exer- cise of a little care will save our wom- en much trouble and annoyance. Ask for DIAMOND DYES, and sce that the words "DIAMOND KAGE DYES, appear on eich envelope you are of- fered. Send to Wells & Richardson :, Limited, Montreal, P.Q., for valu- able book on home dyeing, and card of 48 dyed. cloth samples. Sent free 19 ah, address. ; % ¢ his vacation when hench: this * Ki too! "The only stop between R ton Napanee. Three cases | "twelve hottles were picked the track west of Kingston, shou ' mo doubt is suff with baek- t, u dows pains oe {stated the train was composed of ab- Vegetable Com out thirty-five . cars, ogy hoose and second class coach. was. some Two brakesmen were in ness took the seal number train. was were produced in court. The number of the car was 11,070 and it yas "sealed: all right at Belleville, in hand by Mr. Whiting, witness stated he was Lrakesman on question, he got out on top of one of the cars and thrown out into went to grabbed the hat off the head of one of the o ed out. other fellow, and the remaining out engineer and got him to stop. wards he told the conductor what had happened. Witness prisoners in the "ox as the men who were in the car 'throwing out the ale. ness stated he handed the outer station. Had seen the two accused once since the occurence. Nev- er saw them before. It was MeConville whom witness Kelly was nearest the door and Convil thrown out. box. He arrested the 'prisoners about 'seven o'clock Sunday morning in ans- wer to a telephone call. Prisoners were lving in the grass, about a mile and a quarter from the station. McConville was asleep. They had a whiskey bottle partly empty. for the committal of the prisoners, jurisdietion. vesterday morning from Montreal. For taking too much drink he will pay 81 and costs or do ohe month, soar mines at Bedford, He got the weather and will suffer likewise. taken up. When called hoth the feadant and complainant were missing so the magistrate settled upon Thurs: dav for » final hearing. lack of i rainfall all over the province of New SENT FOR TRIA + McCONVILLE AND KELLY GO o, TO ASSIZES. DA Lengthy Docket for the Cadi-- Several Drunks Fined -- Humane Society Secure a Con- virtion. + The magistrate certainly paid up for he mountéd | the . No less than sev- en cases had accumulated during his absonce, "Donald McKenzie you're charged with 'bejng drunk ?"' came from the eadi, ° ih. "Guilty, sir." "Three dollars and costs or fifteen an 1 ys d Charles McConville, Jr., and John Kelly answered the charge of breaking nto a car and stealing a case of ale, T. J. Rigney appeared for the dofend- ants and J eation. was in charge of the train which ar- rived in Kingston about hal past five 'on Sunday morning, August 20th. One of the cars was open on arriving at | J. L. Whiting for the prose- Conductor Samuel Hillman, Hpgston. It was closed when whines | charge of the train at Belleville, Belleville and were 'missing. About ten or | up along In answer: to T. J. Rigney witness including a ca- There delay at Belleville. charge, Wit: when : the These numbers little made up, James Potter was next sworn, Taken the train in As it approached Kingston, noticed bottles - of ale being the ditch. Witness the car and leaning over ants who immediately jump- He closed the door on the but could not hold it, occupant jumped Then witness went to the After- also, identified the two Cross-questioned by Mr. Rigney wit- in the cap at had closed in the or. o lle passed the ale to him to be Police Constable Craig entered the On this evidence J. T.. Whiting asked Magistrate Farrell sent them up for rial at the next court of competent John LeRue, a sailor, struck town William Merritt hails from the feld under The Belebrated stove case was next de- the macistrate's chair, and the morn- ing's docket was concluded. ADRIANOPLE FIRE LOSS. Thousands of People Are Made Homeless. Constantinople, Sept. 5.--~The fire which broke out at Adriancple, Sa turday, raged until Sunday owing to water. The greater part of each of the sections of the city was destroyed and the damage is es timated . at $5,000,000, only * about one-fourth .of which is covered by in six surance. Thousands of persons are homeless. Rain Checks Forest Fires. St. John, N.B,, Sept. 5.--Heavy Brunswick has checked the heavy for- est fires that have been raging for the past week. Thousands of dollars worth of property has thus been saved and relief afforded to the hundreds of men who have been engaged in at- tempting to check the spread of the flamies and keep them from the vil: lages. Wreckers' Efforts Futile. Montreal, Sept. 5. ~The Allan liner, Victorian, is in the same position as when she grounded on Friday morn- ing. Wreckers are working, but there is no change in the amount of water in the bold. The Leylard liner, Vir giaian, aground off Crane Island, is still submerged at high tide. It is sbid: the line will turn the wreck over to underwriters. Relieved Of Command. Odessa, 5.--~Gen. Kakharcoff, commanding the troops of the Odessa district, has been relieved of his com- mand for having entered into negotia- tipne with the crew of the battleship inz Potemkin at the time of the mu- tiny on that vessel. The Javanese mission held a recep: tion in' the Portsmouth hotel. The afiair was marked bu: the mast friend- ly exchanges ussians od Japenese. Mr. Witte and Baron Rosen, accompanied the baroness THE DAILY INCIDENTS OF THE DAY. Newsy Paragraphs Picked Up By Reporters On Their Rounds i "Buy Eno's Salt" at Gibson's Red Cross Drug Store. It's fresh there. The propeller Melbourne is unload ing Yreight-at Craig's wharf to-day. The world owes no man a living, ! but it owes every man an upporiunity | to make good. Rev. Robert. Herbison will be in- | ducted as minister of St. Giles' Pres- | byterian church, Toronto. i The genuine Castoria, when you need it, is sold at Gibson's Red Cross Drug | Store, i Jolly. a man apd he will forget it | the next day; criticize him and he'll remetnher it as long as he lives, fore court opened this morning. He | was held off for tomorrow's session. | The city council October 9th. There yay be a meeting of the civic finance committee this week. Have you tried Dr. Chown's Tooth Powder? It is the best, 28c. at Chown's Drug Store. William (ing, John Wright and William Abbott, Gananoque, and Nor- man Davy. Kingston, left for rwo weeks' hunting down the Rideau. A hallelujah wedding was held at the Salvation Army barracks last ev- ening, the contracting parties being | Alfred Jordan of Lindsay, and Mise | Maggie Andrews formerly of Lindsay, | but now of this city. i Wanted. --A live man, who under stands buying and shipping hay, to represent a Montreal firm in Kingston district. State salary or terms de | sired. Must be able to furnish first | class 'references. Address "K,"" Whig. CHIEFS OF POLICE Canatla Will Organize As sociation, Special to the Whig. 3 Toronto, Sept. 5.--The chief consta- bles' convention, called by the chiels of | police of Toronto, and Montreal, op- | ened this morning, at the city hall. | Forty-four chiefs of police were pres ent. Chief Grassett, Toronto, * was elected chairman. The following reso lution was carried : "That it ix desir able to proceed immediately to the organization of an association, hav ing for its object the promotion of a closer affiliation and personal relation- ship among the police officials in the Dominion, and all such measures as | best tend to the suppression of crime, and the general improvement of the police service of Canada." A commit tee was appointed to draft a constitu- tion and by-laws. POPULAR REVOLUTION. of Backed By Army, May Come in Japan. Snecial to the Whig. New York, Sept. 5.--~A staff corres pondent of the World, who personally nows the views of the foremost men of Japan, and who hailed from there just before the peace envoys met in Portsmouth, says: "The Musuhito dy- nasty is in peril. When I left Japan, the army and the populace generally, were passionately clamounring for a great money indemnity as the first element in the terms of peace. It is impossible to express in words the in- tensity of feeling behind this demand. I am speaking very moderately when I say that a popular revolution, backed by the army, is the most likely thing in the situation." TERRIBLE DISASTERS On Great Lakes--Fifty Ships Un- reported, Special to the Whig NEWS i OF THE WORLD | GIVEN IN THE BRIEFEST FoS- ~ "SIBLE FORM. | Matters That Interest Everybody ~Notes From All Over--Little * Of Everything Easily Read And Remembered. rainstorms cause great dam- Hea age he Catskills, flood Norwich, N.Y er ore over 100,000 people |! The bam The policeran in a drunk just be- | Mgton 'wes burned, with all will not meet till iy Duluth, Minn., Sept. 5.--The schoon- er, Pretoria, with five of its crew of ten men, has been lost, and the schooner, Olive Jeannette, is believed to have gone to the bottom, Fifty ships, steamers, schooners and barges are known ¥o have been out on the lake during the gales. Many of these sels arrived at Lake Superior report passing large quantities of wreckage of all kinds, From eight to twenty lives are believed to have been Jost, and the property loss will reach nearly $500,000, KILLED BY A SPLINTER. ----t Joseph Hayes Victim of Fatal Accident. Buckingham, Que., Sept. 5.--A shock- ing accident occurred at Maclaren's saw mill, yesterday. A splinter flew off gn edger and struck Joseph Hayes undér the chin and penetrated his brain. The unfortunate man expired almost instantly. He was. thirty eight of age, and leaves a widow and several children. In Dry Dock For Repairs. The tug James Norris and scow are in Davis' deydock for repairs, They are owned by Messrs. Haney and Davis, the They will proceed westward as soon as repairs are made, France Is Wary. Paris, Sept. 5,~The ministry of the interior has adopted energetic cholera coming from Germany. ave full fit from the use of sk followed by the Russian suite, entered the room, ; b 3 ka Your druggist should have ee A : ony. iseas, | | | { i while endeavoring chickens, was caught and drowned N.Y., farmer, flood formed by and 'his team was drowned, appointment sucernd the bomb explosion on Parade, Barcelona, is now fixed sixty. Only two women were killed. Flood ) greatest ever known at this time year. Thousands of dollars damage to crops; many railroad bridges washed George | liberals A woman was swept away in the at exhibition on Monday. | Joseph Keating, Pilk- his J. McCarty, a seventeen: boy, has invented a wireless hone. Reports that there have been great thefts of vatican treasures are ab- solutely untrue, M minister of fore Stockholm, Sweden. Bjoernstjerna, former 1 affairs, is dead at in The congress of free thinkers Paris adopted a resolution approving of the separation of church and state, Stewart Youngs, Oxford lad, rescue Rome in the food Jacques Cartier Club, Montreal, will an to give a complimentary dinner on Oe- tober 10th, 40 Hon, J, P, Whitney, premier of Ontario, The Prince of Wales will attend the kaiser's military manoeuvres at Hom- bu of this month, as the representative ing ¥dward. Frank Sullivan, a King's Settlement, attempted to ford the the Chenango river; President Roosevelt announces the of Robert Baoon, New York, as first assistant secretary to Frantis B. Loomis. The number of persons injured the by Marine at in the Mokawk Valley, is the of out, Agnes Hyland, New York, aped twenty-three, helped dispose of the body of her baby girl, murdered hy her, because it was "in the way." Viceroy Curzon, who recently resign- ed, fay stay in India until March in order to entertain the Prince and Prine cess of Wales when they visit that country, Charles Calkins, a railroad brake man, was injured at Wallington, { N.Y. He attempted to hoard a train, missed his footing and was some distance. Baron Karl von dragged Binder Krieglesten, wer corresnondent of the Lokal An- seiger, Berlin, shot and killed _ him. sell accidentally while cleaning his rifle at Harbin on Saturday. At the great Edinburgh volunt review by the king, Lord Bigathoona will march' past at the head of the Righth Scottish V. B. Liverpool Re giment, of which he is honorary ool onel, Russia, owing to the proximity of Japan and the necessity of upholding the shattered power and prestige of Russia, will be obliged constantly to maintain 300,000 troops in the far east, The Allan and Canadian Pacific Railway Steamship companies have cancelled the license of a man named Leopold, proprietor of the Canadian Jabor bureau in London, to sell their tickets. During a strlet demonstration by at Guanabacoa, Havana. Gov. Gomoz, the fusion candidate for the presidency, and other political leaders were twice engaged in fights with moderates, New Orleans vellow fever renort | shows fity-eight new oases. Dr. Birge have not been reported, but all vee- | ports | | | | | | | for the western spent fourteen hours in prison - for failure to report two cases. and physicians have since been particularly prompt in reporting. Yesterday was another great day farmer. The weather was ideal, and in many districts wheat-cutting is nearly completed. An- | other batch of harveeters have reach: ed Winnipeg from Ontario. ; Late reports of the floods near Nor- wich, N.Y., show that the situation { is much worse than was at first sup posed. No trains have been able to | get through on the Utica division of the Lackawanna railroad, because of | washouts well-known contractors, | and came from Charlottetown, P.E.IL | | Galicia 1 mea. sured to protect the frontiers against | McDermott Bros'. | Trolley Car Accident. RK|percial to the Whig, Charlton, Mass, Sept, 5~Two per- sont were killed and thirteen injured, three or four probably fatally, as the result of a trolley on the Worcester and South Bridge railway system, leaving the rail and erashing into a tree, a mile east of this village early to-day. Gendarme A Vietim,, Vienna, Sept. 5.--A gendarme died vesterdav of cholera at Padew in There have been altogether six fatal cascs there, 1.500 of the latest 10c. novels at COMMERCIAL. A Pointer Worth Having. NEW YORK STOCK MARKETS. The merits of Ozone are well known, | Supplied by W. FP. Dover & Co. 18 but in buying it one must be sure to Open Close. get the be dorms Also, Ozone | Erie S08 should always en along with Chison "Celery King," the famous tonio lax- | Miltii.ore & Ob ~~ 1131 112) ative. The upon form in which Ozone | Brooklyn Rabid Trinsi( a94 00 is put up is "Solution of Ozone (the) aud an Duk ar 108s 100 coupon kind)" and each bottle of this |} toe, Nashville' ¥ brand Soutainn . sgapon entitling you | Neiropotisan, CE : i i to a packaoge "Celery King" free. | Missouri Paci sis No other firm in the world can give New York Seittel ' 144 1 "Celery King" with Ozone. We give it | Readi 1164 120 because our Ozone thus brings the U. 8.8 ei a6 1 highest results. In addition, you got | Hoek, Island =o on just about twice as much * olution | Sugar Er 1394 140: of Ozone" for your money as of other | Union Pacific 181 1} kinds, and you get it in the purest - J: Bites! T= and mae sohochifated form. You also | : -- d get © King" , instead GRAIN MARKET. having 5 hay is, whith You », BAT need to in order to a ay Nay Keven ll TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 5. PREVENTED INDIAN WAR. 3 ---- y Thrilling Incident Related by Missions ary Raley--Peace Brought About in Methodist Mission Church, ' A thrilling incident, showing the in. fluence of the Gosepl among the - dlans of Northern British Colum! «was related in Centennial Methodist Church, Toronto, recently by Rev. G. H. Raley, who has been a for many years at Kitamaat, B. C, which has received some prominence of late in connection with the selection of the Pacific terminus of the Grand Trunk Pacific. » For a great many years previous te the occurrence which Rev. Mr. Raley referred to, about twenty square miles of hunting ground had been in dispute between two crests or clans of Indians, known as the Eagles and Beavers, all of whom lived in Kitamaat. Councils of chiefs and other means resorted to in the interests of peace failed, and finally it was decided to settle the mat- ter by a trial at arms in the old-fash- foned savage method. Accordingly, knives were sharpened, and other in- struments of Indian warfare were pre- pared for the butchery which appeared inevitable. The fight was to take place on Saturday night. In the evening a young chief hurried 10 the mission and informed Mr. Raley that the two clans would surely fight that night, and to add emphasis to statement, drew his own big knife mm its sheath, and lita it, newly sharpened and glittering, on the table beside the is: ¥ "Listen," he sald, "and you can hear them chanting their war songs. They have also put on their war paint." "This must never be," sald the mis- sionary, who finally asked the young chief to go up and down the streets with blue paper in his hands. Blue paper was, to the Indians, the emblem of the authority given to some mission - aries by the Provincial Government to deal summarily with offenders, He re- turned with the information that no person took any notice of that, and that the chants were continuing, : The missionary then sent the young chief with a piece of blue paper to the leaders of each clan. They interpreted this rightly as a summons to appear before the missionary. They did seo. Mr. Raley explained to thém that an open conflict between the two clans meant that a warship would be sent from Esquimaltand their village would be exterminated by the shells, and leaders taken to the capital of the Pro- vince, and, perhaps, hanged. This failed to turn them. He used moral suasion and that also failed. "We must fight to-night," they sald, "but the mission will not be touched." The conference continued until mid. night and then the missionary told them they could not fight on the Bab- bath, and that they must walt until Monday. To them the Sabbath was sa~ cred, and each chief In turn promised that there should be peace throughout the day, and that their respective crests would come to church morning, after- noon and evening. { Sunday forenoon the two clans filed in, occupying as never before different parts of the church or mission. By intermai it frequently happened that both clans were represented in one in clans were, not ' only - weparated, but family ties were broken, for crest was more sacred to them than family. The morning service left them absolutely unturned in their determination. They returned in the afternoon and occupied the same places. As members of either clan perchanced to look across to the other clan, the fire of hatred fairly flashed from their eyes. The afternoon meeting closed with no result beyond apparently a more determined pure pose than ever to draw the knife. The evening service came. As the mission. ary unfolded the Gospel story, the peo- ple grew intent and then interested; eyes began to moisten and before the service closed, the warring chiefs broke down and wept. The members of the clans followed their leaders, and peace was restored. That night in the homes of the Indians war chants gave place to hymns. Next morning the canoes started off to their various hunting grounds, and the two crests thereaftes dwelt In peace. The Geology of Toronto. In Toronto recently, Prof. A. P. Cole- man delivered a most interesting ad- dress on the "Geology of Toronto" He began by stating that, so far as geolo- gists were able to search, Toronto was rich in evidences of the prehistoric times. There could be little doubt that where Toronto now stands was, miil- fons of years ago, washed by the great sea which stretched down to Brasil, and (hat there was a continent where now is Hudson's Bay. In those days there existed none of the higher types of life. He then traced what the ge- ology of the district, especially the Don and Humber Valley, revealed, of peri ods of time during which Immense changes were in proggess on the earth's surface, Thousands of years ago there had been a river from the Georgian Bay to some point near Scarboro Heights, for every geological find and configuration proved this, and it was after some up- heaval and change that the water was forced round by Lake Erie and the St. Clair River. During the ice age all of Canada, except the Klondike, was covered with ice, which, In the Toronto district, probably rose to several thou sand feet In height. This first ice pe- riod was succeeded by a period of ve- getation, which, In turn, was again succeeded by an fee period, wfid tu this there was matter for thought--would a third or another ice period follow? After the first ice period Lake On. tario was very much larger than it is now, and had two islands, one at East Toronto, and one at the Junction. Seci- entists had called the larger body of water Lake Iroquols. In those days, which were probably 17,000 years ago, the cariboo and othér huge animals roamed the forest and provided food for the Indians. One of the interest ing features of the address was the de- scription Prof. Coleman gave of some price. Bankrupt Sale of Sho We have just purchased a Bankrupt Stock Men's, Women's, Boys' and Girls" soofs Shoes from a firm in Toronto and want to at once. We will sell same goods at about one- regular price and some less than one-half ce COME AND GET A BARGAINT = Stoves. She said : Mother has one, my married sister one, I am just about to be miarried and I want one. and sweet, eh ? A real good housewife could possibly age with an inferior range. * Why should she? = ' = i of the fishes and other animals which lived In those prehistoric days. ---------- A Disadvantage. "I suppose the Czar was than for one thing at least when bullets whistled over his head.' "What was that?" a ntl that he wasn't any tall ' --h --h - For Real G. A. BATEMAN INSURANCE BROKER ALL KINDS OF FIRE INSUR- ANCE AT LOWEST RATES. DISTRICT AGENT SUN LIFE Assun- | George Zeigler, ANGE COMPANY OF CANADA. #7 Brook Street. 61 CLARENCE STREET, KINGSTON. Or Insuran he ce